/** * Aqara Motion and Presence sensor driver for Hubitat * * https://community.hubitat.com/t/aqara-p1-motion-sensor/92987/46?u=kkossev * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Credits: * Hubitat, SmartThings, ZHA, Zigbee2MQTT, deCONZ and all other home automation communities for all the shared information. * * ver. 1.0.0 2022-06-24 kkossev - first test version * ver. 1.1.0 2022-06-30 kkossev - decodeAqaraStruct; added temperatureEvent; RTCGQ13LM; RTCZCGQ11LM (FP1) parsing * ver. 1.1.1 2022-07-01 kkossev - no any commands are sent immediately after pairing! * ver. 1.1.2 2022-07-04 kkossev - PowerSource presence polling; FP1 pars * ver. 1.1.3 2022-07-04 kkossev - FP1 approachDistance and monitoringMode parameters update * ver. 1.1.4 2022-07-08 kkossev - aqaraReadAttributes() * ver. 1.1.5 2022-07-09 kkossev - when going offline the battery level is set to 0 (zero); when back online, the last known battery level is restored; when switching offline, motion is reset to 'inactive'; added digital and physical events type * ver. 1.1.6 2022-07-12 kkossev - aqaraBlackMagic; * ver. 1.1.7 2022-07-23 kkossev - added MCCGQ14LM for tests * ver. 1.2.0 2022-07-29 kkossev - FP1 first successful initializaiton : * attr. 0142 presence bug fix; debug logs improvements; monitoring_mode bug fix; LED is null bug fix ;motionRetriggerInterval bugfix for FP1; motion sensitivity bug fix for FP1; temperature exception bug; * monitoring_mode bug fix; approachDistance bug fix; setMotion command for tests/tuning of automations; added motion active/inactive simulation for FP1 * ver. 1.2.1 2022-08-10 kkossev - code / traces cleanup; change device name on initialize(); * ver. 1.2.2 2022-08-21 kkossev - added motionRetriggerInterval for T1 model; filter illuminance parsing for RTCGQ13LM * ver. 1.2.3 2022-12-26 kkossev - added internalTemperature option (disabled by default); added homeKitCompatibility option to enable/disable battery 100% workaround for FP1 (HomeKit); Approach distance bug fix; battery 0% bug fix; pollPresence after hub reboot bug fix; * RTCGQ13LM battery fix; added RTCGQ15LM and RTCGQ01LM; added GZCGQ01LM and GZCGQ11LM illuminance sensors for tests; refactored setDeviceName(); min. Motion Retrigger Interval limited to 2 seconds. * ver. 1.2.4 2023-01-26 kkossev - renamed homeKitCompatibility option to sendBatteryEventsForDCdevices; aqaraModel bug fix * ver. 1.2.5 2023-01-30 kkossev - bug fixes for 'lumi.sen_ill.mgl01' light sensor'; setting device name bug fix; * ver. 1.3.0 2023-03-06 kkossev - regions reports decoding; on SetMotion(inactive) a Reset presence command is sent to FP1; FP1 fingerprint is temporary commented out for tests; added aqaraVersion'; Hub model (C-7 C-8) decoding * ver. 1.3.1 2023-03-15 kkossev - added RTCGQ01LM lumi.sensor_motion battery % and voltage; removed sendBatteryEventsForDCdevices option; removed lastBattery; * ver. 1.4.0 2023-03-17 kkossev - *** breaking change *** replaced presence => roomState [unoccupied,occupied]; replaced presence_type => roomActivity ; added capability 'Health Check'; added 'Works with ...'; added ping() and RTT * ver. 1.4.1 2023-04-21 kkossev - exception prevented when application string is enormously long; italic font bug fix; lumi.sen_ill.agl01 initialization and bug fixes; light sensor delta = 5 lux; removed MCCGQ14LM * ver. 1.4.2 2023-05-21 kkossev - lumi.sen_ill.agl01 initialization fixes; removed the E1 contact sensor driver code; trace logs cleanup; added reporting time configuration for the Lux sensors; Lux sensors preferences are NOT reset to defaults when paired again; removed powerSource manipulation; periodic job renamed to deviceHealthCheck() * ver. 1.5.0 2024-02-29 kkossev - Groovy Lint * ver. 1.6.0 2024-06-29 kkossev - added state.health 'parentNWK' and 'nwkCtr'; added attribute parentNWK; * ver. 1.6.1 2024-07-22 kkossev - bugfix: illuminanceThreshold and illuminanceMinReportingTime not working for lumi.sen_ill.mgl01 (GZCGQ01LM) * ver. 1.7.0 2024-08-15 kkossev - added lumi.sensor_occupy.agl1 - Aqara FP1E; capability 'Refresh'; added spammy reports filtering for FP1E * * TODO: add detectionRange for FP1E * TODO: powerSource 'unknown' fix; No signature of method: user_driver_kkossev_Aqara_P1_Motion_Sensor_3016.resetState() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] on line 1130 (method deviceCommandTimeout) * TODO: WARN log, when the device model is not registered during the pairing !!!!!!!! * TODO: automatic logsOff() is not working sometimes! * TODO: configure to clear the current states and events * TODO: Info logs only when parameters (sensitivity, etc..) are changed from the previous value * TODO: state motionStarted in human readable form * TODO: add 'remove FP1 regions' command * TODO: fill in the aqaraVersion from SWBUILD_TAG_ID, not from HE application version ! * TODO: check why the logsoff was not scheduled on fresh install (version 1.2.4 ) * */ static String version() { "1.7.0" } static String timeStamp() {"2024/08/15 8:26 AM"} import hubitat.device.HubAction import hubitat.device.Protocol import groovy.transform.Field import hubitat.zigbee.zcl.DataType import hubitat.helper.HexUtils import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap @Field static final Boolean _DEBUG = false @Field static final Boolean deviceSimulation = false @Field static final Boolean _REGIONS = false @Field static final String COMMENT_WORKS_WITH = 'Works with Aqara P1, FP1, FP1E, Aqara/Xiaomi/Mija other motion and illuminance sensors' @Field static final Map DynamicSettingsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>().withDefault { new ConcurrentHashMap() } metadata { definition (name: "Aqara P1 Motion Sensor", namespace: "kkossev", author: "Krassimir Kossev", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Aqara%20P1%20Motion%20Sensor/Aqara_P1_Motion_Sensor.groovy", singleThreaded: true ) { capability "Sensor" capability "Motion Sensor" capability "Illuminance Measurement" capability "TemperatureMeasurement" capability "Battery" capability "PowerSource" capability "Health Check" capability "Refresh" //capability "SignalStrength" //lqi - NUMBER; rssi - NUMBER (not supported yet) attribute 'healthStatus', 'enum', ['unknown', 'offline', 'online'] attribute "batteryVoltage", "string" attribute "rtt", "number" attribute "parentNWK", "string" attribute "roomState", "enum", [ "unoccupied", "occupied" ] attribute "roomActivity", "enum", [ "enter", "leave", "enter (right)", "leave (left)", "enter (left)", "leave (right)", "towards", "away" ] if (_REGIONS) { attribute "region_last_enter", "number" attribute "region_last_leave", "number" attribute "region_last_occupied", "number" attribute "region_last_unoccupied", "number" } command "configure", [[name: "Initialize the device after switching drivers. \n\r ***** Will load device default values! *****" ]] command "setMotion", [[name: "Force motion active/inactive (when testing automations)", type: "ENUM", constraints: ["--- Select ---", "active", "inactive"], description: "Force motion active/inactive (for tests)"]] if (_DEBUG) { command "test", [[name: "Cluster", type: "STRING", description: "Zigbee Cluster (Hex)", defaultValue : "0001"]] command "initialize", [[name: "Manually initialize the device after switching drivers. \n\r ***** Will load device default values! *****" ]] command "aqaraReadAttributes" command "activeEndpoints" } fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0001,0003,FCC0", outClusters:"0003,0019,FCC0", model:"lumi.motion.ac02", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara P1 Motion Sensor RTCGQ14LM" // Aqara P1 presence sensor RTCGQ14LM {manufacturerCode: 0x115f} fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0406,0003,0001", outClusters:"0003,0019", model:"lumi.motion.agl04", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara High Precision Motion Sensor RTCGQ13LM" // Aqara precision motion sensor fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,FCC0", outClusters:"0003,0019", model:"lumi.motion.ac01", manufacturer:"aqara", deviceJoinName: "Aqara FP1 Human Presence Detector RTCZCGQ11LM" // RTCZCGQ11LM ( FP1 ) fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0406,0003,0001", outClusters:"0003,0019", model:"lumi.motion.agl02", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara T1 Motion Sensor RTCGQ12LM" // https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Aqara_RTCGQ12LM.html RTCGQ12LM T1 motion sensor fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0001,0003,FCC0", outClusters:"0003,0019", model:"lumi.motion.acn001", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara E1 Motion Sensor RTCGQ15LM" // https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Aqara_RTCGQ12LM.html RTCGQ12LM T1 motion sensor fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,FFFF,0406,0400,0500,0001,0003", outClusters:"0000,0019", model:"lumi.sensor_motion.aq2", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara Motion Sensor RTCGQ11LM" // https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Aqara_RTCGQ11LM.html fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,FFFF,0019", outClusters:"0000,0004,0003,0006,0008,0005,0019", model:"lumi.sensor_motion", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Xiaomi/Mijia Motion Sensor RTCGQ01LM" // https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Xiaomi_RTCGQ01LM.html fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0400,0003,0001", outClusters:"0003", model:"lumi.sen_ill.mgl01", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: aqaraModels['GZCGQ01LM'].deviceJoinName // Mi Light Detection Sensor GZCGQ01LM fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0400,0003,0001", outClusters:"0003", model:"lumi.sen_ill.mgl01", manufacturer: "XIAOMI", deviceJoinName: "Mi Light Detection Sensor GZCGQ01LM" fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0400,0003,0001", outClusters:"0003", model:"lumi.sen_ill.agl01", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: aqaraModels['GZCGQ11LM'].deviceJoinName // tests only : "Aqara T1 light intensity sensor GZCGQ11LM" fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,FCC0", outClusters:"0003,0019", model:"lumi.sensor_occupy.agl1", manufacturer:"aqara", controllerType: "ZGB", deviceJoinName: "Aqara FP1E Human Presence Detector RTCZCGQ13LM" // RTCZCGQ13LM ( FP1E ) } preferences { input (name: "txtEnable", type: "bool", title: "Description text logging", description: "Show motion activity in HE log page. Recommended value is true", defaultValue: true) input (name: "logEnable", type: "bool", title: "Debug logging", description: "Debug information, useful for troubleshooting. Recommended value is false", defaultValue: true) input (title: "Information on Pairing and Configuration:", description: "Pair the P1 and FP1 devices at least 2 times, very close to the HE hub. For the battery-powered sensors, press shortly the pairing button on the device at the same time when clicking on Save Preferences", type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph") if (device) { if (!