title: use ncmpcpp updated: 2015-10-10 11:11:48 description: Installing and basic configuration of mpd and ncmpcpp. os: [macosx, linux] tags: [mpd, mpc, ncmpcpp] deps: [install-mpd-mpc-ncmpcpp] contributors: ["http://www.github.com/anschwa"] # Music Player Daemon (mpd) ## Setup Create a file called `~/.mpdconf` with the following: ``` music_directory "~/Music" playlist_directory "~/.mpd/playlists" db_file "~/.mpd/database" pid_file "~/.mpd/pid" state_file "~/.mpd/state" sticker_file "~/.mpd/sticker.sql" port "6600" auto_update "yes" audio_output { type "osx" name "My Mac Device" mixer_type "software" } ``` And these: ``` mkdir ~/.mpd mkdir ~/.mpd/playlists touch ~/.mpd/database ``` # mpc Command line Music Player Client. ## Usefull Commands Add matching search results to the current playlist. ``` mpc clear; mpc search | mpc add; mpc play ``` # `mpc.el` Emacs front end to `mpd`. # ncmpcpp Powerful yet lightweight `mpd` client. ## Basic Usage - `1` View Playlist - `4` View Library - `p` Play / Pause - `a` Add to Playlist - `c` Clear Playlist - `q` Quit - `l` Fetch Lyrics ## Playback Modes - `r` repeat mode `[r-----]` - `z` random mode `[-z----]` - `y` single mode `[--s---]` - `R` consume mode `[---c--]` - `x` crossfade mode `[----x-]`