/* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, CouldBeSwitchStatement, DuplicateNumberLiteral, DuplicateStringLiteral, ImplicitClosureParameter, ImplicitReturnStatement, LineLength, MethodCount, MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef, NoDouble, PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods, StaticMethodsBeforeInstanceMethods, UnnecessaryGetter, UnnecessaryObjectReferences, UnnecessarySetter */ /** * Matter test - Device Driver for Hubitat Elevation * * https://community.hubitat.com/t/dynamic-capabilities-commands-and-attributes-for-drivers/98342 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Thanks to Hubitat for publishing the sample Matter driver https://github.com/hubitat/HubitatPublic/blob/master/examples/drivers/thirdRealityMatterNightLight.groovy * * ver. 1.0.0 2023-12-21 kkossev - Inital version: added healthCheck attribute; added refresh(); added stats; added RTT attribute; added periodicPolling healthCheck method; * ver. 1.0.2 2023-12-26 kkossev - commented out the initialize() and configure() capabilities because of duplicated subscriptions; added getInfo command; fixed the refresh() command for MATTER_OUTLET; added isDigital isRefresh; use the Basic cluster attr. 0 for ping() * ver. 1.0.3 2023-12-28 kkossev - added info for ColorControl and LevelControl clusters; added toggle(); added initializeCtr and duplicatedCtr in stats; added reSubscribe() method * ver. 1.0.4 2024-01-23 kkossev - added spammyReportsFilter preference; * ver. 1.1.0 2024-08-15 mavvrick - Add parsing for Color Temp command * ver. 1.1.1 2024-08-18 kkossev - merged the changes from the dev. branch to the master branch * * TODO: * TODO: add flashRate preference; add flash() command * TODO: add silentMode attribute * TODO: add flashOnce() * TODO: add powerOnBehavior * TODO: add state.color w/ min/max Mirad values */ static String version() { '1.1.1' } static String timeStamp() { '2024/08/18 9:04 AM' } @Field static final Boolean _DEBUG = false @Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = 'MATTER_BULB' @Field static final Integer DIGITAL_TIMER = 3000 // command was sent by this driver @Field static final Integer REFRESH_TIMER = 6000 // refresh time in miliseconds @Field static final Integer INFO_AUTO_CLEAR_PERIOD = 60 // automatically clear the Info attribute after 60 seconds @Field static final Integer COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 10 // timeout time in seconds @Field static final Integer MAX_PING_MILISECONDS = 10000 // rtt more than 10 seconds will be ignored @Field static final Integer PRESENCE_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 3 // missing 3 checks will set the device healthStatus to offline @Field static final String UNKNOWN = 'UNKNOWN' import groovy.transform.Field import hubitat.helper.HexUtils metadata { definition(name: 'Matter Advanced RGBW Light', namespace: 'kkossev', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', singleThreaded: true) { capability 'Actuator' capability 'Switch' capability 'SwitchLevel' capability 'Color Control' capability "ColorTemperature" capability 'Light' capability 'Initialize' capability 'Refresh' capability 'Health Check' attribute 'healthStatus', 'enum', ['unknown', 'offline', 'online'] attribute 'rtt', 'number' attribute 'Status', 'string' attribute 'silentMode', 'enum', ['off', 'on'] // disable all logging and events while in color animation mode command 'getInfo' command 'toggle' command 'identify' command 'initialize', [[name: 'Invoked automatically during the hub reboot, do not click!']] command 'reSubscribe', [[name: 're-subscribe to the Matter controller events']] if (_DEBUG) { command 'test', [[name: 'test', type: 'STRING', description: 'test', defaultValue : '']] command 'parseTest', [[name: 'parseTest', type: 'STRING', description: 'parseTest', defaultValue : '']] } // fingerprints are commented out, because are already included in the stock driver // fingerprint endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,001D,001E,0300', outClusters:'', model:'NL67', manufacturer:'Nanoleaf', controllerType:'MAT' // Nanoleaf Essentials A19 Bulb // fingerprint endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,001D,001E,0300', outClusters:'', model:'NL68', manufacturer:'Nanoleaf', controllerType:'MAT' // Nanoleaf Strip 5E8 } preferences { input(name:'txtEnable', type:'bool', title:'Enable descriptionText logging', defaultValue:true) input(name:'logEnable', type:'bool', title:'Enable debug logging', defaultValue:true) input(name:'transitionTime', type:'enum', title:"Level transition time (default:${ttOpts.defaultText})", options:ttOpts.options, defaultValue:ttOpts.defaultValue) input(name:'rgbTransitionTime', type:'enum', title:"RGB transition time (default:${ttOpts.defaultText})", options:ttOpts.options, defaultValue:ttOpts.defaultValue) input name: 'advancedOptions', type: 'bool', title: 'Advanced Options', description: 'These advanced options should be already automatically set in an optimal way for your device...', defaultValue: false if (advancedOptions == true || advancedOptions == true) { input name: 'spammyReportsFilter', type: 'enum', title: 'Spammy Reports Filtering', options: SpammyReportsFilterOpts.options, defaultValue: SpammyReportsFilterOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: 'Filtering spammy reports.' input name: 'healthCheckMethod', type: 'enum', title: 'Healthcheck Method', options: HealthcheckMethodOpts.options, defaultValue: HealthcheckMethodOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: 'Method to check device online/offline status.' input name: 'healthCheckInterval', type: 'enum', title: 'Healthcheck Interval', options: HealthcheckIntervalOpts.options, defaultValue: HealthcheckIntervalOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: 'How often the hub will check the device health.
3 consecutive failures will result in status "offline"
' } } } @Field static final Map HealthcheckMethodOpts = [ // used by healthCheckMethod defaultValue: 1, options : [0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Activity check', 2: 'Periodic polling'] ] @Field static final Map HealthcheckIntervalOpts = [ // used by healthCheckInterval defaultValue: 240, options : [10: 'Every 10 Mins', 30: 'Every 30 Mins', 60: 'Every 1 Hour', 240: 'Every 4 Hours', 720: 'Every 12 Hours'] ] @Field static final Map StartUpOnOffEnumOpts = [0: 'Off', 1: 'On', 2: 'Toggle'] @Field static final Map SpammyReportsFilterOpts = [ // delay spammy reports defaultValue: 500, options : [0: 'none', 250: '250 ms', 500: '500 ms', 750: '750 ms', 1000: '1000 ms', 1500: '1500 ms', 2000: '2000 ms', 3000: '3000 ms', 5000: '5000 ms'] ] //transitionTime options @Field static Map ttOpts = [ defaultValue: '1', defaultText: '1s', options:['0':'ASAP', '1':'1s', '2':'2s', '5':'5s'] ] @Field static Map colorRGBName = [ 4: 'Red', 13:'Orange', 21:'Yellow', 29:'Chartreuse', 38:'Green', 46:'Spring', 54:'Cyan', 63:'Azure', 71:'Blue', 79:'Violet', 88:'Magenta', 96:'Rose', 101:'Red' ] //parsers void parse(String description) { checkDriverVersion() if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['rxCtr'] = (state.stats['rxCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 } else { state.stats = [:] } if (state.lastRx != null) { state.lastRx['checkInTime'] = new Date().getTime() } else { state.lastRx = [:] } checkSubscriptionStatus() unschedule('deviceCommandTimeout') setHealthStatusOnline() Map descMap try { descMap = matter.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) } catch (e) { logWarn "parse: exception ${e}
