/* groovylint-disable CompileStatic, DuplicateListLiteral, DuplicateMapLiteral, DuplicateStringLiteral, ImplicitClosureParameter, MethodCount, MethodSize, NglParseError, NoDouble, PublicMethodsBeforeNonPublicMethods, StaticMethodsBeforeInstanceMethods, UnnecessaryGetter, UnnecessarySetter */ /** * Zigbee TRVs and Thermostats - Device Driver for Hubitat Elevation * * https://community.hubitat.com/t/dynamic-capabilities-commands-and-attributes-for-drivers/98342 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * ver. 3.0.0 2023-11-16 kkossev - (dev. branch) Refactored version 2.x.x drivers and libraries; adding MOES BRT-100 support - setHeatingSettpoint OK; off OK; level OK; workingState OK * Emergency Heat OK; setThermostatMode OK; Heat OK, Auto OK, Cool OK; setThermostatFanMode OK * ver. 3.0.1 2023-12-02 kkossev - (dev. branch) added NAMRON thermostat profile; added Sonoff TRVZB 0x0201 (Thermostat Cluster) support; thermostatOperatingState ; childLock OK; windowOpenDetection OK; setPar OK for BRT-100 and Aqara; * minHeatingSetpoint & maxHeatingSetpoint OK; calibrationTemp negative values OK!; auto OK; heat OK; cool and emergency heat OK (unsupported); Sonoff off mode OK; * ver. 3.0.2 2023-12-02 kkossev - (dev. branch) importUrl correction; BRT-100: auto OK, heat OK, eco OK, supportedThermostatModes is defined in the device profile; refresh OK; autPoll OK (both BRT-100 and Sonoff); * removed isBRT100TRV() ; removed isSonoffTRV(), removed 'off' mode for BRT-100; heatingSetPoint 12.3 bug fixed; * ver. 3.0.3 2023-12-03 kkossev - (dev. branch) Aqara E1 thermostat refactoring : removed isAqaraTRV(); heatingSetpoint OK; off mode OK, auto OK heat OK; driverVersion state is updated on healthCheck and on preferences saving; * ver. 3.0.4 2023-12-08 kkossev - (dev. branch) code cleanup; fingerpints not generated bug fix; initializeDeviceThermostat() bug fix; debug logs are enabled by default; added VIRTUAL thermostat : ping, auto, cool, emergency heat, heat, off, eco - OK! * setTemperature, setHeatingSetpoint, setCoolingSetpoint - OK setPar() OK setCommand() OK; Google Home compatibility for virtual thermostat; BRT-100: Google Home exceptions bug fix; setHeatingSetpoint to update also the thermostatSetpoint for Google Home compatibility; added 'off' mode for BRT-100; * ver. 3.0.5 2023-12-09 kkossev - (dev. branch) BRT-100 - off mode (substitutues with eco mode); emergency heat mode ; BRT-100 - digital events for temperature, heatingSetpoint and level on autoPollThermostat() and Refresh(); BRT-100: workingState open/closed replaced with thermostatOperatingState * ver. 3.0.6 2023-12-18 kkossev - (dev. branch) configure() changes (SONOFF still not initialized properly!); adding TUYA_SASWELL group; TUYA_SASWELL heatingSetpoint correction; Groovy linting; * ver. 3.0.7 2024-03-04 kkossev - (dev. branch) commonLib 3.0.3 check; more Groovy lint; * ver. 3.0.8 2024-04-01 kkossev - (dev. branch) commonLib 3.0.4 check; more Groovy lint; tested w/ Sonoff TRVZB; * ver. 3.1.0 2024-04-19 kkossev - commonLib 3.1.0 check; deviceProfilesV3; enum attributes bug fix * * TODO: Test VRT-100 * TODO: Test Aqara TRV * TODO: Sonoff : decode weekly shcedule responses (command 0x00) * TODO: Aqara : dev:42172023-12-14 06:48:22.925errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "03281A052101000A21E2CC0D231E0A00001123010000006520006629D809672940066823000000006920646A2000" on line 473 (method parse) * TODO: BRT-100 : what is emergencyHeatingTime and boostTime ? * TODO: initializeDeviceThermostat() - configure in the device profile ! * TODO: partial match for the fingerprint (model if Tuya, manufacturer for the rest) * TODO: remove (raw:) when debug is off * TODO: prevent from showing "invalid enum parameter emergency heat. value must be one of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]"; also for invalid enum parameter cool. * * TODO: add [refresh] for battery heatingSetpoint thermostatOperatingState events and logs * TODO: hide the maxTimeBetweenReport preferences (not used here) * TODO: option to disable the Auto mode ! (like in the wall thermostat driver) * TODO: allow NULL parameters default values in the device profiles * TODO: autoPollThermostat: no polling for device profile UNKNOWN * TODO: configure the reporting for the 0x0201:0x0000 temperature ! (300..3600) * TODO: Ping the device on initialize * TODO: add factoryReset command Basic -0x0000 (Server); command 0x00 * TODO: initializeThermostat() * TODO: Healthcheck to be every hour (not 4 hours) for thermostats * TODO: add option 'Simple TRV' (no additinal attributes) * TODO: add state.thermostat for stroring last attributes * TODO: add 'force manual mode' preference (like in the wall thermostat driver) * TODO: move debug and info logging preferences from the common library to the driver, so that they are the first preferences in the list * TODO: add Info dummy preference to the driver with a hyperlink * TODO: add _DEBUG command (for temporary switching the debug logs on/off) * TODO: make a driver template for new drivers * TODO: Versions of the main module + included libraries * TODO: HomeKit - min and max temperature limits? * TODO: add receiveCheck() methods for heatingSetpint and mode (option) * TODO: separate the autoPoll commands from the refresh commands (lite) * TODO: All TRVs - after emergency heat, restpre the last mode and heatingSetpoint * TODO: VIRTUAL thermostat - option to simualate the thermostatOperatingState * TODO: UNKNOWN TRV - update the deviceProfile - separate 'Unknown Tuya' and 'Unknown ZCL' * TODO: Sonoff - add 'emergency heat' simulation ? ( +timer ?) * TODO: Aqara TRV refactoring : add 'defaults' in the device profile to set up the systemMode initial value as 'unknown' ? * TODO: Aqara TRV refactoring : eco mode simualtion * TODO: Aqara TRV refactoring : emergency heat mode similation by setting maxTemp and when off - restore the previous temperature * TODO: Aqara TRV refactoring : calibration as a command ! * TODO: Aqara TRV refactoring : physical vs digital events ? * TODO: Aqara E1 external sensor */ /* groovylint-disable-next-line ImplicitReturnStatement */ static String version() { '3.1.0' } /* groovylint-disable-next-line ImplicitReturnStatement */ static String timeStamp() { '2024/04/19 8:46 PM' } @Field static final Boolean _DEBUG = false import groovy.transform.Field import hubitat.device.HubMultiAction import hubitat.device.Protocol import hubitat.zigbee.zcl.DataType import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import groovy.json.JsonOutput #include kkossev.commonLib #include kkossev.batteryLib #include kkossev.temperatureLib #include kkossev.xiaomiLib #include kkossev.deviceProfileLib deviceType = 'Thermostat' @Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = 'Thermostat' metadata { definition( name: 'Zigbee TRVs and Thermostats', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Zigbee%20TRV/Zigbee_TRV_lib_included.groovy', namespace: 'kkossev', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', singleThreaded: true) { capability 'Actuator' capability 'Refresh' capability 'Sensor' capability 'Battery' capability 'Temperature Measurement' capability 'Thermostat' // needed for HomeKit // coolingSetpoint - NUMBER; heatingSetpoint - NUMBER; supportedThermostatFanModes - JSON_OBJECT; supportedThermostatModes - JSON_OBJECT; temperature - NUMBER, unit:°F || °C; thermostatFanMode - ENUM ["on", "circulate", "auto"] // thermostatMode - ENUM ["auto", "off", "heat", "emergency heat", "cool"]; thermostatOperatingState - ENUM ["heating", "pending cool", "pending heat", "vent economizer", "idle", "cooling", "fan only"]; thermostatSetpoint - NUMBER, unit:°F || °C capability 'ThermostatHeatingSetpoint' capability 'ThermostatCoolingSetpoint' capability 'ThermostatOperatingState' // thermostatOperatingState - ENUM ["vent economizer", "pending cool", "cooling", "heating", "pending heat", "fan only", "idle"] capability 'ThermostatSetpoint' capability 'ThermostatMode' capability 'ThermostatFanMode' // TODO - add all other models attributes possible values //attribute 'battery', 'number' // Aqara, BRT-100 attribute 'batteryVoltage', 'number' attribute 'boostTime', 'number' // BRT-100 attribute 'calibrated', 'enum', ['false', 'true'] // Aqara E1 attribute 'calibrationTemp', 'number' // BRT-100, Sonoff attribute 'childLock', 'enum', ['off', 'on'] // BRT-100, Aqara E1, Sonoff attribute 'ecoMode', 'enum', ['off', 'on'] // BRT-100 attribute 'ecoTemp', 'number' // BRT-100 attribute 'emergencyHeating', 'enum', ['off', 'on'] // BRT-100 attribute 'emergencyHeatingTime', 'number' // BRT-100 attribute 'frostProtectionTemperature', 'number' // Sonoff attribute 'hysteresis', 'NUMBER' // Virtual thermostat attribute 'level', 'number' // BRT-100 attribute 'minHeatingSetpoint', 'number' // BRT-100, Sonoff attribute 'maxHeatingSetpoint', 'number' // BRT-100, Sonoff attribute 'sensor', 'enum', ['internal', 'external'] // Aqara E1 attribute 'valveAlarm', 'enum', ['false', 'true'] // Aqara E1 attribute 'valveDetection', 'enum', ['off', 'on'] // Aqara E1 attribute 'weeklyProgram', 'number' // BRT-100 attribute 'windowOpenDetection', 'enum', ['off', 'on'] // BRT-100, Aqara E1, Sonoff attribute 'windowsState', 'enum', ['open', 'closed'] // BRT-100, Aqara E1 attribute 'batteryLowAlarm', 'enum', ['batteryOK', 'batteryLow'] // TUYA_SASWELL //attribute 'workingState', "enum", ["open", "closed"] // BRT-100 // Aqaura E1 attributes TODO - consolidate a common set of attributes attribute 'systemMode', 'enum', SystemModeOpts.options.values() as List // 'off','on' - used! attribute 'preset', 'enum', PresetOpts.options.values() as List // 'manual','auto','away' attribute 'awayPresetTemperature', 'number' command 'setThermostatMode', [[name: 'thermostat mode (not all are available!)', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['--- select ---'] + AllPossibleThermostatModesOpts.options.values() as List]] command 'setTemperature', ['NUMBER'] // Virtual thermostat if (_DEBUG) { command 'testT', [[name: 'testT', type: 'STRING', description: 'testT', defaultValue : '']] } // itterate through all the figerprints and add them on the fly deviceProfilesV3.each { profileName, profileMap -> if (profileMap.fingerprints != null) { profileMap.fingerprints.each { fingerprint it } } } } preferences { input name: 'txtEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable descriptionText logging', defaultValue: true, description: 'Enables command logging.' input name: 'logEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable debug logging', defaultValue: true, description: 'Turns on debug logging for 24 hours.' if (advancedOptions == true) { // TODO - move it to the deviceProfile preferences input name: 'temperaturePollingInterval', type: 'enum', title: 'Temperature polling interval', options: TrvTemperaturePollingIntervalOpts.options, defaultValue: TrvTemperaturePollingIntervalOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: 'Changes how often the hub will poll the TRV for faster temperature reading updates and nice looking graphs.' } // the rest of the preferences are inputed from the deviceProfile maps in the deviceProfileLib } } @Field static final Map TrvTemperaturePollingIntervalOpts = [ defaultValue: 600, options : [0: 'Disabled', 60: 'Every minute (not recommended)', 120: 'Every 2 minutes', 300: 'Every 5 minutes', 600: 'Every 10 minutes', 900: 'Every 15 minutes', 1800: 'Every 30 minutes', 3600: 'Every 1 hour'] ] @Field static final Map AllPossibleThermostatModesOpts = [ defaultValue: 1, options : [0: 'off', 1: 'heat', 2: 'cool', 3: 'auto', 4: 'emergency heat', 5: 'eco'] ] @Field static final Map SystemModeOpts = [ //system_mode