#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # install-bookinfo-demo.sh # # Installs the Istio Bookinfo Sample Demo Application into your cluster # (either Kubernetes or OpenShift). # # If you do not yet have it, this script will download a copy of Istio. # # See --help for more details on options to this script. # ############################################################################## HACK_SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") && pwd)" source ${HACK_SCRIPT_DIR}/functions.sh # ISTIO_DIR is where the Istio download is installed and thus where the bookinfo demo files are found. # CLIENT_EXE_NAME is going to either be "oc" or "kubectl" ISTIO_DIR= CLIENT_EXE_NAME="oc" NAMESPACE="bookinfo" ISTIO_NAMESPACE="istio-system" RATE=1 AUTO_INJECTION="true" MANUAL_INJECTION="false" DELETE_BOOKINFO="false" MINIKUBE_PROFILE="minikube" ARCH="amd64" WAIT_TIMEOUT="0" # can be things like "60s" or "30m" WAYPOINT="false" AMBIENT_ENABLED="false" # the script will set this to true only if Ambient is enabled and no sidecars are injected # process command line args while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -a|--arch) ARCH="$2" shift;shift ;; -ai|--auto-injection) AUTO_INJECTION="$2" shift;shift ;; -db|--delete-bookinfo) DELETE_BOOKINFO="$2" shift;shift ;; -id|--istio-dir) ISTIO_DIR="$2" shift;shift ;; -in|--istio-namespace) ISTIO_NAMESPACE="$2" shift;shift ;; -c|--client-exe) CLIENT_EXE_NAME="$2" shift;shift ;; -n|--namespace) NAMESPACE="$2" shift;shift ;; -mi|--manual-injection) MANUAL_INJECTION="$2" shift;shift ;; -mp|--minikube-profile) MINIKUBE_PROFILE="$2" shift;shift ;; -b|--bookinfo.yaml) BOOKINFO_YAML="$2" shift;shift ;; -g|--gateway.yaml) GATEWAY_YAML="$2" shift;shift ;; --mongo) MONGO_ENABLED="true" shift; ;; --mysql) MYSQL_ENABLED="true" shift; ;; -tg|--traffic-generator) TRAFFIC_GENERATOR_ENABLED="true" shift; ;; -w|--waypoint) WAYPOINT="$2" shift;shift ;; -wt|--wait-timeout) WAIT_TIMEOUT="$2" shift;shift ;; -h|--help) cat <: Images for given arch will be used (default: amd64). Custom bookinfo yaml file provided via '-b' argument is ignored when using different arch than the default. -ai|--auto-injection : If you want sidecars to be auto-injected (default: true). -db|--delete-bookinfo : If true, uninstall bookinfo. If false, install bookinfo. (default: false). -id|--istio-dir : Where Istio has already been downloaded. If not found, this script aborts. -in|--istio-namespace : Where the Istio control plane is installed (default: istio-system). -c|--client-exe : Cluster client executable name - valid values are "kubectl" or "oc" -mi|--manual-injection : If you want sidecars to be manually injected via istioctl (default: false). -mp|--minikube-profile : If using minikube, this is the minikube profile name (default: minikube). -n|--namespace : Install the demo in this namespace (default: bookinfo) -b|--bookinfo.yaml : A custom yaml file to deploy the bookinfo demo. This is ignored when not using default arch via '-a' argument. -g|--gateway.yaml : A custom yaml file to deploy the bookinfo-gateway resources --mongo: Install a Mongo DB that a ratings service will access --mysql: Install a MySQL DB that a ratings service will access -w|--waypoint: Install a waypoint proxy in bookinfo namespace when Ambient is enabled. By default is false. -wt|--wait-timeout : If not "0", then this script will wait for all pods in the new bookinfo namespace to be Ready before exiting. This value can be things like "60s" or "30m". (default: 0) -tg|--traffic-generator: Install Kiali Traffic Generator on Bookinfo -h|--help : this message HELPMSG exit 1 ;; *) echo "Unknown argument [$key]. Aborting." exit 1 ;; esac done if [ "${ISTIO_DIR}" == "" ]; then # Go to the main output directory and try to find an Istio there. HACK_SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") && pwd)" OUTPUT_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR:-${HACK_SCRIPT_DIR}/../../_output}" ALL_ISTIOS=$(ls -dt1 ${OUTPUT_DIR}/istio-*) if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then ${HACK_SCRIPT_DIR}/download-istio.sh if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: You do not have Istio installed and it cannot be downloaded" exit 1 fi fi # use the Istio release that was last downloaded (that's the -t option to ls) ISTIO_DIR=$(ls -dt1 ${OUTPUT_DIR}/istio-* | head -n1) fi if [ ! -d "${ISTIO_DIR}" ]; then echo "ERROR: Istio cannot be found at: ${ISTIO_DIR}" exit 1 fi echo "Istio is found here: ${ISTIO_DIR}" if [[ -x "${ISTIO_DIR}/bin/istioctl" ]]; then echo "istioctl is found here: ${ISTIO_DIR}/bin/istioctl" ISTIOCTL="${ISTIO_DIR}/bin/istioctl" ${ISTIOCTL} version else echo "ERROR: istioctl is NOT found at ${ISTIO_DIR}/bin/istioctl" exit 1 fi CLIENT_EXE=`which ${CLIENT_EXE_NAME}` if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then echo "The cluster client executable is found here: ${CLIENT_EXE}" else echo "You must install the cluster client ${CLIENT_EXE_NAME} in your PATH before you can continue" exit 1 fi IS_OPENSHIFT="false" if [[ "${CLIENT_EXE}" = *"oc" ]]; then IS_OPENSHIFT="true" fi # If no sidecars are to be injected, then see if Ambient is enabled. # Look everywhere for a "ztunnel" daemonset (in case it is in a kube internal namespace and not just istio-system) if [ "${AUTO_INJECTION}" == "false" -a "${MANUAL_INJECTION}" == "false" ]; then for n in $(${CLIENT_EXE} get daemonset --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') do if [ "${n}" == "ztunnel" ]; then AMBIENT_ENABLED="true" # Verify Gateway API echo "Verifying that Gateway API is installed; if it is not then it will be installed now." $CLIENT_EXE get crd gateways.gateway.networking.k8s.io &> /dev/null || \ { $CLIENT_EXE kustomize "github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/config/crd/experimental?ref=v1.1.0" | $CLIENT_EXE apply -f -; } break fi done if [ "${AMBIENT_ENABLED}" == "false" ] && [ "${WAYPOINT}" == "true" ]; then echo "Waypoint proxy cannot be installed as Ambient is not enabled." exit 1 fi fi echo "IS_OPENSHIFT=${IS_OPENSHIFT}" echo "AMBIENT_ENABLED=${AMBIENT_ENABLED}" # check arch values and prepare new bookinfo-arch.yaml with matching images if [ "${ARCH}" == "ppc64le" ]; then cp ${HACK_SCRIPT_DIR}/kustomization/bookinfo-ppc64le.yaml ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/kustomization.yaml ${CLIENT_EXE} kustomize ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube --reorder=none > ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ppc64le.yaml BOOKINFO_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ppc64le.yaml" elif [ "${ARCH}" == "s390x" ]; then cp ${HACK_SCRIPT_DIR}/kustomization/bookinfo-s390x.yaml ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/kustomization.yaml ${CLIENT_EXE} kustomize ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube --reorder=none > ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-s390x.yaml BOOKINFO_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-s390x.yaml" elif [ "${ARCH}" != "amd64" ] && [ "${ARCH}" != "arm64" ]; then echo "${ARCH} is not supported. Exiting." exit 1 fi # use default bookinfo.yaml when there was no custom file provided or different arch selected if [ "${BOOKINFO_YAML}" == "" ]; then BOOKINFO_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml" fi