/* groovylint-disable DuplicateListLiteral, LineLength, MethodCount, NestedBlockDepth, PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods, SpaceAfterClosingBrace, UnnecessaryGetter, UnusedPrivateMethod */ /** * Tuya Wall Thermostat driver for Hubitat Elevation * * https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-wall-mount-thermostat-water-electric-floor-heating-zigbee-driver/87050 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Credits: Jaewon Park, iquix and many others * * ver. 1.0.0 2022-01-09 kkossev - Inital version * ver. 1.0.1 2022-01-09 kkossev - modelGroupPreference working OK * ver. 1.0.2 2022-01-09 kkossev - MOES group heatingSetpoint and setpointReceiveCheck() bug fixes * ver. 1.0.3 2022-01-10 kkossev - resending heatingSetpoint max 3 retries; heatSetpoint rounding up/down; incorrect temperature reading check; min and max values for heatingSetpoint * ver. 1.0.4 2022-01-11 kkossev - reads temp. calibration for AVATTO, patch: temperatures > 50 are divided by 10!; AVATO parameters decoding; added BEOK model * ver. 1.0.5 2022-01-15 kkossev - 2E+1 bug fixed; added rxCounter, txCounter, duplicateCounter; ChildLock control; if boost (emergency) mode was on, then auto() heat() off() commands cancel it; * BRT-100 thermostatOperatingState changes on valve report; AVATTO/MOES switching from off mode to auto/heat modes fix; command 'controlMode' is now removed. * ver. 1.0.6 2022-01-16 kkossev - debug/trace commands fixes * ver. 1.0.7 2022-03-21 kkossev - added childLock attribute and events; checkDriverVersion(); removed 'Switch' capability and events; enabled 'auto' mode for all thermostat types. * ver. 1.0.8 2022-04-03 kkossev - added tempCalibration; hysteresis; minTemp and maxTemp for AVATTO and BRT-100; added Battery capability for BRT-100 * ver. 1.2.1 2022-04-05 kkossev - BRT-100 basic cluster warning supressed; tempCalibration, maxTemp, minTemp fixes; added Battery capability; 'Changed from device Web UI' desctiption in off() and heat() events. * ver. 1.2.2 2022-09-04 kkossev - AVATTO additional DP logging; removed Calibration command (now is as Preference parameter); replaced Initialize capability w/ custom command; degrees symbol in temp. unit; * Refresh command wakes up the display'; Google Home compatibility * ver. 1.2.3 2022-09-05 kkossev - added FactoryReset command (experimental, change Boolean debug = true); added AVATTO programMode preference; * ver. 1.2.4 2022-09-28 kkossev - _TZE200_2ekuz3dz fingerprint corrected * ver. 1.2.5 2022-10-08 kkossev - BEOK: added sound on/off, tempCalibration, hysteresis, tempCeiling, setBrightness, 0.5 degrees heatingSetpoint (BEOK only); bug fixes for BEOK: Child lock, thermostatMode, operatingState * ver. 1.2.6 2022-10-16 kkossev - BEOK: time sync workaround; BEOK: temperature scientific representation bug fix; parameters number/decimal fixes; brightness and maxTemp bug fixes; heatingTemp is always rounded to 0.5; cool() does not switch the thermostat off anymore * ver. 1.2.7 2022-11-05 kkossev - BEOK: added frostProtection; BRT-100: tempCalibration bug fix; reversed heat and auto modes for MOES dp=3; hysteresis is hidden for BRT-100; maxTemp lower limit set to 15; dp3 is ignored from MOES/BSEED if in off mode * supressed dp=9 BRT-100 unknown function warning; * ver. 1.2.8 2022-11-27 kkossev - added 'brightness' attribute; removed MODEL3; dp=3 refactored; presence function bug fix; added resetStats command; refactored stats; faster sending of Zigbee commands; time is synced every hour for BEOK; * modeReceiveCheck() and setpointReceiveCheck() refactored; * ver. 1.2.9 2022-12-05 kkossev - bugfix: 'supportedThermostatFanModes' and 'supportedThermostatModes' proper JSON formatting; homeKitCompatibility option * ver. 1.2.10 2023-01-08 kkossev - bugfix: AVATTO thermostat can not be switched off from HE dashboard; * ver. 1.2.11 2023-01-14 kkossev - bugfix: BEOK setBrightness retry * ver. 1.3.0 2023-06-03 kkossev - added sensorSelection; replaced Presence w/ Health Status; added ping() and rtt; added '--- Select ---' default value for the sensorSelection command; added sensorSelection as attribute * ver. 1.3.1 2023-10-29 kkossev - added 'HY369' group (TS0601 _TZE200_ckud7u2l); add state.deviceProfile * ver. 1.3.2 2023-11-16 kkossev - added TS0601 _TZE200_bvrlmajk Avatto TRV07 ; added Immax Neo Lite TRV 07732L TS0601 _TZE200_rufdtfyv as HY367; * ver. 1.3.3 2023-11-16 vnistor - added modes, valve, childLock, windowOpen, windowOpenDetection, thermostatOperatingState to TS0601 _TZE200_bvrlmajk Avatto TRV07 * ver. 1.3.4 2023-11-16 kkossev - merged versions 1.3.2 and 1.3.3; * ver. 1.3.5 2023-11-23 vnistor - added childLock status, valve status, battery warning, thermostatMode, setHeatingSetpoint, Valve capability, Preferences: tempCalibration, minTemp, maxTemp to HY367; * ver. 1.3.6 2023-11-24 kkossev - The newly added events are declared as custom attributes; * ver. 1.3.7 2023-12-05 kkossev - setting the hysteresis bug fix for AVATTO. * ver. 1.3.8 2023-12-08 kkossev - thermostatOperatingState bug fix for BRT-100. * ver. 1.4.0 2024-02-28 kkossev - Groovy lint * ver. 1.4.1 2024-10-26 kkossev - commented out the fingerprints for _TZE200_b6wax7g0 _TZE200_ckud7u2l _TZE200_bvrlmajk _TZE200_rufdtfyv - they are now supported in the new 'Tuya Zigbee TRVs and Thermostats' driver * * TODO: update the community thread top post */ def version() { '1.4.1' } def timeStamp() { '2024/10/26 11:45 AM' } import groovy.json.* import groovy.transform.Field import hubitat.zigbee.zcl.DataType import hubitat.device.HubAction import hubitat.device.Protocol import java.text.DecimalFormat import groovy.time.TimeCategory import groovy.transform.CompileStatic import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap @Field static final Boolean _DEBUG = false metadata { definition (name: 'Tuya Wall Thermostat', namespace: 'kkossev', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat-Tuya-Wall-Thermostat/development/Tuya-Wall-Thermostat.groovy', singleThreaded: true ) { capability 'Actuator' capability 'Refresh' capability 'Sensor' capability 'Temperature Measurement' capability 'Thermostat' capability 'ThermostatHeatingSetpoint' capability 'ThermostatCoolingSetpoint' capability 'ThermostatOperatingState' capability 'ThermostatSetpoint' capability 'ThermostatMode' capability 'Battery' capability 'HealthCheck' attribute 'childLock', 'enum', ['off', 'on'] attribute 'windowOpenDetection', 'enum', ['off', 'on'] attribute 'brightness', 'enum', ['off', 'low', 'medium', 'high'] attribute 'healthStatus', 'enum', ['offline', 'online', 'unknown'] attribute 'sensorSelection', 'enum', sensorOptions.values() as List attribute 'rtt', 'number' attribute 'valve', 'number' attribute 'windowOpen', 'enum', ['false', 'true'] attribute 'minHeatingSetpoint', 'number' attribute 'maxHeatingSetpoint', 'number' attribute 'holidayModeSetpoint', 'number' if (_DEBUG == true) { command 'zTest', [ [name:'dpCommand', type: 'STRING', description: 'Tuya DP Command', constraints: ['STRING']], [name:'dpValue', type: 'STRING', description: 'Tuya DP value', constraints: ['STRING']], [name:'dpType', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['DP_TYPE_VALUE', 'DP_TYPE_BOOL', 'DP_TYPE_ENUM'], description: 'DP data type'] ] command 'test' } command 'initialize', [[name: 'Initialize the thermostat after switching drivers. \n\r ***** Will load device default values! *****' ]] command 'childLock', [[name: 'ChildLock', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['off', 'on'], description: 'Select Child Lock mode'] ] command 'windowOpenDetection', [[name: 'windowOpenDetection', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['off', 'on'], description: 'Select Window Open Detection mode'] ] command 'setBrightness', [[name: 'setBrightness', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['off', 'low', 'medium', 'high'], description: 'Set LCD brightness for BEOK thermostats'] ] command 'sensorSelection', [[name: 'sensorSelection', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['99':'--- Select ---'] + sensorOptions, description: 'Select the temperature sensor'] ] command 'factoryReset', [[name:'factoryReset', type: 'STRING', description: "Type 'YES'", constraints: ['STRING']]] command 'resetStats', [[name: 'Reset Statistics' ]] // (AVATTO) fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_ye5jkfsb', deviceJoinName: 'AVATTO Wall Thermostat' // ME81AH // (Moes) fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_aoclfnxz', deviceJoinName: 'Moes Wall Thermostat' // BHT-002 // (unknown) fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_unknown', deviceJoinName: '_TZE200_ Thermostat' // unknown // (BEOK) fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_2ekuz3dz', deviceJoinName: 'Beok Wall Thermostat' // X5H-GB-B /* The TRVs below are now supported in the new 'Tuya Zigbee TRVs and Thermostats' driver. Starting from version fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_b6wax7g0', deviceJoinName: 'BRT-100 TRV' // BRT-100 //fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0004,0005,EF00", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0601", manufacturer:"_TZE200_chyvmhay", deviceJoinName: "Lidl Silvercrest" // Lidl Silvercrest (dev tests only, never tested really) fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_ckud7u2l', deviceJoinName: 'Moes HY369 TRV' // added 10/29/2023 fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_bvrlmajk', deviceJoinName: 'AVATTO TRV07' // added 11/14/2023 // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-wall-mount-thermostat-water-electric-floor-heating-zigbee-driver/87050/215?u=kkossev fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_rufdtfyv', deviceJoinName: 'Immax Neo Lite TRV 07732L' // HY367 added 11/16/2023 */ } preferences { if (logEnable == true || logEnable == false) { input (name: 'logEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Debug logging', description: 'Debug information, useful for troubleshooting. Recommended value is false', defaultValue: false) input (name: 'txtEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Description text logging', description: 'Display measured values in HE log page. Recommended value is true', defaultValue: true) input (name: 'forceManual', type: 'bool', title: 'Force Manual Mode', description: 'If the thermostat changes into schedule mode, then it automatically reverts back to manual mode', defaultValue: false) input (name: 'resendFailed', type: 'bool', title: 'Resend failed commands', description: 'If the thermostat does not change the Setpoint or Mode as expected, then commands will be resent automatically', defaultValue: false) input (name: 'minTemp', type: 'number', title: 'Minimum Temperature', description: 'The Minimum temperature setpoint that can be sent to the device', defaultValue: 5, range: '0..60') input (name: 'maxTemp', type: 'number', title: 'Maximum Temperature', description: 'The Maximum temperature setpoint that can be sent to the device', defaultValue: 35, range: '15..95') input (name: 'modelGroupPreference', title: "Select a model group. Recommended value is 'Auto detect'", /*description: "Thermostat type",*/ type: 'enum', options:['Auto detect':'Auto detect', 'AVATTO':'AVATTO', 'MOES':'MOES', 'BEOK':'BEOK', 'BRT-100':'BRT-100', 'HY367':'HY367', 'HY369':'HY369', 'TRV07':'TRV07'], defaultValue: 'Auto detect', required: false) input (name: 'tempCalibration', type: 'decimal', title: 'Temperature Calibration', description: 'Adjust measured temperature range: -9..9 C', defaultValue: 0.0, range: '-9.0..9.0') if ((getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO', 'BEOK'])) { input (name: 'hysteresis', type: 'decimal', title: 'Hysteresis', description: 'Adjust switching differential range: 0.5 .. 