/* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, CouldBeSwitchStatement, DuplicateListLiteral, DuplicateMapLiteral, DuplicateNumberLiteral, DuplicateStringLiteral, ImplementationAsType, ImplicitClosureParameter, ImplicitReturnStatement, InsecureRandom, LineLength, MethodCount, MethodParameterTypeRequired, MethodReturnTypeRequired, MethodSize, NoDef, NoDouble, StaticMethodsBeforeInstanceMethods, UnnecessaryGetter, UnnecessaryPackageReference, UnnecessarySetter, UnnecessaryTernaryExpression, VariableTypeRequired */
* Tuya Scene Switch TS004F w/ healthStatus driver for Hubitat Elevation hub.
* Supports Tuya (Moes, Zemismart, LoraTap, .....) buttons and scene switches and remotes (1,2,3,4,5,6 buttons), smart knobs, Konke, icasa
* https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-scene-switch-ts004f-driver-w-healthstatus/92823
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* The inital version was based on ST DH "Zemismart Button", namespace: SangBoy, author: YooSangBeom
* ver. 1.0.0 2021-05-08 kkossev - SmartThings version
* ver. 2.0.0 2021-10-03 kkossev - First version for Hubitat in 'Scene Control'mode - AFTER PAIRING FIRST to Tuya Zigbee gateway!
* ver. 2.1.0 2021-10-20 kkossev - typos fixed; button wrong event names bug fixed; extended debug logging; added experimental switchToDimmerMode command
* ver. 2.1.1 2021-10-20 kkossev - numberOfButtons event bug fix;
* ver. 2.2.0 2021-10-20 kkossev - First succesfuly working version with HE!
* ver. 2.2.1 2021-10-23 kkossev - added "Reverse button order" preference option
* ver. 2.2.2 2021-11-17 kkossev - added battery reporting capability; added buttons handlers for use in Hubutat Dashboards; code cleanup
* ver. 2.2.3 2021-12-01 kkossev - added fingerprint for Tuya Remote _TZ3000_pcqjmcud
* ver. 2.2.4 2021-12-05 kkossev - added support for 'YSR-MINI-Z Remote TS004F'
* ver. 2.3.0 2022-02-13 kkossev - added support for 'Tuya Smart Knob TS004F'
* ver. 2.4.0 2022-03-31 kkossev - added support for 'MOES remote TS0044', singleThreaded: true; bug fix: debouncing timer was not started for TS0044
* ver. 2.4.1 2022-04-23 kkossev - improved tracing of debouncing logic code; option [overwrite: true] is set explicitely on debouncing timer restart; debounce timer increased to 1000ms
* ver. 2.4.2 2022-05-07 kkossev - added LoraTap 6 button Scene Controller; device.getDataValue bug fix;
* ver. 2.4.3 2022-09-18 kkossev - added TS0042 Tuya Zigbee 2 Gang Wireless Smart Switch; removed 'release' event for TS0044 switches (not supported by hardware); 'release' digital event bug fix.
* ver. 2.4.4 2022-10-22 kkossev - _TZ3000_vp6clf9d fingerprint correction; importURL changed to dev. branch; added _TZ3000_w8jwkczz and other TS0041, TS0042, TS0043, TS004 fingerprints
* ver. 2.4.5 2022-10-27 kkossev - added icasa ICZB-KPD18S 8 button controller.
* ver. 2.4.6 2022-11-20 kkossev - added TS004F _TZ3000_ja5osu5g - 1 button!; isTuya() bug fix
* ver. 2.4.7 2022-12-22 kkossev - added TS004F _TZ3000_rco1yzb1 LIDL Smart Button SSBM A1; added _TZ3000_u3nv1jwk
* ver. 2.5.0 2023-01-14 kkossev - bug fix: battery percentage remaining automatic reporting was not configured, now hardcoded to 8 hours; bug fix: 'released'event; debug info improvements; declared supportedButtonValues attribute
* ver. 2.5.1 2023-01-20 kkossev - battery percentage remaining HomeKit compatibility
* ver. 2.5.2 2023-01-28 kkossev - _TZ3000_vp6clf9d (TS0044) debouncing; added Loratap TS0046 (6 buttons);
* ver. 2.6.0 2023-01-28 kkossev - added healthStatus; Initialize button is disabled;
* ver. 2.6.1 2023-02-05 kkossev - added _TZ3000_mh9px7cq; isSmartKnob() typo fix; added capability 'Health Check'; added powerSource attribute 'battery'; added dummy ping() code; added _TZ3000_famkxci2
* ver. 2.6.2 2023-02-23 kkossev - added Konke button model: 3AFE280100510001 ; LoraTap _TZ3000_iszegwpd TS0046 buttons 5&6;
* ver. 2.6.3 2023-03-11 kkossev - added TS0215 _TYZB01_qm6djpta _TZ3000_fsiepnrh _TZ3000_p6ju8myv; added state.stats{rxCtr,txCtr,rejoinCtr}; added Advanced options; added batteryReportingOptions; battery reporting is not changed by default!