if [ "${GATEWAY_YAML}" == "" ]; then if [ "${AMBIENT_ENABLED}" == "true" ]; then GATEWAY_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/gateway-api/bookinfo-gateway.yaml" else GATEWAY_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/networking/bookinfo-gateway.yaml" fi fi # If we are to delete, remove everything and exit immediately after if [ "${DELETE_BOOKINFO}" == "true" ]; then echo "====== UNINSTALLING ANY EXISTING BOOKINFO DEMO =====" if [ "${IS_OPENSHIFT}" == "true" ]; then $CLIENT_EXE delete network-attachment-definition istio-cni -n ${NAMESPACE} $CLIENT_EXE delete scc bookinfo-scc $CLIENT_EXE delete project ${NAMESPACE} # oc delete project does not wait for a namespace to be removed, we need to also call 'oc delete namespace' $CLIENT_EXE delete namespace ${NAMESPACE} else $CLIENT_EXE delete namespace ${NAMESPACE} fi echo "====== BOOKINFO UNINSTALLED =====" exit 0 fi # If OpenShift, we need to do some additional things if [ "${IS_OPENSHIFT}" == "true" ]; then $CLIENT_EXE new-project ${NAMESPACE} else $CLIENT_EXE create namespace ${NAMESPACE} fi # If OpenShift, we need to do some additional things if [ "${IS_OPENSHIFT}" == "true" ]; then cat < ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-db-ppc64le.yaml MONGO_DB_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-db-ppc64le.yaml" sed "s;docker.io/istio.*;quay.io/maistra/examples-bookinfo-ratings-v2:2.0.0-ibm-p-mod;g" ${MONGO_SERVICE_YAML} > ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ratings-v2-ppc64le.yaml MONGO_SERVICE_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ratings-v2-ppc64le.yaml" fi if [ "${ARCH}" == "s390x" ]; then sed "s;docker.io/istio.*;quay.io/maistra/examples-bookinfo-mongodb:2.0.0-ibm-z;g" ${MONGO_DB_YAML} > ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-db-s390x.yaml MONGO_DB_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-db-s390x.yaml" sed "s;docker.io/istio.*;quay.io/maistra/examples-bookinfo-ratings-v2:2.0.0-ibm-z;g" ${MONGO_SERVICE_YAML} > ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ratings-v2-s390x.yaml MONGO_SERVICE_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ratings-v2-s390x.yaml" fi if [ "${AUTO_INJECTION}" == "true" ]; then $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f ${MONGO_DB_YAML} $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f ${MONGO_SERVICE_YAML} else if [ "${MANUAL_INJECTION}" == "true" ]; then $ISTIOCTL kube-inject -f ${MONGO_DB_YAML} | $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f - $ISTIOCTL kube-inject -f ${MONGO_SERVICE_YAML} | $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f - else $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f ${MONGO_DB_YAML} $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f ${MONGO_SERVICE_YAML} fi fi if [ "${AMBIENT_ENABLED}" == "true" ]; then echo "Mongodb service opting out of namespace waypoint" $CLIENT_EXE label service mongodb istio.io/use-waypoint=none --namespace=${NAMESPACE} fi fi if [ "${MYSQL_ENABLED}" == "true" ]; then echo "Installing MySql DB and a ratings service that uses it" MYSQL_DB_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-mysql.yaml" MYSQL_SERVICE_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ratings-v2-mysql.yaml" if [ "${ARCH}" == "ppc64le" ]; then sed "s;docker.io/istio.*;quay.io/maistra/examples-bookinfo-mysqldb:2.0.0-ibm-p;g" ${MYSQL_DB_YAML} > ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-mysql-ppc64le.yaml MYSQL_DB_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-mysql-ppc64le.yaml" sed "s;docker.io/istio.