5.0 C', defaultValue: 1.0, range: '0.5..5.0') // not available for BRT-100 ! } if (isBEOK()) { input (name: 'tempCeiling', type: 'number', title: 'Temperature Ceiling', description: 'temperature limit parameter (unknown functionality) >', defaultValue: 35, range: '35..95') // step is 5 deg. for BEOK'; default 35? input (name: 'brightness', type: 'enum', title: 'LCD brightness', description:'LCD brightness control', defaultValue: '3', options: brightnessOptions) } if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { input (name: 'programMode', type: 'enum', title: 'Program Mode (thermostat internal schedule)', description: "Recommended selection is 'off'", defaultValue: 0, options: [0:'off', 1:'Mon-Fri', 2:'Mon-Sat', 3: 'Mon-Sun']) } if (isBEOK()) { input (name: 'frostProtection', type: 'bool', title: 'Disable/Enable frost protection', description: 'Disable/Enable frost protection', defaultValue: true) input (name: 'sound', type: 'bool', title: 'Disable/Enable sound', description: 'Disable/Enable sound', defaultValue: true) } input (name: 'homeKitCompatibility', type: 'bool', title: 'HomeKit Compatibility', description: 'Enable/disable HomeKit Compatibility', defaultValue: false) } } } @Field static final Map Models = [ '_TZE200_ye5jkfsb' : 'AVATTO', // Tuya AVATTO ME81AH '_TZE200_aoclfnxz' : 'MOES', // Tuya Moes BHT series Thermostat BTH-002 (also BSEED) '_TZE200_2ekuz3dz' : 'BEOK', // Beok thermostat '_TZE200_b6wax7g0' : 'BRT-100', // TRV BRT-100; MOES, ZONNSMART '_TYST11_ckud7u2l' : 'HY369', // Moes HY369 // https://github.com/jacekk015/zha_quirks/blob/main/ts0601_trv_moes.py#L38 '_TZE200_ckud7u2l' : 'HY369', // KKmoon Tuya; temp /10.0 // vendor: Hysen model: HY369-ZB / // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000742201198.html // https://github.com/zigbeefordomoticz/wiki/blob/38206248debb348e40e3718d07b4e0ec5baa454c/en-eng/Technical/Tuya-0xEF00.md?plain=1#L102 '_TZE200_ywdxldoj' : 'HY369', // '_TZE200_cwnjrr72' : 'HY369', // '_TZE200_pvvbommb' : 'HY369', // '_TZE200_2atgpdho' : 'HY369', // added 10/30/2023 '_TZE200_rufdtfyv' : 'HY367', // added 11/16/2023 https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-wall-mount-thermostat-water-electric-floor-heating-zigbee-driver/87050/232?u=kkossev '_TZE200_bvrlmajk' : 'TRV07', // added 11/14/2023 // https://github.com/OzGav/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/d2e4e8ed359163ea8553fcae1cf2fa945b0f4c62/devices/tuya.js#L2194 '_TZE200_zion52ef' : 'TEST3', // TRV MOES => fn = "0001 > off: dp = "0204" data = "02" // off; heat: dp = "0204" data = "01" // on; auto: n/a !; setHeatingSetpoint(preciseDegrees): fn = "00" SP = preciseDegrees *10; dp = "1002" '_TZE200_c88teujp' : 'TEST3', // TRV "SEA-TR", "Saswell", model "SEA801" (to be tested) '_TZE200_xxxxxxxx' : 'UNKNOWN', '' : 'UNKNOWN' // ] def isBEOK() { return device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['_TZE200_2ekuz3dz'] } def isMOES() { return device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['_TZE200_aoclfnxz'] } def isBSEED() { return isMOES() } def isTRV07() { return device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['_TZE200_bvrlmajk'] } def isHY367() { return device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['_TZE200_rufdtfyv'] } @Field static final Map brightnessOptions = [ '0' : 'off', '1' : 'low', '2' : 'medium', '3' : 'high' ] @Field static final Map faultOptions = [ '0' : 'none', '1' : 'e1', '2' : 'e2', '3' : 'e3' ] @Field static final Map sensorOptions = [ // BEOK - only in and out; AVATTO + both '0' : 'in', '1' : 'out', '2' : 'both' ] @Field static final Map programModeOptions = [ '0' : 'off', '1' : 'Mon-Fri', '2' : 'Mon-Sat', '3' : 'Mon-Sun' ] @Field static final Integer presenceCountTreshold = 3 @Field static final Integer defaultPollingInterval = 3600 @Field static final Integer MAX_PING_MILISECONDS = 10000 // rtt more than 10 seconds will be ignored @Field static final Integer COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 10 // timeout time in seconds @Field static final Integer MaxRetries = 5 @Field static final Integer NOT_SET = -1 private getCLUSTER_TUYA() { 0xEF00 } private getSETDATA() { 0x00 } private getSETTIME() { 0x24 } // Tuya Commands private getTUYA_REQUEST() { 0x00 } private getTUYA_REPORTING() { 0x01 } private getTUYA_QUERY() { 0x02 } private getTUYA_STATUS_SEARCH() { 0x06 } private getTUYA_TIME_SYNCHRONISATION() { 0x24 } // tuya DP type private getDP_TYPE_RAW() { '01' } // [ bytes ] private getDP_TYPE_BOOL() { '01' } // [ 0/1 ] private getDP_TYPE_VALUE() { '02' } // [ 4 byte value ] private getDP_TYPE_STRING() { '03' } // [ N byte string ] private getDP_TYPE_ENUM() { '04' } // [ 0-255 ] private getDP_TYPE_BITMAP() { '05' } // [ 1,2,4 bytes ] as bits // Parse incoming device messages to generate events def parse(String description) { checkDriverVersion() unschedule('deviceCommandTimeout') incRxCtr() setHealthStatusOnline() // was setPresent() //if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} parse() descMap = ${zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)}" if (description?.startsWith('catchall:') || description?.startsWith('read attr -')) { Map descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) if (descMap?.clusterInt == zigbee.BASIC_CLUSTER && descMap.attrInt == 0x01) { logDebug "Tuya check-in message (attribute ${descMap.attrId} reported: ${descMap.value})" def now = new Date().getTime() Map lastTxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastTx ) def timeRunning = now.toInteger() - (lastTxMap.pingTime ?: '0').toInteger() if (timeRunning < MAX_PING_MILISECONDS) { sendRttEvent() } } else if (descMap?.clusterInt == CLUSTER_TUYA && descMap?.command == '24') { //getSETTIME logDebug "time synchronization request from device, descMap = ${descMap}" syncTuyaDateTime() } else if (descMap?.clusterInt == CLUSTER_TUYA && descMap?.command == '0B') { // ZCL Command Default Response String clusterCmd = descMap?.data[0] def status = descMap?.data[1] if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x${clusterCmd} response 0x${status} data = ${descMap?.data}" } setLastRx( NOT_SET, NOT_SET) // -1 if (status != '00') { if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} ATTENTION! manufacturer = ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} group = ${getModelGroup()} unsupported Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x${clusterCmd} response 0x${status} data = ${descMap?.data} !!!" } } } else if ((descMap?.clusterInt == CLUSTER_TUYA) && (descMap?.command == '01' || descMap?.command == '02')) { def transid = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[1]) // "transid" is just a "counter", a response will have the same transid as the command def dp = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[2]) // "dp" field describes the action/message of a command frame def dp_id = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[3]) // "dp_identifier" is device dependant def fncmd = getTuyaAttributeValue(descMap?.data) // if (isDuplicated( dp, fncmd )) { if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "(duplicate) transid=${transid} dp_id=${dp_id} dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd} command=${descMap?.command} data = ${descMap?.data}" } //if ( state.duplicateCounter != null ) state.duplicateCounter = state.duplicateCounter +1 incDupeCtr() return } else { if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} dp_id=${dp_id} dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" } setLastRx( dp, fncmd) } // the switch cases below default to dp_id = "01" switch (dp) { case 0x01 : // (01) switch state : On / Off switch (getModelGroup()) { case 'AVATTO' : // all wall thermostats: AVATTO switch (boolean) // ; BEOK x5hState; MOES/BEOK case 'MOES' : case 'BEOK' : def switchState = (fncmd == 0) ? 'off' : state.lastThermostatMode sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: switchState) if (switchState == 'off') { logInfo 'switchState reported is: OFF' sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: 'idle') } else { if (settings?.logEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } switchState reported is: ON, restoring last lastThermostatMode ${state.lastThermostatMode} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: state.lastThermostatOperatingState) } if (switchState == getLastMode()) { logDebug "last sent mode ${getLastMode()} is confirmed from the device (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" } else { logWarn "last sent mode ${getLastMode()} DIFFERS from the mode received from the device ${switchState} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" } break case 'BRT-100' : // 0x0401 # Mode (Received value 0:Manual / 1:Holiday / 2:Temporary Manual Mode / 3:Prog) case 'TRV07' : // logDebug "${device.displayName} mode is ${fncmd} (dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd})" def thermostatModes = ['auto', 'heat', 'off', 'on'] // the themostatMode attribute value must be "heat" instead of "heating" def thermostatMode = thermostatModes[fncmd] sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: thermostatMode) break case 'TEST3' : processBRT100Presets( dp, fncmd ) break case 'HY367' : // dp1 not used case 'HY369' : // dp1 not used default : if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName } Thermostat model group ${getModelGroup()} is not processed! (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} break } break case 0x02 : // thermostatMode (AVATTO,BEOK, LIDL) switch (getModelGroup()) { case 'AVATTO' : // AVATTO : mode (enum) 'manual', 'program'; case 'BEOK' : // BEOK: x5hMode logDebug "AVATTO/BEOK current thermostatMode was ${device.currentState('thermostatMode').value}" /* was commented out 1/27/2022 - breaks switching off from HE dashboard! */ if (device.currentState('thermostatMode').value == 'off') { logWarn 'ignoring 0x02 command in off mode' sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: 'idle') break // ignore 0x02 command if thermostat was switched off !! } else { // previous thermosatMode was heat or auto /**/ logDebug "previous thermosatMode was ${device.currentState('thermostatMode').value}..." def thermostatMode = fncmd == 0 ? 'heat' : 'auto' // inverted! if (thermostatMode == 'auto') { if (settings?.forceManual == true) { logDebug "'Force Manual Mode' preference option is enabled, switching back to heat mode!" setManualMode() } } if (settings?.logEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} Thermostat mode reported is: ${thermostatMode} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" } else if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} Thermostat mode reported is: ${thermostatMode}" } sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: thermostatMode) state.lastThermostatMode = thermostatMode } break case 'MOES' : // MOES thermostatMode: 0-manual; 1:auto; 2:auto w/ temporary changed setpoint def mode if (fncmd != 0) { mode = 'auto' // scheduled if (settings?.forceManual == true) { if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} 'Force Manual Mode' preference option is enabled, switching back to heat mode!" } setManualMode() } } else { mode = 'heat' // manual } logDebug "BEOK/MOES (dp=2) thermostatMode = ${mode}" if (settings?.logEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } BEOK/MOES (dp=2) thermostatMode reported is: $mode (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} else if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } BEOK/MOES (dp=2) thermostatMode reported is: ${mode}"} sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: mode) state.lastThermostatMode = mode break // no more processing for BEOK! case 'BRT-100' : // BRT-100 Thermostat heatsetpoint # 0x0202 # case 'HY367' : // process incoming setPoint change processTuyaHeatSetpointReport (fncmd) break case 'HY369' : case 'TRV07' : // TODO - check TRV07 "Target temperature" !!!!!!!!!!! case 'TEST3' : processTuyaHeatSetpointReport( fncmd ) // target temp, in degrees (int!) break default : if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName } Thermostat model group ${getModelGroup()} is not processed! (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} break } break case 0x03 : // BEOK x5hWorkingStatus (thermostatOperatingState) ! logDebug "processing command dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd} (lastThermostatMode=${state.lastThermostatMode})" // TODO: See which models this is actually there for, and move it to said model only switch (getModelGroup()) { case 'AVATTO' : case 'BEOK' : def thermostatOperatingState = (fncmd == 1) ? 'heating' : 'idle' sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent(thermostatOperatingState) // "thermostatOperatingState" if (settings?.logEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } Thermostat working status (thermostatOperatingState) reported is: ${thermostatOperatingState} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} else if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } Thermostat working status (thermostatOperatingState) reported is: ${thermostatOperatingState}"} break case 'MOES' : if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName } IGNORING dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd} command for BSEED/MOES while in ${device.currentValue('thermostatMode', true)} thermostatMode!"} break // shouldn't come here ... TODO! case 'BRT-100' : case 'TEST3' : // Thermostat current temperature case 'TRV07' : // added 11/14/2023 case 'HY367' : // Thermostat Current temperature logDebug "processTuyaTemperatureReport descMap?.size() = ${descMap?.data.size()} dp_id=${dp_id} dp=${dp} :" processTuyaTemperatureReport( fncmd ) break case 'HY369' : // TODO !! // # [0] away [1] scheduled [2] manual [3] comfort [4] eco [5] boost [6] complex logDebug "HY369 mode (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd}) not processed!" break default : if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName } Thermostat model group ${getModelGroup()} is not processed! (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} break } break case 0x04 : switch (getModelGroup()) { case 'BRT-100' : // BRT-100 Boost DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_BOOST DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_BOOST 0x04 // Boost for Moes processTuyaBoostModeReport( fncmd ) break case 'HY367' : // Thermostat Mode def thermostatModes = ['holiday', 'auto', 'heat', 'comfort', 'eco', 'emergency heat', 'temp_auto', 'valve'] // using "heat" and "emergency heat" for consistency, 01 is defined as manual in documentation 05 is defined as Boost in documentation def thermostatMode = thermostatModes[fncmd] logDebug "${device.displayName} mode is ${thermostatMode} (dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd})" sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: thermostatMode) break default : if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName } Thermostat model group ${getModelGroup()} is not processed! (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} break } // TODO 'HY369' | 0x04 | | Mode 0x01 Auto ,0x02 Off | | break case 0x05 : // BRT-100 ? if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} configuration is done. Result: 0x${fncmd}" break case 0x06 : // thermostatOperatingState switch (getModelGroup()) { case 'TRV07' : if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } thermostatOperatingState is: ${fncmd==1 ? 