* ver. 2.6.4 2023-04-27 kkossev - added Sonoff SNZB-01; added IKEA Tradfri Shortcut Button E1812; added AC0251600NJ/AC0251100NJ OSRAM Lightify Switch Mini; added TS0041 _TZ3000_fa9mlvja 1 button; TS0215A _TZ3000_2izubafb inClusters correction
* ver. 2.6.5 2023-05-15 kkossev - TS0215A _TZ3000_pkfazisv iAlarm (Meian) SOS button fingerprint correction; number of buttons and supportedValues correction for SOS buttons; added _TZ3000_abrsvsou
* ver. 2.6.6 2023-05-30 kkossev - reverseButton default value bug fix;
* ver. 2.6.9 2023-10-14 kkossev - REVERTED BACK TO VERSION 2.6.6 timeStamp 2023/05/30 1:51 PM
* ver. 2.6.10 2023-12-01 kkossev - added _TZ3000_ur5fpg7p in the needsDebouncing list; added Sonoff SNZB-01P
* ver. 2.7.0 2024-03-06 kkossev - Groovy lint; added TS0021 _TZ3210_3ulg9kpo
* ver. 2.7.1 2024-04-23 kkossev - added _TZ3000_wkai4ga5 to the needsDebouncing() list; added TS004F _TZ3000_b3mgfu0d and _TZ3000_czuyt8lz;
* ver. 2.7.2 2024-05-06 kkossev - bug fix: TS0044 _TZ3000_vp6clf9d _TZ3000_ur5fpg7p _TZ3000_wkai4ga5 needed to be pushed twice to active a button; Configure button will reset the statistics;
* ver. 2.7.3 2024-06-22 kkossev - added TS0041 _TZ3000_s0i14ubi; added TS0041 _TZ3000_mrpevh8p
* ver. 2.7.4 2024-12-03 kkossev - debounce for TS0043 TZ3000_gbm10jnj
* ver. 2.8.0 2024-12-04 kkossev - added forcedDebounce preference; default debounce timer changed to 1200ms
* ver. 2.8.1 2025-01-12 kkossev - (dev.branch) - added SiHAS models SBM300Z2, SBM300Z3, SBM300Z4, SBM300Z5, SBM300Z6, ISM300Z3
* - TODO: debounce timer configuration (1000ms may be too low when repeaters are in use);
* - TODO: batteryReporting is not initialized!
* - TODO: unschedule jobs from other drivers: https://community.hubitat.com/t/moes-4-button-zigbee-switch/78119/20?u=kkossev
* - TODO: configre (override) the numberOfButtons in the AdvancedOptions
* - TODO: Lightify initialization like in the stock HE driver'; add Aqara button;
* - TODO: Sonoff button - battery reporting to be enabled by default; Refresh to read battery level/voltage';
* - TODO: add IAS Zone (0x0500) and IAS ACE (0x0501) support; enroll for TS0215/TS0215A
* - TODO: Debug logs off after 24 hours
* - TODO: simulate double-click for the 4-button knobs
* - TODO: Remove battery percentage reporting configuration for TS0041 and TS0046 : https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/6313#issuecomment-780746430 // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/15340
* - TODO: Try to send default responses after button press for TS004F devices : https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/8149
* - TODO: Advanced option 'batteryVoltage' 'enum' ['report voltage', 'voltage + battery%'']
* - TODO: calculate battery % from Voltage event for Konke button!
* - TODO: add 'auto revert to scene mode' option
* - TODO: add supports forZigbee identify cluster (0x0003) ( activate LEDs as feedback that HSM is armed/disarmed ..)
static String version() { '2.8.1' }
static String timeStamp() { '2025/01/12 9:09 AM' }
@Field static final Boolean DEBUG = false
@Field static final Integer healthStatusCountTreshold = 4
import groovy.transform.Field
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
metadata {
definition(name: 'Tuya Scene Switch TS004F', namespace: 'kkossev', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20TS004F/TS004F.groovy', singleThreaded: true ) {
capability 'Refresh'
capability 'PushableButton'
capability 'DoubleTapableButton'
capability 'HoldableButton'
capability 'ReleasableButton'
capability 'Battery'
capability 'PowerSource'
capability 'Configuration'
capability 'Health Check'
attribute 'supportedButtonValues', 'JSON_OBJECT'
attribute 'switchMode', 'enum', ['dimmer', 'scene']
attribute 'batteryVoltage', 'number'
attribute 'healthStatus', 'enum', ['offline', 'online']
attribute 'powerSource', 'enum', ['battery', 'dc', 'mains', 'unknown']
if (DEBUG == true) {
command 'switchMode', [[name: 'mode*', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['dimmer', 'scene'], description: 'Select device mode']]
command 'test', [[name: 'test', type: 'STRING', description: 'test', defaultValue : '']]
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_xabckq1v', model: 'TS004F', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Scene Switch TS004F'
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_pcqjmcud', model: 'TS004F', deviceJoinName: 'YSR-MINI-Z Remote TS004F'
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_4fjiwweb', model: 'TS004F', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Smart Knob TS004F'
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_uri7ongn', model: 'TS004F', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Smart Knob TS004F' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_ixla93vd', model: 'TS004F', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Smart Knob TS004F' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_qja6nq5z', model: 'TS004F', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Smart Knob TS004F' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_csflgqj2', model: 'TS004F', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Smart Knob TS004F' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0003,0004,0006,1000,0000', outClusters:'0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000,0019,000A', model:'TS004F', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_abrsvsou', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Smart Knob TS004F' //KK
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019,000A', manufacturer: '_TZ3400_keyjqthh', model: 'TS0041', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya YSB22 TS0041'
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019,000A', manufacturer: '_TZ3400_tk3s5tyg', model: 'TS0041', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0041' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019,000A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_xrqsdxq6', model: 'TS0041', deviceJoinName: 'Zigbee Tuya 1 Button' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019,000A', manufacturer: '_TZ3400_tk3s5tyg', model: 'TS0041', deviceJoinName: 'Zigbee Tuya 1 Button'
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019,000A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_tk3s5tyg', model: 'TS0041', deviceJoinName: 'Zigbee Tuya 1 Button'
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019,000A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_adkvzooy', model: 'TS0041', deviceJoinName: 'Zigbee Tuya 1 Button' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,000A,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019,000A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_peszejy7', model: 'TS0041', deviceJoinName: 'Zigbee Tuya 1 Button'
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019', manufacturer: '_TYZB02_key8kk7r', model: 'TS0041', deviceJoinName: 'Zigbee Tuya 1 Button'
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0041', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_fa9mlvja' // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005363529624.html
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0041', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_s0i14ubi' // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-scene-switch-ts004f-driver-w-healthstatus/92823/231?u=kkossev https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2255800908957715.html
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0041', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_mrpevh8p' // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-scene-switch-ts004f-driver-w-healthstatus/92823/236?u=kkossev
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000,E001', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_ja5osu5g', model: 'TS004F', deviceJoinName: 'MOES Smart Button (ZT-SY-SR-MS)' // MOES ZigBee IP55 Waterproof Smart Button Scene Switch & Wireless Remote Dimmer (ZT-SY-SR-MS)
