/* groovylint-disable NglParseError, ImplicitReturnStatement, InsecureRandom, MethodReturnTypeRequired, MethodSize, ParameterName, PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods, StaticMethodsBeforeInstanceMethods, UnnecessaryGroovyImport, UnnecessaryObjectReferences, UnusedImport, VariableName *//** * Tuya Zigbee Button Dimmer - driver for Hubitat Elevation * * https://community.hubitat.com/t/dynamic-capabilities-commands-and-attributes-for-drivers/98342 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * This driver is inspired by @w35l3y work on Tuya device driver (Edge project). * For a big portions of code all credits go to Jonathan Bradshaw. * * ver. 3.0.6 2024-04-06 kkossev - (dev. branch) first version * ver. 3.0.7 2024-04-21 kkossev - deviceProfilesV3; SNZB-06 data type fix; OccupancyCluster processing; added illumState dark/light; * ver. 3.0.8 2024-04-23 kkossev - added detectionDelay for SNZB-06; refactored the refresh() method; added TS0601_BLACK_SQUARE_RADAR; TS0601_RADAR_MIR-HE200-TY; * ver. 3.1.0 2024-04-28 kkossev - commonLib 3.1.0 speed optimization; added TS0601_KAPVNNLK_RADAR, TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR * ver. 3.1.1 2024-05-04 kkossev - enabled all radars; add TS0601 _TZE204_muvkrjr5 @iEnam; added the code for forcedProfile change; added 'switch' for the TuYa SZR07U; Linptech: added ledIndicator; radar attributes types changed to number (was enum) * ver. 3.1.2 2024-05-08 kkossev - added _TZ3218_t9ynfz4x as a new Linptech manufacturer; fixed HL0SS9OA and 2AAELWXK wrong IAS illuminance reprots; existance_time reanmed to occupiedTime * ver. 3.1.3 2024-05-11 kkossev - added TS0601 _TZE204_7gclukjs; fixed debug trace logging; * ver. 3.1.4 2024-05-14 kkossev - added TS0601_24GHZ_PIR_RADAR profile TS0601 _TZE200_2aaelwxk and TS0601 _TZE200_kb5noeto for tests; added TS0601 _TZE204_fwondbzy; * ver. 3.2.0 2024-05-24 kkossev - commonLib 3.2.0 allignment * ver. 3.2.1 2024-05-25 kkossev - Tuya radars bug fix * ver. 3.2.2 2024-06-04 kkossev - commonLib 3.2.1 allignment; deviceProfile preference bug fix. * ver. 3.2.3 2024-06-21 kkossev - added _TZE204_nbkshs6k and _TZE204_dapwryy7 @CheesyPotato * ver. 3.2.4 2024-07-31 kkossev - using motionLib.groovy; added batteryLib; added _TZE200_jkbljri7; TS0601 _TZE204_dapwryy7 all DPs defined; added Wenzhi TS0601 _TZE204_laokfqwu * ver. 3.3.0 2024-09-15 kkossev - deviceProfileLib 3.3.3 ; added _TZE204_ex3rcdha; added almost all DPs of the most spammy ZY-M100 radars into spammyDPsToNotTrace filter; fixed powerSource for _TZE200_2aaelwxk (battery); added queryAllTuyaDP for refresh; * ver. 3.3.1 2024-09-28 kkossev - added TS0601 _TZE204_ya4ft0w4 (Wenzhi); motionOrNot bug fix; 'Disable Distance Reports' preference (for this device only!) * ver. 3.3.2 2024-10-07 kkossev - TS0225 _TZE200_hl0ss9oa new fingerprint; added switch to disable the spammy distanceReporting for _TZE204_iaeejhvf _TZE200_dtzziy1e _TZE204_dtzziy1e _TZE200_clrdrnya _TZE204_clrdrnya (LeapMMW/Wenzhi) * ver. 3.3.3 2024-10-19 kkossev - humanMotionState 'small_move' and 'large_move' replaced by 'small' and 'large'; the soft 'ignoreDistance' preference is shown only for these old devices that don't have the true distance reporting disabling switch. * ver. 3.3.4 2024-11-17 kkossev - TS0225 _TZE200_2aaelwxk power source changed to 'dc'; bug fixed for 'humanMotionState' attribite - 'presence' is now changed to 'present'. * ver. 3.3.5 2024-11-30 kkossev - (dev. branch) added TS0601 _TZ6210_duv6fhwt (Heiman presence sesnor); added TS0601 _TZE204_uxllnywp @Televisi * * TODO: check why ignoreDistance prefrence is not shown when forcebly changing the deviceProfile * TODO: Optimize the deviceProfilesV3 !! (reached max size ... :( ) * TODO: add https://www.leapmmw.com/ mmWave radars : https://github.com/wzwenzhi/Wenzhi-ZigBee2mqtt/blob/main/mtd085_convertor_240628.js https://github.com/wzwenzhi/Wenzhi-ZigBee2mqtt/blob/main/mtd085_z2m1.4.0.js * TODO: update the top post in the forum with the new models mmWave radars * TODO: add the state tuyaDps as in the 4-in-1 driver! * TODO: enable the OWON radar configuration : ['0x0406':'bind'] * TODO: Motion reset to inactive after 43648s - convert to H:M:S * TODO: Black Square Radar validateAndFixPreferences: map not found for preference indicatorLight * TODO: command for black radar LED * TODO: TS0225_2AAELWXK_RADAR dont see an attribute as mentioned that shows the distance at which the motion was detected. - https://community.hubitat.com/t/the-new-tuya-human-presence-sensors-ts0225-tze200-hl0ss9oa-tze200-2aaelwxk-have-actually-5-8ghz-modules-inside/122283/294?u=kkossev * TODO: TS0225_2AAELWXK_RADAR led setting not working - https://community.hubitat.com/t/the-new-tuya-human-presence-sensors-ts0225-tze200-hl0ss9oa-tze200-2aaelwxk-have-actually-5-8ghz-modules-inside/122283/294?u=kkossev * TODO: TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR - add presets * TODO: humanMotionState - add preference: enum "disabled", "enabled", "enabled w/ timing" ...; add delayed event */ static String version() { "3.3.5" } static String timeStamp() {"2024/11/30 5:53 PM"} @Field static final Boolean _DEBUG = false @Field static final Boolean _TRACE_ALL = false // trace all messages, including the spammy ones @Field static final Boolean DEFAULT_DEBUG_LOGGING = false import groovy.transform.Field import hubitat.device.HubMultiAction import hubitat.device.Protocol import hubitat.helper.HexUtils import hubitat.zigbee.zcl.DataType import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import groovy.json.JsonOutput deviceType = "mmWaveSensor" @Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "mmWaveSensor" metadata { definition ( name: 'Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensor', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Zigbee%20mmWave%20Sensor/Tuya_Zigbee_mmWave_Sensor_lib_included.groovy', namespace: 'kkossev', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', singleThreaded: true ) { capability 'MotionSensor' capability 'IlluminanceMeasurement' capability 'Configuration' capability 'Refresh' capability 'Health Check' attribute 'batteryVoltage', 'number' attribute 'healthStatus', 'enum', ['offline', 'online'] attribute 'distance', 'number' // Tuya Radar attribute 'unacknowledgedTime', 'number' // AIR models attribute 'occupiedTime', 'number' // BlackSquareRadar & LINPTECH // was existance_time attribute 'absenceTime', 'number' // BlackSquareRadar only attribute 'keepTime', 'enum', ['10 seconds', '30 seconds', '60 seconds', '120 seconds'] attribute 'motionDetectionSensitivity', 'number' attribute 'motionDetectionDistance', 'decimal' // changed 05/11/2024 - was 'number' attribute 'motionDetectionMode', 'enum', ['0 - onlyPIR', '1 - PIRandRadar', '2 - onlyRadar'] // added 07/24/2024 attribute 'radarSensitivity', 'number' attribute 'staticDetectionSensitivity', 'number' // added 10/29/2023 attribute 'staticDetectionDistance', 'decimal' // added 05/1/2024 attribute 'smallMotionDetectionSensitivity', 'number' // added 04/25/2024 attribute 'detectionDelay', 'decimal' attribute 'fadingTime', 'decimal' attribute 'minimumDistance', 'decimal' attribute 'maximumDistance', 'decimal' attribute 'radarStatus', 'enum', ['checking', 'check_success', 'check_failure', 'others', 'comm_fault', 'radar_fault'] attribute 'humanMotionState', 'enum', ['none', 'moving', 'small', 'stationary', 'static', 'present', 'peaceful', 'large'] attribute 'radarAlarmMode', 'enum', ['0 - arm', '1 - off', '2 - alarm', '3 - doorbell'] attribute 'radarAlarmVolume', 'enum', ['0 - low', '1 - medium', '2 - high', '3 - mute'] attribute 'illumState', 'enum', ['dark', 'light', 'unknown'] attribute 'ledIndicator', 'number' attribute 'WARNING', 'string' attribute 'tamper', 'enum', ['clear', 'detected'] command 'sendCommand', [ [name:'command', type: 'STRING', description: 'command name', constraints: ['STRING']], [name:'val', type: 'STRING', description: 'command parameter value', constraints: ['STRING']] ] command 'setPar', [ [name:'par', type: 'STRING', description: 'preference parameter name', constraints: ['STRING']], [name:'val', type: 'STRING', description: 'preference parameter value', constraints: ['STRING']] ] if (_DEBUG) { command 'test', [[name: "test", type: "STRING", description: "test", defaultValue : ""]] // testParse is defined in the common library // tuyaTest is defined in the common library } // itterate through all the figerprints and add them on the fly deviceProfilesV3.each { profileName, profileMap -> if (profileMap.fingerprints != null) { profileMap.fingerprints.each { fingerprint it } } } } preferences { input(name: 'info', type: 'hidden', title: "For more info, click on this link to visit the WiKi page") input name: 'txtEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable descriptionText logging', defaultValue: true, description: 'Enables command logging.' input name: 'logEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable debug logging', defaultValue: DEFAULT_DEBUG_LOGGING, description: 'Turns on debug logging for 24 hours.' // 10/19/2024 - luxThreshold and illuminanceCoeff are defined in illuminanceLib.groovy if (('DistanceMeasurement' in DEVICE?.capabilities) && settings?.distanceReporting == null) { // 10/19/2024 - show the soft 'ignoreDistance' switch only for these old devices that don't have the true distance reporting disabling switch! input(name: 'ignoreDistance', type: 'bool', title: 'Ignore distance reports', description: 'If not used, ignore the distance reports received every 1 second!', defaultValue: true) } } } @Field static final Map deviceProfilesV3 = [ 'TS0601_TUYA_RADAR' : [ // isZY_M100Radar() // spammy devices! description : 'Tuya Human Presence mmWave Radar ZY-M100', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false, /*isSpammy:true, */ignoreIAS:true], // sends all DPs periodically! capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'2', 'detectionDelay':'101', 'fadingTime':'102', 'minimumDistance':'3', 'maximumDistance':'4'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_ztc6ggyl', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya ZigBee Breath Presence Sensor ZY-M100'], // KK [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_ztc6ggyl'], // KK [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_ikvncluo', deviceJoinName: 'Moes TuyaHuman Presence Detector Radar 2 in 1'], // jw970065; very spammy1 [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_lyetpprm'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_wukb7rhc', deviceJoinName: 'Moes Smart Human Presence Detector'], // https://www.moeshouse.com/collections/smart-sensor-security/products/smart-zigbee-human-presence-detector-pir-mmwave-radar-detection-sensor-ceiling-mount [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_jva8ink8', deviceJoinName: 'AUBESS Human Presence Detector'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004262109070.html [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_mrf6vtua'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_ar0slwnd'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_sfiy5tfs'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_holel4dk'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars/92441/280?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_xpq2rzhq'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/432?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_qasjif9e'], // [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_xsm7l9xa'], // [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_ztqnh5cg'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/1054?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_fwondbzy', deviceJoinName: 'Moes Smart Human Presence Detector'] // https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803962192457.html https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/1054?u=kkossev ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:2, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:9 , defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar sensitivity', description:'Sensitivity of the radar'], [dp:3, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.1, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimim detection distance', description:'Minimim (near) detection distance'], [dp:4, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:6.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum detection distance', description:'Maximum (far) detection distance'], [dp:6, name:'radarStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:5 , defVal:'1', scale:1, map:[ 0:'checking', 1:'check_success', 2:'check_failure', 3:'others', 4:'comm_fault', 5:'radar_fault'] , unit:'TODO', title:'Radar self checking status', description:'Radar self checking status'], // radarSeradarSelfCheckingStatus[fncmd.toString()] [dp:9, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0 , defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Distance', description:'detected distance'], [dp:101, name:'detectionDelay', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.2, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Detection delay', description:'Presence detection delay timer'], [dp:102, name:'fadingTime', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.5, max:500.0, defVal:60.0, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'Presence inactivity delay timer'], // aka 'nobody time' [dp:103, name:'debugCLI', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:99999, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'?', title:'debugCLI', description:'debug CLI'], [dp:104, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2000, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'lx', title:'illuminance', description:'illuminance'], ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [9], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 101, 102, 103, 104], // added the illuminance as a spammyDP - 05/30/10114 deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector ZY-M100' ], 'TS0601_KAPVNNLK_RADAR' : [ // 24GHz spammy radar w/ battery backup - no illuminance! description : 'Tuya TS0601_KAPVNNLK 24GHz Radar', // https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDRBX1CQ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005834366702.html // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18632 models : ['TS0601'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005858609756.html // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005946786561.html // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005946931559.html device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true, 'HumanMotionState':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'15', 'maximumDistance':'13', 'smallMotionDetectionSensitivity':'16', 'fadingTime':'12',], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_kapvnnlk', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 24 GHz Human Presence Detector NEW'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/tuya-smart-human-presence-sensor-micromotion-detect-human-motion-detector-zigbee-ts0601-tze204-sxm7l9xa/111612/71?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_kyhbrfyl', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 24 GHz Human Presence Detector NEW'] // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/1042?u=kkossev ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:11, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'small', 2:'large'], description:'Human motion state'], // "none", "small_move", "large_move"] [dp:12, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:3, max:600, defVal:60, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'Presence inactivity delay timer'], // aka 'nobody time' [dp:13, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal',/* dt: '03',*/ rw: 'rw', min:1.5, max:6.0, defVal:4.0, step:75, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum detection distance', description:'Maximum (far) detection distance'], // aka 'Large motion detection distance' [dp:15, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:7 , defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar sensitivity', description:'Large motion detection sensitivity of the radar'], [dp:16 , name:'smallMotionDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:7, defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Small motion sensitivity', description:'Small motion detection sensitivity'], [dp:19, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Distance', description:'detected distance'], [dp:101, name:'battery', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defVal:100, scale:1, unit:'%', title:'Battery level', description:'Battery level'] ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [19], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [19], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 24 GHz Human Presence Detector NEW' ], // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/f277bef2f84d50aea70c25261db0c2ded84b7396/src/devices/tuya.ts#L4164 'TS0601_RADAR_MIR-HE200-TY' : [ // Human presence sensor radar 'MIR-HE200-TY' - illuminance, presence, occupancy, motion_speed, motion_direction, radar_sensitivity, radar_scene ('default', 'area', 'toilet', 'bedroom', 'parlour', 'office', 'hotel') description : 'Tuya Human Presence Sensor MIR-HE200-TY', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'2', 'tumbleSwitch':'105', 'tumbleAlarmTime':'106', 'fallSensitivity':'118'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_vrfecyku', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human presence sensor MIR-HE200-TY'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_lu01t0zl', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human presence sensor with fall function'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_ypprdwsl', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human presence sensor with fall function'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_jkbljri7', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human presence sensor with fall function'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:2, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar sensitivity', description:'Sensitivity of the radar'], [dp:102, name:'motionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Motion state', description:'Motion state (occupancy)'], [dp:103, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2000, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'lx', title:'illuminance', description:'illuminance'], [dp:105, name:'tumbleSwitch', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'OFF', 1:'ON'] , unit:'', title:'Tumble status switch', description:'Tumble status switch'], [dp:106, name:'tumbleAlarmTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:5, defVal:1, scale:1, unit:'minutes', title:'Tumble alarm time', description:'Tumble alarm time'], [dp:112, name:'radarScene', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:6, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[ 0:'default', 1:'area', 2:'toilet', 3:'bedroom', 4:'parlour', 5:'office', 6:'hotel'] , unit:'-', title:'Radar Presets', description:'Presets for sensitivity for presence and movement'], [dp:114, name:'motionDirection', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[ 0:'standing_still', 1:'moving_forward', 2:'moving_backward'] , unit:'-', title:'Movement direction', description:'direction of movement from the point of view of the radar'], [dp:115, name:'motionSpeed', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'-', title:'Movement speed', description:'Speed of movement'], [dp:116, name:'fallDownStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[ 0:'none', 1:'maybe_fall', 2:'fall'] , unit:'-', title:'Fall down status', description:'Fall down status'], //[dp:117, name:'staticDwellAalarm', type:"text", rw: "ro", min:0, max:9999, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:"-", title:"Static dwell alarm", description:'Static dwell alarm'], [dp:118, name:'fallSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:10, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Fall sensitivity', description:'Fall sensitivity of the radar'], ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Sensor MIR-HE200-TY' ], 'TS0601_BLACK_SQUARE_RADAR' : [ // // 24GHz Big Black Square Radar w/ annoying LED // EXTREMLY SPAMMY !!! description : 'Tuya Black Square Radar', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor':true], preferences : ['indicatorLight':'103'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_0u3bj3rc', deviceJoinName: '24GHz Black Square Human Presence Radar w/ LED'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_v6ossqfy', deviceJoinName: '24GHz Black Square Human Presence Radar w/ LED'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_mx6u6l4y', deviceJoinName: '24GHz Black Square Human Presence Radar w/ LED'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal: '0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence'], [dp:101, name:'occupiedTime', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, scale:1, unit:'minutes', description:'Shows the presence duration in minutes'], [dp:102, name:'absenceTime', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, scale:1, unit:'minutes', description:'Shows the duration of the absence in minutes'], [dp:103, name:'indicatorLight', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal: '0', map:[0:'OFF', 1:'ON'], title:'Indicator Light', description:'Turns the onboard LED on or off'] ], spammyDPsToIgnore : [103, 102, 101], // we don't need to know the LED status every 4 seconds! Skip also all other spammy DPs except motion spammyDPsToNotTrace : [1, 101, 102, 103], // very spammy device - 4 packates are sent every 4 seconds! deviceJoinName: '24GHz Black Square Human Presence Radar w/ LED' ], 'TS0601_YXZBRB58_RADAR' : [ // Seller: shenzhenshixiangchuangyeshiyey Manufacturer: Shenzhen Eysltime Intelligent LTD Item model number: YXZBRB58 isYXZBRB58radar() description : 'Tuya YXZBRB58 Radar', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18318 preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'2', 'detectionDelay':'103', 'fadingTime':'102', 'minimumDistance':'3', 'maximumDistance':'4'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_sooucan5', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YXZBRB58'] // https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BYDCY4YN ], tuyaDPs: [ // TODO - use already defined DPs and preferences !! [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence state'], [dp:2, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:9 , defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar Sensitivity', description:'Sensitivity of the radar'], [dp:3, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.5, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Minimum detection distance'], [dp:4, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:6.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Maximum detection distance'], [dp:101, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance'], [dp:102, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:5, max:1500, defVal:60, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'Presence inactivity timer, seconds'], [dp:103, name:'detectionDelay', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:1.0, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Detection delay', description:'Detection delay'], [dp:104, name:'radar_scene', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:4, defVal:'0', map:[0:'default', 1:'bathroom', 2:'bedroom', 3:'sleeping'], description:'Presets for sensitivity for presence and movement'], // https://github.com/kirovilya/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/b9bb6695fdf5d26ab4195cca9fcb1f2bd73afa71/src/devices/tuya.ts [dp:105, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance'] ], // https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues/2429 refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [105], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [105], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YXZBRB58' // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005764168560.html ], // isSXM7L9XAradar() // https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/issues/6998#issuecomment-1612113340 'TS0601_SXM7L9XA_RADAR' : [ // https://gist.github.com/Koenkk/9295fc8afcc65f36027f9ab4d319ce64 description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector SXM7L9XA', // https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues/2378#issuecomment-1558777494 models : ['TS0601'], // https://github.com/wzwenzhi/Wenzhi-ZigBee2mqtt/tree/main device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], // https://github.com/wzwenzhi/Wenzhi-ZigBee2mqtt/blob/main/wenzhi_tuya_M100-230908.js capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'106', 'detectionDelay':'111', 'fadingTime':'110', 'minimumDistance':'108', 'maximumDistance':'107'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_sxm7l9xa', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector SXM7L9XA'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004788260949.html // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/539?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_e5m9c5hl', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector WZ-M100'] // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004788260949.html // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/745?u=kkossev ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:104, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'], [dp:105, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence state'], [dp:106, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:10 , defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Motion sensitivity', description:'Motion sensitivity'], [dp:107, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:9.5, defVal:6.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Max detection distance'], [dp:108, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:9.5, defVal:0.5, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Min detection distance'], // TODO - check DP! [dp:109, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance'], [dp:110, name:'fadingTime', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.5, max:150.0, defVal:60.0, step:5, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title: 'Fading time', description:'Presence inactivity timer'], [dp:111, name:'detectionDelay', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.5, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title: 'Detection delay', description:'Detection delay'] ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [109], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [109], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector SXM7L9XA' ], // isIJXVKHD0radar() '24G MmWave radar human presence motion sensor' 'TS0601_IJXVKHD0_RADAR' : [ description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector IJXVKHD0', // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/5acadaf16b0e85c1a8401223ddcae3d31ce970eb/src/devices/tuya.ts#L5747 models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'106', 'staticDetectionSensitivity':'111', 'fadingTime':'110', 'maximumDistance':'107'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_ijxvkhd0', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector ZY-M100-24G'] // ], tuyaDPs: [ // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18237 [dp:1, name:'unknownDp1', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'unknown state dp1'], [dp:2, name:'unknownDp2', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'unknown state dp2'], [dp:104, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'], [dp:105, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'present', 2:'moving'], description:'Presence state'], [dp:106, name:'radarSensitivity', preProc:'divideBy10', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:9, defVal:2 , scale:1, unit:'', title:'Motion sensitivity', description:'Radar motion sensitivity
1 is highest, 9 is lowest!
'], [dp:107, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:1.5, max:5.5, defVal:5.5, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Max detection distance'], [dp:109, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Target distance'], [dp:110, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:1500, defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'', description:'Delay (fading) time'], [dp:111, name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', preProc:'divideBy10', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:9, defVal:3, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Static detection sensitivity', description:'Presence sensitivity
1 is highest, 9 is lowest!
'], [dp:112, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:123, name:'presence', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'presence'], description:'Presence'] // TODO -- check if used? ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [109, 9], // dp 9 test spammyDPsToNotTrace : [109, 104], // illuminance reporting is extremly spammy ! deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector ZY-M100-24G' ], /* SmartLife radarSensitivity staticDetectionSensitivity L1 7 9 L2 6 7 L3 4 6 L4 2 4 L5 2 3 */ 'TS0601_YENSYA2C_RADAR' : [ // Loginovo Zigbee Mmwave Human Presence Sensor (rectangular) // TODO: update thread first post description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YENSYA2C', // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18646 models : ['TS0601'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005677110270.html device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'101', 'presence_time':'12', 'detectionDelay':'102', 'fadingTime':'116', 'minimumDistance': '111', 'maximumDistance':'112'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_yensya2c', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YENSYA2C'], // [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_mhxn2jso', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector New'] // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18623 // ^^^similar DPs, but not a full match? ^^^ TODO - make a new profile ? // https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kvazis/training/master/z2m_converters/converters/_TZE204_mhxn2jso.js ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:12, name:'presence_time', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.1, max:360.0, defVal:0.5, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Presence time', description:'Presence time'], // for _TZE204_mhxn2jso [dp:19, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance'], [dp:20, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:10000, scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'], [dp:101, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar sensitivity', description:'Radar sensitivity'], [dp:102, name:'detectionDelay', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.5, max:360.0, defVal:1.0, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Delay time', description:'Presence detection delay time'], [dp:111, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.1, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Breath detection minimum distance'], [dp:112, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.5, max:10.0, defVal:7.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Breath detection maximum distance'], [dp:113, name:'breathe_flag', type:'enum', rw: 'rw'], [dp:114, name:'small_flag', type:'enum', rw: 'rw'], [dp:115, name:'large_flag', type:'enum', rw: 'rw'], [dp:116, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:3600, defVal:30, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'Presence (fading) delay time'] ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [19], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [19], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YENSYA2C' ], // the new 5.8 GHz radar w/ humanMotionState and a lot of configuration options, 'not-so-spammy' ! - pedestal mount form-factor 'TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR' : [ description : 'Tuya TS0225_HL0SS9OA Radar', // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005761971083.html models : ['TS0225'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false, ignoreIAS: true], // ignore the illuminance reports from the IAS cluster capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'HumanMotionState':true], preferences : ['presenceKeepTime':'12', 'ledIndicator':'24', 'radarAlarmMode':'105', 'radarAlarmVolume':'102', 'radarAlarmTime':'101', \ 'motionFalseDetection':'112', 'motionDetectionSensitivity':'15', 'motionMinimumDistance':'106', 'motionDetectionDistance':'13', \ 'smallMotionDetectionSensitivity':'16', 'smallMotionMinimumDistance':'107', 'smallMotionDetectionDistance':'14', \ 'breatheFalseDetection':'115', 'staticDetectionSensitivity':'104', 'staticDetectionMinimumDistance':'108', 'staticDetectionDistance':'103' \ ], commands : ['resetSettings':'resetSettings', 'moveSelfTest':'moveSelfTest', 'smallMoveSelfTest':'smallMoveSelfTest', 'breatheSelfTest':'breatheSelfTest', \ 'resetStats':'resetStats', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences' ], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0500,E002,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0225', manufacturer:'_TZE200_hl0ss9oa', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_HL0SS9OA Human Presence Detector'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004788260949.html // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/539?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0500,E002,EF00,0400', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0225', manufacturer:'_TZE200_hl0ss9oa', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_HL0SS9OA Human Presence Detector'] // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-mmwave-sensors-code-moved-from-the-tuya-4-in-1-driver/137410/195?u=kkossev ], tuyaDPs: [ // W.I.P - use already defined DPs and preferences !! TODO - verify the default values ! [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:11, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:3, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'large', 2:'small', 3:'static'], description:'Human motion state'], [dp:12, name:'presenceKeepTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:5, max:3600, defVal:30, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Presence keep time', description:'Presence keep time'], [dp:13, name:'motionDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:6.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Motion Detection Distance', description:'Large motion detection distance, meters'], //dt: "UINT16" [dp:14, name:'smallMotionDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:5.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Small motion detection distance', description:'Small motion detection distance'], [dp:15, name:'motionDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Motion Detection Sensitivity', description:'Large motion detection sensitivity'], // dt: "UINT8" aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity [dp:16, name:'smallMotionDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10 , defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Small motion detection sensitivity', description:'Small motion detection sensitivity'], [dp:20, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:10, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance'], [dp:24, name:'ledIndicator', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - OFF', 1:'1 - ON'], title:'LED indicator mode', description:'LED indicator mode'], [dp:101, name:'radarAlarmTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:60 , defVal:1, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Alarm time', description:'Alarm time'], [dp:102, name:'radarAlarmVolume', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:3, defVal:'3', map:[0:'0 - low', 1:'1 - medium', 2:'2 - high', 3:'3 - mute'], title:'Alarm volume', description:'Alarm volume'], [dp:103, name:'staticDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:4.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Static detection distance', description:'Static detection distance'], [dp:104, name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title: 'Static Detection Sensitivity', description:'Static detection sensitivity'], // dt: "UINT8", aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity [dp:105, name:'radarAlarmMode', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:3, defVal:'1', map:[0:'0 - arm', 1:'1 - off', 2:'2 - alarm', 3:'3 - doorbell'], title:'Alarm mode', description:'Alarm mode'], [dp:106, name:'motionMinimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:0.5, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Motion minimum distance', description:'Motion minimum distance'], [dp:107, name:'smallMotionMinimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:0.5, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Small Motion Minimum Distance', description:'Small Motion Minimum Distance'], [dp:108, name:'staticDetectionMinimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:0.5, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Static detection minimum distance', description:'Static detection minimum distance'], [dp:109, name:'checkingTime', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', scale:10, unit:'seconds', description:'Checking time'], [dp:110, name:'radarStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], description:'Radar small move self-test'], [dp:111, name:'radarStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], description:'Radar breathe self-test'], [dp:112, name:'motionFalseDetection', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], title:'Motion false detection', description:'Motion false detection'], [dp:113, name:'radarReset', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], description:'Radar reset'], [dp:114, name:'radarStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], description:'Radar move self-test'], [dp:115, name:'breatheFalseDetection', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], title:'Breathe false detection', description:'Breathe false detection'], [dp:116, name:'occupiedTime', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:60 , scale:1, unit:'seconds', description:'Radar presence duration'], // not received [dp:117, name:'absenceTime', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:60 , scale:1, unit:'seconds', description:'Radar absence duration'], // not received [dp:118, name:'radarDurationStatus', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:60 , scale:1, unit:'seconds', description:'Radar duration status'] // not received ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [11], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_HL0SS9OA Human Presence Detector' ], // the new 5.8GHz radar w/ humanMotionState and a lot of configuration options, 'not-so-spammy' ! - wall mount form-factor is2AAELWXKradar() 'TS0225_2AAELWXK_RADAR' : [ // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18612 description : 'Tuya TS0225_2AAELWXK 5.8 GHz Radar', // https://community.hubitat.com/t/the-new-tuya-24ghz-human-presence-sensor-ts0225-tze200-hl0ss9oa-finally-a-good-one/122283/72?u=kkossev models : ['TS0225'], // ZG-205Z https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/38bf79304292c380dc8366966aaefb71ca0b03da/src/devices/tuya.ts#L4793 device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false, ignoreIAS: true], // ignore the illuminance reports from the IAS cluster capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'HumanMotionState':true], preferences : ['presenceKeepTime':'102', 'ledIndicator':'107', 'radarAlarmMode':'117', 'radarAlarmVolume':'116', 'radarAlarmTime':'115', \ 'motionFalseDetection':'103', 'motionDetectionSensitivity':'2', 'motionMinimumDistance':'3', 'motionDetectionDistance':'4', \ 'smallMotionDetectionSensitivity':'105', 'smallMotionMinimumDistance':'110', 'smallMotionDetectionDistance':'104', \ 'breatheFalseDetection':'113', 'staticDetectionSensitivity':'109', 'staticDetectionDistance':'108' \ ], commands : ['resetSettings':'resetSettings', 'resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ // reports illuminance and motion using clusters 0x400 and 0x500 ! [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0500,E002,EF00,EE00,E000,0400', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0225', manufacturer:'_TZE200_2aaelwxk', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_2AAELWXK 24Ghz Human Presence Detector'] // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/539?u=kkossev ], tuyaDPs: [ // W.I.P. - use already defined DPs and preferences !! [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:2, name:'motionDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Motion Detection Sensitivity', description:'Large motion detection sensitivity'], // dt: "UINT8" aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity [dp:3, name:'motionMinimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:0.5, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Motion minimum distance', description:'Motion minimum distance'], [dp:4, name:'motionDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:6.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Motion Detection Distance', description:'Large motion detection distance, meters'], //dt: "UINT16" [dp:101, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:3, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'large', 2:'small', 3:'static'], description:'Human motion state'], [dp:102, name:'presenceKeepTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:5, max:3600, defVal:30, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Presence keep time', description:'Presence keep time'], [dp:103, name:'motionFalseDetection', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], title:'Motion false detection', description:'Disable/enable Motion false detection'], [dp:104, name:'smallMotionDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:5.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Small motion detection distance', description:'Small motion detection distance'], [dp:105, name:'smallMotionDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10 , defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Small motion detection sensitivity', description:'Small motion detection sensitivity'], [dp:106, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:10, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance'], [dp:107, name:'ledIndicator', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - OFF', 1:'1 - ON'], title:'LED indicator', description:'LED indicator mode'], [dp:108, name:'staticDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:4.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Static detection distance', description:'Static detection distance'], [dp:109, name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Static Detection Sensitivity', description:'Static detection sensitivity'], // dt: "UINT8", aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity [dp:110, name:'smallMotionMinimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:0.5, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Small Motion Minimum Distance', description:'Small Motion Minimum Distance'], //[dp:111, name:'staticDetectionMinimumDistance', type:"decimal", rw: "rw", min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:0.5, scale:100, unit:"meters", title:'Static detection minimum distance', description:'Static detection minimum distance'], [dp:112, name:'radarReset', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], description:'Radar reset'], [dp:113, name:'breatheFalseDetection', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], title:'Breathe false detection', description:'Disable/enable Breathe false detection'], [dp:114, name:'checkingTime', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', scale:10, unit:'seconds', description:'Checking time'], [dp:115, name:'radarAlarmTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:60 , defVal:1, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Alarm time', description:'Alarm time'], [dp:116, name:'radarAlarmVolume', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:3, defVal:'3', map:[0:'0 - low', 1:'1 - medium', 2:'2 - high', 3:'3 - mute'], title:'Alarm volume', description:'Alarm volume'], [dp:117, name:'radarAlarmMode', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:3, defVal:'1', map:[0:'0 - arm', 1:'1 - off', 2:'2 - alarm', 3:'3 - doorbell'], title:'Alarm mode', description:'Alarm mode'], [dp:118, name:'radarStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], description:'Radar small move self-test'], [dp:119, name:'radarStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], description:'Radar breathe self-test'], [dp:120, name:'radarStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - disabled', 1:'1 - enabled'], description:'Radar move self-test'] //[dp:116, name:'occupiedTime', type:"number", rw: "ro", min:0, max:60 , scale:1, unit:"seconds", description:'Radar presence duration'], // not received //[dp:117, name:'absenceTime', type:"number", rw: "ro", min:0, max:60 , scale:1, unit:"seconds", description:'Radar absence duration'], // not received //[dp:118, name:'radarDurationStatus', type:"number", rw: "ro", min:0, max:60 , scale:1, unit:"seconds", description:'Radar duration status'] // not received ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_2AAELWXK 5.8 Ghz Human Presence Detector' ], // Battery powered ! 24 GHz + PIR Radar 'TS0601_24GHZ_PIR_RADAR' : [ //https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/3a8832a8a3586356e7ba76bcd92ce3177f6b934e/src/devices/tuya.ts#L5730-L5762 description : 'Tuya TS0601_2AAELWXK 24 GHz + PIR Radar', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false, ignoreIAS: true], // ignore the illuminance reports from the IAS cluster capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'HumanMotionState':true, 'Battery':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'123', 'staticDetectionSensitivity':'2', 'staticDetectionDistance':'4', 'fadingTime':'102', 'ledIndicator':'107'], commands : ['resetSettings':'resetSettings', 'resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ // reports illuminance and motion using clusters 0x400 and 0x500 ! [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0500,0001,0400', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_2aaelwxk', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2AAELWXK 24 GHz + PIR Radar'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0500,0001,0400', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_kb5noeto', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya KB5NOETO 24 GHz + PIR Radar'] // https://community.hubitat.com/t/beta-tuya-zigbee-mmwave-sensors-code-moved-from-the-tuya-4-in-1-driver/137410/41?u=kkossev // https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806664768243.html ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:2, name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Static Detection Sensitivity', description:'Static detection sensitivity'], // dt: "UINT8", aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity [dp:4, name:'staticDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:5.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Static detection distance', description:'Static detection distance'], [dp:106, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:10, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance'], [dp:101, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:3, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'moving', 2:'small', 3:'static'], description:'Human motion state'], [dp:102, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:28800, defVal:30, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Presence keep time', description:'Presence keep time'], [dp:107, name:'ledIndicator', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - OFF', 1:'1 - ON'], title:'LED indicator', description:'LED indicator mode'], [dp:121, name:'battery', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defVal:100, scale:1, unit:'%', title:'Battery level', description:'Battery level'], [dp:122, name:'motionDetectionMode', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'1', map:[0:'0 - onlyPIR', 1:'1 - PIRandRadar', 2:'2 - onlyRadar'], title:'Motion detection mode', description:'Motion detection mode'], [dp:123, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:9, defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Motion Detection sensitivity', description:'Motion detection sensitivity'], // motion_detection_sensitivity ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0601 24 GHz + PIR Radar' ], //24 GHz Radar https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DmlO3GH (SZKOSTON) TS0601 _TZE204_uxllnywp model: 'RTC ZCZ03Z' 'TS0601_24GHZ_UXLLNYWP_RADAR' : [ // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/22906#issuecomment-2194557546 https://github.com/krikkoo/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/c1e50113ff2e36a8504b313c6c9064b8956da011/src/devices/tuya.ts#L10368 description : 'Tuya 24GHz UXLLNYWP Radar', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false, ignoreIAS: true], // ignore the illuminance reports from the IAS cluster capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'111', 'minimumDistance':'108', 'maximumDistance':'107', 'fadingTime':'103', 'ledIndicator':'104'], commands : ['resetSettings':'resetSettings', 'resetStats':'resetStats', 'initialize':'initialize', 'printFingerprints':'printFingerprints'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_uxllnywp', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 24GHz UXLLNYWP Radar'], ], tuyaDPs: [ //[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence state'], // humanMotionState : ['none', 'moving', 'small', 'stationary', 'static', 'present', 'peaceful', 'large'] [dp:1, name:'humanMotionState', preProc:'motionOrNotUXLLNYWP', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', map:[0:'none', 1:'static', 2:'small', 3:'large', 4:'moving'], description:'Presence state'], [dp:101, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance'], [dp:102, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:10, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance'], // "Light intensity" [dp:103, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:59, defVal:30, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Presence keep time', description:'Presence keep time'], // "Hold delay" [dp:104, name:'ledIndicator', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - OFF', 1:'1 - ON'], title:'LED indicator', description:'LED indicator mode'], // "Indicator led" [dp:105, name:'noneDelayTimeMin', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'minutes', description:'None Delay Time (min)'], [dp:106, name:'noneDelayTimeSec', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'seconds', description:'None Delay Time (sec)'], [dp:107, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:8.40, defVal:7.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Breath detection maximum distance'], [dp:108, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:8.40, defVal:0.1, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Breath detection minimum distance'], [dp:111, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:10, defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Motion Detection sensitivity', description:'Motion detection sensitivity'], // motion_detection_sensitivity [dp:112, name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:1, max:10, defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Static Detection sensitivity', description:'Static detection sensitivity'], // "Hold sensitivity" [dp:114, name:'factoryParameters', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, description:'Factory Reset'], [dp:120, name:'debugCLI', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:99999, defVal:0, scale:1, description:'debug CLI'], ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [101], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [101], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 24GHz UXLLNYWP Radar' ], // isSBYX0LM6radar() // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/issues/5930#issuecomment-1662456347 'TS0601_SBYX0LM6_RADAR' : [ // _TZE204_sbyx0lm6 TS0601 model: 'MTG075-ZB-RL', '5.8G Human presence sensor with relay', description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector SBYX0LM6', // https://github.com/vit-um/hass/blob/main/zigbee2mqtt/tuya_h_pr.js models : ['TS0601'], // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/issues/5930 https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/issues/5930#issuecomment-1651270524 device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], // https://github.com/wzwenzhi/Wenzhi-ZigBee2mqtt/blob/main/ts0601_radar_X75-X25-230705.js capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'2', 'minimumDistance':'3', 'maximumDistance':'4', 'detectionDelay':'101', 'fadingTime':'102', 'entrySensitivity':'105', 'entryDistanceIndentation':'106', 'breakerMode':'107', \ 'breakerStatus':'108', 'statusIndication':'109', 'illuminThreshold':'110', 'breakerPolarity':'111', 'blockTime':'112', 'distanceReporting':'116' ], commands : ['resetSettings':'resetSettings'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_sbyx0lm6', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 5.8GHz Human Presence Detector MTG075-ZB-RL'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004788260949.html // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/539?