'heating' : 'idle'}"} else if (settings?.logEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } thermostatOperatingState is: ${fncmd==1 ? 'heating' : 'idle'} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent(fncmd == 1 ? 'heating' : 'idle') break default : if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } thermostatOperatingState is: ${fncmd==0 ? 'heating' : 'idle'}"} else if (settings?.logEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } thermostatOperatingState is: ${fncmd==0 ? 'heating' : 'idle'} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent(fncmd == 0 ? 'heating' : 'idle') break } break case 0x07 : // others Childlock status DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_CHILDLOCK_1 0x07 // 0x0407 > starting moving // sound for X5H thermostat if (isBEOK()) { logInfo "sound is: ${fncmd==0?'off':'on'}" device.updateSetting( 'sound', [value : (fncmd == 0 ? false : true), type : 'bool'] ) } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367', 'HY369']) { // Child Lock status logInfo "HY367/HY369 Child Lock (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" // [0] unlocked [1] locked sendEvent(name: 'childLock', value: (fncmd == 0) ? 'off' : 'on' ) break } else if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { // Open Window function logInfo "TRV07 Window Open status dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" // sendEvent(name: 'windowOpen', value: fncmd == 0 ? 'false' : 'true') } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} valve starts moving: 0x${fncmd}" // BRT-100 00-> opening; 01-> closed! if (fncmd == 00) { sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent('heating') } else { // fncmd == 01 sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent('idle') } } break case 0x08 : // DP_IDENTIFIER_WINDOW_OPEN2 0x08 // BRT-100 TRV07 logInfo "Window Open Detection MODE (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd==0 ? 'off' : 'on'}" //0:function disabled / 1:function enabled sendEvent(name: 'windowOpenDetection', value: fncmd == 0 ? 'off' : 'on') break case 0x09 : // BRT-100 unknown function logInfo "BRT-100 unknown function (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" break case 0x0A : // (10) BEOK - x5hFrostProtection logInfo "frost protection is: ${fncmd==0?'off':'on'} (0x${fncmd})" device.updateSetting( 'frostProtection', [value:(fncmd == 0) ? false : true, type:'bool'] ) break; case 0x0C : // (12) logInfo "TRV07 Child lock dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" // TRV07 sendEvent(name: 'childLock', value: (fncmd == 0) ? 'off' : 'on' ) break case 0x0D : // (13) if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { if (fncmd <= 200) { logInfo "TRV07 battery dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" // ? fncmd=3281408 ? def battery = fncmd > 100 ? 100 : fncmd if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} battery is: ${fncmd} % (dp=${dp})" getBatteryPercentageResult(battery * 2) } else { logInfo "TRV07 bad value for a battery report dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" // ? fncmd=3281408 ? } } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367']) { logInfo "TRV07 Fault alarm dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" } else { // BRT-100 Childlock status DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_CHILDLOCK_4 0x0D MOES, LIDL, TRV07 logInfo "Child Lock (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" // 0:function disabled / 1:function enabled sendEvent(name: 'childLock', value: (fncmd == 0) ? 'off' : 'on' ) } break case 0x0E : // (14) BRT-100 Battery # 0x020e # battery percentage (updated every 4 hours ) if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Fault alarm dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" // TODO !!! ? fncmd=3281408 or 0 ? } else { def battery = fncmd > 100 ? 100 : fncmd if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} battery is: ${fncmd} % (dp=${dp})" getBatteryPercentageResult(fncmd * 2) } break case 0x0F : // (15) if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Minimum limit temperature is: ${fncmd/10} (raw ${fncmd})" / 5.0 TODO - update preference } else { logInfo "unknown dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" } case 0x10 : // (16): Heating setpoint AVATTO; x5hSetTemp BEOK; // TODO isTRV07() - maybe heatingSetpoint ??? if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Maximum limit temperature is: ${fncmd/10} (raw ${fncmd})" / 30.0 TODO - update preference } else { processTuyaHeatSetpointReport( fncmd ) } break case 0x11 : // (17) AVATTO, TRV07 if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logDebug "TRV07 Heating schedule dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" // ? fncmd=3281408 ? } else { logInfo "AVATTO Set temperature F is: ${fncmd}" } break case 0x12 : // (18) Max Temp Limit MOES, LIDL // TODO 'HY369' - windowdetection if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Set temperature upper limit F is: ${fncmd}" } else if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logDebug "TRV07 Week program Tuesday dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" // ? fncmd=3281408 ? } else { // KK TODO - also Window open status (false:true) for TRVs ? DP_IDENTIFIER_WINDOW_OPEN if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Max Temp Limit is: ${fncmd}" } break case 0x13 : // (19) Max Temp LIMIT AVATTO MOES, LIDL if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { device.updateSetting('maxTemp', [value: fncmd as int , type:'number']) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} AVATTO Max Temp Limit is: ${fncmd} C (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" } else if (isBEOK()) { device.updateSetting('maxTemp', [value: fncmd as int , type:'number']) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} BEOK Max Temp Limit is: ${fncmd} C (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" } else if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logDebug "TRV07 Week program Wednesday dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" } else { // TODO - MOES !! logInfo "${getModelGroup()} Max Temp Limit is: ${fncmd} C (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" } break case 0x14 : // (20) Dead Zone Temp (hysteresis) MOES, LIDL if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} lower limit F is: ${fncmd}" // TODO - clarify! } else if (getModelGroup() == 'HY369') { logInfo "HY369 valvestate (VALVE_DETECT_ATTR) is: ${fncmd}" // [0] do not report [1] report } else if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logDebug "TRV07 Week program Thursday dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" } else { // KK TODO - also Valve state report : on=1 / off=0 ? DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_VALVE 0x14 // Valve if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Dead Zone Temp (hysteresis) is: ${fncmd}" // TODO - clarify! } break case 0x15 : // (21) 'HY369' battery if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logDebug "TRV07 Week program Friday dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" } else { def battery = fncmd > 100 ? 100 : fncmd if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} battery is: ${fncmd} % (dp=${dp})" getBatteryPercentageResult(fncmd * 2) } break case 0x16 : // (22) if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logDebug "TRV07 Week program Saturday dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" } else { logInfo "unknown dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" } break case 0x17 : // (23) temperature scale for AVATTO if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logDebug "TRV07 Week program Sunday dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd}" } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} temperature scale is: ${fncmd==0?'C':'F'} (${fncmd})" } break case 0x18 : // (24) : Current (local) temperature; x5hCurrentTemp BEOK TRV07 logDebug "processTuyaTemperatureReport dp_id=${dp_id} dp=${dp} :" processTuyaTemperatureReport( fncmd ) break case 0x1A : // (26) AVATTO setpoint lower limit if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { device.updateSetting('minTemp', [value: fncmd , type:'number']) } if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Min temperature limit is: ${fncmd} C (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" break case 0x1B : // (27) temperature calibration/correction (offset in degrees) for AVATTO, Moes and Saswell; x5hTempCorrection BEOK TRV07? processTuyaCalibration( dp, fncmd ) break case 0x1D : // (29) AVATTO if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} current temperature F is: ${fncmd}" break case 0x1E : // (30) x5hWeeklyProcedure BEOK if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} weekly procedure is: ${fncmd}" break case 0x1F : // (31) x5hWorkingDaySetting BEOK TRV07? if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} working day setting is: ${fncmd}" break case 0x23 : // (35) LIDL BatteryVoltage if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} BatteryVoltage is: ${fncmd}" break case 0x24 : // (36) : current (running) operating state (valve) AVATTO (enum) 'open','close' also MOES if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } thermostatOperatingState is: ${fncmd==0 ? 'heating' : 'idle'}"} else if (settings?.logEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } thermostatOperatingState is: ${fncmd==0 ? 'heating' : 'idle'} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})"} sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent(fncmd == 0 ? 'heating' : 'idle') break case 0x27 : // (39) AVATTO - RESET; x5hFactoryReset BEOK if (fncmd == 0) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} thermostat reset state is (${fncmd})" } else { log.warn "${device.displayName} thermostat reset state is (${fncmd}) !!!" } break case 0x1E : // (30) DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_CHILDLOCK_3 0x1E // For Moes device case 0x28 : // (40) Child Lock DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_CHILDLOCK_2 0x28 ( AVATTO (boolean) ); x5hChildLock BEOK (TODO - check if boolean or enum for BEOK?) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Child Lock is: ${fncmd} (dp=${dp})" sendEvent(name: 'childLock', value: (fncmd == 0) ? 'off' : 'on' ) break case 0x2B : // (43) AVATTO Sensor 0-In 1-Out 2-Both; x5hSensorSelection BEOK logInfo "Sensor is: ${sensorOptions[fncmd.toString()]} (${fncmd})" // TODO - make it a preference parameter ! sendEvent(name: 'sensorSelection', value: sensorOptions[fncmd.toString()]) break case 0x2C : // (44) // temperature calibration (offset in degree) //DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_CALIBRATION_2 0x2C // Calibration offset used by others processTuyaCalibration( dp, fncmd ) // including 'HY367' and 'HY369'- temperature calibration (decidegree) break case 0x2D : // (45) LIDL and AVATTO ErrorStatus (bitmap) e1, e2, e3 // er1: Built-in sensor disconnected or fault with it; Er1: Built-in sensor disconnected or fault with it.; x5hFaultAlarm BEOK if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} fault alarm error code is: ${fncmd}" break // case 0x62 : // (98) DP_IDENTIFIER_REPORTING_TIME 0x62 (Sensors) case 0x65 : // (101) AVATTO PID ; also LIDL ComfortTemp; x5hTempDiff BEOK if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Thermostat PID regulation point is: ${fncmd}" // Model#1 only !! } else if (isBEOK() || isTRV07()) { // TODO - check TRV07 - Room sensor calibration !!!!!!!!!!! double floatDif = (fncmd as double) / 10.0 device.updateSetting('hysteresis', [value:floatDif, type:'decimal']) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} (0x65) temperature difference (hysteresis) is: ${floatDif} C (${fncmd})" } else { if (settings?.logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Thermostat SCHEDULE_1 (0x65) data received (not processed)... ${fncmd}" } break case 0x66 : // (102) min temperature limit; also LIDL EcoTemp; x5hProtectionTempLimit BEOK (default 35) if (isBEOK()) { // aka 'temperature ceiling'; aka protection temperature limit if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} BEOK 'temperature ceiling' is: ${fncmd} C (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" device.updateSetting('tempCeiling', [value: fncmd as int , type:'number']) // whole number } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367','HY369']) { // Minimum allowed heating setpoint logInfo "HY367/HY369 