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000,E001', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_rco1yzb1', model: 'TS004F', deviceJoinName: 'LIDL Smart Button SSBM A1'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0042', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_tzvbimpq', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button Scene Switch'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0042', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_t8hzpgnd', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0042', manufacturer:'_TYZB02_keyjhapk', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0042', manufacturer:'_TZ3400_keyjhapk', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0042', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_dfgbtub0', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0042', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_h1c2eamp', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0042', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_owgcnkrh', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0042', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_fkvaniuu', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters: '0000,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019', manufacturer: '_TYZB02_key8kk7r', model: 'TS0042', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button Scene Switch'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_w8jwkczz', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 3 button Scene Switch'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_gbm10jnj', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Zigbee 3 button' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TYZB02_key8kk7r', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 3 button Scene Switch'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_qzjcsmar', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 3 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,000A,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_bi6lpsew', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 3 button Scene Switch'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_imnwsek2', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 3 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_rrjr1q0u', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 3 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_w4thianr', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 3 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_a7ouggvs', deviceJoinName: 'Zigbee Lonsonho 3 Button' // not tested
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0043', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_famkxci2', deviceJoinName: 'Loratap 3 Button rRemote' // https://community.hubitat.com/t/zigbee-3-switch-remote-driver/111935/3?u=kkossev
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0006', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0044', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_vp6clf9d', deviceJoinName: 'Zemismart Wireless Scene Switch'
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,000A,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_vp6clf9d', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Zemismart 4 Button Remote (ESW-0ZAA-EU)' // needs debouncing
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,000A,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_ufhtxr59', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 4 button Scene Switch'
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,000A,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_wkai4ga5', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 4 button Scene Switch' // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-scene-switch-ts004f-driver/92823/79?u=kkossev
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,000A,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_abci1hiu', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 4 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,000A,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_ee8nrt2l', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 4 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,000A,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_dku2cfsc', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 4 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,000A,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019', manufacturer: '_TYZB01_cnlmkhbk', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 4 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0006', outClusters: '0019,000A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_u3nv1jwk', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 4 button Scene Switch' // not tested https://community.hubitat.com/t/zigbee-wireless-scene-switch/108146?u=kkossev
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId: '01', inClusters: '0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0044', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_mh9px7cq', deviceJoinName: 'Moes 4 button controller' // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-scene-switch-ts004f-driver/92823/75?u=kkossev
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_abci1hiu', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'MOES Remote TS0044'
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_2m38mh6k', deviceJoinName: 'LoraTap 6 button Scene Switch'
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_zqtiam4u', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 6 button Scene Switch' // not tested
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0046', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_iszegwpd', deviceJoinName: 'LoraTap 6 Scene Switch' // https://community.hubitat.com/t/loratap-6-button-controller-drivers/91951/20?u=kkossev
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0006,E000,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0046', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_iszegwpd', deviceJoinName: 'LoraTap 6 Scene Switch' // https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42491156/210933986-16fc9854-b7d8-4239-a6ef-311ba631e480.png
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId: '01', inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0B05,1000', outClusters: '0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0019,0300,1000', model:'ICZB-KPD18S', manufacturer:'icasa', deviceJoinName: 'Icasa 8 button Scene Switch' //https://community.hubitat.com/t/beginners-question-fantastic-button-controller-not-working/103914
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId: '01', inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0006,FCC0', outClusters: '0003,FCC0', model: '3AFE280100510001', manufacturer: 'Konke', deviceJoinName: 'Konke button' // sends Voltage (only!) every 2 hours
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId: '01', inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,0005,0006', outClusters: '0003', model: '3AFE170100510001', manufacturer: 'Konke', deviceJoinName: 'Konke button'
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId: '01', inClusters: '0000,0003,0001', outClusters: '0006,0003', model: 'WB01', manufacturer: 'eWeLink', deviceJoinName: 'Sonoff SNZB-01 button'
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId: '01', inClusters: '0000,0003,0001', outClusters: '0006,0003', model: 'WB-01', manufacturer: 'eWeLink', deviceJoinName: 'Sonoff SNZB-01 button'
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId: '01', inClusters: '0000,0020,0001,0003,FC57', outClusters: '0003,0006,0019', model: 'SNZB-01P', manufacturer: 'eWeLink', deviceJoinName: 'Sonoff SNZB-01 button'
fingerprint profileId: '0104', endpointId: '01', inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0009,0020,1000', outClusters:'0003,0004,0006,0008,0019,0102,1000', model:'TRADFRI SHORTCUT Button', manufacturer:'IKEA of Sweden', deviceJoinName: 'IKEA Tradfri Shortcut Button E1812'
// OSRAM Lightify - use HE inbuilt driver to pair first !
//fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0001,0020,1000,FD00", outClusters:"0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0019,0300,1000", model:"Lightify Switch Mini", manufacturer:"OSRAM", deviceJoinName: "Lightify Switch Mini"
// 4 button
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500,0B05', outClusters:'0019,0501', model:'TS0215', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_qm6djpta', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 4 Key Arm Disarm Home SOS Button' // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001062612446.html KK
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500,0B05', outClusters:'0019,0501', model:'TS0215', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_fsiepnrh', deviceJoinName: '4 Button Smart Remote Controller'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500,0B05', outClusters:'0019,0501', model:'TS0215', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_p6ju8myv', deviceJoinName: '4 Button Smart Remote Controller'
// 4 button Security remote control (cluster: 'ssIasAce') = command_arm, command_emergency; ['disarm', 'arm_day_zones', 'arm_night_zones', 'arm_all_zones', 'exit_delay', 'emergency']
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,0501', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_fsiepnrh', deviceJoinName: 'Nedis Zigbee 4 Button Fob'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,0501', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_ug1vtuzn', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Security remote control' // - 1 button ???
