random-sublime-text-plugin ========================== Plugin for sublime text to generate random, ints, floats, strings and words. It works in Sublime Text 2 *and* ST3 Example ======= ![Example](example.gif) Usage ===== This plugin can only be accessed through the Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+P command. Type *random* and you get the following choices: * Random:Int - requires a range from a-b separated with a: *-*. Default: 1-100 * Random:Float - requires a range from a-b separated with a: *-*. Default: 1-100 * Random:Letters - generatates a random string of lower and upper -case letters with a length between 3 and 17 * Random:Letters and numbers - generatates a random string of lower and upper -case letters and numbers with a length between 3 and 17 * Random:Country - picks a random country * Random:Word - picks a random word from /usr/share/dict/words * Random:Text - picks 24 random words from /usr/share/dict/words * Random:Date - picks a random ISO-8601 Date * Random:First name - picks a random first name from the built-in datafile * Random:Last name - picks a random last name from the built-in datafile * Random:Full name - picks a random full name from the built-in datafiles * Random:E-mail - picks a random E-mail address * Random:Url - generates a URL using random words from /usr/share/dict/words * Random:Hex Color - generates a random hex color formatted "#abc123" * Random:IPv4 Address - generates a random ipv4 ip address * Random:IPV6 Address - generates a random ivp6 ip address Overridable Settings ==================== #Random: E-Mail * random_email_top_level_domain_override - Allows overriding available email TLDs e.g. `["com","org"]`. Defaults are `["com", "net", "co.uk", "org", "edu"]` * random_email_main_domain_override - Allows overriding of available email main domains e.g. `["gmail","yahoo", "hotmail"]`. If not specified, a random string will be used. * `max_year` and `min_year` defines a date range # Complete Settings Example { "random_email_top_level_domain_override": ["com", "net", "co.uk", "org", "edu"], "max_year": 2000, "min_year": 1999 }