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_sbyx0lm6', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 5.8GHz Human Presence Detector MTG075-ZB-RL'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_dtzziy1e', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 24GHz Human Presence Detector MTG275-ZB-RL'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004788260949.html // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/539?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_dtzziy1e', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 24GHz Human Presence Detector MTG275-ZB-RL'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004788260949.html // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/539?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_clrdrnya', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG235-ZB-RL'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005865536713.html // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18677?notification_referrer_id=NT_kwDOAF5zfrI3NDQ1Mzc2NTAxOjYxODk5NTA [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_clrdrnya', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG235-ZB-RL'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_cfcznfbz', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG075-ZB2'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_iaeejhvf', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG075-ZB2-RL'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_mtoaryre', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG035-ZB2-RL'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_8s6jtscb', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG035-ZB2'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_rktkuel1', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTD065-ZB2'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_mp902om5', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG075-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_mp902om5', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG075-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_w5y5slkq', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG275-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_w5y5slkq', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG275-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_xnaqu2pc', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTD065-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_xnaqu2pc', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTD065-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_wk7seszg', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG235-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_wk7seszg', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG235-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_0wfzahlw', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTD021-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_0wfzahlw', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTD021-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_pfayrzcw', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG035-ZB-RL'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_pfayrzcw', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG035-ZB-RL'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_z4tzr0rg', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG035-ZB'], [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_z4tzr0rg', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MTG035-ZB'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:2, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:9, defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar sensitivity', description:'Sensitivity of the radar'], [dp:3, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.1, step:10, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Shield range of the radar'], // was shieldRange [dp:4, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:1.5, max:10.0, defVal:7.0, step:10, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Detection range of the radar'], // was detectionRange [dp:6, name:'radarStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:5 , defVal:'1', scale:1, map:[ 0:'checking', 1:'check_success', 2:'check_failure', 3:'others', 4:'comm_fault', 5:'radar_fault'] , unit:'', title:'Radar self checking status', description:'Radar self checking status'], [dp:9, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'detected distance'], [dp:101, name:'detectionDelay', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:1.0, defVal:0.2, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Detection delay', description:'Entry filter time'], [dp:102, name:'fadingTime', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.5, max:150.0, defVal:30.0, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'Presence inactivity delay timer'], // aka 'nobody time' [dp:103, name:'debugCLI', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:99999, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'?', title:'debugCLI', description:'debug CLI'], [dp:104, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2000, defVal:0, scale:10, unit:'lx', title:'illuminance', description:'illuminance'], // divideBy10 ! [dp:105, name:'entrySensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:9, defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Entry sensitivity', description:'Radar entry sensitivity'], [dp:106, name:'entryDistanceIndentation', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:6.0, step:10, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Entry distance indentation', description:'Entry distance indentation'], // aka 'Detection range reduce when unoccupied' [dp:107, name:'breakerMode', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:3, defVal:'0', map:[0:'standalone', 1:'local', 2:'manual', 3:'unavailable'], title:'Breaker mode', description:'Status Breaker mode: standalone is external, local is auto'], [dp:108, name:'breakerStatus', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'OFF', 1:'ON'], title:'Breaker status', description:'on/off state of the switch'], [dp:109, name:'statusIndication', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'OFF', 1:'ON'], title:'Status indication', description:'Led backlight when triggered'], [dp:110, name:'illuminThreshold', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:420.0, defVal:100.0, scale:10, unit:'lx', title:'Illuminance Threshold', description:'Illumination threshold for switching on'], [dp:111, name:'breakerPolarity', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'NC', 1:'NO'], title:'Breaker polarity', description:'Normally open / normally closed factory setting'], [dp:112, name:'blockTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:100, defVal:30, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:"Block time'", description:'Sensor inhibition time after presence or relay state changed'], // aka 'nobody time' [dp:113, name:'parameterSettingResult', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:6 , defVal:'1', scale:1, map:[ 0:'none', 1:'invalid detection range reduce', 2:'invalid minimum detection range', 3:'invalid maximum detection range', 4:'switch unavailable', 5:'invalid inhibition time', 6:'switch polarity unsupported'] , unit:'', description:'Config error'], [dp:114, name:'factoryParameters', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'-', description:'Factory Reset'], [dp:115, name:'sensor', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'on', 1:'off', 2:'report occupy', 3:'report unoccupy'] , unit:'', description:'Sensor state'], [dp:116, name:'distanceReporting', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'disabled', 1:'enabled'], title:'Distance Reports', description:'Effectively disable the spammy distance reporting!
The recommended default value is disabled'], ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [9], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [9], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector SBYX0LM6' ], // 'TS0601_7GCLUKJS_RADAR' : [ // https://github.com/wzwenzhi/Wenzhi-ZigBee2mqtt/blob/main/ZM10224gNEW2.2.js // https://github.com/wzwenzhi/Wenzhi-ZigBee2mqtt/blob/main/zmzn24g.NEW.js description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector 7GCLUKJS', models : ['TS0601'], // https://github.com/sprut/Hub/issues/3062 (default values) device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true, 'HumanMotionState':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'2', 'staticDetectionSensitivity':'102', 'fadingTime':'105', 'minimumDistance':'3', 'maximumDistance':'4'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_7gclukjs', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector ZY-M100 24G'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'present', 2:'moving'], description:'Presence state'], [dp:2, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:10, defVal:2 , scale:1, unit:'', title:'Motion sensitivity', description:'Radar motion sensitivity'], [dp:3, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:8.25, defVal:0.75, step:75, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Shield range of the radar'], // was shieldRange [dp:4, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.75, max:8.25, defVal:4.5, step:75, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Detection range of the radar'], // was detectionRange [dp:9, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Target distance'], [dp:102, name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:3, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Static detection sensitivity', description:'Presence sensitivity'], [dp:103, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'], [dp:104, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:105, name:'fadingTime', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:600, defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'', description:'Delay (fading) time'] ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [9], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [9], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector ZY-M100-24G' ], 'TS0601_YA4FT0W4_RADAR' : [ //https://github.com/wzwenzhi/Wenzhi-ZigBee2mqtt/blob/68468dc630f19fdbea826538eddfaeafd964a1be/M100-ya4ft0-V3-20240907.js#L14 description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YA4FT0W4', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true, 'HumanMotionState':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'2', 'staticDetectionSensitivity':'102', 'fadingTime':'105', 'minimumDistance':'3', 'maximumDistance':'4', 'distanceReporting':'101'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_ya4ft0w4', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YA4FT0W4 ZY-M100-24GV372'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'humanMotionState', preProc:'motionOrNotYA4FT0W4', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', map:[0:'none', 1:'present', 2:'moving', 3:'none'], description:'Presence state'], [dp:2, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:10, defVal:5, title:'Motion sensitivity', description:'Radar motion sensitivity'], [dp:3, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:82.5, defVal:0.75, step:75, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Shield range of the radar'], // was shieldRange [dp:4, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.75, max:82.5, defVal:6.00, step:75, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Detection range of the radar'], // was detectionRange [dp:9, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, scale:10, unit:'meters', description:'Target distance'], [dp:101, name:'distanceReporting', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'disabled', 1:'enabled'], title:'Distance Reports', description:'Effectively disable the spammy distance reporting!
The recommended default value is disabled'], [dp:102, name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:10, defVal:5, title:'Static detection sensitivity', description:'Presence sensitivity'], [dp:103, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'], [dp:104, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence state'], // DP:104 is still sent by the device.... and is processed in this driver. [dp:105, name:'fadingTime', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:5, max:15000, , defVal:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Delay time', description:'Delay (fading) time'], [dp:255, name:'unknownDp255', type:'number', rw: 'ro', description:'unknownDp255'] ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [9], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [9], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YA4FT0W4 ZY-M100-24GV372' ], 'TS0601_LAOKFQWU_RADAR' : [ // https://github.com/wzwenzhi/Wenzhi-ZigBee2mqtt/blob/d0e62c42726dca0c1a881d892129f3087c7d8bc7/wenzhi_tuya_M100_240704.js#L20 description : 'Tuya/Wenzhi Human Presence Detector LAOKFQWU WZ-M100', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true, 'HumanMotionState':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'2', 'minimumDistance':'3', 'maximumDistance':'4', 'fadingTime':'106', 'detectionDelay':'105'/*, 'intervalTime':'104'*/], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_laokfqwu', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya/Wenzhi Human Presence Detector LAOKFQWU WZ-M100'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', defVal:'0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence state'], [dp:2, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:10, defVal:5, title:'Motion sensitivity', description:'Radar motion sensitivity'], [dp:3, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:9.5, defVal:0.1, step:10, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Minimum detection range'], [dp:4, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:9.5, defVal:6.0, step:10, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Maximum detection range'], [dp:9, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Target distance'], [dp:103, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'], [dp:104, name:'intervalTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:3600, unit:'seconds', title:'', description:'Interval time'], [dp:105, name:'detectionDelay', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.5, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Detection Delay', description:'Presence detection delay time'], [dp:106, name:'fadingTime', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.5, max:150.0, defVal:30.0, scale:10, step:5, unit:'seconds', title:'', description:'Presence timeout'] ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [9], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [9], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya/Wenzhi Human Presence Detector WZ-M100' ], // isLINPTECHradar() 'TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR' : [ // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/18637 description : 'Tuya TS0225_LINPTECH 24GHz Radar', // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/646?u=kkossev models : ['TS0225'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['fadingTime':'101', 'motionDetectionDistance':'0xE002:0xE00B', 'motionDetectionSensitivity':'0xE002:0xE004', 'staticDetectionSensitivity':'0xE002:0xE005', 'ledIndicator':'0xE002:0xE009'], fingerprints : [ // https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7C6L66J?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0004,0005,E002,4000,EF00,0500', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0225', manufacturer:'_TZ3218_awarhusb', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_LINPTECH 24Ghz Human Presence Detector'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004788260949.html // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/539?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0004,0005,E002,4000,EF00,0500', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0225', manufacturer:'_TZ3218_t9ynfz4x', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_LINPTECH 24Ghz Human Presence Detector'] ], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'], tuyaDPs: [ // the tuyaDPs revealed from iot.tuya.com are actually not used by the device! The only exception is dp:101 [dp:101, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:9999, defVal:10, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title: 'Fading time', description:'Presence inactivity timer, seconds'] // aka 'nobody time' ], attributes: [ // LINPTECH / MOES are using a custom cluster 0xE002 for the settings (except for the fadingTime), ZCL cluster 0x0400 for illuminance (malformed reports!) and the IAS cluster 0x0500 for motion detection [at:'0xE002:0xE001', name:'occupiedTime', type:'number', dt: '0x21', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:65535, scale:1, unit:'minutes', title: 'Existance time/b>', description:'existance (presence) time, recommended value is > 10 seconds!'], // aka Presence Time [at:'0xE002:0xE004', name:'motionDetectionSensitivity', type:'enum', dt: '0x20', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:5, defVal:'4', scale:1, map:[1: '1 - low', 2: '2 - medium low', 3: '3 - medium', 4: '4 - medium high', 5: '5 - high'], unit:'', title: 'Motion Detection Sensitivity', description:'Large motion detection sensitivity'], [at:'0xE002:0xE005', name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'enum', dt: '0x20', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:5, defVal:'3', scale:1, map:[1: '1 - low', 2: '2 - medium low', 3: '3 - medium', 4: '4 - medium high', 5: '5 - high'], unit:'', title: 'Static Detection Sensitivity', description:'Static detection sensitivity'], // aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity [at:'0xE002:0xE009', name:'ledIndicator', type:'enum', dt: '0x10', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - OFF', 1:'1 - ON'], title:'LED indicator mode', description:'LED indicator mode
Requires firmware version 1.0.6 (application:46)!
'], [at:'0xE002:0xE00A', name:'distance', preProc:'skipIfDisabled', type:'decimal', dt: '0x21', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title: 'Distance', description:'Measured distance'], // aka Current Distance [at:'0xE002:0xE00B', name:'motionDetectionDistance', type:'enum', dt: '0x21', rw: 'rw', min:0.75, max:6.00, defVal:'450', step:75, scale:100, map:['75': '0.75 meters', '150': '1.50 meters', '225': '2.25 meters', '300': '3.00 meters', '375': '3.75 meters', '450': '4.50 meters', '525': '5.25 meters', '600' : '6.00 meters'], unit:'meters', title: 'Motion Detection Distance', description:'Large motion detection distance, meters'] // aka Far Detection ], // returns zeroes !!!refresh: ['motion', 'occupiedTime', 'motionDetectionSensitivity', 'staticDetectionSensitivity', 'ledIndicator', 'motionDetectionDistance'], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_LINPTECH 24Ghz Human Presence Detector', configuration : [:] ], // no-name 240V AC ceiling radar presence sensor 'TS0225_EGNGMRZH_RADAR' : [ // https://github.com/sprut/Hub/issues/2489 description : 'Tuya TS0225_EGNGMRZH 24GHz Radar', // isEGNGMRZHradar() models : ['TS0225'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'101', 'presence_time':'12', 'detectionDelay':'102', 'fadingTime':'116', 'minimumDistance': '111', 'maximumDistance':'112'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,,0500,1000,EF00,0003,0004,0008', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0225', manufacturer:'_TZFED8_egngmrzh', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_EGNGMRZH 24Ghz Human Presence Detector'] // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004788260949.html // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/539?u=kkossev ], // uses IAS for occupancy! tuyaDPs: [ [dp:101, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:10000, scale:1, unit:'lx'], // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/issues/6001 [dp:103, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:10, unit:'meters'] // 09/15/2024 - no additional information can be found for this device ... :( //[dp:104, name:'unknown 104 0x68', type:'number', rw: 'ro'], //68 //[dp:105, name:'unknown 105 0x69', type:'number', rw: 'ro'], //69 //[dp:109, name:'unknown 109 0x6D', type:'number', rw: 'ro'], //6D //[dp:110, name:'unknown 110 0x6E', type:'number', rw: 'ro'], //6E //[dp:111, name:'unknown 111 0x6F', type:'number', rw: 'ro'], //6F //[dp:114, name:'unknown 114 0x72', type:'number', rw: 'ro'], //72 //[dp:115, name:'unknown 115 0x73', type:'number', rw: 'ro'], //73 //[dp:116, name:'unknown 116 0x74', type:'number', rw: 'ro'], //74 //[dp:118, name:'unknown 118 0x76', type:'number', rw: 'ro'], //76 //[dp:119, name:'unknown 119 0x77', type:'number', rw: 'ro'] //77 ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [103], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [103], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_AWARHUSB 24Ghz Human Presence Detector', configuration : ['battery': false] ], 'TS0225_O7OE4N9A_RADAR' : [ // Aubess Zigbee-Human Presence Detector, Smart PIR Human Body Sensor, Wifi Radar, Microwave Motion Sensors, Tuya, 1/24/5G description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YENSYA2C', // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/20082#issuecomment-1856204828 models : ['TS0225'], // https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005006016522811.html device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/926?u=kkossev capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'110', 'motionSensitivity':'114', 'stateLockDuration':'101', 'fadingTime':'116'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0004,0500,0008,1000', outClusters:'000A,0019', model:'TS0225', manufacturer:'_TZFED8_o7oe4n9a', deviceJoinName: 'Aubess Human Presence Detector '], // ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:101, name:'stateLockDuration', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:5, defVal:1, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'State Lock Duration', description:'After a change in manned or unmanned status, it will not change for the specified period of time'], // to be checked/clarified [dp:102, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:3600, defVal:30, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'How many seconds does it take to become unmanned when no one is detected'], [dp:105, name:'distanceIntervalSwitch', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Distance Interval Switch', description:'Distance interval switch'], // to be checked/clarified [dp:110, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:10, defVal:1, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar sensitivity', description:'Occupancy Sensitivity
1 = Highest 10 = Lowest
'], [dp:114, name:'motionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:20, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Motion sensitivity', description:'Motion Sensitivity
1 = Highest 20 = Lowest
'], [dp:126, name:'requestToSendSomeone', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Request to send someone', description:'Request to send someone'], // to be checked/clarified [dp:176, name:'patternChanges', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:1, max:5, defVal:1, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Pattern Changes', description:'Pattern changes'], // to be checked/clarified [dp:181, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:10000, scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'], [dp:182, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance to target'], [dp:183, name:'distanceIntervalData', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:10000, scale:1, unit:'', description:'Distance interval data'], // to be checked/clarified ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [182], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [182], deviceJoinName: 'Aubess Human Presence Detector O7OE4N9A' ], 'OWON_OCP305_RADAR' : [ description : 'OWON OCP305 Radar', models : ['OCP305'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'Battery': true], preferences : [:], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0406', outClusters:'0003', model:'OCP305', manufacturer:'OWON'] ], deviceJoinName: 'OWON OCP305 Radar', configuration : ['0x0406':'bind'] ], // isSONOFF() 'SONOFF_SNZB-06P_RADAR' : [ description : 'SONOFF SNZB-06P RADAR', models : ['SONOFF'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isIAS:false, isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true], preferences : ['fadingTime':'0x0406:0x0020', 'radarSensitivity':'0x0406:0x0022', 'detectionDelay':'0x0406:0x0021'], commands : ['printFingerprints':'printFingerprints','resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0406,0500,FC57,FC11', outClusters:'0003,0019', model:'SNZB-06P', manufacturer:'SONOFF', deviceJoinName: 'SONOFF SNZB-06P RADAR'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/sonoff-zigbee-human-presence-sensor-snzb-06p/126128/14?u=kkossev ], attributes: [ [at:'0x0406:0x0000', name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Occupancy state', description:'Occupancy state'], [at:'0x0406:0x0022', name:'radarSensitivity', type:'enum', dt: '0x20', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:3, defVal:'1', scale:1, unit:'', map:[1:'1 - low', 2:'2 - medium', 3:'3 - high'], title:'Radar Sensitivity', description:'Radar Sensitivity'], [at:'0x0406:0x0020', name:'fadingTime', type:'enum', dt: '0x21', rw: 'rw', min:15, max:999, defVal:'30', scale:1, unit:'seconds', map:[15:'15 seconds', 30:'30 seconds', 60:'60 seconds', 120:'120 seconds', 300:'300 seconds'], title:'Fading Time', description:'Radar fading time in seconds'], [at:'0x0406:0x0021', name:'detectionDelay', type:'decimal', dt: '0x21', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:10, unit:'seconds', title:'Detection delay', description:'Presence detection delay timer'], [at:'0xFC11:0x2001', name:'illumState', type:'enum', dt: '0x20', mfgCode: '0x1286', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:2, scale:1, unit:'', map:[0:'dark', 1:'light', 2:'unknown'], title:'Illuminance State', description:'Illuminance State'] ], refresh: ['motion', 'radarSensitivity', 'fadingTime', 'detectionDelay'], deviceJoinName: 'SONOFF SNZB-06P RADAR', configuration : ['0x0406':'bind', '0x0FC57':'bind'/*, "0xFC11":"bind"*/] ], 'TS0601_MUVJRJR5_RADAR' : [ // Zigbee side mounted human presence sensor 24Ghz // ZN494622_01 // no illuminance description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MUVJRJR5', // https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DDkMp7Z models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': false, 'DistanceMeasurement':true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'16', 'fadingTime':'103', 'maximumDistance':'13', 'ledIndicator':'101', 'powerSwitch':'102'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_muvkrjr5', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MUVJRJR5'], // ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'], [dp:13, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:1.5, max:6.0, defVal:5.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Breath detection maximum distance'], [dp:16, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:68, max:90, defVal:80, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar sensitivity', description:'Radar sensitivity'], [dp:19, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance'], [dp:101, name:'ledIndicator', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - OFF', 1:'1 - ON'], title:'LED indicator mode', description:'LED indicator mode'], [dp:102, name:'powerSwitch', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'1', map:[0:'OFF', 1:'ON'], title:'powerSwitch', description:'Switch'], [dp:103, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:3, max:1799, defVal:30, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'Presence (fading) delay time'] ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [19], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [19], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Human Presence Detector MUVJRJR5' ], 'TS0601_NBKSHS6K_RADAR' : [ //5GHz Tuya Thick White Square with Sqr Button model: 'ZY-M100-S_2' description : '5GHz Tuya Generic White Square Basic', // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/23183 models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true], preferences : ["unknownDP12":"12"], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_nbkshs6k', deviceJoinName: '5GHz Tuya Generic White Square Basic'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal: '0', map:[0:'active', 1:'inactive'], description:'Presence'], //[dp:12, name:'unknownDP12', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:9999, defVal: 1, description:'UnknownDP12'], // TODO ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [], deviceJoinName: '5GHz Tuya Generic White Square Basic' ], 'TS0601_DAPWRYY7_RADAR' : [ //5GHz Tuya Thick White Square with Sqr Button description : '5GHz Tuya Thick White Square with Sqr Button', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true], preferences : ['fadingTime':'103', 'radarSensitivity':'116', 'minimumDistance':'108', 'maximumDistance':'107', 'ledIndicator':'104', staticDetectionDistance:'109', staticDetectionMinDistance:'110', smallMotionDetectionDistance:'114', smallMotionDetectionMinDistance:'115', smallMotionDetectionSensitivity:'117', staticDetectionSensitivity:'118'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_dapwryy7', deviceJoinName: '5GHz Tuya Thick White Square with Sqr Button'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:4, defVal: '0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'presence', 2:'peaceful', 3:'smallMovement', 4:'active' /*4:'largeMovement'*/], description:'Presence'], // TODO - the above is actually the humanState ! // https://github.com/Burki24/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/37495d997f4ae50811491a2b9dc7d578afb52229/src/devices/tuya.ts#L10816 [dp:101, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:9999.0, scale:100, unit:'m', description:'Distance'], [dp:102, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance'], // BUG? - see above preferences [dp:103, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:28800, defVal:30, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'Presence (fading) delay time'], [dp:104, name:'ledIndicator', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - OFF', 1:'1 - ON'], title:'LED indicator mode', description:'LED indicator mode'], [dp:107, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:10.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Maximum detection distance'], [dp:108, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:10.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Minimum detection distance'], [dp:109, name:'staticDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:4.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Static detection Max distance', description:'Static detection Max distance'], [dp:110, name:'staticDetectionMinDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:4.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Static detection Min distance', description:'Static detection Min distance'], [dp:114, name:'smallMotionDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:5.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Small motion detection Max distance', description:'Small motion detection Max distance'], [dp:115, name:'smallMotionDetectionMinDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:5.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Small motion detection Min distance', description:'Small motion detection Min distance'], [dp:116, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10 , defVal:5, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar Sensitivity', description:'Sensitivity of the radar'], [dp:117, name:'smallMotionDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10 , defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Small motion detection sensitivity', description:'Small motion detection sensitivity'], [dp:118, name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Static Detection Sensitivity', description:'Static detection sensitivity'], // dt: "UINT8", aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToIgnore : [101], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [101], deviceJoinName: '5GHz Tuya Thick White Square with Sqr Button' ], 'TS0601_EX3RCDHA_RADAR' : [ // white box human presence detector _TZE204_ex3rcdha ZHPS01 description : 'Tuya mmWave Radar ZHPS01', models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':false, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true], preferences : [fadingTime:'104', radarSensitivity:'105', maximumDistance:'109', minimumDistance:'110', staticDetectionDistance:'111', staticDetectionMinDistance:'112', staticDetectionSensitivity:'107'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE204_ex3rcdha', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya mmWave Radar ZHPS01'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:12, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance'], [dp:101, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal: '0', map:[0:'active', 1:'inactive'], description:'Presence'], [dp:104, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:180, defVal:30, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'Presence (fading) delay time'], [dp:105, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10 , defVal:5, title:'Radar Sensitivity', description:'Sensitivity of the radar'], // move_sensitivity [dp:107, name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:10, defVal:7, title:'Static Detection Sensitivity', description:'Static detection sensitivity'], // dt: "UINT8", aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity [dp:109, name:'maximumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:6.0, scale:100, step:10, unit:'meters', title:'Maximum distance', description:'Maximum detection distance'], [dp:110, name:'minimumDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:1.0, scale:100, step:10, unit:'meters', title:'Minimum distance', description:'Minimum detection distance'], [dp:111, name:'staticDetectionDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:6.0, scale:100, step:10, unit:'meters', title:'Static detection Max distance', description:'Static detection Max distance'], [dp:112, name:'staticDetectionMinDistance', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:4.0, scale:100, step:10, unit:'meters', title:'Static detection Min distance', description:'Static detection Min distance'], ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [12], deviceJoinName: 'Tuya mmWave Radar ZHPS01' ], 'TS0601_HEIMAN_RADAR' : [ // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-mmwave-sensors-code-moved-from-the-tuya-4-in-1-driver/137410/254?u=kkossev description : 'Heiman mmWave Presence Sensor HS8OS', // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/pull/7423#issuecomment-2493581611 models : ['TS0601'], device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':false, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true], preferences : ['radarSensitivity':'104', 'ledIndicator':'102'], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0B05,EF00', outClusters:'0003,0019,EF00', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZ6210_duv6fhwt', deviceJoinName: 'Heiman mmWave Presence Sensor HS8OS'] ], tuyaDPs: [ [dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', defVal: '0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence'], [dp:101, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance'], [dp:102, name:'ledIndicator', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', defVal:'0', map:[0:'0 - OFF', 1:'1 - ON'], title:'LED indicator', description:'LED indicator mode'], [dp:103, name:'tamper', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', defVal:'0', map:[0:'clear', 1:'detected'], description:'Tamper state'], [dp:104, name:'radarSensitivity', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:100 , defVal:50, scale:1, unit:'', title:'Radar Sensitivity', description:'Sensitivity of the radar'], [dp:105, name:'occupiedTime', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, scale:1, unit:'minutes', description:'Presence duration in minutes'], ], refresh: ['queryAllTuyaDP'], // works OK! deviceJoinName: 'Heiman mmWave Presence Sensor HS8OS' ] ] // called from processFoundItem() for Linptech radar Integer skipIfDisabled(int val) { if (settings.ignoreDistance == true) { logTrace "skipIfDisabled: ignoring distance attribute" return null } return val } // called from processFoundItem() for TS0601_YA4FT0W4_RADAR radar Integer motionOrNotYA4FT0W4(int val) { // [dp:1, name:'humanMotionState', preProc:'motionOrNotYA4FT0W4', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:3, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'present', 2:'moving', 3:'none'], description:'Presence state'], if (val in [1, 2]) { handleMotion(true) } else { handleMotion(false) } return val } Integer motionOrNotUXLLNYWP(int val) { // [dp:1, name:'humanMotionState', preProc:'motionOrNotUXLLNYWP', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:3, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'static', 2:'small', 3:'large', 4:'moving'], description:'Presence state'], if (val in [4]) { handleMotion(true) } else if (val in [0]) { handleMotion(false) } return val } void customParseIasMessage(final String description) { // https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot-device-dev/tuya-zigbee-water-sensor-access-standard?id=K9ik6zvon7orn Map zs = zigbee.parseZoneStatusChange(description) if (zs.alarm1Set == true) { handleMotion(true) } else { handleMotion(false) } } /* // called from standardProcessTuyaDP in the commonLib for each Tuya dp report in a Zigbee message // should always return true, as we are not processing the dp reports here. Actually - not needed to be defined at all! boolean customProcessTuyaDp(final Map descMap, final int dp, final int dp_id, final int fncmd, final int dp_len=0) { return false } */ void customParseE002Cluster(final Map descMap) { final Integer value = safeToInt(hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value)) logTrace "customParseE002Cluster: zigbee received 0xE002 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} value ${value} (raw ${descMap.value})" boolean result = processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile(descMap) // deviceProfileLib if (result == false) { logWarn "customParseE002Cluster: received unknown 0xE002 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" } } void customParseFC11Cluster(final Map descMap) { final Integer value = safeToInt(hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value)) logTrace "customParseFC11Cluster: zigbee received 0xFC11 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} value ${value} (raw ${descMap.value})" boolean result = processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile(descMap) // deviceProfileLib if (result == false) { logWarn "customParseFC11Cluster: received unknown 0xFC11 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" } } void customParseOccupancyCluster(final Map descMap) { final Integer value = safeToInt(hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value)) logTrace "customParseOccupancyCluster: zigbee received cluster 0x0406 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} value ${value} (raw ${descMap.value})" boolean result = processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile(descMap) // deviceProfileLib if (result == false) { logWarn "customParseOccupancyCluster: received unknown 0x0406 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" } } void customParseEC03Cluster(final Map descMap) { final Integer value = safeToInt(hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value)) logTrace "customParseEC03Cluster: zigbee received unknown cluster 0xEC03 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} value ${value} (raw ${descMap.value})" } // called from processFoundItem in deviceProfileLib void customProcessDeviceProfileEvent(final Map descMap, final String name, final valueScaled, final String unitText, final String descText) { logTrace "customProcessDeviceProfileEvent(${name}, ${valueScaled}) called" boolean doNotTrace = isSpammyDPsToNotTrace(descMap) Map eventMap = [name: name, value: valueScaled, unit: unitText, descriptionText: descText, type: 'physical', isStateChange: true] switch (name) { case 'motion' : handleMotion(valueScaled == 'active' ? true : false) // bug fixed 05/30/2024 break case 'illuminance' : case 'illuminance_lux' : // ignore the IAS Zone illuminance reports for HL0SS9OA and 2AAELWXK //log.trace "illuminance event received deviceProfile is ${getDeviceProfile()} value=${value} valueScaled=${valueScaled} valueCorrected=${valueCorrected}" handleIlluminanceEvent(valueScaled as int) // TODO : was valueCorrected !!!!! ?? check! TODO ! break default : sendEvent(name : name, value : valueScaled, unit:unitText, descriptionText: descText, type: 'physical', isStateChange: true) // attribute value is changed - send an event ! if (!doNotTrace) { logTrace "event ${name} sent w/ value ${valueScaled}" logInfo "${descText}" // TODO - send info log only if the value has changed? // TODO - check whether Info log will be sent also for spammy clusterAttribute ? } break } } List customRefresh() { logDebug "customRefresh()" List cmds = [] cmds += refreshFromDeviceProfileList() return cmds } void customUpdated() { logDebug "customUpdated()" List cmds = [] if ('DistanceMeasurement' in DEVICE?.capabilities) { if (settings?.ignoreDistance == true) { device.deleteCurrentState('distance') logDebug "customUpdated: ignoreDistance is true ->deleting the distance state" } else { logDebug "customUpdated: ignoreDistance is ${settings?.ignoreDistance}" } } if (settings?.forcedProfile != null) { logDebug "current state.deviceProfile=${state.deviceProfile}, settings.forcedProfile=${settings?.forcedProfile}, getProfileKey()=${getProfileKey(settings?.forcedProfile)}" if (getProfileKey(settings?.forcedProfile) != state.deviceProfile) { logInfo "changing the device profile from ${state.deviceProfile} to ${getProfileKey(settings?.forcedProfile)}" state.deviceProfile = getProfileKey(settings?.forcedProfile) initializeVars(fullInit = false) resetPreferencesToDefaults(debug = true) logInfo 'press F5 to refresh the page' } } /* groovylint-disable-next-line EmptyElseBlock */ else { logDebug "forcedProfile is not set" } // Itterates through all settings and calls setPar() for each setting updateAllPreferences() if (getDeviceProfile() == 'SONOFF_SNZB-06P_RADAR') { setRefreshRequest() runIn(2, customRefresh, [overwrite: true]) } } void customInitializeVars(final boolean fullInit=false) { logDebug "customInitializeVars(${fullInit})" if (state.deviceProfile == null) { setDeviceNameAndProfile() // in deviceProfileiLib.groovy } if (fullInit == true) { resetPreferencesToDefaults() } if (fullInit == true || settings?.ignoreDistance == null) { device.updateSetting('ignoreDistance', true) } if (fullInit == true || state.motionStarted == null) { state.motionStarted = unix2formattedDate(now()) } } void customInitEvents(final boolean fullInit=false) { logDebug "customInitEvents()" if (getDeviceProfile() == 'TS0601_BLACK_SQUARE_RADAR') { sendEvent(name: 'WARNING', value: 'EXTREMLY SPAMMY DEVICE!', descriptionText: 'This device bombards the hub every 4 seconds!') } } void updateInidicatorLight() { if (settings?.indicatorLight != null && getDeviceProfile() == 'TS0601_BLACK_SQUARE_RADAR') { // in the old 4-in-1 driver we used the Tuya command 0x11 to restore the LED on/off configuration // dont'know what command "11" means, it is sent by the square black radar when powered on. Will use it to restore the LED on/off configuration :) ArrayList cmds = [] int value = safeToInt(settings.indicatorLight) String dpValHex = zigbee.convertToHexString(value as int, 2) cmds = sendTuyaCommand('67', DP_TYPE_BOOL, dpValHex) // TODO - refactor! if (settings?.logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} updating indicator light to : ${(value ? 'ON' : 'OFF')} (${value})" sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) } } void customParseZdoClusters(final Map descMap){ if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0013 && getDeviceProfile() == 'TS0601_BLACK_SQUARE_RADAR') { // device announcement updateInidicatorLight() } } void customParseTuyaCluster(final Map descMap) { standardParseTuyaCluster(descMap) // commonLib } void customParseIlluminanceCluster(final Map descMap) { if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { return } // invalid or unknown value if (DEVICE?.device?.ignoreIAS == true) { logDebug "customCustomParseIlluminanceCluster: ignoring IAS reporting device" return } // ignore IAS devices standardParseIlluminanceCluster(descMap) // illuminance.lib } void formatAttrib() { logDebug "trapped formatAttrib() from the 4-in-1 driver..." } // ------------------------- sbruke781 tooltips methods ------------------------- String getZindexToggle(String setting, int low = 10, int high = 50) { return ""; } String getTooltipHTML(String heading, String tooltipText, String hrefURL, String hrefLabel='View Documentation'){ return "