TODO - remove it !! defaultValue: 1, options : [0: 'off', 1: 'on'] ] @Field static final Map PresetOpts = [ // preset TODO - remove it !! defaultValue: 1, options : [0: 'manual', 1: 'auto', 2: 'away'] ] @Field static final Map deviceProfilesV3 = [ // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/6339b6034de34f8a633e4f753dc6e506ac9b001c/src/devices/xiaomi.ts#L3197 // https://github.com/Smanar/deconz-rest-plugin/blob/6efd103c1a43eb300a19bf3bf3745742239e9fee/devices/xiaomi/xiaomi_lumi.airrtc.agl001.json // https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/issues/6351 'AQARA_E1_TRV' : [ description : 'Aqara E1 Thermostat model SRTS-A01', device : [manufacturers: ['LUMI'], type: 'TRV', powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['ThermostatHeatingSetpoint': true, 'ThermostatOperatingState': true, 'ThermostatSetpoint':true, 'ThermostatMode': true], preferences : ['windowOpenDetection':'0xFCC0:0x0273', 'valveDetection':'0xFCC0:0x0274', 'childLock':'0xFCC0:0x0277', 'awayPresetTemperature':'0xFCC0:0x0279'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,FCC0,000A,0201', outClusters:'0003,FCC0,0201', model:'lumi.airrtc.agl001', manufacturer:'LUMI', deviceJoinName: 'Aqara E1 Thermostat'] ], commands : ['sendSupportedThermostatModes':'sendSupportedThermostatModes', 'autoPollThermostat':'autoPollThermostat', 'resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'], tuyaDPs : [:], attributes : [ [at:'0xFCC0:0x040A', name:'battery', type:'number', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, step:1, scale:1, unit:'%', description:'Battery percentage remaining'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x0270', name:'unknown1', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'false', 1: 'true'], unit:'', title: 'Unknown 0x0270', description:'Unknown 0x0270'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x0271', name:'systemMode', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'on'], unit:'', title: 'System Mode', description:'Switch the TRV OFF or in operation (on)'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x0272', name:'thermostatMode', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'heat', 1: 'auto', 2: 'away'], unit:'', title: 'Preset', description:'Preset'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x0273', name:'windowOpenDetection', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'on'], unit:'', title: 'Window Detection', description:'Window detection'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x0274', name:'valveDetection', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'on'], unit:'', title: 'Valve Detection', description:'Valve detection'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x0275', name:'valveAlarm', type:'enum', dt:'0x23', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'false', 1: 'true'], unit:'', title: 'Valve Alarm', description:'Valve alarm'], // read only [at:'0xFCC0:0x0276', name:'unknown2', type:'enum', dt:'0x41', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'false', 1: 'true'], unit:'', title: 'Unknown 0x0270', description:'Unknown 0x0270'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x0277', name:'childLock', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'unlock', 1: 'lock'], unit:'', title: 'Child Lock', description:'Child lock'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x0278', name:'unknown3', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'ow', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'false', 1: 'true'], unit:'', title: 'Unknown 3', description:'Unknown 3'], // WRITE ONLY ! [at:'0xFCC0:0x0279', name:'awayPresetTemperature', type:'decimal', dt:'0x23', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:35.0, defaultValue:5.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Away Preset Temperature', description:'Away preset temperature'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x027A', name:'windowsState', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'open', 1: 'closed'], unit:'', title: 'Window Open', description:'Window open'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x027B', name:'calibrated', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'false', 1: 'true'], unit:'', title: 'Calibrated', description:'Calibrated'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x027C', name:'unknown4', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'false', 1: 'true'], unit:'', title: 'Unknown 4', description:'Unknown 4'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x027D', name:'schedule', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'on'], unit:'', title: 'Schedule', description:'Schedule'], [at:'0xFCC0:0x027E', name:'sensor', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x115f', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'internal', 1: 'external'], unit:'', title: 'Sensor', description:'Sensor'], // 0xFCC0:0x027F ... 0xFCC0:0x0284 - unknown [at:'0x0201:0x0000', name:'temperature', type:'decimal', dt:'0x29', rw: 'ro', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Temperature', description:'Measured temperature'], [at:'0x0201:0x0011', name:'coolingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'0x29', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Cooling Setpoint', description:'cooling setpoint'], [at:'0x0201:0x0012', name:'heatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'0x29', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Current Heating Setpoint', description:'Current heating setpoint'], [at:'0x0201:0x001B', name:'thermostatOperatingState', type:'enum', dt:'0x30', rw:'rw', min:0, max:4, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heating', 2: 'unknown', 3: 'unknown3', 4: 'idle'], unit:'', description:'thermostatOperatingState (relay on/off status)'], // nothing happens when WRITING ???? // ^^^^ reporting only ? [at:'0x0201:0x001C', name:'mode', type:'enum', dt:'0x30', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', title: ' Mode', description:'System Mode ?'], // ^^^^ TODO - check if this is the same as system_mode [at:'0x0201:0x001E', name:'thermostatRunMode', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', title: 'thermostatRunMode', description:'thermostatRunMode'], // ^^ unsupported attribute? or reporting only ? [at:'0x0201:0x0020', name:'battery2', type:'number', dt:'0x20', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, step:1, scale:1, unit:'%', description:'Battery percentage remaining'], // ^^ unsupported attribute? or reporting only ? [at:'0x0201:0x0023', name:'thermostatHoldMode', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', title: 'thermostatHoldMode', description:'thermostatHoldMode'], // ^^ unsupported attribute? or reporting only ? [at:'0x0201:0x0029', name:'thermostatOperatingState', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', rw: 'ow', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'idle', 1: 'heating'], unit:'', title: 'thermostatOperatingState', description:'thermostatOperatingState'], // ^^ unsupported attribute? or reporting only ? encoding - 0x29 ?? ^^ [at:'0x0201:0xFFF2', name:'unknown', type:'number', dt:'0x21', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, step:1, scale:1, unit:'%', description:'Battery percentage remaining'], // ^^ unsupported attribute? or reporting only ? ], supportedThermostatModes: ['off', 'auto', 'heat', 'away'/*, "emergency heat"*/], refresh: ['pollAqara'], deviceJoinName: 'Aqara E1 Thermostat', configuration : [:] ], // Sonoff TRVZB : https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/b89af815cf41bd309d63f3f01d352dbabcf4ebb2/src/devices/sonoff.ts#L454 // https://github.com/photomoose/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/59f927ef0f152268125426854bd65ae6b963c99a/src/devices/sonoff.ts // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/19269 // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/pull/6469 // fromZigbee: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/b89af815cf41bd309d63f3f01d352dbabcf4ebb2/src/converters/fromZigbee.ts#L44 // toZigbee: https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/b89af815cf41bd309d63f3f01d352dbabcf4ebb2/src/converters/toZigbee.ts#L1516 // 'SONOFF_TRV' : [ description : 'Sonoff TRVZB', device : [manufacturers: ['SONOFF'], type: 'TRV', powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['ThermostatHeatingSetpoint': true, 'ThermostatOperatingState': true, 'ThermostatSetpoint':true, 'ThermostatMode':true], preferences : ['childLock':'0xFC11:0x0000', 'windowOpenDetection':'0xFC11:0x6000', 'frostProtectionTemperature':'0xFC11:0x6002', 'minHeatingSetpoint':'0x0201:0x0015', 'maxHeatingSetpoint':'0x0201:0x0016', 'calibrationTemp':'0x0201:0x0010' ], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0006,0020,0201,FC57,FC11', outClusters:'000A,0019', model:'TRVZB', manufacturer:'SONOFF', deviceJoinName: 'Sonoff TRVZB'] ], commands : ['printFingerprints':'printFingerprints', 'autoPollThermostat':'autoPollThermostat', 'resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'], tuyaDPs : [:], attributes : [ // TODO - configure the reporting for the 0x0201:0x0000 temperature ! (300..3600) [at:'0x0201:0x0000', name:'temperature', type:'decimal', dt:'0x29', rw:'ro', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', description:'Local temperature'], [at:'0x0201:0x0002', name:'occupancy', type:'enum', dt:'0x18', rw:'ro', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'unoccupied', 1: 'occupied'], unit:'', description:'Occupancy'], [at:'0x0201:0x0003', name:'absMinHeatingSetpointLimit', type:'decimal', dt:'0x29', rw:'ro', min:4.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', description:'Abs Min Heat Setpoint Limit'], [at:'0x0201:0x0004', name:'absMaxHeatingSetpointLimit', type:'decimal', dt:'0x29', rw:'ro', min:4.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', description:'Abs Max Heat Setpoint Limit'], [at:'0x0201:0x0010', name:'calibrationTemp', preProc:'signedInt', type:'decimal', dt:'0x28', rw:'rw', min:-7.0, max:7.0, defaultValue:0.0, step:0.2, scale:10, unit:'°C', title: 'Local Temperature Calibration', description:'Room temperature calibration'], [at:'0x0201:0x0012', name:'heatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'0x29', rw:'rw', min:4.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Heating Setpoint', description:'Occupied heating setpoint'], [at:'0x0201:0x0015', name:'minHeatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'0x29', rw:'rw', min:4.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Min Heating Setpoint', description:'Min Heating Setpoint Limit'], [at:'0x0201:0x0016', name:'maxHeatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'0x29', rw:'rw', min:4.