(isFP1() || isFP1E()) && !isLightSensor()) { input (name: "motionResetTimer", type: "number", title: "Motion Reset Timer", description: "After motion is detected, wait ___ second(s) until resetting to inactive state. Default = 30 seconds", range: "0..7200", defaultValue: 30) } if (isRTCGQ13LM() || isP1() || isT1()) { input (name: "motionRetriggerInterval", type: "number", title: "Motion Retrigger Interval", description: "Motion Retrigger Interval, seconds (2..200)", range: "2..202", defaultValue: 30) } if (isRTCGQ13LM() || isP1() || isFP1() /*|| isFP1E()*/) { input (name: "motionSensitivity", type: "enum", title: "Motion Sensitivity", description: "Sensor motion sensitivity", defaultValue: 0, options: getSensitivityOptions()) } if (isP1()) { input (name: "motionLED", type: "enum", title: "Enable/Disable LED", description: "Enable/disable LED blinking on motion detection", defaultValue: -1, options: ["0":"Disabled", "1":"Enabled" ]) } if (isFP1()) { input (name: "approachDistance", type: "enum", title: "Approach distance", description: "Approach distance", defaultValue: "1", options: approachDistanceOptions) input (name: "monitoringMode", type: "enum", title: "Monitoring mode", description: "monitoring mode", defaultValue: 0, options: monitoringModeOptions) } if (isFP1E()) { input (name: "filterSpam", type: "bool", title: "Filter Spammy Reports", description: "Filter the unused spammy reports from the FP1E sensor. Recommended value is true", defaultValue: true) //input (name: 'detectionRange', type: 'decimal', title: 'Detection Range', description: 'Maximum detection distance, range (0.10..6.00)', range: '0.5..6.0', defaultValue: 6.00) } if (isLightSensor()) { input (name: "illuminanceMinReportingTime", type: "number", title: "Minimum time between Illuminance Reports", description: "illuminance minimum reporting interval, seconds (4..300)", range: "4..300", defaultValue: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_MIN_TIME) input (name: "illuminanceMaxReportingTime", type: "number", title: "Maximum time between Illuminance Reports", description: "illuminance maximum reporting interval, seconds (120..10000)", range: "120..10000", defaultValue: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_MAX_TIME) input (name: "illuminanceThreshold", type: "number", title: "Illuminance Reporting Threshold", description: "illuminance reporting threshold, value (1..255)
Bigger values will result in less frequent reporting
", range: "1..255", defaultValue: 1) input (name: 'illuminanceCoeff', type: 'decimal', title: 'Illuminance Correction Coefficient', description: 'Illuminance correction coefficient, range (0.10..10.00)', range: '0.10..10.00', defaultValue: 1.00) } input (name: "internalTemperature", type: "bool", title: "Internal Temperature", description: "The internal temperature sensor is not very accurate, requires an offset and does not update frequently.
Recommended value is false
", defaultValue: false) if (internalTemperature == true) { input (name: "tempOffset", type: "decimal", title: "Temperature offset", description: "Select how many degrees to adjust the temperature.", range: "-100..100", defaultValue: 0) } } } } @Field static final int COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 10 // Command timeout before setting healthState to offline @Field static final Integer PRESENCE_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 3 @Field static final Integer DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL = 3600 @Field static final Integer DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_MIN_TIME = 5 @Field static final Integer DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_MAX_TIME = 300 @Field static final Integer DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD = 1 @Field static final Map aqaraModels = [ 'RTCZCGQ11LM': [ model: "lumi.motion.ac01", manufacturer: "aqara", deviceJoinName: "Aqara FP1 Human Presence Detector RTCZCGQ11LM", capabilities: ["motionSensor":true, "temperatureMeasurement":true, "battery":true, "powerSource":true, "signalStrength":true], attributes: ["roomState", "roomActivity"], preferences: [ "motionSensitivity": [ min: 1, scale: 0, max: 3, step: 1, type: 'number', options: [ "1":"low", "2":"medium", "3":"high" ] ], "approachDistance":true, "monitoringMode":true ], motionRetriggerInterval: [ min: 2, scale: 0, max: 200, step: 1, type: 'number' ], // TODO - check! ], 'RTCZCGQ13LM': [ // FP1E https://github.com/niceboygithub/AqaraGateway/blob/dedad6e56d02b6f5d1dac364d9d9a20ec12c5ff8/custom_components/aqara_gateway/core/utils.py#L491 model: "lumi.sensor_occupy.agl1", manufacturer: "aqara", deviceJoinName: "Aqara FP1E Human Presence Detector RTCZCGQ13LM", capabilities: ["motionSensor":true, "temperatureMeasurement":true, "battery":true, "powerSource":true, "signalStrength":true], attributes: ["roomState", "roomActivity"], preferences: [ "motionSensitivity": [ min: 1, scale: 0, max: 3, step: 1, type: 'number', options: [ "1":"low", "2":"medium", "3":"high" ] ], "approachDistance":true, "monitoringMode":true ], motionRetriggerInterval: [ min: 2, scale: 0, max: 200, step: 1, type: 'number' ], // TODO - check! ], 'RTCGQ14LM': [ model: "lumi.motion.ac02", manufacturer: "LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara P1 Motion Sensor RTCGQ14LM", motionRetriggerInterval: [ min: 2, scale: 0, max: 200, step: 1, type: 'number' ], motionSensitivity: [ min: 1, scale: 0, max: 3, step: 1, type: 'number', options: [ "1":"low", "2":"medium", "3":"high" ] ] ], 'RTCGQ13LM': [ model: "lumi.motion.agl04", manufacturer: "LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara High Precision Motion Sensor RTCGQ13LM", motionRetriggerInterval: [ min: 2, scale: 0, max: 200, step: 1, type: 'number' ], motionSensitivity: [ min: 1, scale: 0, max: 3, step: 1, type: 'number', options: [ "1":"low", "2":"medium", "3":"high" ] ] ], 'RTCGQ12LM': [ model: "lumi.motion.agl02", manufacturer: "LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara T1 Motion Sensor RTCGQ12LM" ], 'RTCGQ15LM': [ model: "lumi.motion.acn001", manufacturer: "LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara E1 Motion Sensor RTCGQ15LM" ], 'RTCGQ11LM': [ model: "lumi.sensor_motion.aq2", manufacturer: "LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Xiaomi Motion Sensor RTCGQ11LM" ], 'RTCGQ01LM': [ model: "lumi.sensor_motion", manufacturer: "LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Xiaomi Motion Sensor RTCGQ01LM" ], 'GZCGQ01LM': [ model: "lumi.sen_ill.mgl01", manufacturer: "LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Mi Light Detection Sensor GZCGQ01LM" // aka vendor: 'Xiaomi', model: 'YTC4043GL' // also model: "lumi.sen_ill.mgl01", manufacturer: "XIAOMI", deviceJoinName: "Mi Light Detection Sensor GZCGQ01LM" ], // experimental 'GZCGQ11LM': [ model: "lumi.sen_ill.agl01", manufacturer: "LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara T1 light intensity sensor GZCGQ11LM" ] ] def isRTCGQ13LM() { if (deviceSimulation) return false else return (device.getDataValue('model') in ['lumi.motion.agl04']) } // Aqara Precision motion sensor def isP1() { if (deviceSimulation) return false else return (device.getDataValue('model') in ['lumi.motion.ac02'] ) } // Aqara P1 motion sensor (LED control) def isFP1() { if (deviceSimulation) return false else return (device.getDataValue('model') in ['lumi.motion.ac01'] ) } // Aqara FP1 Presence sensor (microwave radar) def isFP1E() { if (deviceSimulation) return false else return (device.getDataValue('model') in ['lumi.sensor_occupy.agl1'] ) } // Aqara FP1E Presence sensor def isT1() { if (deviceSimulation) return false else return (device.getDataValue('model') in ['lumi.motion.agl02'] ) } // Aqara T1 motion sensor def isLightSensorXiaomi() { return (device.getDataValue('model') in ['lumi.sen_ill.mgl01'] ) } // Mi Light Detection Sensor; def isLightSensorAqara() { return (device.getDataValue('model') in ['lumi.sen_ill.agl01'] ) } // T1 light intensity sensor def isLightSensor() { return (isLightSensorXiaomi() || isLightSensorAqara()) } private P1_LED_MODE_VALUE(mode) { mode == "Disabled" ? 0 : mode == "Enabled" ? 