"; } def pageDeviceConfiguration(params) { String tooltipStyle = ""; dynamicPage (name: "pageDeviceConfiguration", title: "Mobile Device Configuration", nextPage: "pageApplyConfiguration", install: false, uninstall: false) { section("") { paragraph "Select the permissions you want to grant for Mobile Controller on your mobile device: ${tooltipStyle}" input ("btMonitor", "bool", title: "Monitor Bluetooth Connections? ${getZindexToggle('btMonitor')} ${getTooltipHTML('Bluetooth Monitoring', 'Allow Mobile Controller to detect devices paired to the mobile device. Child devices will be created in HE to capture the connection status for each bluetooth device.', 'https://github.com/sburke781/MobileController/blob/master/Settings.md#bluetooth-monitoring')}", required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false) input ("wifiMonitor", "bool", title: "Monitor Wi-Fi Connections? ${getZindexToggle('wifiMonitor')} ${getTooltipHTML('Wi-Fi Monitoring','Allow Mobile Controller to detect connections to a specified list of Wi-Fi networks, allowing easy switching between local and cloud communications and contributing to presence detection.', 'https://github.com/sburke781/MobileController/blob/master/Settings.md#wi-fi-monitoring')}", required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false) input ("callMonitor", "bool", title: "Monitor Calls? ${getZindexToggle('callMonitor')} ${getTooltipHTML('Call Monitoring', 'Allow Mobile Controller to detect incoming, ongoing and missed calls, reporting the call status to HE.', 'https://github.com/sburke781/MobileController/blob/master/Settings.md#call-monitoring')}", required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false) input ("msgMonitor", "bool", title: "Monitor Messages? ${getZindexToggle('msgMonitor')} ${getTooltipHTML('Message Monitoring', 'Allow Mobile Controller to detect new or unread SMS/MMS messages on the mobile device, reporting the status back to HE.', 'https://github.com/sburke781/MobileController/blob/master/Settings.md#message-monitoring')}", required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false) input ("syncModes", "bool", title: "Synchronize HE Modes? ${getZindexToggle('syncModes')} ${getTooltipHTML('Synchronizing HE Modes', 'Changes to the HE mode will be communicated to and stored on the mobile device, allowing use of the mode in custom automations on the mobile device.', 'https://github.com/sburke781/MobileController/blob/master/Settings.md#synchronizing-he-modes')}", required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false) input ("controlModes", "bool", title: "Allow Control of HE Mode From The Device? ${getZindexToggle('controlModes')} ${getTooltipHTML('Control HE Modes', 'Allows changes to the HE mode to be initiated on the mobile device through elements such as a home-screen widget.', 'https://github.com/sburke781/MobileController/blob/master/Settings.md#control-he-modes')}", required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false) input ("cloudComms", "bool", title: "Allow Cloud Communication? ${getZindexToggle('cloudComms')} ${getTooltipHTML('Cloud Communication', 'Allows the mobile controller to send status updates and other commands from the mobile device when not connected to the HE hub over a local Wi-Fi or VPN connection.', 'https://github.com/sburke781/MobileController/blob/master/Settings.md#cloud-communication')}", required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false) input ("useVPN", "bool", title: "Communicate using VPN Connection When Available? ${getZindexToggle('useVPN')} ${getTooltipHTML('VPN Connection', 'If a VPN connection is available (connected) on the mobile device, this will be used when communicating from HE to the mobile device.', 'https://github.com/sburke781/MobileController/blob/master/Settings.md#vpn-connection')}", required: true, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false) input ("vpnIP", "string", title: "Mobile Device VPN IP Address", required: false, submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: '') paragraph "Click Next to apply the configuration settings" } } } // ------------------------- end of Simon's tooltips methods ------------------------- @CompileStatic void testFunc( par) { parse('catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 7770 01 00 0000 02 01 00556701000100') } // catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 7770 01 00 0000 02 01 00556701000100 void test(String par) { long startTime = now() logDebug "test() started at ${startTime}" //parse('catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 7770 01 00 0000 02 01 00556701000100') def parpar = 'catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 7770 01 00 0000 02 01 00556701000100' for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { testFunc(parpar) } long endTime = now() logDebug "test() ended at ${endTime} (duration ${endTime - startTime}ms)" } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Libraries ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ~~~~~ start include (144) kkossev.commonLib ~~~~~ /* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, DuplicateListLiteral, DuplicateMapLiteral, DuplicateNumberLiteral, DuplicateStringLiteral, ImplicitClosureParameter, ImplicitReturnStatement, InsecureRandom, LineLength, MethodCount, MethodReturnTypeRequired, MethodSize, NglParseError, NoDouble, ParameterName, PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods, StaticMethodsBeforeInstanceMethods, UnnecessaryGetter, UnnecessaryGroovyImport, UnnecessaryObjectReferences, UnnecessaryPackageReference, UnnecessaryPublicModifier, UnnecessarySetter, UnusedImport, UnusedPrivateMethod, VariableName */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1 library( // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 2 base: 'driver', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', category: 'zigbee', description: 'Common ZCL Library', name: 'commonLib', namespace: 'kkossev', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 3 importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/hubitat/development/libraries/commonLib.groovy', documentationLink: '', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 4 version: '3.3.2' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 5 ) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 6 /* // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 7 * Common ZCL Library // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 8 * // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 9 * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 10 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 11 * // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 12 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 13 * // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 15 * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 16 * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 17 * // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 18 * This library is inspired by @w35l3y work on Tuya device driver (Edge project). // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 19 * For a big portions of code all credits go to Jonathan Bradshaw. // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 20 * // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 21 * // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 22 * ver. 1.0.0 2022-06-18 kkossev - first beta version // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 23 * ver. 2.0.0 2023-05-08 kkossev - first published version 2.x.x // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 24 * ver. 2.1.6 2023-11-06 kkossev - last update on version 2.x.x // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 25 * ver. 3.0.0 2023-11-16 kkossev - first version 3.x.x // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 26 * ver. 3.0.1 2023-12-06 kkossev - info event renamed to Status; txtEnable and logEnable moved to the custom driver settings; 0xFC11 cluster; logEnable is false by default; checkDriverVersion is called on updated() and on healthCheck(); // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 27 * ver. 3.0.2 2023-12-17 kkossev - configure() changes; Groovy Lint, Format and Fix v3.0.0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 28 * ver. 3.0.3 2024-03-17 kkossev - more groovy lint; support for deviceType Plug; ignore repeated temperature readings; cleaned thermostat specifics; cleaned AirQuality specifics; removed IRBlaster type; removed 'radar' type; threeStateEnable initlilization // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 29 * ver. 3.0.4 2024-04-02 kkossev - removed Button, buttonDimmer and Fingerbot specifics; batteryVoltage bug fix; inverceSwitch bug fix; parseE002Cluster; // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 30 * ver. 3.0.5 2024-04-05 kkossev - button methods bug fix; configure() bug fix; handlePm25Event bug fix; // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 31 * ver. 3.0.6 2024-04-08 kkossev - removed isZigUSB() dependency; removed aqaraCube() dependency; removed button code; removed lightSensor code; moved zigbeeGroups and level and battery methods to dedicated libs + setLevel bug fix; // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 32 * ver. 3.0.7 2024-04-23 kkossev - tuyaMagic() for Tuya devices only; added stats cfgCtr, instCtr rejoinCtr, matchDescCtr, activeEpRqCtr; trace ZDO commands; added 0x0406 OccupancyCluster; reduced debug for chatty devices; // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 33 * ver. 3.1.0 2024-04-28 kkossev - unnecesery unschedule() speed optimization; added syncTuyaDateTime(); tuyaBlackMagic() initialization bug fix. // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 34 * ver. 3.1.1 2024-05-05 kkossev - getTuyaAttributeValue bug fix; added customCustomParseIlluminanceCluster method // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 35 * ver. 3.2.0 2024-05-23 kkossev - standardParse____Cluster and customParse___Cluster methods; moved onOff methods to a new library; rename all custom handlers in the libs to statdndardParseXXX // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 36 * ver. 3.2.1 2024-06-05 kkossev - 4 in 1 V3 compatibility; added IAS cluster; setDeviceNameAndProfile() fix; // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 37 * ver. 3.2.2 2024-06-12 kkossev - removed isAqaraTRV_OLD() and isAqaraTVOC_OLD() dependencies from the lib; added timeToHMS(); metering and electricalMeasure clusters swapped bug fix; added cluster 0x0204; // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 38 * ver. 3.3.0 2024-06-25 kkossev - fixed exception for unknown clusters; added cluster 0xE001; added powerSource - if 5 minutes after initialize() the powerSource is still unknown, query the device for the powerSource // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 39 * ver. 3.3.1 2024-07-06 kkossev - removed isFingerbot() dependancy; added FC03 cluster (Frient); removed noDef from the linter; added customParseIasMessage and standardParseIasMessage; powerSource set to unknown on initialize(); // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 40 * ver. 3.3.2 2024-07-12 kkossev - added PollControl (0x0020) cluster; ping for SONOFF // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 41 * ver. 3.3.3 2024-09-15 kkossev - added queryAllTuyaDP(); 2 minutes healthCheck option; // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 42 * // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 43 * TODO: check deviceCommandTimeout() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 44 * TODO: offlineCtr is not increasing! (ZBMicro); // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 45 * TODO: when device rejoins the network, read the battery percentage again (probably in custom handler, not for all devices) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 46 * TODO: refresh() to include updating the softwareBuild data version // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 47 * TODO: map the ZCL powerSource options to Hubitat powerSource options // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 48 * TODO: MOVE ZDO counters to health state? // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 49 * TODO: refresh() to bypass the duplicated events and minimim delta time between events checks // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 50 * TODO: Versions of the main module + included libraries (in the 'Tuya Device' driver?) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 51 * TODO: add GetInfo (endpoints list) command (in the 'Tuya Device' driver?) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 52 * TODO: disableDefaultResponse for Tuya commands // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 53 * // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 54 */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 55 String commonLibVersion() { '3.3.3' } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 57 String commonLibStamp() { '2024/09/15 10:22 AM' } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 58 import groovy.transform.Field // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 60 import hubitat.device.HubMultiAction // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 61 import hubitat.device.Protocol // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 62 import hubitat.helper.HexUtils // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 63 import hubitat.zigbee.zcl.DataType // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 64 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 65 import groovy.json.JsonOutput // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 66 import groovy.transform.CompileStatic // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 67 import java.math.BigDecimal // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 68 metadata { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 70 if (_DEBUG) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 71 command 'test', [[name: 'test', type: 'STRING', description: 'test', defaultValue : '']] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 72 command 'testParse', [[name: 'testParse', type: 'STRING', description: 'testParse', defaultValue : '']] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 73 command 'tuyaTest', [ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 74 [name:'dpCommand', type: 'STRING', description: 'Tuya DP Command', constraints: ['STRING']], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 75 [name:'dpValue', type: 'STRING', description: 'Tuya DP value', constraints: ['STRING']], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 76 [name:'dpType', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['DP_TYPE_VALUE', 'DP_TYPE_BOOL', 'DP_TYPE_ENUM'], description: 'DP data type'] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 77 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 78 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 79 // common capabilities for all device types // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 81 capability 'Configuration' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 82 capability 'Refresh' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 83 capability 'HealthCheck' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 84 capability 'PowerSource' // powerSource - ENUM ["battery", "dc", "mains", "unknown"] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 85 // common attributes for all device types // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 87 attribute 'healthStatus', 'enum', ['unknown', 'offline', 'online'] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 88 attribute 'rtt', 'number' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 89 attribute 'Status', 'string' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 90 // common commands for all device types // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 92 command 'configure', [[name:'normally it is not needed to configure anything', type: 'ENUM', constraints: /*['--- select ---'] +*/ ConfigureOpts.keySet() as List]] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 93 // trap for Hubitat F2 bug // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 95 fingerprint profileId:'0104', endpointId:'F2', inClusters:'', outClusters:'', model:'unknown', manufacturer:'unknown', deviceJoinName: 'Zigbee device affected by Hubitat F2 bug' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 96 preferences { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 98 // txtEnable and logEnable moved to the custom driver settings - coopy& paste there ... // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 99 //input name: 'txtEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable descriptionText logging', defaultValue: true, description: 'Enables command logging.' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 100 //input name: 'logEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable debug logging', defaultValue: true, description: 'Turns on debug logging for 24 hours.' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 101 if (device) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 103 input name: 'advancedOptions', type: 'bool', title: 'Advanced Options', description: 'These advanced options should be already automatically set in an optimal way for your device...', defaultValue: false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 104 if (advancedOptions == true) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 105 input name: 'healthCheckMethod', type: 'enum', title: 'Healthcheck Method', options: HealthcheckMethodOpts.options, defaultValue: HealthcheckMethodOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: 'Method to check device online/offline status.' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 106 input name: 'healthCheckInterval', type: 'enum', title: 'Healthcheck Interval', options: HealthcheckIntervalOpts.options, defaultValue: HealthcheckIntervalOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: 'How often the hub will check the device health.
3 consecutive failures will result in status "offline"' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 107 input name: 'traceEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable trace logging', defaultValue: false, description: 'Turns on detailed extra trace logging for 30 minutes.' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 108 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 109 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 110 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 111 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 112 @Field static final Integer DIGITAL_TIMER = 1000 // command was sent by this driver // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 114 @Field static final Integer REFRESH_TIMER = 6000 // refresh time in miliseconds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 115 @Field static final Integer DEBOUNCING_TIMER = 300 // ignore switch events // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 116 @Field static final Integer COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 10 // timeout time in seconds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 117 @Field static final Integer MAX_PING_MILISECONDS = 10000 // rtt more than 10 seconds will be ignored // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 118 @Field static final String UNKNOWN = 'UNKNOWN' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 119 @Field static final Integer DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING_TIME = 10 // send the report event no more often than 10 seconds by default // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 120 @Field static final Integer DEFAULT_MAX_REPORTING_TIME = 3600 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 121 @Field static final Integer PRESENCE_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 3 // missing 3 checks will set the device healthStatus to offline // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 122 @Field static final int DELAY_MS = 200 // Delay in between zigbee commands // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 123 @Field static final Integer INFO_AUTO_CLEAR_PERIOD = 60 // automatically clear the Info attribute after 60 seconds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 124 @Field static final Map HealthcheckMethodOpts = [ // used by healthCheckMethod // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 126 defaultValue: 1, options: [0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Activity check', 2: 'Periodic polling'] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 127 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 128 @Field static final Map HealthcheckIntervalOpts = [ // used by healthCheckInterval // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 129 defaultValue: 240, options: [2: 'Every 2 Mins', 10: 'Every 10 Mins', 30: 'Every 30 Mins', 60: 'Every 1 Hour', 240: 'Every 4 Hours', 720: 'Every 12 Hours'] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 130 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 131 @Field static final Map ConfigureOpts = [ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 133 'Configure the device' : [key:2, function: 'configureNow'], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 134 'Reset Statistics' : [key:9, function: 'resetStatistics'], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 135 ' -- ' : [key:3, function: 'configureHelp'], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 136 'Delete All Preferences' : [key:4, function: 'deleteAllSettings'], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 137 'Delete All Current States' : [key:5, function: 'deleteAllCurrentStates'], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 138 'Delete All Scheduled Jobs' : [key:6, function: 'deleteAllScheduledJobs'], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 139 'Delete All State Variables' : [key:7, function: 'deleteAllStates'], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 140 'Delete All Child Devices' : [key:8, function: 'deleteAllChildDevices'], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 141 ' - ' : [key:1, function: 'configureHelp'], // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 142 '*** LOAD ALL DEFAULTS ***' : [key:0, function: 'loadAllDefaults'] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 143 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 144 public boolean isVirtual() { device.controllerType == null || device.controllerType == '' } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 146 /** // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 148 * Parse Zigbee message // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 149 * @param description Zigbee message in hex format // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 150 */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 151 public void parse(final String description) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 152 checkDriverVersion(state) // +1 ms // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 153 updateRxStats(state) // +1 ms // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 154 unscheduleCommandTimeoutCheck(state) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 155 setHealthStatusOnline(state) // +2 ms // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 156 if (description?.startsWith('zone status') || description?.startsWith('zone report')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 158 logDebug "parse: zone status: $description" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 159 if (this.respondsTo('customParseIasMessage')) { customParseIasMessage(description) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 160 else if (this.respondsTo('standardParseIasMessage')) { standardParseIasMessage(description) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 161 else if (this.respondsTo('parseIasMessage')) { parseIasMessage(description) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 162 else { logDebug "ignored IAS zone status (no IAS parser) description: $description" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 163 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 164 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 165 else if (description?.startsWith('enroll request')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 166 logDebug "parse: enroll request: $description" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 167 /* The Zone Enroll Request command is generated when a device embodying the Zone server cluster wishes to be enrolled as an active alarm device. It must do this immediately it has joined the network (during commissioning). */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 168 if (settings?.logEnable) { logInfo 'Sending IAS enroll response...' } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 169 List cmds = zigbee.enrollResponse() + zigbee.readAttribute(0x0500, 0x0000) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 170 logDebug "enroll response: ${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 171 sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 172 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 173 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 174 if (isTuyaE00xCluster(description) == true || otherTuyaOddities(description) == true) { // +15 ms // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 176 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 177 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 178 final Map descMap = myParseDescriptionAsMap(description) // +5 ms // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 179 if (!isChattyDeviceReport(descMap)) { logDebug "parse: descMap = ${descMap} description=${description }" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 181 if (isSpammyDeviceReport(descMap)) { return } // +20 mS (both) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 182 if (descMap.profileId == '0000') { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 184 parseZdoClusters(descMap) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 185 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 186 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 187 if (descMap.isClusterSpecific == false) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 188 parseGeneralCommandResponse(descMap) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 189 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 190 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 191 // // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 192 if (standardAndCustomParseCluster(descMap, description)) { return } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 193 // // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 194 switch (descMap.clusterInt as Integer) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 195 case 0x000C : // special case : ZigUSB // Aqara TVOC Air Monitor; Aqara Cube T1 Pro; // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 196 if (this.respondsTo('customParseAnalogInputClusterDescription')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 197 customParseAnalogInputClusterDescription(descMap, description) // ZigUSB // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 198 descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> customParseAnalogInputClusterDescription(descMap + map, description) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 199 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 200 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 201 case 0x0300 : // Patch - need refactoring of the standardParseColorControlCluster ! // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 202 if (this.respondsTo('standardParseColorControlCluster')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 203 standardParseColorControlCluster(descMap, description) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 204 descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> standardParseColorControlCluster(descMap + map, description) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 205 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 206 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 207 default: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 208 if (settings.logEnable) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 209 logWarn "parse: zigbee received unknown cluster:${descMap.cluster} (${descMap.clusterInt}) message (${descMap})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 210 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 211 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 212 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 213 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 214 @Field static final Map ClustersMap = [ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 216 0x0000: 'Basic', 0x0001: 'Power', 0x0003: 'Identify', 0x0004: 'Groups', 0x0005: 'Scenes', 0x0006: 'OnOff', 0x0008: 'LevelControl', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 217 0x000C: 'AnalogInput', 0x0012: 'MultistateInput', 0x0020: 'PollControl', 0x0102: 'WindowCovering', 0x0201: 'Thermostat', 0x0204: 'ThermostatConfig',/*0x0300: 'ColorControl',*/ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 218 0x0400: 'Illuminance', 0x0402: 'Temperature', 0x0405: 'Humidity', 0x0406: 'Occupancy', 0x042A: 'Pm25', 0x0500: 'IAS', 0x0702: 'Metering', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 219 0x0B04: 'ElectricalMeasure', 0xE001: 'E0001', 0xE002: 'E002', 0xEC03: 'EC03', 0xEF00: 'Tuya', 0xFC03: 'FC03', 0xFC11: 'FC11', 0xFC7E: 'AirQualityIndex', // Sensirion VOC index // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 220 0xFCC0: 'XiaomiFCC0', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 221 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 222 // first try calling the custom parser, if not found, call the standard parser // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 224 /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedMethodParameter */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 225 boolean standardAndCustomParseCluster(Map descMap, final String description) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 226 Integer clusterInt = descMap.clusterInt as Integer // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 227 String clusterName = ClustersMap[clusterInt] ?: UNKNOWN // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 228 if (clusterName == null || clusterName == UNKNOWN) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 229 logWarn "standardAndCustomParseCluster: zigbee received unknown cluster:0x${descMap.cluster} (${descMap.clusterInt}) message (${descMap})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 230 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 231 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 232 String customParser = "customParse${clusterName}Cluster" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 233 // check if a custom parser is defined in the custom driver. If found there, the standard parser should be called within that custom parser, if needed // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 234 if (this.respondsTo(customParser)) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 235 this."${customParser}"(descMap) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 236 descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> this."${customParser}"(descMap + map) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 237 return true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 238 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 239 String standardParser = "standardParse${clusterName}Cluster" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 240 // if no custom parser is defined, try the standard parser (if exists), eventually defined in the included library file // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 241 if (this.respondsTo(standardParser)) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 242 this."${standardParser}"(descMap) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 243 descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> this."${standardParser}"(descMap + map) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 244 return true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 245 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 246 if (device?.getDataValue('model') != 'ZigUSB' && descMap.cluster != '0300') { // patch! // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 247 logWarn "standardAndCustomParseCluster: Missing ${standardParser} or ${customParser} handler for cluster:0x${descMap.cluster} (${descMap.clusterInt}) message (${descMap})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 248 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 249 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 250 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 251 private static void updateRxStats(final Map state) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 253 if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['rxCtr'] = (state.stats['rxCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 } else { state.stats = [:] } // +5ms // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 254 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 255 public boolean isChattyDeviceReport(final Map descMap) { // when @CompileStatis is slower? // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 257 if (_TRACE_ALL == true) { return false } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 258 if (this.respondsTo('isSpammyDPsToNotTrace')) { // defined in deviceProfileLib // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 259 return isSpammyDPsToNotTrace(descMap) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 260 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 261 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 262 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 263 public boolean isSpammyDeviceReport(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 265 if (_TRACE_ALL == true) { return false } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 266 if (this.respondsTo('isSpammyDPsToIgnore')) { // defined in deviceProfileLib // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 267 return isSpammyDPsToIgnore(descMap) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 268 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 269 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 270 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 271 public boolean isSpammyTuyaRadar() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 273 if (_TRACE_ALL == true) { return false } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 274 if (this.respondsTo('isSpammyDeviceProfile'())) { // defined in deviceProfileLib // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 275 return isSpammyDeviceProfile() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 276 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 277 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 278 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 279 @Field static final Map ZdoClusterEnum = [ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 281 0x0002: 'Node Descriptor Request', 0x0005: 'Active Endpoints Request', 0x0006: 'Match Descriptor Request', 0x0022: 'Unbind Request', 0x0013: 'Device announce', 0x0034: 'Management Leave Request', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 282 0x8002: 'Node Descriptor Response', 0x8004: 'Simple Descriptor Response', 0x8005: 'Active Endpoints Response', 0x801D: 'Extended Simple Descriptor Response', 0x801E: 'Extended Active Endpoint Response', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 283 0x8021: 'Bind Response', 0x8022: 'Unbind Response', 0x8023: 'Bind Register Response', 0x8034: 'Management Leave Response' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 284 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 285 // ZDO (Zigbee Data Object) Clusters Parsing // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 287 private void parseZdoClusters(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 288 if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 289 final Integer clusterId = descMap.clusterInt as Integer // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 290 final String clusterName = ZdoClusterEnum[clusterId] ?: "UNKNOWN_CLUSTER (0x${descMap.clusterId})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 291 final String statusHex = ((List)descMap.data)[1] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 292 final Integer statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(statusHex) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 293 final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${statusHex}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 294 final String clusterInfo = "${device.displayName} Received ZDO ${clusterName} (0x${descMap.clusterId}) status ${statusName}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 295 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 296 switch (clusterId) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 297 case 0x0005 : // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 298 state.stats['activeEpRqCtr'] = (state.stats['activeEpRqCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 299 if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${clusterInfo}, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, data:${descMap.data})" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 300 // send the active endpoint response // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 301 cmds += ["he raw ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x8005 {00 00 00 00 01 01} {0x0000}"] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 302 sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 303 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 304 case 0x0006 : // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 305 state.stats['matchDescCtr'] = (state.stats['matchDescCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 306 if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${clusterInfo}, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, Input cluster count:${descMap.data[5]} Input cluster: 0x${descMap.data[7] + descMap.data[6]})" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 307 cmds += ["he raw ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x8006 {00 00 00 00 00} {0x0000}"] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 308 sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 309 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 310 case 0x0013 : // device announcement // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 311 state.stats['rejoinCtr'] = (state.stats['rejoinCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 312 if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${clusterInfo}, rejoinCtr= ${state.stats['rejoinCtr']}, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, Device network ID: ${descMap.data[2] + descMap.data[1]}, Capability Information: ${descMap.data[11]})" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 313 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 314 case 0x8004 : // simple descriptor response // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 315 if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${clusterInfo}, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, status:${descMap.data[1]}, lenght:${hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.data[4])}" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 316 //parseSimpleDescriptorResponse( descMap ) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 317 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 318 case 0x8005 : // endpoint response // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 319 String endpointCount = descMap.data[4] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 320 String endpointList = descMap.data[5] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 321 if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${clusterInfo}, (endpoint response) endpointCount = ${endpointCount} endpointList = ${endpointList}" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 322 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 323 case 0x8021 : // bind response // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 324 if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${clusterInfo}, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, Status: ${descMap.data[1] == '00' ? 'Success' : 'Failure'})" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 325 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 326 case 0x8022 : //unbind request // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 327 case 0x8034 : //leave response // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 328 if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${clusterInfo}" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 329 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 330 default : // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 331 if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} Unprocessed ZDO command: cluster=${descMap.clusterId} command=${descMap.command} attrId=${descMap.attrId} value=${descMap.value} data=${descMap.data}" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 332 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 333 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 334 if (this.respondsTo('customParseZdoClusters')) { customParseZdoClusters(descMap) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 335 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 336 // Zigbee General Command Parsing // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 338 private void parseGeneralCommandResponse(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 339 final int commandId = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.command) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 340 switch (commandId) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 341 case 0x01: parseReadAttributeResponse(descMap); break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 342 case 0x04: parseWriteAttributeResponse(descMap); break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 343 case 0x07: parseConfigureResponse(descMap); break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 344 case 0x09: parseReadReportingConfigResponse(descMap); break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 345 case 0x0B: parseDefaultCommandResponse(descMap); break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 346 default: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 347 final String commandName = ZigbeeGeneralCommandEnum[commandId] ?: "UNKNOWN_COMMAND (0x${descMap.command})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 348 final String clusterName = clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 349 final String status = descMap.data in List ? ((List)descMap.data).last() : descMap.data // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 350 final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(status) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 351 final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${status}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 352 if (statusCode > 0x00) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 353 log.warn "zigbee ${commandName} ${clusterName} error: ${statusName}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 354 } else if (settings.logEnable) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 355 log.trace "zigbee ${commandName} ${clusterName}: ${descMap.data}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 356 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 357 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 358 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 359 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 360 // Zigbee Read Attribute Response Parsing // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 362 private void parseReadAttributeResponse(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 363 final List data = descMap.data as List // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 364 final String attribute = data[1] + data[0] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 365 final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data[2]) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 366 final String status = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${data}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 367 if (statusCode > 0x00) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 368 logWarn "zigbee read ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} attribute 0x${attribute} error: ${status}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 369 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 370 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 371 logDebug "zigbee read ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} attribute 0x${attribute} response: ${status} ${data}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 372 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 373 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 374 // Zigbee Write Attribute Response Parsing // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 376 private void parseWriteAttributeResponse(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 377 final String data = descMap.data in List ? ((List)descMap.data).first() : descMap.data // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 378 final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 379 final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${data}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 380 if (statusCode > 0x00) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 381 logWarn "zigbee response write ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} attribute error: ${statusName}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 382 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 383 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 384 logDebug "zigbee response write ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} attribute response: ${statusName}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 385 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 386 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 387 // Zigbee Configure Reporting Response Parsing - command 0x07 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 389 private void parseConfigureResponse(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 390 // TODO - parse the details of the configuration respose - cluster, min, max, delta ... // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 391 final String status = ((List)descMap.data).first() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 392 final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(status) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 393 if (statusCode == 0x00 && settings.enableReporting != false) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 394 state.reportingEnabled = true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 395 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 396 final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${status}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 397 if (statusCode > 0x00) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 398 log.warn "zigbee configure reporting error: ${statusName} ${descMap.data}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 399 } else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 400 logDebug "zigbee configure reporting response: ${statusName} ${descMap.data}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 401 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 402 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 403 // Parses the response of reading reporting configuration - command 0x09 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 405 private void parseReadReportingConfigResponse(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 406 int status = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[0]) // Status: Success (0x00) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 407 //def attr = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[3])*256 + zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[2]) // Attribute: OnOff (0x0000) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 408 if (status == 0) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 409 //def dataType = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[4]) // Data Type: Boolean (0x10) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 410 int min = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[6]) * 256 + zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[5]) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 411 int max = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[8] + descMap.data[7]) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 412 int delta = 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 413 if (descMap.data.size() >= 10) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 414 delta = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[10] + descMap.data[9]) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 415 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 416 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 417 logTrace "descMap.data.size = ${descMap.data.size()}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 418 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 419 logDebug "Received Read Reporting Configuration Response (0x09) for cluster:${descMap.clusterId} attribute:${descMap.data[3] + descMap.data[2]}, data=${descMap.data} (Status: ${descMap.data[0] == '00' ? 'Success' : 'Failure'}) min=${min} max=${max} delta=${delta}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 420 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 421 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 422 logWarn "Not Found (0x8b) Read Reporting Configuration Response for cluster:${descMap.clusterId} attribute:${descMap.data[3] + descMap.data[2]}, data=${descMap.data} (Status: ${descMap.data[0] == '00' ? 'Success' : 'Failure'})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 423 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 424 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 425 private Boolean executeCustomHandler(String handlerName, Object handlerArgs) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 427 if (!this.respondsTo(handlerName)) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 428 logTrace "executeCustomHandler: function ${handlerName} not found" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 429 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 430 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 431 // execute the customHandler function // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 432 Boolean result = false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 433 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 434 result = "$handlerName"(handlerArgs) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 435 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 436 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 437 logWarn "executeCustomHandler: Exception '${e}'caught while processing $handlerName($handlerArgs) (val=${fncmd}))" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 438 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 439 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 440 //logDebug "customSetFunction result is ${fncmd}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 441 return result // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 442 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 443 // Zigbee Default Command Response Parsing // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 445 private void parseDefaultCommandResponse(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 446 final List data = descMap.data as List // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 447 final String commandId = data[0] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 448 final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data[1]) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 449 final String status = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${data[1]}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 450 if (statusCode > 0x00) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 451 logWarn "zigbee ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} command 0x${commandId} error: ${status}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 452 } else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 453 logDebug "zigbee ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} command 0x${commandId} response: ${status}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 454 // ZigUSB has its own interpretation of the Zigbee standards ... :( // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 455 if (this.respondsTo('customParseDefaultCommandResponse')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 456 customParseDefaultCommandResponse(descMap) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 457 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 458 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 459 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 460 // Zigbee Attribute IDs // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 462 @Field static final int ATTRIBUTE_READING_INFO_SET = 0x0000 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 463 @Field static final int FIRMWARE_VERSION_ID = 0x4000 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 464 @Field static final int PING_ATTR_ID = 0x01 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 465 @Field static final Map ZigbeeStatusEnum = [ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 467 0x00: 'Success', 0x01: 'Failure', 0x02: 'Not Authorized', 0x80: 'Malformed Command', 0x81: 'Unsupported COMMAND', 0x85: 'Invalid Field', 0x86: 'Unsupported Attribute', 0x87: 'Invalid Value', 0x88: 'Read Only', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 468 0x89: 'Insufficient Space', 0x8A: 'Duplicate Exists', 0x8B: 'Not Found', 0x8C: 'Unreportable Attribute', 0x8D: 'Invalid Data Type', 0x8E: 'Invalid Selector', 0x94: 'Time out', 0x9A: 'Notification Pending', 0xC3: 'Unsupported Cluster' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 469 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 470 @Field static final Map ZigbeeGeneralCommandEnum = [ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 472 0x00: 'Read Attributes', 0x01: 'Read Attributes Response', 0x02: 'Write Attributes', 0x03: 'Write Attributes Undivided', 0x04: 'Write Attributes Response', 0x05: 'Write Attributes No Response', 0x06: 'Configure Reporting', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 473 0x07: 'Configure Reporting Response', 0x08: 'Read Reporting Configuration', 0x09: 'Read Reporting Configuration Response', 0x0A: 'Report Attributes', 0x0B: 'Default Response', 0x0C: 'Discover Attributes', 0x0D: 'Discover Attributes Response', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 474 0x0E: 'Read Attributes Structured', 0x0F: 'Write Attributes Structured', 0x10: 'Write Attributes Structured Response', 0x11: 'Discover Commands Received', 0x12: 'Discover Commands Received Response', 0x13: 'Discover Commands Generated', // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 475 0x14: 'Discover Commands Generated Response', 0x15: 'Discover Attributes Extended', 0x16: 'Discover Attributes Extended Response' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 476 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 477 @Field static final int ROLLING_AVERAGE_N = 10 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 479 private BigDecimal approxRollingAverage(BigDecimal avgPar, BigDecimal newSample) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 480 BigDecimal avg = avgPar // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 481 if (avg == null || avg == 0) { avg = newSample } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 482 avg -= avg / ROLLING_AVERAGE_N // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 483 avg += newSample / ROLLING_AVERAGE_N // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 484 return avg // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 485 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 486 void handlePingResponse() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 488 Long now = new Date().getTime() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 489 if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 490 state.lastRx['checkInTime'] = now // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 491 int timeRunning = now.toInteger() - (state.lastTx['pingTime'] ?: '0').toInteger() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 493 if (timeRunning > 0 && timeRunning < MAX_PING_MILISECONDS) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 494 state.stats['pingsOK'] = (state.stats['pingsOK'] ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 495 if (timeRunning < safeToInt((state.stats['pingsMin'] ?: '999'))) { state.stats['pingsMin'] = timeRunning } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 496 if (timeRunning > safeToInt((state.stats['pingsMax'] ?: '0'))) { state.stats['pingsMax'] = timeRunning } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 497 state.stats['pingsAvg'] = approxRollingAverage(safeToDouble(state.stats['pingsAvg']), safeToDouble(timeRunning)) as int // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 498 sendRttEvent() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 499 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 500 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 501 logWarn "unexpected ping timeRunning=${timeRunning} " // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 502 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 503 state.states['isPing'] = false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 504 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 505 /* // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 507 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 508 * Standard clusters reporting handlers // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 509 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 510 */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 511 @Field static final Map powerSourceOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options: [0: 'unknown', 1: 'mains', 2: 'mains', 3: 'battery', 4: 'dc', 5: 'emergency mains', 6: 'emergency