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Max Heating Setpoint', description:'Max Heating Setpoint Limit'], [at:'0x0201:0x001A', name:'remoteSensing', type:'enum', dt:'0x18', rw:'ro', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'false', 1: 'true'], unit:'', title: 'Remote Sensing<', description:'Remote Sensing'], [at:'0x0201:0x001B', name:'termostatRunningState', type:'enum', dt:'0x30', rw:'rw', min:0, max:2, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat', 2: 'unknown'], unit:'', description:'termostatRunningState (relay on/off status)'], // nothing happens when WRITING ???? [at:'0x0201:0x001C', name:'thermostatMode', type:'enum', dt:'0x30', rw:'rw', min:0, max:4, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'auto', 2: 'invalid', 3: 'invalid', 4: 'heat'], unit:'', title: 'System Mode', description:'Thermostat Mode'], [at:'0x0201:0x001E', name:'thermostatRunMode', type:'enum', dt:'0x30', rw:'ro', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'idle', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', title: 'Thermostat Run Mode', description:'Thermostat run mode'], [at:'0x0201:0x0020', name:'startOfWeek', type:'enum', dt:'0x30', rw:'ro', min:0, max:6, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'Sun', 1: 'Mon', 2: 'Tue', 3: 'Wed', 4: 'Thu', 5: 'Fri', 6: 'Sat'], unit:'', description:'Start of week'], [at:'0x0201:0x0021', name:'numWeeklyTransitions', type:'number', dt:'0x20', rw:'ro', min:0, max:255, step:1, scale:1, unit:'', description:'Number Of Weekly Transitions'], [at:'0x0201:0x0022', name:'numDailyTransitions', type:'number', dt:'0x20', rw:'ro', min:0, max:255, step:1, scale:1, unit:'', description:'Number Of Daily Transitions'], [at:'0x0201:0x0025', name:'thermostatProgrammingOperationMode', type:'enum', dt:'0x18', rw:'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'mode1', 1: 'mode2'], unit:'', title: 'Thermostat Programming Operation Mode/b>', description:'Thermostat programming operation mode'], // nothing happens when WRITING ???? [at:'0x0201:0x0029', name:'thermostatOperatingState', type:'enum', dt:'0x19', rw:'ro', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'idle', 1: 'heating'], unit:'', description:'termostatRunningState (relay on/off status)'], // read only! // https://github.com/photomoose/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/227b28b23455f1a767c94889f57293c26e4a1e75/src/devices/sonoff.ts [at:'0x0006:0x0000', name:'onOffReport', type:'number', dt: '0x10', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:255, step:1, scale:1, unit:'', description:'TRV on/off report'], // read only, 00 = off; 01 - thermostat is on [at:'0xFC11:0x0000', name:'childLock', type:'enum', dt: '0x10', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'on'], unit:'', title: 'Child Lock', description:'Child lock
'], [at:'0xFC11:0x6000', name:'windowOpenDetection', type:'enum', dt: '0x10', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'on'], unit:'', title: 'Open Window Detection', description:'Automatically turns off the radiator when local temperature drops by more than 1.5°C in 4.5 minutes.'], [at:'0xFC11:0x6002', name:'frostProtectionTemperature', type:'decimal', dt: '0x29', rw: 'rw', min:4.0, max:35.0, defaultValue:7.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Frost Protection Temperature', description:'Minimum temperature at which to automatically turn on the radiator, if system mode is off, to prevent pipes freezing.'], [at:'0xFC11:0x6003', name:'idleSteps ', type:'number', dt: '0x21', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, step:1, scale:1, unit:'', description:'Number of steps used for calibration (no-load steps)'], [at:'0xFC11:0x6004', name:'closingSteps', type:'number', dt: '0x21', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, step:1, scale:1, unit:'', description:'Number of steps it takes to close the valve'], [at:'0xFC11:0x6005', name:'valve_opening_limit_voltage', type:'decimal', dt: '0x21', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, step:1, scale:1000, unit:'V', description:'Valve opening limit voltage'], [at:'0xFC11:0x6006', name:'valve_closing_limit_voltage', type:'decimal', dt: '0x21', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, step:1, scale:1000, unit:'V', description:'Valve closing limit voltage'], [at:'0xFC11:0x6007', name:'valve_motor_running_voltage', type:'decimal', dt: '0x21', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, step:1, scale:1000, unit:'V', description:'Valve motor running voltage'], [at:'0xFC11:0x6008', name:'unknown1', type:'number', dt: '0x20', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:255, step:1, scale:1, unit:'', description:'unknown1 (0xFC11:0x6008)/i>'], [at:'0xFC11:0x6009', name:'heatingSetpoint_FC11', type:'decimal', dt: '0x29', rw: 'rw', min:4.0, max:35.0, step:1, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Heating Setpoint', description:'Occupied heating setpoint'], [at:'0xFC11:0x600A', name:'unknown2', type:'number', dt: '0x29', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:9999, step:1, scale:1, unit:'', description:'unknown2 (0xFC11:0x600A)/i>'], // TODO : configure: async (device, coordinatorEndpoint, logger) => { // const endpoint = device.getEndpoint(1); // await reporting.bind(endpoint, coordinatorEndpoint, ['hvacThermostat']); // await reporting.thermostatTemperature(endpoint); // await reporting.thermostatOccupiedHeatingSetpoint(endpoint); // await reporting.thermostatSystemMode(endpoint); // await endpoint.read('hvacThermostat', ['localTemperatureCalibration']); // await endpoint.read(0xFC11, [0x0000, 0x6000, 0x6002]); // ^^ TODO ], refresh: ['pollBatteryPercentage', 'pollThermostatCluster'], deviceJoinName: 'Sonoff TRVZB', configuration : [:] ], // BRT-100-B0 // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/47f56c19a3fdec5f23e74f805ff640a931721099/src/devices/moes.ts#L282 // TODO - what is the difference between 'holidays' mode and 'ecoMode' ? Which one to use to substitute the 'off' mode ? 'MOES_BRT-100' : [ description : 'MOES BRT-100 TRV', device : [models: ['TS0601'], type: 'TRV', powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['ThermostatHeatingSetpoint': true, 'ThermostatOperatingState': true, 'ThermostatSetpoint':true, 'ThermostatMode':true], preferences : ['windowOpenDetection':'8', 'childLock':'13', 'boostTime':'103', 'calibrationTemp':'105', 'ecoTemp':'107', 'minHeatingSetpoint':'109', 'maxHeatingSetpoint':'108'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_b6wax7g0', deviceJoinName: 'MOES BRT-100 TRV'] ], commands : [/*"pollTuya":"pollTuya","autoPollThermostat":"autoPollThermostat",*/ 'sendSupportedThermostatModes':'sendSupportedThermostatModes', 'setHeatingSetpoint':'setHeatingSetpoint', 'resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'], tuyaDPs : [ [dp:1, name:'thermostatMode', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:3, defaultValue:'1', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'auto', 1: 'heat', 2: 'TempHold', 3: 'holidays'] , unit:'', title:'Thermostat Mode', description:'Thermostat mode'], [dp:2, name:'heatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:45.0, defaultValue:20.0, step:1.0, scale:1, unit:'°C', title: 'Current Heating Setpoint', description:'Current heating setpoint'], [dp:3, name:'temperature', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:-10.0, max:50.0, defaultValue:20.0, step:0.5, scale:10, unit:'°C', description:'Temperature'], [dp:4, name:'emergencyHeating', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Emergency Heating', description:'Emergency heating'], [dp:5, name:'emergencyHeatingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:720 , defaultValue:15, step:15, scale:1, unit:'minutes', title:'Emergency Heating Timer', description:'Emergency heating timer'], [dp:7, name:'thermostatOperatingState', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'heating', 1:'idle'] , unit:'', description:'Thermostat Operating State(working state)'], [dp:8, name:'windowOpenDetection', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Window Detection', description:'Window detection'], [dp:9, name:'windowsState', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'open', 1:'closed'] , unit:'', title:'', description:'Window state'], [dp:13, name:'childLock', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Child Lock', description:'Child lock'], [dp:14, name:'battery', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defaultValue:100, step:1, scale:1, unit:'%', description:'Battery level'], [dp:101, name:'weeklyProgram', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9999, defaultValue:0, step:1, scale:1, unit:'', description:'Weekly program'], [dp:103, name:'boostTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:100, max:900 , defaultValue:100, step:1, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Boost Timer', description:'Boost timer'], [dp:104, name:'level', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defaultValue:100, step:1, scale:1, unit:'%', description:'Valve level'], [dp:105, name:'calibrationTemp', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:-9.0, max:9.0, defaultValue:00.0, step:1, scale:1, unit:'°C', title:'Calibration Temperature', description:'Calibration Temperature'], [dp:106, name:'ecoMode', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Eco mode', description:'Eco mode'], [dp:107, name:'ecoTemp', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:35.0, defaultValue:7.0, step:1.0, scale:1, unit:'°C', title: 'Eco Temperature', description:'Eco temperature'], [dp:108, name:'maxHeatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:15.0, max:45.0, defaultValue:35.0, step:1.0, scale:1, unit:'°C', title: 'Maximum Temperature', description:'Maximum temperature'], [dp:109, name:'minHeatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:15.0, defaultValue:10.0, step:1.0, scale:1, unit:'°C', title: 'Minimum Temperature', description:'Minimum temperature'], ], supportedThermostatModes: ['off', 'heat', 'auto', 'emergency heat', 'eco'], refresh: ['pollTuya'], deviceJoinName: 'MOES BRT-100 TRV', configuration : [:] ], // TUYA_SASWELL // https://github.com/jacekk015/zha_quirks/blob/main/trv_saswell.py https://github.com/jacekk015/zha_quirks?tab=readme-ov-file#trv_saswellpy // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/11e06a1b28a7ea2c3722c515f0ef3a148e81a3c3/src/devices/saswell.ts#L37 // TODO - what is the difference between 'holidays' mode and 'ecoMode' ? Which one to use to substitute the 'off' mode ? 'TUYA_SASWELL' : [ description : 'Tuya Saswell TRV (not fully working yet!)', device : [models: ['TS0601'], type: 'TRV', powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['ThermostatHeatingSetpoint': true, 'ThermostatOperatingState': true, 'ThermostatSetpoint':true, 'ThermostatMode':true], preferences : ['windowOpenDetection':'8', 'childLock':'40', 'calibrationTemp':'27'], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_0dvm9mva', deviceJoinName: 'TRV RTX ZB-RT1'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/zigbee-radiator-trv-rtx-zb-rt1/129812?u=kkossev [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_yw7cahqs', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_c88teujp', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_azqp6ssj', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_9gvruqf5', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_zuhszj9s', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_zr9c0day', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_h4cgnbzg', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_exfrnlow', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_9m4kmbfu', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_3yp57tby', deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV'], // not tested [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_mz5y07w2', deviceJoinName: 'Garza Smart TRV'] // not tested //https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues/2486 ], commands : ['limescaleProtect':'limescaleProtect', 'printFingerprints':'printFingerprints', 'resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'customRefresh':'customRefresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'], tuyaDPs : [ [dp:8, name:'windowOpenDetection', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Window Detection', description:'Open Window Detection support'], // SASWELL_WINDOW_DETECT_ATTR [dp:10, name:'antiFreeze', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Anti-Freeze', description:'Anti-Freeze