function outputSheetToCsvFile(charSet, bom_flag) { // Static elements var drive = DriveApp.getFolderById('=== Folder ID ==='); var base_fileName = "aaa"; var fileName = base_fileName + "_" + charSet; var fileExtension = ".csv"; var contentType = "text/csv"; var lineDelimiter = ","; var newLineChar = "\r\n"; // Get the data from Active Sheet. var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getDataRange(); var data = range.getValues(); var csvString = ''; // To String as lineDelimiter for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { csvString += data[i].join(lineDelimiter) + newLineChar; } // Add BOM in case of "bom_flag" == true // (U+FEFF) if(charSet == "UTF8" || charSet == "UTF-8"){ if (bom_flag == true){ csvString = "\ufeff" + csvString; }else{ fileName = fileName + "N"; } } fileName = fileName + fileExtension; // Convert to Blob var blob = Utilities.newBlob("", contentType, fileName).setDataFromString(csvString, charSet); // Output Blob to file drive.createFile(blob); } function toCSV_SJIS(){ outputSheetToCsvFile("Shift_JIS", false); } function toCSV_UTF8(){ outputSheetToCsvFile("UTF8", true); } function toCSV_UTF8N(){ outputSheetToCsvFile("UTF8", false); } function onOpen() { // Add "Menu bar" on Google Spreadsheet. var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var entries = [{ name : "Save Active Sheet to CSV file as Shift_JIS", functionName : "toCSV_SJIS" }]; entries[1] = { name : "Save Active Sheet to CSV file as UTF-8 with BOM", functionName : "toCSV_UTF8" }; entries[2] = { name : "Save Active Sheet to CSV file as UTF-8 without BOM", functionName : "toCSV_UTF8N" }; spreadsheet.addMenu("OUTPUT to CSV", entries); };