1 : null } private P1_LED_MODE_NAME(value) { value == 0 ? "Disabled" : value== 1 ? "Enabled" : null } @Field static final Map sensitivityOptions = [ "1":"low", "2":"medium", "3":"high" ] @Field static final Map fp1RoomStateEventOptions = [ "0":"unoccupied", "1":"occupied" ] @Field static final Map fp1RoomActivityEventTypeOptions = [ "0":"enter", "1":"leave" , "2":"enter (right)" , "3":"leave (left)" , "4":"enter (left)" , "5":"leave (right)" , "6":"towards", "7":"away" ] @Field static final Map fp1ERoomActivityEventTypeOptions = [ "0":"0 - unknown", "1":"1 - unknown" , "2":"idle" , "3":"large movement" , "4":"small movement" , "5":"5 - unknown" ] @Field static final Map approachDistanceOptions = [ "0":"far", "1":"medium", "2":"near" ] @Field static final Map monitoringModeOptions = [ "0":"undirected", "1":"left_right" ] def getSensitivityOptions() { aqaraModels[device.getDataValue('aqaraModel')]?.preferences?.motionSensitivity?.options ?: sensitivityOptions } void parse(String description) { checkDriverVersion() if (state.rxCounter != null) state.rxCounter = state.rxCounter + 1 ; else state.rxCounter = 1 setHealthStatusOnline() def descMap = [:] if (description.contains("cluster: 0000") && description.contains("attrId: FF02")) { //log.trace "parsing Xiaomi cluster 0xFF02" parseAqaraAttributeFF02( description ) return } try { descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) } catch ( e ) { logWarn "parse: exception ${e} caught while parsing description: ${description} (descMap: ${descMap})" return } if (isSpammyReport(descMap)) { return } if (logEnable) {log.debug "${device.displayName} parse: descMap: {$descMap} parse: description is ${description}"} if (descMap.attrId != null ) { // attribute report received List attrData = [[cluster: descMap.cluster ,attrId: descMap.attrId, value: descMap.value, status: descMap.status]] descMap.additionalAttrs.each { attrData << [cluster: descMap.cluster, attrId: it.attrId, value: it.value, status: it.status] } attrData.each { if (it.status == "86") { logWarn "unsupported cluster ${it.cluster} attribute ${it.attrId}" } else if (it.cluster == "0400" && it.attrId == "0000") { // lumi.sensor_motion.aq2 def rawLux = Integer.parseInt(it.value,16) if (isLightSensorAqara() || isLightSensorXiaomi()) { illuminanceEvent( rawLux ) } else { illuminanceEventLux( rawLux ) } } else if (it.cluster == "0406" && it.attrId == "0000") { // lumi.sensor_motion.aq2 map = handleMotion( Integer.parseInt(it.value,16) as Boolean ) } else if (it.cluster == "0000" && it.attrId == "0001") { if (true) { // TODO: check if this is a ping() response sendRttEvent() } else { logDebug "Applicaiton version is ${it.value}" } } else if (it.cluster == "0000" && it.attrId == "0004") { // device model if (txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} (parse) device model is ${it.value}" } else if (it.cluster == "0000" && it.attrId == "0005") { // lumi.sensor_motion.aq2 button is pressed if (txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} (parse attr 5) device ${it.value} button was pressed " } else if (it.cluster == "0001" && it.attrId == "0020") { // contact sensor if (it.value != "00") { voltageAndBatteryEvents( Integer.parseInt(it.value,16) / 10.0) } else { logWarn "ignored value ${it.value} cluster ${it.cluster} attr ${it.attrId} for ${device.getDataValue('model')}" } } else if (descMap.cluster == "FCC0") { // Aqara P1 parseAqaraClusterFCC0( description, descMap, it ) } else if (descMap.cluster == "0000" && it.attrId == "FF01") { parseAqaraAttributeFF01( description ) } else { if (logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} Unprocessed attribute report: cluster=${it.cluster} attrId=${it.attrId} value=${it.value} status=${it.status} data=${descMap.data}" } } // for each attribute } // if attribute report else if (descMap.profileId == "0000") { //zdo parseZDOcommand(descMap) } else if (descMap.clusterId != null && descMap.profileId == "0104") { // ZHA global command parseZHAcommand(descMap) } else { logWarn "Unprocesed unknown command: cluster=${descMap.clusterId} command=${descMap.command} attrId=${descMap.attrId} value=${descMap.value} data=${descMap.data}" } } // Aqara FP1E spammy / unused reports filter boolean isSpammyReport(Map descMap) { if (settings?.filterSpam != true) { return false } if (descMap.cluster == "FCC0" && descMap.attrId in ['015F']) { return true } return false } void parseAqaraAttributeFF01(String description) { def valueHex = description.split(",").find {it.split(":")[0].trim() == "value"}?.split(":")[1].trim() parseBatteryFF01( valueHex ) } void parseAqaraAttributeFF02(String description) { def valueHex = description.split(",").find {it.split(":")[0].trim() == "value"}?.split(":")[1].trim() parseBatteryFF02( valueHex ) } void parseAqaraClusterFCC0(String description, Map descMap, Map it) { String valueHex = description.split(",").find {it.split(":")[0].trim() == "value"}?.split(":")[1].trim() int value = safeToInt(it.value) switch (it.attrId) { case "0005" : logDebug "(parseAqaraClusterFCC0) device ${it.value} button was pressed (driver version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()})" break case "0064" : logWarn "received unknown report: ${P1_LED_MODE_NAME(value)} (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case "0065" : if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { // FP1 'unoccupied':'occupied' logDebug "(attr 0x065) roomState (presence) is ${fp1RoomStateEventOptions[value.toString()]} (${value})" roomStateEvent( fp1RoomStateEventOptions[value.toString()] ) } else { // illuminance only? for RTCGQ12LM RTCGQ14LM illuminanceEventLux( value ) logDebug "received illuminance only report: ${P1_LED_MODE_NAME(value)} (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" } break case "0069" : // (105) PIR sensitivity RTCGQ13LM; distance for RTCZCGQ11LM; detection (retrigger) interval for RTCGQ14LM if (isRTCGQ13LM()) { // sensitivity device.updateSetting( "motionSensitivity", [value:value.toString(), type:"enum"] ) logDebug "received PIR sensitivity report: ${sensitivityOptions[value.toString()]} (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" } else if (isP1()) { // retrigger interval device.updateSetting( "motionRetriggerInterval", [value:value.toString(), type:"number"] ) logDebug "received motion retrigger interval report: ${value} s (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" } else if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { // FP1 logDebug "(0x69) received approach_distance report: ${value} s (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" device.updateSetting( "approachDistance", [value:value.toString(), type:"enum"] ) } else { logWarn "Received unknown device report: cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value} status=${it.status} data=${descMap.data}" } break case "00F7" : // Aqara FP1E : 00F7_States (115F): {16=1, 18=0, 3=19, 5=1, 101=0, 8=278, 10=56426, 12=20} [STRUCT2] decodeAqaraStruct(description) break case "00FC" : // Aqara FP1E : 00FC_Unknown (115F): false [BOOLEAN] logWarn "received unknown 00FC report: (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case "0102" : // Retrigger interval (duration) value = Integer.parseInt(it.value, 16) device.updateSetting( "motionRetriggerInterval", [value:value.toString(), type:"number"] ) logDebug "received motion retrigger interval report: ${value} s (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case "0106" : // PIR sensitivity RTCGQ13LM RTCGQ14LM RTCZCGQ11LM case "010C" : // (268) PIR sensitivity RTCGQ13LM RTCGQ14LM (P1) RTCZCGQ11LM; TODO: check if applicable for FP1 ? // FP1E 010C_SensorSensitivity (115F): 3 [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] if (isFP1E()) { logDebug "(0x${it.attrId}) received FP1E unknown report: (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" } else { device.updateSetting( "motionSensitivity", [value:value.toString(), type:"enum"] ) logDebug "(0x010C) received PIR sensitivity report: ${sensitivityOptions[value.toString()]} (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" } break case "0112" : // Aqara P1 PIR motion Illuminance if (!isRTCGQ13LM()) { // filter for High Preceision sensor - no illuminance sensor! def rawValue = Integer.parseInt((valueHex[(2)..(3)] + valueHex[(0)..(1)]),16) illuminanceEventLux( rawValue ) handleMotion( true ) // TODO !! } break case "0142" : // (322) FP1 RTCZCGQ11LM presence (roomState) // FP1E: 0142_SensorPresense (115F): 1 [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] logDebug "(attr. 0x0142) roomState (presence) is ${fp1RoomStateEventOptions[value.toString()]} (${value})" roomStateEvent( fp1RoomStateEventOptions[value.toString()] ) break case "0143" : // (323) FP1 RTCZCGQ11LM presence_event {0: 'enter', 1: 'leave', 2: 'left_enter', 3: 'right_leave', 4: 'right_enter', 5: 'left_leave', 6: 'approach', 7: 'away'}[value]; // FP1E: 0143_SensorPresenseEvent (115F): [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] presenceTypeEvent( fp1RoomActivityEventTypeOptions[value.toString()] ) break case "0144" : // (324) FP1 RTCZCGQ11LM monitoring_mode device.updateSetting( "monitoringMode", [value:value.toString(), type:"enum"] ) // monitoring_mode = {0: 'undirected', 1: 'left_right'}[value] logDebug "received monitoring_mode report: ${monitoringModeOptions[value.toString()]} (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case "0146" : // (326) FP1 RTCZCGQ11LM approach_distance device.updateSetting( "approachDistance", [value:value.toString(), type:"enum"] ) logDebug "(0x0146) received approach_distance report: ${approachDistanceOptions[value.toString()]} (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case "0150" : // (336) FP1 set region event logDebug "(0x0150) received set region report: (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case "0151" : // (337) FP1 region event Integer regionId = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.value[0..1]) value = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.value[2..3]) logDebug "(0x0151) received region report: regionId=${regionId} value=${value} (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" sendRegionEvent( regionId, value) break case "0152" : // (338) LED configuration device.updateSetting( "motionLED", [value:value.toString(), type:"enum"] ) logDebug "${device.displayName} received LED configuration report: ${P1_LED_MODE_NAME(value)} (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" //P1_LED_MODE_VALUE break case "0153" : // (339) FP1 set exit region event logDebug "(0x0153) received set exit region report: (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case "0154" : // (340) FP1 set interference region event logDebug "(0x0154) received set interference region report: (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case '0155' : // (341) FP1E 0155_SensorReportPosition (115F): 0 [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] logDebug "(0x0155) received FP1E SensorReportPosition report: (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case "0156" : // (342) FP1 set edge region event logDebug "(0x0156) received set edge region report: (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case "0157" : // (343) FP1 reset presence event // FP1E 0157_SensorResetMotion (115F): [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] logWarn "(0x0157) received reset presence/motion report: (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break case '0160' : // FP1E frequently sent report ?? presence_event [ "0":"0 - unknown", "1":"1 - unknown" , "2":"idle" , "3":"large movement" , "4":"small movement" , "5":"5 - unknown" ] logDebug "(0x0160) received report: ${fp1ERoomActivityEventTypeOptions[value.toString()]} (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" presenceTypeEvent( fp1ERoomActivityEventTypeOptions[value.toString()] ) break case '0006' : // 0006_Unknown (115F): ByteArray [value=D3 45 B9 CD AC 60 DB 02 FB C5 C0 E9 41 14 B0 CC] [OCTET_STRING] case '0007' : // 0007_Unknown (115F): ByteArray [value=00 00 00 00 2A FD 50 0F] [OCTET_STRING] case '00DF' : // 00DF_Unknown (115F): {228=null} [STRUCT2] case '00E4' : // 00E4_Unknown (115F): [UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER] case '00FA' : // 00FA_Unknown (115F): false [BOOLEAN] case '00FE' : // 00FE_SerialNumber (115F): 777S00072190 [CHARACTER_STRING] case '00FF' : // 00FF_Unknown (115F): ByteArray [value=] [OCTET_STRING] case '0133' : // 0133_Unknown (115F): 1 [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] case '0134' : // 0134_Unknown (115F): [OCTET_STRING] case '0159' : // 0159_Unknown (115F): 1 [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] case "015A" : // FP1E RTCZCGQ13LM unknown 015A_Custom: 600 [UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER] case "015B" : // 015B_Custom: 600 [UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER] case "015C" : // 015C_Custom: 1 [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] case "015D" : // 015D_Custom: 1 [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] case "015E" : // 015E_Custom: 1 [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] case "015F" : // 015F_Custom: 15 [UNSIGNED_32_BIT_INTEGER] case '0705' : // 0705_Unknown (115F): 0 [UNSIGNED_8_BIT_INTEGER] case 'FFF2' : // FFF2_Unknown (115F): 0006_AqaraCommand [FCC0_ManufacturerSpecific: mc=115F, null -> null, TID=--, Input, const1=62207, length1=134, const2=null, seq=null, integrity=null, action=null, const3=null, length2=null, raw=null] [AQARA_FFF2] case 'FFFD' : // FFFD_Unknown (115F): 1 [UNSIGNED_16_BIT_INTEGER] logDebug "received FP1E RTCZCGQ13LM unknown report: (cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value})" break default : logDebug "Unprocessed FCC0 attribute report: cluster=0x${it.cluster} attrId=0x${it.attrId} value=0x${it.value} status=${it.status} data=${descMap.data}" break } } // Set of Region Actions @Field static final Map REGION_ACTIONS = [ 1: 'enter', 2: 'leave', 4: 'occupied', 8: 'unoccupied' ] def sendRegionEvent( regionId, value) { String regionEventName = "region_last_" + REGION_ACTIONS.get(value) def event = [ name: regionEventName, value: regionId.toString(), //data: [buttonNumber: regionId], descriptionText: "region $regionId state is ${REGION_ACTIONS.get(value)}", type:'physical' ] logInfo "${event.descriptionText}" sendEvent(event) } def decodeAqaraStruct( description ) { def valueHex = description.split(",").find {it.split(":")[0].trim() == "value"}?.split(":")[1].trim() def MsgLength = valueHex.size() if (logEnable) log.debug "decodeAqaraStruct len = ${MsgLength} valueHex = ${valueHex}" for (int i = 2; i < (MsgLength-3); ) { def dataType = Integer.parseInt(valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)], 16) def tag = Integer.parseInt(valueHex[(i+0)..(i+1)], 16) def rawValue = 0 // switch (dataType) { case 0x08 : // 8 bit data case 0x10 : // 1 byte boolean case 0x18 : // 8-bit bitmap case 0x20 : // 1 byte unsigned int case 0x28 : // 1 byte 8 bit signed int case 0x30 : // 8-bit enumeration rawValue = Integer.parseInt(valueHex[(i+4)..(i+5)], 16) switch (tag) { case 0x03 : // device temperature temperatureEvent( rawValue ) break case 0x64 : // on/off logDebug "on/off is ${rawValue}" break case 0x9b : // consumer connected logDebug "consumer connected is ${rawValue}" break case 0x64 : // curtain lift or smoke/gas density; also battery percentage for Aqara curtain motor logDebug "lift % or gas density is ${rawValue}" break case 0x65 : // (101) FP1 roomState (presence) if (isFP1()) { // FP1 'unoccupied':'occupied' logDebug "(0x65) roomState (presence) is ${fp1RoomStateEventOptions[rawValue.toString()]} (${rawValue})" roomStateEvent( fp1RoomStateEventOptions[rawValue.toString()] ) } else if (isFP1E()) { logDebug "FP1E tag #65 is ${rawValue}" } else { logDebug "on/off EP 2 or battery percentage is ${rawValue}" } break case 0x66 : // (102) FP1 if (isFP1()) { if (/* FP1 firmware version < 50) */ false ) { logWarn "RTCZCGQ11LM tag 0x66 (${rawValue} )" presenceTypeEvent( fp1RoomActivityEventTypeOptions[rawValue.toString()] ) } else { device.updateSetting( "motionSensitivity", [value:rawValue.toString(), type:"enum"] ) logDebug "(tag 0x66) sensitivity is ${sensitivityOptions[rawValue.toString()]} (${rawValue})" } } break case 0x67 : // (103) FP1 monitoring_mode if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { logDebug "monitoring_mode is ${monitoringModeOptions[rawValue.toString()]} (${rawValue})" device.updateSetting( "monitoringMode", [value:rawValue.toString(), type:"enum"] ) } else { logDebug "tag 0x67 value is ${rawValue}" // sent by T1 sensor } break case 0x69 : // (105) if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { // FP1 device.updateSetting( "approachDistance", [value:rawValue.toString(), type:"enum"] ) // {0: 'far', 1: 'medium', 2: 'near'} logDebug "approach_distance is ${approachDistanceOptions[rawValue.toString()]} (${rawValue})" } else if (isRTCGQ13LM()) { // payload.motion_sensitivity = {1: 'low', 2: 'medium', 3: 'high'}[value]; device.updateSetting( "motionSensitivity", [value:rawValue.toString(), type:"enum"] ) logDebug "(tag 0x69) sensitivity is ${sensitivityOptions[rawValue.toString()]} (${rawValue})" } else if (isP1()) { device.updateSetting( "motionRetriggerInterval", [value:rawValue.toString(), type:"number"] ) logDebug "motion retrigger interval is ${rawValue} s." } else { logWarn "unknown device ${device.getDataValue('model')} tag=${valueHex[(i+0)..(i+1)]} dataType 0x${valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)]} rawValue=${rawValue}" } break case 0x6A : // sensitivity if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { logDebug "(0x6A) FP1 unknown parameter, value: ${rawValue}" } else { device.updateSetting( "motionSensitivity", [value:rawValue.toString(), type:"enum"] ) logDebug "(tag 0x6A) sensitivity is ${sensitivityOptions[rawValue.toString()]} (${rawValue})" } break case 0x6B : // LED if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { logDebug "(0x06B) FP1 unknown parameter, value: ${rawValue}" } else { device.updateSetting( "motionLED", [value:rawValue.toString(), type:"enum"] ) if (txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} LED is ${P1_LED_MODE_NAME(rawValue)} (${rawValue})" } break default : logDebug "unknown tag=${valueHex[(i+0)..(i+1)]} dataType 0x${valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)]} rawValue=${rawValue}" break } i = i + (1 + 1 + 1) * 2 break; case 0x21 : // 2 bytes 16bitUINT rawValue = Integer.parseInt((valueHex[(i+6)..(i+7)] + valueHex[(i+4)..(i+5)]),16) switch (tag) { case 0x01 : // battery level voltageAndBatteryEvents( rawValue/1000 ) break case 0x05 : // RSSI if (logEnable) log.debug "RSSI is ${rawValue} ? db" break case 0x0A : // Parent NWK if (logEnable) log.debug "Parent NWK is ${valueHex[(i+6)..(i+7)] + valueHex[(i+4)..(i+5)]}" String nwk = intToHexStr(rawValue as Integer, 2) if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } String oldNWK = state.health['parentNWK'] ?: 'n/a' logDebug "Parent NWK is ${nwk}" if (oldNWK != nwk || device.currentState('parentNWK')?.value != nwk) { String descriptionText = "parentNWK changed from ${oldNWK} to ${nwk}" state.health['parentNWK'] = nwk state.health['nwkCtr'] = (state.health['nwkCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 sendEvent(name: "parentNWK", value: nwk, descriptionText: descriptionText, type: "digital") logWarn "${descriptionText}" } break case 0x0B : // lightlevel if (logEnable) log.debug "lightlevel is ${rawValue}" break case 0x65 : // illuminance or humidity if (!isRTCGQ13LM()) { // filter for high precision sensor - no illuminance! illuminanceEventLux( rawValue ) } break default : logDebug "unknown tag=${valueHex[(i+0)..