Failed to parse description: ${description}" return } logDebug "parse: descMap:${descMap} description:${description}" if (descMap == null) { logWarn "parse: descMap is null description:${description}" return } if (descMap.attrId == 'FFFB') { // parse the AttributeList first! pareseAttributeList(descMap) return } switch (descMap.cluster) { case '0000' : if (descMap.attrId == '4000') { //software build ? updateDataValue('softwareBuild', descMap.value ?: 'unknown') } else { logWarn "skipped softwareBuild, attribute:${descMap.attrId}, value:${descMap.value}" } break case '0003' : // Identify gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, IdentifyClusterAttributes) break case '0004' : // Groups gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, GroupsClusterAttributes) break case '0005' : // Scenes gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, ScenesClusterAttributes) case '0006' : // On/Off Cluster gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, OnOffClusterAttributes) parseOnOffCluster(descMap) break case '0008' : // LevelControl if (descMap.attrId == '0000') { //current level sendLevelEvent(descMap.value) } else { logWarn "skipped level, attribute:${descMap.attrId}, value:${descMap.value}" } gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, LevelControlClusterAttributes) break case '001D' : // Descriptor, ep:00 gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, DescriptorClusterAttributes) break case '002F' : // PowerSource, ep:02 // parse: descMap:[endpoint:02, cluster:002F, attrId:000C, value:C8, clusterInt:47, attrInt:12] description:read attr - endpoint: 02, cluster: 002F, attrId: 000C, value: 04C8 parseBatteryEvent(descMap) gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, PowerSourceClusterAttributes) break case '0028' : // BasicInformation, ep:00 gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, BasicInformationClusterAttributes) break case '0045' : // BooleanState gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, BoleanStateClusterAttributes) parseContactEvent(descMap) break case '0300' : // ColorControl if (descMap.attrId == '0000') { //hue sendHueEvent(descMap.value) } else if (descMap.attrId == '0001') { //saturation sendSaturationEvent(descMap.value) } else if (descMap.attrId == '0007') { //color temperature logDebug "parse: skipped color temperature:${descMap}" } else if (descMap.attrId == "0007") { //color temp sendCTEvent(descMap.value) } //logDebug "parse: skipped color temperature:${descMap}" else if (descMap.attrId == '0008') { //color mode logDebug "parse: skipped color mode:${descMap}" } else { logWarn "parse: skipped color, attribute:${descMap.attrId}, value:${descMap.value}" } gatherAttributesValuesInfo(descMap, ColorControlClusterAttributes) break default : logWarn "parse: skipped:${descMap}" } } // AttributeList 0xFFFB void pareseAttributeList(final Map descMap) { logDebug "pareseAttributeList: descMap:${descMap}" Integer cluster = descMap.clusterInt as Integer String stateName = '0x' + HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2) if (state.matter == null) { state.matter = [:] } state.matter[stateName] = descMap.value logDebug "pareseAttributeList: state.matter[$stateName] = ${descMap.value}" } void gatherAttributesValuesInfo(final Map descMap, final Map knownClusterAttributes) { Integer attrInt = descMap.attrInt as Integer String attrName = knownClusterAttributes[attrInt] Integer tempIntValue String tmpStr if (attrName == null) { attrName = GlobalElementsAttributes[attrInt] } //logDebug "gatherAttributesValuesInfo: cluster:${descMap.cluster} attrInt:${attrInt} attrName:${attrName} value:${descMap.value}" if (attrName == null) { logWarn "gatherAttributesValuesInfo: unknown attribute # ${attrInt}" return } if (state.states['isInfo'] == true) { logDebug "gatherAttributesValuesInfo: isInfo:${state.states['isInfo']} state.states['cluster'] = ${state.states['cluster']} " if (state.states['cluster'] == descMap.cluster) { if (descMap.value != null && descMap.value != '') { tmpStr = "[${descMap.attrId}] ${attrName}" if (tmpStr in state.tmp) { logWarn "gatherAttributesValuesInfo: tmpStr:${tmpStr} is already in the state.tmp" return } try { tempIntValue = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.value) if (tempIntValue >= 10) { tmpStr += ' = 0x' + descMap.value + ' (' + tempIntValue + ')' } else { tmpStr += ' = ' + descMap.value } } catch (e) { tmpStr += ' = ' + descMap.value } if (logEnable) { logInfo "$tmpStr" } state.tmp = (state.tmp ?: '') + "${tmpStr} " + '
' } } } else if ((state.states['isPing'] ?: false) == true && descMap.cluster == '0028' && descMap.attrId == '0000') { Long now = new Date().getTime() Integer timeRunning = now.toInteger() - (state.lastTx['pingTime'] ?: '0').toInteger() if (timeRunning > 0 && timeRunning < MAX_PING_MILISECONDS) { state.stats['pingsOK'] = (state.stats['pingsOK'] ?: 0) + 1 if (timeRunning < safeToInt((state.stats['pingsMin'] ?: '999'))) { state.stats['pingsMin'] = timeRunning } if (timeRunning > safeToInt((state.stats['pingsMax'] ?: '0'))) { state.stats['pingsMax'] = timeRunning } state.stats['pingsAvg'] = approxRollingAverage(safeToDouble(state.stats['pingsAvg']), safeToDouble(timeRunning)) as int sendRttEvent() } else { logWarn "unexpected ping timeRunning=${timeRunning} " } state.states['isPing'] = false } /* groovylint-disable-next-line EmptyElseBlock */ else { //logDebug "gatherAttributesValuesInfo: isInfo:${state.states['isInfo']} descMap:${descMap}" } } void parseOnOffCluster(Map descMap) { logDebug "parseOnOffCluster: descMap:${descMap}" if (descMap.cluster != '0006') { logWarn "parseOnOffCluster: unexpected cluster:${descMap.cluster} (attrId:${descMap.attrId})" return } Integer attrInt = descMap.attrInt as Integer Integer value //String descriptionText = '' //Map eventMap = [:] String attrName = OnOffClusterAttributes[attrInt] ?: GlobalElementsAttributes[attrInt] ?: UNKNOWN switch (descMap.attrId) { case '0000' : // Switch sendSwitchEvent(descMap.value) break case '4000' : // GlobalSceneControl if (logEnable) { logInfo "parse: Switch: GlobalSceneControl = ${descMap.value}" } if (state.onOff == null) { state.onOff = [:] } ; state.onOff['GlobalSceneControl'] = descMap.value break case '4001' : // OnTime if (logEnable) { logInfo "parse: Switch: OnTime = ${descMap.value}" } if (state.onOff == null) { state.onOff = [:] } ; state.onOff['OnTime'] = descMap.value break case '4002' : // OffWaitTime if (logEnable) { logInfo "parse: Switch: OffWaitTime = ${descMap.value}" } if (state.onOff == null) { state.onOff = [:] } ; state.onOff['OffWaitTime'] = descMap.value break case '4003' : // StartUpOnOff value = descMap.value as int String startUpOnOffText = "parse: Switch: StartUpOnOff = ${descMap.value} (${StartUpOnOffEnumOpts[value] ?: UNKNOWN})" if (logEnable) { logInfo "${startUpOnOffText}" } if (state.onOff == null) { state.onOff = [:] } ; state.onOff['StartUpOnOff'] = descMap.value break case ['FFF8', 'FFF9', 'FFFA', 'FFFB', 'FFFC', 'FFFD', '00FE'] : if (logEnable) { logInfo "parse: Switch: ${attrName} = ${descMap.value}" } break default : logWarn "parseOnOffCluster: unexpected attrId:${descMap.attrId} (raw:${descMap.value})" } } //events private void sendSwitchEvent(String rawValue, isDigital = false) { String value = rawValue == '01' ? 'on' : 'off' String descriptionText = "bulb was turned ${value}" Map eventMap = [name: 'switch', value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, type: isDigital ? 'digital' : 'physical'] if (state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { eventMap.descriptionText = "bulb is ${value} [refresh]" eventMap.isStateChange = true // force the event to be sent } if (device.currentValue('switch') == value && state.states['isRefresh'] != true) { logDebug "ignored duplicated switch event, value:${value}" return } eventMap.descriptionText += (isDigital == true || state.states['isDigital'] == true ) ? ' [digital]' : ' [physical]' logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" sendEvent(eventMap) } private void sendLevelEvent(String rawValue) { Integer value = Math.round(hexStrToUnsignedInt(rawValue) / 2.55) if (value == 0 || value == device.currentValue('level')) { return } Map eventMap = [name: 'level', value: value, descriptionText: "level was set to ${value}%", unit: '%'] if (state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { eventMap.descriptionText = "level is ${value}% [refresh]" eventMap.isStateChange = true // force the event to be sent } Object latestEvent = device.latestState('level', skipCache=true) int latestEventTime = latestEvent != null ? latestEvent.getDate().getTime() : now() int timeDiff = (now() - latestEventTime) as int if (settings.spammyReportsFilter == null || (settings.spammyReportsFilter as int) == 0 || timeDiff > (settings.spammyReportsFilter as int)) { // send it now! unschedule('sendDelayedLevelEvent') sendDelayedLevelEvent(eventMap) } else { int delayedTime = (settings?.spammyReportsFilter as int) - timeDiff eventMap.delayed = delayedTime eventMap.descriptionText += " [delayed ${eventMap.delayed} ms]" logDebug "this level event (${eventMap.value}%) will be delayed ${delayedTime} ms" runInMillis(delayedTime, 'sendDelayedLevelEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } private void sendDelayedLevelEvent(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" //map.each {log.trace "$it"} sendEvent(eventMap) } /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedPrivateMethodParameter */ private void sendHueEvent(String rawValue, Boolean presetColor = false) { Integer value = hex254ToInt100(rawValue) if (value == device.currentValue('hue')) { return } sendRGBNameEvent(value) Map eventMap = [name: 'hue', value: value, descriptionText: "hue was set to ${value}%", unit: '%'] if (state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { eventMap.descriptionText += ' [refresh]' eventMap.isStateChange = true // force the event to be sent } Object latestEvent = device.latestState('hue', skipCache = true) int latestEventTime = latestEvent != null ? latestEvent.getDate().getTime() : now() int timeDiff = (now() - latestEventTime) as int if (settings.spammyReportsFilter == null || (settings.spammyReportsFilter as int) == 0 || timeDiff > (settings.spammyReportsFilter as int)) { // send it now! unschedule('sendDelayedHueEvent') sendDelayedHueEvent(eventMap) } else { int delayedTime = (settings?.spammyReportsFilter as int) - timeDiff eventMap.delayed = delayedTime eventMap.descriptionText += " [delayed ${eventMap.delayed} ms]" logDebug "this hue event (${eventMap.value}) will be delayed ${delayedTime} ms" runInMillis(delayedTime, 'sendDelayedHueEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } private void sendDelayedHueEvent(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" sendEvent(eventMap) } /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedPrivateMethodParameter */ private void sendSaturationEvent(String rawValue, Boolean presetColor = false) { Integer value = hex254ToInt100(rawValue) if (value == device.currentValue('saturation')) { return } sendRGBNameEvent(null, value) Map eventMap = [name: 'saturation', value: value, descriptionText: "saturation was set to ${value}%", unit: '%'] if (state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { eventMap.descriptionText += ' [refresh]' eventMap.isStateChange = true // force the event to be sent } Object latestEvent = device.latestState('saturation', skipCache = true) int latestEventTime = latestEvent != null ? latestEvent.getDate().getTime() : now() int timeDiff = (now() - latestEventTime) as int if (settings.spammyReportsFilter == null || (settings.spammyReportsFilter as int) == 0 || timeDiff > (settings.spammyReportsFilter as int)) { // send it now! unschedule('sendDelayedSaturationEvent') sendDelayedSaturationEvent(eventMap) } else { int delayedTime = (settings?.spammyReportsFilter as int) - timeDiff eventMap.delayed = delayedTime eventMap.descriptionText += " [delayed ${eventMap.delayed} ms]" logDebug "this saturation event (${eventMap.value}) will be delayed ${delayedTime} ms" runInMillis(delayedTime, 'sendDelayedSaturationEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } private void sendDelayedSaturationEvent(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" sendEvent(eventMap) } /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedPrivateMethodParameter */ private void sendCTEvent(String rawValue, Boolean presetColor = false) { Integer value = (1000000/(hexStrToUnsignedInt(rawValue))).toInteger() String descriptionText = "${device.displayName} ColorTemp was set to ${value}K" if (txtEnable) { log.info descriptionText } sendEvent(name:"colorTemperature", value:value, descriptionText:descriptionText, unit: "K") } /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef, UnusedPrivateMethodParameter */ private void sendRGBNameEvent(hue, sat = null) { String genericName if (device.currentValue('saturation') == 0) { genericName = 'White' } else if (hue == null) { return } else { genericName = colorRGBName.find { k , v -> hue < k }.value } if (genericName == device.currentValue('colorName')) { return } Map eventMap = [name: 'colorName', value: genericName, descriptionText: "color is ${genericName}"] if (state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { eventMap.descriptionText += ' [refresh]' eventMap.isStateChange = true // force the event to be sent } Object latestEvent = device.latestState('colorName', skipCache = true) int latestEventTime = latestEvent != null ? latestEvent.getDate().getTime() : now() int timeDiff = (now() - latestEventTime) as int if (settings.spammyReportsFilter == null || (settings.spammyReportsFilter as int) == 0 || timeDiff > (settings.spammyReportsFilter as int)) { // send it now! unschedule('sendDelayedRGBNameEvent') sendDelayedRGBNameEvent(eventMap) } else { int delayedTime = (settings?.spammyReportsFilter as int) - timeDiff eventMap.delayed = delayedTime eventMap.descriptionText += " [delayed ${eventMap.delayed} ms]" logDebug "this colorName event (${eventMap.value}) will be delayed ${delayedTime} ms" runInMillis(delayedTime, 'sendDelayedRGBNameEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } private void sendDelayedRGBNameEvent(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" sendEvent(eventMap) } //capability commands void on() { logDebug 'switching on()' setDigitalRequest() // 3 seconds sendToDevice(matter.on()) } void off() { logDebug 'switching off()' setDigitalRequest() sendToDevice(matter.off()) } void toggle() { logDebug 'toggling...' setDigitalRequest() String cmd = matter.invoke(device.endpointId, 0x0006, 0x0002) sendToDevice(cmd) } void identify() { logDebug 'identifying...' String cmd Integer time = 10 List> cmdFields = [] cmdFields.add(matter.cmdField(0x05, 0x00, zigbee.swapOctets(HexUtils.integerToHexString(time, 2)))) cmd = matter.invoke(device.endpointId, 0x0003, 0x0000, cmdFields) sendToDevice(cmd) } void setLevel(Object value) { logDebug "setLevel(${value})" setLevel(value, transitionTime ?: 1) } void setLevel(Object value, Object rate) { logDebug "setLevel(${value}, ${rate})" Integer level = value.toInteger() if (level == 0 && device.currentValue('switch') == 'off') { return } sendToDevice(matter.setLevel(level, rate.toInteger())) } void setHue(Object value) { logDebug "setHue(${value})" List cmds = [] Integer transitionTime = (rgbTransitionTime ?: 1).toInteger() if (device.currentValue('switch') == 'on') { cmds.add(matter.setHue(value.toInteger(), transitionTime)) } else { cmds.add(matter.on()) cmds.add(matter.setHue(value.toInteger(), transitionTime)) } sendToDevice(cmds) } void setSaturation(Object value) { logDebug "setSaturation(${value})" List cmds = [] Integer transitionTime = (rgbTransitionTime ?: 1).toInteger() if (device.currentValue('switch') == 'on') { cmds.add(matter.setSaturation(value.toInteger(), transitionTime)) } else { cmds.add(matter.on()) cmds.add(matter.setSaturation(value.toInteger(), transitionTime)) } sendToDevice(cmds) } void setHueSat(Object hue, Object sat) { logDebug "setHueSat(${hue}, ${sat})" List cmds = [] Integer transitionTime = (rgbTransitionTime ?: 1).toInteger() if (device.currentValue('switch') == 'on') { cmds.add(matter.setHue(hue.toInteger(), transitionTime)) cmds.add(matter.setSaturation(sat.toInteger(), transitionTime)) } else { cmds.add(matter.on()) cmds.add(matter.setHue(hue.toInteger(), transitionTime)) cmds.add(matter.setSaturation(sat.toInteger(), transitionTime)) } sendToDevice(cmds) } void setColorTemperature(colortemperature, transitionTime=null) { if (logEnable) log.debug "setcolortemp(${colortemperature})" List cmds = [] if (device.currentValue("switch") == "on"){ cmds.add(matter.setColorTemperature(colortemperature.toInteger(), transitionTime)) } else { cmds.add(matter.on()) cmds.add(matter.setColorTemperature(colortemperature.toInteger(), transitionTime)) } sendToDevice(cmds) } void setColor(Map colorMap) { logDebug "setColor(${colorMap})" if (colorMap.level) { setLevel(colorMap.level) } if (colorMap.hue != null && colorMap.saturation != null) { setHueSat(colorMap.hue, colorMap.saturation) } else if (colorMap.hue != null) { setHue(colorMap.hue) } else if (colorMap.saturation != null) { setSaturation(colorMap.saturation) } } void setDigitalRequest() { if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } ; state.states['isDigital'] = true ; runInMillis(DIGITAL_TIMER, clearDigitalRequest, [overwrite: true]) } // 3 seconds void clearDigitalRequest() { if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } ; state.states['isDigital'] = false } void logRequestedClusterAttrResult(Map data) { String clusterAtttr = "Cluster ${MatterClusters[data.cluster]} (0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(data.cluster, 2)}) endpoint ${HexUtils.integerToHexString(data.endpoint as Integer, 1)} attributes and values list" if (state.tmp != null) { logInfo "${clusterAtttr} :
