# To write log format, see https://github.com/kitabisa/teler/configuration/log-format log_format: | $remote_addr $remote_user - [$time_local] "$request_method $request_uri $request_protocol" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" rules: cache: true threat: excludes: # - "Common Web Attack" # - "CVE" # - "Bad IP Address" # - "Bad Referrer" # - "Bad Crawler" # - "Directory Bruteforce" # It can be user-agent, request path, HTTP referrer, # IP address and/or request query values parsed in regExp. # This list applies only to engine defined threats, not to custom threat rules. whitelists: # - (curl|Go-http-client|okhttp)/* # - ^/wp-login\.php # - https?:\/\/www\.facebook\.com # - 192\.168\.0\.1 customs: # - name: "Log4j Attack" # condition: or # rules: # - element: "request_uri" # pattern: \$\{.*:\/\/.*\/?\w+?\} # - element: "http_referer" # pattern: \$\{.*:\/\/.*\/?\w+?\} # - element: "http_user_agent" # pattern: \$\{.*:\/\/.*\/?\w+?\} # - name: "Large File Upload" # condition: and # rules: # - element: "body_bytes_sent" # selector: true # pattern: \d{6,} # - element: "request_method" # pattern: P(OST|UT) dashboard: active: true host: "localhost" port: 9080 username: "wew" password: "w0w!" endpoint: "/events" metrics: prometheus: active: false host: "localhost" port: 9099 endpoint: "/metrics" logs: file: active: false json: false path: "/path/to/output.log" zinc: active: false host: "localhost" port: 4080 ssl: false username: "admin" password: "Complexpass#123" index: "lorem-ipsum-index" alert: active: false provider: "slack" notifications: # Only Slack & Discord that can post alerts via webhook, # meaning that if the webhook field is filled & valid in # it'll use the given webhook URL, otherwise it will use # token to authenticate. slack: webhook: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" token: "xoxo-...." color: "#ffd21a" channel: "G30SPKI" telegram: token: "123456:ABC-DEF1234...-..." chat_id: "-111000" discord: webhook: "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/0000000000/XXXXX" token: "NkWkawkawkawkawka.X0xo.n-kmZwA8aWAA" color: "16312092" channel: "700000000000000..." mattermost: webhook: "http://HOST/hooks/XXXXX-KEY-XXXXX" color: "#ffd21a"