support'], // SASWELL_ANTI_FREEZE_ATTR [dp:27, name:'calibrationTemp', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:-6.0, max:6.0, defaultValue:0.0, step:1, scale:1, unit:'°C', title:'Calibration Temperature', description:'Calibration Temperature'], // SASWELL_TEMP_CORRECTION_ATTR = 0x021B # uint32 - temp correction 539 (27 dec) [dp:40, name:'childLock', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Child Lock', description:'Child Lock setting support. Please remember that CL has to be set manually on the device. This only controls if locking is possible at all'], // SASWELL_CHILD_LOCK_ATTR [dp:101, name:'thermostatMode', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'1', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'] , unit:'', title:'Thermostat Mode', description:'Thermostat mode'], // SASWELL_ONOFF_ATTR = 0x0165 # [0/1] on/off 357 (101 dec) [dp:102, name:'temperature', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:-10.0, max:50.0, defaultValue:20.0, step:0.5, scale:10, unit:'°C', description:'Temperature'], // SASWELL_ROOM_TEMP_ATTR = 0x0266 # uint32 - current room temp 614 (102 dec) [dp:103, name:'heatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:30.0, defaultValue:20.0, step:1.0, scale:10, unit:'°C', title: 'Current Heating Setpoint', description:'Current heating setpoint'], // SASWELL_TARGET_TEMP_ATTR = 0x0267 # uint32 - target temp 615 (103 dec) [dp:105, name:'batteryLowAlarm', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'r0', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'batteryOK', 1:'batteryLow'] , unit:'', description:'Battery low'], // SASWELL_BATTERY_ALARM_ATTR = 0x569 # [0/1] on/off - battery low 1385 (105 dec) [dp:106, name:'awayMode', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Away Mode', description:'Away Mode On/Off support'], // SASWELL_AWAY_MODE_ATTR = 0x016A # [0/1] on/off 362 (106 dec) [dp:108, name:'scheduleMode', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Schedule Mode', description:'Schedule Mode On/Off support'], // SASWELL_SCHEDULE_MODE_ATTR = 0x016C # [0/1] on/off 364 (108 dec) [dp:130, name:'limescaleProtect', type:'enum', dt: '01', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'off', 1:'on'] , unit:'', title:'Limescale Protect', description:'Limescale Protection support'], // SASWELL_LIMESCALE_PROTECT_ATTR // missing ! [dp:7, name:'thermostatOperatingState', type:"enum", rw: "rw", min:0, max:1 , defaultValue:"0", step:1, scale:1, map:[0:"heating", 1:"idle"] , unit:"", description:'Thermostat Operating State(working state)'], ], supportedThermostatModes: ['off', 'heat'], refresh: ['pollTuya'], deviceJoinName: 'TUYA_SASWELL TRV', configuration : [:] ], /* 'NAMRON' : [ description : 'NAMRON Thermostat`(not working yet)', device : [manufacturers: ['NAMRON AS'], type: 'TRV', powerSource: 'mains', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['ThermostatHeatingSetpoint': true, 'ThermostatOperatingState': true, 'ThermostatSetpoint':true, 'ThermostatMode':true], preferences : [], fingerprints : [ [profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0004,0005,0006,0009,0408,0702,0B04,0B05,1000,FCCC', outClusters:'0019,1000', model:'4512749-N', manufacturer:'NAMRON AS', deviceJoinName: 'NAMRON'] // EP02: 0000,0004,0005,0201 // EPF2: 0021 ], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences', 'factoryResetThermostat':'factoryResetThermostat' ], attributes : [ [at:'0x0201:0x0000', name:'temperature', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', rw: 'ro', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', description:'Measured room temperature'], // ^^^ (int16S, read-only) reportable LocalTemperature : Attribute This is room temperature, the maximum resolution this format allows is 0.01 ºC. [at:'0x0201:0x0001', name:'outdoorTemperature', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', rw: 'ro', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', description:'Floor temperature'], // ^^^ (int16S, read-only) reportable OutdoorTemperature : This is floor temperature, the maximum resolution this format allows is 0.01 ºC. [at:'0x0201:0x0002', name:'occupancy', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', description:'Occupancy'], // ^^^ (bitmap8, read-only) Occupancy : When this flag is set as 1, it means occupied, OccupiedHeatingSetpoint will be used, otherwise UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint will be used [at:'0x0201:0x0010', name:'localTemperatureCalibration', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', rw: 'rw', min:-30.0, max:30.0, defaultValue:0.0, step:0.5, scale:10, unit:'°C', title: 'Local Temperature Calibration', description:'Room temperature calibration'], // ^^^ (Int8S, reportable) TODO: check dt!!! LocalTemperatureCalibration : Room temperature calibration, range is -30-30, the maximum resolution this format allows 0.1°C. Default value: 0 [at:'0x0201:0x0011', name:'coolingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Cooling Setpoint', description:'This system is not invalid'], // not used [at:'0x0201:0x0012', name:'heatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:40.0, defaultValue:30.0, step:0.01, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Current Heating Setpoint', description:'Current heating setpoint'], // ^^^(int16S, reportable) OccupiedHeatingSetpoint : Range is 0-4000,the maximum resolution this format allows is 0.01 ºC. Default is 0xbb8(30.00ºC) [at:'0x0201:0x0014', name:'unoccupiedHeatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', rw: 'rw', min:0.0, max:40.0, defaultValue:30.0, step:0.01, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Current Heating Setpoint', description:'Current heating setpoint'], // ^^^(int16S, reportable) OccupiedHeatingSetpoint : Range is 0-4000,the maximum resolution this format allows is 0.01 ºC. Default is 0x258(6.00ºC) [at:'0x0201:0x001B', name:'termostatRunningState', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', description:'termostatRunningState (relay on/off status)'], // ^^^(Map16, read-only, reportable) HVAC relay state/ termostatRunningState Indicates the relay on/off status, here only supports bit0( Heat State) // ============ Proprietary Attributes: Manufacturer code 0x1224 ============ [at:'0x0201:0x0000', name:'lcdBrightnesss', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defaultValue:'1', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'Low Level', 1: 'Mid Level', 2: 'High Level'], unit:'', title: 'OLED brightness',description:'OLED brightness'], // ^^^ (ENUM8,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! OLED brightness when operate the buttons: Value=0 : Low Level Value=1 : Mid Level(default) Value=2 : High Level [at:'0x0201:0x1002', name:'floorSensorType', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:5, defaultValue:'1',step:1, scale:1, map:[1: 'NTC 10K/25', 2: 'NTC 15K/25', 3: 'NTC 12K/25', 4: 'NTC 100K/25', 5: 'NTC 50K/25'], unit:'', title: 'Floor Sensor Type',description:'Floor Sensor Type'], // ^^^ (ENUM8,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! TODO: check why there are 3 diferent enum groups??? FloorSenserType Value=5 : NTC 12K/25 Value=4 : NTC 100K/25 Value=3 : NTC 50K/25 Select external (Floor) sensor type: Value=1 : NTC 10K/25 (Default) Value=2 : NTC 15K/25 Value=5 : NTC 12K/25 Value=4 : NTC 100K/25 Value=3 : NTC 50K/25 Select external (Floor) sensor type: Value=1 : NTC 10K/25 (Default) Value=2 : NTC 15K/25 [at:'0x0201:0x1003', name:'controlType', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defaultValue:'0',step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'Room sensor', 1: 'floor sensor', 2: 'Room+floor sensor'], unit:'', title: 'Control Type',description:'Control Type'], // ^^^ (ENUM8,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! ControlType The referring sensor for heat control: Value=0 : Room sensor(Default) Value=1 : floor sensor Value=2 : Room+floor sensor [at:'0x0201:0x1004', name:'powerUpStatus', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defaultValue:'1', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'Low Level', 1: 'Mid Level', 2: 'High Level'], unit:'', title: 'Power Up Status',description:'Power Up Status'], // ^^^ (ENUM8,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! PowerUpStatus Value=0 : default mode The mode after reset power of the device: Value=1 : last status before power off (Default) [at:'0x0201:0x1005', name:'floorSensorCalibration', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:-30.0, max:30.0, defaultValue:0.0, step:0.5, scale:10, unit:'°C', title: 'Floor Sensor Calibration', description:'Floor Sensor Calibration/i>'], // ^^^ (Int8S, reportable) TODO: check dt!!! FloorSenserCalibration The temp compensation for the external (floor) sensor, range is -30-30, unit is 0.1°C. default value 0 [at:'0x0201:0x1006', name:'dryTime', type:'number', dt:'0x21', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:5, max:100, defaultValue:5, step:1, scale:1, unit:'minutes', title: 'Dry Time', description:'The duration of Dry Mode/i>'], // ^^^ (Int8S, reportable) TODO: check dt!!! DryTime The duration of Dry Mode, range is 5-100, unit is min. Default value is 5. [at:'0x0201:0x1007', name:'modeAfterDry', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defaultValue:'2', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'OFF', 1: 'Manual mode', 2: 'Auto mode', 3: 'Away mode'], unit:'', title: 'Mode After Dry',description:'The mode after Dry Mode'], // ^^^ (ENUM8,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! ModeAfterDry The mode after Dry Mode: Value=0 : OFF Value=1 : Manual mode Value=2 : Auto mode –schedule (default) Value=3 : Away mode [at:'0x0201:0x1008', name:'temperatureDisplay', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'1', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'Room Temp', 1: 'Floor Temp'], unit:'', title: 'Temperature Display',description:'Temperature Display'], // ^^^ (ENUM8,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! TemperatureDisplay Value=0 : Room Temp (Default) Value=1 : Floor Temp [at:'0x0201:0x1009', name:'windowOpenCheck', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:0.3, max:8.0, defaultValue:0, step:0.5, scale:10, unit:'', title: 'Window Open Check', description:'The threshold to detect open window, 0 means disabled'], // ^^^ (INT8U,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! WindowOpenCheck The threshold to detect open window, range is 0.3-8, unit is 0.5ºC, 0 means disabled, default is 0 [at:'0x0201:0x100A', name:'hysterersis', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:20.0, defaultValue:5.0, step:0.5, scale:10, unit:'', title: 'Hysterersis', description:'Hysterersis'], // ^^^ (INT8U,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! TODO - check the scailing !!! Hysterersis setting, range is 5-20, unit is 0.1ºC, default value is 5 [at:'0x0201:0x100B', name:'displayAutoOffEnable', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'1', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Enabled'], unit:'', title: 'Display Auto Off Enable',description:'Display Auto Off Enable'], // ^^^ (ENUM8,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! DisplayAutoOffEnable 0, disable Display Auto Off function 1, enable Display Auto Off function [at:'0x0201:0x2001', name:'alarmAirTempOverValue', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:0.2, max:6.0, defaultValue:4.5, step:0.1, scale:10, unit:'', title: 'Alarm Air Temp Over Value', description:'Alarm Air Temp Over Value, 0 means disabled,'], // ^^^ (INT8U,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! TODO - check the scailing !!! AlarmAirTempOverValue Room temp alarm threshold, range is 0.20-60, unit is 1ºC,0 means disabled, default is 45 [at:'0x0201:0x2002', name:'awayModeSet', type:'enum', dt:'0x20', mfgCode:'0x1224', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'Not away', 1: 'Away'], unit:'', title: 'Away Mode Set',description:'Away Mode Set'], // ^^^ (ENUM8,reportable) TODO: check dt!!! Away Mode Set: Value=1: away Value=0: not away (default) // Command supported !!!!!!!!!! TODO !!!!!!!!!!!! not attribute, but a command !