title: setup and use SSH updated: 2015-10-10 11:11:12 description: This is the template page. os: [macosx, linux] tags: [ssh] deps: [] contributors: ["http://www.github.com/anschwa"] # Genarating and sharing public key How to create a new public key for ssh and add it to the remote machine. generate key: ``` ssh-keygen -t rsa ``` Append it to the server: ``` cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@server "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" ``` Copy a file to the remote machine: ``` scp ~/path/to/file user@server:/path/on/server ``` Copy a file from the remote machine: ``` scp user@server:/path/to/file ~/path/on/local ``` # SSH Config Creating a `~/.ssh/config` file. Having aliases for SSH is a dream. ``` Host somealias HostName example.com Port 2222 User someuser IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_example IdentitiesOnly yes Host anotheralias HostName User anotheruser PubkeyAuthentication no How aws HostName some.address.ec2.aws.com User awsuser IdentityFile ~/.ssh/aws_identity.pem IdentitiesOnly yes ``` Usage: `ssh somealias` - HostName - The server host (domain or ipaddress) - Port - The port to use when connecting - User - The username to log in with - IdentityFile - The SSH key identity to use to log in with, if using SSH key access - IdentitiesOnly - "Yes" to specify only attempting to log in via SSH key - PubkeyAuthentication - "No" to specify you wish to bypass attempting SSH key authentication