# [x-postpress-code](https://kherrick.github.io/x-postpress-code/) A web component used for code highlighting. [Try it out at JS BIN](https://j.mp/2JZUTAP). ## Usage Use the type attribute and include the source in the default slot with `pre` tags to render static content: ```html
#/usr/bin/env bash
for file in *; do
  echo $file
``` Lazy load the content to be highlighted by using both the type and src attributes: ```html ``` ## Installation ### from unpkg: ```html ``` ### from npm ```bash npm i x-postpress-code ``` ```js import 'x-postpress-code' ``` ## Uses the following [highlight.js languages](https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/tree/master/src/languages) * `bash` * `c` * `csharp` * `cpp` * `css` * `javascript` * `json` * `markdown` * `php` * `plaintext` * `python` * `shell` * `typescript` * `xml`