package com.github.kittinunf.result import kotlin.js.JsName import kotlin.test.Test import kotlin.test.assertContains import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertFalse import kotlin.test.assertIs import kotlin.test.assertNotNull import kotlin.test.assertNull import kotlin.test.assertSame import kotlin.test.assertTrue import class ResultTest { @Test @JsName("should_create_value_with_success_from_construction_block") fun `should create value with success from construction block`() { val v = Result.of { 1 } assertNotNull(v.get()) assertIs>(v) assertEquals(Kind.Success, v.kind) } @Test @JsName("should_create_value_with_failure_from_construction_block") fun `should create value with failure from construction block`() { val v = Result.of { throw RuntimeException() } assertNull(v.component1()) assertNotNull(v.component2()) assertIs>(v) assertEquals(Kind.Failure, v.kind) } @Test @JsName("should_get_return_value_and_get_failure_return_null_for_result_with_success") fun `should get return value and get failure return null for result with success`() { val s = Result.of { 42 } assertNotNull(s.component1()) assertNull(s.component2()) assertNull(s.getFailureOrNull()) assertNotNull(s.getOrNull()) assertEquals(42, s.getOrNull()) } @Test @JsName("should_get_return_null_and_get_failure_return_error_for_result_with_failure") fun `should get return null and get failure return error for result with failure`() { val f = Result.of { throw IllegalStateException("foo") } assertNull(f.getOrNull()) assertNotNull(f.getFailureOrNull()) assertIs(f.getFailureOrNull()) } @Test @JsName("should_create_value_with_success") fun `should create value with success`() { val s = Result.success(42) val ss = Result.success(null) val (value, _) = s assertNotNull(s.get()) assertNull(ss.get()) assertEquals(42, value) } @Test @JsName("should_create_value_with_failure") fun `should create value with failure`() { val e = Result.failure(RuntimeException()) val (value, err) = e assertNull(value) assertNotNull(e.failure()) assertNotNull(err) } @Test @JsName("should_get_the_alternative_value_if_failure_otherwise_get_the_value") fun `should get the alternative value if failure otherwise get the value`() { val s = Result.success(42) val f = Result.failure(RuntimeException()) val alternative1 = s.getOrElse { 100 } val alternative2 = f.getOrElse { 100 } assertEquals(42, alternative1) assertEquals(100, alternative2) } @Test @JsName("should_create_optional_value_with_either_success") fun `should create optional value with either success`() { val nullableStr: String? = null val str = "42" val s = Result.of { str } val ns = Result.of { nullableStr } assertIs>(s) assertIs>(ns) } @Test @JsName("should_respond_to_isSuccess_and_isFailure_according_to_the_state") fun `should respond to isSuccess and isFailure according to the state`() { val str = "42" val s = Result.of { str } val ns = Result.of { throw IllegalStateException("42") } assertTrue(s.isSuccess()) assertTrue(ns.isFailure()) val nullableStr: String? = null val nns = Result.of { nullableStr } assertTrue(nns.isSuccess()) assertNull(nns.getOrNull()) } @Test @JsName("should_response_to_isSuccess_and_isFailure_and_also_implies_that_contract_is_working_correctly") fun `should response to isSuccess and isFailure and also implies that contract is working correctly`() { val str = "42" val s = Result.of { str } val ns = Result.of { throw IllegalStateException("42") } if (s.isSuccess()) { // contract should imply that s is Result.Success s.value assertEquals(42, s.value.toInt()) } else { fail("This should not be called") } if (ns.isFailure()) { // contract should imply that ns is Result.Failure ns.error assertIs(ns.error) } else { fail("This should not be called") } } @Test @JsName("should_response_to_onSuccess_that_implies_contract_is_working_for_first_value") fun `should response to onSuccess that implies contact is working for first value`() { val s = Result.of { 0 } val i: Int s.onSuccess { i = 42 } assertEquals(42, i) } @Test @JsName("should_response_to_onFailure_that_implies_contract_is_working_for_first_value") fun `should response to onFailure that implies contact is working for first value`() { val s = Result.of { throw IllegalStateException("40") } val i: Int s.onFailure { i = 42 } assertEquals(42, i) } @Test @JsName("should_response_to_the_success_and_failure_block_according_to_the_state") fun `should response to the success and failure block according to the state`() { val str = "42" val s = Result.of { str } val ns = Result.of { throw IllegalStateException("42") } var isSuccessCalled = false s.success { isSuccessCalled = true } var isFailureNotCalled = false s.failure { isFailureNotCalled = true } var isFailureCalled = false ns.failure { isFailureCalled = true } var