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,0501', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_0zrccfgx', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Security remote control'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,0501', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_p6ju8myv', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Security remote control'
// SOS 1 button - command_emergency
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,0501', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_4fsgukof', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya SOS button' // 1 button
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,0501', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_wr2ucaj9', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya SOS button' // 1 button
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,0501', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_zsh6uat3', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya SOS button' // 1 button
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,0501', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_tj4pwzzm', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya SOS button'
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0003,0500,0000', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_2izubafb', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya SOS button' // @abraham
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0003,0500,0000', outClusters: '0501,0019,000A', model: 'TS0215A', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_pkfazisv', deviceJoinName: 'iAlarm (Meian) SOS button' // https://community.hubitat.com/t/request-adding-fingerprints-for-ialarm-devices/118166/2?u=kkossev
fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,EF00,0000', outClusters: '0019,000A', model: 'TS0021', manufacturer: '_TZ3210_3ulg9kpo', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 button' // https://community.hubitat.com/t/request-adding-fingerprints-for-ialarm-devices/118166/2?u=kkossev
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0300,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_b3mgfu0d', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Candeo remote' //https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-scene-switch-ts004f-driver-w-healthstatus/92823/187?u=kkossev
fingerprint inClusters: '0000,0001,0003,0004,1000', outClusters: '0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,0300,1000', manufacturer: '_TZ3000_czuyt8lz', model: 'TS0044', deviceJoinName: 'Candeo remote'
// SiHAS Switch (2~6 Gang) https://github.com/SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublic/blob/eb3cee1775bc55148813909aa9e891631de1e2e8/devicetypes/smartthings/zigbee-multi-switch.src/zigbee-multi-switch.groovy#L102
fingerprint inClusters: "0000,0003,0006,0019", outClusters: "0003,0004,0019", manufacturer: "ShinaSystem", model: "SBM300Z2", deviceJoinName: "SiHAS Switch 2"
fingerprint inClusters: "0000,0003,0006,0019", outClusters: "0003,0004,0019", manufacturer: "ShinaSystem", model: "SBM300Z3", deviceJoinName: "SiHAS Switch 3"
fingerprint inClusters: "0000,0003,0006,0019", outClusters: "0003,0004,0019", manufacturer: "ShinaSystem", model: "SBM300Z4", deviceJoinName: "SiHAS Switch 4"
fingerprint inClusters: "0000,0003,0006,0019", outClusters: "0003,0004,0019", manufacturer: "ShinaSystem", model: "SBM300Z5", deviceJoinName: "SiHAS Switch 5"
fingerprint inClusters: "0000,0003,0006,0019", outClusters: "0003,0004,0019", manufacturer: "ShinaSystem", model: "SBM300Z6", deviceJoinName: "SiHAS Switch 6"
fingerprint inClusters: "0000,0003,0006,0019", outClusters: "0003,0004,0019", manufacturer: "ShinaSystem", model: "ISM300Z3", deviceJoinName: "SiHAS Switch 3"
preferences {
input(name: 'logEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable debug logging', defaultValue: DEFAULT_LOG_ENABLE)
input(name: 'txtEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable description text logging', defaultValue: true)
input(name: 'reverseButton', type: 'bool', title: 'Reverse button order', defaultValue: true)
input(name: 'advancedOptions', type: 'bool', title: 'Advanced options', defaultValue: false)
if (device) {
if (advancedOptions == true) {
input(name: 'forcedDebounce', type: 'bool', title: 'Force debounce', defaultValue: false)
if (!isUSBpowered()) {
input name: 'batteryReporting', type: 'enum', title: 'Battery Reporting Interval', options: batteryReportingOptions.options, defaultValue: batteryReportingOptions.defaultValue, description: \
'Keep the battery reporting interval to Default, except when battery level is not reported at all for a long period.
Caution:some devices are repored to deplete the battery very fast, if the battery reporting is set different than the default!'
// Constants
@Field static final Integer DIMMER_MODE = 0
@Field static final Integer SCENE_MODE = 1
@Field static final Integer DEBOUNCE_TIME = 1200
@Field static final Boolean DEFAULT_LOG_ENABLE = true
@Field static final Map batteryReportingOptions = [
defaultValue: 00,
options : [00: 'Default', 14400: 'Every 4 Hours', 28800: 'Every 8 Hours', 43200: 'Every 12 Hours', 86400: 'Every 24 Hours']
boolean isTuya() { device.getDataValue('model') in ['TS0601', 'TS004F', 'TS0044', 'TS0043', 'TS0042', 'TS0041', 'TS0046', 'TS0215', 'TS0215A', 'TS0021'] }
boolean isIcasa() { device.getDataValue('manufacturer') == 'icasa' }
boolean isSmartKnob() { device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['_TZ3000_4fjiwweb', '_TZ3000_rco1yzb1', '_TZ3000_uri7ongn', '_TZ3000_ixla93vd', '_TZ3000_qja6nq5z', '_TZ3000_csflgqj2', '_TZ3000_abrsvsou'] }
boolean isKonkeButton() { device.getDataValue('model') in ['3AFE280100510001', '3AFE170100510001'] }
boolean isSonoff() { device.getDataValue('manufacturer') == 'eWeLink' }
boolean isIkea() { device.getDataValue('manufacturer') == 'IKEA of Sweden' }
boolean isOsram() { device.getDataValue('manufacturer') == 'OSRAM' }
boolean needsDebouncing() { (settings?.forcedDebounce == true) || (device.getDataValue('model') == 'TS004F' || (device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['_TZ3000_abci1hiu', '_TZ3000_vp6clf9d', '_TZ3000_ur5fpg7p', '_TZ3000_wkai4ga5']) || (device.getDataValue('model') == 'TS0043' && device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['TZ3000_gbm10jnj'])) }
boolean needsMagic() { device.getDataValue('model') in ['TS004F', 'TS0044', 'TS0043', 'TS0042', 'TS0041', 'TS0046'] }
boolean isSOSbutton() { device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['_TZ3000_4fsgukof', '_TZ3000_wr2ucaj9', '_TZ3000_zsh6uat3', '_TZ3000_tj4pwzzm', '_TZ3000_2izubafb', '_TZ3000_pkfazisv' ] }
boolean isUSBpowered() { device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['_TZ3000_b3mgfu0d', '_TZ3000_czuyt8lz'] }
boolean isSiHAS() { device.getDataValue('manufacturer') == 'ShinaSystem' }
// Parse incoming device messages to generate events
void parse(String description) {
if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['rxCtr'] = (state.stats['rxCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 }
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} description is $description" }
Map event = [:]
try {
event = zigbee.getEvent(description)
catch (e) {
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName } exception caught while procesing event $description" }
Map result = [:]
int buttonNumber = 0
if (event != null && event != [:]) {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} Event enter: $event" }
switch (event.name) {
case 'battery' :
event.value = event.value as int // HomeKit
event.unit = '%'
case 'batteryVoltage' :
event.unit = 'V'
case 'switch' : // Konke button
if (isKonkeButton()) {
default :
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} Unexpected event: $event" }
event.descriptionText = "${event.name} is ${event.value} ${event.unit}"
event.isStateChange = true
event.type = 'physical'
if (txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} ${event.descriptionText}" }
result = event
else if (description?.startsWith('catchall')) {
Map descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} catchall descMap: $descMap" }
String buttonState = 'unknown'
// when TS004F initialized in Scene switch mode!