Min temperature limit (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd} (raw=${fncmd})" device.updateSetting('minTemp', [value: (fncmd) as int , type:'number']) sendEvent(name: 'minHeatingSetpoint', value: fncmd) } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Min temperature limit (UNPROCESSED) is: ${fncmd}" // TODO - set minTemp for AVATTO and MOES ??? } break case 0x67 : // (103) max temperature limit; also LIDL AwaySetting; x5hOutputReverse BEOK if (getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100']) { // #0x0267 # Boost heating countdown in second (Received value [0, 0, 1, 44] for 300) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Boost heating countdown: ${fncmd} seconds" } else if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { // Antifreeze mode ? if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Antifreeze mode is ${fncmd==0?'off':'on'} (${fncmd})" } else if (isBEOK()) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} output reverse is ${fncmd==0?'off':'on'} (${fncmd})" } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367','HY369']) { // Maximum allowed heating setpoint logInfo "HY367/HY369 Max temperature limit (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd} (raw=${fncmd})" device.updateSetting('maxTemp', [value: (fncmd) as int , type:'number']) sendEvent(name: 'maxHeatingSetpoint', value: fncmd) } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} unknown parameter is: ${fncmd} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd}, data=${descMap?.data})" } // KK TODO - could be setpoint for some devices ? // DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_HEATSETPOINT_2 0x67 // Heatsetpoint for Moe ? break case 0x68 : // (104) DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_VALVE_2 0x68 // Valve; also LIDL TempCalibration!; x5hBackplaneBrightness BEOK if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { def value = safeToInt(fncmd) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} AVATTO Program Mode (104) received is: ${programModeOptions[fncmd.toString()]} (${fncmd})" // AVATTO programm mode 0:0ff 1:Mon-Fri 2:Mon-Sat 3:Mon-Sun device.updateSetting( 'programMode', [value:value.toString(), type:'enum'] ) } else if (isBEOK()) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} backplane brightness is ${brightnessOptions[fncmd.toString()]} (${fncmd})" device.updateSetting( 'brightness', [value: fncmd.toString(), type:'enum'] ) Map lastRxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastRx ) lastRxMap.setBrightness = brightnessOptions[fncmd.toString()] state.lastRx = mapToJsonString( lastRxMap) sendEvent(name: 'brightness', value: brightnessOptions[fncmd.toString()]) } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY367','HY369']) { logInfo "HY367/HY369 MOES_WINDOW_DETECT_ATTR (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" // [0,35,5] on/off, temperature, operating time (min) } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Valve position is: ${fncmd}% (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" // # 0x0268 # TODO - send event! (works OK with BRT-100 (values of 25 / 50 / 75 / 100) } break case 0x69 : // (105) BRT-100 temp calibration // could be also Heatsetpoint for TRV_MOE mode auto ? also LIDL if (getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100']) { processTuyaCalibration( dp, fncmd ) } else if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} AVATTO unknown parameter (105) is: ${fncmd}" // TODO: check AVATTO usage } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY367','HY369']) { logInfo "HY367/HY369 BOOST mode operating time (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd} seconds" } else { log.warn "${device.displayName} (DP=0x69) ?TRV_MOES auto mode Heatsetpoint? value is: ${fncmd}" } break case 0x6A : // (106) DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_MODE_1 0x6A // mode used with DP_TYPE_ENUM Energy saving mode (Received value 0:off / 1:on) if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Dead Zone temp (hysteresis) is: ${fncmd}C (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" device.updateSetting('hysteresis', [value:fncmd, type:'decimal']) } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY367','HY369']) { logInfo "HY367/HY369 MOES_FORCE_VALVE_ATTR (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" // [0] normal [1] open [2] close } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Energy saving mode? (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd} data = ${descMap?.data})" // 0:function disabled / 1:function enabled } break case 0x6B : // (107) DP_IDENTIFIER_TEMPERATURE 0x6B (Sensors) // BRT-100 ! if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} AVATTO unknown parameter (105) is: ${fncmd}" // TODO: check AVATTO usage } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY367','HY369']) { logInfo "HY367/HY369 comfort mode temperaure (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd/10.0} (raw:${fncmd})" / (decidegree) } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} (DP=0x6B) Energy saving mode temperature value is: ${fncmd}" // for BRT-100 # 0x026b # Energy saving mode temperature ( Received value [0, 0, 0, 15] ) } break case 0x6C : // (108) if (getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100']) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} (DP=0x6C) Max target temp is: ${fncmd}" // BRT-100 ( Received value [0, 0, 0, 35] ) device.updateSetting('maxTemp', [value: fncmd , type:'number']) } else if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { logInfo "AVATTO unknown parameter (108) is: ${fncmd}" // fncmd=0 TODO: check AVATTO usage } else if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Valve (108) is open: ${fncmd/10}%" sendEvent(name: 'valve', value: fncmd / 10) } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY367','HY369']) { logInfo "HY367/HY369 eco mode temperature (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd/10.0} (raw:${fncmd})" / (decidegree) } else { logInfo "(dp=108) unknown parameter value is: ${fncmd}" // DP_IDENTIFIER_HUMIDITY 0x6C (Sensors) } // KK Tuya cmd: dp=108 value=404095046 descMap.data = [00, 08, 6C, 00, 00, 18, 06, 00, 28, 08, 00, 1C, 0B, 1E, 32, 0C, 1E, 32, 11, 00, 18, 16, 00, 46, 08, 00, 50, 17, 00, 3C] break case 0x6D : // (109) if (getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100']) { // 0x026d # Min target temp (Received value [0, 0, 0, 5]) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} (DP=0x6D) Min target temp is: ${fncmd}" device.updateSetting('minTemp', [value: fncmd , type:'number']) } else if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { logInfo "AVATTO unknown parameter (109) is: ${fncmd}" // TODO: check AVATTO usage } else if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 model (109) is: ${fncmd}" } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367', 'HY369']) { // Valve % open report logInfo "HY367/HY369 valve opening percentage (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd} %" sendEvent(name: 'valve', value: fncmd, unit: '%') } else { // TODO 'HY369'- valveposition TODO - event! // Valve position in % (also // DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_SCHEDULE_4 0x6D // Not finished) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} (DP=0x6D) valve position is: ${fncmd} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" } // KK TODO if (valve > 3) => On ! break case 0x6E : // (110) Low battery DP_IDENTIFIER_BATTERY 0x6E // including 'HY369' lowbattery if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Motor thrust (110) is: ${fncmd}" } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367']) { // Low Battery warning def battery = fncmd < 1 ? 100 : fncmd // battery is 100% if no warning if (battery == 100) { // log battery as charged if the fncmd is 0 if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} battery is: charged (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" } else { // log the warning that battery is low logWarn "${device.displayName} battery is: LOW (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd})" } getBatteryPercentageResult(battery * 2) } else { logInfo "(Low) Battery warning (DP= 0x6E) is: ${fncmd}" // or battery status? 'HY367','HY369', // TODO - send battery event 111 } break case 0x6F : // (111) if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Display brightness (111) is: ${fncmd}" // TODO: map to the preference } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY367']) { logInfo "HY367 AutoMode Type (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" } else { logInfo "HY369 Week format (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" // [0] 5 days [1] 6 days, [2] 7 days } break case 0x70 : // (112) if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Software version (112) is: ${fncmd}" // fncmd=1001 TODO: map to tuyaVersion } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY369']) { logInfo "HY369 thermostat schedule workdays (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" // DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_SCHEDULE_2 0x70 // work days (6) } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY367']) { logInfo "HY367 Workday Set (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} reporting status state : ${descMap?.data}" } break case 0x71 : // (113) if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Screen orientation (113) is: ${fncmd}" } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY369']) { logInfo "HY369 thermostat schedule weekend (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" // DP_IDENTIFIER_THERMOSTAT_SCHEDULE_3 0x71 // holiday = Not working day (6) } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY367']) { logInfo "HY367 Restday Set (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} reporting status state : ${descMap?.data}" } break case 0x72 : // (114) if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 System mode (114) is: ${fncmd}" // TODO: check TRV07 usage as 'Sstem mode' } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367']) { // HY367 Holiday Mode Setpoint Temperature logInfo "HY367/HY369 away mode (holiday) temperature (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd} (raw=${fncmd})" device.updateSetting('holidayModeSetpoint', [value: (fncmd) as int , type:'number']) sendEvent(name: 'holidayModeSetpoint', value: fncmd, unit: "°C") } break case 0x73 : // (115) if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Switch deviation (energy-saving mode only) (115) is: ${fncmd}" } else if (getModelGroup in ['HY367']) { logInfo "HY367 Window Open status (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd==0 ? 'false' : 'true'} (${fncmd})" sendEvent(name: 'windowOpen', value: fncmd == 0 ? 'false' : 'true') } else { logInfo "unknown parameter (115) is: ${fncmd}" } break case 0x74 : // (116) // LIDL OpenwindowTemp if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { logInfo "TRV07 Motor Data (116) is: ${fncmd}" } else { logInfo "HY367/HY369 auto lock/ keylock (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" // [0] auto [1] manual } break case 0x75 : // (117) if (getModelGroup in ['HY367']) { logInfo "HY367 Holiday Days (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" } else { logInfo "HY369 away mode duration (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd} days" } break case 0x76 : // (118) if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367']) { // Not quite sure what this does, as it does not appear to change when valve opens (handled by dp 109) logInfo "HY367 Valve openning (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" } else { logInfo "unknown parameter (dp=${dp}) is: ${fncmd}" } break default : if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" break } // (dp) switch } else if (descMap?.cluster == '0000') { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} basic cluster report : descMap = ${descMap}" } else { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn 'not parsed : ' + descMap } } // if catchAll || readAttr } def syncTuyaDateTime() { // The data format for time synchronization, including standard timestamps and local timestamps. Standard timestamp (4 bytes) local timestamp (4 bytes) Time synchronization data format: The standard timestamp is the total number of seconds from 00:00:00 on January 01, 1970 GMT to the present. // For example, local timestamp = standard timestamp + number of seconds between standard time and local time (including time zone and daylight saving time). // Y2K = 946684800 def offset = 0 def offsetHours = 0 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); //it return same time as new Date() def hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) try { offset = location.getTimeZone().getOffset(new Date().getTime()) offsetHours = (offset / 3600000) as int logDebug "timezone offset of current location is ${offset} (${offsetHours} hours), current hour is ${hour} h" } catch(e) { log.error "${device.displayName} cannot resolve current location. please set location in Hubitat location setting. Setting timezone offset to zero" } // def cmds if (isBEOK()) { // do NOT