(i+1)]} dataType 0x${valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)]} rawValue=${rawValue}" break } i = i + (1 + 1 + 2) * 2 break case 0x0B : // 32-bit data case 0x1B : // 32-bit bitmap case 0x23 : // Unsigned 32-bit integer case 0x2B : // Signed 32-bit integer // TODO: Zcl32BitUint tag == 0x0d -> firmware version ? logDebug "unknown 32 bit data tag=${valueHex[(i+0)..(i+1)]} dataType 0x${valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)]} rawValue=${rawValue}" i = i + (1 + 1 + 4) * 2 // TODO: check! break case 0x24 : // 5 bytes 40 bits Zcl40BitUint tag == 0x06 -> LQI (?) switch (tag) { case 0x06 : // LQI ? if (logEnable) log.debug "device LQI is ${valueHex[(i+4)..(i+14)]}" break default : logDebug "unknown tag=${valueHex[(i+0)..(i+1)]} dataType 0x${valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)]} TODO rawValue" break } i = i + (1 + 1 + 5) * 2 break; case 0x0C : // 40-bit data case 0x1C : // 40-bit bitmap case 0x24 : // Unsigned 40-bit integer case 0x2C : // Signed 40-bit integer logDebug "unknown 40 bit data tag=${valueHex[(i+0)..(i+1)]} dataType 0x${valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)]} rawValue=${rawValue}" i = i + (1 + 1 + 5) * 2 break case 0x0D : // 48-bit data case 0x1D : // 48-bit bitmap case 0x25 : // Unsigned 48-bit integer case 0x2D : // Signed 48-bit integer // TODO: Zcl48BitUint tag == 0x9a ? // TODO: Zcl64BitUint tag == 0x07 ? logDebug "unknown 48 bit data tag=${valueHex[(i+0)..(i+1)]} dataType 0x${valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)]} rawValue=${rawValue}" i = i + (1 + 1 + 6) * 2 break // TODO: Zcl16BitInt tag == 0x64 -> temperature // TODO: ZclSingleFloat tag == 0x95 (consumption) tag == 0x96 (voltage) tag == 0x97 (current) tag == 0x98 (power) // https://github.com/SwoopX/deconz-rest-plugin/blob/1c09f60eb2001fef790450e70a142180e9494aa4/general.xml default : logWarn "unknown dataType 0x${valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)]} at index ${i}" i = i + 1*2 break } // switch dataType } // for all tags in valueHex } private parseBatteryFF02( valueHex ) { def MsgLength = valueHex.size() for (int i = 0; i < (MsgLength-3); i+=2) { if (valueHex[i..(i+1)] == "21") { // Search for byte preceeding battery voltage bytes rawValue = Integer.parseInt((valueHex[(i+4)..(i+5)] + valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)] ),16) break } } if (rawValue == 0) { return } def rawVolts = rawValue / 1000 voltageAndBatteryEvents(rawVolts) } // called by parseAqaraAttributeFF01 (cluster "0000") private parseBatteryFF01( valueHex ) { def MsgLength = valueHex.size() for (int i = 0; i < (MsgLength-3); i+=2) { if (valueHex[i..(i+1)] == "21") { // Search for byte preceeding battery voltage bytes rawValue = Integer.parseInt((valueHex[(i+2)..(i+3)] + valueHex[(i+4)..(i+5)]),16) break } } if (rawValue == 0) { return } def rawVolts = rawValue / 100 voltageAndBatteryEvents(rawVolts) } def voltageAndBatteryEvents( rawVolts, isDigital=false ) { def minVolts = 2.5 def maxVolts = 3.0 def pct = (rawVolts - minVolts) / (maxVolts - minVolts) def roundedPct = Math.min(100, Math.round(pct * 100)) def descText = "Battery level is ${roundedPct} %" def descText2 = "Battery voltage is ${rawVolts} V" if (txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} ${descText}" sendEvent(name: 'batteryVoltage', value: rawVolts, unit: "V", type: "physical", descriptionText: descText2, isStateChange: true ) sendEvent(name: 'battery', value: roundedPct, unit: "%", type: isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical", descriptionText: descText, isStateChange: true ) } def sendBatteryEvent( roundedPct, isDigital=false ) { def descText = "Battery level " descText += isDigital ? safeToInt(roundedPct)==0 ?"forced to ${roundedPct}%" : "restored to ${roundedPct}%" : " " // TODO !!! sendEvent(name: 'battery', value: roundedPct, unit: "%", type: isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical", descriptionText: descText, isStateChange: true ) } def parseZDOcommand( Map descMap ) { switch (descMap.clusterId) { case "0006" : if (logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Received match descriptor request, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, Input cluster count:${descMap.data[5]} Input cluster: 0x${descMap.data[7]+descMap.data[6]})" break case "0013" : // device announcement if (logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Received device announcement, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, Device network ID: ${descMap.data[2]+descMap.data[1]}, Capability Information: ${descMap.data[11]})" aqaraBlackMagic() //aqaraReadAttributes() break case "8004" : // simple descriptor response if (logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Received simple descriptor response, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, status:${descMap.data[1]}, lenght:${hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.data[4])}" parseSimpleDescriptorResponse( descMap ) break case "8005" : // endpoint response if (logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Received endpoint response: cluster: ${descMap.clusterId} (endpoint response) endpointCount = ${ descMap.data[4]} endpointList = ${descMap.data[5]}" break case "8021" : // bind response if (logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Received bind response, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, Status: ${descMap.data[1]=="00" ? 'Success' : 'Failure'})" break case "8022" : //unbind request if (logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Received unbind response, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, Status: ${descMap.data[1]=="00" ? 'Success' : 'Failure'})" break case "8034" : //leave response if (logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Received leave response, data=${descMap.data}" break case "8038" : // Management Network Update Notify if (logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Received Management Network Update Notify, data=${descMap.data}" break default : if (logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} Unprocessed ZDO command: cluster=${descMap.clusterId} command=${descMap.command} attrId=${descMap.attrId} value=${descMap.value} data=${descMap.data}" } } def parseZHAcommand( Map descMap) { switch (descMap.command) { case "01" : //read attribute response. If there was no error, the successful attribute reading would be processed in the main parse() method. if (descMap?.data?.size() <3) { // Mi Light Detection Sensor GZCGQ01LM : raw:catchall: 0104 0003 01 FF 0040 00 0508 01 00 0000 01 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0003, clusterInt:3, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:FF, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:0508, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:01, direction:00, data:[]] logDebug "received Read attribute response: cluster ${descMap.clusterId} Attributte ${attrId}, data size ${descMap?.data?.size()}" return } def status = descMap.data[2] def attrId = descMap.data[1] + descMap.data[0] if (status == "86") { logWarn "UNSUPPORTED/b> Read attribute response: cluster ${descMap.clusterId} Attributte ${attrId} status code ${status}" } else { switch (descMap.clusterId) { // "lumi.sensor_motion.aq2" inClusters: "0000,FFFF,0406,0400,0500,0001,0003" case "0000" : case "0001" : case "0003" : case "0400" : case "0500" : case "FFFF" : logWarn "NOT PROCESSED Read attribute response: cluster ${descMap.clusterId} Attributte ${attrId} status code ${status}" break default : logWarn "UNHANDLED Read attribute response: cluster ${descMap.clusterId} Attributte ${attrId} status code ${status}" break } } break case "04" : //write attribute response logDebug "Received Write Attribute Response for cluster:${descMap.clusterId} , data=${descMap.data} (Status: ${descMap.data[0]=="00" ? 'Success' : 'Failure'})" break case "07" : // Configure Reporting Response logInfo "Received Configure Reporting Response for cluster:${descMap.clusterId} , data=${descMap.data} (Status: ${descMap.data[0]=="00" ? 'Success' : 'Failure'})" // Status: Unreportable Attribute (0x8c) break case "09" : // Command: Read Reporting Configuration Response (0x09) def status = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[0]) // Status: Success (0x00) def attr = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[3])*256 + zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[2]) // Attribute: OnOff (0x0000) if (status == 0) { def dataType = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[4]) // Data Type: Boolean (0x10) def min = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[6])*256 + zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[5]) def max = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[8])*256 + zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[7]) def delta = 0 if (descMap.data.size() >= 9 ) { delta = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap.data[9]) } logInfo "Received Read Reporting Configuration Response (0x09) for cluster:${descMap.clusterId} attribite:${descMap.data[3]+descMap.data[2]}, data=${descMap.data} (Status: ${descMap.data[0]=="00" ? 'Success' : 'Failure'}) min=${min} max=${max} delta=${delta}" } else { logWarn "Not Found (0x8b) Read Reporting Configuration Response for cluster:${descMap.clusterId} attribite:${descMap.data[3]+descMap.data[2]}, data=${descMap.data} (Status: ${descMap.data[0]=="00" ? 