mains']] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 512 // Zigbee Basic Cluster Parsing 0x0000 - called from the main parse method // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 514 private void standardParseBasicCluster(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 515 Long now = new Date().getTime() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 516 if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 517 state.lastRx['checkInTime'] = now // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 518 boolean isPing = state.states['isPing'] ?: false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 519 switch (descMap.attrInt as Integer) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 520 case 0x0000: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 521 logDebug "Basic cluster: ZCLVersion = ${descMap?.value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 522 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 523 case PING_ATTR_ID: // 0x01 - Using 0x01 read as a simple ping/pong mechanism // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 524 if (isPing) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 525 handlePingResponse() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 526 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 527 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 528 logTrace "Tuya check-in message (attribute ${descMap.attrId} reported: ${descMap.value})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 529 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 530 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 531 case 0x0004: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 532 logDebug "received device manufacturer ${descMap?.value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 533 // received device manufacturer IKEA of Sweden // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 534 String manufacturer = device.getDataValue('manufacturer') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 535 if ((manufacturer == null || manufacturer == 'unknown') && (descMap?.value != null)) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 536 logWarn "updating device manufacturer from ${manufacturer} to ${descMap?.value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 537 device.updateDataValue('manufacturer', descMap?.value) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 538 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 539 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 540 case 0x0005: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 541 if (isPing) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 542 handlePingResponse() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 543 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 544 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 545 logDebug "received device model ${descMap?.value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 546 // received device model Remote Control N2 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 547 String model = device.getDataValue('model') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 548 if ((model == null || model == 'unknown') && (descMap?.value != null)) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 549 logWarn "updating device model from ${model} to ${descMap?.value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 550 device.updateDataValue('model', descMap?.value) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 551 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 552 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 553 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 554 case 0x0007: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 555 String powerSourceReported = powerSourceOpts.options[descMap?.value as int] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 556 logDebug "received Power source ${powerSourceReported} (${descMap?.value})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 557 String currentPowerSource = device.getDataValue('powerSource') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 558 if (currentPowerSource == null || currentPowerSource == 'unknown') { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 559 logInfo "updating device powerSource from ${currentPowerSource} to ${powerSourceReported}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 560 sendEvent(name: 'powerSource', value: powerSourceReported, type: 'physical') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 561 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 562 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 563 case 0xFFDF: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 564 logDebug "Tuya check-in (Cluster Revision=${descMap?.value})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 565 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 566 case 0xFFE2: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 567 logDebug "Tuya check-in (AppVersion=${descMap?.value})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 568 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 569 case [0xFFE0, 0xFFE1, 0xFFE3, 0xFFE4] : // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 570 logTrace "Tuya attribute ${descMap?.attrId} value=${descMap?.value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 571 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 572 case 0xFFFE: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 573 logTrace "Tuya attributeReportingStatus (attribute FFFE) value=${descMap?.value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 574 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 575 case FIRMWARE_VERSION_ID: // 0x4000 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 576 final String version = descMap.value ?: 'unknown' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 577 log.info "device firmware version is ${version}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 578 updateDataValue('softwareBuild', version) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 579 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 580 default: // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 581 logWarn "zigbee received unknown Basic cluster attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 582 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 583 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 584 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 585 private void standardParsePollControlCluster(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 587 switch (descMap.attrInt as Integer) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 588 case 0x0000: logDebug "PollControl cluster: CheckInInterval = ${descMap?.value}" ; break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 589 case 0x0001: logDebug "PollControl cluster: LongPollInterval = ${descMap?.value}" ; break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 590 case 0x0002: logDebug "PollControl cluster: ShortPollInterval = ${descMap?.value}" ; break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 591 case 0x0003: logDebug "PollControl cluster: FastPollTimeout = ${descMap?.value}" ; break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 592 case 0x0004: logDebug "PollControl cluster: CheckInIntervalMin = ${descMap?.value}" ; break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 593 case 0x0005: logDebug "PollControl cluster: LongPollIntervalMin = ${descMap?.value}" ; break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 594 case 0x0006: logDebug "PollControl cluster: FastPollTimeoutMax = ${descMap?.value}" ; break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 595 default: logWarn "zigbee received unknown PollControl cluster attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" ; break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 596 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 597 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 598 public void clearIsDigital() { state.states['isDigital'] = false } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 600 void switchDebouncingClear() { state.states['debounce'] = false } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 601 void isRefreshRequestClear() { state.states['isRefresh'] = false } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 602 Map myParseDescriptionAsMap(String description) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 604 Map descMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 605 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 606 descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 607 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 608 catch (e1) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 609 logWarn "exception ${e1} caught while parseDescriptionAsMap myParseDescriptionAsMap description: ${description}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 610 // try alternative custom parsing // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 611 descMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 612 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 613 descMap += description.replaceAll('\\[|\\]', '').split(',').collectEntries { entry -> // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 614 List pair = entry.split(':') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 615 [(pair.first().trim()): pair.last().trim()] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 616 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 617 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 618 catch (e2) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 619 logWarn "exception ${e2} caught while parsing using an alternative method myParseDescriptionAsMap description: ${description}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 620 return [:] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 621 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 622 logDebug "alternative method parsing success: descMap=${descMap}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 623 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 624 return descMap // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 625 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 626 private boolean isTuyaE00xCluster(String description) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 628 if (description == null || !(description.indexOf('cluster: E000') >= 0 || description.indexOf('cluster: E001') >= 0)) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 629 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 630 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 631 // try to parse ... // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 632 //logDebug "Tuya cluster: E000 or E001 - try to parse it..." // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 633 Map descMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 634 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 635 descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 636 logDebug "TuyaE00xCluster Desc Map: ${descMap}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 637 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 638 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 639 logDebug "exception caught while parsing description: ${description}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 640 logDebug "TuyaE00xCluster Desc Map: ${descMap}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 641 // cluster E001 is the one that is generating exceptions... // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 642 return true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 643 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 644 if (descMap.cluster == 'E000' && descMap.attrId in ['D001', 'D002', 'D003']) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 646 logDebug "Tuya Specific cluster ${descMap.cluster} attribute ${descMap.attrId} value is ${descMap.value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 647 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 648 else if (descMap.cluster == 'E001' && descMap.attrId == 'D010') { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 649 if (settings?.logEnable) { logInfo "power on behavior is ${powerOnBehaviourOptions[safeToInt(descMap.value).toString()]} (${descMap.value})" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 650 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 651 else if (descMap.cluster == 'E001' && descMap.attrId == 'D030') { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 652 if (settings?.logEnable) { logInfo "swith type is ${switchTypeOptions[safeToInt(descMap.value).toString()]} (${descMap.value})" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 653 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 654 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 655 logDebug "unprocessed TuyaE00xCluster Desc Map: $descMap" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 656 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 657 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 658 return true // processed // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 659 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 660 // return true if further processing in the main parse method should be cancelled ! // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 662 private boolean otherTuyaOddities(final String description) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 663 /* // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 664 if (description.indexOf('cluster: 0000') >= 0 && description.indexOf('attrId: 0004') >= 0) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 665 if (logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} skipping Tuya parse of cluster 0 attrId 4" // parseDescriptionAsMap throws exception when processing Tuya cluster 0 attrId 4 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 666 return true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 667 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 668 */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 669 Map descMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 670 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 671 descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 672 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 673 catch (e1) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 674 logWarn "exception ${e1} caught while parseDescriptionAsMap otherTuyaOddities description: ${description}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 675 // try alternative custom parsing // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 676 descMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 677 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 678 descMap += description.replaceAll('\\[|\\]', '').split(',').collectEntries { entry -> // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 679 List pair = entry.split(':') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 680 [(pair.first().trim()): pair.last().trim()] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 681 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 682 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 683 catch (e2) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 684 logWarn "exception ${e2} caught while parsing using an alternative method otherTuyaOddities description: ${description}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 685 return true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 686 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 687 logDebug "alternative method parsing success: descMap=${descMap}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 688 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 689 //if (logEnable) {log.trace "${device.displayName} Checking Tuya Oddities Desc Map: $descMap"} // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 690 if (descMap.attrId == null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 691 //logDebug "otherTuyaOddities: descMap = ${descMap}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 692 //if (logEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} otherTuyaOddities - Cluster ${descMap.clusterId} NO ATTRIBUTE, skipping" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 693 return false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 694 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 695 boolean bWasAtLeastOneAttributeProcessed = false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 696 boolean bWasThereAnyStandardAttribite = false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 697 // attribute report received // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 698 List attrData = [[cluster: descMap.cluster ,attrId: descMap.attrId, value: descMap.value, status: descMap.status]] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 699 descMap.additionalAttrs.each { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 700 attrData << [cluster: descMap.cluster, attrId: it.attrId, value: it.value, status: it.status] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 701 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 702 attrData.each { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 703 if (it.status == '86') { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 704 logWarn "Tuya Cluster ${descMap.cluster} unsupported attrId ${it.attrId}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 705 // TODO - skip parsing? // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 706 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 707 switch (it.cluster) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 708 case '0000' : // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 709 if (it.attrId in ['FFE0', 'FFE1', 'FFE2', 'FFE4']) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 710 logTrace "Cluster ${descMap.cluster} Tuya specific attrId ${it.attrId} value ${it.value})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 711 bWasAtLeastOneAttributeProcessed = true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 712 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 713 else if (it.attrId in ['FFFE', 'FFDF']) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 714 logTrace "Cluster ${descMap.cluster} Tuya specific attrId ${it.attrId} value ${it.value})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 715 bWasAtLeastOneAttributeProcessed = true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 716 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 717 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 718 //logDebug "otherTuyaOddities? - Cluster ${descMap.cluster} attrId ${it.attrId} value ${it.value}) N/A, skipping" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 719 bWasThereAnyStandardAttribite = true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 720 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 721 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 722 default : // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 723 //if (logEnable) log.trace "${device.displayName} otherTuyaOddities - Cluster ${it.cluster} N/A, skipping" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 724 break // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 725 } // switch // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 726 } // for each attribute // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 727 return bWasAtLeastOneAttributeProcessed && !bWasThereAnyStandardAttribite // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 728 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 729 public String intTo16bitUnsignedHex(int value) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 731 String hexStr = zigbee.convertToHexString(value.toInteger(), 4) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 732 return new String(hexStr.substring(2, 4) + hexStr.substring(0, 2)) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 733 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 734 public String intTo8bitUnsignedHex(int value) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 736 return zigbee.convertToHexString(value.toInteger(), 2) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 737 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 738 /* // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 740 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 741 * Tuya cluster EF00 specific code // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 742 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 743 */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 744 private static int getCLUSTER_TUYA() { 0xEF00 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 745 private static int getSETDATA() { 0x00 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 746 private static int getSETTIME() { 0x24 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 747 // Tuya Commands // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 749 private static int getTUYA_REQUEST() { 0x00 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 750 private static int getTUYA_REPORTING() { 0x01 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 751 private static int getTUYA_QUERY() { 0x02 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 752 private static int getTUYA_STATUS_SEARCH() { 0x06 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 753 private static int getTUYA_TIME_SYNCHRONISATION() { 0x24 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 754 // tuya DP type // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 756 private static String getDP_TYPE_RAW() { '01' } // [ bytes ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 757 private static String getDP_TYPE_BOOL() { '01' } // [ 0/1 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 758 private static String getDP_TYPE_VALUE() { '02' } // [ 4 byte value ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 759 private static String getDP_TYPE_STRING() { '03' } // [ N byte string ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 760 private static String getDP_TYPE_ENUM() { '04' } // [ 0-255 ] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 761 private static String getDP_TYPE_BITMAP() { '05' } // [ 1,2,4 bytes ] as bits // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 762 private void syncTuyaDateTime() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 764 // The data format for time synchronization, including standard timestamps and local timestamps. Standard timestamp (4 bytes) local timestamp (4 bytes) Time synchronization data format: The standard timestamp is the total number of seconds from 00:00:00 on January 01, 1970 GMT to the present. // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 765 // For example, local timestamp = standard timestamp + number of seconds between standard time and local time (including time zone and daylight saving time). // Y2K = 946684800 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 766 long offset = 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 767 int offsetHours = 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 768 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance() //it return same time as new Date() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 769 int hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 770 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 771 offset = location.getTimeZone().getOffset(new Date().getTime()) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 772 offsetHours = (offset / 3600000) as int // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 773 logDebug "timezone offset of current location is ${offset} (${offsetHours} hours), current hour is ${hour} h" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 774 } catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 775 log.error "${device.displayName} cannot resolve current location. please set location in Hubitat location setting. Setting timezone offset to zero" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 776 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 777 // // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 778 List cmds = zigbee.command(CLUSTER_TUYA, SETTIME, '0008' + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)(now() / 1000), 8) + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)((now() + offset) / 1000), 8)) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 779 sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 780 logDebug "Tuya device time synchronized to ${unix2formattedDate(now())} (${cmds})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 781 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 782 // called from the main parse method when the cluster is 0xEF00 and no custom handler is defined // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 784 public void standardParseTuyaCluster(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 785 if (descMap?.clusterInt == CLUSTER_TUYA && descMap?.command == '24') { //getSETTIME // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 786 syncTuyaDateTime() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 787 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 788 else if (descMap?.clusterInt == CLUSTER_TUYA && descMap?.command == '0B') { // ZCL Command Default Response // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 789 String clusterCmd = descMap?.data[0] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 790 String status = descMap?.data[1] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 791 logDebug "device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x${clusterCmd} response 0x${status} data = ${descMap?.data}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 792 if (status != '00') { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 793 logWarn "ATTENTION! manufacturer = ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} unsupported Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x${clusterCmd} response 0x${status} data = ${descMap?.data} !!!" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 794 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 795 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 796 else if ((descMap?.clusterInt == CLUSTER_TUYA) && (descMap?.command == '01' || descMap?.command == '02' || descMap?.command == '05' || descMap?.command == '06')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 797 int dataLen = descMap?.data.size() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 798 //log.warn "dataLen=${dataLen}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 799 //def transid = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[1]) // "transid" is just a "counter", a response will have the same transid as the command // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 800 if (dataLen <= 5) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 801 logWarn "unprocessed short Tuya command response: dp_id=${descMap?.data[3]} dp=${descMap?.data[2]} fncmd_len=${fncmd_len} data=${descMap?.data})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 802 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 803 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 804 boolean isSpammyDeviceProfileDefined = this.respondsTo('isSpammyDeviceProfile') // check if the method exists 05/21/2024 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 805 for (int i = 0; i < (dataLen - 4); ) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 806 int dp = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[2 + i]) // "dp" field describes the action/message of a command frame // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 807 int dp_id = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[3 + i]) // "dp_identifier" is device dependant // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 808 int fncmd_len = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[5 + i]) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 809 int fncmd = getTuyaAttributeValue(descMap?.data, i) // // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 810 if (!isChattyDeviceReport(descMap) && isSpammyDeviceProfileDefined && !isSpammyDeviceProfile()) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 811 logDebug "standardParseTuyaCluster: command=${descMap?.command} dp_id=${dp_id} dp=${dp} (0x${descMap?.data[2 + i]}) fncmd=${fncmd} fncmd_len=${fncmd_len} (index=${i})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 812 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 813 standardProcessTuyaDP(descMap, dp, dp_id, fncmd) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 814 i = i + fncmd_len + 4 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 815 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 816 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 817 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 818 logWarn "standardParseTuyaCluster: unprocessed Tuya cluster command ${descMap?.command} data=${descMap?.data}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 819 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 820 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 821 // called from the standardParseTuyaCluster method for each DP chunk in the messages (usually one, but could be multiple DPs in one message) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 823 void standardProcessTuyaDP(final Map descMap, final int dp, final int dp_id, final int fncmd, final int dp_len=0) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 824 logTrace "standardProcessTuyaDP: checking customProcessTuyaDp dp=${dp} dp_id=${dp_id} fncmd=${fncmd} dp_len=${dp_len}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 825 if (this.respondsTo('customProcessTuyaDp')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 826 logTrace 'standardProcessTuyaDP: customProcessTuyaDp exists, calling it...' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 827 if (customProcessTuyaDp(descMap, dp, dp_id, fncmd, dp_len) == true) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 828 return // EF00 DP has been processed in the custom handler - we are done! // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 829 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 830 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 831 // check if DeviceProfile processing method exists (deviceProfieLib should be included in the main driver) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 832 if (this.respondsTo(processTuyaDPfromDeviceProfile)) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 833 if (processTuyaDPfromDeviceProfile(descMap, dp, dp_id, fncmd, dp_len) == true) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 834 return // sucessfuly processed the new way - we are done. (version 3.0) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 835 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 836 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 837 logWarn "NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 838 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 839 private int getTuyaAttributeValue(final List _data, final int index) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 841 int retValue = 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 842 if (_data.size() >= 6) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 843 int dataLength = zigbee.convertHexToInt(_data[5 + index]) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 844 if (dataLength == 0) { return 0 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 845 int power = 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 846 for (i in dataLength..1) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 847 retValue = retValue + power * zigbee.convertHexToInt(_data[index + i + 5]) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 848 power = power * 256 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 849 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 850 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 851 return retValue // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 852 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 853 public List getTuyaCommand(String dp, String dp_type, String fncmd, int tuyaCmdDefault = SETDATA) { return sendTuyaCommand(dp, dp_type, fncmd, tuyaCmdDefault) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 855 public List sendTuyaCommand(String dp, String dp_type, String fncmd, int tuyaCmdDefault = SETDATA) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 857 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 858 int ep = safeToInt(state.destinationEP) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 859 if (ep == null || ep == 0) { ep = 1 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 860 //int tuyaCmd = isFingerbot() ? 0x04 : SETDATA // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 861 int tuyaCmd // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 862 // added 07/01/2024 - deviceProfilesV3 device key tuyaCmd:04 : owerwrite all sendTuyaCommand calls for a specfic device profile, if specified!\ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 863 if (this.respondsTo('getDEVICE') && DEVICE?.device?.tuyaCmd != null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 864 tuyaCmd = DEVICE?.device?.tuyaCmd // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 865 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 866 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 867 tuyaCmd = /*isFingerbot() ? 0x04 : */ tuyaCmdDefault // 0x00 is the default command for most of the Tuya devices, except some .. // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 868 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 869 cmds = zigbee.command(CLUSTER_TUYA, tuyaCmd, [destEndpoint :ep], delay = 201, PACKET_ID + dp + dp_type + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)(fncmd.length() / 2), 4) + fncmd ) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 870 logDebug "${device.displayName} getTuyaCommand (dp=$dp fncmd=$fncmd dp_type=$dp_type) = ${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 871 return cmds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 872 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 873 private String getPACKET_ID() { return zigbee.convertToHexString(new Random().nextInt(65536), 4) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 875 public void tuyaTest(String dpCommand, String dpValue, String dpTypeString ) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 877 String dpType = dpTypeString == 'DP_TYPE_VALUE' ? DP_TYPE_VALUE : dpTypeString == 'DP_TYPE_BOOL' ? DP_TYPE_BOOL : dpTypeString == 'DP_TYPE_ENUM' ? DP_TYPE_ENUM : null // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 878 String dpValHex = dpTypeString == 'DP_TYPE_VALUE' ? zigbee.convertToHexString(dpValue as int, 8) : dpValue // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 879 if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} sending TEST command=${dpCommand} value=${dpValue} ($dpValHex) type=${dpType}" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 880 sendZigbeeCommands( sendTuyaCommand(dpCommand, dpType, dpValHex) ) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 881 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 882 public List tuyaBlackMagic() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 885 int ep = safeToInt(state.destinationEP ?: 01) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 886 if (ep == null || ep == 0) { ep = 1 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 887 logInfo 'tuyaBlackMagic()...' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 888 return zigbee.readAttribute(0x0000, [0x0004, 0x000, 0x0001, 0x0005, 0x0007, 0xfffe], [destEndpoint :ep], delay = 200) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 889 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 890 List queryAllTuyaDP() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 892 logTrace 'queryAllTuyaDP()' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 893 List cmds = zigbee.command(0xEF00, 0x03) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 894 return cmds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 895 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 896 public void aqaraBlackMagic() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 898 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 899 if (this.respondsTo('customAqaraBlackMagic')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 900 cmds = customAqaraBlackMagic() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 901 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 902 if (cmds != null && !cmds.isEmpty()) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 903 logDebug 'sending aqaraBlackMagic()' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 904 sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 905 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 906 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 907 logDebug 'aqaraBlackMagic() was SKIPPED' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 908 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 909 // Invoked from configure() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 911 public List initializeDevice() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 912 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 913 logInfo 'initializeDevice...' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 914 if (this.respondsTo('customInitializeDevice')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 915 List customCmds = customInitializeDevice() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 916 if (customCmds != null && !customCmds.isEmpty()) { cmds += customCmds } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 917 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 918 logDebug "initializeDevice(): cmds=${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 919 return cmds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 920 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 921 // Invoked from configure() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 923 public List configureDevice() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 924 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 925 logInfo 'configureDevice...' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 926 if (this.respondsTo('customConfigureDevice')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 927 List customCmds = customConfigureDevice() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 928 if (customCmds != null && !customCmds.isEmpty()) { cmds += customCmds } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 929 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 930 // sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) changed 03/04/2024 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 931 logDebug "configureDevice(): cmds=${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 932 return cmds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 933 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 934 /* // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 936 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 937 * Hubitat default handlers methods // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 938 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 939 */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 940 List customHandlers(final List customHandlersList) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 942 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 943 if (customHandlersList != null && !customHandlersList.isEmpty()) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 944 customHandlersList.each { handler -> // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 945 if (this.respondsTo(handler)) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 946 List customCmds = this."${handler}"() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 947 if (customCmds != null && !customCmds.isEmpty()) { cmds += customCmds } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 948 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 949 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 950 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 951 return cmds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 952 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 953 void refresh() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 955 logDebug "refresh()... DEVICE_TYPE is ${DEVICE_TYPE} model=${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer=${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 956 checkDriverVersion(state) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 957 List cmds = [], customCmds = [] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 958 if (this.respondsTo('customRefresh')) { // if there is a customRefresh() method defined in the main driver, call it // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 959 customCmds = customRefresh() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 960 if (customCmds != null && !customCmds.isEmpty()) { cmds += customCmds } else { logDebug 'no customRefresh method defined' } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 961 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 962 else { // call all known libraryRefresh methods // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 963 customCmds = customHandlers(['onOffRefresh', 'groupsRefresh', 'batteryRefresh', 'levelRefresh', 'temperatureRefresh', 'humidityRefresh', 'illuminanceRefresh']) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 964 if (customCmds != null && !customCmds.isEmpty()) { cmds += customCmds } else { logDebug 'no libraries refresh() defined' } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 965 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 966 if (cmds != null && !cmds.isEmpty()) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 967 logDebug "refresh() cmds=${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 968 setRefreshRequest() // 3 seconds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 969 sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 970 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 971 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 972 logDebug "no refresh() commands defined for device type ${DEVICE_TYPE}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 973 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 974 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 975 public void setRefreshRequest() { if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } ; state.states['isRefresh'] = true; runInMillis(REFRESH_TIMER, 'clearRefreshRequest', [overwrite: true]) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 977 public void clearRefreshRequest() { if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } ; state.states['isRefresh'] = false } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 978 public void clearInfoEvent() { sendInfoEvent('clear') } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 979 public void sendInfoEvent(String info=null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 981 if (info == null || info == 'clear') { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 982 logDebug 'clearing the Status event' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 983 sendEvent(name: 'Status', value: 'clear', type: 'digital') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 984 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 985 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 986 logInfo "${info}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 987 sendEvent(name: 'Status', value: info, type: 'digital') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 988 runIn(INFO_AUTO_CLEAR_PERIOD, 'clearInfoEvent') // automatically clear the Info attribute after 1 minute // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 989 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 990 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 991 public void ping() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 993 if (state.lastTx == null ) { state.lastTx = [:] } ; state.lastTx['pingTime'] = new Date().getTime() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 994 if (state.states == null ) { state.states = [:] } ; state.states['isPing'] = true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 995 scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 996 int pingAttr = (device.getDataValue('manufacturer') == 'SONOFF') ? 0x05 : PING_ATTR_ID // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 997 if (isVirtual()) { runInMillis(10, 'virtualPong') } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 998 else { sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.BASIC_CLUSTER, pingAttr, [:], 0) ) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 999 logDebug 'ping...' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1000 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1001 private void virtualPong() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1003 logDebug 'virtualPing: pong!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1004 Long now = new Date().getTime() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1005 int timeRunning = now.toInteger() - (state.lastTx['pingTime'] ?: '0').toInteger() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1006 if (timeRunning > 0 && timeRunning < MAX_PING_MILISECONDS) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1007 state.stats['pingsOK'] = (state.stats['pingsOK'] ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1008 if (timeRunning < safeToInt((state.stats['pingsMin'] ?: '999'))) { state.stats['pingsMin'] = timeRunning } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1009 if (timeRunning > safeToInt((state.stats['pingsMax'] ?: '0'))) { state.stats['pingsMax'] = timeRunning } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1010 state.stats['pingsAvg'] = approxRollingAverage(safeToDouble(state.stats['pingsAvg']), safeToDouble(timeRunning)) as int // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1011 sendRttEvent() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1012 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1013 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1014 logWarn "unexpected ping timeRunning=${timeRunning} " // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1015 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1016 state.states['isPing'] = false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1017 unscheduleCommandTimeoutCheck(state) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1018 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1019 public void sendRttEvent( String value=null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1021 Long now = new Date().getTime() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1022 if (state.lastTx == null ) { state.lastTx = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1023 int timeRunning = now.toInteger() - (state.lastTx['pingTime'] ?: now).toInteger() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1024 String descriptionText = "Round-trip time is ${timeRunning} ms (min=${state.stats['pingsMin']} max=${state.stats['pingsMax']} average=${state.stats['pingsAvg']})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1025 if (value == null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1026 logInfo "${descriptionText}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1027 sendEvent(name: 'rtt', value: timeRunning, descriptionText: descriptionText, unit: 'ms', type: 'physical') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1028 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1029 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1030 descriptionText = "Round-trip time : ${value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1031 logInfo "${descriptionText}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1032 sendEvent(name: 'rtt', value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, type: 'physical') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1033 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1034 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1035 private String clusterLookup(final Object cluster) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1037 if (cluster != null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1038 return zigbee.clusterLookup(cluster.toInteger()) ?: "private cluster 0x${intToHexStr(cluster.toInteger())}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1039 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1040 logWarn 'cluster is NULL!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1041 return 'NULL' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1042 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1043 private void scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck(int delay = COMMAND_TIMEOUT) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1045 if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1046 state.states['isTimeoutCheck'] = true // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1047 runIn(delay, 'deviceCommandTimeout') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1048 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1049 // unschedule() is a very time consuming operation : ~ 5 milliseconds per call ! // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1051 void unscheduleCommandTimeoutCheck(final Map state) { // can not be static :( // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1052 if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1053 if (state.states['isTimeoutCheck'] == true) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1054 state.states['isTimeoutCheck'] = false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1055 unschedule('deviceCommandTimeout') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1056 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1057 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1058 void deviceCommandTimeout() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1060 logWarn 'no response received (sleepy device or offline?)' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1061 sendRttEvent('timeout') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1062 state.stats['pingsFail'] = (state.stats['pingsFail'] ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1063 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1064 private void scheduleDeviceHealthCheck(final int intervalMins, final int healthMethod) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1066 if (healthMethod == 1 || healthMethod == 2) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1067 String cron = getCron( intervalMins * 60 ) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1068 schedule(cron, 'deviceHealthCheck') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1069 logDebug "deviceHealthCheck is scheduled every ${intervalMins} minutes" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1070 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1071 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1072 logWarn 'deviceHealthCheck is not scheduled!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1073 unschedule('deviceHealthCheck') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1074 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1075 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1076 private void unScheduleDeviceHealthCheck() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1078 unschedule('deviceHealthCheck') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1079 device.deleteCurrentState('healthStatus') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1080 logWarn 'device health check is disabled!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1081 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1082 // called when any event was received from the Zigbee device in the parse() method. // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1084 private void setHealthStatusOnline(Map state) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1085 if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1086 state.health['checkCtr3'] = 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1087 if (!((device.currentValue('healthStatus') ?: 'unknown') in ['online'])) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1088 sendHealthStatusEvent('online') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1089 logInfo 'is now online!