synchronize the clock between 00:00 and 09:00 local time !! if (hour >= 8) { cmds = zigbee.command(CLUSTER_TUYA, SETTIME, '0008' + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)((now() - 3600000L * (8 - offsetHours)) / 1000),8) + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)((now() + 3600000L * 8) / 1000), 8)) // works OK between 8 and 24 h } else { logDebug "skipped time synchronization (current hour is ${hour} h)" return } } else { cmds = zigbee.command(CLUSTER_TUYA, SETTIME, '0008' + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)(now() / 1000),8) + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)((now() + offset) / 1000), 8)) } logDebug "sending time data : ${cmds}" cmds.each { sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(it, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) } incTxCtr() setLastRx( NOT_SET, NOT_SET) // -1 } def processTuyaHeatSetpointReport( fncmd ) { double setpointValue def model = getModelGroup() if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO', 'MOES', 'BRT-100' ]) { setpointValue = fncmd as int } else if (getModelGroup() in ['BEOK', 'HY367', 'HY369', 'TRV07','TEST3']) { // added HYS369 10/29/2023 - current room temp (decidegree) setpointValue = fncmd / 10.0 } else { setpointValue = fncmd } setpointValue = setpointValue.round(1) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} heatingSetpoint is: ${setpointValue}" + "\u00B0" + 'C' sendEvent(name: 'heatingSetpoint', value: setpointValue, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C') sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpoint', value: setpointValue, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C') // Google Home compatibility // Map lastRxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastRx ) lastRxMap.setPoint = setpointValue state.lastRx = mapToJsonString( lastRxMap) // state.lastRx } def processTuyaTemperatureReport( fncmd ) { double currentTemperatureValue def model = getModelGroup() switch (model) { case 'AVATTO' : currentTemperatureValue = fncmd break case 'MOES' : case 'BEOK' : // confirmed to be OK! currentTemperatureValue = fncmd / 10.0 break case 'BRT-100' : case 'HY367' : case 'HY369' : case 'TEST3' : case 'TRV07' : // added TRV07 11/14/2023 - current room temp (decidegree) currentTemperatureValue = fncmd / 10.0 break default : currentTemperatureValue = fncmd break } if (currentTemperatureValue > 50 || currentTemperatureValue < 1) { log.warn "${device.displayName} invalid temperature : ${currentTemperatureValue}" // auto correct patch! currentTemperatureValue = currentTemperatureValue / 10.0 log.warn 'auto correct patch for temperature!' } if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} temperature is: ${currentTemperatureValue}" + "\u00B0" + 'C' sendEvent(name: 'temperature', value: currentTemperatureValue, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C') } def processTuyaCalibration( dp, fncmd ) { def temp = fncmd double doubleCalib = temp if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO'] ) { // (dp=27, fncmd number) device.updateSetting('tempCalibration', [value: temp , type:'decimal']) //logDebug "AVATTO calibration" } else if (isBEOK()) { // (dp=27, fncmd decimal X.X) doubleCalib = safeToDouble(fncmd) / 10.0 device.updateSetting('tempCalibration', [value:doubleCalib, type:'decimal']) logDebug "BEOK calibration received is: ${doubleCalib}C (${fncmd})" } else if (getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100'] && dp == 105) { // 0x69 device.updateSetting('tempCalibration', [value: temp , type:'decimal']) logDebug "BRT-100 calibration is: ${temp}" } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367','HY369'] ) { // 0x2C device.updateSetting('tempCalibration', [value: temp / 10.0 , type:'decimal']) logDebug "HY367/HY369 (dp=0x2C) calibration is: ${temp/10.0}" } else { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} UNSUPPORTED temperature calibration for modelGroup=${getModelGroup()} : ${temp} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd}) " } /* else { // "_TZE200_aoclfnxz" logDebug "other calibration, getModelGroup() = ${getModelGroup()} dp=${dp} fncmd = ${fncmd}" if (temp > 2048) { temp = temp - 4096; } temp = temp / 100 // KK - check ! } */ if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} temperature calibration (correction) is: ${doubleCalib} (dp=${dp}, fncmd=${fncmd}) " } } def processBRT100Presets( dp, data ) { logDebug "processBRT100Presets fp-${dp} data=${data}" // 0x0401 # Mode (Received value 0:Manual / 1:Holiday / 2:Temporary Manual Mode / 3:Prog) // KK TODO - check why the difference for values 0 and 3 ? /* 0x0401 : 0 : Manual Mode 1 : Holiday Mode 2 : Temporary Manual Mode (will return to Schedule mode at the next schedule time) 3 : Schedule Programming Mode TRV sends those values when changing modes: 1 for Manual 0 for Schedule 2 for Temporary manual (in Schedule) 3 for Away Schedule -> [0] for attribute 0x0401 Manual -> [1] for attribute 0x0401 Temp Manual -> [2] for attribute 0x0401 Holiday -> [3] for attribute 0x0401 */ def mode def preset if (data == 0) { //programming (schedule ) mode = 'auto' preset = 'auto' } else if (data == 1) { //manual mode = 'heat' preset = 'manual' } else if (data == 2) { //temporary_manual mode = 'heat' preset = 'manual' } //temporary_manual else if (data == 3) { //holiday mode = 'off' // BRT-100 'holiday' preset is matched to 'off' mode! preset = 'holiday' } else { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} processBRT100Presets unknown: ${data}" return; } if (state.lastThermostatMode == 'emergency heat') { runIn(2, sendTuyaBoostModeOff) // also turn boost off! } sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: mode) // mode was confirmed from the Preset info data... state.lastThermostatMode = mode // TODO - change tehrmostatPreset depending on preset ? if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} BRT-100 Presets: mode = ${mode} preset = ${preset}" } def processTuyaModes3( dp, data ) { // dp = 0x0402 : // preset for moes or mode // dp = 0x0403 : // preset for moes if (getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100', 'HY367', 'HY369']) { // BRT-100 ? KK: TODO! def mode if (data == 0) { mode = 'auto' } //schedule else if (data == 1) { mode = 'heat' } //manual else if (data == 2) { mode = 'off' } //away else { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} processTuyaModes3: unknown mode: ${data}" return } if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} mode is: ${mode}" // TODO - - change thremostatMode depending on mode ? } else { // NOT TESTED !! def preset if (dp == 0x02) { // 0x0402 preset = 'auto' } else if (dp == 0x03) { // 0x0403 preset = 'program' } else { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} processTuyaMode3: unknown preset: dp=${dp} data=${data}" return } if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} preset is: ${preset}" // TODO - - change preset ? } } def processTuyaBoostModeReport( fncmd ) { def boostMode = fncmd == 0 ? 'off' : 'on' // 0:"off" : 1:"boost in progress" if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Boost mode is: $boostMode (0x${fncmd})" if (boostMode == 'on') { sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: 'emergency heat') state.lastThermostatMode = 'emergency heat' sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent('heating') } else { if (device.currentState('thermostatMode').value == 'emergency heat') { // restore the lastThermostatMode if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} restoring the lastThermostatMode: ${state.lastThermostatMode}" setThermostatMode(state.lastThermostatMode) } else { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "boost is already off - last thermostatMode was ${device.currentState('thermostatMode').value}" } } } private int getTuyaAttributeValue(ArrayList _data) { int retValue = 0 if (_data.size() >= 6) { int dataLength = _data[5] as Integer int power = 1; for (i in dataLength..1) { retValue = retValue + power * zigbee.convertHexToInt(_data[i + 5]) power = power * 256 } } return retValue } def sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent( st ) { sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: st) state.lastThermostatOperatingState = st } def guessThermostatOperatingState() { try { double dTemp = Double.parseDouble(device.currentState('temperature').value) double dSet = Double.parseDouble(device.currentState('heatingSetpoint').value) if (dTemp >= dSet) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.debug 'guessing operating state is IDLE' return 'idle' } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.debug 'guessing operating state is HEAT' return 'heat' } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return 'unknown' } } def sendTuyaBoostModeOff() { ArrayList cmds = [] if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} turning Boost mode off" sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent( guessThermostatOperatingState() ) //sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: guessThermostatOperatingState()) cmds = sendTuyaCommand('04', DP_TYPE_BOOL, '00') sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } // called from setThermostatMode( mode ) only // TODO - refactor (switch by model) ! def sendTuyaThermostatMode( mode ) { ArrayList cmds = [] def dp = '' def fn = '' def model = getModelGroup() switch (mode) { case 'off' : // if (model in ['AVATTO', 'MOES', 'BEOK']) { dp = '01' fn = '00' } else if (model in ['BRT-100']) { // BRT-100: off mode is also reffered as 'holiday' or 'away' dp = '01' fn = '03' if (state.lastThermostatMode == 'emergency heat') { runIn(2, sendTuyaBoostModeOff) // also turn boost off after 2 seconds! } return sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_ENUM, fn) // BRT-100 DP=1 needs DP_TYPE_ENUM! } else if (model in ['TRV07']) { dp = '01' fn = '02' } else if (model in ['HY367']) { // set to holiday, there is no off dp = '04' fn = '00' } else { // all other models dp = '01' fn = '00' // changed 10/23/2022 defauilt to DP1 FN=0 } break case 'heat' : // manual mode if (model in ['AVATTO', 'MOES', 'BEOK']) { // TODO - this command only does not switch off Scheduled (auto) mode ! if (device.currentState('thermostatMode').value == 'off') { cmds += switchThermostatOn() } dp = '02' // was "01" fn = '00' // was "01" } else if (model in ['BRT-100']) { dp = '01' fn = '01' return sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_ENUM, fn) // BRT-100 DP=1 needs DP_TYPE_ENUM! } else if (model in ['TRV07']) { dp = '01' fn = '01' } else if (model in ['HY367']) { dp = '04' fn = '02' } else { // all other models // not tested! dp = '02' fn = '00' // changed 10/23/2022 defauilt to DP2 FN=0 } break case 'auto' : // scheduled mode logDebug 'sending AUTO mode!' if (model in ['AVATTO', 'MOES', 'BEOK']) { // TODO - does not switch off manual mode ? if (device.currentState('thermostatMode').value == 'off') { cmds += switchThermostatOn() } dp = '02' fn = '01' } else if (model in ['BRT-100']) { dp = '01' fn = '00' return sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_ENUM, fn) // BRT-100 DP=1 needs DP_TYPE_ENUM! } else if (model in ['TRV07']) { dp = '01' fn = '00' } else if (model in ['HY367']) { dp = '04' fn = '01' } else { // all other models // not tested! dp = '02' fn = '01' // changed 10/23/2022 defauilt to DP2 FN=1 } break case 'emergency heat' : if (model in ['BRT-100']) { // BRT-100 //state.mode = "emergency heat" dp = '04' fn = '01' } else if (model in ['HY367']) { // Called BOOST in documentation dp = '04' fn = '05' } else { // all other models do not support "emergency heat" ! if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} 'emergency heat' mode is not supported by this device" } return null } break case 'cool' : if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} 'cool' mode is not supported by this device" } return null case 'on' : if (model in ['TRV07']) { dp = '01' fn = '03' } else { // all other models do not support "on" ! Is this actually true??? if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} 'on' mode is not supported by this device" } return null } break case 'holiday': if (model in ['HY367']) { dp = '04' fn = '00' } else { // all other models do not support "on" ! Is this actually true??? if (settings?.txtEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} 'holiday' mode is not supported by this device" return null } break case 'comfort': if (model in ['HY367']) { dp = '04' fn = '03' } else { // all other models do not support "on" ! Is this actually true??? if (settings?.txtEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} 'comfort' mode is not supported by this device" return null } break case 'eco': if (model in ['HY367']) { dp = '04' fn = '04' } else { // all other models do not support "on" ! Is this actually true??? if (settings?.txtEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} 'eco' mode is not supported by this device" return null } break case 'temp_auto': if (model in ['HY367']) { dp = '04' fn = '06' } else { // all other models do not support "on" ! Is this actually true??? if (settings?.txtEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} 'temp_auto' mode is not supported by this device" return