*;quay.io/maistra/examples-bookinfo-ratings-v2:2.0.0-ibm-p;g" ${MYSQL_SERVICE_YAML} > ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ratings-v2-mysql-ppc64le.yaml MYSQL_SERVICE_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ratings-v2-mysql-ppc64le.yaml" fi if [ "${ARCH}" == "s390x" ]; then sed "s;docker.io/istio.*;quay.io/maistra/examples-bookinfo-mysqldb:2.0.0-ibm-z;g" ${MYSQL_DB_YAML} > ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-mysql-s390x.yaml MYSQL_DB_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-mysql-s390x.yaml" sed "s;docker.io/istio.*;quay.io/maistra/examples-bookinfo-ratings-v2:2.0.0-ibm-z;g" ${MYSQL_SERVICE_YAML} > ${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ratings-v2-mysql-s390x.yaml MYSQL_SERVICE_YAML="${ISTIO_DIR}/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo-ratings-v2-mysql-s390x.yaml" fi if [ "${AUTO_INJECTION}" == "true" ]; then $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f ${MYSQL_DB_YAML} $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f ${MYSQL_SERVICE_YAML} else if [ "${MANUAL_INJECTION}" == "true" ]; then $ISTIOCTL kube-inject -f ${MYSQL_DB_YAML} | $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f - $ISTIOCTL kube-inject -f ${MYSQL_SERVICE_YAML} | $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f - else $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f ${MYSQL_DB_YAML} $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f ${MYSQL_SERVICE_YAML} fi fi if [ "${AMBIENT_ENABLED}" == "true" ]; then echo "Mysqldb service opting out of namespace waypoint" $CLIENT_EXE label service mysqldb istio.io/use-waypoint=none --namespace=${NAMESPACE} fi fi sleep 4 # Expose the OpenShift routes if [ "${IS_OPENSHIFT}" == "true" ]; then $CLIENT_EXE expose svc/productpage -n ${NAMESPACE} $CLIENT_EXE expose svc/istio-ingressgateway --port http2 -n ${ISTIO_NAMESPACE} fi echo "Bookinfo Demo should be installed and starting up - here are the pods and services" $CLIENT_EXE get services -n ${NAMESPACE} $CLIENT_EXE get pods -n ${NAMESPACE} if [ "${AMBIENT_ENABLED}" == "true" ]; then echo "Sidecar injection was not performed. Ambient support will be enabled." ${CLIENT_EXE} label namespace ${NAMESPACE} istio.io/dataplane-mode=ambient istio.io/dataplane-mode=ambient # It could also be applied to service account if [ "${WAYPOINT}" == "true" ]; then # Create Waypoint proxy is_istio_version_eq_greater_than "1.23.0" version_greater=$? if [ "${version_greater}" == "1" ]; then echo "Create Waypoint proxy" ${ISTIOCTL} waypoint apply -n ${NAMESPACE} --enroll-namespace else echo "Create -experimental- Waypoint proxy" ${ISTIOCTL} x waypoint apply -n ${NAMESPACE} --enroll-namespace fi fi else if [ "${AUTO_INJECTION}" == "false" -a "${MANUAL_INJECTION}" == "false" ]; then echo "WARNING! Sidecar injection was not performed and there is no Ambient support. This demo may not work until sidecars are injected." fi fi if [ "${TRAFFIC_GENERATOR_ENABLED}" == "true" ]; then echo "Installing Traffic Generator" if [ "${IS_OPENSHIFT}" == "true" ]; then echo "Determining the route to send traffic to" INGRESS_ROUTE=$(${CLIENT_EXE} get route istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}{"\n"}' -n ${ISTIO_NAMESPACE}) while [ -z "${INGRESS_ROUTE}" ]; do sleep 1 INGRESS_ROUTE=$(${CLIENT_EXE} get route productpage -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}{"\n"}' -n ${NAMESPACE}) done echo echo "Traffic Generator will use the OpenShift ingress route of: ${INGRESS_ROUTE}" else # Important note for minikube users # Ingress and Egress configuration depend on the platform # Check your "minikube tunnel" and/or Istio mesh config i.e. meshConfig.outboundTrafficPolicy.mode=REGISTRY_ONLY # if you experiment some weird behaviour compared with the CI results if [ "${AMBIENT_ENABLED}" == "true" ]; then INGRESS_ROUTE="bookinfo-gateway-istio.