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [cmd:'0x0201:0x0000', name:'setpointRaiseLower', type:'decimal', dt:'0x21', rw: 'ro', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:10, unit:'°C', description:'Setpoint Raise/Lower'], // ^^^ Setpoint Raise/Lower Increase or decrease the set temperature according to current mode, unit is 0.1ºC ], refresh: ['pollThermostatCluster'], deviceJoinName: 'NAMRON Thermostat', configuration : [:] ], */ '---' : [ description : '--------------------------------------', // models : [], // fingerprints : [], ], 'VIRTUAL' : [ // https://github.com/hubitat/HubitatPublic/blob/master/examples/drivers/virtualThermostat.groovy description : 'Virtual thermostat', device : [type: 'TRV', powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['ThermostatHeatingSetpoint': true, 'ThermostatOperatingState': true, 'ThermostatSetpoint':true, 'ThermostatMode':true], preferences : ['hysteresis':'hysteresis', 'minHeatingSetpoint':'minHeatingSetpoint', 'maxHeatingSetpoint':'maxHeatingSetpoint', 'simulateThermostatOperatingState':'simulateThermostatOperatingState'], commands : ['printFingerprints':'printFingerprints', 'sendSupportedThermostatModes':'sendSupportedThermostatModes', 'autoPollThermostat':'autoPollThermostat', 'resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'], attributes : [ [at:'hysteresis', name:'hysteresis', type:'enum', dt:'virtual', rw:'rw', min:0, max:4, defaultValue:'3', step:1, scale:1, map:[0:'0.1', 1:'0.25', 2:'0.5', 3:'1', 4:'2'], unit:'', title:'Hysteresis', description:'hysteresis'], [at:'minHeatingSetpoint', name:'minHeatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'virtual', rw:'rw', min:4.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Min Heating Setpoint', description:'Min Heating Setpoint Limit'], [at:'maxHeatingSetpoint', name:'maxHeatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'virtual', rw:'rw', min:4.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Max Heating Setpoint', description:'Max Heating Setpoint Limit'], [at:'thermostatMode', name:'thermostatMode', type:'enum', dt:'virtual', rw:'rw', min:0, max:5, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'heat', 1: 'auto', 2: 'eco', 3:'emergency heat', 4:'off', 5:'cool'], unit:'', title: 'Thermostat Mode', description:'Thermostat Mode'], [at:'heatingSetpoint', name:'heatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'virtual', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:45.0, defaultValue:20.0, step:0.5, scale:1, unit:'°C', title: 'Current Heating Setpoint', description:'Current heating setpoint'], [at:'coolingSetpoint', name:'coolingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt:'virtual', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:45.0, defaultValue:20.0, step:0.5, scale:1, unit:'°C', title: 'Current Cooling Setpoint', description:'Current cooling setpoint'], [at:'thermostatOperatingState', name:'thermostatOperatingState', type:'enum', dt:'virtual', rw:'ro', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'idle', 1: 'heating'], unit:'', description:'termostatRunningState (relay on/off status)'], // read only! [at:'simulateThermostatOperatingState', name:'simulateThermostatOperatingState', type:'enum', dt: 'virtual', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defaultValue:'0', step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'on'], unit:'', title: 'Simulate Thermostat Operating State', \ description:'Simulate the thermostat operating state
* idle - when the temperature is less than the heatingSetpoint
* heat - when the temperature is above tha heatingSetpoint
'], ], refresh: ['pollTuya', 'pollTuya'], supportedThermostatModes: ['auto', 'heat', 'emergency heat', 'eco', 'off', 'cool'], deviceJoinName: 'Virtual thermostat', configuration : [:] ], // TODO = check constants! https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/master/src/lib/constants.ts#L17 'UNKNOWN' : [ description : 'GENERIC TRV', device : [type: 'TRV', powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:false], capabilities : ['ThermostatHeatingSetpoint': true, 'ThermostatOperatingState': true, 'ThermostatSetpoint':true, 'ThermostatMode':true], preferences : [:], fingerprints : [], commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences', 'getDeviceNameAndProfile':'getDeviceNameAndProfile' ], tuyaDPs : [:], attributes : [ [at:'0x0201:0x0000', name:'temperature', type:'decimal', dt: '0x21', rw: 'ro', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Temperature', description:'Measured temperature'], [at:'0x0201:0x0011', name:'coolingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt: '0x21', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Cooling Setpoint', description:'cooling setpoint'], [at:'0x0201:0x0012', name:'heatingSetpoint', type:'decimal', dt: '0x21', rw: 'rw', min:5.0, max:35.0, step:0.5, scale:100, unit:'°C', title: 'Current Heating Setpoint', description:'Current heating setpoint'], [at:'0x0201:0x001C', name:'mode', type:'enum', dt: '0x20', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', title: ' Mode', description:'System Mode ?'], [at:'0x0201:0x001E', name:'thermostatRunMode', type:'enum', dt: '0x20', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', title: 'thermostatRunMode', description:'thermostatRunMode'], [at:'0x0201:0x0020', name:'battery2', type:'number', dt: '0x21', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, step:1, scale:1, unit:'%', description:'Battery percentage remaining'], [at:'0x0201:0x0023', name:'thermostatHoldMode', type:'enum', dt: '0x20', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', title: 'thermostatHoldMode', description:'thermostatHoldMode'], [at:'0x0201:0x0029', name:'thermostatOperatingState', type:'enum', dt: '0x20', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, step:1, scale:1, map:[0: 'off', 1: 'heat'], unit:'', title: 'thermostatOperatingState', description:'thermostatOperatingState'], ], refresh: ['pollThermostatCluster'], deviceJoinName: 'UNKWNOWN TRV', configuration : [:] ] ] // TODO - use for all events sent by this driver !! /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef */ void sendThermostatEvent(final String eventName, final value, final raw, final boolean isDigital = false) { final String descriptionText = "${eventName} is ${value}" Map eventMap = [name: eventName, value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, type: isDigital ? 'digital' : 'physical'] if (state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { eventMap.descriptionText += ' [refresh]' eventMap.isStateChange = true // force event to be sent } if (logEnable) { eventMap.descriptionText += " (raw ${raw})" } sendEvent(eventMap) logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" } void sendEventMap(final Map event, final boolean isDigital = false) { if (event.descriptionText == null) { event.descriptionText = "${event.name} is ${event.value} ${event.unit ?: ''}" } if (state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { event.descriptionText += ' [refresh]' event.isStateChange = true // force event to be sent } event.type = event.type != null ? event.type : isDigital == true ? 'digital' : 'physical' if (event.type == 'digital') { event.isStateChange = true // force event to be sent event.descriptionText += ' [digital]' } sendEvent(event) logInfo "${event.descriptionText}" } // called from parseXiaomiClusterLib in xiaomiLib.groovy (xiaomi cluster 0xFCC0 ) // void parseXiaomiClusterThermostatLib(final Map descMap) { //logWarn "parseXiaomiClusterThermostatLib: received xiaomi cluster attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" final Integer value = safeToInt(hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value)) logTrace "zigbee received Thermostat 0xFCC0 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} value ${value} (raw ${descMap.value})" Boolean result if ((descMap.attrInt as Integer) == 0x00F7 ) { // XIAOMI_SPECIAL_REPORT_ID: 0x00F7 sent every 55 minutes final Map tags = decodeXiaomiTags(descMap.value) parseXiaomiClusterThermostatTags(tags) return } result = processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile(descMap) if ( result == false ) { logWarn "parseXiaomiClusterThermostatLib: received unknown Thermostat cluster (0xFCC0) attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" } return /* final Integer raw //final String value switch (descMap.attrInt as Integer) { case 0x040a: // E1 battery - read only raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) thermostatEvent("battery", raw, raw) break case 0x00F7 : // XIAOMI_SPECIAL_REPORT_ID: 0x00F7 sent every 55 minutes final Map tags = decodeXiaomiTags(descMap.value) parseXiaomiClusterThermostatTags(tags) break case 0x0271: // result['system_mode'] = {1: 'heat', 0: 'off'}[value]; (heating state) - rw raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = SystemModeOpts.options[raw as int] thermostatEvent("systemMode", value, raw) break; case 0x0272: // result['preset'] = {2: 'away', 1: 'auto', 0: 'manual'}[value]; - rw ['manual', 'auto', 'holiday'] raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = PresetOpts.options[raw as int] thermostatEvent("preset", value, raw) break; case 0x0273: // result['window_detection'] = {1: 'ON', 0: 'OFF'}[value]; - rw raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = WindowDetectionOpts.options[raw as int] thermostatEvent("windowOpenDetection", value, raw) break; case 0x0274: // result['valve_detection'] = {1: 'ON', 0: 'OFF'}[value]; -rw raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = ValveDetectionOpts.options[raw as int] thermostatEvent("valveDetection", value, raw) break; case 0x0275: // result['valve_alarm'] = {1: true, 0: false}[value]; - read only! raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = ValveAlarmOpts.options[raw as int] thermostatEvent("valveAlarm", value, raw) break; case 0x0277: // result['child_lock'] = {1: 'LOCK', 0: 'UNLOCK'}[value]; - rw raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = ChildLockOpts.options[raw as int] thermostatEvent("childLock", value, raw) break; case 0x0279: // result['away_preset_temperature'] = (value / 100).toFixed(1); - rw raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = raw / 100 thermostatEvent("awayPresetTemperature", value, raw) break; case 0x027a: // result['window_open'] = {1: true, 0: false}[value]; - read only raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = WindowOpenOpts.options[raw as int] thermostatEvent("windowsState", value, raw) break; case 0x027b: // result['calibrated'] = {1: true, 0: false}[value]; - read only raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = CalibratedOpts.options[raw as int] thermostatEvent("calibrated", value, raw) break; case 0x00FF: try { raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logDebug "Aqara E1 TRV unknown attribute ${descMap.attrInt} value raw = ${raw}" } catch (e) { logWarn "exception caught while processing Aqara E1 TRV unknown attribute ${descMap.attrInt} descMap.value = ${descMap.value}" } break; case 0x027e: // result['sensor'] = {1: 'external', 0: 'internal'}[value]; - read only? raw = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) value = SensorOpts.options[raw as int] thermostatEvent("sensor", value, raw) break; default: logWarn "parseXiaomiClusterThermostatLib: received unknown xiaomi cluster 0xFCC0 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" break } */ } // XIAOMI_SPECIAL_REPORT_ID: 0x00F7 sent every 55 minutes // called from parseXiaomiClusterThermostatLib // void parseXiaomiClusterThermostatTags(final Map tags) { tags.each { final Integer tag, final Object value -> switch (tag) { case 0x01: // battery voltage logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} battery voltage is ${value / 1000}V (raw=${value})" break case 0x03: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} device internal chip temperature is ${value}° (ignore it!)" break case 0x05: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} RSSI is ${value}" break case 0x06: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} LQI is ${value}" break case 0x08: // SWBUILD_TAG_ID: final String swBuild = '0.0.0_' + (value & 0xFF).toString().padLeft(4, '0') logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} swBuild is ${swBuild} (raw ${value})" device.updateDataValue('aqaraVersion', swBuild) break case 0x0a: String nwk = intToHexStr(value as Integer, 2) if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } String oldNWK = state.health['parentNWK'] ?: 'n/a' logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} Parent NWK is ${nwk}" if (oldNWK != nwk ) { logWarn "parentNWK changed from ${oldNWK} to ${nwk}" state.health['parentNWK'] = nwk state.health['nwkCtr'] = (state.health['nwkCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 } break case 0x0d: logDebug "xiaomi decode E1 thermostat unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" break case 0x11: logDebug "xiaomi decode E1 thermostat unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" break case 0x64: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} temperature is ${value / 100} (raw ${value})" / Aqara TVOC break case 0x65: logDebug "xiaomi decode E1 thermostat unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" break case 0x66: logDebug "xiaomi decode E1 thermostat temperature tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" handleTemperatureEvent(value / 100.0) break case 0x67: logDebug "xiaomi decode E1 thermostat heatingSetpoint tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" break case 0x68: logDebug "xiaomi decode E1 thermostat unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" break case 0x69: logDebug "xiaomi decode E1 thermostat battery tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" break case 0x6a: logDebug "xiaomi decode E1 thermostat unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" break default: logDebug "xiaomi decode unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } } } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * thermostat cluster 0x0201 * called from parseThermostatCluster() in the main code ... * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void customParseThermostatCluster(final Map descMap) { final Integer value = safeToInt(hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value)) logTrace "customParseThermostatCluster: zigbee received Thermostat cluster (0x0201) attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} value ${value} (raw ${descMap.value})" boolean result = processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile(descMap) if ( result == false ) { logWarn "parseThermostatClusterThermostat: received unknown Thermostat cluster (0x0201) attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" } return /* switch (descMap.attrInt as Integer) { case 0x000: // temperature logDebug "temperature = ${value/100.0} (raw ${value})" handleTemperatureEvent(value/100.0) break case 0x0011: // cooling setpoint logInfo "cooling setpoint = ${value/100.0} (raw ${value})" break case 0x0012: // heating setpoint logDebug "heating setpoint = ${value/100.0} (raw ${value})" sendHeatingSetpointEvent(value/100.0) break case 0x001b: // mode logInfo "controlledSequenceOfOperation = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0x001c: // mode logInfo "mode = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0x001e: // thermostatRunMode logInfo "thermostatRunMode = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0x0020: // battery logInfo "battery = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0x0023: // thermostatHoldMode logInfo "thermostatHoldMode = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0x0029: // thermostatOperatingState logInfo "thermostatOperatingState = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0xfff2: // unknown logDebug "Aqara E1 TRV unknown attribute ${descMap.attrInt} value raw = ${value}" break; default: log.warn "zigbee received unknown Thermostat cluster (0x0201) attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" break } */ } void customParseFC11Cluster(final Map descMap) { final Integer value = safeToInt(hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value)) logTrace "customParseFC11Cluster: zigbee received Thermostat 0xFC11 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} value ${value} (raw ${descMap.value})" boolean result = processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile(descMap) // deviceProfileLib if (result == false) { logWarn "customParseFC11Cluster: received unknown Thermostat cluster (0xFC11) attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" } } import java.math.RoundingMode // setHeatingSetpoint thermostat capability standard command // 1°C steps. (0.5°C setting on the TRV itself, rounded for zigbee interface) // void setHeatingSetpoint(final String temperaturePar ) { setHeatingSetpoint(temperaturePar.toBigDecimal()) } void setHeatingSetpoint(final BigDecimal temperaturePar ) { BigDecimal temperature = temperaturePar logTrace "setHeatingSetpoint(${temperature}) called!" BigDecimal previousSetpoint = (device.currentState('heatingSetpoint')?.value ?: 0.0G).toBigDecimal() BigDecimal tempDouble = temperature //logDebug "setHeatingSetpoint temperature = ${temperature} as int = ${temperature as int} (previousSetpointt = ${previousSetpoint})" /* groovylint-disable-next-line ConstantIfExpression */ if (true) { //logDebug "0.5 C correction of the heating setpoint${temperature}" //log.trace "tempDouble = ${tempDouble}" tempDouble = (tempDouble * 2).setScale(0, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) / 2 } else { if (temperature != (temperature as int)) { if ((temperature as double) > (previousSetpoint as double)) { temperature = (temperature + 0.5 ) as int } else { temperature = temperature as int } logDebug "corrected heating setpoint ${temperature}" } tempDouble = temperature } BigDecimal maxTemp = settings?.maxHeatingSetpoint ? new BigDecimal(settings.maxHeatingSetpoint) : new BigDecimal(50) BigDecimal minTemp = settings?.minHeatingSetpoint ? new BigDecimal(settings.minHeatingSetpoint) : new BigDecimal(5) tempBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(tempDouble) tempBigDecimal = tempDouble.min(maxTemp).max(minTemp).setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) logDebug "calling sendAttribute heatingSetpoint ${tempBigDecimal}" sendAttribute('heatingSetpoint', tempBigDecimal as double) } /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef */ void sendHeatingSetpointEvent(temperature) { tempDouble = safeToDouble(temperature) Map eventMap = [name: 'heatingSetpoint', value: tempDouble, unit: '\u00B0C'] eventMap.descriptionText = "heatingSetpoint is ${tempDouble}" if (state.states['isRefresh'] == true) { eventMap.descriptionText += ' [refresh]' eventMap.isStateChange = true // force event to be sent } sendEvent(eventMap) if (eventMap.descriptionText != null) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" } /* eventMap = [name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: tempDouble, unit: '\u00B0C'] eventMap.descriptionText = null */ eventMap.name = 'thermostatSetpoint' logDebug "sending event ${eventMap}" sendEvent(eventMap) updateDataValue('lastRunningMode', 'heat') } // thermostat capability standard command // do nothing in TRV - just send an event /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef */ void setCoolingSetpoint(temperature) { logDebug "setCoolingSetpoint(${temperature}) called!" /* groovylint-disable-next-line ParameterReassignment */ temperature = Math.round(temperature * 2) / 2 String descText = "coolingSetpoint is set to ${temperature} \u00B0C" sendEvent(name: 'coolingSetpoint', value: temperature, unit: '\u00B0C', descriptionText: descText, isDigital: true) logInfo "${descText}" } /** * Sets the thermostat mode based on the requested mode. * * if the requestedMode is supported directly in the thermostatMode attribute, it is set directly. * Otherwise, the thermostatMode is substituted with another command, if supported by the device. * * @param requestedMode The mode to set the thermostat to. */ void setThermostatMode(final String requestedMode) { String mode = requestedMode boolean result = false List nativelySupportedModes = getAttributesMap('thermostatMode')?.map?.values() as List ?: [] List systemModes = getAttributesMap('systemMode')?.map?.values() as List ?: [] List ecoModes = getAttributesMap('ecoMode')?.map?.values() as List ?: [] List emergencyHeatingModes = getAttributesMap('emergencyHeating')?.map?.values() as List ?: [] logDebug "setThermostatMode: sending setThermostatMode(${mode}). Natively supported: ${nativelySupportedModes}" // some TRVs require some checks and additional commands to be sent before setting the mode final String currentMode = device.currentValue('thermostatMode') logDebug "setThermostatMode: currentMode = ${currentMode}, switching to ${mode} ..." switch (mode) { case 'heat': case 'auto': if (device.currentValue('ecoMode') == 'on') { logInfo 'setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching first the eco mode off' sendAttribute('ecoMode', 0) } if (device.currentValue('emergencyHeating') == 'on') { logInfo 'setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching first the emergencyHeating mode off' sendAttribute('emergencyHeating', 0) } break case 'cool': // TODO !!!!!!!!!! if (!