null } break case 'valve': if (model in ['HY367']) { dp = '04' fn = '07' } else { // all other models do not support "on" ! Is this actually true??? if (settings?.txtEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} 'valve' mode is not supported by this device" return null } break default : log.warn "Unsupported mode ${mode}" return null } //wakeUpTuya() cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, mode == 'off' ? DP_TYPE_BOOL : DP_TYPE_ENUM, fn) sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } // called from heat() off() auto() ... // sends TuyaCommand and checks after 4 seconds def setThermostatMode( mode ) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} sending setThermostatMode(${mode})" setLastTx( mode = mode, isModeSetReq = true) //state.mode = mode runIn(4, modeReceiveCheck) sendTuyaThermostatMode( mode ) } def sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint( temperature ) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(${temperature})" def settemp = temperature as int def dp = '10' def model = getModelGroup() switch (model) { case 'AVATTO' : // AVATTO - only integer setPoints! dp = '10' settemp = temperature break case 'MOES' : // MOES - 0.5 precision? ( and double the setpoint value ? ) TODO !!! dp = '10' settemp = temperature // KK check! break case 'BEOK' : // dp = '10' settemp = temperature * 10 break case 'BRT-100' : // BRT-100 dp = '02' settemp = temperature break case 'TRV07' : // added 11/14/2023 dp = '02' settemp = temperature * 10 break case 'HY367' : dp = '02' settemp = temperature * 10 break case 'HY369' : dp = '02' settemp = temperature * 10 // 10/29/2023 break case 'TEST3' : //dp = "02" settemp = temperature break default : settemp = temperature break } if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} changing setpoint to ${settemp}" // Map lastTxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastTx ) lastTxMap.isSetPointReq = true lastTxMap.setPoint = temperature // BEOK - float value! state.lastTx = mapToJsonString( lastTxMap ) // save everything back to state.lastTx // runIn(3, setpointReceiveCheck) sendZigbeeCommands( sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(settemp as int, 8)) ) } def setThermostatSetpoint( temperature ) { setHeatingSetpoint( temperature ) } // ThermostatHeatingSetpoint command // sends TuyaCommand and checks after 4 seconds // 1°C steps. (0.5°C setting on the TRV itself, rounded for zigbee interface) def setHeatingSetpoint( temperature ) { def previousSetpoint = device.currentState('heatingSetpoint', true).value /*as int*/ double tempDouble logDebug "setHeatingSetpoint temperature = ${temperature} as int = ${temperature as int} (previousSetpointt = ${previousSetpoint})" if (settings?.maxTemp == null || settings?.minTemp == null ) { device.updateSetting('minTemp', [value: 5 , type:'number']); device.updateSetting('maxTemp', [value: 35 , type:'number']) } // default is 10, so we should set 10 for consistency if (isBEOK() || isTRV07() || isHY367()) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "0.5 C correction of the heating setpoint${temperature} for BEOK" tempDouble = safeToDouble(temperature) tempDouble = Math.round(tempDouble * 2) / 2.0 } else { if (temperature != (temperature as int)) { if ((temperature as double) > (previousSetpoint as double)) { temperature = (temperature + 0.5 ) as int } else { temperature = temperature as int } logDebug "corrected heating setpoint${temperature}" } tempDouble = temperature } if (tempDouble > settings?.maxTemp.value ) tempDouble = settings?.maxTemp.value if (tempDouble < settings?.minTemp.value ) tempDouble = settings?.minTemp.value tempDouble = tempDouble.round(1) sendEvent(name: 'heatingSetpoint', value: tempDouble, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C') sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpoint', value: tempDouble, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C') updateDataValue('lastRunningMode', 'heat') state.heatingSetPointRetry = 0 sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint( tempDouble ) } def setCoolingSetpoint(temperature) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setCoolingSetpoint(${temperature}) called!" if (temperature != (temperature as int)) { temperature = (temperature + 0.5 ) as int logDebug "corrected temperature: ${temperature}" } sendEvent(name: 'coolingSetpoint', value: temperature, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C') } def heat() { setThermostatMode('heat') } def off() { setThermostatMode('off') } def on() { heat() } def setThermostatFanMode(fanMode) { sendEvent(name: 'thermostatFanMode', value: "${fanMode}", descriptionText: getDescriptionText("thermostatFanMode is ${fanMode}")) } def auto() { setThermostatMode('auto') } def emergencyHeat() { setThermostatMode('emergency heat') } def cool() { setThermostatMode('cool') } def fanAuto() { setThermostatFanMode('auto') } def fanCirculate() { setThermostatFanMode('circulate') } def fanOn() { setThermostatFanMode('on') } def setSchedule(schedule) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName } setSchedule (${schedule}) called!"} def setManualMode() { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setManualMode()" ArrayList cmds = [] cmds = sendTuyaCommand('02', DP_TYPE_ENUM, '00') + sendTuyaCommand('03', DP_TYPE_ENUM, '01') // iquix code // TODO: check! sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } def switchThermostatOn() { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} switching On!" ArrayList cmds = [] cmds = sendTuyaCommand('01', DP_TYPE_BOOL, '01', delay = 2750) // increased delay to 2750 on 1/27/2022 return cmds } /** * Returns the model group of the device based on its manufacturer. * If modelGroupPreference is set to "Auto detect", it will try to match the manufacturer with a known model group. * If no match is found, it will return "UNKNOWN". * If modelGroupPreference is set to a specific model group, it will return that model group. * @return The model group of the device. */ def getModelGroup() { def manufacturer = device.getDataValue('manufacturer') def modelGroup = 'UNKNOWN' if (modelGroupPreference == null) { device.updateSetting('modelGroupPreference', 'Auto detect') } if (modelGroupPreference == 'Auto detect') { if (manufacturer in Models) { modelGroup = Models[manufacturer] } else { modelGroup = 'UNKNOWN' } } else { modelGroup = modelGroupPreference } //logDebug "${device.displayName} manufacturer ${manufacturer} group is ${modelGroup}" return modelGroup } def sendSupportedThermostatModes() { def supportedThermostatModes = [] switch (getModelGroup()) { case 'AVATTO' : case 'MOES' : case 'BEOK' : supportedThermostatModes = ['off', 'heat', 'auto'] break case 'BRT-100' : // BRT-100 supportedThermostatModes = ['off', 'heat', 'auto', 'emergency heat'] break case 'HY367' : // HY367 supportedThermostatModes = ['holiday', 'auto', 'heat', 'comfort', 'eco', 'emergency heat', 'temp_auto', 'valve'] break default : supportedThermostatModes = ['off', 'heat', 'auto'] break } sendEvent(name: 'supportedThermostatModes', value: JsonOutput.toJson(supportedThermostatModes), isStateChange: true) } // called from initialize() def installed() { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info 'installed()' sendEvent(name: 'supportedThermostatFanModes', value: JsonOutput.toJson(['auto', 'circulate', 'on']), isStateChange: true) sendSupportedThermostatModes() sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: 'heat', isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name: 'thermostatFanMode', value: 'auto', isStateChange: true) state.lastThermostatMode = 'heat' sendThermostatOperatingStateEvent( 'idle' ) sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: 'idle', isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpoint', value: 20.0, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C', isStateChange: true) // Google Home compatibility sendEvent(name: 'heatingSetpoint', value: 20.0, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C', isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name: 'coolingSetpoint', value: 30.0, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C', isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name: 'temperature', value: 22.0, unit: "\u00B0" + 'C', isStateChange: true) updateDataValue('lastRunningMode', 'heat') //state.setpoint = 0 unschedule() runEvery1Minute(receiveCheck) // KK: check } def updated() { ArrayList cmds = [] if (settings?.modelGroupPreference == null) { device.updateSetting('modelGroupPreference', [value:'Auto detect', type:'enum']) state.deviceProfile = 'AUTO_DETECT' } // log.warn "settings?.modelGroupPreference = ${settings?.modelGroupPreference}" if (settings?.modelGroupPreference != null) { logDebug "current state.deviceProfile=${state.deviceProfile}, settings.modelGroupPreference=${settings?.modelGroupPreference}, getModelGroup()=${getModelGroup()}" if (settings?.modelGroupPreference != state.deviceProfile) { logWarn "changing the device profile from ${state.deviceProfile} to ${settings?.modelGroupPreference}" state.deviceProfile = settings?.modelGroupPreference initializeVars(fullInit = false) //resetPreferencesToDefaults(debug=true) logInfo 'press F5 to refresh the page' } } else { logDebug 'modelGroupPreference is not set' } /* unconditional */log.info "Updating ${device.getLabel()} (${device.getName()}) model ${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} modelGroupPreference = ${modelGroupPreference} (${getModelGroup()})" if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "Force manual is ${forceManual}; Resend failed is ${resendFailed}" if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "Debug logging is ${logEnable}; Description text logging is ${txtEnable}" if (!(getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100'])) { if (settings?.homeKitCompatibility?.value == true && device.currentValue('battery', true) == null) { sendEvent(name: 'battery', value: 100, unit: '%', type: 'digital', descriptionText: 'homeKitCompatibility on', isStateChange: true ) } else if (settings?.homeKitCompatibility?.value == false && device.currentValue('battery', true) != null) { sendEvent(name: 'homeKitCompatibility', value: 'off', unit: '%', type: 'digital', descriptionText: 'homeKitCompatibility off', isStateChange: true ) // for the record device.deleteCurrentState('battery') } } if (logEnable == true) { runIn(86400, logsOff, [overwrite: true, misfire: 'ignore']) // turn off debug logging after 24 hours } else { unschedule(logsOff) } runIn( defaultPollingInterval, deviceHealthCheck, [overwrite: true, misfire: 'ignore']) def fncmd def dp // tempCalibration dp = getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO', 'BEOK'] ? '1B' : getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100'] ? '69' : getModelGroup() in ['HY367'] ? '2C' : null if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO', 'BEOK', 'BRT-100', 'HY367'] && dp != null) { logDebug "tempCalibration = ${tempCalibration}" fncmd = getModelGroup() in [ 'BEOK', 'HY367'] ? (safeToDouble( tempCalibration ) * 10) as int : safeToDouble( tempCalibration ) as int logDebug "tempCalibration fncmd = ${fncmd}" logDebug "setting tempCalibration to ${tempCalibration} (${fncmd})" cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) } // hysteresis dp = getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO'] ? '6A' : getModelGroup() in ['BEOK'] ? '65' : null if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO', 'BEOK']) { fncmd = getModelGroup() in ['BEOK'] ? (safeToDouble( hysteresis ) * 10) as int : safeToDouble( hysteresis ) logDebug "setting hysteresis to ${hysteresis} (${fncmd})" cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) } // minTemp dp = getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO'] ? '1A' : getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100'] ? '6D' : getModelGroup() in ['HY367'] ? '66' : null if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO','BRT-100'] && dp != null) { // no min temp for BEOK! fncmd = safeToInt( minTemp ) logDebug "setting minTemp to ${fncmd}" cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367']) { // enforcing minTemp range for HY367 if (minTemp == null) { minTemp = 10 } else if (minTemp < 1) { minTemp = 1 } else if (minTemp > 15) { minTemp = 15 } fncmd = safeToInt( minTemp ) logDebug "setting minTemp to ${fncmd}" cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) } // maxTemp dp = getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO', 'BEOK'] ? '13' : getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100'] ? '6C' : getModelGroup() in ['HY367'] ? '67' : null if (dp != null && getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO','BRT-100','HY367']) { fncmd = safeToInt( maxTemp ) if (settings?.logEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} setting maxTemp to= ${fncmd}" cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) } else if (dp != null && getModelGroup() in ['BEOK']) { fncmd = safeToInt( maxTemp ) if (fncmd > 60 ) fncmd = 60 fncmd = fncmd * 10 if (settings?.logEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} SKIPPING sending BEOK maxTemp ${fncmd/10} (${fncmd})" // changes the heating set point !!! } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367']) { // enforcing maxTemp range for HY367 if (maxTemp == null) { maxTemp = 35 } else if (maxTemp < 16) { maxTemp = 16 } else if (maxTemp > 70) { maxTemp = 70 } fncmd = safeToInt( maxTemp ) if (settings?.logEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} setting maxTemp to= ${fncmd}" cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) } // tempCeiling dp = getModelGroup() in ['BEOK'] ? '66' : null if (getModelGroup() in ['BEOK'] && dp != null) { // TODO: tempCeiling for AVATTO and MOES ! fncmd = safeToInt( tempCeiling ) // whole number! if (settings?.logEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} setting tempCeiling to ${tempCeiling} (${fncmd})" cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) } // programMode if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) { if (settings?.programMode != null) { def value = safeToInt( programMode ) if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setting Program Mode to ${programModeOptions[value.toString()]} (${programMode})" cmds += sendTuyaCommand('68', DP_TYPE_ENUM, zigbee.convertToHexString(value as int, 2)) } } // sound if (isBEOK()) { fncmd = settings?.sound == false ? 