${state.tmp}" } else { logInfo "${clusterAtttr} timeout! :(" } state.tmp = null if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } state.states['isInfo'] = false state.states['cluster'] = null } void requestMatterClusterAttributesList(Map data) { if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } state.states['isInfo'] = true state.states['cluster'] = HexUtils.integerToHexString(data.cluster, 2) state.tmp = null Integer endpoint = data.endpoint as Integer Integer cluster = data.cluster as Integer logInfo "Requesting Cluster ${MatterClusters[data.cluster]} (0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(data.cluster, 2)}) endpoint ${HexUtils.integerToHexString(endpoint, 1)} attributes list ..." List> attributePaths = [] attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(endpoint as Integer, cluster as Integer, 0xFFFB as Integer)) sendToDevice(matter.readAttributes(attributePaths)) } void requestMatterClusterAttributesValues(Map data) { Integer endpoint = data.endpoint as Integer Integer cluster = data.cluster as Integer String stateName = '0x' + HexUtils.integerToHexString(cluster, 2) if (state.matter == null) { state.matter = [:] } String attrListString = state.matter["$stateName"] as String logInfo "Requesting Cluster ${MatterClusters[data.cluster]} (0x${HexUtils.integerToHexString(data.cluster, 2)}) endpoint ${HexUtils.integerToHexString(endpoint, 1)} attributes values ..." if (attrListString == null) { logWarn 'requestMatterClusterAttributesValues: attrListString is null' return } attrListString = attrListString.substring(1, attrListString.length() - 1) // remove the [] brackets List attrList = attrListString.split(',').collect { HexUtils.hexStringToInt(it) } // convert the string to a list of integers logDebug "requestMatterClusterAttributesValues: attrList:${attrList}" List> attributePaths = [] attrList.each { attrInt -> attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(endpoint as Integer, cluster as Integer, attrInt)) } sendToDevice(matter.readAttributes(attributePaths)) } void requestAndCollectAttributesValues(endpoint, cluster, time) { runIn(time ?: 1, requestMatterClusterAttributesList, [overwrite: false, data: [endpoint:endpoint, cluster:cluster] ]) runIn(time + 3, requestMatterClusterAttributesValues, [overwrite: false, data: [endpoint:endpoint, cluster:cluster] ]) runIn(time + 12, logRequestedClusterAttrResult, [overwrite: false, data: [endpoint:endpoint, cluster:cluster] ]) } void getInfo() { logDebug 'getInfo()' requestAndCollectAttributesValues(endpoint = 0, cluster = 0x0028, time = 1) // Basic Information Cluster requestAndCollectAttributesValues(endpoint = 0, cluster = 0x001D, time = 15) // Descriptor Cluster if (state.deviceType == 'MATTER_OUTLET') { requestAndCollectAttributesValues(endpoint = device.endpointId, cluster = 0x0006, time = 30) // On/Off Cluster } else if (state.deviceType == 'MATTER_BULB') { requestAndCollectAttributesValues(endpoint = device.endpointId, cluster = 0x0006, time = 30) // On/Off Cluster requestAndCollectAttributesValues(endpoint = device.endpointId, cluster = 0x0008, time = 45) // Level Control Cluster requestAndCollectAttributesValues(endpoint = device.endpointId, cluster = 0x0300, time = 60) // Color Control Cluster } else if (state.deviceType == 'MATTER_CONTACT_SENSOR') { requestAndCollectAttributesValues(endpoint = device.endpointId, cluster = 0x0045, time = 30) // Boolean State Cluster requestAndCollectAttributesValues(endpoint = '02', cluster = 0x002F, time = 45) // Power Configuration Cluster } } void configure() { log.warn 'configure...' sendToDevice(subscribeCmd()) sendInfoEvent('configure()...', 'sent device subscribe command') } //lifecycle commands void updated() { log.info 'updated...' checkDriverVersion() log.warn "debug logging is: ${logEnable == true}" log.warn "description logging is: ${txtEnable == true}" if (logEnable) { runIn(86400, logsOff) } // 24 hours final int healthMethod = (settings.healthCheckMethod as Integer) ?: 0 if (healthMethod == 1 || healthMethod == 2) { // [0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Activity check', 2: 'Periodic polling'] // schedule the periodic timer final int interval = (settings.healthCheckInterval as Integer) ?: 0 if (interval > 0) { //log.trace "healthMethod=${healthMethod} interval=${interval}" log.info "scheduling health check every ${interval} minutes by ${HealthcheckMethodOpts.options[healthCheckMethod as int]} method" scheduleDeviceHealthCheck(interval, healthMethod) } } else { unScheduleDeviceHealthCheck() // unschedule the periodic job, depending on the healthMethod log.info 'Health Check is disabled!' } } void initialize() { log.warn 'initialize()...' Integer timeSinceLastSubscribe = (now() - (state.lastTx['subscribeTime'] ?: 0)) / 1000 Integer timeSinceLastUnsubscribe = (now() - (state.lastTx['unsubscribeTime'] ?: 0)) / 1000 logDebug "'isSubscribe'= ${state.states['isSubscribe']} timeSinceLastSubscribe= ${timeSinceLastSubscribe} 'isUnsubscribe' = ${state.states['isUnsubscribe']} timeSinceLastUnsubscribe= ${timeSinceLastUnsubscribe}" state.stats['initializeCtr'] = (state.stats['initializeCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 if (state.deviceType == null) { log.warn 'initialize(fullInit = true))...' initializeVars(fullInit = true) sendInfoEvent('initialize()...', 'full initialization - all settings are reset to default') } } void reSubscribe() { logWarn 'reSubscribe() ...' unsubscribe() } void unsubscribe() { sendInfoEvent('unsubscribe()...Please wait.', 'sent device unsubscribe command') sendUnsubscribeCmd() } void sendUnsubscribeCmd() { logWarn 'sendUnsubscribeCmd() ...' sendToDevice(unSubscribeCmd()) } String unSubscribeCmd() { return matter.unsubscribe() } void subscribe() { sendInfoEvent('subscribe()...Please wait.', 'sent device subscribe command') sendSubscribeCmd() } void sendSubscribeCmd() { logWarn 'sendSubscribeCmd()...' sendToDevice(subscribeCmd()) } String subscribeCmd() { List> attributePaths = [] String cmd = '' if (state.deviceType == 'MATTER_BULB') { attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x01, 0x0006, 0x00)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x01, 0x0008, 0x00)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x01, 0x0300, 0x00)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x01, 0x0300, 0x01)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x01, 0x0300, 0x07)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x01, 0x0300, 0x08)) //standard 0 reporting interval is way too busy for bulbs cmd = matter.subscribe(5, 0xFFFF, attributePaths) } else if (state.deviceType == 'MATTER_OUTLET') { attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x01, 0x0006, 0x00)) cmd = matter.subscribe(0, 300, attributePaths) } else if (state.deviceType == 'MATTER_CONTACT_SENSOR') { attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x01, 0x0045, 0x00)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x02, 0x002F, 0x0C)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x02, 0x002F, 0x0B)) // BatteryVoltage is reported every 8 hours attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x02, 0x002F, 0x00)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0x02, 0x002F, 0x0E)) cmd = matter.subscribe(0, 0xFFFF, attributePaths) } return cmd } void checkSubscriptionStatus() { if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } if (state.states['isUnsubscribe'] == true) { logInfo 'checkSubscription(): unsubscribe() is completed.' sendInfoEvent('unsubscribe() is completed', 'something was received in the parse() method') state.states['isUnsubscribe'] = false } if (state.states['isSubscribe'] == true) { logInfo 'checkSubscription(): subscribe() is completed.' sendInfoEvent('completed', 'something was received in the parse() method') state.states['isSubscribe'] = false } } void refresh() { logInfo'refresh() ...' checkDriverVersion() setRefreshRequest() // 6 seconds if (state.deviceType == null) { log.warn 'initialize()...' initializeVars(fullInit = true) } sendToDevice(refreshCmd()) } String refreshCmd() { List> attributePaths = [] if (state.deviceType == 'MATTER_OUTLET') { if (state.matter != null && state.matter['0x0006'] != null) { String attrListString = state.matter['0x0006'] as String attrListString = attrListString.substring(1, attrListString.length() - 1) // remove the [] brackets List attrList = attrListString.split(',').collect { HexUtils.hexStringToInt(it) } // convert the string to a list of integers logDebug "refreshCmd: attrList:${attrList}" attrList.each { attrInt -> attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(device.endpointId, 0x0006, attrInt)) } } else { logWarn "refreshCmd: state.matter['0x0006'] is null" } } else if (state.deviceType == 'MATTER_BULB') { attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(device.endpointId, 0x0006, 0x0000)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(device.endpointId, 0x0008, 0x0000)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(device.endpointId, 0x0300, 0x0000)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(device.endpointId, 0x0300, 0x0001)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(device.endpointId, 0x0300, 0x0007)) attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(device.endpointId, 0x0300, 0x0008)) } else if (state.deviceType == 'MATTER_CONTACT_SENSOR') { attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(device.endpointId, 0x0045, 0x0000)) // Boolean State Cluster : PresentValue attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(02, 0x002F, 0x000C)) // Power Configuration Cluster : BatteryPercentageRemaining attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(02, 0x002F, 0x000B)) // Power Configuration Cluster : BatteryVoltage attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(02, 0x002F, 0x0000)) // Power Configuration Cluster : Status attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(02, 0x002F, 0x000E)) // Power Configuration Cluster : BattChargeLevel } String cmd = matter.readAttributes(attributePaths) return cmd } void logsOff() { log.warn 'debug logging disabled...' device.updateSetting('logEnable', [value:'false', type:'bool']) } Integer hex254ToInt100(String value) { return Math.round(hexStrToUnsignedInt(value) / 2.54) } String int100ToHex254(value) { return intToHexStr(Math.round(value * 2.54)) } Integer getLuxValue(rawValue) { return Math.max((Math.pow(10, (rawValue / 10000)) - 1).toInteger(), 1) } void sendToDevice(List cmds, Integer delay = 300) { logDebug "sendToDevice (List): (${cmds})" if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['txCtr'] = (state.stats['txCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 } else { state.stats = [:] } if (state.lastTx != null) { state.lastTx['cmdTime'] = now() } else { state.lastTx = [:] } sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(commands(cmds, delay), hubitat.device.Protocol.MATTER)) } /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedMethodParameter */ void sendToDevice(String cmd, Integer delay = 300) { logDebug "sendToDevice (String): (${cmd})" if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['txCtr'] = (state.stats['txCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 } else { state.stats = [:] } if (state.lastTx != null) { state.lastTx['cmdTime'] = now() } else { state.lastTx = [:] } sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(cmd, hubitat.device.Protocol.MATTER)) } List commands(List cmds, Integer delay = 300) { return delayBetween(cmds.collect { it }, delay) } /* =================================================================================== */ void setRefreshRequest() { if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } ; state.states['isRefresh'] = true; runInMillis(REFRESH_TIMER, clearRefreshRequest, [overwrite: true]) } void clearRefreshRequest() { if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } ; state.states['isRefresh'] = false } void clearInfoEvent() { sendInfoEvent('clear') } void checkDriverVersion() { if (state.driverVersion == null || driverVersionAndTimeStamp() != state.driverVersion) { logDebug "updating the settings from the current driver version ${state.driverVersion} to the new version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}" sendInfoEvent("Updated to version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}") state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() initializeVars(fullInit = false) } } // credits @thebearmay String getModel() { try { /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnnecessaryGetter, UnusedVariable */ String model = getHubVersion() // requires >= } catch (ignore) { try { httpGet("http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080/api/hubitat.xml") { res -> model = res.data.device.modelName return model } } catch (ignore_again) { return '' } } } void sendInfoEvent(info = null, descriptionText = null) { if (info == null || info == 'clear') { logDebug 'clearing the Status event' sendEvent(name: 'Status', value: 'clear', descriptionText: 'last info messages auto cleared', isDigital: true) } else { logInfo "${info}" sendEvent(name: 'Status', value: info, descriptionText:descriptionText ?: '', isDigital: true) runIn(INFO_AUTO_CLEAR_PERIOD, 'clearInfoEvent') // automatically clear the Info attribute after 1 minute } } private void scheduleDeviceHealthCheck(final int intervalMins, final int healthMethod) { if (healthMethod == 1 || healthMethod == 2) { String cron = getCron(intervalMins * 60) schedule(cron, 'deviceHealthCheck') logDebug "deviceHealthCheck is scheduled every ${intervalMins} minutes" } else { logWarn 'deviceHealthCheck is not scheduled!' unschedule('deviceHealthCheck') } } private void unScheduleDeviceHealthCheck() { unschedule('deviceHealthCheck') device.deleteCurrentState('healthStatus') logWarn 'device health check is disabled!' } // called when any event was received from the device in the parse() method. void setHealthStatusOnline() { if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } state.health['checkCtr3'] = 0 if (((device.currentValue('healthStatus') ?: 'unknown') != 'online')) { sendHealthStatusEvent('online') logInfo 'is now online!' } } void deviceHealthCheck() { checkDriverVersion() if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } Integer ctr = state.health['checkCtr3'] ?: 0 logDebug "deviceHealthCheck: checkCtr3=${ctr}" if (ctr >= PRESENCE_COUNT_THRESHOLD) { if ((device.currentValue('healthStatus') ?: 'unknown') != 'offline') { state.health['offlineCtr'] = (state.health['offlineCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 logWarn 'not present!' sendHealthStatusEvent('offline') } } else { logDebug "deviceHealthCheck: online (notPresentCounter=${ctr})" } if (((settings.healthCheckMethod as Integer) ?: 0) == 2) { // [0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Activity check', 2: 'Periodic polling'] ping() } state.health['checkCtr3'] = ctr + 1 } void sendHealthStatusEvent(value) { String descriptionText = "healthStatus changed to ${value}" sendEvent(name: 'healthStatus', value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true, isDigital: true) if (value == 'online') { logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName}} ${descriptionText}" } } } String getCron(timeInSeconds) { final Random rnd = new Random() int minutes = (timeInSeconds / 60) as int int hours = (minutes / 60) as int if (hours > 23) { hours = 23 } String cron if (timeInSeconds < 60) { cron = "*/$timeInSeconds * * * * ? *" } else { if (minutes < 60) { cron = "${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(9)}/$minutes * ? * *" } else { cron = "${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(59)} */$hours ? * *" } } return cron } void ping() { if (state.lastTx != null) { state.lastTx['pingTime'] = new Date().getTime() } else { state.lastTx = [:] } if (state.states != null) { state.states['isPing'] = true } else { state.states = [:] } scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck() sendToDevice(pingCmd()) logDebug 'ping...' } String pingCmd() { List> attributePaths = [] attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0, 0x0028, 0x00)) // Basic Information Cluster : DataModelRevision String cmd = matter.readAttributes(attributePaths) return cmd } void scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck(int delay = COMMAND_TIMEOUT) { runIn(delay, 