${NAMESPACE}" else # for now, we only support minikube k8s environments and maybe a good guess otherwise (e.g. for kind clusters) if minikube -p ${MINIKUBE_PROFILE} status > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then INGRESS_HOST=$(minikube -p ${MINIKUBE_PROFILE} ip) INGRESS_PORT=$($CLIENT_EXE -n ${ISTIO_NAMESPACE} get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http2")].nodePort}') INGRESS_ROUTE=$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT echo "Wait for productpage to come up to see if it is accessible via minikube ingress" $CLIENT_EXE wait pods --all -n ${NAMESPACE} --for=condition=Ready --timeout=5m if curl --fail http://${INGRESS_ROUTE}/productpage &> /dev/null; then echo "Traffic Generator will use the Kubernetes (minikube) ingress route of: ${INGRESS_ROUTE}" else INGRESS_HOST="productpage.${NAMESPACE}" INGRESS_PORT="9080" INGRESS_ROUTE=$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT echo "Ingress does not seem to work. Falling back to using the internal productpage endpoint: ${INGRESS_ROUTE}" fi else echo "Failed to get minikube ip. If you are using minikube, make sure it is up and your profile is defined properly (--minikube-profile option)" echo "Will try to get the ingressgateway IP in case you are running 'kind' and we can access it directly." INGRESS_HOST=$($CLIENT_EXE get service -n ${ISTIO_NAMESPACE} istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') INGRESS_PORT="80" INGRESS_ROUTE=$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT echo "Wait for productpage to come up to see if it is accessible via ingress" $CLIENT_EXE wait pods --all -n ${NAMESPACE} --for=condition=Ready --timeout=5m if curl --fail http://${INGRESS_ROUTE}/productpage &> /dev/null; then echo "Traffic Generator will use the Kubernetes (loadBalancer) route of: ${INGRESS_ROUTE}" else INGRESS_HOST="productpage.${NAMESPACE}" INGRESS_PORT="9080" INGRESS_ROUTE=$INGRESS_HOST:$INGRESS_PORT echo "Ingress loadBalancer does not seem to work. Falling back to using the internal productpage endpoint: ${INGRESS_ROUTE}" fi fi fi fi if [ "${INGRESS_ROUTE}" != "" ] ; then echo "Ingress route: http://${INGRESS_ROUTE}/productpage" if [ "${IS_OPENSHIFT}" == "true" ]; then $CLIENT_EXE adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default -n ${NAMESPACE} fi # TODO - these access the "openshift" yaml files - but there are no kubernetes specific versions. using --validate=false curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kiali/kiali-test-mesh/master/traffic-generator/openshift/traffic-generator-configmap.yaml | DURATION='0s' ROUTE="http://${INGRESS_ROUTE}/productpage" RATE="${RATE}" envsubst | $CLIENT_EXE apply -n ${NAMESPACE} -f - url="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kiali/kiali-test-mesh/master/traffic-generator/openshift/traffic-generator.yaml" if [ "${ARCH}" == "ppc64le" ]; then curl ${url} | sed 's;quay.io/kiali.*;quay.io/maistra/kiali-test-mesh-traffic-generator:0.0-ibm-p;g' | $CLIENT_EXE apply --validate=false -n ${NAMESPACE} -f - elif [ "${ARCH}" == "s390x" ]; then curl ${url} | sed 's;quay.io/kiali.*;quay.io/maistra/kiali-test-mesh-traffic-generator:0.0-ibm-z;g' | $CLIENT_EXE apply --validate=false -n ${NAMESPACE} -f - else curl ${url} | $CLIENT_EXE apply --validate=false -n ${NAMESPACE} -f - fi fi fi if [ "${WAIT_TIMEOUT}" != "0" ]; then echo "Waiting for all pods to be ready in namespace [${NAMESPACE}]" $CLIENT_EXE wait pods --all -n ${NAMESPACE} --for=condition=Ready --timeout=${WAIT_TIMEOUT} fi