if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 && descMap.command == 'FD') {
if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == '03') {
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 3 : 1
else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == '04') {
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 4 : 2
else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == '02') {
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 2 : 3
else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == '01') {
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 1 : 4
else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == '05') { // LoraTap TS0046
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 5 : 5
else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == '06') {
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 6 : 6
if (descMap.data[0] == '00') {
buttonState = 'pushed'
else if (descMap.data[0] == '01') { buttonState = 'doubleTapped' }
else if (descMap.data[0] == '02') { buttonState = 'held' }
else {
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} unkknown data in event from cluster ${descMap.clusterInt} sourceEndpoint ${descMap.sourceEndpoint} data[0] = ${descMap.data[0]}" }
} // command == "FD"
else if (isSonoff() && (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 && (descMap.command in ['00', '01', '02' ]))) {
// Sonoff SNZB-01
buttonNumber = 1
buttonState = descMap.command == '02' ? 'pushed' : descMap.command == '01' ? 'doubleTapped' : descMap.command == '00' ? 'held' : 'unknown'
else if (isIkea() && ((descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 || descMap.clusterInt == 0x0008) && (descMap.command in ['01', '05', '07' ]))) {
// IKEA Tradfri Shortcut Button E1812
buttonNumber = 1
if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 && descMap.command == '01') { buttonState = 'pushed' }
else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0008 && descMap.command == '05') { buttonState = 'held' }
else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0008 && descMap.command == '07') { buttonState = 'released' }
else { buttonState = 'unknown' }
else if (isOsram() && ((descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 || descMap.clusterInt == 0x0008) && (descMap.command in ['01', '03', '05', '04', '00' ]))) {
// OSRAM Lightify Mini
buttonNumber = safeToInt(descMap.sourceEndpoint)
if (descMap.command == '01') { buttonState = 'pushed' }
else if (descMap.command == '04') { buttonState = 'pushed' }
else if (descMap.command == '00') { buttonState = 'pushed' }
else if (descMap.command == '05') { buttonState = 'held' }
else if (descMap.command == '03') { buttonState = 'released' }
else { buttonState = 'unknown' }
else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0501) {
// TODO: Make the button numbers compatible with Muxa's driver : 1 - Arm Away (left); 2 - Disarm (right); 3 - Arm Home (top); 4 - Panic (bottom) // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-heiman-zigbee-key-fob-driver/27002
if (descMap.command == '02' && descMap.data.size() == 0) {
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 1 : 3
else if (descMap.command == '00' && descMap.data.size() >= 1) {
if (descMap.data[0] == '03') {
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 2 : 4
else if (descMap.data[0] == '01') {
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 3 : 1
else if (descMap.data[0] == '00') {
buttonNumber = reverseButton == true ? 4 : 2
if (buttonNumber != 0) {
buttonState = 'pushed'
else {
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName } unkknown event from cluster=${descMap.clusterInt } command=${descMap.command} data=${descMap?.data}" }
else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 && descMap.command == 'FC') {
// Smart knob
if (descMap.data[0] == '00') { // Rotate one click right
buttonNumber = 2
else if (descMap.data[0] == '01') { // Rotate one click left
buttonNumber = 3
buttonState = 'pushed'
else if (descMap.clusterId in ['0000', '0006', 'E001'] && descMap.command == '01' && descMap.data?.size() >= 3) { // read attribute response
if (descMap.data[2] == '86') {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} readAttributeResponse cluster: ${descMap.clusterId} unsupported attribute ${descMap.data[1] + descMap.data[0]} status:${descMap.data[2]}" }
else {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} readAttributeResponse cluster: ${descMap.clusterId} ${descMap.data[1] + descMap.data[0]} status:${descMap.data[2]} value:${descMap?.value}" }
else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 && descMap.command == '04') { // write attribute response
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} writeAttributeResponse cluster: ${descMap.clusterId} status:${descMap.data[0]}" }
else if (descMap?.profileId == '0000' && descMap?.clusterId == '0013') { // device announcement
logInfo "received device announcement, Device network ID: ${descMap.data[2] + descMap.data[1]}"
state.stats['rejoinCtr'] = (state.stats['rejoinCtr'] ?: 0) + 1
else if (descMap?.profileId == '0000' && descMap?.clusterId == '8021') { // bind response
logInfo "received bind response, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, Status: ${descMap.data[1] == '00' ? 'Success' : 'Failure'})"
else if (descMap?.profileId == '0000' && descMap?.clusterId == '8034') { // leave response
logInfo "leave response cluster: ${descMap.clusterId}"
// TODO: (on pairing new device) : Zigbee parsed:[raw:catchall: 0000 8005 00 00 0040 00 0F4B 00 00 0000 00 00 3B004B0F0101, profileId:0000, clusterId:8005, clusterInt:32773, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:0F4B, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[3B, 00, 4B, 0F, 01, 01]]
else if (descMap.clusterId == 'EF00' && descMap.command in ['01', '06']) { // check for LoraTap button events command '01' or Tuya TS0021 2 button command '06'