'Success' : 'Failure'})" } break case "0B" : // ZCL Default Response def status = descMap.data[1] if (status != "00") { switch (descMap.clusterId) { /// "lumi.sensor_motion.aq2" inClusters: "0000,FFFF,0406,0400,0500,0001,0003" case "0000" : case "0001" : case "0003" : case "0400" : case "0500" : case "FFFF" : default : logDebug "Received ZCL Default Response to Command ${descMap.data[0]} for cluster:${descMap.clusterId} , data=${descMap.data} (Status: ${descMap.data[1]=="00" ? 'Success' : 'Failure'})" break } } break default : logDebug "Unprocessed global command: cluster=${descMap.clusterId} command=${descMap.command} attrId=${descMap.attrId} value=${descMap.value} data=${descMap.data}" break } } def parseSimpleDescriptorResponse(Map descMap) { log.info "Received simple descriptor response, data=${descMap.data} (Sequence Number:${descMap.data[0]}, status:${descMap.data[1]}, lenght:${hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.data[4])}" log.info "Endpoint: ${descMap.data[5]} Application Device:${descMap.data[9]}${descMap.data[8]}, Application Version:${descMap.data[10]}" def inputClusterCount = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.data[11]) def inputClusterList = "" for (int i in 1..inputClusterCount) { inputClusterList += descMap.data[13+(i-1)*2] + descMap.data[12+(i-1)*2] + "," } inputClusterList = inputClusterList.substring(0, inputClusterList.length() - 1) log.info "Input Cluster Count: ${inputClusterCount} Input Cluster List : ${inputClusterList}" if (getDataValue("inClusters") != inputClusterList) { logWarn "inClusters=${getDataValue('inClusters')} differs from inputClusterList:${inputClusterList} - will be updated!" updateDataValue("inClusters", inputClusterList) } def outputClusterCount = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.data[12+inputClusterCount*2]) def outputClusterList = "" for (int i in 1..outputClusterCount) { outputClusterList += descMap.data[14+inputClusterCount*2+(i-1)*2] + descMap.data[13+inputClusterCount*2+(i-1)*2] + "," } outputClusterList = outputClusterList.substring(0, outputClusterList.length() - 1) log.info "Output Cluster Count: ${outputClusterCount} Output Cluster List : ${outputClusterList}" if (getDataValue("outClusters") != outputClusterList) { logWarn "outClusters=${getDataValue('outClusters')} differs from outputClusterList:${outputClusterList} - will be updated!" updateDataValue("outClusters", outputClusterList) } } void illuminanceEvent( rawLux ) { if (rawLux == 0xFFFF) { logWarn "ignored rawLux reading ${rawLux}" return } def lux = rawLux > 0 ? Math.round(Math.pow(10,(rawLux/10000))) : 0 illuminanceEventLux( lux as Integer ) } void illuminanceEventLux( Integer lux ) { if (lux == 0xFFFF) { logWarn "ignored lux reading ${lux}" return } if ( lux > 0xFFDC ) lux = 0 // maximum value is 0xFFDC ! handleIlluminanceEvent(lux) } void handleIlluminanceEvent(int illuminance, boolean isDigital=false) { if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] } state.stats['illumCtr'] = (state.stats['illumCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 Map eventMap = [:] eventMap.name = 'illuminance' Integer illumCorrected = Math.round((illuminance * ((settings?.illuminanceCoeff ?: 1.00) as float))) eventMap.value = illumCorrected eventMap.type = isDigital ? 'digital' : 'physical' eventMap.unit = 'lx' eventMap.descriptionText = "${eventMap.name} is ${eventMap.value} ${eventMap.unit}" Integer timeElapsed = Math.round((now() - (state.lastRx['illumTime'] ?: now())) / 1000) Integer minTime = settings?.illuminanceMinReportingTime ?: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_MIN_TIME // defined in commonLib Integer timeRamaining = (minTime - timeElapsed) as Integer Integer lastIllum = device.currentValue('illuminance') ?: 0 Integer delta = Math.abs(lastIllum - illumCorrected) if (delta < ((settings?.illuminanceThreshold ?: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD) as int)) { logDebug "skipped illuminance ${illumCorrected}, less than delta ${settings?.illuminanceThreshold} (lastIllum=${lastIllum})" return } if (timeElapsed >= minTime) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" unschedule('sendDelayedIllumEvent') //get rid of stale queued reports state.lastRx['illumTime'] = now() sendEvent(eventMap) } else { // queue the event eventMap.type = 'delayed' logDebug "${device.displayName} delaying ${timeRamaining} seconds event : ${eventMap}" runIn(timeRamaining, 'sendDelayedIllumEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } /* groovylint-disable-next-line UnusedPrivateMethod */ private void sendDelayedIllumEvent(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText} (${eventMap.type})" state.lastRx['illumTime'] = now() // TODO - -(minReportingTimeHumidity * 2000) sendEvent(eventMap) } def temperatureEvent( temperature ) { if (settings?.internalTemperature == false) { return } def map = [:] map.name = "temperature" map.unit = "\u00B0"+"C" if ( location.temperatureScale == "F") { temperature = (temperature * 1.8) + 32 map.unit = "\u00B0"+"F" } Integer tempConverted = temperature + ((settings?.tempOffset?:0) as int) map.value = tempConverted if (settings?.txtEnable) {log.info "${device.displayName} ${map.name} is ${map.value} ${map.unit}"} sendEvent(map) } def roomStateEvent( String status, isDigital=false ) { if (status != null) { def type = isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical" sendEvent("name": "roomState", "value": status, "type": type) // isStateChange" true removed ver 1.2.0 if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} roomState (presence) is ${status}" if (status == "occupied") { handleMotion(true, isDigital=true) } else { handleMotion(false, isDigital=true) } } } def presenceTypeEvent( String presenceTypeEvent, isDigital=false ) { if (presenceTypeEvent != null) { def type = isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical" sendEvent("name": "roomActivity", "value": presenceTypeEvent, "type": type) // isStateChange" true removed ver 1.2.0 if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} presence type is ${presenceTypeEvent}" if (presenceTypeEvent in ["enter", "left_enter", "right_enter"] ) { handleMotion(true, isDigital=true) } else if (presenceTypeEvent in ["leave", "left_leave", "right_leave" ]) { handleMotion(false, isDigital=true) } } } private handleMotion( Boolean motionActive, isDigital=false ) { if (motionActive) { def timeout = settings?.motionResetTimer == null ? 30 : motionResetTimer // If the sensor only sends a motion detected message, the reset to motion inactive must be performed in the code if (timeout != 0) { runIn(timeout, "resetToMotionInactive", [overwrite: true]) } if (device.currentState('motion')?.value != "active") { state.motionStarted = now() } } else { if (device.currentState('motion')?.value == "inactive") { if (logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} ignored motion inactive event after ${getSecondsInactive()} s." return [:] // do not process a second motion inactive event! } } return getMotionResult(motionActive, isDigital) } def getMotionResult( Boolean motionActive, isDigital=false ) { def descriptionText = "Detected motion" if (!motionActive) { descriptionText = "Motion reset to inactive after ${getSecondsInactive()} s." } else { descriptionText = device.currentValue("motion") == "active" ? "Motion is active ${getSecondsInactive()}s" : "Detected motion" } if (txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} ${descriptionText}" sendEvent ( name : 'motion', value : motionActive ? 'active' : 'inactive', type : isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical", descriptionText : descriptionText ) } def resetToMotionInactive() { if (device.currentState('motion')?.value == "active") { def descText = "Motion reset to inactive after ${getSecondsInactive()} s." sendEvent( name : "motion", value : "inactive", isStateChange : true, type: "digital", descriptionText : descText ) if (txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} ${descText}" } else { if (txtEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} ignored resetToMotionInactive (software timeout) after ${getSecondsInactive()} s." } } def getSecondsInactive() { if (state.motionStarted) { return Math.round((now() - state.motionStarted)/1000) } else { return motionResetTimer ?: 30 } } def powerSourceEvent() { def value = (isFP1() || isFP1E()) ? "dc" : "battery" def descriptionText = (isFP1() || isFP1E()) ? "powerSource is dc/mains" : "powerSource is battery" sendEvent(name : "powerSource", value : value, descriptionText: descriptionText, type: "digital") logInfo "${descriptionText}" } // called when any event was received from the Zigbee device in parse() method.. def setHealthStatusOnline() { if ((state.rxCounter != null) && state.rxCounter <= 2) { return // do not count the first device announcement or binding ack packet as an online presence! } sendHealthStatusEvent("online") state.notPresentCounter = 0 unschedule('deviceCommandTimeout') } def pollPresence() { deviceHealthCheck() } // check for device offline every 60 minutes def deviceHealthCheck() { if (logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} deviceHealthCheck()" if (state.notPresentCounter != null) { state.notPresentCounter = state.notPresentCounter + 1 if (state.notPresentCounter >= PRESENCE_COUNT_THRESHOLD) { sendHealthStatusEvent("offline") if (!