### Window - Radiance interoperability In addition to [core Swing interoperability](https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/tree/master/tutorials/Swing_Integration), Aurora supports integrating with [Radiance](https://github.com/kirill-grouchnikov/radiance). To start, add a dependency on the latest Radiance binaries: ```kotlin dependencies { ... implementation("org.pushing-pixels:radiance-theming:6.0.1") } ``` Then, before creating your first `AuroraWindow`, set Radiance skin in your `auroraApplication` function: ```kotlin RadianceThemingCortex.GlobalScope.setSkin(MarinerSkin()) ``` Now, Swing content created within `SwingPanel` scope will be themed by Radiance: ```kotlin SwingPanel( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(90.dp), factory = { JPanel().apply { layout = FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER) add(swingButton("Hello, Swing!") { println("I come from Swing") }) } } ) ```