if (descMap.data.size() == 10 && descMap.data[2] == '0A') {
int value = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[9])
String descText = "battery is ${value} %"
if (txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} ${descText}" }
sendEvent(createEvent(name: 'battery', value: value, unit: '%', descriptionText: descText, type: 'physical'))
else if (descMap.data.size() == 7 && descMap.data[2] >= '01' && descMap.data[2] <= '06') {
buttonNumber = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[2])
if (descMap.data[6] == '00') { buttonState = 'pushed' }
else if (descMap.data[6] == '01') { buttonState = 'doubleTapped' }
else if (descMap.data[6] == '02') { buttonState = 'held' }
else {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName } unprocessed Tuya cluster EF00 command descMap: $descMap" }
else if (isIcasa()) {
(buttonNumber,buttonState) = processIcasa(descMap)
else {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName } unprocessed catchall from cluster ${descMap.clusterInt } sourceEndpoint ${descMap.sourceEndpoint}" }
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName } catchall descMap: $descMap" }
if (buttonNumber != 0) {
if (needsDebouncing()) {
if (state.lastButtonNumber == buttonNumber) { // debouncing timer still active!
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName } ignored event for button ${state.lastButtonNumber } - still in the debouncing time period!" }
runInMillis(DEBOUNCE_TIME, buttonDebounce, [overwrite: true]) // restart the debouncing timer again
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName } restarted debouncing timer ${DEBOUNCE_TIME }ms for button ${buttonNumber} (lastButtonNumber=${state.lastButtonNumber})" }
state.lastButtonNumber = buttonNumber
else {
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName } UNHANDLED event for button ${buttonNumber }, lastButtonNumber=${state.lastButtonNumber}" }
if (buttonState != 'unknown' && buttonNumber != 0) {
String descriptionText = "button $buttonNumber was $buttonState"
event = [name: buttonState, value: buttonNumber.toString(), data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true, type: 'physical']
if (txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName } $descriptionText" }
if (event) {
result = createEvent(event)
if (needsDebouncing()) { // bug fixed 5/6/2024
runInMillis(DEBOUNCE_TIME, buttonDebounce, [overwrite: true])
} // if catchall
else {
Map descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} raw: descMap: $descMap" }
//log.trace "${device.displayName} descMap.cluster=${descMap.cluster} descMap.attrId=${descMap.attrId} descMap.command=${descMap.command} "
if (descMap.cluster == '0006' && descMap.attrId == '8004') {
if (descMap.value == '00') {
sendEvent(name: 'switchMode', value: 'dimmer', isStateChange: true)
if (txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} mode is dimmer" }
else if (descMap.value == '01') {
sendEvent(name: 'switchMode', value: 'scene', isStateChange: true)
if (txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} mode is scene" }
else {
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} unknown attrId ${descMap.attrId} value ${descMap.value}" }
else if (descMap?.cluster == '0000' && descMap?.command in ['01']) { // Basic Cluster responses
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} skipping Basic cluster ${descMap?.cluster} response" }
else {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName } did not parse descMap: $descMap" }
if (result != null && result != [:]) {
@Field static final Integer BUTTON_I = 8
@Field static final Integer BUTTON_O = 7
List processIcasa(final Map descMap) {
int buttonNumber = 0
String buttonState = 'unknown'
//log.trace "descMap=${descMap}"
if (descMap?.clusterId == '0006') {
switch (descMap?.command) {
case '00' : // button "O" -> 7
buttonNumber = BUTTON_O
buttonState = 'pushed'
case '01' : // pushed button "I" -> 8
buttonNumber = BUTTON_I
buttonState = 'pushed'
default :
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} unprocessed ICASA cluster 0006 command ${descMap?.command}" }
else if (descMap?.clusterId == '0008') {
switch (descMap?.command) {
case '05' : // HELD for both buttons I and O
if (descMap?.data[0] == '00') { buttonNumber = BUTTON_I }
else if (descMap?.data[0] == '01') { buttonNumber = BUTTON_O }
else {
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} unprocessed ICASA cluster 0008 HOLD command data=${descMap?.data}" }
buttonState = 'held'
case '07' : // RELEASE after HOLD for both buttons I and O
buttonNumber = state.lastButtonNumber
buttonState = 'released'
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} generating release for state.lastButtonNumber ${state.lastButtonNumber}" }
default :
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} unprocessed ICASA cluster 0008 command ${descMap?.command}" }
else if (descMap?.clusterId == '0005') {
switch (descMap?.command) {
case '05' : // CLICK for buttons S1..S6
buttonNumber = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[2])
buttonState = 'pushed'
case '04' : // HELD for buttons S1..S6
buttonNumber = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[2])
buttonState = 'held'
default :
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} unprocessed ICASA cluster 0005 command ${descMap?.command}" }
else {
if (logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} unprocessed ICASA cluster ${decMap?.clusterId} message ${descMap}" }
return [buttonNumber, buttonState]
void processKonkeButton( description ) {
int buttonNumber = 0
String buttonState = 'unknown'
Map descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} KonkeButton descMap: $descMap" }
if (descMap.cluster != '0006' ) {
buttonNumber = 1