'deviceCommandTimeout') } void deviceCommandTimeout() { logWarn 'no response received (sleepy device or offline?)' if (state.states['isPing'] == true) { sendRttEvent('timeout') state.states['isPing'] = false if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['pingsFail'] = (state.stats['pingsFail'] ?: 0) + 1 } else { state.stats = [:] } } else { sendInfoEvent('timeout!', 'no response received on the last matter command!') } sendRttEvent('timeout') if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['pingsFail'] = (state.stats['pingsFail'] ?: 0) + 1 } else { state.stats = [:] } } void sendRttEvent(String value=null) { Long now = new Date().getTime() if (state.lastTx == null) { state.lastTx = [:] } Integer timeRunning = now.toInteger() - (state.lastTx['pingTime'] ?: now).toInteger() String descriptionText = "Round-trip time is ${timeRunning} ms (min=${state.stats['pingsMin']} max=${state.stats['pingsMax']} average=${state.stats['pingsAvg']})" if (value == null) { logInfo "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: 'rtt', value: timeRunning, descriptionText: descriptionText, unit: 'ms', isDigital: true) } else { descriptionText = "Round-trip time : ${value}" logInfo "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: 'rtt', value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, isDigital: true) } } String driverVersionAndTimeStamp() { version() + ' ' + timeStamp() + ((_DEBUG) ? ' (debug version!) ' : ' ') + "(${device.getDataValue('model') } ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer') }) (${getModel()} ${location.hub.firmwareVersionString}) " } String getDeviceInfo() { return "model=${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer=${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} deviceProfile=${state.deviceProfile ?: UNKNOWN}" } void resetStats() { logDebug 'resetStats...' state.stats = state.states = [:] state.lastRx = state.lastTx = [:] state.lastTx['pingTime'] = state.lastTx['cmdTime'] = now() state.lastTx['subscribeTime'] = state.lastTx['unsubscribeTime'] = now() state.health = [:] state.onOff = [:] // driver specific state.matter = [:] state.stats['rxCtr'] = state.stats['txCtr'] = 0 state.stats['initializeCtr'] = state.stats['duplicatedCtr'] = 0 state.states['isDigital'] = state.states['isRefresh'] = state.states['isPing'] = state.states['isInfo'] = false state.states['isSubscribing'] = state.states['isUnsubscribing'] = false state.health['offlineCtr'] = state.health['checkCtr3'] = 0 } void initializeVars(boolean fullInit = false) { logDebug "InitializeVars()... fullInit = ${fullInit}" if (fullInit == true) { state.clear() unschedule() resetStats() state.comment = 'Works with Nanoleaf Matter bulb' logInfo 'all states and scheduled jobs cleared!' state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() logInfo "DEVICE_TYPE = ${DEVICE_TYPE}" state.deviceType = DEVICE_TYPE sendInfoEvent('Initialized (fullInit = true)', 'full initialization - loaded all defaults!') } if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] } if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (state.lastTx == null) { state.lastTx = [:] } if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } if (fullInit || settings?.txtEnable == null) { device.updateSetting('txtEnable', true) } if (fullInit || settings?.logEnable == null) { device.updateSetting('logEnable', true) } if (fullInit || settings?.traceEnable == null) { device.updateSetting('traceEnable', false) } if (fullInit || settings?.advancedOptions == null) { device.updateSetting('advancedOptions', [value:false, type:'bool']) } if (fullInit || settings?.healthCheckMethod == null) { device.updateSetting('healthCheckMethod', [value: HealthcheckMethodOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) } if (fullInit || settings?.healthCheckInterval == null) { device.updateSetting('healthCheckInterval', [value: HealthcheckIntervalOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) } if (fullInit || settings?.spammyReportsFilter == null) { device.updateSetting('spammyReportsFilter', [value: SpammyReportsFilterOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) } if (device.currentValue('healthStatus') == null) { sendHealthStatusEvent('unknown') } } static Integer safeToInt(val, Integer defaultVal=0) { return "${val}"?.isInteger() ? "${val}".toInteger() : defaultVal } static Double safeToDouble(val, Double defaultVal=0.0) { return "${val}"?.isDouble() ? "${val}".toDouble() : defaultVal } @Field static final int ROLLING_AVERAGE_N = 10 double approxRollingAverage(double avg, double newSample) { Double tempAvg = avg if (tempAvg == null || tempAvg == 0) { tempAvg = newSample } tempAvg -= tempAvg / ROLLING_AVERAGE_N tempAvg += newSample / ROLLING_AVERAGE_N // TODO: try Method II : New average = old average * (n-1)/n + new value /n return tempAvg } void logDebug(msg) { if (settings.logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void logInfo(msg) { if (settings.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void logWarn(msg) { if (settings.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void logTrace(msg) { if (settings.traceEnable) { log.trace "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void parseTest(par) { log.warn "parseTest(${par})" parse(par) } /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedMethodParameter */ void test(par) { /* log.warn "test... ${par}" log.debug "Matter cluster names = ${matter.getClusterNames()}" // OK log.debug "Matter getClusterIdByName ${matter.getClusterIdByName('Identify')}" // OK log.debug "Matter getClusterName(3) = ${matter.getClusterName(3)}" // not OK - echoes back the cluster number? */ List> attributePaths = [] attributePaths.add(matter.attributePath(0, 0x4000, 0x00)) String cmd = matter.readAttributes(attributePaths) sendToDevice(cmd) } /* Matter cluster names = [$FaultInjection, $UnitTesting, $ElectricalMeasurement, $AccountLogin, $ApplicationBasic, $ApplicationLauncher, $AudioOutput, $ContentLauncher, $KeypadInput, $LowPower, $MediaInput, $MediaPlayback, $TargetNavigator, $Channel, $WakeOnLan, $RadonConcentrationMeasurement, $TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement, $Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement, $Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement, $FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement, $Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement, $SodiumConcentrationMeasurement, $ChloroformConcentrationMeasurement, $ChlorodibromomethaneConcentrationMeasurement, $BromoformConcentrationMeasurement, $BromodichloromethaneConcentrationMeasurement, $SulfateConcentrationMeasurement, $ManganeseConcentrationMeasurement, $LeadConcentrationMeasurement, $CopperConcentrationMeasurement, $TurbidityConcentrationMeasurement, $TotalColiformBacteriaConcentrationMeasurement, $TotalTrihalomethanesConcentrationMeasurement, $HaloaceticAcidsConcentrationMeasurement, $FluorideConcentrationMeasurement, $FecalColiformEColiConcentrationMeasurement, $ChlorineConcentrationMeasurement, $ChloraminesConcentrationMeasurement, $BromateConcentrationMeasurement, $DissolvedOxygenConcentrationMeasurement, $SulfurDioxideConcentrationMeasurement, $OzoneConcentrationMeasurement, $OxygenConcentrationMeasurement, $NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement, $NitricOxideConcentrationMeasurement, $HydrogenSulfideConcentrationMeasurement, $HydrogenConcentrationMeasurement, $EthyleneOxideConcentrationMeasurement, $EthyleneConcentrationMeasurement, $CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement, $CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement, $OccupancySensing, $RelativeHumidityMeasurement, $FlowMeasurement, $PressureMeasurement, $TemperatureMeasurement, $IlluminanceMeasurement, $BallastConfiguration, $ColorControl, $ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration, $FanControl, $Thermostat, $PumpConfigurationAndControl, $BarrierControl, $WindowCovering, $DoorLock, $TonerCartridgeMonitoring, $InkCartridgeMonitoring, $FuelTankMonitoring, $WaterTankMonitoring, $OzoneFilterMonitoring, $ZeoliteFilterMonitoring, $IonizingFilterMonitoring, $UvFilterMonitoring, $ElectrostaticFilterMonitoring, $CeramicFilterMonitoring, $ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring, $HepaFilterMonitoring, $RvcOperationalState, $OperationalState, $DishwasherAlarm, $SmokeCoAlarm, $AirQuality, $DishwasherMode, $RefrigeratorAlarm, $TemperatureControl, $RvcCleanMode, $RvcRunMode, $LaundryWasherControls, $RefrigeratorAndTemperatureControlledCabinetMode, $LaundryWasherMode, $ModeSelect, $IcdManagement, $BooleanState, $ProxyValid, $ProxyDiscovery, $ProxyConfiguration, $UserLabel, $FixedLabel, $GroupKeyManagement, $OperationalCredentials, $AdministratorCommissioning, $Switch, $BridgedDeviceBasicInformation, $TimeSynchronization, $EthernetNetworkDiagnostics, $WiFiNetworkDiagnostics, $ThreadNetworkDiagnostics, $SoftwareDiagnostics, $GeneralDiagnostics, $DiagnosticLogs, $NetworkCommissioning, $GeneralCommissioning, $PowerSource, $PowerSourceConfiguration, $UnitLocalization, $TimeFormatLocalization, $LocalizationConfiguration, $OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor, $OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider, $BasicInformation, $Actions, $AccessControl, $Binding, $Descriptor, $PulseWidthModulation, $BinaryInputBasic, $LevelControl, $OnOffSwitchConfiguration, $OnOff, $Scenes, $Groups, $Identify] */ // https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/tree/master/src/app/clusters @Field static final Map MatterClusters = [ 0x001D : 'Descriptor', // The Descriptor cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for describing a node, its endpoints and clusters 0x001E : 'Binding', // Meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for supportiprefriginatng the binding table. 0x001F : 'AccessControl', // Exposes a data model view of a Node’s Access Control List (ACL), which codifies the rules used to manage and enforce Access Control for the Node’s endpoints and their associated cluster instances. 0x0025 : 'Actions', // Provides a standardized way for a Node (typically a Bridge, but could be any Node) to expose information, commands, events ... 0x0028 : 'BasicInformation', // Provides attributes and events for determining basic information about Nodes, which supports both Commissioning and operational determination of Node characteristics, such as Vendor ID, Product ID and serial number, which apply to the whole Node. 0x0029 : 'OTASoftwareUpdateProvider', 0x002A : 'OTASoftwareUpdateRequestor', 0x002B : 'LocalizationConfiguration', // Provides attributes for determining and configuring localization information 0x002C : 'TimeFormatLocalization', // Provides attributes for determining and configuring time and date formatting information 0x002D : 'UnitLocalization', // Provides attributes for determining and configuring the units 0x002E : 'PowerSourceConfiguration', // Used to describe the configuration and capabilities of a Device’s power system 0x002F : 'PowerSource', // Used to describe the configuration and capabilities of a physical power source that provides power to the Node 0x0030 : 'GeneralCommissioning', // Used to manage basic commissioning lifecycle 0x0031 : 'NetworkCommissioning', // Associates a Node with or manage a Node’s one or more network interfaces 0x0032 : 'DiagnosticLogs', // Provides commands for retrieving unstructured diagnostic logs from a Node that may be used to aid in diagnostics. 0x0033 : 'GeneralDiagnostics', // Provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics 0x0034 : 'SoftwareDiagnostics', // Provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrator in diagnosing potential problems 0x0035 : 'ThreadNetworkDiagnostics', // Provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrator in diagnosing potential problems 0x0036 : 'WiFiNetworkDiagnostics', // Provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrator in diagnosing potential 0x0037 : 'EthernetNetworkDiagnostics', // Provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrator in diagnosing potential 0x0038 : 'TimeSync', // Provides Attributes for reading a Node’s current time 0x0039 : 'BridgedDeviceBasicInformation', // Serves two purposes towards a Node communicating with a Bridge 0x003C : 'AdministratorCommissioning', // Used to trigger a Node to allow a new Administrator to commission it. It defines Attributes, Commands and Responses needed for this purpose. 0x003E : 'OperationalCredentials', // Used to add or remove Node Operational credentials on a Commissionee or Node, as well as manage the associated Fabrics. 0x003F : 'GroupKeyManagement', // Manages group keys for the node 0x0040 : 'FixedLabel', // Provides a feature for the device to tag an endpoint with zero or more read only labels 0x0041 : 'UserLabel', // Provides a feature to tag an endpoint with zero or more labels. 0x0042 : 'ProxyConfiguration', // Provides a means for a proxy-capable device to be told the set of Nodes it SHALL proxy 0x0043 : 'ProxyDiscovery', // Contains commands needed to do proxy discovery 0x0044 : 'ValidProxies', // Provides a means for a device to be told of the valid set of possible proxies that can proxy subscriptions on its behalf 0x0003 : 'Identify', // Supports an endpoint identification state (e.g., flashing a light), that indicates to an observer (e.g., an installer) which of several nodes and/or endpoints it is. 0x0004 : 'Groups', // Manages, per endpoint, the content of the node-wide Group Table that is part of the underlying interaction layer. 0x0005 : 'Scenes', // Provides attributes and commands for setting up and recalling scenes. 0x0006 : 'OnOff', // Attributes and commands for turning devices on and off. 0x0008 : 'LevelControl', // Provides an interface for controlling a characteristic of a device that can be set to a level, for example the brightness of a light, the degree of closure of a door, or the power output of a heater. 0x001C : 'LevelControlDerived', // Derived cluster specifications are defined elsewhere. 0x003B : 'Switch', // Exposes interactions with a switch device, for the purpose of using those interactions by other devices 0x0045 : 'BooleanState', // Provides an interface to a boolean state. 0x0050 : 'ModeSelect', // Provides an interface for controlling a characteristic of a device that can be set to one of several predefined values. 0x0051 : 'LaundryWasherMode', // Commands and attributes for controlling a laundry washer 0x0052 : 'RefrigeratorAndTemperatureControlledCabinetMode', // Commands and attributes for controlling a refrigerator or a temperature controlled cabinet 0x0053 : 'LaundryWasherControls', // Commands and attributes for the control of options on a device that does laundry washing 0x0054 : 'RVCRunMode', // Commands and attributes for controlling the running mode of an RVC device. 0x0055 : 'RVCCleanMode', // Commands and attributes for controlling the cleaning mode of an RVC device. 0x0056 : 'TemperatureControl', // Commands and attributes for control of a temperature set point 0x0057 : 'RefrigeratorAlarm', // Alarm definitions for Refrigerator devices 0x0059 : 'DishwasherMode', // Commands and attributes for controlling a dishwasher 0x005B : 'AirQuality', // Provides an interface to air quality classification using distinct levels with human-readable labels. 0x005C : 'SmokeCOAlarm', // Provides an interface for observing and managing the state of smoke and CO alarms 0x005D : 'DishwasherAlarm', // Alarm definitions for Dishwasher devices 0x0060 : 'OperationalState', // Supports remotely monitoring and, where supported, changing the operational state of any device where a state machine is a part of the operation. 0x0061 : 'RVCOperationalState', // Commands and attributes for monitoring and controlling the operational state of an RVC device. 0x0071 : 'HEPAFilterMonitoring', // HEPA Filter 0x0072 : 'ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring', // Activated Carbon Filter 0x0101 : 'DoorLock', // An interface to a generic way to secure a door 0x0102 : 'WindowCovering', // Commands and attributes for controlling a window covering 0x0200 : 'PumpConfigurationAndControl',// An interface for configuring and controlling pumps. 0x0201 : 'Thermostat', // An interface for configuring and controlling the functionalty of a thermostat 0x0202 : 'FanControl', // An interface for controlling a fan in a heating / cooling system 0x0204 : 'ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration', // An interface for configuring the user interface of a thermostat (which MAY be remote from the thermostat) 0x0300 : 'ColorControl', // Attributes and commands for controlling the color of a color capable light. 