(device.currentValue('motion', true) in ['inactive', '?'])) { if (!isLightSensor()) { handleMotion(false, isDigital=true) logWarn "forced motion to inactive" } } } } else { state.notPresentCounter = 0 } runIn( DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL, "deviceHealthCheck", [overwrite: true, misfire: "ignore"]) } void ping() { logInfo 'ping...' scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck() state.pingTime = new Date().getTime() sendZigbeeCommands( zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.BASIC_CLUSTER, 0x01, [:], 0) ) } void sendRttEvent() { def now = new Date().getTime() def timeRunning = now.toInteger() - state.pingTime.toInteger() logInfo "RTT is ${timeRunning} (ms)" sendEvent(name: "rtt", value: timeRunning, unit: "ms", isDigital: true) } private void scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck(int delay = COMMAND_TIMEOUT) { runIn(delay, 'deviceCommandTimeout') } private void scheduleDeviceHealthCheck(int intervalMins) { Random rnd = new Random() schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(9)}/${intervalMins} * ? * * *", 'ping') } void deviceCommandTimeout() { if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { logWarn 'no response received (device offline?)' sendHealthStatusEvent("offline") //resetState() } else { logDebug 'no response received (sleepy device)' } } void sendHealthStatusEvent(String value) { if (device.currentValue('healthStatus') != value) { String descriptionText = "healthStatus changed to $value" sendEvent(name: "healthStatus", value: value, descriptionText: "${device.displayName} ${descriptionText}", type: "digital") if (value != 'online') { log.warn "${device.displayName} ${descriptionText}" } else { log.info "${device.displayName} ${descriptionText}" } } } void resetPresence() { logInfo 'reset presence' //resetRegions() sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0157, DataType.UINT8, 0x01, [mfgCode: 0x115F], 0)) } void setWatchdogTimer() { boolean watchdogEnabled = (settings.stateResetInterval as Integer) > 0 if (watchdogEnabled) { int seconds = (settings.stateResetInterval as int) * 60 * 60 runIn(seconds, 'resetState') } } void refresh() { logInfo 'refresh...' if (isFP1E()) { sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x015B, [mfgCode: 0x115F], 0)) sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x015B, [:], 0)) } else { logDebug 'no refresh required' } } static String driverVersionAndTimeStamp() { version() + ' ' + timeStamp() } void checkDriverVersion() { if (state.driverVersion == null || driverVersionAndTimeStamp() != state.driverVersion) { logInfo "Hubitat hub model is ${getModel()}. Updating the settings from driver version ${state.driverVersion} to ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}" state.comment = COMMENT_WORKS_WITH if (state.lastBattery != null) state.remove("lastBattery") initializeVars( fullInit = false ) state.motionStarted = now() if(device.getDataValue('aqaraModel') == null) { setDeviceName() } state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() } } void logsOff(){ if (settings?.logEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} debug logging disabled..." device.updateSetting("logEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) } // called when preferences are saved void updated() { logDebug "updated()..." checkDriverVersion() ArrayList cmds = [] if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Updating ${device.getName()} model ${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} (driver version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()})" if (settings?.txtEnable) log.info "${device.displayName} Debug logging is ${logEnable}; Description text logging is ${txtEnable}" if (logEnable==true) { runIn(86400, "logsOff", [overwrite: true, misfire: "ignore"]) // turn off debug logging after 24 hours logInfo "Debug logging is will be turned off after 24 hours" } else { unschedule(logsOff) } if (settings?.internalTemperature == false) { device.deleteCurrentState("temperature") } // restart the healthCheck timer runIn( DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL, "deviceHealthCheck", [overwrite: true, misfire: "ignore"]) /* log.warn "updated(): before: DynamicSettingsMap dynamicCommands = ${DynamicSettingsMap.get(device.id).get('dynamicCommands')}" if (settings?.testCommands == true) { DynamicSettingsMap.get(device.id).put('dynamicCommands', 'true') } else { DynamicSettingsMap.get(device.id).put('dynamicCommands', 'false') } log.warn "updated(): after: DynamicSettingsMap dynamicCommands = ${DynamicSettingsMap.get(device.id).get('dynamicCommands')}" */ def value = 0 if (isP1()) { if (settings?.motionLED != null ) { value = safeToInt( motionLED ) if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setting motionLED to ${motionLED}" cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0152, 0x20, value, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) } } if (isRTCGQ13LM() || isP1() || isFP1()) { if (settings?.motionSensitivity != null && settings?.motionSensitivity != 0) { value = safeToInt( motionSensitivity ) if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setting motionSensitivity to ${sensitivityOptions[value.toString()]} (${value})" cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x010C, 0x20, value, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x010C, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) // read it back } } if (isRTCGQ13LM() || isP1() || isT1()) { if (settings?.motionRetriggerInterval != null && settings?.motionRetriggerInterval != 0) { value = safeToInt( motionRetriggerInterval ) logDebug "setting motionRetriggerInterval to ${motionRetriggerInterval} (${value})" cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0102, 0x20, value.toInteger(), [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0102, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) // read it back } } // if (isFP1()) { // FP1 if (settings?.approachDistance != null) { // [0:"far", 1:"medium", 2:"near" ] value = safeToInt( approachDistance ) if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setting approachDistance to ${approachDistanceOptions[value.toString()]} (${value})" cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0146, 0x20, value, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) } if (settings?.monitoringMode != null) { // [0:"undirected", 1:"left_right" ] value = safeToInt( monitoringMode ) if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} setting monitoringMode to ${monitoringModeOptions[value.toString()]} (${value})" cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0144, 0x20, value, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) } device.deleteCurrentState("battery") } // if (isLightSensor()) { cmds += configureIlluminance() } if (cmds != null && cmds != []) { sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } else { logDebug "no preferences configuration commands to send!" } } // called from initializeVars( fullInit = true) void setDeviceName() { String deviceName def currentModelMap = null aqaraModels.each { k, v -> //log.trace "${k}:${v}" if (v.model == device.getDataValue('model') /*&& v.manufacturer == device.getDataValue('manufacturer')*/) { currentModelMap = k //log.trace "found ${k}" updateDataValue("aqaraModel", currentModelMap) deviceName = aqaraModels[currentModelMap].deviceJoinName } } if (currentModelMap == null) { //log.trace "not found!" if (device.getDataValue('manufacturer') in ['aqara', 'LUMI']) { deviceName = "Aqara Sensor" updateDataValue("aqaraModel", currentModelMap) } else { logWarn "unknown model ${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')}" // don't change the device name when unknown updateDataValue("aqaraModel", currentModelMap) } } if (deviceName != NULL) { device.setName(deviceName) logInfo "device model ${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} aqaraModel ${device.getDataValue('aqaraModel')} deviceName was set to ${deviceName}" } else { logWarn "device model ${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} aqaraModel ${device.getDataValue('aqaraModel')} was not found!" } } void initializeVars(boolean fullInit = false) { if (logEnable==true) { log.info "${device.displayName} InitializeVars... fullInit = ${fullInit} (driver version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()})" } if (fullInit == true) { state.clear() setDeviceName() state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() } if (fullInit == true || state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } if (fullInit == true || state.rxCounter == null) { state.rxCounter = 0 } if (fullInit == true || state.txCounter == null) { state.txCounter = 0 } if (fullInit == true || state.notPresentCounter == null) { state.notPresentCounter = 0 } if (fullInit == true || state.motionStarted == null) { state.motionStarted = now() } if (fullInit == true || settings?.logEnable == null) { device.updateSetting("logEnable", true) } if (fullInit == true || settings?.txtEnable == null) { device.updateSetting("txtEnable", true) } if (fullInit == true || settings?.internalTemperature == null) { device.updateSetting("internalTemperature", false) } if (fullInit == true || settings?.motionResetTimer == null) { device.updateSetting("motionResetTimer", 30) } if (isLightSensor()) { if (fullInit == true || settings?.illuminanceMinReportingTime == null) { device.updateSetting("illuminanceMinReportingTime", [value: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_MIN_TIME , type:"number"]) } if (fullInit == true || settings?.illuminanceMaxReportingTime == null) { device.updateSetting("illuminanceMaxReportingTime", [value: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_MAX_TIME , type:"number"]) } if (fullInit == true || settings?.illuminanceThreshold == null) { device.updateSetting("illuminanceThreshold", [value: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD , type:"number"]) } if (fullInit == true || settings?.illuminanceCoeff == null) { device.updateSetting('illuminanceCoeff', [value:1.00, type:'decimal']) } } if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { device.updateSetting("motionResetTimer", [value: 0 , type:"number"]) // no