if (descMap.value == '80') {
buttonState = 'pushed'
else if (descMap.value == '81') {
buttonState = 'doubleTapped'
else if (descMap.value == '82') {
buttonState = 'held'
else if (descMap.value == 'CD') {
logInfo "${device.displayName} KonkeButton reset/pair button was pressed"
else {
state.lastButtonNumber = buttonNumber
buttonEvent(buttonNumber, buttonState)
/* groovylint-disable-next-line EmptyMethod */
void refresh() {
static String driverVersionAndTimeStamp() { version() + ' ' + timeStamp() }
void checkDriverVersion() {
if (state.driverVersion == null || driverVersionAndTimeStamp() != state.driverVersion) {
if (txtEnable == true) { log.debug "${device.displayName} updating the settings from the current driver version ${(state.driverVersion ?: 'UNKNOWN')} to the new version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}" }
initializeVars( fullInit = false )
state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp()
void initializeVars(boolean fullInit = false) {
if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} InitializeVars()... fullInit = ${fullInit}" }
if (fullInit == true ) {
state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp()
state.stats = [:]
if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] }
state.comment = 'Works with Tuya TS004F TS0041 TS0042 TS0043 TS0044 TS0046 TS0601, icasa, Konke, Sonoff'
if (fullInit == true || settings?.logEnable == null) { device.updateSetting('logEnable', DEFAULT_LOG_ENABLE) }
if (fullInit == true || settings?.txtEnable == null) { device.updateSetting('txtEnable', true) }
if (fullInit == true || settings?.reverseButton == null) { device.updateSetting('reverseButton', true) }
if (fullInit == true || settings?.advancedOptions == null) { device.updateSetting('advancedOptions', false) }
if (fullInit == true || settings?.forcedDebounce == null) { device.updateSetting('forcedDebounce', false) }
if (fullInit == true || state.notPresentCounter == null) { state.notPresentCounter = 0 }
if (fullInit == true || state.lastButtonNumber == null) { state.lastButtonNumber = 0 }
void configure() {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} Configuring device model ${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} ..." }
void installed() {
logInfo 'installed()...'
initializeVars( fullInit = true )
void initialize() {
if (isTuya()) {
else if (isSonoff()) {
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} ${device.endpointId} 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
sendZigbeeCommands(["he rattr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${device.endpointId} 0x0001 0x0021 {}", 'delay 200', ])
else if (isOsram()) {
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0008 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0300 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0008 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x02 0x01 0x0300 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x03 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x03 0x01 0x0008 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x03 0x01 0x0300 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 50', ])
//sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x04 0x01 0x0006 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", "delay 50", ])
//sendZigbeeCommands(["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x04 0x01 0x0008 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", "delay 50", ])
else {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} skipped TuyaMagic() for non-Tuya device ${device.getDataValue('model')} ..." }
// determine the number of the buttons and the supported button actions (values) depending on the model/manufactuer
int numberOfButtons = 4
List supportedValues = ['pushed', 'double', 'held']
if (isSOSbutton()) {
numberOfButtons = 1
supportedValues = ['pushed']
else if ((device.getDataValue('model') in ['TS0041', '3AFE280100510001', '3AFE170100510001']) || (device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['_TZ3000_ja5osu5g', 'eWeLink'])) {
numberOfButtons = 1
else if (device.getDataValue('model') in ['TS0042', 'TS0021', 'SBM300Z2']) {
numberOfButtons = 2
else if (device.getDataValue('model') in ['TS0043', 'SBM300Z3', 'ISM300Z3']) {
numberOfButtons = 3
else if (device.getDataValue('model') == 'TS004F' || device.getDataValue('model') == 'TS0044') {
if (isSmartKnob()) { // Smart Knob
log.debug "${device.displayName} device ${device.data.manufacturer} identified as Smart Knob model ${device.data.model}"
numberOfButtons = 3
supportedValues = ['pushed', 'double', 'held', 'released']
else {
log.debug "${device.displayName} device ${device.data.manufacturer} identified as 4 keys scene switch model ${device.data.model}"
numberOfButtons = 4
supportedValues = ['pushed', 'double', 'held'] // no released events are generated in scene switch mode
else if (device.getDataValue('model') in ['TS0215']) {
numberOfButtons = 4
supportedValues = ['pushed']
else if (device.getDataValue('model') in ['TS0045', 'SBM300Z5']) { // just in case a new Tuya devices manufacturer decides to invent a new model! :)
numberOfButtons = 5
else if (device.getDataValue('model') in ['TS0601', 'TS0046', 'SBM300Z6']) {
numberOfButtons = 6
else if (isIcasa()) {
numberOfButtons = 8
supportedValues = ['pushed', 'held', 'released']
else if (isIkea()) {
numberOfButtons = 1
supportedValues = ['pushed', 'held', 'released']
else if (isOsram()) { // mini
numberOfButtons = 3
supportedValues = ['pushed', 'held', 'released']
else if (device.getDataValue('model') in ['SBM300Z4']) {
supportedValues = ['pushed']
else {
numberOfButtons = 4 // unknown
supportedValues = ['pushed', 'double', 'held', 'released']
log.warn "${device.displayName} unknown device model ${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')}. Please report this log to the developer."