isSuccessNotCalled = false ns.success { isSuccessNotCalled = true } assertTrue(isSuccessCalled) assertFalse(isSuccessNotCalled) assertTrue(isFailureCalled) assertFalse(isFailureNotCalled) } @Test @JsName("should_be_able_to_use_fold_to_check_for_value_for_both_success_and_or_failure") fun `should be able to use fold to check for value for both success and or failure`() { val success = Result.of { "success" } val failure = Result.failure(RuntimeException("failure")) var hasFoldInSuccessCalled = false success.fold({ hasFoldInSuccessCalled = true }, { hasFoldInSuccessCalled = false }) var hasFoldInFailureCalled = false failure.fold({ hasFoldInFailureCalled = false }, { hasFoldInFailureCalled = true }) assertTrue(hasFoldInSuccessCalled) assertTrue(hasFoldInFailureCalled) } private fun count() = 0 @Test @JsName("should_map_to_another_value_of_the_result_type") fun `should map to another value of the result type`() { val success = Result.of { "success" } val failure = Result.failure(RuntimeException("failure")) val v1 = { it.count() } val v2 = { count() } assertIs>(v1) assertEquals(v1.value, 7) assertIs>(v2) assertEquals(v2.getOrNull(), null) } @Test @JsName("should_flatMap_with_another_result_type_and_flatten") fun `should flatMap with another result type and flatten`() { val success = Result.of { "success" } val failure = Result.failure(RuntimeException("failure")) val v1 = success.flatMap { Result.of { it.last() } } val v2 = failure.flatMap { Result.of { count() } } assertIs>(v1) assertEquals(v1.value, 's') assertIs>(v2) assertEquals(v2.getOrNull(), null) } @Test @JsName("should_mapError_to_another_value_of_the_result_type") fun `should mapError to another value of the result type`() { val success = Result.of { "success" } val failure = Result.failure(Exception("failure")) val v1 = success.mapError { IllegalStateException(it.message) } val v2 = failure.mapError { IllegalStateException(it.message) } assertIs>(v1) assertEquals(v1.value, "success") assertIs>(v2) assertEquals(v2.error.message, "failure") } @Test @JsName("should_flatMapError_to_another_value_of_the_result_type_and_flatten") fun `should flatMapError to another value of the result type and flatten`() { val success = Result.of { "success" } val failure = Result.failure(RuntimeException("failure")) val v1 = success.flatMapError { Result.of { throw IllegalArgumentException(it.message) } } val v2 = failure.flatMapError { Result.of { throw IllegalArgumentException(it.message) } } assertIs>(v1) assertEquals(v1.value, "success") assertIs>(v2) assertEquals(v2.error.message, "failure") } @Test @JsName("should_be_able_to_observe_error_with_onError") fun `should be able to observe error with onError`() { val success = Result.success("success") val failure = Result.failure(Exception("failure")) var hasSuccessChanged: Boolean var hasFailureChanged: Boolean val v1 = success.onFailure { hasSuccessChanged = true } val v2 = failure.onFailure { hasFailureChanged = true } assertIs>(v1) assertSame(v1, success) assertIs>(v2) assertSame(v2, failure) assertFalse(hasSuccessChanged) assertTrue(hasFailureChanged) } @Test @JsName("should_be_able_to_observe_success_with_onSuccess") fun `should be able to observe success with onSuccess`() { val success = Result.success("success") val failure = Result.failure(Exception("failure")) var hasSuccessChanged: Boolean var hasFailureChanged: Boolean val v1 = success.onSuccess { hasSuccessChanged = true } val v2 = failure.onSuccess { hasFailureChanged = true } assertIs>(v1) assertEquals(v1, success) assertIs>(v2) assertSame(v2, failure) assertTrue(hasSuccessChanged) assertFalse(hasFailureChanged) } @Test @JsName("should_be_able_to_transform_both_value_from_2_sides") fun `should be able to transform both value from 2 sides`() { val s = Result.of { "hello world" } val transformedSuccess = s.mapBoth({ it.length }, { IllegalStateException("changed!") }) assertIs(s.get()) assertIs(transformedSuccess.get()) assertEquals(11, transformedSuccess.get()) assertEquals(null, transformedSuccess.getFailureOrNull()) val f = Result.of { emptyList()[0] } // this should throw outofbounds val transformedFailure = f.mapBoth({ it > 1 }, { RuntimeException("changed!") }) assertIs(f.getFailureOrNull()) assertIs(transformedFailure.getFailureOrNull()) assertEquals(null, transformedFailure.getOrNull()) assertEquals("changed!", transformedFailure.getFailureOrNull()!!.message) } @Test @JsName("should_be_able_to_fanout_for_success") fun `should be able to fanout for success`() { val s1 = Result.of { Resource("lorem_short.txt").read() } val s2 = Result.of { 42 } val (value, error) = s1.fanout { s2 } assertNull(error) assertContains(value!!.first, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet") assertEquals(42, value.second) } @Test @JsName("should_result_in_error_for_left_or_right_is_a_failure") fun `should result in error for left or right is a failure`() { val err = Result.failure(IllegalStateException("foo foo")) val s = Result.success(42) val (value, error) = s.fanout { err } assertNotNull(error) assertNull(value) val (anotherValue, anotherError) = err.fanout { s } assertNotNull(anotherError) assertNull(anotherValue) } @Test @JsName("should_lift_the_result_to_success_if_all_of_the_items_are_success") fun `should lift the result to success if all of the items are success`() { val rs = listOf("lorem_short", "lorem_long").map { Result.of { Resource("$it.txt").read() } }.lift() assertIs>>(rs) assertEquals(rs.get()[0], Resource("lorem_short.txt").read()) } @Test @JsName("should_lift_the_result_to_failure_if_any_of_the_item_is_failure") fun `should lift the result to failure if any of the item is failure`() { val rs = listOf("lorem_short", "lorem_long", "not_found").map { Result.of { Resource("$it.txt").read() } }.lift() assertIs>(rs) val msg = rs.error.message assertNotNull(msg) assertContains(msg, "No such file or directory", ignoreCase = true) } @Test @JsName("should_lift_success_and_failures_to_callback_returning_success") fun `should lift success and failures to callback returning success`() { val rs = listOf("lorem_short", "lorem_long", "not_found").map { Result.of { Resource("$it.txt").read() } }.lift { successes, errors -> assertEquals(2, successes.size) assertEquals(1, errors.size) Result.success(successes) } assertIs>>(rs) } @Test @JsName("should_lift_success_and_failures_to_callback_returning_error") fun `should lift success and failures to callback returning error`() { val rs = listOf("lorem_short", "lorem_long", "not_found").map { Result.of { Resource("$it.txt").read() } }.lift { successes, errors -> assertEquals(2, successes.size) assertEquals(1, errors.size) Result.failure(errors.first()) } assertIs>(rs) } @Test @JsName("should_return_true_if_predicate_in_any_matches") fun `should return true if predicate in any matches`() { val rs = Result.of { Resource("lorem_short.txt").read() } assertFalse(rs.any { it.isEmpty() }) assertTrue(rs.any { it.count() <= 446 }) val rf = Result.of { throw IllegalStateException() } assertFalse(rf.any { it == 0 }) } @Test @JsName("should_result_in_Failure_just_the_same_as_companion_objects_function") fun `should result in Failure just the same as companion object's function`() { data class TestException(val errorCode: String, val errorMessage: String) : Exception(errorMessage) val originalFailure = Result.failure(TestException("error_code", "error message")) val extensionFailure = TestException("error_code", "error message").failure() assertEquals(originalFailure, extensionFailure) } @Test @JsName("should_result_in_Success_just_the_same_as_companion_objects_function") fun `should result in Success just the same as companion object's function`() { val originalSuccess = Result.success("success") val extensionSuccess = "success".success() assertEquals(originalSuccess, extensionSuccess) } @Test @JsName("should_return_a_merged_list_given_two_Results_Success_containing_a_list") fun `should return a merged list given two Results Success containing a list`() { val result = Result.success(listOf("A", "B")) val otherResult = Result.success(listOf("C", "D")) val mergedList = result + otherResult assertIs>>(mergedList) assertEquals(mergedList.value, listOf("A", "B", "C", "D")) } @Test @JsName("should_return_an_Error_given_a_Result_containing_a_Success_list_and_another_Result_Error") fun `should return an Error given a Result containing a Success list and another Result Error`() { val error = RuntimeException() val result = Result.success(listOf("A", "B")) val otherResult = Result.failure(error) val mergedList = result + otherResult assertIs>(mergedList) assertEquals(mergedList.error, error) } @Test @JsName("should_return_an_Error_given_a_Result_Error_and_another_one_containing_a_Result_Success_list") fun `should return an Error given a Result Error and another one containing a Result Success list`() { val error = RuntimeException() val result = Result.failure(error) val otherResult = Result.success(listOf("B", "C")) val mergedResult = result + otherResult assertIs>(mergedResult) assertEquals(mergedResult.error, error) } @Test @JsName("should_return_the_Error_from_the_first_Result_given_two_Result_Errors") fun `should return the Error from the first Result given two Result Errors`() { val firstError = RuntimeException() val secondError = RuntimeException() val result = Result.of, Throwable> { throw firstError } val otherResult = Result.of, Throwable> { throw secondError } val mergedResult = result + otherResult assertIs>(mergedResult) assertEquals(mergedResult.error, firstError) } }