('cool' in DEVICE.supportedThermostatModes)) { // replace cool with 'eco' mode, if supported by the device if ('eco' in DEVICE.supportedThermostatModes) { logInfo 'setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching to eco mode instead' mode = 'eco' break } else if ('off' in DEVICE.supportedThermostatModes) { logInfo 'setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching to off mode instead' mode = 'off' break } else if (device.currentValue('ecoMode') != null) { // BRT-100 has a dediceted 'ecoMode' command // TODO - check how to switch BRT-100 low temp protection mode (5 degrees) ? logInfo "setThermostatMode: pre-processing: setting eco mode on (${settings.ecoTemp} °C)" sendAttribute('ecoMode', 1) } else { logWarn "setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching to 'cool' mode is not supported by this device!" return } } break case 'emergency heat': // TODO for Aqara and Sonoff TRVs if ('emergency heat' in nativelySupportedModes) { break } // look for a dedicated 'emergencyMode' deviceProfile attribute (BRT-100) if ('on' in emergencyHeatingModes) { logInfo "setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching the emergencyMode mode on for (${settings.emergencyHeatingTime} seconds )" sendAttribute('emergencyHeating', 'on') return } break case 'eco': if (device.currentValue('ecoMode') != null) { logDebug 'setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching the eco mode on' sendAttribute('ecoMode', 1) return } break case 'off': // OK! if ('off' in nativelySupportedModes) { break } logDebug "setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching to 'off' mode" // if the 'off' mode is not directly supported, try substituting it with 'eco' mode if ('eco' in nativelySupportedModes) { logInfo 'setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching to eco mode instead' mode = 'eco' break } // look for a dedicated 'ecoMode' deviceProfile attribute (BRT-100) if ('on' in ecoModes) { logInfo 'setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching the eco mode on' sendAttribute('ecoMode', 'on') return } // look for a dedicated 'systemMode' attribute with map 'off' (Aqara E1) if ('off' in systemModes) { logInfo 'setThermostatMode: pre-processing: switching the systemMode off' sendAttribute('systemMode', 'off') return } break default: logWarn "setThermostatMode: pre-processing: unknown mode ${mode}" break } // try using the standard thermostat capability to switch to the selected new mode result = sendAttribute('thermostatMode', mode) logTrace "setThermostatMode: sendAttribute returned ${result}" if (result == true) { return } // post-process mode switching for some TRVs switch (mode) { case 'cool' : case 'heat' : case 'auto' : case 'off' : logTrace "setThermostatMode: post-processing: no post-processing required for mode ${mode}" break case 'emergency heat' : logInfo "setThermostatMode: post-processing: setting emergency heat mode on (${settings.emergencyHeatingTime} minutes)" sendAttribute('emergencyHeating', 1) break /* case 'eco' : logDebug "setThermostatMode: post-processing: switching the eco mode on" sendAttribute("ecoMode", 1) break */ default : logWarn "setThermostatMode: post-processing: unsupported thermostat mode '${mode}'" break } return } void customOff() { setThermostatMode('off') } // invoked from the common library void customOn() { setThermostatMode('heat') } // invoked from the common library void heat() { setThermostatMode('heat') } void auto() { setThermostatMode('auto') } void cool() { setThermostatMode('cool') } void emergencyHeat() { setThermostatMode('emergency heat') } void setThermostatFanMode(final String fanMode) { sendEvent(name: 'thermostatFanMode', value: "${fanMode}", descriptionText: getDescriptionText("thermostatFanMode is ${fanMode}")) } void fanAuto() { setThermostatFanMode('auto') } void fanCirculate() { setThermostatFanMode('circulate') } void fanOn() { setThermostatFanMode('on') } void sendSupportedThermostatModes() { List supportedThermostatModes = [] supportedThermostatModes = ['off', 'heat', 'auto', 'emergency heat'] if (DEVICE.supportedThermostatModes != null) { supportedThermostatModes = DEVICE.supportedThermostatModes } else { logWarn 'sendSupportedThermostatModes: DEVICE.supportedThermostatModes is not set!' supportedThermostatModes = ['off', 'auto', 'heat'] } logInfo "supportedThermostatModes: ${supportedThermostatModes}" sendEvent(name: 'supportedThermostatModes', value: JsonOutput.toJson(supportedThermostatModes), isStateChange: true) sendEvent(name: 'supportedThermostatFanModes', value: JsonOutput.toJson(['auto', 'circulate', 'on']), isStateChange: true) } /** * Schedule thermostat polling * @param intervalMins interval in seconds */ private void scheduleThermostatPolling(final int intervalSecs) { String cron = getCron( intervalSecs ) logDebug "cron = ${cron}" schedule(cron, 'autoPollThermostat') } private void unScheduleThermostatPolling() { unschedule('autoPollThermostat') } static String timeToHMS(final int time) { int hours = (time / 3600) as int int minutes = ((time % 3600) / 60) as int int seconds = time % 60 return "${hours}h ${minutes}m ${seconds}s" } int getElapsedTimeFromEventInSeconds(final String eventName) { /* groovylint-disable-next-line NoJavaUtilDate */ final Long now = new Date().time final Object lastEventState = device.currentState(eventName) logDebug "getElapsedTimeFromEventInSeconds: eventName = ${eventName} lastEventState = ${lastEventState}" if (lastEventState == null) { logTrace 'getElapsedTimeFromEventInSeconds: lastEventState is null, returning 0' return 0 } Long lastEventStateTime = lastEventState.date.time //def lastEventStateValue = lastEventState.value int diff = ((now - lastEventStateTime) / 1000) as int // convert diff to minutes and seconds logTrace "getElapsedTimeFromEventInSeconds: lastEventStateTime = ${lastEventStateTime} diff = ${diff} seconds" return diff } void sendDigitalEventIfNeeded(final String eventName) { final Object lastEventState = device.currentState(eventName) final int diff = getElapsedTimeFromEventInSeconds(eventName) final String diffStr = timeToHMS(diff) if (diff >= (settings.temperaturePollingInterval as int)) { logDebug "pollTuya: ${eventName} was sent more than ${settings.temperaturePollingInterval} seconds ago (${diffStr}), sending digital event" sendEventMap([name: lastEventState.name, value: lastEventState.value, unit: lastEventState.unit, type: 'digital']) } else { logDebug "pollTuya: ${eventName} was sent less than ${settings.temperaturePollingInterval} seconds ago, skipping" } } List pollTuya() { logDebug 'pollTuya() called!' // check if the device is online if (device.currentState('healthStatus')?.value != 'online') { logWarn 'pollTuya: device is offline, skipping pollTuya()' return [] } sendDigitalEventIfNeeded('temperature') sendDigitalEventIfNeeded('heatingSetpoint') sendDigitalEventIfNeeded('level') ping() return [] } // TODO - configure in the deviceProfile List pollThermostatCluster() { return zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, [0x0000, 0x0012, 0x001B, 0x001C, 0x0029], [:], delay = 3500) // 0x0000 = local temperature, 0x0012 = heating setpoint, 0x001B = controlledSequenceOfOperation, 0x001C = system mode (enum8 ) } // TODO - configure in the deviceProfile List pollAqara() { return zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, [0x0000, 0x0012, 0x001B, 0x001C], [:], delay = 3500) // 0x0000 = local temperature, 0x0012 = heating setpoint, 0x001B = controlledSequenceOfOperation, 0x001C = system mode (enum8 ) } // TODO - configure in the deviceProfile List pollBatteryPercentage() { return zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0021, [:], delay = 200) // battery percentage } /** * Scheduled job for polling device specific attribute(s) */ void autoPollThermostat() { logDebug 'autoPollThermostat()...' checkDriverVersion() List cmds = [] setRefreshRequest() if (DEVICE.refresh != null && DEVICE.refresh != []) { logDebug "autoPollThermostat: calling DEVICE.refresh() ${DEVICE.refresh}" DEVICE.refresh.each { logTrace "autoPollThermostat: calling ${it}()" cmds += "${it}"() } if (cmds != null && cmds != [] ) { sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) } else { clearRefreshRequest() // nothing to poll } return } } // // called from updated() in the main code void updatedThermostat() { //ArrayList cmds = [] logDebug 'updatedThermostat: ...' // if (settings?.forcedProfile != null) { //logDebug "current state.deviceProfile=${state.deviceProfile}, settings.forcedProfile=${settings?.forcedProfile}, getProfileKey()=${getProfileKey(settings?.forcedProfile)}" if (getProfileKey(settings?.forcedProfile) != state.deviceProfile) { logWarn "changing the device profile from ${state.deviceProfile} to ${getProfileKey(settings?.forcedProfile)}" state.deviceProfile = getProfileKey(settings?.forcedProfile) //initializeVars(fullInit = false) initVarsThermostat(fullInit = false) resetPreferencesToDefaults(debug = true) logInfo 'press F5 to refresh the page' } } else { logDebug 'forcedProfile is not set' } final int pollingInterval = (settings.temperaturePollingInterval as Integer) ?: 0 if (pollingInterval > 0) { logInfo "updatedThermostat: scheduling temperature polling every ${pollingInterval} seconds" scheduleThermostatPolling(pollingInterval) } else { unScheduleThermostatPolling() logInfo 'updatedThermostat: thermostat polling is disabled!' } // Itterates through all settings logDebug 'updatedThermostat: updateAllPreferences()...' updateAllPreferences() // /* if (cmds != null && cmds != [] ) { sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) } */ } List refreshAqaraE1() { List cmds = [] //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], delay=200) // battery voltage (E1 does not send percentage) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, [0x0000, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x001B, 0x001C], [:], delay = 3500) // 0x0000 = local temperature, 0x0011 = cooling setpoint, 0x0012 = heating setpoint, 0x001B = controlledSequenceOfOperation, 0x001C = system mode (enum8 ) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, [0x0271, 0x0272, 0x0273, 0x0274, 0x0275, 0x0277, 0x0279, 0x027A, 0x027B, 0x027E], [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay = 3500) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x040a, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay = 500) // stock Generic Zigbee Thermostat Refresh answer: // raw:F669010201441C0030011E008600000029640A2900861B0000300412000029540B110000299808, dni:F669, endpoint:01, cluster:0201, size:44, attrId:001C, encoding:30, command:01, value:01, clusterInt:513, attrInt:28, additionalAttrs:[[status:86, attrId:001E, attrInt:30], [value:0A64, encoding:29, attrId:0000, consumedBytes:5, attrInt:0], [status:86, attrId:0029, attrInt:41], [value:04, encoding:30, attrId:001B, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:27], [value:0B54, encoding:29, attrId:0012, consumedBytes:5, attrInt:18], [value:0898, encoding:29, attrId:0011, consumedBytes:5, attrInt:17]] // conclusion : binding and reporting configuration for this Aqara E1 thermostat does nothing... We need polling mechanism for faster updates of the internal temperature readings. return cmds } // TODO - not actually used! pollAqara is called instead! TODO ! List customRefresh() { // state.states["isRefresh"] = true is already set in the commonLib List cmds = [] setRefreshRequest() if (DEVICE.refresh != null && DEVICE.refresh != []) { logDebug "customRefresh: calling DEVICE.refresh methods: ${DEVICE.refresh}" DEVICE.refresh.each { logTrace "customRefresh: calling ${it}()" cmds += "${it}"() } return cmds } logDebug "customRefresh: no refresh methods defined for device profile ${getDeviceProfile()}" if (cmds == []) { cmds = ['delay 299'] } logDebug "customRefresh: ${cmds} " return cmds } List configureThermostat() { List cmds = [] // TODO !! logDebug "configureThermostat() : ${cmds}" if (cmds == []) { cmds = ['delay 299'] } // no , return cmds } // called from initializeDevice in the commonLib code List customInitializeDevice() { List cmds = [] //int intMinTime = 300 //int intMaxTime = 600 // report temperature every 10 minutes ! logDebug 'customInitializeDevice() ...' if ( getDeviceProfile() == 'SONOFF_TRV') { //cmds = ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x8002 {40 00 00 00 00 40 8f 5f 11 52 52 00 41 2c 52 00 00} {0x0000}", "delay 200",] //cmds = ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x8002 {40 00 00 00 00 40 8f 86 12 52 52 00 41 2c 52 00 00} {0x0000}", "delay 200",] cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0000, [0x0004, 0x0005, 0x4000], [:], delay = 2711) cmds += ["zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0020 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 612', ] // Poll Control Cluster 112 cmds += ["zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0001 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 613', ] // Power Configuration Cluster 113 cmds += ["he cr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0001 0x0021 0x20 3600 7200 {02}", 