0 : 1 if (settings?.logEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} setting sound to ${fncmd} (${fncmd==0?'off':'on'})" cmds += sendTuyaCommand('07', DP_TYPE_BOOL, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 2)) } // frostProtection if (isBEOK()) { fncmd = settings?.frostProtection == false ? 0 : 1 if (settings?.logEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} setting frost protection to ${fncmd} (${fncmd==0?'off':'on'})" cmds += sendTuyaCommand('0A', DP_TYPE_BOOL, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 2)) } // brightness if (isBEOK()) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.trace "settings?.brightness = ${settings?.brightness}" if (settings?.brightness != null) { def key = safeToInt(settings?.brightness) def value = brightnessOptions[key.toString()] //log.trace "key=${key} value=${value}" if (value != null) { def dpValHex = zigbee.convertToHexString(key as int, 2) cmds += sendTuyaCommand('68', DP_TYPE_ENUM, dpValHex) if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setting brightness to ${value} ($key)" } } } if (cmds.size() > 3) { logInfo 'Update finished' logDebug "cmds = ${cmds}" sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } else { if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} nothing to update" } // if (isBEOK()) { syncTuyaDateTime() } } def refresh() { ArrayList cmds = [] def model = getModelGroup() def fncmd if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName } refresh() ${model}..."} switch (model) { /* case 'BRT-100' : def dp = "69" def fncmd = safeToInt( tempCalibration ) cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) */ case 'AVATTO' : // wakes up AVATTO - LCD display goes to normal brightness fncmd = 0 cmds += sendTuyaCommand('27', DP_TYPE_ENUM, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) break case 'BEOK' : // does nothing fncmd = 0 cmds += sendTuyaCommand('27', DP_TYPE_ENUM, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 2)) break default : cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0 , 0 ) break } sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } def factoryReset( yes ) { ArrayList cmds = [] def model = getModelGroup() if (yes != 'YES') { log.warn "${device.displayName} type 'YES' to confirm ${model} factory resetting!" return } def fncmd log.warn "${device.displayName} FACTORY RESET ${model}..." switch (model) { /* case 'BRT-100' : def dp = "69" def fncmd = safeToInt( tempCalibration ) cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 8)) sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) */ case 'AVATTO' : case 'BEOK' : fncmd = 1 // reset! cmds += sendTuyaCommand('27', DP_TYPE_BOOL, zigbee.convertToHexString(fncmd as int, 2)) break default : cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0 , 0 ) break } sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } def driverVersionAndTimeStamp() { version() + ' ' + timeStamp() } /** * Checks if the driver version has changed and updates the settings if necessary. * If the driver version has changed, the method initializes the variables, removes deprecated state variables, * and resets the statistics. Finally, it updates the driver version in the state. */ def checkDriverVersion() { if (state.driverVersion == null || driverVersionAndTimeStamp() != state.driverVersion) { if (txtEnable == true) log.debug "${device.displayName} updating the settings from the current driver version ${state.driverVersion} to the new version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}" initializeVars( fullInit = false ) if (device.currentValue('presence', true) != null) { device.deleteCurrentState('presence') // removed from version 1.3.0 } if (state.rxCounter != null) state.remove('rxCounter') if (state.txCounter != null) state.remove('txCounter') if (state.old_dp != null) state.remove('old_dp') if (state.old_fncmd != null) state.remove('old_fncmd') if (state.setpoint != null) state.remove('setpoint') if (state.modeSetRetry != null) state.remove('modeSetRetry') if (state.heatingSetPointRetry != null) state.remove('heatingSetPointRetry') // if (state.lastRx == null || state.stats == null || state.lastTx == null) { resetStats() } state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() } } def setPresent() { setHealthStatusOnline() } // trap for backward compatibility versions prior 1.3.0 def pollPresence() { deviceHealthCheck() } // trap for backward compatibility versions prior 1.3.0 // /** * Called when any event was received from the Zigbee device in parse() method.. * Sets the health status of the device to "online" if it is not already set to "online". * Sends a health status event and logs that the device is now online. * Schedules a device health check to run after the default polling interval. */ def setHealthStatusOnline() { if (!((device.currentValue('healthStatus') ?: 'unknown') in ['online'])) { sendHealthStatusEvent('online') logInfo 'is now online!' runIn( defaultPollingInterval, deviceHealthCheck, [overwrite: true, misfire: 'ignore']) } state.notPresentCounter = 0 } /** * called every 60 minutes * Checks the health status of the device and sends an event if it is offline. * Also synchronizes the date and time if the device is a BEOK thermostat. * * @return none */ def deviceHealthCheck() { if (state.notPresentCounter != null) { state.notPresentCounter = state.notPresentCounter + 1 if (state.notPresentCounter >= presenceCountTreshold) { if ((device.currentValue('healthStatus') ?: 'unknown') != 'offline' ) { logWarn 'not present!' sendHealthStatusEvent('offline') } } } else { state.notPresentCounter = 0 } if (isBEOK()) { syncTuyaDateTime() } runIn( defaultPollingInterval, deviceHealthCheck, [overwrite: true, misfire: 'ignore']) } void sendHealthStatusEvent(value) { def descriptionText = "healthStatus changed to ${value}" sendEvent(name: 'healthStatus', value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true, isDigital: true) if (value == 'online') { logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName}} ${descriptionText}" } } } def ping() { logInfo 'ping...' scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck() Map lastTxMap = stringToJsonMap(state.lastTx) lastTxMap.pingTime = new Date().getTime() sendZigbeeCommands( zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.BASIC_CLUSTER, 0x01, [:], 0) ) state.lastTx = mapToJsonString( lastTxMap ) } private void scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck(int delay = COMMAND_TIMEOUT) { runIn(delay, 'deviceCommandTimeout') } void deviceCommandTimeout() { logWarn 'no response received (sleepy device or offline?)' sendRttEvent('timeout') } void sendRttEvent( String value=null) { def now = new Date().getTime() Map lastTxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastTx ) def timeRunning = now.toInteger() - (lastTxMap.pingTime ?: now).toInteger() def descriptionText = "Round-trip time is ${timeRunning} (ms)" if (value == null) { logInfo "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: 'rtt', value: timeRunning, descriptionText: descriptionText, unit: 'ms', isDigital: true) } else { descriptionText = "Round-trip time is ${value}" logInfo "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: 'rtt', value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, isDigital: true) } } def logInitializeRezults() { log.info "${device.displayName} manufacturer = ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} ModelGroup = ${getModelGroup()}" log.info "${device.displayName} Initialization finished\r version=${version()} (Timestamp: ${timeStamp()})" } // called by initialize() button void initializeVars( boolean fullInit = true ) { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} InitializeVars()... fullInit = ${fullInit}" if (fullInit == true ) { state.clear() resetStats() state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() } if (device.currentValue('healthStatus') == null) sendHealthStatusEvent('unknown') // setLastRx( NOT_SET, NOT_SET) // -1 state.packetID = 0 // if (fullInit == true || state.lastThermostatMode == null) state.lastThermostatMode = 'unknown' if (fullInit == true || state.lastThermostatOperatingState == null) state.lastThermostatOperatingState = 'unknown' if (fullInit == true || state.notPresentCounter == null) state.notPresentCounter = 0 // if (fullInit == true || settings?.logEnable == null) device.updateSetting('logEnable', true) if (fullInit == true || settings?.txtEnable == null) device.updateSetting('txtEnable', true) if (fullInit == true || settings?.forceManual == null) device.updateSetting('forceManual', false) if (fullInit == true || settings?.resendFailed == null) device.updateSetting('resendFailed', false) if (fullInit == true || settings?.minTemp == null) device.updateSetting('minTemp', [value: 5 , type:'number']) if (fullInit == true || settings?.maxTemp == null) device.updateSetting('maxTemp', [value: 35 , type:'number']) if (fullInit == true || settings?.tempCeiling == null) device.updateSetting('tempCeiling', [value: 35 , type:'number']) if (fullInit == true || settings?.tempCalibration == null) device.updateSetting('tempCalibration', [value:0.0, type:'decimal']) if (fullInit == true || settings?.hysteresis == null) device.updateSetting('hysteresis', [value:1.0, type:'decimal']) if (fullInit == true || settings?.sound == null) device.updateSetting('sound', true) if (fullInit == true || settings?.frostProtection == null) device.updateSetting('frostProtection', true) if (fullInit == true || settings?.brightness == null) device.updateSetting('brightness', [value:'3', type:'enum']) if (fullInit == true || settings?.homeKitCompatibility == null) device.updateSetting('homeKitCompatibility', true) // } def configure() { initialize() } def initialize() { if (true) "${device.displayName} Initialize()..." unschedule() initializeVars() runIn( defaultPollingInterval, deviceHealthCheck, [overwrite: true, misfire: 'ignore']) setDeviceLimits() installed() updated() runIn( 3, logInitializeRezults) } def setDeviceLimits() { // for google and amazon compatability sendEvent(name:'minHeatingSetpoint', value: settings.minTemp ?: 5, unit: "°C", isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name:'maxHeatingSetpoint', value: settings.maxTemp ?: 35, unit: "°C", isStateChange: true) updateDataValue('lastRunningMode', 'heat') if (settings?.logEnable) log.trace 'setDeviceLimits - device max/min set' } // scheduled for call from setThermostatMode() 4 seconds after the mode was potentiually changed. // also, called every 1 minute from receiveCheck() def modeReceiveCheck() { if (settings?.resendFailed == false ) return Map lastTxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastTx ) if (lastTxMap.isModeSetReq == false) return Map statsMap = stringToJsonMap( state.stats ) if (lastTxMap.mode != device.currentState('thermostatMode', true).value) { lastTxMap['setModeRetries'] = lastTxMap['setModeRetries'] + 1 logWarn "modeReceiveCheck() failed (expected ${lastTxMap['mode']}, current ${device.currentState('thermostatMode', true).value}), retry#${lastTxMap['setModeRetries']}" if (lastTxMap['setModeRetries'] < MaxRetries) { logDebug "resending mode command : ${lastTxMap['mode']}" statsMap['txFailCtr'] = statsMap['txFailCtr'] + 1 setThermostatMode( lastTxMap['mode'] ) } else { logWarn "modeReceiveCheck(${lastTxMap['mode'] }}) giving up retrying" lastTxMap['isModeSetReq'] = false // giving up lastTxMap['setModeRetries'] = 0 } } else { logDebug "modeReceiveCheck mode was changed OK to (${lastTxMap['mode']}). No need for further checks." lastTxMap.isModeSetReq = false // setting mode was successfuly confimed, no need for further checks lastTxMap.setModeRetries = 0 } state.lastTx = mapToJsonString( lastTxMap ) // save everything back to state.lastTx state.stats = mapToJsonString( statsMap) // save everything back to state.stats } // // also, called every 1 minute from receiveCheck() def setpointReceiveCheck() { if (settings?.resendFailed == false ) return Map lastTxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastTx ) if (lastTxMap.isSetPointReq == false) return Map statsMap = stringToJsonMap( state.stats ) Map lastRxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastRx ) if (lastTxMap.setPoint != NOT_SET && ((lastTxMap.setPoint as String) != (lastRxMap.setPoint as String))) { lastTxMap.setPointRetries = lastTxMap.setPointRetries + 1 if (lastTxMap.setPointRetries < MaxRetries) { logWarn "setpointReceiveCheck(${lastTxMap.setPoint}) failed (last received is still ${lastRxMap.setPoint})" logDebug "resending setpoint command : ${lastTxMap.setPoint} (retry# ${lastTxMap.setPointRetries})" statsMap.txFailCtr = statsMap.txFailCtr + 1 sendTuyaHeatingSetpoint(lastTxMap.setPoint) } else { logWarn "setpointReceiveCheck(${lastTxMap.setPoint}) giving up retrying" lastTxMap.isSetPointReq = false lastTxMap.setPointRetries = 0 } } else { logDebug "setpointReceiveCheck setPoint was changed successfuly to (${lastTxMap.setPoint}). No need for further checks." lastTxMap.setPoint = NOT_SET lastTxMap.isSetPointReq = false } state.lastTx = mapToJsonString( lastTxMap ) // save everything back to state.lastTx state.stats = mapToJsonString( statsMap) // save everything back to state.stats } // // Brightness checking is also called every 1 minute from receiveCheck() def setBrightnessReceiveCheck() { if (settings?.resendFailed == false ) return Map lastTxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastTx ) if (lastTxMap.isSetBrightnessReq == false) return Map statsMap = stringToJsonMap( state.stats ) Map lastRxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastRx ) if (lastTxMap.setBrightness != NOT_SET && ((lastTxMap.setBrightness as String) != (lastRxMap.setBrightness as String))) { lastTxMap.setBrightnessRetries = (lastTxMap.setBrightnessRetries ?: 0) + 1 if (lastTxMap.setBrightnessRetries < MaxRetries) { logWarn "setBrightnessReceiveCheck(${lastTxMap.setBrightness}) failed (last received is still ${lastRxMap.setBrightness})" logDebug "resending setBrightness command : ${lastTxMap.setBrightness} (retry# ${lastTxMap.setBrightnessRetries})" statsMap.txFailCtr = statsMap.txFailCtr + 1 setBrightness(lastTxMap.setBrightness) } else { logWarn "setBrightnessReceiveCheck(${lastTxMap.setPoint}) giving up retrying" lastTxMap.isSetBrightnessReq = false lastTxMap.setBrightnessRetries = 0 } } else { logDebug "setBrightnessReceiveCheck brightness was changed successfuly to (${lastTxMap.setBrightness}). No need for further checks." lastTxMap.setBrightness = NOT_SET lastTxMap.isSetBrightnessReq = false } state.lastTx = mapToJsonString( lastTxMap ) // save everything back to state.lastTx state.stats = mapToJsonString( statsMap) // save everything back to state.stats } // receiveCheck() is unconditionally scheduled Every1Minute from installed() .. def receiveCheck() { modeReceiveCheck() setpointReceiveCheck() setBrightnessReceiveCheck() } private sendTuyaCommand(dp, dp_type, fncmd, delay=200) { ArrayList cmds = [] cmds += zigbee.command(CLUSTER_TUYA, SETDATA, [:], delay, PACKET_ID + dp + dp_type + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)(fncmd.length() / 2), 4) + fncmd ) logDebug "sendTuyaCommand = ${cmds}" incTxCtr() return cmds } private wakeUpTuya() { sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(0x0000, 0x0004, [:], delay = 50) ) } void sendZigbeeCommands(ArrayList cmd) { if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName } sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=$cmd)"} hubitat.device.HubMultiAction allActions = new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction() cmd.each { allActions.add(new hubitat.device.HubAction(it, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) } incTxCtr() sendHubCommand(allActions) } private getPACKET_ID() { state.packetID = ((state.packetID ?: 0) + 1 ) % 65536 return zigbee.convertToHexString(state.packetID, 4) } private getDescriptionText(msg) { def descriptionText = "${device.displayName} ${msg}" if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${descriptionText}" return descriptionText } def logsOff() { logInfo 'debug logging is disabled' device.updateSetting('logEnable',[value:'false',type:'bool']) } // not used def controlMode( mode ) { ArrayList cmds = [] switch (mode) { case 'manual' : cmds += sendTuyaCommand('02', DP_TYPE_ENUM, '00')// + sendTuyaCommand("03", DP_TYPE_ENUM, "01") // iquix code logDebug "sending manual mode : ${cmds}" break case 'program' : cmds += sendTuyaCommand('02', DP_TYPE_ENUM, '01')// + sendTuyaCommand("03", DP_TYPE_ENUM, "01") // iquix code logDebug "sending program mode : ${cmds}" break default : break } sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } def childLock( mode ) { ArrayList cmds = [] def dp if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO', 'BEOK']) { dp = '28' } else if (getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100']) { dp = '0D' } else if (getModelGroup() in ['HY367','HY369']) { dp = '07' } else if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { dp = '0C' } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} child lock mode: ${mode} is not supported for modelGroup${getModelGroup()}" } // TODO - check childLock for MOES if (mode == 'off') { cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_BOOL, '00') } else if (mode == 'on') { cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_BOOL, '01') } else { logWarn "unsupported child lock mode ${mode } !"} //sendEvent(name: "childLock", value: mode) // I think the event should be sent when the confirmation is received from the device, and not before the command is sent. logInfo "sending child lock mode : ${mode}" sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } def windowOpenDetection( mode ) { ArrayList cmds = [] def dp if (getModelGroup() in ['TRV07']) { dp = '08' } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} Window Open Detection mode: ${mode} is not supported or not implemented for modelGroup${getModelGroup()}" } // TODO - check childLock for MOES if (mode == 'off') { cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_BOOL, '00') } else if (mode == 'on') { cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_BOOL, '01') } else { logWarn "unsupported Window Open Detection mode ${mode } !"} logInfo "sending Window Open Detectio mode : ${mode}" sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } def setBrightness( bri ) { ArrayList cmds = [] def dp if (isBEOK()) { dp = '68' def key = brightnessOptions.find { it.value == bri }?.key logDebug "setBrightness ${bri} key=${key}" if (key != null) { def dpValHex = zigbee.convertToHexString(key as int, 2) cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_ENUM, dpValHex) logDebug "changing brightness to ${bri} ($key)" // added 01/14/2023 Map lastTxMap = stringToJsonMap( state.lastTx ) lastTxMap.isSetBrightnessReq = true lastTxMap.setBrightness = bri state.lastTx = mapToJsonString( lastTxMap ) // save everything back to state.lastTx runIn(3, setBrightnessReceiveCheck) sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } else { logWarn "invalid brightness control ${bri}" } } else { logWarn "brightness control is not supported for modelGroup ${getModelGroup()}" } } void sensorSelection( sen ) { ArrayList cmds = [] String dp if (true) { dp = '2B' def key = sensorOptions.find { it.value == sen }?.key logDebug "sensorSelection ${sen} key=${key}" if (key != null) { def dpValHex = zigbee.convertToHexString(key as int, 2) cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_ENUM, dpValHex) logDebug "changing sensor selection to ${sen} ($key)" sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } else { logWarn "invalid sensor selection ${sen}" } } else { logWarn "sensor selection is not supported for modelGroup ${getModelGroup()}" } } void calibration( offset ) { offset = 0 ArrayList cmds = [] String dp if (getModelGroup() in ['AVATTO']) dp = '1B' else if (getModelGroup() in ['BRT-100']) dp = '69' else return; // callibration command returns also thermostat mode (heat), operation mode (manual), heating stetpoint and few seconds later - the temperature! cmds += sendTuyaCommand(dp, DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(offset as int, 8)) logDebug "sending calibration offset : ${offset}" sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } Integer safeToInt(val, Integer defaultVal=0) { return "${val}"?.isInteger() ? "${val}".toInteger() : defaultVal } Double safeToDouble(val, Double defaultVal=0.0) { return "${val}"?.isDouble() ? "${val}".toDouble() : defaultVal } void getBatteryPercentageResult(rawValue) { //if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} Battery Percentage rawValue = ${rawValue} -> ${rawValue / 2}%" Map result = [:] if (0 <= rawValue && rawValue <= 200) { result.name = 'battery' result.translatable = true result.value = Math.round(rawValue / 2) result.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} battery is ${result.value}%" result.isStateChange = true result.unit = '%' sendEvent(result) if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${result.descriptionText}" } else { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} ignoring BatteryPercentageResult(${rawValue})" } } void zTest( dpCommand, dpValue, dpTypeString ) { ArrayList cmds = [] String dpType = dpTypeString == 'DP_TYPE_VALUE' ? DP_TYPE_VALUE : dpTypeString == 'DP_TYPE_BOOL' ? DP_TYPE_BOOL : dpTypeString == 'DP_TYPE_ENUM' ? DP_TYPE_ENUM : null String dpValHex = dpTypeString == 'DP_TYPE_VALUE' ? zigbee.convertToHexString(dpValue as int, 8) : dpValue log.warn " sending TEST command=${dpCommand} value=${dpValue} ($dpValHex) type=${dpType}" sendZigbeeCommands( sendTuyaCommand(dpCommand, dpType, dpValHex) ) } void resetStats() { Map stats = [ rxCtr : 0, txCtr : 0, dupeCtr : 0, txFailCtr : 0 ] Map lastRx = [ dp : NOT_SET, fncmd : NOT_SET, // -1 setPoint : NOT_SET, // -1 setBrightness : NOT_SET ] Map lastTx = [ mode : 'unknown', isModeSetReq : false, setModeRetries: 0, setPoint : NOT_SET, // -1 setPointRetries : 0, isSetPointReq : false, setBrightness : NOT_SET, // -1 setBrightnessRetries : 0, isSetBrightnessReq : false ] state.stats = mapToJsonString( stats ) state.lastRx = mapToJsonString( lastRx ) state.lastTx = mapToJsonString( lastTx ) if (txtEnable == true) log.info "${device.displayName} Statistics were reset. Press F5 to refresh the device page" } @CompileStatic String mapToJsonString( Map map) { if (map == null || map == [:]) return '' String str = JsonOutput.toJson(map) return str } @CompileStatic Map stringToJsonMap( String str) { if (str == null) return [:] JsonSlurper jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper() Map map = jsonSlurper.parseText( str ) as Map return map } private void incRxCtr() { try { Map statsMap = stringToJsonMap(state.stats) statsMap['rxCtr'] ++ state.stats = mapToJsonString(statsMap) } catch (e) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} incRxCtr() exception" } } private void incTxCtr() { try { Map statsMap = stringToJsonMap(state.stats); statsMap['txCtr'] ++; state.stats = mapToJsonString(statsMap) } catch (e) { statsMap['txCtr'] = 0 } } private void incDupeCtr() { try { Map statsMap = stringToJsonMap(state.stats); statsMap['dupeCtr'] ++; state.stats = mapToJsonString(statsMap) } catch (e) { statsMap['dupeCtr'] = 0 } } private void incTxFailCtr() { Map statsMap = stringToJsonMap(state.stats); try { statsMap['txFailCtr']++ } catch (e) { statsMap['txFailCtr'] = 0 }; state.stats = mapToJsonString(statsMap) } private void setLastRx( int dp, int fncmd) { try { Map lastRxMap = stringToJsonMap(state.lastRx) lastRxMap['dp'] = dp lastRxMap['fncmd'] = fncmd state.lastRx = mapToJsonString(lastRxMap) } catch (e) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} setLastRx() exception" } } private void setLastTx( String mode=null, Boolean isModeSetReq=null) { try { Map lastTxMap = stringToJsonMap(state.lastTx) if (mode != null) { lastTxMap['mode'] = mode } if (isModeSetReq != null) { lastTxMap['isModeSetReq'] = isModeSetReq } state.lastTx = mapToJsonString(lastTxMap) } catch (e) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} setLastTx() exception" } } String getLastMode() { try { Map lastTx = stringToJsonMap( state.lastTx ) return lastTx.mode } catch (e) { if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} getLastMode() exception" return 'exception' } } boolean isDuplicated( int dp, int fncmd ) { Map oldDpFncmd = stringToJsonMap( state.lastRx ) return dp == oldDpFncmd.dp && fncmd == oldDpFncmd.fncmd } void logDebug(String msg) { if (settings?.logEnable == null || settings?.logEnable == true) { log.debug "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void logInfo(String msg) { if (settings?.txtEnable == null || settings?.txtEnable == true) { log.info "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void logWarn(String msg) { if (settings?.logEnable == null || settings?.logEnable == true) { log.warn "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void test() { incRxCtr() } /* BRT-100 Zigbee network re-pair procedure: After the actuator has completed self-test, long press [X] access to interface, short press '+' to choose WiFi icon, short press [X] to confirm this option, long press [X]. WiFi icon will start flashing when in pairing mode. */