sendEvent(name: 'numberOfButtons', value: numberOfButtons, isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: 'supportedButtonValues', value: JsonOutput.toJson(supportedValues), isStateChange: true)
if (device.currentValue('healthStatus') == null) { setHealthStatusValue('unknown') }
if (device.currentValue('powerSource') == null) {
if (isUSBpowered()) {
sendEvent(name: 'powerSource', value: 'dc', isStateChange: true)
else {
sendEvent(name: 'powerSource', value: 'battery', isStateChange: true)
state.lastButtonNumber = 0
if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] }
state.stats['rxCtr'] = 0 ; state.stats['txCtr'] = 0 ; state.stats['rejoinCtr'] = 0
void updated() {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName } updated()" }
/* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedMethodParameter */
void buttonDebounce(button) {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} debouncing timer for button ${state.lastButtonNumber} expired." }
state.lastButtonNumber = 0
void switchToSceneMode() {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} Switching TS004F into Scene mode" }
sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0006, 0x8004, 0x30, 0x01))
void switchToDimmerMode() {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} Switching TS004F into Dimmer mode" }
sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0006, 0x8004, 0x30, 0x00))
void buttonEvent(buttonNumber, final String buttonState, final boolean isDigital=false) {
Map event = [name: buttonState, value: buttonNumber.toString(), data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: "button $buttonNumber was $buttonState", isStateChange: true, type: isDigital == true ? 'digital' : 'physical']
if (txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} $event.descriptionText" }
void push(buttonNumber) {
buttonEvent(buttonNumber, 'pushed', isDigital = true)
void doubleTap(buttonNumber) {
buttonEvent(buttonNumber, 'doubleTapped', isDigital = true)
void hold(buttonNumber) {
buttonEvent(buttonNumber, 'held', isDigital = true)
void release(buttonNumber) {
buttonEvent(buttonNumber, 'released', isDigital = true)
void switchMode(final String mode) {
if (mode == 'dimmer') {
else if (mode == 'scene') {
/* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef */
Integer safeToInt(val, Integer defaultVal=0) {
return "${val}"?.isInteger() ? "${val}".toInteger() : defaultVal
/* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef */
Double safeToDouble(val, Double defaultVal=0.0) {
return "${val}"?.isDouble() ? "${val}".toDouble() : defaultVal
void tuyaMagic() {
List cmd = []
cmd += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0000, [0x0004, 0x000, 0x0001, 0x0005, 0x0007, 0xfffe], [:], delay = 200) // Cluster: Basic, attributes: Man.name, ZLC ver, App ver, Model Id, Power Source, Unknown 0xfffe
cmd += "raw 0x0000 {10 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 07 00 FE FF}"
cmd += "send 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 255"
cmd += "delay 200"
if (needsMagic()) {
cmd += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0006, 0x8004, [:], delay = 50) // success / 0x00
cmd += zigbee.readAttribute(0xE001, 0xD011, [:], delay = 50) // Unsupported attribute (0x86)
cmd += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, [0x0020, 0x0021], [:], delay = 50) // Battery voltage + Battery Percentage Remaining
cmd += zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0006, 0x8004, 0x30, 0x01, [:], delay = 50) // switch into Scene Mode !
cmd += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0006, 0x8004, [:], delay = 50)
// binding for battery reporting was added on 2023/01/04 (ver 2.5.0), but thee are doubts that it may cause device re-joins and depletes the battery!
int batteryReportinginterval = (settings.batteryReporting as Integer) ?: 0
if (batteryReportinginterval > 0) {
logInfo "setting the battery reporting interval to ${(batteryReportinginterval / 3600) as int} hours"
cmd += zigbee.configureReporting(0x0001, 0x0020, DataType.UINT8, 600, batteryReportinginterval, 0x01, [:], delay = 150)
cmd += zigbee.configureReporting(0x0001, 0x0021, DataType.UINT8, 600, batteryReportinginterval, 0x01, [:], delay = 150) // 0x21 is NOT supported by all devices?
else {
logInfo 'battery reporting interval not changed.'
void sendZigbeeCommands(ArrayList cmd) {
if (logEnable) { log.trace "${device.displayName } sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=$cmd)" }
hubitat.device.HubMultiAction allActions = new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction()
cmd.each {
allActions.add(new hubitat.device.HubAction(it, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE))
if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['txCtr'] = (state.stats['txCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 }
void scheduleDeviceHealthCheck() {
Random rnd = new Random()
//schedule("1 * * * * ? *", 'deviceHealthCheck') // test
schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(59)} 1/3 * * ? *", 'deviceHealthCheck')
// called every 3 hours
void deviceHealthCheck() {
state.notPresentCounter = (state.notPresentCounter ?: 0) + 1
if (state.notPresentCounter > healthStatusCountTreshold) {
if (!(device.currentValue('healthStatus', true) in ['offline'])) {
log.warn "${device.displayName} is offline!"
else {
if (logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} deviceHealthCheck - online (notPresentCounter=${state.notPresentCounter})" }
void setHealthStatusOnline() {
state.notPresentCounter = 0
if (!(device.currentValue('healthStatus', true) in ['online'])) {
log.info "${device.displayName} is online"
void setHealthStatusValue(final String value) {
sendEvent(name: 'healthStatus', value: value, descriptionText: "${device.displayName} healthStatus set to $value")
void ping() {
if (logEnable) { log.debug 'ping() is not implemented' }
void logDebug(final String msg) {
if (settings?.logEnable) {
log.debug "${device.displayName} " + msg
void logInfo(final String msg) {
if (settings?.txtEnable) {
log.info "${device.displayName} " + msg
void logWarn(final String msg) {
if (settings?.logEnable) {
log.warn "${device.displayName} " + msg
void test(String description) {
log.warn "test: ${description}"
// TODO: add Centralite / Iris buttons : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chalford-st/SmartThingsPublic/master/devicetypes/smartthings/zigbee-button.src/zigbee-button.groovy
// TODO: Check Osrma mini driver: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chalford-st/SmartThingsPublic/master/devicetypes/chalford/osram-lightify-switch-mini.src/osram-lightify-switch-mini.groovy
// TODO: Check Aqara driver : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jsconstantelos/SmartThings/master/devicetypes/jsconstantelos/my-aqara-double-rocker-switch-no-neutral.src/my-aqara-double-rocker-switch-no-neutral.groovy
// TODO: Check Ikea quirk : https://github.com/TheJulianJES/zha-device-handlers/blob/05c59d01683e0e929f982bf90a338c7596b3e119/zhaquirks/ikea/fourbtnremote.py