kiwix-tools 3.7.0 ================= * Fixed ZIM name vs Book name confusion in documentation (@veloman-yunkan #663) * Fixes compilation dependencies to rely on appropriate version (@kelson42 #667) * New --skipInvalid Kiwix Server command line option (@schuellerf @kelson42 #666) kiwix-tools 3.6.0 ================= * Improved kiwix-serve man page (@iArchitSharma #626) * C++17 compliant code base (@mgautierfr #636) * Support of libkiwix13 (@mgautierfr #633) * Additional docker images archs for armv6 and i386 (@rgaudin #622) kiwix-tools 3.5.0 ================= * Do not use `--static` option when compiling on MacOs (@mgautierfr #615) * Move main branch from `master` to `main`. * Fix docker image (@jacroe #597) * Various CI improvements (@kelson42) kiwix-serve ----------- * Add documentation about the kiwix-serve API (@veloman-yunkan #586) kiwix-tools 3.4.0 ================= * Remove last reference to kiwix-read tool (@legoktm #569) kiwix-serve ----------- * Fix broken indentation in usage (@kelson42 #560) * Exit if wrong arguments are passed (@kelson42 #567) * Do not allow multiple values for same option (@juuz0 #564) * Fix default location of "rootLocation" (@rgaudin #571) * [DOCKER] Change default port to 8080 (@neyder #581) * [DOCKER] Simplify dockerfile (@rgaudin #582) kiwix-manage ------------ * Fix man page (@kelson42 #576) kiwix-tools 3.3.0 ================= * Remove kiwix-read tool (@veloman-yunkan #535) kiwix-serve ----------- * Add an option to limit the number of connections for a same IP (@juuz0 #534) * Add an option to limit the number of zim in a multizim fulltext search (@mgautierfr #558) kiwix-search ------------ * Remove usage of libkiwix's deprecated api (@veloman-yunkan #535) kiwix-manage ------------ * Correctly return a value !0 if something went wrong (@mgautierfr #553) kiwix-tools 3.2.0 ================= * Print the version of all dependencies (@kelson42 #516) * Better Docker images (@kelson42 @rgaudin) * Update Readme (@kelson42) * Build debian packages on CI (@legoktm #394) * Add man pages for kiwix-read and kiwix-search (@legoktm #392) * Various fixes (@legoktm @hashworks @mgautierfr) kiwix-serve ----------- * Print the url on which a user can connect to on startup (@juuz0 #499 #522) * Reload library on SIGHUP signal (@veloman-yunkan #497) * Add a option `--monitorLibrary` to monitor and automically reload the library (@veloman-yunkan #503) * Correct handling of SIGTERM and SIGINT (@veloman-yunkan #488) * Add `--customIndexTemplate` option (@manan #477) * Add `--help` option (@kelson42 #511) kiwix-tools 3.1.2 ================= * Use new threadsafe API of kiwix-lib to do suggestions search. kiwix-tools 3.1.1 ================= * Fix compilation on Windows' CI kiwix-tools 3.1.0 ================= * [SERVER] Add option to block external links kiwix-tools 3.0.3 ================= * [MANAGER] Fix broken --version argument parsing kiwix-tools 3.0.2 ================= * New option --version for all tools * Remove file. * [DOCKER] Add ability to download a file at container start. * [CI] Move to github actions instead of travis. * [SERVER] Trust the given library by default. * [SERVER] Add shortcut alias for option `--address` and `--nodatealias` kiwix-tools 3.0.1 ================= * Fix --nodatealiases inverted logic regression kiwix-tools 3.0.0 ================= * Move kiwix-serve implementation in kiwix-lib. kiwix-tools 2.1.0 ================= * Fix few compilation errors. kiwix-serve ----------- * Use new api to filter the library. * Mobile friendly top bar. * Add notag parameter to be able to exclude tags from the zim search. kiwix-tools 2.0.0 ================= kiwix-manage ----------- * Better usage() * Adding multiple files bug fix * Remove download command. kiwix-serve ----------- * Better usage() * Display properly welcome page on 3 columns * New welcome page footer "Powered by Kiwix" kiwix-tools 1.2.1 ================= kiwix-serve ----------- * Always use POLL when avaible. kiwix-tools 1.2.0 ================= * Remove rpath for installed binaries. kiwix-serve ----------- * New Dockerfile of kiwix-serve * New --nodatealiases option * Do not use POLL on windows kiwix-manage ------------ * Do not show all books if book ids has been provided. * Be able to add several zim files in the same time in a library. kiwix-tools 1.1.0 ================= kiwix-serve ----------- * Fix bug about handling of absolute url in old zim file. * All the catalog to be searched by tags. kiwix-tools 1.0.0 ================= * [CI] Use the new deps archive xz * Move version 1.0.0. There is no need to stay in pre 1.0 version. kiwix-serve ----------- * Correctly implement redirection. kiwix-serve now return a 302 http status code instead of resolving the redirection internally and return the content. kiwix-tools 0.9.0 ================= * Update README * Update man pages * Remove support of external indexes (manage, search, serve) * Update build system as we don't use ctpp2 anymore * Update to last kiwix-lib API. kiwix-manage ------------ * Update usage. kiwix-tools 0.8.0 ================= kiwix-manage ------------ * Be able to remove several books from the library in one command. kiwix-tools 0.7.0 ================= * Adapt to kiwix-lib new API kiwix-serve ----------- * Dumps only valid books in the opdsfeed. * Allow the opds feed to be filtered by lang and paginated. kiwix-manage ------------ * Add a download command to download a remote book locally * Book are referenced by bookId not index. * No more indexType option as it is always XAPIAN. kiwix-tools 0.6.1 ================= kiwix-serve ----------- * Update README. * Fix crash when `--library` flag is provided without value. * Correctly handle mimetype of file without extension on 64bits. * Minor fixes kiwix-tools 0.6.0 ================= * remove kiwix-install tool. kiwix-serve ----------- * Improved taskbar #160 * Fix global page when using the option `--nosearchbar` * Return 404 for missing resources * Fix compilation for gcc 4.8. kiwix-manage ------------ * Returns proper exit code (not always 0) kiwix-tools 0.5.0 ================= * Build kiwix-tools setting the RPATH * Compile without warning. kiwix-serve ------------ * Serve metadata information using the "/meta" url. * Serve an OPDS stream of all zim handled by kiwix-serve All informations cannot be infer from the zim file itself, you should use a library.xml to provide needed information (url, ...) * Update kiwix-serve to use the new API of kiwix-lib kiwix-tools 0.4.0 ================= * Use gcc-5 on travis. kiwix-serve ----------- * Accept zim file with `&` in the name * Do not cache (on client side) global search (as it can depends on the zim files handled) * Fix HTTP byte range handling. (#91) * Fix opening of relative path (#70) * Add a small (and hidden) API to do geo search. * Better request parsing. (#91) * Better handling of invalid request (#116) * Various bug fixes (#146, #150, #153, #165, #168, #165) kiwix-search ------------ * Add an option `--suggestion` to do suggestion search with kiwix-search.(#132) kiwix-tools 0.3.0 ================= * Move to C++11 kiwix-serve ----------- * Add a global taskbar in the welcome page to search in all zims (#49) * Serve the taskbar as css file instead of including it in the html (#68): * Better client caching * The html encoding is now in the first 1024 bytes and firefox correctly detect the encoding * Make kiwix-server multi-threaded (#82) * Correctly return 404 instead of crashing when request inexistant skin file (#83) * Correctly respond to bytes-range requests.(#84) * Directly respond to first request for a url instead of refusing the first connexion * Add support to relative url location. (#86) * Remove caching (on client side) for the welcome page. (#86) kiwix-tools 0.2.0 ================= * Remove indexer tools kiwix-serve ----------- * Correctly fix the deflate data we send over http. (#15) * Update in the taskbar (or topbar): * Taskbar is responsive ( * Force css rules for the taskbar (and not be impacted by content's css) * Add `--nolibrarybutton` to hide the library button from the taskbar. * Rewrite of the welcome page. kiwix-installer --------------- * Remove indexing functionnality