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1090 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1091 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1092 private void deviceHealthCheck() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1094 checkDriverVersion(state) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1095 if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1096 int ctr = state.health['checkCtr3'] ?: 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1097 if (ctr >= PRESENCE_COUNT_THRESHOLD) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1098 if ((device.currentValue('healthStatus') ?: 'unknown') != 'offline' ) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1099 logWarn 'not present!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1100 sendHealthStatusEvent('offline') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1101 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1102 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1103 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1104 logDebug "deviceHealthCheck - online (notPresentCounter=${(ctr + 1)})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1105 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1106 state.health['checkCtr3'] = ctr + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1107 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1108 private void sendHealthStatusEvent(final String value) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1110 String descriptionText = "healthStatus changed to ${value}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1111 sendEvent(name: 'healthStatus', value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true, type: 'digital') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1112 if (value == 'online') { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1113 logInfo "${descriptionText}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1114 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1115 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1116 if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName}} ${descriptionText}" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1117 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1118 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1119 // Invoked by Hubitat when the driver configuration is updated // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1121 void updated() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1122 logInfo 'updated()...' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1123 checkDriverVersion(state) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1124 logInfo"driver version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1125 unschedule() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1126 if (settings.logEnable) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1128 logTrace(settings.toString()) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1129 runIn(86400, 'logsOff') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1130 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1131 if (settings.traceEnable) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1132 logTrace(settings.toString()) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1133 runIn(1800, 'traceOff') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1134 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1135 final int healthMethod = (settings.healthCheckMethod as Integer) ?: 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1137 if (healthMethod == 1 || healthMethod == 2) { // [0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Activity check', 2: 'Periodic polling'] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1138 // schedule the periodic timer // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1139 final int interval = (settings.healthCheckInterval as Integer) ?: 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1140 if (interval > 0) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1141 //log.trace "healthMethod=${healthMethod} interval=${interval}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1142 log.info "scheduling health check every ${interval} minutes by ${HealthcheckMethodOpts.options[healthCheckMethod as int]} method" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1143 scheduleDeviceHealthCheck(interval, healthMethod) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1144 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1145 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1146 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1147 unScheduleDeviceHealthCheck() // unschedule the periodic job, depending on the healthMethod // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1148 log.info 'Health Check is disabled!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1149 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1150 if (this.respondsTo('customUpdated')) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1151 customUpdated() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1152 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1153 sendInfoEvent('updated') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1155 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1156 private void logsOff() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1158 logInfo 'debug logging disabled...' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1159 device.updateSetting('logEnable', [value: 'false', type: 'bool']) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1160 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1161 private void traceOff() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1162 logInfo 'trace logging disabled...' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1163 device.updateSetting('traceEnable', [value: 'false', type: 'bool']) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1164 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1165 public void configure(String command) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1167 logInfo "configure(${command})..." // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1168 if (!(command in (ConfigureOpts.keySet() as List))) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1169 logWarn "configure: command ${command} must be one of these : ${ConfigureOpts.keySet() as List}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1170 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1171 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1172 // // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1173 String func // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1174 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1175 func = ConfigureOpts[command]?.function // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1176 "$func"() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1177 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1178 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1179 logWarn "Exception ${e} caught while processing $func($value)" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1180 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1181 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1182 logInfo "executed '${func}'" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1183 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1184 /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedMethodParameter */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1186 void configureHelp(final String val) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1187 if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} configureHelp: select one of the commands in this list!" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1188 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1189 public void loadAllDefaults() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1191 logDebug 'loadAllDefaults() !!!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1192 deleteAllSettings() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1193 deleteAllCurrentStates() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1194 deleteAllScheduledJobs() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1195 deleteAllStates() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1196 deleteAllChildDevices() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1197 initialize() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1199 configureNow() // calls also configureDevice() // bug fixed 04/03/2024 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1200 updated() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1201 sendInfoEvent('All Defaults Loaded! F5 to refresh') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1202 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1203 private void configureNow() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1205 configure() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1206 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1207 /** // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1209 * Send configuration parameters to the device // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1210 * Invoked when device is first installed and when the user updates the configuration TODO // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1211 * @return sends zigbee commands // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1212 */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1213 void configure() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1214 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1215 if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] } ; state.stats.cfgCtr = (state.stats.cfgCtr ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1216 logInfo "configure()... cfgCtr=${state.stats.cfgCtr}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1217 logDebug "configure(): settings: $settings" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1218 if (isTuya()) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1219 cmds += tuyaBlackMagic() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1220 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1221 aqaraBlackMagic() // zigbee commands are sent here! // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1222 List initCmds = initializeDevice() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1223 if (initCmds != null && !initCmds.isEmpty()) { cmds += initCmds } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1224 List cfgCmds = configureDevice() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1225 if (cfgCmds != null && !cfgCmds.isEmpty()) { cmds += cfgCmds } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1226 if (cmds != null && !cmds.isEmpty()) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1227 sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1228 logDebug "configure(): sent cmds = ${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1229 sendInfoEvent('sent device configuration') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1230 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1231 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1232 logDebug "configure(): no commands defined for device type ${DEVICE_TYPE}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1233 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1234 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1235 // Invoked when the device is installed with this driver automatically selected. // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1237 void installed() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1238 if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] } ; state.stats.instCtr = (state.stats.instCtr ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1239 logInfo "installed()... instCtr=${state.stats.instCtr}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1240 // populate some default values for attributes // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1241 sendEvent(name: 'healthStatus', value: 'unknown', descriptionText: 'device was installed', type: 'digital') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1242 sendEvent(name: 'powerSource', value: 'unknown', descriptionText: 'device was installed', type: 'digital') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1243 sendInfoEvent('installed') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1244 runIn(3, 'updated') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1245 runIn(5, 'queryPowerSource') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1246 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1247 private void queryPowerSource() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1249 sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.BASIC_CLUSTER, 0x0007, [:], 0)) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1250 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1251 // Invoked from 'LoadAllDefaults' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1253 private void initialize() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1254 if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] } ; state.stats.initCtr = (state.stats.initCtr ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1255 logInfo "initialize()... initCtr=${state.stats.initCtr}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1256 if (device.getDataValue('powerSource') == null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1257 logInfo "initializing device powerSource 'unknown'" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1258 sendEvent(name: 'powerSource', value: 'unknown', type: 'digital') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1259 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1260 initializeVars(fullInit = true) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1261 updateTuyaVersion() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1262 updateAqaraVersion() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1263 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1264 /* // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1266 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1267 * kkossev drivers commonly used functions // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1268 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1269 */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1270 static Integer safeToInt(Object val, Integer defaultVal=0) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1272 return "${val}"?.isInteger() ? "${val}".toInteger() : defaultVal // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1273 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1274 static Double safeToDouble(Object val, Double defaultVal=0.0) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1276 return "${val}"?.isDouble() ? "${val}".toDouble() : defaultVal // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1277 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1278 static BigDecimal safeToBigDecimal(Object val, BigDecimal defaultVal=0.0) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1280 return "${val}"?.isBigDecimal() ? "${val}".toBigDecimal() : defaultVal // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1281 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1282 public void sendZigbeeCommands(List cmd) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1284 if (cmd == null || cmd.isEmpty()) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1285 logWarn "sendZigbeeCommands: list is empty! cmd=${cmd}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1286 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1287 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1288 hubitat.device.HubMultiAction allActions = new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1289 cmd.each { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1290 if (it == null || it.isEmpty() || it == 'null') { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1291 logWarn "sendZigbeeCommands it: no commands to send! it=${it} (cmd=${cmd})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1292 return // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1293 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1294 allActions.add(new hubitat.device.HubAction(it, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1295 if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['txCtr'] = (state.stats['txCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 } else { state.stats = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1296 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1297 if (state.lastTx != null) { state.lastTx['cmdTime'] = now() } else { state.lastTx = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1298 sendHubCommand(allActions) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1299 logDebug "sendZigbeeCommands: sent cmd=${cmd}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1300 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1301 private String driverVersionAndTimeStamp() { version() + ' ' + timeStamp() + ((_DEBUG) ? ' (debug version!) ' : ' ') + "(${device.getDataValue('model')} ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')}) (${getModel()} ${location.hub.firmwareVersionString})" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1303 private String getDeviceInfo() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1305 return "model=${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer=${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} destinationEP=${state.destinationEP ?: UNKNOWN} deviceProfile=${state.deviceProfile ?: UNKNOWN}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1306 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1307 public String getDestinationEP() { // [destEndpoint:safeToInt(getDestinationEP())] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1309 return state.destinationEP ?: device.endpointId ?: '01' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1310 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1311 @CompileStatic // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1313 public void checkDriverVersion(final Map state) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1314 if (state.driverVersion == null || driverVersionAndTimeStamp() != state.driverVersion) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1315 logDebug "checkDriverVersion: updating the settings from the current driver version ${state.driverVersion} to the new version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1316 sendInfoEvent("Updated to version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}") // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1317 state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1318 initializeVars(false) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1319 updateTuyaVersion() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1320 updateAqaraVersion() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1321 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1322 if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1323 if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1324 if (state.lastTx == null) { state.lastTx = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1325 if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1326 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1327 // credits @thebearmay // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1329 String getModel() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1330 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1331 /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnnecessaryGetter, UnusedVariable */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1332 String model = getHubVersion() // requires >= // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1333 } catch (ignore) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1334 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1335 httpGet("http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080/api/hubitat.xml") { res -> // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1336 model = res.data.device.modelName // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1337 return model // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1338 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1339 } catch (ignore_again) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1340 return '' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1341 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1342 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1343 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1344 // credits @thebearmay // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1346 boolean isCompatible(Integer minLevel) { //check to see if the hub version meets the minimum requirement ( 7 or 8 ) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1347 String model = getModel() // Rev C-7 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1348 String[] tokens = model.split('-') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1349 String revision = tokens.last() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1350 return (Integer.parseInt(revision) >= minLevel) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1351 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1352 void deleteAllStatesAndJobs() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1354 state.clear() // clear all states // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1355 unschedule() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1356 device.deleteCurrentState('*') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1357 device.deleteCurrentState('') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1358 log.info "${device.displayName} jobs and states cleared. HE hub is ${getHubVersion()}, version is ${location.hub.firmwareVersionString}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1360 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1361 void resetStatistics() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1363 runIn(1, 'resetStats') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1364 sendInfoEvent('Statistics are reset. Refresh the web page') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1365 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1366 // called from initializeVars(true) and resetStatistics() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1368 void resetStats() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1369 logDebug 'resetStats...' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1370 state.stats = [:] ; state.states = [:] ; state.lastRx = [:] ; state.lastTx = [:] ; state.health = [:] // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1371 if (this.respondsTo('groupsLibVersion')) { state.zigbeeGroups = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1372 state.stats['rxCtr'] = 0 ; state.stats['txCtr'] = 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1373 state.states['isDigital'] = false ; state.states['isRefresh'] = false ; state.states['isPing'] = false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1374 state.health['offlineCtr'] = 0 ; state.health['checkCtr3'] = 0 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1375 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1376 void initializeVars( boolean fullInit = false ) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1378 logDebug "InitializeVars()... fullInit = ${fullInit}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1379 if (fullInit == true ) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1380 state.clear() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1381 unschedule() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1382 resetStats() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1383 if (deviceProfilesV3 != null && this.respondsTo('setDeviceNameAndProfile')) { setDeviceNameAndProfile() } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1384 //state.comment = 'Works with Tuya Zigbee Devices' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1385 logInfo 'all states and scheduled jobs cleared!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1386 state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1387 logInfo "DEVICE_TYPE = ${DEVICE_TYPE}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1388 state.deviceType = DEVICE_TYPE // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1389 sendInfoEvent('Initialized') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1390 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1391 if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1393 if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1394 if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1395 if (state.lastTx == null) { state.lastTx = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1396 if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1397 if (fullInit || settings?.txtEnable == null) { device.updateSetting('txtEnable', true) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1399 if (fullInit || settings?.logEnable == null) { device.updateSetting('logEnable', DEFAULT_DEBUG_LOGGING ?: false) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1400 if (fullInit || settings?.traceEnable == null) { device.updateSetting('traceEnable', false) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1401 if (fullInit || settings?.advancedOptions == null) { device.updateSetting('advancedOptions', [value:false, type:'bool']) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1402 if (fullInit || settings?.healthCheckMethod == null) { device.updateSetting('healthCheckMethod', [value: HealthcheckMethodOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1403 if (fullInit || settings?.healthCheckInterval == null) { device.updateSetting('healthCheckInterval', [value: HealthcheckIntervalOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1404 if (fullInit || settings?.voltageToPercent == null) { device.updateSetting('voltageToPercent', false) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1405 if (device.currentValue('healthStatus') == null) { sendHealthStatusEvent('unknown') } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1407 // common libraries initialization // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1409 executeCustomHandler('batteryInitializeVars', fullInit) // added 07/06/2024 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1410 executeCustomHandler('motionInitializeVars', fullInit) // added 07/06/2024 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1411 executeCustomHandler('groupsInitializeVars', fullInit) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1412 executeCustomHandler('illuminanceInitializeVars', fullInit) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1413 executeCustomHandler('onOfInitializeVars', fullInit) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1414 executeCustomHandler('energyInitializeVars', fullInit) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1415 // // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1416 executeCustomHandler('deviceProfileInitializeVars', fullInit) // must be before the other deviceProfile initialization handlers! // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1417 executeCustomHandler('initEventsDeviceProfile', fullInit) // added 07/06/2024 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1418 // // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1419 // custom device driver specific initialization should be at the end // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1420 executeCustomHandler('customInitializeVars', fullInit) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1421 executeCustomHandler('customCreateChildDevices', fullInit) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1422 executeCustomHandler('customInitEvents', fullInit) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1423 final String mm = device.getDataValue('model') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1425 if (mm != null) { logTrace " model = ${mm}" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1426 else { logWarn ' Model not found, please re-pair the device!' } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1427 final String ep = device.getEndpointId() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1428 if ( ep != null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1429 //state.destinationEP = ep // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1430 logTrace " destinationEP = ${ep}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1431 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1432 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1433 logWarn ' Destination End Point not found, please re-pair the device!' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1434 //state.destinationEP = "01" // fallback // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1435 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1436 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1437 // not used!? // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1439 void setDestinationEP() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1440 String ep = device.getEndpointId() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1441 if (ep != null && ep != 'F2') { state.destinationEP = ep ; logDebug "setDestinationEP() destinationEP = ${state.destinationEP}" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1442 else { logWarn "setDestinationEP() Destination End Point not found or invalid(${ep}), activating the F2 bug patch!" ; state.destinationEP = '01' } // fallback EP // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1443 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1444 void logDebug(final String msg) { if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} " + msg } } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1446 void logInfo(final String msg) { if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} " + msg } } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1447 void logWarn(final String msg) { if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} " + msg } } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1448 void logTrace(final String msg) { if (settings?.traceEnable) { log.trace "${device.displayName} " + msg } } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1449 // _DEBUG mode only // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1451 void getAllProperties() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1452 log.trace 'Properties:' ; device.properties.each { it -> log.debug it } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1453 log.trace 'Settings:' ; settings.each { it -> log.debug "${it.key} = ${it.value}" } // https://community.hubitat.com/t/how-do-i-get-the-datatype-for-an-app-setting/104228/6?u=kkossev // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1454 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1455 // delete all Preferences // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1457 void deleteAllSettings() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1458 String preferencesDeleted = '' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1459 settings.each { it -> preferencesDeleted += "${it.key} (${it.value}), " ; device.removeSetting("${it.key}") } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1460 logDebug "Deleted settings: ${preferencesDeleted}" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1461 logInfo 'All settings (preferences) DELETED' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1462 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1463 // delete all attributes // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1465 void deleteAllCurrentStates() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1466 String attributesDeleted = '' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1467 device.properties.supportedAttributes.each { it -> attributesDeleted += "${it}, " ; device.deleteCurrentState("$it") } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1468 logDebug "Deleted attributes: ${attributesDeleted}" ; logInfo 'All current states (attributes) DELETED' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1469 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1470 // delete all State Variables // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1472 void deleteAllStates() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1473 String stateDeleted = '' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1474 state.each { it -> stateDeleted += "${it.key}, " } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1475 state.clear() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1476 logDebug "Deleted states: ${stateDeleted}" ; logInfo 'All States DELETED' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1477 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1478 void deleteAllScheduledJobs() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1480 unschedule() ; logInfo 'All scheduled jobs DELETED' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1481 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1482 void deleteAllChildDevices() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1484 getChildDevices().each { child -> log.info "${device.displayName} Deleting ${child.deviceNetworkId}" ; deleteChildDevice(child.deviceNetworkId) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1485 sendInfoEvent 'All child devices DELETED' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1486 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1487 void testParse(String par) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1489 //read attr - raw: DF8D0104020A000029280A, dni: DF8D, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0402, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 29, command: 0A, value: 280A // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1490 log.trace '------------------------------------------------------' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1491 log.warn "testParse - START (${par})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1492 parse(par) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1493 log.warn "testParse - END (${par})" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1494 log.trace '------------------------------------------------------' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1495 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1496 Object testJob() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1498 log.warn 'test job executed' // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1499 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1500 /** // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1502 * Calculates and returns the cron expression // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1503 * @param timeInSeconds interval in seconds // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1504 */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1505 String getCron(int timeInSeconds) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1506 //schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(9)}/${intervalMins} * ? * * *", 'ping') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1507 // TODO: runEvery1Minute runEvery5Minutes runEvery10Minutes runEvery15Minutes runEvery30Minutes runEvery1Hour runEvery3Hours // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1508 final Random rnd = new Random() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1509 int minutes = (timeInSeconds / 60 ) as int // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1510 int hours = (minutes / 60 ) as int // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1511 if (hours > 23) { hours = 23 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1512 String cron // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1513 if (timeInSeconds < 60) { cron = "*/$timeInSeconds * * * * ? *" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1514 else { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1515 if (minutes < 60) { cron = "${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(9)}/$minutes * ? * *" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1516 else { cron = "${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(59)} */$hours ? * *" } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1517 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1518 return cron // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1519 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1520 // credits @thebearmay // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1522 String formatUptime() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1523 return formatTime(location.hub.uptime) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1524 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1525 String formatTime(int timeInSeconds) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1527 if (timeInSeconds == null) { return UNKNOWN } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1528 int days = (timeInSeconds / 86400).toInteger() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1529 int hours = ((timeInSeconds % 86400) / 3600).toInteger() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1530 int minutes = ((timeInSeconds % 3600) / 60).toInteger() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1531 int seconds = (timeInSeconds % 60).toInteger() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1532 return "${days}d ${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1533 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1534 boolean isTuya() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1536 if (!device) { return true } // fallback - added 04/03/2024 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1537 String model = device.getDataValue('model') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1538 String manufacturer = device.getDataValue('manufacturer') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1539 /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnnecessaryTernaryExpression */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1540 return (model?.startsWith('TS') && manufacturer?.startsWith('_T')) ? true : false // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1541 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1542 void updateTuyaVersion() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1544 if (!isTuya()) { logTrace 'not Tuya' ; return } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1545 final String application = device.getDataValue('application') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1546 if (application != null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1547 Integer ver // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1548 try { ver = zigbee.convertHexToInt(application) } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1549 catch (e) { logWarn "exception caught while converting application version ${application} to tuyaVersion"; return } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1550 final String str = ((ver & 0xC0) >> 6).toString() + '.' + ((ver & 0x30) >> 4).toString() + '.' + (ver & 0x0F).toString() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1551 if (device.getDataValue('tuyaVersion') != str) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1552 device.updateDataValue('tuyaVersion', str) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1553 logInfo "tuyaVersion set to $str" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1554 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1555 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1556 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1557 boolean isAqara() { return device.getDataValue('model')?.startsWith('lumi') ?: false } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1559 void updateAqaraVersion() { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1561 if (!isAqara()) { logTrace 'not Aqara' ; return } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1562 String application = device.getDataValue('application') // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1563 if (application != null) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1564 String str = '0.0.0_' + String.format('%04d', zigbee.convertHexToInt(application.take(2))) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1565 if (device.getDataValue('aqaraVersion') != str) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1566 device.updateDataValue('aqaraVersion', str) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1567 logInfo "aqaraVersion set to $str" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1568 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1569 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1570 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1571 String unix2formattedDate(Long unixTime) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1573 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1574 if (unixTime == null) { return null } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1575 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoJavaUtilDate */ // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1576 Date date = new Date(unixTime.toLong()) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1577 return date.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS', location.timeZone) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1578 } catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1579 logDebug "Error formatting date: ${e.message}. Returning current time instead." // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1580 return new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS', location.timeZone) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1581 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1582 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1583 Long formattedDate2unix(String formattedDate) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1585 try { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1586 if (formattedDate == null) { return null } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1587 Date date = Date.parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS', formattedDate) // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1588 return date.getTime() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1589 } catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1590 logDebug "Error parsing formatted date: ${formattedDate}. Returning current time instead." // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1591 return now() // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1592 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1593 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1594 static String timeToHMS(final int time) { // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1596 int hours = (time / 3600) as int // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1597 int minutes = ((time % 3600) / 60) as int // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1598 int seconds = time % 60 // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1599 return "${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s" // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1600 } // library marker kkossev.commonLib, line 1601 // ~~~~~ end include (144) kkossev.commonLib ~~~~~ // ~~~~~ start include (142) kkossev.deviceProfileLib ~~~~~ /* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, CouldBeSwitchStatement, DuplicateListLiteral, DuplicateNumberLiteral, DuplicateStringLiteral, ImplicitClosureParameter, ImplicitReturnStatement, Instanceof, LineLength, MethodCount, MethodSize, NestedBlockDepth, NoDouble, NoFloat, NoWildcardImports, ParameterName, PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods, UnnecessaryElseStatement, UnnecessaryGetter, UnnecessaryPublicModifier, UnnecessarySetter, UnusedImport */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1 library( // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 2 base: 'driver', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', category: 'zigbee', description: 'Device Profile Library', name: 'deviceProfileLib', namespace: 'kkossev', // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 3 importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/hubitat/development/libraries/deviceProfileLib.groovy', documentationLink: '', // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 4 version: '3.3.4' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 5 ) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 6 /* // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 7 * Device Profile Library // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 8 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 9 * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 10 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 11 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 12 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 13 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 15 * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 16 * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 17 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 18 * ver. 1.0.0 2023-11-04 kkossev - added deviceProfileLib (based on Tuya 4 In 1 driver) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 19 * ver. 3.0.0 2023-11-27 kkossev - fixes for use with commonLib; added processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile() method; added validateAndFixPreferences() method; inputIt bug fix; signedInt Preproc method; // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 20 * ver. 3.0.1 2023-12-02 kkossev - release candidate // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 21 * ver. 3.0.2 2023-12-17 kkossev - inputIt moved to the preferences section; setfunction replaced by customSetFunction; Groovy Linting; // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 22 * ver. 3.0.4 2024-03-30 kkossev - more Groovy Linting; processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile exception fix; // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 23 * ver. 3.1.0 2024-04-03 kkossev - more Groovy Linting; deviceProfilesV3, enum pars bug fix; // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 24 * ver. 3.1.1 2024-04-21 kkossev - deviceProfilesV3 bug fix; tuyaDPs list of maps bug fix; resetPreferencesToDefaults bug fix; // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 25 * ver. 3.1.2 2024-05-05 kkossev - added isSpammyDeviceProfile() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 26 * ver. 3.1.3 2024-05-21 kkossev - skip processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile if cluster or attribute or value is missing // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 27 * ver. 3.2.0 2024-05-25 kkossev - commonLib 3.2.0 allignment; // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 28 * ver. 3.2.1 2024-06-06 kkossev - Tuya Multi Sensor 4 In 1 (V3) driver allignment (customProcessDeviceProfileEvent); getDeviceProfilesMap bug fix; forcedProfile is always shown in preferences; // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 29 * ver. 3.3.0 2024-06-29 kkossev - empty preferences bug fix; zclWriteAttribute delay 50 ms; added advanced check in inputIt(); fixed 'Cannot get property 'rw' on null object' bug; fixed enum attributes first event numeric value bug; // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 30 * ver. 3.3.1 2024-07-06 kkossev - added powerSource event in the initEventsDeviceProfile // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 31 * ver. 3.3.2 2024-08-18 kkossev - release 3.3.2 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 32 * ver. 3.3.3 2024-08-18 kkossev - sendCommand and setPar commands commented out; must be declared in the main driver where really needed // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 33 * ver. 3.3.4 2024-09-28 kkossev - (dev.branch) fixed exceptions in resetPreferencesToDefaults() and initEventsDeviceProfile() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 34 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 35 * TODO - remove the 2-in-1 patch ! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 36 * TODO - add defaults for profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters, outClusters, in the deviceProfilesV3 map // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 37 * TODO - add updateStateUnknownDPs (from the 4-in-1 driver) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 38 * TODO - when [refresh], send Info logs for parameters that are not events or preferences // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 39 * TODO: refactor sendAttribute ! sendAttribute exception bug fix for virtual devices; check if String getObjectClassName(Object o) is in, can be used? // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 40 * TODO: add _DEBUG command (for temporary switching the debug logs on/off) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 41 * TODO: allow NULL parameters default values in the device profiles // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 42 * TODO: handle preferences of a type TEXT // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 43 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 44 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 45 static String deviceProfileLibVersion() { '3.3.4' } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 47 static String deviceProfileLibStamp() { '2024/09/28 6:33 PM' } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 48 import groovy.json.* // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 49 import groovy.transform.Field // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 50 import hubitat.zigbee.clusters.iaszone.ZoneStatus // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 51 import hubitat.zigbee.zcl.DataType // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 52 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 53 import groovy.transform.CompileStatic // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 55 metadata { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 57 // no capabilities // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 58 // no attributes // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 59 /* // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 60 // copy the following commands to the main driver, if needed // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 61 command 'sendCommand', [ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 62 [name:'command', type: 'STRING', description: 'command name', constraints: ['STRING']], // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 63 [name:'val', type: 'STRING', description: 'command parameter value', constraints: ['STRING']] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 64 ] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 65 command 'setPar', [ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 66 [name:'par', type: 'STRING', description: 'preference parameter name', constraints: ['STRING']], // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 67 [name:'val', type: 'STRING', description: 'preference parameter value', constraints: ['STRING']] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 68 ] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 69 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 70 preferences { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 71 if (device) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 72 // itterate over DEVICE.preferences map and inputIt all // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 73 if (DEVICE != null && DEVICE?.preferences != null && DEVICE?.preferences != [:] && DEVICE?.device?.isDepricated != true) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 74 (DEVICE?.preferences).each { key, value -> // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 75 Map inputMap = inputIt(key) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 76 if (inputMap != null && inputMap != [:]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 77 input inputMap // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 78 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 79 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 80 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 81 //if (advancedOptions == true) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 82 input(name: 'forcedProfile', type: 'enum', title: 'Device Profile', description: 'Manually change the Device Profile, if the model/manufacturer was not recognized automatically.