0x0301 : 'BallastConfiguration', // Attributes and commands for configuring a lighting ballast 0x0400 : 'IlluminanceMeasurement', // Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of illuminance, and reporting illuminance measurements 0x0402 : 'TemperatureMeasurement', // Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of temperature, and reporting temperature measurements 0x0403 : 'PressureMeasurement', // Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of pressure, and reporting pressure measurements 0x0404 : 'FlowMeasurement', // Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of flow, and reporting flow rates 0x0405 : 'RelativeHumidityMeasurement',// Supports configuring the measurement of relative humidity, and reporting relative humidity measurements of water in the air 0x0406 : 'OccupancySensing', // Occupancy sensing functionality, including configuration and provision of notifications of occupancy status 0x0407 : 'LeafWetnessMeasurement', // Percentage of water in the leaves of plants 0x0408 : 'SoilMoistureMeasurement', // Percentage of water in the soil 0x040C : 'CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement', 0x040D : 'CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement', 0x0413 : 'NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement', 0x0415 : 'OzoneConcentrationMeasurement', 0x042A : 'PM2.5ConcentrationMeasurement', 0x042B : 'FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement', 0x042C : 'PM1ConcentrationMeasurement', 0x042D : 'PM10ConcentrationMeasurement', 0x042E : 'TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement', 0x042F : 'RadonConcentrationMeasurement', 0x0503 : 'WakeOnLAN', // interface for managing low power mode on a device that supports the Wake On LAN or Wake On Wireless LAN (WLAN) protocol 0x0504 : 'Channel', // interface for controlling the current Channel on an endpoint. 0x0505 : 'TargetNavigator', // n interface for UX navigation within a set of targets on a Video Player device or Content App endpoint. 0x0506 : 'MediaPlayback', // interface for controlling Media Playback (PLAY, PAUSE, etc) on a Video Player device 0x0507 : 'MediaInput', // interface for controlling the Input Selector on a Video Player device. 0x0508 : 'LowPower', // interface for managing low power mode on a device. 0x0509 : 'KeypadInput', // interface for controlling a Video Player or a Content App using action commands such as UP, DOWN, and SELECT. 0x050A : 'ContentLauncher', // interface for launching content on a Video Player device or a Content App. 0x050B : 'AudioOutput', // interface for controlling the Output on a Video Player device. 0x050E : 'AccountLogin', // interface for facilitating user account login on an application or a node. 0x050C : 'ApplicationLauncher', // interface for launching content on a Video Player device. 0x050D : 'ApplicationBasic' // information about a Content App running on a Video Player device which is represented as an endpoint ] // 7.13. Global Elements @Field static final Map GlobalElementsAttributes = [ 0x00FE : 'FabricIndex', 0xFFF8 : 'GeneratedCommandList', 0xFFF9 : 'AcceptedCommandList', 0xFFFA : 'EventList', 0xFFFB : 'AttributeList', 0xFFFC : 'FeatureMap', 0xFFFD : 'ClusterRevision' ] // 9.5. Descriptor Cluser 0x001D @Field static final Map DescriptorClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'DeviceTypeList', 0x0001 : 'ServerList', 0x0002 : 'ClientList', 0x0003 : 'PartsList' ] // Attributes of the Basic Information Cluster 0x0028 ep=0 @Field static final Map BasicInformationClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'DataModelRevision', 0x0001 : 'VendorName', 0x0002 : 'VendorID', 0x0003 : 'ProductName', 0x0004 : 'ProductID', 0x0005 : 'NodeLabel', 0x0006 : 'Location', 0x0007 : 'HardwareVersion', 0x0008 : 'HardwareVersionString', 0x0009 : 'SoftwareVersion', 0x000A : 'SoftwareVersionString', 0x000B : 'ManufacturingDate', 0x000C : 'PartNumber', 0x000D : 'ProductURL', 0x000E : 'ProductLabel', 0x000F : 'SerialNumber', 0x0010 : 'LocalConfigDisabled', 0x0011 : 'Reachable', 0x0012 : 'UniquieID', 0x0013 : 'CapabilityMinima' ] // Identify Cluster 0x0003 @Field static final Map IdentifyClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'IdentifyTime', 0x0001 : 'IdentifyType' ] // Groups Cluster 0x0004 @Field static final Map GroupsClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'NameSupport' ] // Scenes Cluster 0x0005 @Field static final Map ScenesClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'SceneCount', 0x0001 : 'CurrentScene', 0x0002 : 'CurrentGroup', 0x0003 : 'SceneValid', 0x0004 : 'RemainingCapacity' ] // On/Off Cluser 0x0006 @Field static final Map OnOffClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'Switch', 0x4000 : 'GlobalSceneControl', 0x4001 : 'OnTime', 0x4002 : 'OffWaitTime', 0x4003 : 'StartUpOnOff' ] // 1.6. Level Control Cluster 0x0008 @Field static final Map LevelControlClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'CurrentLevel', 0x0001 : 'RemainingTime', 0x0002 : 'MinLevel', 0x0003 : 'MaxLevel', 0x0004 : 'CurrentFrequency', 0x0005 : 'MinFrequency', 0x0010 : 'OnOffTransitionTime', 0x0011 : 'OnLevel', 0x0012 : 'OnTransitionTime', 0x0013 : 'OffTransitionTime', 0x000F : 'Options', 0x4000 : 'StartUpCurrentLevel' ] /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedVariable */ @Field static final Map LevelControlClusterCommands = [ 0x00 : 'MoveToLevel', 0x01 : 'Move', 0x02 : 'Step', 0x03 : 'Stop', 0x04 : 'MoveToLevelWithOnOff', 0x05 : 'MoveWithOnOff', 0x06 : 'StepWithOnOff', 0x07 : 'StopWithOnOff', 0x08 : 'MoveToClosestFrequency' ] // 11.7. Power Source Cluster 0x002F // attrList:[0, 1, 2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 25, 65528, 65529, 65531, 65532, 65533] @Field static final Map PowerSourceClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'Status', 0x0001 : 'Order', 0x0002 : 'Description', 0x000B : 'BatVoltage', 0x000C : 'BatPercentRemaining', 0x000D : 'BatTimeRemaining', 0x000E : 'BatChargeLevel', 0x000F : 'BatReplacementNeeded', 0x0010 : 'BatReplaceability', 0x0013 : 'BatReplacementDescription', 0x0019 : 'BatQuantity' ] @Field static final Map PowerSourceClusterStatus = [ 0x00 : 'Unspecified', // SHALL indicate the source status is not specified 0x01 : 'Active', // SHALL indicate the source is available and currently supplying power 0x02 : 'Standby', // SHALL indicate the source is available, but is not currently supplying power 0x03 : 'Unavailable' // SHALL indicate the source is not currently available to supply power ] @Field static final Map PowerSourceClusterBatteryChargeLevel = [ 0x00 : 'OK', // Charge level is nominal 0x01 : 'Warning', // Charge level is low, intervention may soon be required. 0x02 : 'Critical' // Charge level is critical, immediate intervention is required. ] // 1.7 Bolean State Cluster 0x0045 @Field static final Map BoleanStateClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'StateValue' ] // 3.2. Color Control Cluster 0x0300 @Field static final Map ColorControlClusterAttributes = [ 0x0000 : 'CurrentHue', 0x0001 : 'CurrentSaturation', 0x0002 : 'RemainingTime', 0x0003 : 'CurrentX', 0x0004 : 'CurrentY', 0x0005 : 'DriftCompensation', 0x0006 : 'CompensationText', 0x0007 : 'ColorTemperature', 0x0008 : 'ColorMode', 0x000F : 'Options', 0x4000 : 'EnhancedCurrentHue', 0x4001 : 'EnhancedColorMode', 0x4002 : 'ColorLoopActive', 0x4003 : 'ColorLoopDirection', 0x4004 : 'ColorLoopTime', 0x4005 : 'ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue', 0x4006 : 'ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue', 0x400A : 'ColorCapabilities', 0x400B : 'ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds', 0x400C : 'ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds', 0x400D : 'CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds', 0x4010 : 'StartUpColorTemperatureMireds' ] @Field static final Map ColorControlClusterCommands = [ 0x00 : 'MoveToHue', 0x01 : 'MoveHue', 0x02 : 'StepHue', 0x03 : 'MoveToSaturation', 0x04 : 'MoveSaturation', 0x05 : 'StepSaturation', 0x06 : 'MoveToHueAndSaturation', 0x07 : 'MoveToColor', 0x08 : 'MoveColor', 0x09 : 'StepColor', 0x0A : 'MoveToColorTemperature', 0x40 : 'EnhancedMoveToHue', 0x41 : 'EnhancedMoveHue', 0x42 : 'EnhancedStepHue', 0x43 : 'EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation', 0x44 : 'ColorLoopSet', 0x47 : 'StopMoveStep', 0x4B : 'MoveColorTemperature', 0x4C : 'StepColorTemperature' ]