# Code Style Guidelines for Kiwix-Android Our code style guidelines is based on the [Square's Android Style Guide](https://github.com/square/java-code-styles/blob/master/configs/codestyles/SquareAndroid.xml). Our code style is managed in version control and will be installed automatically when you clone the repo. ### Only a few extra rules - Line length is 100 characters - FIXME must not be committed in the repository use TODO instead. FIXME can be used in your own local repository only. ### Some **DONT's** - Don't use Hungarian Notation like `mContext` `mCount` etc - Don't use underscores in variable names - All constants should be CAPS. e.g `MINIMUM_TIMEOUT_ERROR_EXTERNAL` - Always use `Locale.ENGLISH` when using `String.format()` unless the format itself is locale dependent e.g. `String query = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH,...` - Never concat `null` with `""` (Empty String). It will become `"null"` e.g. `String.equals("" + null, "null") == TRUE`