Warning! Manually setting a device profile may not always work!', options: getDeviceProfilesMap()) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 83 //} // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 84 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 85 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 86 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 87 private boolean is2in1() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_2IN1') } // patch removed 05/29/2024 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 89 public String getDeviceProfile() { state?.deviceProfile ?: 'UNKNOWN' } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 91 public Map getDEVICE() { deviceProfilesV3 != null ? deviceProfilesV3[getDeviceProfile()] : deviceProfilesV2 != null ? deviceProfilesV2[getDeviceProfile()] : [:] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 92 public Set getDeviceProfiles() { deviceProfilesV3 != null ? deviceProfilesV3?.keySet() : deviceProfilesV2 != null ? deviceProfilesV2?.keySet() : [] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 93 //List getDeviceProfilesMap() { deviceProfilesV3 != null ? deviceProfilesV3.values().description as List : deviceProfilesV2.values().description as List } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 94 public List getDeviceProfilesMap() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 96 if (deviceProfilesV3 == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 97 if (deviceProfilesV2 == null) { return [] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 98 return deviceProfilesV2.values().description as List // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 99 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 100 List activeProfiles = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 101 deviceProfilesV3.each { profileName, profileMap -> // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 102 if ((profileMap.device?.isDepricated ?: false) != true) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 103 activeProfiles.add(profileMap.description ?: '---') // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 104 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 105 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 106 return activeProfiles // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 107 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 108 // ---------------------------------- deviceProfilesV3 helper functions -------------------------------------------- // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 110 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 112 * Returns the profile key for a given profile description. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 113 * @param valueStr The profile description to search for. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 114 * @return The profile key if found, otherwise null. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 115 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 116 String getProfileKey(final String valueStr) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 117 if (deviceProfilesV3 != null) { return deviceProfilesV3.find { _, profileMap -> profileMap.description == valueStr }?.key } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 118 else if (deviceProfilesV2 != null) { return deviceProfilesV2.find { _, profileMap -> profileMap.description == valueStr }?.key } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 119 else { return null } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 120 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 121 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 123 * Finds the preferences map for the given parameter. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 124 * @param param The parameter to find the preferences map for. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 125 * @param debug Whether or not to output debug logs. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 126 * @return returns either tuyaDPs or attributes map, depending on where the preference (param) is found // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 127 * @return empty map [:] if param is not defined for this device. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 128 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 129 Map getPreferencesMapByName(final String param, boolean debug=false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 130 Map foundMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 131 if (!(param in DEVICE?.preferences)) { if (debug) { log.warn "getPreferencesMapByName: preference ${param} not defined for this device!" } ; return [:] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 132 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 133 def preference // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 134 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 135 preference = DEVICE?.preferences["$param"] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 136 if (debug) { log.debug "getPreferencesMapByName: preference ${param} found. value is ${preference}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 137 if (preference in [true, false]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 138 // find the preference in the tuyaDPs map // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 139 logDebug "getPreferencesMapByName: preference ${param} is boolean" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 140 return [:] // no maps for predefined preferences ! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 141 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 142 if (safeToInt(preference, -1) > 0) { //if (preference instanceof Number) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 143 int dp = safeToInt(preference) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 144 //if (debug) log.trace "getPreferencesMapByName: param ${param} preference ${preference} is number (${dp})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 145 foundMap = DEVICE?.tuyaDPs.find { it.dp == dp } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 146 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 147 else { // cluster:attribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 148 //if (debug) { log.trace "${DEVICE?.attributes}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 149 foundMap = DEVICE?.attributes.find { it.at == preference } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 150 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 151 // TODO - could be also 'true' or 'false' ... // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 152 } catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 153 if (debug) { log.warn "getPreferencesMapByName: exception ${e} caught when getting preference ${param} !" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 154 return [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 155 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 156 if (debug) { log.debug "getPreferencesMapByName: foundMap = ${foundMap}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 157 return foundMap // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 158 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 159 Map getAttributesMap(String attribName, boolean debug=false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 161 Map foundMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 162 List searchMapList = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 163 if (debug) { logDebug "getAttributesMap: searching for attribute ${attribName} in tuyaDPs" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 164 if (DEVICE?.tuyaDPs != null && DEVICE?.tuyaDPs != [:]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 165 searchMapList = DEVICE?.tuyaDPs // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 166 foundMap = searchMapList.find { it.name == attribName } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 167 if (foundMap != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 168 if (debug) { logDebug "getAttributesMap: foundMap = ${foundMap}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 169 return foundMap // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 170 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 171 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 172 if (debug) { logDebug "getAttributesMap: searching for attribute ${attribName} in attributes" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 173 if (DEVICE?.attributes != null && DEVICE?.attributes != [:]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 174 searchMapList = DEVICE?.attributes // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 175 foundMap = searchMapList.find { it.name == attribName } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 176 if (foundMap != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 177 if (debug) { logDebug "getAttributesMap: foundMap = ${foundMap}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 178 return foundMap // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 179 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 180 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 181 if (debug) { logDebug "getAttributesMap: attribute ${attribName} not found in tuyaDPs or attributes map! foundMap=${foundMap}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 182 return [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 183 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 184 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 186 * Resets the device preferences to their default values. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 187 * @param debug A boolean indicating whether to output debug information. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 188 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 189 void resetPreferencesToDefaults(boolean debug=false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 190 logDebug "resetPreferencesToDefaults: DEVICE=${DEVICE?.description} preferences=${DEVICE?.preferences}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 191 if (DEVICE == null || DEVICE?.preferences == null || DEVICE?.preferences == [:]) { logDebug 'Preferences not found!' ; return } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 192 Map preferences = DEVICE?.preferences ?: [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 193 if (preferences == null || preferences == [:]) { logDebug 'Preferences not found!' ; return } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 194 Map parMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 195 preferences.each { parName, mapValue -> // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 196 if (debug) { log.trace "$parName $mapValue" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 197 if ((mapValue in [true, false]) || (mapValue in ['true', 'false'])) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 198 logDebug "Preference ${parName} is predefined -> (${mapValue})" // what was the idea here? // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 199 return // continue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 200 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 201 parMap = getPreferencesMapByName(parName, false) // the individual preference map // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 202 if (parMap == null || parMap?.isEmpty()) { logDebug "Preference ${parName} not found in tuyaDPs or attributes map!"; return } // continue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 203 // at:'0x0406:0x0020', name:'fadingTime', type:'enum', dt: '0x21', rw: 'rw', min:15, max:999, defVal:'30', scale:1, unit:'seconds', map:[15:'15 seconds', 30:'30 seconds', 60:'60 seconds', 120:'120 seconds', 300:'300 seconds'], title:'Fading Time', description:'Radar fading time in seconds
'], // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 204 if (parMap?.defVal == null) { logDebug "no default value for preference ${parName} !" ; return } // continue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 205 if (debug) { log.info "setting par ${parMap.name} defVal = ${parMap.defVal} (type:${parMap.type})" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 206 String str = parMap.name // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 207 device.updateSetting("$str", [value:parMap.defVal as String, type:parMap.type]) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 208 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 209 logInfo 'Preferences reset to default values' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 210 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 211 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 213 * Returns a list of valid parameters per model based on the device preferences. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 214 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 215 * @return List of valid parameters. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 216 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 217 List getValidParsPerModel() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 218 List validPars = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 219 if (DEVICE?.preferences != null && DEVICE?.preferences != [:]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 220 // use the preferences to validate the parameters // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 221 validPars = DEVICE?.preferences.keySet().toList() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 222 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 223 return validPars // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 224 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 225 /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodReturnTypeRequired, NoDef */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 227 def getScaledPreferenceValue(String preference, Map dpMap) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 228 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 229 def value = settings."${preference}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 230 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 231 def scaledValue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 232 if (value == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 233 logDebug "getScaledPreferenceValue: preference ${preference} not found!" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 234 return null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 235 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 236 switch (dpMap.type) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 237 case 'number' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 238 scaledValue = safeToInt(value) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 239 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 240 case 'decimal' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 241 scaledValue = safeToDouble(value) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 242 if (dpMap.scale != null && dpMap.scale != 1) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 243 scaledValue = Math.round(scaledValue * dpMap.scale) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 244 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 245 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 246 case 'bool' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 247 scaledValue = value == 'true' ? 1 : 0 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 248 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 249 case 'enum' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 250 //logWarn "getScaledPreferenceValue: ENUM preference ${preference} type:${dpMap.type} value = ${value} dpMap.scale=${dpMap.scale}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 251 if (dpMap.map == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 252 logDebug "getScaledPreferenceValue: preference ${preference} has no map defined!" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 253 return null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 254 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 255 scaledValue = value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 256 if (dpMap.scale != null && safeToInt(dpMap.scale) != 1) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 257 scaledValue = Math.round(safeToDouble(scaledValue ) * safeToInt(dpMap.scale)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 258 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 259 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 260 default : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 261 logDebug "getScaledPreferenceValue: preference ${preference} has unsupported type ${dpMap.type}!" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 262 return null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 263 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 264 //logDebug "getScaledPreferenceValue: preference ${preference} value = ${value} scaledValue = ${scaledValue} (scale=${dpMap.scale})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 265 return scaledValue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 266 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 267 // called from customUpdated() method in the custom driver // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 269 // TODO !!!!!!!!!! - refactor it !!! IAS settings do not use Tuya DPs !!! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 270 public void updateAllPreferences() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 271 logDebug "updateAllPreferences: preferences=${DEVICE?.preferences}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 272 if (DEVICE?.preferences == null || DEVICE?.preferences == [:]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 273 logDebug "updateAllPreferences: no preferences defined for device profile ${getDeviceProfile()}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 274 return // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 275 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 276 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 277 def preferenceValue // int or String for enums // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 278 // itterate over the preferences map and update the device settings // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 279 (DEVICE?.preferences).each { name, dp -> // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 280 Map foundMap = getPreferencesMapByName(name, false) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 281 logDebug "updateAllPreferences: foundMap = ${foundMap}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 282 if (foundMap != null && foundMap != [:]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 283 // preferenceValue = getScaledPreferenceValue(name, foundMap) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 284 preferenceValue = settings."${name}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 285 logTrace"preferenceValue = ${preferenceValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 286 if (foundMap.type == 'enum' && foundMap.scale != null && foundMap.scale != 1 && foundMap.scale != 0) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 287 // scale the value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 288 preferenceValue = (safeToDouble(preferenceValue) / safeToInt(foundMap.scale)) as double // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 289 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 290 if (preferenceValue != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 291 setPar(name, preferenceValue.toString()) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 292 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 293 else { logDebug "updateAllPreferences: preference ${name} is not set (preferenceValue was null)" ; return } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 294 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 295 else { logDebug "warning: couldn't find map for preference ${name}" ; return } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 296 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 297 return // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 298 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 299 /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodReturnTypeRequired, NoDef */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 301 def divideBy100(int val) { return (val as int) / 100 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 302 int multiplyBy100(int val) { return (val as int) * 100 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 303 int divideBy10(int val) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 304 if (val > 10) { return (val as int) / 10 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 305 else { return (val as int) } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 306 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 307 int multiplyBy10(int val) { return (val as int) * 10 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 308 int divideBy1(int val) { return (val as int) / 1 } //tests // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 309 int signedInt(int val) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 310 if (val > 127) { return (val as int) - 256 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 311 else { return (val as int) } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 312 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 313 int invert(int val) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 314 if (settings.invertMotion == true) { return val == 0 ? 1 : 0 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 315 else { return val } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 316 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 317 // called from setPar and sendAttribite methods for non-Tuya DPs // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 319 List zclWriteAttribute(Map attributesMap, int scaledValue) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 320 if (attributesMap == null || attributesMap == [:]) { logWarn "attributesMap=${attributesMap}" ; return [] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 321 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 322 Map map = [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 323 // cluster:attribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 324 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 325 map['cluster'] = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt((attributesMap.at).split(':')[0]) as Integer // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 326 map['attribute'] = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt((attributesMap.at).split(':')[1]) as Integer // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 327 map['dt'] = (attributesMap.dt != null && attributesMap.dt != '') ? hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(attributesMap.dt) as Integer : null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 328 map['mfgCode'] = attributesMap.mfgCode ? attributesMap.mfgCode as String : null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 329 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 330 catch (e) { logWarn "setPar: Exception caught while splitting cluser and attribute $customSetFunction($scaledValue) (val=${val})) : '${e}' " ; return [] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 331 // dt (data type) is obligatory when writing to a cluster... // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 332 if (attributesMap.rw != null && attributesMap.rw == 'rw' && map.dt == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 333 map.dt = attributesMap.type in ['number', 'decimal'] ? DataType.INT16 : DataType.ENUM8 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 334 logDebug "cluster:attribute ${attributesMap.at} is read-write, but no data type (dt) is defined! Assuming 0x${zigbee.convertToHexString(map.dt, 2)}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 335 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 336 if (map.mfgCode != null && map.mfgCode != '') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 337 Map mfgCode = map.mfgCode != null ? ['mfgCode':map.mfgCode] : [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 338 cmds = zigbee.writeAttribute(map.cluster as int, map.attribute as int, map.dt as int, scaledValue, mfgCode, delay = 50) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 339 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 340 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 341 cmds = zigbee.writeAttribute(map.cluster as int, map.attribute as int, map.dt as int, scaledValue, [:], delay = 50) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 342 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 343 return cmds // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 344 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 345 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 347 * Called from setPar() method only! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 348 * Validates the parameter value based on the given dpMap type and scales it if needed. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 349 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 350 * @param dpMap The map containing the parameter type, minimum and maximum values. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 351 * @param val The value to be validated and scaled. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 352 * @return The validated and scaled value if it is within the specified range, null otherwise. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 353 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 354 /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodReturnTypeRequired, NoDef */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 355 def validateAndScaleParameterValue(Map dpMap, String val) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 356 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 357 def value // validated value - integer, floar // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 358 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 359 def scaledValue // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 360 //logDebug "validateAndScaleParameterValue: dpMap=${dpMap} val=${val}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 361 switch (dpMap.type) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 362 case 'number' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 363 // TODO - negative values ! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 364 // TODO - better conversion to integer! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 365 value = safeToInt(val, 0) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 366 //scaledValue = value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 367 // scale the value - added 10/26/2023 also for integer values ! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 368 if (dpMap.scale != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 369 scaledValue = (value * dpMap.scale) as Integer // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 370 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 371 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 372 scaledValue = value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 373 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 374 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 375 case 'decimal' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 377 value = safeToDouble(val, 0.0) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 378 // scale the value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 379 if (dpMap.scale != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 380 scaledValue = (value * dpMap.scale) as Integer // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 381 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 382 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 383 scaledValue = value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 384 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 385 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 386 case 'bool' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 388 if (val == '0' || val == 'false') { value = scaledValue = 0 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 389 else if (val == '1' || val == 'true') { value = scaledValue = 1 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 390 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 391 logInfo "bool parameter ${val}. value must be one of 0 1 false true" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 392 return null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 393 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 394 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 395 case 'enum' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 396 // enums are always integer values // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 397 // check if the scaling is different than 1 in dpMap // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 398 logTrace "validateAndScaleParameterValue: enum parameter ${val}. dpMap=${dpMap}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 399 Integer scale = safeToInt(dpMap.scale) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 400 if (scale != null && scale != 0 && scale != 1) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 401 // we have a float parameter input - convert it to int // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 402 value = safeToDouble(val, -1.0) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 403 scaledValue = (value * safeToInt(dpMap.scale)) as Integer // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 404 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 405 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 406 value = scaledValue = safeToInt(val, -1) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 407 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 408 if (scaledValue == null || scaledValue < 0) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 409 // get the keys of dpMap.map as a List // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 410 //List keys = dpMap.map.keySet().toList() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 411 //logDebug "${device.displayName} validateAndScaleParameterValue: enum parameter ${val}. value must be one of ${keys}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 412 // find the key for the value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 413 String key = dpMap.map.find { it.value == val }?.key // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 414 logTrace "validateAndScaleParameterValue: enum parameter ${val}. key=${key}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 415 if (key == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 416 logInfo "invalid enum parameter ${val}. value must be one of ${dpMap.map}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 417 return null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 418 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 419 value = scaledValue = key as Integer // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 420 //return null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 421 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 422 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 423 default : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 424 logWarn "validateAndScaleParameterValue: unsupported dpMap type ${parType}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 425 return null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 426 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 427 //logTrace "validateAndScaleParameterValue before checking scaledValue=${scaledValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 428 // check if the value is within the specified range // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 429 if ((dpMap.min != null && value < dpMap.min) || (dpMap.max != null && value > dpMap.max)) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 430 logWarn "${device.displayName} validateAndScaleParameterValue: invalid ${dpMap.name} parameter value ${value} (scaled ${scaledValue}). Value must be within ${dpMap.min} and ${dpMap.max}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 431 return null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 432 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 433 //logTrace "validateAndScaleParameterValue returning scaledValue=${scaledValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 434 return scaledValue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 435 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 436 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 438 * Sets the value of a parameter for a device. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 439 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 440 * @param par The parameter name. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 441 * @param val The parameter value. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 442 * @return true if the parameter was successfully set, false otherwise. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 443 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 444 public boolean setPar(final String parPar=null, final String val=null ) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 445 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 446 //Boolean validated = false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 447 logDebug "setPar(${parPar}, ${val})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 448 if (DEVICE?.preferences == null || DEVICE?.preferences == [:]) { return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 449 if (parPar == null /*|| !(par in getValidParsPerModel())*/) { logInfo "setPar: 'parameter' must be one of these : ${getValidParsPerModel()}"; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 450 String par = parPar.trim() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 451 Map dpMap = getPreferencesMapByName(par, false) // get the map for the parameter // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 452 if ( dpMap == null || dpMap == [:]) { logInfo "setPar: tuyaDPs map not found for parameter ${par}"; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 453 if (val == null) { logInfo "setPar: 'value' must be specified for parameter ${par} in the range ${dpMap.min} to ${dpMap.max}"; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 454 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 455 def scaledValue = validateAndScaleParameterValue(dpMap, val as String) // convert the val to the correct type and scale it if needed // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 456 if (scaledValue == null) { logInfo "setPar: invalid parameter ${par} value ${val}. Must be in the range ${dpMap.min} to ${dpMap.max}"; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 457 // if there is a dedicated set function, use it // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 459 String capitalizedFirstChar = par[0].toUpperCase() + par[1..-1] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 460 String customSetFunction = "customSet${capitalizedFirstChar}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 461 if (this.respondsTo(customSetFunction)) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 462 logDebug "setPar: found customSetFunction=${setFunction}, scaledValue=${scaledValue} (val=${val})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 463 // execute the customSetFunction // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 464 try { cmds = "$customSetFunction"(scaledValue) } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 465 catch (e) { logWarn "setPar: Exception caught while processing $customSetFunction($scaledValue) (val=${val})) : '${e}'" ; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 466 logDebug "customSetFunction result is ${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 467 if (cmds != null && cmds != []) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 468 logInfo "setPar: (1) successfluly executed setPar $customSetFunction($scaledValue)" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 469 sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 470 return true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 471 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 472 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 473 logWarn "setPar: customSetFunction $customSetFunction($scaledValue) returned null or empty list" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 474 // continue with the default processing // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 475 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 476 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 477 if (isVirtual()) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 478 // set a virtual attribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 479 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 480 def valMiscType // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 481 logDebug "setPar: found virtual attribute ${par} value ${val}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 482 if (dpMap.type == 'enum') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 483 // find the key for the value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 484 String key = dpMap.map.find { it.value == val }?.key // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 485 logTrace "setPar: enum parameter ${val}. key=${key}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 486 if (key == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 487 logInfo "setPar: invalid virtual enum parameter ${val}. value must be one of ${dpMap.map}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 488 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 489 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 490 valMiscType = dpMap.map[key as int] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 491 logTrace "setPar: enum parameter ${val}. key=${key} valMiscType=${valMiscType} dpMap.map=${dpMap.map}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 492 device.updateSetting("$par", [value:key as String, type:dpMap.type]) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 493 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 494 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 495 valMiscType = val // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 496 device.updateSetting("$par", [value:valMiscType, type:dpMap.type]) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 497 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 498 String descriptionText = "${par} set to ${valMiscType}${dpMap.unit ?: ''} [virtual]" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 499 sendEvent(name:par, value:valMiscType, unit:dpMap.unit ?: '', isDigital: true) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 500 logInfo descriptionText // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 501 return true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 502 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 503 // check whether this is a tuya DP or a cluster:attribute parameter // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 505 boolean isTuyaDP // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 506 /* groovylint-disable-next-line Instanceof */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 508 try { isTuyaDP = dpMap.dp instanceof Number } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 509 catch (e) { logWarn"setPar: (1) exception ${e} caught while checking isNumber() preference ${preference}" ; isTuyaDP = false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 510 if (dpMap.dp != null && isTuyaDP) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 511 // Tuya DP // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 512 cmds = sendTuyaParameter(dpMap, par, scaledValue) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 513 if (cmds == null || cmds == []) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 514 logWarn "setPar: sendTuyaParameter par ${par} scaledValue ${scaledValue} returned null or empty list" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 515 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 516 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 517 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 518 logInfo "setPar: (2) sending parameter $par ($val (scaledValue=${scaledValue}))" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 519 sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 520 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 521 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 522 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 523 else if (dpMap.at != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 524 // cluster:attribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 525 logDebug "setPar: found at=${dpMap.at} dt=${dpMap.dt} mfgCode=${dpMap.mfgCode} scaledValue=${scaledValue} (val=${val})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 526 int signedIntScaled = convertSignedInts(scaledValue, dpMap) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 527 cmds = zclWriteAttribute(dpMap, signedIntScaled) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 528 if (cmds == null || cmds == []) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 529 logWarn "setPar: failed to write cluster:attribute ${dpMap.at} value ${scaledValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 530 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 531 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 532 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 533 else { logWarn "setPar: invalid dp or at value ${dpMap.dp} for parameter ${par}" ; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 534 logInfo "setPar: (3) successfluly executed setPar $customSetFunction($scaledValue)" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 535 sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 536 return true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 537 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 538 // function to send a Tuya command to data point taken from dpMap with value tuyaValue and type taken from dpMap // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 540 // TODO - reuse it !!! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 541 /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 542 public List sendTuyaParameter( Map dpMap, String par, tuyaValue) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 543 //logDebug "sendTuyaParameter: trying to send parameter ${par} value ${tuyaValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 544 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 545 if (dpMap == null) { logWarn "sendTuyaParameter: tuyaDPs map not found for parameter ${par}" ; return [] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 546 String dp = zigbee.convertToHexString(dpMap.dp, 2) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 547 if (dpMap.dp <= 0 || dpMap.dp >= 256) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 548 logWarn "sendTuyaParameter: invalid dp ${dpMap.dp} for parameter ${par}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 549 return [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 550 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 551 String dpType // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 552 if (dpMap.dt == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 553 dpType = dpMap.type == 'bool' ? DP_TYPE_BOOL : dpMap.type == 'enum' ? DP_TYPE_ENUM : (dpMap.type in ['value', 'number', 'decimal']) ? DP_TYPE_VALUE : null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 554 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 555 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 556 dpType = dpMap.dt // "01" - bool, "02" - enum, "03" - value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 557 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 558 if (dpType == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 559 logWarn "sendTuyaParameter: invalid dpType ${dpMap.type} for parameter ${par}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 560 return [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 561 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 562 // sendTuyaCommand // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 563 String dpValHex = dpType == DP_TYPE_VALUE ? zigbee.convertToHexString(tuyaValue as int, 8) : zigbee.convertToHexString(tuyaValue as int, 2) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 564 logDebug "sendTuyaParameter: sending parameter ${par} dpValHex ${dpValHex} (raw=${tuyaValue}) Tuya dp=${dp} dpType=${dpType} " // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 565 if (dpMap.tuyaCmd != null ) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 566 cmds = sendTuyaCommand( dp, dpType, dpValHex, dpMap.tuyaCmd as int) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 567 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 568 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 569 cmds = sendTuyaCommand( dp, dpType, dpValHex) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 570 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 571 return cmds // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 572 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 573 int convertSignedInts(int val, Map dpMap) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 575 if (dpMap.dt == '0x28') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 576 if (val > 127) { return (val as int) - 256 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 577 else { return (val as int) } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 578 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 579 else if (dpMap.dt == '0x29') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 580 if (val > 32767) { return (val as int) - 65536 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 581 else { return (val as int) } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 582 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 583 else { return (val as int) } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 584 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 585 /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 587 public boolean sendAttribute(String par=null, val=null ) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 588 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 589 //Boolean validated = false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 590 logDebug "sendAttribute(${par}, ${val})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 591 if (par == null || DEVICE?.preferences == null || DEVICE?.preferences == [:]) { logDebug 'DEVICE.preferences is empty!' ; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 592 Map dpMap = getAttributesMap(par, false) // get the map for the attribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 594 l//log.trace "sendAttribute: dpMap=${dpMap}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 595 if (dpMap == null || dpMap?.isEmpty()) { logWarn "sendAttribute: map not found for parameter ${par}"; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 596 if (val == null) { logWarn "sendAttribute: 'value' must be specified for parameter ${par} in the range ${dpMap.min} to ${dpMap.max}"; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 597 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 598 def scaledValue = validateAndScaleParameterValue(dpMap, val as String) // convert the val to the correct type and scale it if needed // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 599 if (scaledValue == null) { logWarn "sendAttribute: invalid parameter value ${val}. Must be in the range ${dpMap.min} to ${dpMap.max}"; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 600 logDebug "sendAttribute: parameter ${par} value ${val}, type ${dpMap.type} validated and scaled to ${scaledValue} type=${dpMap.type}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 601 // if there is a dedicated set function, use it // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 602 String capitalizedFirstChar = par[0].toUpperCase() + par[1..-1] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 603 String customSetFunction = "customSet${capitalizedFirstChar}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 604 if (this.respondsTo(customSetFunction) /*&& !(customSetFunction in ["setHeatingSetpoint", "setCoolingSetpoint", "setThermostatMode"])*/) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 605 logDebug "sendAttribute: found customSetFunction=${customSetFunction}, scaledValue=${scaledValue} (val=${val})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 606 // execute the customSetFunction // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 607 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 608 cmds = "$customSetFunction"(scaledValue) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 609 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 610 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 611 logWarn "sendAttribute: Exception '${e}'caught while processing $customSetFunction($scaledValue) (val=${val}))" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 612 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 613 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 614 logDebug "customSetFunction result is ${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 615 if (cmds != null && cmds != []) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 616 logDebug "sendAttribute: successfluly executed sendAttribute $customSetFunction($scaledValue)" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 617 sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 618 return true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 619 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 620 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 621 logWarn "sendAttribute: customSetFunction $customSetFunction($scaledValue) returned null or empty list, continue with the default processing" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 622 // continue with the default processing // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 623 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 624 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 625 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 626 logDebug "sendAttribute: SKIPPED customSetFunction ${customSetFunction}, continue with the default processing" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 627 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 628 // check whether this is a tuya DP or a cluster:attribute parameter or a virtual device // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 629 if (isVirtual()) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 630 // send a virtual attribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 631 logDebug "sendAttribute: found virtual attribute ${par} value ${val}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 632 // patch !! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 633 if (par == 'heatingSetpoint') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 634 sendHeatingSetpointEvent(val) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 635 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 636 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 637 String descriptionText = "${par} is ${val} [virtual]" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 638 sendEvent(name:par, value:val, isDigital: true) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 639 logInfo descriptionText // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 640 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 641 return true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 642 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 643 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 644 logDebug "sendAttribute: not a virtual device (device.controllerType = ${device.controllerType}), continue " // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 645 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 646 boolean isTuyaDP // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 647 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 648 def preference = dpMap.dp // TODO - remove it? // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 649 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 650 isTuyaDP = dpMap.dp instanceof Number // check if dpMap.dp is a number // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 651 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 652 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 653 if (debug) { log.warn "sendAttribute: exception ${e} caught while checking isNumber() preference ${preference}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 654 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 655 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 656 if (dpMap.dp != null && isTuyaDP) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 657 // Tuya DP // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 658 cmds = sendTuyaParameter(dpMap, par, scaledValue) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 659 if (cmds == null || cmds == []) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 660 logWarn "sendAttribute: sendTuyaParameter par ${par} scaledValue ${scaledValue} returned null or empty list" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 661 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 662 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 663 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 664 logDebug "sendAttribute: successfluly executed sendAttribute $customSetFunction($val (scaledValue=${scaledValue}))" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 665 sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 666 return true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 667 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 668 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 669 /* groovylint-disable-next-line EmptyIfStatement */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 670 else if (dpMap.at != null && dpMap.at == 'virtual') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 671 // send a virtual attribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 672 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 673 else if (dpMap.at != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 674 // cluster:attribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 675 cmds = zclWriteAttribute(dpMap, scaledValue) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 676 if (cmds == null || cmds == []) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 677 logWarn "sendAttribute: failed to write cluster:attribute ${dpMap.at} value ${scaledValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 678 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 679 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 680 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 681 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 682 logWarn "sendAttribute: invalid dp or at value ${dpMap.dp} for parameter ${par}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 683 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 684 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 685 logDebug "sendAttribute: successfluly executed sendAttribute $customSetFunction($scaledValue)" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 686 sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 687 return true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 688 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 689 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 691 * SENDS a list of Zigbee commands to be sent to the device. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 692 * @param command - The command to send. Must be one of the commands defined in the DEVICE.commands map. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 693 * @param val - The value to send with the command, can be null. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 694 * @return true on success, false otherwise. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 695 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 696 public boolean sendCommand(final String command_orig=null, final String val_orig=null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 697 //logDebug "sending command ${command}(${val}))" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 698 final String command = command_orig?.trim() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 699 final String val = val_orig?.trim() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 700 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 701 Map supportedCommandsMap = DEVICE?.commands as Map // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 702 if (supportedCommandsMap == null || supportedCommandsMap?.isEmpty()) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 703 logInfo "sendCommand: no commands defined for device profile ${getDeviceProfile()} !" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 704 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 705 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 706 // TODO: compare ignoring the upper/lower case of the command. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 707 List supportedCommandsList = DEVICE?.commands?.keySet() as List // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 708 // check if the command is defined in the DEVICE commands map // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 709 if (command == null || !(command in supportedCommandsList)) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 710 logInfo "sendCommand: the command ${(command ?: '')} for device profile '${DEVICE?.description}' must be one of these : ${supportedCommandsList}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 711 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 712 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 713 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 714 def func, funcResult // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 715 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 716 func = DEVICE?.commands.find { it.key == command }.value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 717 if (val != null && val != '') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 718 logInfo "executed $func($val)" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 719 funcResult = "${func}"(val) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 720 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 721 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 722 logInfo "executed $func()" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 723 funcResult = "${func}"() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 724 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 725 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 726 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 727 logWarn "sendCommand: Exception '${e}' caught while processing $func(${val})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 728 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 729 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 730 // funcResult is expected to be list of commands to be sent to the device, but can also return boolean or null // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 731 // check if the result is a list of commands // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 732 /* groovylint-disable-next-line Instanceof */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 733 if (funcResult instanceof List) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 734 cmds = funcResult // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 735 if (cmds != null && cmds != []) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 736 sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 737 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 738 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 739 else if (funcResult == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 740 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 741 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 742 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 743 logDebug "sendCommand: $func(${val}) returned ${funcResult} instead of a list of commands!" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 744 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 745 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 746 return true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 747 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 748 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 750 * This method takes a string parameter and a boolean debug flag as input and returns a map containing the input details. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 751 * The method checks if the input parameter is defined in the device preferences and returns null if it is not. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 752 * It then checks if the input parameter is a boolean value and skips it if it is. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 753 * The method also checks if the input parameter is a number and sets the isTuyaDP flag accordingly. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 754 * If the input parameter is read-only, the method returns null. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 755 * The method then populates the input map with the name, type, title, description, range, options, and default value of the input parameter. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 756 * If the input parameter type is not supported, the method returns null. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 757 * @param param The input parameter to be checked. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 758 * @param debug A boolean flag indicating whether to log debug messages or not. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 759 * @return A map containing the input details. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 760 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 761 Map inputIt(String paramPar, boolean debug = false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 762 String param = paramPar.trim() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 763 Map input = [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 764 Map foundMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 765 if (!(param in DEVICE?.preferences)) { if (debug) { log.warn "inputIt: preference ${param} not defined for this device!" } ; return [:] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 766 Object preference // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 767 try { preference = DEVICE?.preferences["$param"] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 768 catch (e) { if (debug) { log.warn "inputIt: exception ${e} caught while parsing preference ${param} value ${preference}" } ; return [:] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 769 // check for boolean values // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 770 try { if (preference in [true, false]) { if (debug) { log.warn "inputIt: preference ${param} is boolean value ${preference} - skipping it for now!" } ; return [:] } } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 771 catch (e) { if (debug) { log.warn "inputIt: exception ${e} caught while checking for boolean values preference ${param} value ${preference}" } ; return [:] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 772 /* // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 773 // TODO - check if this is neccessary? isTuyaDP is not defined! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 774 try { isTuyaDP = preference.isNumber() } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 775 catch (e) { if (debug) { log.warn "inputIt: exception ${e} caught while checking isNumber() preference ${param} value ${preference}" } ; return [:] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 776 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 777 //if (debug) log.debug "inputIt: preference ${param} found. value is ${preference} isTuyaDP=${isTuyaDP}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 778 foundMap = getPreferencesMapByName(param) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 779 //if (debug) log.debug "foundMap = ${foundMap}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 780 if (foundMap == null || foundMap?.isEmpty()) { if (debug) { log.warn "inputIt: map not found for param '${param}'!" } ; return [:] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 781 if (foundMap.rw != 'rw') { if (debug) { log.warn "inputIt: param '${param}' is read only!" } ; return [:] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 782 if (foundMap.advanced != null && foundMap.advanced == true && settings.advancedOptions != true) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 783 if (debug) { log.debug "inputIt: param '${param}' is advanced!" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 784 return [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 785 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 786 input.name = foundMap.name // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 787 input.type = foundMap.type // bool, enum, number, decimal // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 788 input.title = foundMap.title // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 789 //input.description = (foundMap.description ?: foundMap.title)?.replaceAll(/<\/?b>/, '') // if description is not defined, use the title // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 790 input.description = foundMap.description ?: '' // if description is not defined, skip it // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 791 if (input.type in ['number', 'decimal']) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 792 if (foundMap.min != null && foundMap.max != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 793 input.range = "${foundMap.min}..${foundMap.max}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 794 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 795 if (input.range != null && input.description != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 796 if (input.description != '') { input.description += '
' } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 797 input.description += "Range: ${input.range}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 798 if (foundMap.unit != null && foundMap.unit != '') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 799 input.description += " (${foundMap.unit})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 800 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 801 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 802 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 803 /* groovylint-disable-next-line SpaceAfterClosingBrace */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 804 else if (input.type == 'enum') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 805 input.options = foundMap.map // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 806 }/* // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 807 else if (input.type == "bool") { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 808 input.options = ["true", "false"] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 809 }*/ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 810 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 811 if (debug) { log.warn "inputIt: unsupported type ${input.type} for param '${param}'!" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 812 return [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 813 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 814 if (input.defVal != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 815 input.defVal = foundMap.defVal // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 816 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 817 return input // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 818 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 819 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 821 * Returns the device name and profile based on the device model and manufacturer. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 822 * @param model The device model (optional). If not provided, it will be retrieved from the device data value. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 823 * @param manufacturer The device manufacturer (optional). If not provided, it will be retrieved from the device data value. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 824 * @return A list containing the device name and profile. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 825 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 826 List getDeviceNameAndProfile(String model=null, String manufacturer=null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 827 String deviceName = UNKNOWN, deviceProfile = UNKNOWN // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 828 String deviceModel = model != null ? model : device.getDataValue('model') ?: UNKNOWN // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 829 String deviceManufacturer = manufacturer != null ? manufacturer : device.getDataValue('manufacturer') ?: UNKNOWN // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 830 deviceProfilesV3.each { profileName, profileMap -> // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 831 profileMap.fingerprints.each { fingerprint -> // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 832 if (fingerprint.model == deviceModel && fingerprint.manufacturer == deviceManufacturer) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 833 deviceProfile = profileName // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 834 deviceName = fingerprint.deviceJoinName ?: deviceProfilesV3[deviceProfile].deviceJoinName ?: UNKNOWN // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 835 logDebug "found exact match for model ${deviceModel} manufacturer ${deviceManufacturer} : profileName=${deviceProfile} deviceName =${deviceName}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 836 return [deviceName, deviceProfile] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 837 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 838 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 839 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 840 if (deviceProfile == UNKNOWN) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 841 logWarn "getDeviceNameAndProfile: NOT FOUND! deviceName =${deviceName} profileName=${deviceProfile} for model ${deviceModel} manufacturer ${deviceManufacturer}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 842 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 843 return [deviceName, deviceProfile] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 844 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 845 // called from initializeVars( fullInit = true) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 847 void setDeviceNameAndProfile(String model=null, String manufacturer=null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 848 def (String deviceName, String deviceProfile) = getDeviceNameAndProfile(model, manufacturer) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 849 if (deviceProfile == null || deviceProfile == UNKNOWN) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 850 logInfo "unknown model ${deviceModel} manufacturer ${deviceManufacturer}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 851 // don't change the device name when unknown // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 852 state.deviceProfile = UNKNOWN // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 853 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 854 String dataValueModel = model != null ? model : device.getDataValue('model') ?: UNKNOWN // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 855 String dataValueManufacturer = manufacturer != null ? manufacturer : device.getDataValue('manufacturer') ?: UNKNOWN // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 856 if (deviceName != NULL && deviceName != UNKNOWN) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 857 device.setName(deviceName) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 858 state.deviceProfile = deviceProfile // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 859 device.updateSetting('forcedProfile', [value:deviceProfilesV3[deviceProfile]?.description, type:'enum']) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 860 logInfo "device model ${dataValueModel} manufacturer ${dataValueManufacturer} was set to : deviceProfile=${deviceProfile} : deviceName=${deviceName}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 861 } else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 862 logInfo "device model ${dataValueModel} manufacturer ${dataValueManufacturer} was not found!" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 863 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 864 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 865 // called from customRefresh() in the device drivers // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 867 List refreshFromDeviceProfileList() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 868 logDebug 'refreshFromDeviceProfileList()' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 869 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 870 if (DEVICE?.refresh != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 871 List refreshList = DEVICE.refresh // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 872 for (String k : refreshList) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 873 k = k.replaceAll('\\[|\\]', '') // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 874 if (k != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 875 // check whether the string in the refreshList matches an attribute name in the DEVICE.attributes list // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 876 Map map = DEVICE.attributes.find { it.name == k } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 877 if (map != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 878 Map mfgCode = map.mfgCode != null ? ['mfgCode':map.mfgCode] : [:] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 879 cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt((map.at).split(':')[0]), hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt((map.at).split(':')[1]), mfgCode, delay = 100) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 880 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 881 // check whether the string in the refreshList matches a method defined somewhere in the code // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 882 if (this.respondsTo(k)) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 883 cmds += this."${k}"() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 884 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 885 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 886 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 887 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 888 return cmds // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 889 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 890 // TODO! - remove? // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 892 List refreshDeviceProfile() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 893 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 894 if (cmds == []) { cmds = ['delay 299'] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 895 logDebug "refreshDeviceProfile() : ${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 896 return cmds // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 897 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 898 // TODO ! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 900 List configureDeviceProfile() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 901 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 902 logDebug "configureDeviceProfile() : ${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 903 if (cmds == []) { cmds = ['delay 299'] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 904 return cmds // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 905 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 906 // TODO // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 908 List initializeDeviceProfile() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 909 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 910 logDebug "initializeDeviceProfile() : ${cmds}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 911 if (cmds == []) { cmds = ['delay 299',] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 912 return cmds // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 913 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 914 public void deviceProfileInitializeVars(boolean fullInit=false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 916 logDebug "deviceProfileInitializeVars(${fullInit})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 917 if (state.deviceProfile == null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 918 setDeviceNameAndProfile() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 919 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 920 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 921 void initEventsDeviceProfile(boolean fullInit=false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 923 String ps = DEVICE?.device?.powerSource // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 924 logDebug "initEventsDeviceProfile(${fullInit}) for deviceProfile=${state.deviceProfile} DEVICE?.device?.powerSource=${ps} ps.isEmpty()=${ps?.isEmpty()}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 925 if (ps != null && !ps.isEmpty()) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 926 sendEvent(name: 'powerSource', value: ps, descriptionText: "Power Source set to '${ps}'", type: 'digital') // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 927 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 928 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 929 ///////////////////////////// Tuya DPs ///////////////////////////////// // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 931 // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 933 // called from parse() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 934 // returns: true - do not process this message if the spammy DP is defined in the spammyDPsToIgnore element of the active Device Profule // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 935 // false - the processing can continue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 936 // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 937 public boolean isSpammyDPsToIgnore(Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 938 //log.trace "isSpammyDPsToIgnore: ${state.deviceProfile == 'TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR'} ${descMap.cluster == 'E002'} ${descMap.attrId == 'E00A'} ${settings?.ignoreDistance == true}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 939 if (state.deviceProfile == 'TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR' && descMap.cluster == 'E002' && descMap.attrId == 'E00A' && settings?.ignoreDistance == true) { return true } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 940 if (!(descMap?.clusterId == 'EF00' && (descMap?.command in ['01', '02']))) { return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 941 if (descMap?.data?.size <= 2) { return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 942 int dp = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[2]) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 943 List spammyList = deviceProfilesV3[getDeviceProfile()]?.spammyDPsToIgnore as List // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 944 return (spammyList != null && (dp in spammyList) && ((settings?.ignoreDistance ?: false) == true)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 945 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 946 // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 948 // called from processTuyaDP(), processTuyaDPfromDeviceProfile(), isChattyDeviceReport() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 949 // returns: true - do not generate Debug log messages if the chatty DP is defined in the spammyDPsToNotTrace element of the active Device Profule // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 950 // false - debug logs can be generated // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 951 // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 952 public boolean isSpammyDPsToNotTrace(Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 953 //log.trace "isSpammyDPsToNotTrace: ${state.deviceProfile == 'TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR'} ${descMap.cluster == 'E002'} ${descMap.attrId == 'E00A'} ${settings?.ignoreDistance == true}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 954 if (state.deviceProfile == 'TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR' && descMap.cluster == 'E002' && descMap.attrId == 'E00A' && settings?.ignoreDistance == true) { return true } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 955 if (!(descMap?.clusterId == 'EF00' && (descMap?.command in ['01', '02']))) { return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 956 if (descMap?.data?.size <= 2) { return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 957 int dp = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[2]) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 958 List spammyList = deviceProfilesV3[getDeviceProfile()]?.spammyDPsToNotTrace as List // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 959 return (spammyList != null && (dp in spammyList)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 960 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 961 // all DPs are spammy - sent periodically! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 963 public boolean isSpammyDeviceProfile() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 964 if (deviceProfilesV3 == null || deviceProfilesV3[getDeviceProfile()] == null) { return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 965 Boolean isSpammy = deviceProfilesV3[getDeviceProfile()]?.device?.isSpammy ?: false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 966 return isSpammy // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 967 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 968 /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedMethodParameter */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 970 List compareAndConvertStrings(final Map foundItem, String tuyaValue, String hubitatValue) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 971 String convertedValue = tuyaValue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 972 boolean isEqual = ((tuyaValue as String) == (hubitatValue as String)) // because the events(attributes) are always strings // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 973 if (foundItem?.scale != null || foundItem?.scale != 0 || foundItem?.scale != 1) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 974 logTrace "compareAndConvertStrings: scaling: foundItem.scale=${foundItem.scale} tuyaValue=${tuyaValue} hubitatValue=${hubitatValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 975 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 976 return [isEqual, convertedValue] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 977 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 978 List compareAndConvertNumbers(final Map foundItem, int tuyaValue, int hubitatValue) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 980 Integer convertedValue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 981 boolean isEqual // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 982 if (foundItem?.scale == null || foundItem?.scale == 0 || foundItem?.scale == 1) { // compare as integer // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 983 convertedValue = tuyaValue as int // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 984 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 985 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 986 convertedValue = ((tuyaValue as double) / (foundItem.scale as double)) as int // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 987 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 988 isEqual = ((convertedValue as int) == (hubitatValue as int)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 989 return [isEqual, convertedValue] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 990 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 991 List compareAndConvertDecimals(final Map foundItem, double tuyaValue, double hubitatValue) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 993 Double convertedValue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 994 if (foundItem?.scale == null || foundItem?.scale == 0 || foundItem?.scale == 1) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 995 convertedValue = tuyaValue as double // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 996 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 997 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 998 convertedValue = (tuyaValue as double) / (foundItem.scale as double) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 999 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1000 isEqual = Math.abs((convertedValue as double) - (hubitatValue as double)) < 0.001 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1001 logTrace "compareAndConvertDecimals: tuyaValue=${tuyaValue} foundItem.scale=${foundItem.scale} convertedValue=${convertedValue} to hubitatValue=${hubitatValue} isEqual=${isEqual}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1002 return [isEqual, convertedValue] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1003 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1004 /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1006 List compareAndConvertEnumKeys(final Map foundItem, int tuyaValue, hubitatValue) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1007 //logTrace "compareAndConvertEnumKeys: tuyaValue=${tuyaValue} hubitatValue=${hubitatValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1008 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1009 def convertedValue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1010 if (foundItem?.scale == null || foundItem?.scale == 0 || foundItem?.scale == 1) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1011 convertedValue = tuyaValue as int // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1012 isEqual = ((convertedValue as int) == (safeToInt(hubitatValue))) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1013 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1014 else { // scaled value - divide by scale // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1015 double hubitatSafeValue = safeToDouble(hubitatValue, -1.0) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1016 convertedValue = (tuyaValue as double) / (foundItem.scale as double) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1017 if (hubitatSafeValue == -1.0) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1018 isEqual = false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1019 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1020 else { // compare as double (float) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1021 isEqual = Math.abs((convertedValue as double) - (hubitatSafeValue as double)) < 0.001 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1022 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1023 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1024 //logTrace "compareAndConvertEnumKeys: tuyaValue=${tuyaValue} foundItem.scale=${foundItem.scale} convertedValue=${convertedValue} to hubitatValue=${hubitatValue} isEqual=${isEqual}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1025 return [isEqual, convertedValue] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1026 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1027 /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1029 List compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatPreferenceValue(final Map foundItem, fncmd, preference) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1030 if (foundItem == null || fncmd == null || preference == null) { return [true, 'none'] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1031 if (foundItem?.type == null) { return [true, 'none'] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1032 boolean isEqual // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1033 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1034 def tuyaValueScaled // could be integer or float // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1035 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1036 def preferenceValue = settings[foundItem.name] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1037 switch (foundItem.type) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1038 case 'bool' : // [0:"OFF", 1:"ON"] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1039 (isEqual, tuyaValueScaled) = compareAndConvertNumbers(foundItem, safeToInt(fncmd), safeToInt(preference)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1040 logTrace "compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatPreferenceValue: bool: preference = ${preference} type=${foundItem.type} foundItem=${foundItem.name} isEqual=${isEqual} preferenceValue=${preferenceValue} tuyaValueScaled=${tuyaValueScaled} fncmd=${fncmd}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1041 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1042 case 'enum' : // [0:"inactive", 1:"active"] map:['75': '0.75 meters', '150': '1.50 meters', '225': '2.25 meters'] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1043 Integer scale = (foundItem.scale ?: 0 ) as int // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1044 if (scale != null && scale != 0 && scale != 1) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1045 preferenceValue = preferenceValue.toString().replace('[', '').replace(']', '') // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1046 /* groovylint-disable-next-line ParameterReassignment */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1047 preference = preference.toString().replace('[', '').replace(']', '') // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1048 logTrace "compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatPreferenceValue: enum: scale=${scale} fncmd=${fncmd} preference=${preference} preferenceValue=${preferenceValue} safeToDouble(fncmd)=${safeToDouble(fncmd)} safeToDouble(preference)=${safeToDouble(preference)}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1049 (isEqual, tuyaValueScaled) = compareAndConvertDecimals(foundItem, safeToDouble(fncmd), safeToDouble(preference)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1050 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1051 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1052 (isEqual, tuyaValueScaled) = compareAndConvertNumbers(foundItem, safeToInt(fncmd), safeToInt(preference)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1053 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1054 logTrace "compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatPreferenceValue: enum: preference = ${preference} type=${foundItem.type} foundItem=${foundItem.name} isEqual=${isEqual} preferenceValue=${preferenceValue} tuyaValueScaled=${tuyaValueScaled} fncmd=${fncmd}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1055 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1056 case 'value' : // depends on foundItem.scale // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1057 case 'number' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1058 (isEqual, tuyaValueScaled) = compareAndConvertNumbers(foundItem, safeToInt(fncmd), safeToInt(preference)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1059 logTrace "tuyaValue=${tuyaValue} tuyaValueScaled=${tuyaValueScaled} preferenceValue = ${preference} isEqual=${isEqual}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1060 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1061 case 'decimal' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1062 (isEqual, tuyaValueScaled) = compareAndConvertDecimals(foundItem, safeToDouble(fncmd), safeToDouble(preference)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1063 logTrace "comparing as float tuyaValue=${tuyaValue} foundItem.scale=${foundItem.scale} tuyaValueScaled=${tuyaValueScaled} to preferenceValue = ${preference}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1064 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1065 default : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1066 logDebug 'compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatPreferenceValue: unsupported type %{foundItem.type}' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1067 return [true, 'none'] // fallback - assume equal // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1068 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1069 if (isEqual == false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1070 logDebug "compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatPreferenceValue: preference = ${preference} type=${foundItem.type} foundItem=${foundItem.name} isEqual=${isEqual} tuyaValueScaled=${tuyaValueScaled} (scale=${foundItem.scale}) fncmd=${fncmd}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1071 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1072 // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1073 return [isEqual, tuyaValueScaled] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1074 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1075 // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1077 // called from process TuyaDP from DeviceProfile() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1078 // compares the value of the DP foundItem against a Preference with the same name // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1079 // returns: (two results!) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1080 // isEqual : true - if the Tuya DP value equals to the DP calculated value (no need to update the preference) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1081 // : true - if a preference with the same name does not exist (no preference value to update) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1082 // isEqual : false - the reported DP value is different than the corresponding preference (the preference needs to be updated!) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1083 // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1084 // hubitatEventValue - the converted DP value, scaled (divided by the scale factor) to match the corresponding preference type value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1085 // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1086 // TODO: refactor! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1087 // // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1088 /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef, UnusedMethodParameter */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1089 List compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatEventValue(Map foundItem, int fncmd, boolean doNotTrace=false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1090 if (foundItem == null) { return [true, 'none'] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1091 if (foundItem.type == null) { return [true, 'none'] } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1092 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1093 def hubitatEventValue // could be integer or float or string // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1094 boolean isEqual // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1095 switch (foundItem.type) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1096 case 'bool' : // [0:"OFF", 1:"ON"] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1097 (isEqual, hubitatEventValue) = compareAndConvertStrings(foundItem, foundItem.map[fncmd as int] ?: 'unknown', device.currentValue(foundItem.name) ?: 'unknown') // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1098 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1099 case 'enum' : // [0:"inactive", 1:"active"] foundItem.map=[75:0.75 meters, 150:1.50 meters, 225:2.25 meters, 300:3.00 meters, 375:3.75 meters, 450:4.50 meters] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1100 logTrace "compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatEventValue: enum: foundItem.scale=${foundItem.scale}, fncmd=${fncmd}, device.currentValue(${foundItem.name})=${(device.currentValue(foundItem.name))} map=${foundItem.map}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1101 Object latestEvent = device.currentState(foundItem.name) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1102 String dataType = latestEvent?.dataType // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1103 logTrace "latestEvent is ${latestEvent} dataType is ${dataType}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1104 // if the attribute is of a type enum, the value is a string. Compare the string values! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1105 if (dataType == null || dataType == 'ENUM') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1106 (isEqual, hubitatEventValue) = compareAndConvertStrings(foundItem, foundItem.map[fncmd as int] ?: 'unknown', device.currentValue(foundItem.name) ?: 'unknown') // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1107 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1108 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1109 (isEqual, hubitatEventValue) = compareAndConvertEnumKeys(foundItem, fncmd, device.currentValue(foundItem.name)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1110 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1111 logTrace "compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatEventValue: after compareAndConvertStrings: isEqual=${isEqual} hubitatEventValue=${hubitatEventValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1112 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1113 case 'value' : // depends on foundItem.scale // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1114 case 'number' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1115 //logTrace "compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatEventValue: foundItem.scale=${foundItem.scale} fncmd=${fncmd} device.currentValue(${foundItem.name})=${(device.currentValue(foundItem.name))}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1116 (isEqual, hubitatEventValue) = compareAndConvertNumbers(foundItem, safeToInt(fncmd), safeToInt(device.currentValue(foundItem.name))) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1117 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1118 case 'decimal' : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1119 (isEqual, hubitatEventValue) = compareAndConvertDecimals(foundItem, safeToDouble(fncmd), safeToDouble(device.currentValue(foundItem.name))) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1120 break // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1121 default : // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1122 logDebug 'compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatEventValue: unsupported dpType %{foundItem.type}' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1123 return [true, 'none'] // fallback - assume equal // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1124 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1125 //if (!doNotTrace) log.trace "foundItem=${foundItem.name} isEqual=${isEqual} attrValue=${attrValue} fncmd=${fncmd} foundItem.scale=${foundItem.scale } valueScaled=${valueScaled} " // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1126 return [isEqual, hubitatEventValue] // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1127 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1128 public Integer preProc(final Map foundItem, int fncmd_orig) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1130 Integer fncmd = fncmd_orig // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1131 if (foundItem == null) { return fncmd } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1132 if (foundItem.preProc == null) { return fncmd } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1133 String preProcFunction = foundItem.preProc // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1134 //logDebug "preProc: foundItem.preProc = ${preProcFunction}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1135 // check if preProc method exists // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1136 if (!this.respondsTo(preProcFunction)) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1137 logDebug "preProc: function ${preProcFunction} not found" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1138 return fncmd_orig // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1139 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1140 // execute the preProc function // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1141 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1142 fncmd = "$preProcFunction"(fncmd_orig) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1143 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1144 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1145 logWarn "preProc: Exception '${e}' caught while processing $preProcFunction($fncmd_orig) (val=${fncmd}))" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1146 return fncmd_orig // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1147 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1148 //logDebug "setFunction result is ${fncmd}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1149 return fncmd // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1150 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1151 // TODO: refactor! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1153 // called from custom drivers (customParseE002Cluster customParseFC11Cluster customParseOccupancyCluster ...) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1154 // returns true if the DP was processed successfully, false otherwise. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1155 public boolean processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1156 logTrace "processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile: descMap = ${descMap}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1157 if (state.deviceProfile == null) { logTrace 'state.deviceProfile is missing!'; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1158 if (descMap == null || descMap == [:] || descMap.cluster == null || descMap.attrId == null || descMap.value == null) { logTrace 'descMap is missing cluster, attribute or value!'; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1159 List attribMap = deviceProfilesV3[state.deviceProfile]?.attributes // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1161 if (attribMap == null || attribMap?.isEmpty()) { return false } // no any attributes are defined in the Device Profile // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1162 String clusterAttribute = "0x${descMap.cluster}:0x${descMap.attrId}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1164 int value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1165 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1166 value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1167 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1168 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1169 logWarn "processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile: exception ${e} caught while converting hex value ${descMap.value} to integer" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1170 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1171 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1172 Map foundItem = attribMap.find { it['at'] == clusterAttribute } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1173 if (foundItem == null || foundItem == [:]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1174 // clusterAttribute was not found into the attributes list for this particular deviceProfile // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1175 // updateStateUnknownclusterAttribute(descMap) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1176 // continue processing the descMap report in the old code ... // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1177 logTrace "processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile: clusterAttribute ${clusterAttribute} was not found in the attributes list for this deviceProfile ${DEVICE?.description}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1178 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1179 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1180 value = convertSignedInts(value, foundItem) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1181 return processFoundItem(descMap, foundItem, value, isSpammyDPsToNotTrace(descMap)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1182 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1183 /** // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1185 * Called from standardProcessTuyaDP method in commonLib // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1186 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1187 * Processes a Tuya DP (Data Point) received from the device, based on the device profile and its defined Tuya DPs. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1188 * If a preference exists for the DP, it updates the preference value and sends an event if the DP is declared as an attribute. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1189 * If no preference exists for the DP, it logs the DP value as an info message. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1190 * If the DP is spammy (not needed for anything), it does not perform any further processing. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1191 * // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1192 * @return true if the DP was processed successfully, false otherwise. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1193 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1194 /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedMethodParameter */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1195 public boolean processTuyaDPfromDeviceProfile(final Map descMap, final int dp, final int dp_id, final int fncmd_orig, final int dp_len) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1196 int fncmd = fncmd_orig // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1197 if (state.deviceProfile == null) { return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1198 if (isSpammyDPsToIgnore(descMap)) { return true } // do not perform any further processing, if this is a spammy report that is not needed for anyhting (such as the LED status) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1199 List tuyaDPsMap = deviceProfilesV3[state.deviceProfile]?.tuyaDPs // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1201 if (tuyaDPsMap == null || tuyaDPsMap == [:]) { return false } // no any Tuya DPs defined in the Device Profile // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1202 Map foundItem = tuyaDPsMap.find { it['dp'] == (dp as int) } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1204 if (foundItem == null || foundItem == [:]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1205 // DP was not found into the tuyaDPs list for this particular deviceProfile // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1206 // updateStateUnknownDPs(descMap, dp, dp_id, fncmd, dp_len) // TODO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1207 // continue processing the DP report in the old code ... // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1208 return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1209 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1210 return processFoundItem(descMap, foundItem, fncmd, isSpammyDPsToNotTrace(descMap)) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1211 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1212 /* // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1214 * deviceProfile DP processor : updates the preference value and calls a custom handler or sends an event if the DP is declared as an attribute in the device profile // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1215 */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1216 private boolean processFoundItem(final Map descMap, final Map foundItem, int value, boolean doNotTrace = false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1217 if (foundItem == null) { return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1218 // added 10/31/2023 - preProc the attribute value if needed // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1219 if (foundItem.preProc != null) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1220 /* groovylint-disable-next-line ParameterReassignment */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1221 Integer preProcValue = preProc(foundItem, value) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1222 if (preProcValue == null) { logDebug "processFoundItem: preProc returned null for ${foundItem.name} value ${value} -> further processing is skipped!" ; return true } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1223 if (preProcValue != value) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1224 logDebug "processFoundItem: preProc changed ${foundItem.name} value to ${preProcValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1225 /* groovylint-disable-next-line ParameterReassignment */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1226 value = preProcValue as int // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1227 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1228 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1229 else { logTrace "processFoundItem: no preProc for ${foundItem.name}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1230 String name = foundItem.name // preference name as in the attributes map // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1232 String existingPrefValue = settings[foundItem.name] ?: 'none' // existing preference value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1233 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1234 def preferenceValue = null // preference value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1235 //log.trace "settings=${settings}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1236 boolean preferenceExists = (DEVICE?.preferences != null && !DEVICE?.preferences?.isEmpty()) ? DEVICE?.preferences?.containsKey(foundItem.name) : false // check if there is an existing preference for this clusterAttribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1237 //log.trace "preferenceExists=${preferenceExists}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1238 boolean isAttribute = device.hasAttribute(foundItem.name) // check if there is such a attribute for this clusterAttribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1239 boolean isEqual = false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1240 boolean wasChanged = false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1241 if (!doNotTrace) { logTrace "processFoundItem: name=${foundItem.name}, isAttribute=${isAttribute}, preferenceExists=${preferenceExists}, existingPrefValue=${existingPrefValue} (type ${foundItem.type}, rw=${foundItem.rw}) value is ${value} (description: ${foundItem.description})" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1242 // check if the clusterAttribute has the same value as the last one, or the value has changed // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1243 // the previous value may be stored in an attribute, as a preference, as both attribute and preference or not stored anywhere ... // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1244 String unitText = foundItem.unit != null ? "$foundItem.unit" : '' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1245 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1246 def valueScaled // can be number or decimal or string // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1247 String descText = descText = "${name} is ${value} ${unitText}" // the default description text for log events // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1248 // TODO - check if clusterAttribute is in the list of the received state.attributes - then we have something to compare ! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1250 if (!isAttribute && !preferenceExists) { // if the previous value of this clusterAttribute is not stored anywhere - just seend an Info log if Debug is enabled // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1251 if (!doNotTrace) { // only if the clusterAttribute is not in the spammy list // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1252 logTrace "processFoundItem: no preference or attribute for ${name} - just log the value, if not equal to the last one..." // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1253 // TODO - scaledValue ????? TODO! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1254 descText = "${name} is ${value} ${unitText}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1255 if (settings.logEnable) { logInfo "${descText} (Debug logging is enabled)" } // only when Debug is enabled! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1256 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1257 return true // no more processing is needed, as this clusterAttribute is NOT a preference and NOT an attribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1258 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1259 // first, check if there is a preference defined in the deviceProfileV3 to be updated // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1261 if (preferenceExists && !doNotTrace) { // do not even try to automatically update the preference if it is in the spammy list! - added 04/23/2024 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1262 // preference exists and its's value is extracted // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1263 (isEqual, preferenceValue) = compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatPreferenceValue(foundItem, value, existingPrefValue) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1264 logTrace "processFoundItem: preference '${name}' exists with existingPrefValue ${existingPrefValue} (type ${foundItem.type}) -> isEqual=${isEqual} preferenceValue=${preferenceValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1265 if (isEqual == true) { // the preference is not changed - do nothing // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1266 //log.trace "doNotTrace=${doNotTrace} isSpammyDeviceProfile=${isSpammyDeviceProfile()}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1267 if (!(doNotTrace || isSpammyDeviceProfile())) { // the clusterAttribute value is the same as the preference value - no need to update the preference // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1268 logDebug "processFoundItem: no change: preference '${name}' existingPrefValue ${existingPrefValue} equals scaled value ${preferenceValue} (clusterAttribute raw value ${value})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1269 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1270 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1271 else { // the preferences has changed - update it! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1272 String scaledPreferenceValue = preferenceValue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1273 if (foundItem.type == 'enum' && foundItem.scale != null && foundItem.scale != 0 && foundItem.scale != 1) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1274 scaledPreferenceValue = ((preferenceValue * safeToInt(foundItem.scale)) as int).toString() // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1275 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1276 logDebug "processFoundItem: preference '${name}' value ${existingPrefValue} differs from the new scaled value ${preferenceValue} (clusterAttribute raw value ${value})" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1277 if (settings.logEnable) { logInfo "updating the preference '${name}' from ${existingPrefValue} to ${preferenceValue} (scaledPreferenceValue=${scaledPreferenceValue}, type=${foundItem.type})" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1278 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1279 device.updateSetting("${name}", [value:scaledPreferenceValue, type:foundItem.type]) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1280 wasChanged = true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1281 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1282 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1283 logWarn "exception ${e} caught while updating preference ${name} to ${preferenceValue}, type ${foundItem.type}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1284 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1285 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1286 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1287 else { // no preference exists for this clusterAttribute // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1288 // if not in the spammy list - log it! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1289 unitText = foundItem.unit != null ? "$foundItem.unit" : '' // TODO - check if unitText must be declared here or outside the if block // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1290 //logInfo "${name} is ${value} ${unitText}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1291 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1292 // second, send an event if this is declared as an attribute! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1294 if (isAttribute) { // this clusterAttribute has an attribute that must be sent in an Event // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1295 (isEqual, valueScaled) = compareAndConvertTuyaToHubitatEventValue(foundItem, value, doNotTrace) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1296 if (isEqual == false) { logTrace "attribute '${name}' exists (type ${foundItem.type}), value ${value} -> isEqual=${isEqual} valueScaled=${valueScaled} wasChanged=${wasChanged}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1297 descText = "${name} is ${valueScaled} ${unitText}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1298 if (settings?.logEnable == true) { descText += " (raw:${value})" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1299 if (state.states != null && state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { descText += ' [refresh]' } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1300 if (isEqual && !wasChanged) { // this DP report has the same value as the last one - just send a debug log and move along! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1301 if (!doNotTrace) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1302 if (settings.logEnable) { logDebug "${descText } (no change)" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1303 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1304 if (foundItem.processDuplicated == true) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1305 logDebug 'processDuplicated=true -> continue' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1306 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1307 // patch for inverted motion sensor 2-in-1 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1309 if (name == 'motion' && is2in1()) { // TODO - remove the patch !! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1310 logDebug 'patch for inverted motion sensor 2-in-1' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1311 // continue ... // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1312 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1313 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1315 if (state.states != null && state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1316 logTrace 'isRefresh = true - continue and send an event, although there was no change...' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1317 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1318 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1319 //log.trace "should not be here !!!!!!!!!!" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1320 return true // we are done (if there was potentially a preference, it should be already set to the same value) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1321 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1322 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1323 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1324 // clusterAttribute value (value) is not equal to the attribute last value or was changed- we must send an update event! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1326 int divider = safeToInt(foundItem.scale ?: 1) ?: 1 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1327 float valueCorrected = value / divider // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1328 if (!doNotTrace) { logTrace "value=${value} foundItem.scale=${foundItem.scale} divider=${divider} valueCorrected=${valueCorrected}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1329 // process the events in the device specific driver.. // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1330 if (this.respondsTo('customProcessDeviceProfileEvent')) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1331 customProcessDeviceProfileEvent(descMap, name, valueScaled, unitText, descText) // used in Zigbee_TRV // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1332 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1333 else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1334 // no custom handler - send the event as usual // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1335 sendEvent(name : name, value : valueScaled, unit:unitText, descriptionText: descText, type: 'physical', isStateChange: true) // attribute value is changed - send an event ! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1336 if (!doNotTrace) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1337 logTrace "event ${name} sent w/ valueScaled ${valueScaled}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1338 logInfo "${descText}" // TODO - send info log only if the value has changed? // TODO - check whether Info log will be sent also for spammy clusterAttribute ? // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1339 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1340 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1341 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1342 return true // all processing was done here! // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1343 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1344 // not used ? (except for debugging)? TODO // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1346 public boolean validateAndFixPreferences(String debugStr) { return validateAndFixPreferences(debugStr.toBoolean() as boolean) } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1347 public boolean validateAndFixPreferences(boolean debug=false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1348 //debug = true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1349 if (debug) { logTrace "validateAndFixPreferences: preferences=${DEVICE?.preferences}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1350 if (DEVICE?.preferences == null || DEVICE?.preferences == [:]) { logDebug "validateAndFixPreferences: no preferences defined for device profile ${getDeviceProfile()}" ; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1351 int validationFailures = 0, validationFixes = 0, total = 0 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1352 /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef, VariableTypeRequired */ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1353 def oldSettingValue, newValue // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1354 String settingType = '' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1355 DEVICE?.preferences.each { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1356 Map foundMap = getPreferencesMapByName(it.key) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1357 if (foundMap == null || foundMap == [:]) { logDebug "validateAndFixPreferences: map not found for preference ${it.key}" ; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1358 settingType = device.getSettingType(it.key) ; oldSettingValue = device.getSetting(it.key) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1359 if (settingType == null) { logDebug "validateAndFixPreferences: settingType not found for preference ${it.key}" ; return false } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1360 if (debug) { logTrace "validateAndFixPreferences: preference ${it.key} (dp=${it.value}) oldSettingValue = ${oldSettingValue} mapType = ${foundMap.type} settingType=${settingType}" } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1361 if (foundMap.type != settingType) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1362 logDebug "validateAndFixPreferences: preference ${it.key} (dp=${it.value}) new mapType = ${foundMap.type} differs from the old settingType=${settingType} (oldSettingValue = ${oldSettingValue}) " // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1363 validationFailures ++ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1364 // remove the setting and create a new one using the foundMap.type // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1365 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1366 device.removeSetting(it.key) ; logDebug "validateAndFixPreferences: removing setting ${it.key}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1367 } catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1368 logWarn "validateAndFixPreferences: exception ${e} caught while removing setting ${it.key}" ; return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1369 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1370 // first, try to use the old setting value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1371 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1372 // correct the oldSettingValue type // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1373 if (foundMap.type == 'decimal') { newValue = oldSettingValue.toDouble() } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1374 else if (foundMap.type == 'number') { newValue = oldSettingValue.toInteger() } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1375 else if (foundMap.type == 'bool') { newValue = oldSettingValue == 'true' ? 1 : 0 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1376 else if (foundMap.type == 'enum') { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1377 // check if the old settingValue was 'true' or 'false' and convert it to 1 or 0 // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1378 if (oldSettingValue == 'true' || oldSettingValue == 'false' || oldSettingValue == true || oldSettingValue == false) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1379 newValue = (oldSettingValue == 'true' || oldSettingValue == true) ? '1' : '0' // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1380 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1381 // check if there are any period chars in the foundMap.map string keys as String and format the settingValue as string with 2 decimals // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1382 else if (foundMap.map.keySet().toString().any { it.contains('.') }) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1383 newValue = String.format('%.2f', oldSettingValue) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1384 } else { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1385 // format the settingValue as a string of the integer value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1386 newValue = String.format('%d', oldSettingValue) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1387 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1388 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1389 device.updateSetting(it.key, [value:newValue, type:foundMap.type]) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1390 logDebug "validateAndFixPreferences: removed and updated setting ${it.key} from old type ${settingType} to new type ${foundMap.type} with the old value ${oldSettingValue} to new value ${newValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1391 validationFixes ++ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1392 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1393 catch (e) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1394 logWarn "validateAndFixPreferences: exception '${e}' caught while creating setting ${it.key} with type ${foundMap.type} to new type ${foundMap.type} with the old value ${oldSettingValue} to new value ${newValue}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1395 // change the settingValue to the foundMap default value // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1396 try { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1397 settingValue = foundMap.defVal // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1398 device.updateSetting(it.key, [value:settingValue, type:foundMap.type]) // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1399 logDebug "validateAndFixPreferences: updated setting ${it.key} from old type ${settingType} to new type ${foundMap.type} with default value ${newValue} " // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1400 validationFixes ++ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1401 } catch (e2) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1402 logWarn "validateAndFixPreferences: exception '${e2}' caught while setting default value ... Giving up!" ; return false // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1403 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1404 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1405 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1406 total ++ // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1407 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1408 logDebug "validateAndFixPreferences: total = ${total} validationFailures = ${validationFailures} validationFixes = ${validationFixes}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1409 return true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1410 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1411 // command for debugging // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1413 public void printFingerprints() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1414 deviceProfilesV3.each { profileName, profileMap -> // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1415 profileMap.fingerprints?.each { fingerprint -> // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1416 logInfo "${fingerprint}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1417 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1418 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1419 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1420 // command for debugging // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1422 public void printPreferences() { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1423 logDebug "printPreferences: DEVICE?.preferences=${DEVICE?.preferences}" // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1424 if (DEVICE != null && DEVICE?.preferences != null && DEVICE?.preferences != [:] && DEVICE?.device?.isDepricated != true) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1425 (DEVICE?.preferences).each { key, value -> // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1426 Map inputMap = inputIt(key, true) // debug = true // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1427 if (inputMap != null && inputMap != [:]) { // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1428 log.trace inputMap // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1429 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1430 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1431 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1432 } // library marker kkossev.deviceProfileLib, line 1433 // ~~~~~ end include (142) kkossev.deviceProfileLib ~~~~~ // ~~~~~ start include (168) kkossev.illuminanceLib ~~~~~ /* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, CouldBeSwitchStatement, DuplicateListLiteral, DuplicateNumberLiteral, DuplicateStringLiteral, ImplicitClosureParameter, ImplicitReturnStatement, Instanceof, LineLength, MethodCount, MethodSize, NoDouble, NoFloat, NoWildcardImports, ParameterCount, ParameterName, PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods, UnnecessaryElseStatement, UnnecessaryGetter, UnnecessaryPublicModifier, UnnecessarySetter, UnusedImport */ // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 1 library( // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 2 base: 'driver', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', category: 'zigbee', description: 'Zigbee Illuminance Library', name: 'illuminanceLib', namespace: 'kkossev', // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 3 importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/hubitat/development/libraries/illuminanceLib.groovy', documentationLink: '', // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 4 version: '3.2.1' // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 5 ) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 6 /* // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 7 * Zigbee Illuminance Library // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 8 * // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 9 * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 10 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 11 * // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 12 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 13 * // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 14 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 15 * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 16 * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 17 * // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 18 * ver. 3.0.0 2024-04-06 kkossev - added illuminanceLib.groovy // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 19 * ver. 3.2.0 2024-05-28 kkossev - commonLib 3.2.0 allignment; added capability 'IlluminanceMeasurement'; added illuminanceRefresh() // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 20 * ver. 3.2.1 2024-07-06 kkossev - added illuminanceCoeff; added luxThreshold and illuminanceCoeff to preferences (if applicable) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 21 * // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 22 * TODO: illum threshold not working! // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 23 * TODO: check illuminanceInitializeVars() and illuminanceProcessTuyaDP() usage // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 24 */ // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 25 static String illuminanceLibVersion() { '3.2.1' } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 27 static String illuminanceLibStamp() { '2024/07/06 1:34 PM' } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 28 metadata { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 30 capability 'IlluminanceMeasurement' // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 31 // no attributes // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 32 // no commands // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 33 preferences { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 34 if (device) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 35 if ((DEVICE?.capabilities?.IlluminanceMeasurement == true) && (DEVICE?.preferences.illuminanceThreshold != false) && !(DEVICE?.device?.isDepricated == true)) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 36 input('illuminanceThreshold', 'number', title: 'Lux threshold', description: 'Minimum change in the lux which will trigger an event', range: '0..999', defaultValue: 5) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 37 if (advancedOptions) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 38 input('illuminanceCoeff', 'decimal', title: 'Illuminance Correction Coefficient', description: 'Illuminance correction coefficient, range (0.10..10.00)', range: '0.10..10.00', defaultValue: 1.00) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 39 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 40 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 41 /* // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 42 if (device.hasCapability('IlluminanceMeasurement')) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 43 input 'minReportingTime', 'number', title: 'Minimum Reporting Time (sec)', description: 'Minimum time between illuminance reports', defaultValue: 60, required: false // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 44 input 'maxReportingTime', 'number', title: 'Maximum Reporting Time (sec)', description: 'Maximum time between illuminance reports', defaultValue: 3600, required: false // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 45 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 46 */ // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 47 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 48 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 49 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 50 @Field static final Integer DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD = 10 // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 52 void standardParseIlluminanceCluster(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 54 if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { return } // invalid or unknown value // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 55 final int value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 56 int lux = value > 0 ? Math.round(Math.pow(10, (value / 10000))) : 0 // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 57 handleIlluminanceEvent(lux) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 58 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 59 void handleIlluminanceEvent(int illuminance, boolean isDigital=false) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 61 Map eventMap = [:] // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 62 if (state.stats != null) { state.stats['illumCtr'] = (state.stats['illumCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 } else { state.stats = [:] } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 63 eventMap.name = 'illuminance' // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 64 Integer illumCorrected = Math.round((illuminance * ((settings?.illuminanceCoeff ?: 1.00) as float))) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 65 eventMap.value = illumCorrected // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 66 eventMap.type = isDigital ? 'digital' : 'physical' // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 67 eventMap.unit = 'lx' // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 68 eventMap.descriptionText = "${eventMap.name} is ${eventMap.value} ${eventMap.unit}" // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 69 Integer timeElapsed = Math.round((now() - (state.lastRx['illumTime'] ?: now())) / 1000) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 70 Integer minTime = settings?.minReportingTime ?: DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING_TIME // defined in commonLib // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 71 Integer timeRamaining = (minTime - timeElapsed) as Integer // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 72 Integer lastIllum = device.currentValue('illuminance') ?: 0 // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 73 Integer delta = Math.abs(lastIllum - illumCorrected) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 74 if (delta < ((settings?.illuminanceThreshold ?: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD) as int)) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 75 logDebug "skipped illuminance ${illumCorrected}, less than delta ${settings?.illuminanceThreshold} (lastIllum=${lastIllum})" // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 76 return // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 77 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 78 if (timeElapsed >= minTime) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 79 logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 80 unschedule('sendDelayedIllumEvent') //get rid of stale queued reports // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 81 state.lastRx['illumTime'] = now() // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 82 sendEvent(eventMap) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 83 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 84 else { // queue the event // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 85 eventMap.type = 'delayed' // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 86 logDebug "${device.displayName} delaying ${timeRamaining} seconds event : ${eventMap}" // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 87 runIn(timeRamaining, 'sendDelayedIllumEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 88 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 89 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 90 /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedPrivateMethod */ // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 92 private void sendDelayedIllumEvent(Map eventMap) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 93 logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText} (${eventMap.type})" // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 94 state.lastRx['illumTime'] = now() // TODO - -(minReportingTimeHumidity * 2000) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 95 sendEvent(eventMap) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 96 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 97 @Field static final Map tuyaIlluminanceOpts = [0: 'low', 1: 'medium', 2: 'high'] // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 99 /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedMethodParameter */ // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 101 void illuminanceProcessTuyaDP(final Map descMap, int dp, int dp_id, int fncmd) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 102 switch (dp) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 103 case 0x01 : // on/off // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 104 if (DEVICE_TYPE in ['LightSensor']) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 105 logDebug "LightSensor BrightnessLevel = ${tuyaIlluminanceOpts[fncmd as int]} (${fncmd})" // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 106 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 107 else { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 108 sendSwitchEvent(fncmd) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 109 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 110 break // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 111 case 0x02 : // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 112 if (DEVICE_TYPE in ['LightSensor']) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 113 handleIlluminanceEvent(fncmd) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 114 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 115 else { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 116 logDebug "Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 117 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 118 break // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 119 case 0x04 : // battery // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 120 sendBatteryPercentageEvent(fncmd) // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 121 break // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 122 default : // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 123 logWarn "NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 124 break // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 125 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 126 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 127 void illuminanceInitializeVars( boolean fullInit = false ) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 129 logDebug "customInitializeVars()... fullInit = ${fullInit}" // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 130 if (device.hasCapability('IlluminanceMeasurement')) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 131 if (fullInit || settings?.minReportingTime == null) { device.updateSetting('minReportingTime', [value:DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING_TIME, type:'number']) } // defined in commonLib // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 132 if (fullInit || settings?.maxReportingTime == null) { device.updateSetting('maxReportingTime', [value:DEFAULT_MAX_REPORTING_TIME, type:'number']) } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 133 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 134 if (device.hasCapability('IlluminanceMeasurement')) { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 135 if (fullInit || settings?.illuminanceThreshold == null) { device.updateSetting('illuminanceThreshold', [value:DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD, type:'number']) } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 136 if (fullInit || settings?.illuminanceCoeff == null) { device.updateSetting('illuminanceCoeff', [value:1.00, type:'decimal']) } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 137 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 138 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 139 List illuminanceRefresh() { // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 141 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 142 cmds = zigbee.readAttribute(0x0400, 0x0000, [:], delay = 200) // illuminance // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 143 return cmds // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 144 } // library marker kkossev.illuminanceLib, line 145 // ~~~~~ end include (168) kkossev.illuminanceLib ~~~~~ // ~~~~~ start include (180) kkossev.motionLib ~~~~~ /* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, CouldBeSwitchStatement, DuplicateListLiteral, DuplicateNumberLiteral, DuplicateStringLiteral, ImplicitClosureParameter, ImplicitReturnStatement, Instanceof, LineLength, MethodCount, MethodSize, NoDouble, NoFloat, NoWildcardImports, ParameterCount, ParameterName, UnnecessaryElseStatement, UnnecessaryGetter, UnnecessaryPublicModifier, UnnecessarySetter, UnusedImport */ // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 1 library( // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 2 base: 'driver', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', category: 'zigbee', description: 'Zigbee Motion Library', name: 'motionLib', namespace: 'kkossev', // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 3 importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/hubitat/development/libraries/motionLib.groovy', documentationLink: '', // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 4 version: '3.2.0' // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 5 ) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 6 /* Zigbee Motion Library // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 7 * // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 8 * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 9 * // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 10 * ver. 3.2.0 2024-07-06 kkossev - added motionLib.groovy; added [digital] [physical] to the descriptionText // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 11 * // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 12 * TODO: // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 13 */ // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 14 static String motionLibVersion() { '3.2.0' } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 16 static String motionLibStamp() { '2024/07/06 8:28 PM' } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 17 metadata { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 19 capability 'MotionSensor' // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 20 // no custom attributes // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 21 command 'setMotion', [[name: 'setMotion', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['No selection', 'active', 'inactive'], description: 'Force motion active/inactive (for tests)']] // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 22 preferences { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 23 if (device) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 24 if (('motionReset' in DEVICE?.preferences) && (DEVICE?.preferences.motionReset == true)) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 25 input(name: 'motionReset', type: 'bool', title: 'Reset Motion to Inactive', description: 'Software Reset Motion to Inactive after timeout. Recommended value is false', defaultValue: false) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 26 if (settings?.motionReset?.value == true) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 27 input('motionResetTimer', 'number', title: 'Motion Reset Timer', description: 'After motion is detected, wait ___ second(s) until resetting to inactive state. Default = 60 seconds', range: '0..7200', defaultValue: 60) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 28 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 29 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 30 if (advancedOptions == true) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 31 if ('invertMotion' in DEVICE?.preferences) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 32 input(name: 'invertMotion', type: 'bool', title: 'Invert Motion Active/Not Active', description: 'Some Tuya motion sensors may report the motion active/inactive inverted...', defaultValue: false) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 33 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 34 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 35 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 36 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 37 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 38 public void handleMotion(final boolean motionActive, final boolean isDigital=false) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 40 boolean motionActiveCopy = motionActive // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 41 if (settings.invertMotion == true) { // patch!! fix it! // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 43 motionActiveCopy = !motionActiveCopy // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 44 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 45 //log.trace "handleMotion: motionActive=${motionActiveCopy}, isDigital=${isDigital}" // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 47 if (motionActiveCopy) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 48 int timeout = settings?.motionResetTimer ?: 0 // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 49 // If the sensor only sends a motion detected message, the reset to motion inactive must be performed in code // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 50 if (settings?.motionReset == true && timeout != 0) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 51 runIn(timeout, 'resetToMotionInactive', [overwrite: true]) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 52 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 53 if (device.currentState('motion')?.value != 'active') { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 54 state.motionStarted = unix2formattedDate(now()) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 55 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 56 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 57 else { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 58 if (device.currentState('motion')?.value == 'inactive') { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 59 logDebug "ignored motion inactive event after ${getSecondsInactive()}s" // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 60 return // do not process a second motion inactive event! // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 61 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 62 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 63 sendMotionEvent(motionActiveCopy, isDigital) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 64 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 65 public void sendMotionEvent(final boolean motionActive, boolean isDigital=false) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 67 String descriptionText = 'Detected motion' // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 68 if (motionActive) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 69 descriptionText = device.currentValue('motion') == 'active' ? "Motion is active ${getSecondsInactive()}s" : 'Detected motion' // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 70 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 71 else { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 72 descriptionText = "Motion reset to inactive after ${getSecondsInactive()}s" // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 73 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 74 if (isDigital) { descriptionText += ' [digital]' } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 75 logInfo "${descriptionText}" // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 76 sendEvent( // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 77 name : 'motion', // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 78 value : motionActive ? 'active' : 'inactive', // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 79 type : isDigital == true ? 'digital' : 'physical', // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 80 descriptionText : descriptionText // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 81 ) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 82 //runIn(1, formatAttrib, [overwrite: true]) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 83 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 84 public void resetToMotionInactive() { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 86 if (device.currentState('motion')?.value == 'active') { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 87 String descText = "Motion reset to inactive after ${getSecondsInactive()}s (software timeout)" // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 88 sendEvent( // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 89 name : 'motion', // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 90 value : 'inactive', // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 91 isStateChange : true, // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 92 type: 'digital', // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 93 descriptionText : descText // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 94 ) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 95 logInfo "${descText}" // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 96 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 97 else { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 98 logDebug "ignored resetToMotionInactive (software timeout) after ${getSecondsInactive()}s" // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 99 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 100 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 101 public void setMotion(String mode) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 103 if (mode == 'active') { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 104 handleMotion(motionActive = true, isDigital = true) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 105 } else if (mode == 'inactive') { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 106 handleMotion(motionActive = false, isDigital = true) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 107 } else { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 108 if (settings?.txtEnable) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 109 log.warn "${device.displayName} please select motion action" // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 110 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 111 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 112 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 113 public int getSecondsInactive() { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 115 Long unixTime = 0 // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 116 try { unixTime = formattedDate2unix(state.motionStarted) } catch (Exception e) { logWarn "getSecondsInactive: ${e}" } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 117 if (unixTime) { return Math.round((now() - unixTime) / 1000) as int } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 118 return settings?.motionResetTimer ?: 0 // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 119 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 120 public List refreshAllMotion() { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 122 logDebug 'refreshAllMotion()' // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 123 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 124 return cmds // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 125 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 126 public void motionInitializeVars( boolean fullInit = false ) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 128 logDebug "motionInitializeVars()... fullInit = ${fullInit}" // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 129 if (device.hasCapability('MotionSensor')) { // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 130 if (fullInit == true || settings.motionReset == null) device.updateSetting('motionReset', false) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 131 if (fullInit == true || settings.invertMotion == null) device.updateSetting('invertMotion', false) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 132 if (fullInit == true || settings.motionResetTimer == null) device.updateSetting('motionResetTimer', 60) // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 133 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 134 } // library marker kkossev.motionLib, line 135 // ~~~~~ end include (180) kkossev.motionLib ~~~~~ // ~~~~~ start include (171) kkossev.batteryLib ~~~~~ /* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, CouldBeSwitchStatement, DuplicateListLiteral, DuplicateNumberLiteral, DuplicateStringLiteral, ImplicitClosureParameter, ImplicitReturnStatement, Instanceof, LineLength, MethodCount, MethodSize, NoDouble, NoFloat, NoJavaUtilDate, NoWildcardImports, ParameterCount, ParameterName, PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods, UnnecessaryElseStatement, UnnecessaryGetter, UnnecessaryObjectReferences, UnnecessaryPublicModifier, UnnecessarySetter, UnusedImport */ // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 1 library( // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 2 base: 'driver', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', category: 'zigbee', description: 'Zigbee Battery Library', name: 'batteryLib', namespace: 'kkossev', // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 3 importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/hubitat/development/libraries/batteryLib.groovy', documentationLink: '', // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 4 version: '3.2.2' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 5 ) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 6 /* // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 7 * Zigbee Level Library // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 8 * // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 9 * Licensed Virtual the Apache License, Version 2.0 // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 10 * // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 11 * ver. 3.0.0 2024-04-06 kkossev - added batteryLib.groovy // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 12 * ver. 3.0.1 2024-04-06 kkossev - customParsePowerCluster bug fix // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 13 * ver. 3.0.2 2024-04-14 kkossev - batteryPercentage bug fix (was x2); added bVoltCtr; added battertRefresh // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 14 * ver. 3.2.0 2024-05-21 kkossev - commonLib 3.2.0 allignment; added lastBattery; added handleTuyaBatteryLevel // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 15 * ver. 3.2.1 2024-07-06 kkossev - added tuyaToBatteryLevel and handleTuyaBatteryLevel; added batteryInitializeVars // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 16 * ver. 3.2.2 2024-07-18 kkossev - added BatteryVoltage and BatteryDelay device capability checks // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 17 * // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 18 * TODO: // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 19 * TODO: battery voltage low/high limits configuration // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 20 */ // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 21 static String batteryLibVersion() { '3.2.2' } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 23 static String batteryLibStamp() { '2024/07/18 2:34 PM' } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 24 metadata { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 26 capability 'Battery' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 27 attribute 'batteryVoltage', 'number' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 28 attribute 'lastBattery', 'date' // last battery event time - added in 3.2.0 05/21/2024 // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 29 // no commands // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 30 preferences { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 31 if (device && advancedOptions == true) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 32 if ('BatteryVoltage' in DEVICE?.capabilities) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 33 input name: 'voltageToPercent', type: 'bool', title: 'Battery Voltage to Percentage', defaultValue: false, description: 'Convert battery voltage to battery Percentage remaining.' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 34 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 35 if ('BatteryDelay' in DEVICE?.capabilities) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 36 input(name: 'batteryDelay', type: 'enum', title: 'Battery Events Delay', description:'Select the Battery Events Delay
(default is no delay)', options: DelayBatteryOpts.options, defaultValue: DelayBatteryOpts.defaultValue) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 37 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 38 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 39 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 40 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 41 @Field static final Map DelayBatteryOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options: [0: 'No delay', 30: '30 seconds', 3600: '1 hour', 14400: '4 hours', 28800: '8 hours', 43200: '12 hours']] // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 43 public void standardParsePowerCluster(final Map descMap) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 45 if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { return } // invalid or unknown value // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 46 final int rawValue = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 47 if (descMap.attrId == '0020') { // battery voltage // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 48 state.lastRx['batteryTime'] = new Date().getTime() // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 49 state.stats['bVoltCtr'] = (state.stats['bVoltCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 50 sendBatteryVoltageEvent(rawValue) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 51 if ((settings.voltageToPercent ?: false) == true) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 52 sendBatteryVoltageEvent(rawValue, convertToPercent = true) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 53 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 54 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 55 else if (descMap.attrId == '0021') { // battery percentage // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 56 state.lastRx['batteryTime'] = new Date().getTime() // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 57 state.stats['battCtr'] = (state.stats['battCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 58 if (isTuya()) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 59 sendBatteryPercentageEvent(rawValue) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 60 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 61 else { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 62 sendBatteryPercentageEvent((rawValue / 2) as int) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 63 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 64 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 65 else { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 66 logWarn "customParsePowerCluster: zigbee received unknown Power cluster attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 67 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 68 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 69 public void sendBatteryVoltageEvent(final int rawValue, boolean convertToPercent=false) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 71 logDebug "batteryVoltage = ${(double)rawValue / 10.0} V" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 72 final Date lastBattery = new Date() // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 73 Map result = [:] // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 74 BigDecimal volts = safeToBigDecimal(rawValue) / 10G // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 75 if (rawValue != 0 && rawValue != 255) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 76 BigDecimal minVolts = 2.2 // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 77 BigDecimal maxVolts = 3.2 // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 78 BigDecimal pct = (volts - minVolts) / (maxVolts - minVolts) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 79 int roundedPct = Math.round(pct * 100) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 80 if (roundedPct <= 0) { roundedPct = 1 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 81 if (roundedPct > 100) { roundedPct = 100 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 82 if (convertToPercent == true) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 83 result.value = Math.min(100, roundedPct) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 84 result.name = 'battery' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 85 result.unit = '%' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 86 result.descriptionText = "battery is ${roundedPct} %" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 87 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 88 else { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 89 result.value = volts // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 90 result.name = 'batteryVoltage' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 91 result.unit = 'V' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 92 result.descriptionText = "battery is ${volts} Volts" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 93 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 94 result.type = 'physical' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 95 result.isStateChange = true // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 96 logInfo "${result.descriptionText}" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 97 sendEvent(result) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 98 sendEvent(name: 'lastBattery', value: lastBattery) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 99 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 100 else { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 101 logWarn "ignoring BatteryResult(${rawValue})" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 102 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 103 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 104 public void sendBatteryPercentageEvent(final int batteryPercent, boolean isDigital=false) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 106 if ((batteryPercent as int) == 255) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 107 logWarn "ignoring battery report raw=${batteryPercent}" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 108 return // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 109 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 110 final Date lastBattery = new Date() // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 111 Map map = [:] // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 112 map.name = 'battery' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 113 map.timeStamp = now() // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 114 map.value = batteryPercent < 0 ? 0 : batteryPercent > 100 ? 100 : (batteryPercent as int) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 115 map.unit = '%' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 116 map.type = isDigital ? 'digital' : 'physical' // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 117 map.descriptionText = "${map.name} is ${map.value} ${map.unit}" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 118 map.isStateChange = true // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 119 // // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 120 Object latestBatteryEvent = device.currentState('battery') // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 121 Long latestBatteryEventTime = latestBatteryEvent != null ? latestBatteryEvent.getDate().getTime() : now() // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 122 //log.debug "battery latest state timeStamp is ${latestBatteryTime} now is ${now()}" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 123 int timeDiff = ((now() - latestBatteryEventTime) / 1000) as int // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 124 if (settings?.batteryDelay == null || (settings?.batteryDelay as int) == 0 || timeDiff > (settings?.batteryDelay as int)) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 125 // send it now! // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 126 sendDelayedBatteryPercentageEvent(map) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 127 sendEvent(name: 'lastBattery', value: lastBattery) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 128 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 129 else { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 130 int delayedTime = (settings?.batteryDelay as int) - timeDiff // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 131 map.delayed = delayedTime // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 132 map.descriptionText += " [delayed ${map.delayed} seconds]" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 133 map.lastBattery = lastBattery // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 134 logDebug "this battery event (${map.value}%) will be delayed ${delayedTime} seconds" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 135 runIn(delayedTime, 'sendDelayedBatteryEvent', [overwrite: true, data: map]) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 136 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 137 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 138 private void sendDelayedBatteryPercentageEvent(Map map) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 140 logInfo "${map.descriptionText}" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 141 //map.each {log.trace "$it"} // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 142 sendEvent(map) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 143 sendEvent(name: 'lastBattery', value: map.lastBattery) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 144 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 145 /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedPrivateMethod */ // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 147 private void sendDelayedBatteryVoltageEvent(Map map) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 148 logInfo "${map.descriptionText}" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 149 //map.each {log.trace "$it"} // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 150 sendEvent(map) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 151 sendEvent(name: 'lastBattery', value: map.lastBattery) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 152 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 153 public int tuyaToBatteryLevel(int fncmd) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 155 int rawValue = fncmd // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 156 switch (fncmd) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 157 case 0: rawValue = 100; break // Battery Full // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 158 case 1: rawValue = 75; break // Battery High // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 159 case 2: rawValue = 50; break // Battery Medium // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 160 case 3: rawValue = 25; break // Battery Low // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 161 case 4: rawValue = 100; break // Tuya 3 in 1 -> USB powered // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 162 // for all other values >4 we will use the raw value, expected to be the real battery level 4..100% // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 163 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 164 return rawValue // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 165 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 166 public void handleTuyaBatteryLevel(int fncmd) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 168 int rawValue = tuyaToBatteryLevel(fncmd) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 169 sendBatteryPercentageEvent(rawValue) // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 170 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 171 public void batteryInitializeVars( boolean fullInit = false ) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 173 logDebug "batteryInitializeVars()... fullInit = ${fullInit}" // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 174 if (device.hasCapability('Battery')) { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 175 if (fullInit || settings?.voltageToPercent == null) { device.updateSetting('voltageToPercent', false) } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 176 if (fullInit || settings?.batteryDelay == null) { device.updateSetting('batteryDelay', [value: DelayBatteryOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 177 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 178 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 179 public List batteryRefresh() { // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 181 List cmds = [] // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 182 cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], delay = 100) // battery voltage // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 183 cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0021, [:], delay = 100) // battery percentage // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 184 return cmds // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 185 } // library marker kkossev.batteryLib, line 186 // ~~~~~ end include (171) kkossev.batteryLib ~~~~~