'delay 314', ] // battery reporting 114 cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0019, 0x0002, [:], delay = 315) // current file version 115 cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFC11, 0x6008, 0x20, 0x7F, [:], delay = 116) // unknown 1 116 cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFC11, 0x6008, 0x20, 0x7F, [:], delay = 317) // unknown 1 117 cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFC11, 0x6008, 0x20, 0x7F, [:], delay = 118) // unknown 1`` 118 logDebug 'configuring cluster 0x0201 ...' cmds += ["zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x00 0x0201 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 619', ] // Thermostat Cluster 119 // TODO : check source EP - 0 or 1 ? cmds += ["he cr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0201 0x0000 0x29 1800 3540 {0x32}", 'delay 600', ] // local temperature 120 cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0021, [:], delay = 1210) // battery 121 cmds += zigbee.command(0xEF00, 0x03, '00') //, "00 00", "00") // sequence 123 cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFC11, 0x0000, 0x10, 0x01, [:], delay = 140) // 140 cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFC11, 0x0000, 0x10, 0x00, [:], delay = 141) // 141 cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFC11, 0x6000, 0x10, 0x01, [:], delay = 142) // 142 cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFC11, 0x6000, 0x10, 0x00, [:], delay = 143) // 143 cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFC11, 0x6002, 0x29, 0750, [:], delay = 144) // 144 cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0201, 0x001C, 0x30, 0x01, [:], delay = 145) // 145 /* cmds += ["he cr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0201 0x0012 0x29 1 600 {}", "delay 252", ] // heating setpoint cmds += ["he cr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0201 0x001C 0x30 1 600 {}", "delay 253", ] // thermostat mode */ cmds += zigbee.reportingConfiguration(0x0201, 0x0000, [:], 552) // read it back - doesn't work cmds += zigbee.reportingConfiguration(0x0201, 0x0012, [:], 551) // read it back - doesn't work cmds += zigbee.reportingConfiguration(0x0201, 0x001C, [:], 553) // read it back - doesn't work cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0010, [:], delay = 254) // calibration cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFC11, [0x0000, 0x6000, 0x6002], [:], delay = 255) /* configure: async (device, coordinatorEndpoint, logger) => { const endpoint = device.getEndpoint(1); await reporting.bind(endpoint, coordinatorEndpoint, ['hvacThermostat']); x 250 await reporting.thermostatTemperature(endpoint); x 251 await reporting.thermostatOccupiedHeatingSetpoint(endpoint); x 252 await reporting.thermostatSystemMode(endpoint); x 253 await endpoint.read('hvacThermostat', ['localTemperatureCalibration']); x 254 await endpoint.read(0xFC11, [0x0000, 0x6000, 0x6002]); }, */ } else if (getDeviceProfile() == 'AQARA_E1_TRV' ) { logDebug 'configuring cluster 0x0201 ...' cmds += ["zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0201 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", 'delay 251', ] //cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(0x0201, 0x0012, 0x29, intMinTime as int, intMaxTime as int, 0x01, [:], delay=541) //cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(0x0201, 0x0000, 0x29, 20, 120, 0x01, [:], delay=542) cmds += ["he cr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0201 0x0012 0x29 1 600 {}", 'delay 551', ] cmds += ["he cr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0201 0x0000 0x29 20 300 {}", 'delay 551', ] cmds += ["he cr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0201 0x001C 0x30 1 600 {}", 'delay 551', ] cmds += zigbee.reportingConfiguration(0x0201, 0x0012, [:], 551) // read it back - doesn't work cmds += zigbee.reportingConfiguration(0x0201, 0x0000, [:], 552) // read it back - doesn't wor cmds += zigbee.reportingConfiguration(0x0201, 0x001C, [:], 552) // read it back - doesn't wor } else { logDebug"customInitializeDevice: nothing to initialize for device group ${getDeviceProfile()}" } logDebug "initializeThermostat() : ${cmds}" if (cmds == []) { cmds = ['delay 299',] } return cmds } void customInitializeVars(final boolean fullInit=false) { logDebug "customInitializeVars(${fullInit})" if (state.deviceProfile == null) { setDeviceNameAndProfile() // in deviceProfileiLib.groovy } if (fullInit == true || state.lastThermostatMode == null) { state.lastThermostatMode = 'unknown' } if (fullInit == true || state.lastThermostatOperatingState == null) { state.lastThermostatOperatingState = 'unknown' } if (fullInit || settings?.temperaturePollingInterval == null) { device.updateSetting('temperaturePollingInterval', [value: TrvTemperaturePollingIntervalOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) } if (fullInit == true) { resetPreferencesToDefaults() } } // called from initializeVars() in the main code ... void customInitEvents(final boolean fullInit=false) { if (fullInit == true) { String descText = 'inital attribute setting' sendSupportedThermostatModes() sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: 'heat', isStateChange: true, description: descText) state.lastThermostatMode = 'heat' sendEvent(name: 'thermostatFanMode', value: 'auto', isStateChange: true, description: descText) state.lastThermostatOperatingState = 'idle' sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: 'idle', isStateChange: true, description: descText) sendEvent(name: 'thermostatSetpoint', value: 12.3, unit: '\u00B0C', isStateChange: true, description: descText) // Google Home compatibility sendEvent(name: 'heatingSetpoint', value: 12.3, unit: '\u00B0C', isStateChange: true, description: descText) sendEvent(name: 'coolingSetpoint', value: 34.5, unit: '\u00B0C', isStateChange: true, description: descText) sendEvent(name: 'temperature', value: 23.4, unit: '\u00B0', isStateChange: true, description: descText) updateDataValue('lastRunningMode', 'heat') } else { logDebug "customInitEvents: fullInit = ${fullInit}" } } private String getDescriptionText(final String msg) { String descriptionText = "${device.displayName} ${msg}" if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${descriptionText}" } return descriptionText } // called from processFoundItem (processTuyaDPfromDeviceProfile and ) processClusterAttributeFromDeviceProfile in deviceProfileLib when a Zigbee message was found defined in the device profile map // // (works for BRT-100, Sonoff TRVZV) // /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef */ void processDeviceEventThermostat(final String name, final valueScaled, final String unitText, final String descText) { logTrace "processDeviceEventThermostat(${name}, ${valueScaled}) called" Map eventMap = [name: name, value: valueScaled, unit: unitText, descriptionText: descText, type: 'physical', isStateChange: true] switch (name) { case 'temperature' : handleTemperatureEvent(valueScaled as Float) break case 'humidity' : handleHumidityEvent(valueScaled) break case 'heatingSetpoint' : sendHeatingSetpointEvent(valueScaled) break case 'systemMode' : // Aqara E1 sendEvent(eventMap) logInfo "${descText}" if (valueScaled == 'on') { // should be initialized with 'unknown' value sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: 'heat', isStateChange: true, description: 'TRV systemMode is on') // TODO - send the last mode instead of 'heat' ? } else { sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: 'off', isStateChange: true, description: 'TRV systemMode is off') } break case 'ecoMode' : // BRT-100 - simulate OFF mode ?? or keep the ecoMode on ? sendEvent(eventMap) logInfo "${descText}" if (valueScaled == 'on') { // ecoMode is on sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: 'eco', isStateChange: true, description: 'BRT-100 ecoMode is on') sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: 'idle', isStateChange: true, description: 'BRT-100 ecoMode is on') } else { sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: 'heat', isStateChange: true, description: 'BRT-100 ecoMode is off') } break case 'emergencyHeating' : // BRT-100 sendEvent(eventMap) logInfo "${descText}" if (valueScaled == 'on') { // the valve shoud be completely open, however the level and the working states are NOT updated! :( sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: 'emergency heat', isStateChange: true, description: 'BRT-100 emergencyHeating is on') sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: 'heating', isStateChange: true, description: 'BRT-100 emergencyHeating is on') } else { sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: 'heat', isStateChange: true, description: 'BRT-100 emergencyHeating is off') } break case 'level' : // BRT-100 sendEvent(eventMap) logInfo "${descText}" if (valueScaled == 0) { // the valve is closed sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: 'idle', isStateChange: true, description: 'BRT-100 valve is closed') } else { sendEvent(name: 'thermostatOperatingState', value: 'heating', isStateChange: true, description: 'BRT-100 valve is open %{valueScaled} %') } break /* case "workingState" : // BRT-100 replaced with thermostatOperatingState sendEvent(eventMap) logInfo "${descText}" if (valueScaled == "closed") { // the valve is closed sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "idle", isStateChange: true, description: "BRT-100 workingState is closed") } else { sendEvent(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: "heating", isStateChange: true, description: "BRT-100 workingState is open") } break */ default : sendEvent(name : name, value : valueScaled, unit:unitText, descriptionText: descText, type: 'physical', isStateChange: true) // attribute value is changed - send an event ! //if (!doNotTrace) { logDebug "event ${name} sent w/ value ${valueScaled}" logInfo "${descText}" // send an Info log also (because value changed ) // TODO - check whether Info log will be sent also for spammy DPs ? //} break } } /* Reset to Factory Defaults Command On receipt of this command, the device resets all the attributes of all its clusters to their factory defaults. Note that networking functionality, bindings, groups, or other persistent data are not affected by this command */ void factoryResetThermostat() { logDebug 'factoryResetThermostat() called!' //List cmds = [] // TODO logWarn 'factoryResetThermostat: NOT IMPLEMENTED' } // ========================================= Virtual thermostat functions ========================================= /* groovylint-disable-next-line MethodParameterTypeRequired, NoDef */ void setTemperature(temperature) { logDebug "setTemperature(${temperature}) called!" if (isVirtual()) { /* groovylint-disable-next-line ParameterReassignment */ temperature = Math.round(temperature * 2) / 2 String descText = "temperature is set to ${temperature} \u00B0C" sendEvent(name: 'temperature', value: temperature, unit: '\u00B0C', descriptionText: descText, isDigital:true) logInfo "${descText}" } else { logWarn 'setTemperature: not a virtual thermostat!' } } // ========================================= end of the Virtual thermostat functions ========================================= void testT(String par) { log.trace "testT(${par}) : DEVICE.preferences = ${DEVICE.preferences}" Map result if (DEVICE != null && DEVICE.preferences != null && DEVICE.preferences != [:]) { (DEVICE.preferences).each { key, value -> log.trace "testT: ${key} = ${value}" result = inputIt(key, debug = true) logDebug "inputIt: ${result}" } } } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Libraries //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////