{ "upcoming_schedule": "Upcoming Schedule", "no_upcoming_meetings": "No Upcoming Meetings", "no_rooms_found": "No rooms found", "your_name": "Your Name", "enter_your_name": "Enter your name (required)", "message": "Message", "available_for": "Available for", "occupied_for": "Occupied for", "building_map": "Building Map", "attendees": "attendees", "attendee": "attendee", "minutes": "minutes", "minute": "minute", "custom": "Custom", "yesterday": "Yesterday", "tomorrow": "Tomorrow", "today": "Today", "quick_reservation": "Quick Reservation", "15minutes": "15 minutes", "30minutes": "30 minutes", "45minutes": "45 minutes", "60minutes": "60 minutes", "1hour": "1 hour", "close": "Close", "now": "now", "all_day": "All Day", "meeting_room": "Meeting Room", "unnamed_room": "Unnamed Room", "room_available": "Room available", "tap_here_to_reserve": "Tap here to reserve for 15 minutes", "insufficient_time_to_reserve": "INSUFFICIENT TIME TO RESERVE", "insufficient_time_to_reserve_error_message": "Cannot complete reservation. Insufficient time until next booking.", "you_can_reserve_this_room_using_outlook": "YOU CAN RESERVE THIS ROOM USING OUTLOOK", "you_can_reserve_this_room_in_google_calendar": "YOU CAN RESERVE THIS ROOM IN GOOGLE CALENDAR", "this_reservation_is_coming_from_inside_the_meeting_room": "This Reservation is coming from inside the meeting room", "available": "Available", "occupied": "Occupied", "please_wait": "Please wait", "reserve_room": "Reserve Room", "reserve": "Reserve", "reserving_room": "Reserving room", "tap_to_cancel": "Tap to cancel", "reserved_for_15_minutes": "Reserved for 15 minutes", "reserved_for_n_minutes": "Reserved for {n} minutes", "reserve_for_n_minutes": "Reserve for {n} minutes", "reserved": "Reserved", "hidden": "Hidden", "and": "and", "other": "other", "others": "others", "min": "min", "m15": "15 min", "m30": "30 min", "m45": "45 min", "m60": "60 min", "processing": "Processing..", "cancelling": "Cancelling..", "cancel": "Cancel", "ok": "OK", "check_in": "Check in", "ending_meeting": "Ending meeting...", "extending_meeting": "Extending meeting...", "loading_data": "Loading data...", "choose_a_future_date": "Choose a future date", "please_fill_in_email_and_subject": "Please fill in email and subject", "success": "Success", "your_request_has_been_sent_please_check_your_email": "Your request has been sent. Please check your email.", "error": "Error", "there_was_an_error_while_sending_your_request": "There was an error while sending your request.", "attendee_count_string": "no attendees | {name} and {count} | {name} and {count} others", "license_invalid": "License Invalid (Payment Due)", "remaining": " remaining", "end_early": "End early", "extend_meeting": "Extend meeting", "report_an_issue": "Report an Issue", "find_a_room": "Find a Room", "are_you_sure_you_want_to_end_early": "Are you sure you want to end early?", "private_appointment": "Private Appointment", "what_would_you_like_to_report": "What would you like to report?", "enter_your_issue_here": "Enter your issue here", "message_will_be_sent": "This message will be sent to your IT administrator.", "message_sent": "Your message has been sent", "send_message": "Send Message", "check_in_upcoming": "Check In to Next Upcoming Meeting", "no_subject": "No Subject", "organizer": "Organizer", "month": "Month", "day": "Day", "week": "Week", "daysOfWeek": [ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ], "months": [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ] }