# OVERVIEW # This YAML script will attempt to install a Python virtual environment able to # support the requirements of all three of King's College London's 'Geocomputation' # pathway in the BA/BSc Geography programme. # # INSTALLATION # Note that, in the example commands below, you will need to replace {name} by the name # value specified as a configuration parameter below (the first line that does *not* # start with a hash (#). All the commands below should be run from the Terminal. # ####################### # NOTE: in the below, wherever you see '{name}' # you should replace that with the name of the # environment you are installing (e.g. `gsa2019`). ####################### # # If you've already installed this environment before: # conda remove --name {name} --all # # To install/reinstall the environment: # conda-env create -f gsa.yml # # To install/update individual libraries you usually want to force the conda-forge channel: # conda install -c conda-forge osmnx # # A nice way to set the display name for the environment after activating the env: # conda activate {name} # python -m ipykernel install --name {name} --display-name "Geocomp 2019" # To tidy up environments: # jupyter kernelspec list # jupyter kernelspec uninstall unwanted-kernel # # LAUNCH # You can launch the 'old' notebook server by simply running: # jupyter notebook # The more modern jupyter lab only seems to be launchable from within an environment: # conda activate {name} # jupyter lab # # CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS name: gsa2019 channels: - conda-forge - defaults dependencies: - python=3.7 - pip - git - cmake #- bambi - basemap #- black - bokeh - colorama - contextily==1.0rc2 - cython - dask - dask-ml - datashader - dill - feather-format - folium - gdal - geojson - geopandas - geopy - georasters - gitdb2 - gitpython - hdbscan - hvplot - ipyleaflet - ipyparallel - ipywidgets - joblib - jupyterlab=1.1.4 #- libgdal - libspatialite - lxml - mapclassify - mkl-service - mplleaflet - mysql-connector-python #- nb_conda - nbdime - nbgrader - networkx - nodejs - osmnx - palettable - pandana - pillow - pointpats - polyline - pyarrow==0.14.* - pykrige - pymc3 # Not well-supported on Windows - pysal - pyshp - pystan - qgrid - rasterio - rasterstats - requests - scikit-learn - scikit-image - scikit-posthocs - seaborn - simplejson - smmap2 - sqlite - sqlalchemy - statsmodels - tzlocal - urbanaccess - xlrd - xlsxwriter - pip: - six #- git+http://github.com/sevamoo/SOMPY#egg=sompy # Doesn't run in Python3 - git+http://github.com/kingsgeocomp/SOMPY#egg=sompy - smopy # NOT a typo! Not the same thing as sompy! - googlemaps - MulticoreTSNE - jupyterlab-solutions