auto reset for FP1 } if (isFP1E()) { if (fullInit == true || settings?.filterSpam == null) { device.updateSetting("filterSpam", true) } if (fullInit == true || settings?.detectionRange == null) { device.updateSetting('detectionRange', [value:6.00, type:'decimal']) } } if (fullInit == true || settings.tempOffset == null) { device.updateSetting("tempOffset", 0) } if (fullInit == true ) { powerSourceEvent() } if (fullInit == true ) { sendEvent(name: "parentNWK", value: "unknown", descriptionText: "parentNWK is unknown", type: "digital") } updateAqaraVersion() } void installed() { log.info "${device.displayName} installed() model ${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} driver version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}" sendHealthStatusEvent("unknown") aqaraBlackMagic() } void configure(boolean fullInit = false) { log.info "${device.displayName} configure...fullInit = ${fullInit} (driver version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()})" unschedule() initializeVars(fullInit) runIn( DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL, "deviceHealthCheck", [overwrite: true, misfire: "ignore"]) logWarn "if no more logs, please pair the device again to HE!" runIn( 30, "aqaraReadAttributes", [overwrite: true]) } def initialize() { log.info "${device.displayName} Initialize... (driver version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()})" configure(fullInit = true) } Integer safeToInt(val, Integer defaultVal=0) { return "${val}"?.isInteger() ? "${val}".toInteger() : defaultVal } Double safeToDouble(val, Double defaultVal=0.0) { return "${val}"?.isDouble() ? "${val}".toDouble() : defaultVal } void sendZigbeeCommands(List cmds) { if (logEnable) {log.debug "${device.displayName} sending ZigbeeCommands : ${cmds}"} sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(cmds, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) if (state.txCounter != null) state.txCounter = state.txCounter + 1 } // device Web UI command void setMotion(final String mode) { switch (mode) { case "active" : handleMotion(true, isDigital=true) if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { roomStateEvent("occupied", isDigital=true) presenceTypeEvent("enter", isDigital=true) } break case "inactive" : handleMotion(false, isDigital=true) if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { roomStateEvent("unoccupied", isDigital=true) presenceTypeEvent("leave", isDigital=true) resetPresence() } break default : logWarn "select motion action" break } } String integerToHexString(BigDecimal value, Integer minBytes, boolean reverse=false) { return integerToHexString(value.intValue(), minBytes, reverse=reverse) } String integerToHexString(Integer value, Integer minBytes, boolean reverse=false) { if(reverse == true) { return HexUtils.integerToHexString(value, minBytes).split("(?<=\\G..)").reverse().join() } else { return HexUtils.integerToHexString(value, minBytes) } } void aqaraReadAttributes() { List cmds = [] if (isT1()) { // RTCGQ12LM Aqara T1 human body movement and illuminance sensor cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], delay=200) // TODO: check - battery voltage cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0102, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) } else if (isRTCGQ13LM()) { // Aqara high precision motion sensor cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], delay=200) // TODO: check - battery voltage cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, [0x0102, 0x010C], [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) } else if (isP1()) { // Aqara P1 human body movement and illuminance sensor cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, [0x0102, 0x010C, 0x0152], [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) } else if (isFP1() || isFP1E()) { // Aqara presence detector FP1 cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, [0x010C, 0x0142, 0x0144, 0x0146], [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) } else if (isLightSensorAqara()) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0400, 0x0000, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0400, 0x0000, [mfgCode: 0x126E], delay=200) // added 05/14/2023 - try both Aqara and Xiaomi codes } else if (isLightSensorXiaomi()) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0400, 0x0000, [mfgCode: 0x126E], delay=201) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0400, 0x0000, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=202) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0400, 0x0000, [:], delay=203) } else { logWarn "skipped unknown device ${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} ${device.getDataValue('model')}" } sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } void aqaraBlackMagic() { List cmds = [] if (isP1()) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0000, [0x0004, 0x0005], [:], delay=200) } else if (isFP1() /*|| isFP1E()*/) { cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x8002 {40 00 00 00 00 40 8f 5f 11 52 52 00 41 2c 52 00 00} {0x0000}", "delay 50",] cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 FF 00 41 10 02 32 71 76 20 79 16 48 28 87 18 12 21 55 72 36} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 write attr 0xFF 16 bytes cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 50 01 41 07 01 01 ff ff 00 00 ff} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 write attr 0x0150 8 bytes cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 50 01 41 03 06 55 35} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:5) write attr 0x0150 4 bytes cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 50 01 41 07 01 02 ff ff 00 00 ff} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:6) write attr 0x0150 8 bytes cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 50 01 41 03 06 55 35} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:7) write attr 0x0150 4 bytes cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0155, 0x20, 0x01, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=50) // FP1 (seq 8) write attr 0x0155 : 1 byte 01 cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 f2 ff 41 aa 74 02 44 00 9c 03 20} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:9) write attr 0xfff2 8 bytes cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 f2 ff 41 aa 74 02 44 01 9b 01 20} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:10) write attr 0xfff2 8 bytes //cmds += activeEndpoints() logDebug "aqaraBlackMagic() for FP1" } else if (isFP1E()) { cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x8002 {40 00 00 00 00 40 8f 5f 11 52 52 00 41 2c 52 00 00} {0x0000}", "delay 50",] // cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 FF 00 41 10 02 32 71 76 20 79 16 48 28 87 18 12 21 55 72 36} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 write attr 0xFF 16 bytes // cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 50 01 41 07 01 01 ff ff 00 00 ff} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 write attr 0x0150 8 bytes // cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 50 01 41 03 06 55 35} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:5) write attr 0x0150 4 bytes // cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 50 01 41 07 01 02 ff ff 00 00 ff} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:6) write attr 0x0150 8 bytes // cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 50 01 41 03 06 55 35} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:7) write attr 0x0150 4 bytes // cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0155, 0x20, 0x01, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=50) // FP1 (seq 8) write attr 0x0155 : 1 byte 01 cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 f2 ff 41 aa 74 02 44 00 9c 03 20} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:9) write attr 0xfff2 8 bytes cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 1 ${device.endpointId} 0xFCC0 {14 5F 11 01 02 f2 ff 41 aa 74 02 44 01 9b 01 20} {0x0104}", "delay 50",] // FP1 (seq:10) write attr 0xfff2 8 bytes //cmds += activeEndpoints() logDebug "aqaraBlackMagic() for FP1" } else if (isLightSensorXiaomi() || isLightSensorAqara()) { cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0001 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", "delay 50",] cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(0x0001, 0x0020, 0x20, 3600, 3600, null, [:], delay=208) cmds += zigbee.reportingConfiguration(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], 201) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], delay=202) cmds += ["zdo bind ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0400 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", "delay 50",] cmds += configureIlluminance() cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0400, 0x0000, [:], delay=207) } else { cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x8002 {40 00 00 00 00 40 8f 5f 11 52 52 00 41 2c 52 00 00} {0x0000}", "delay 200",] cmds += "zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0xFCC0 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}" cmds += "zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0406 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}" cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], delay=200) // TODO: check - battery voltage cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, [0x0102, 0x010C], [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) } //cmds += activeEndpoints() sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } List activeEndpoints() { List cmds = [] cmds += ["he raw ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x0005 {00 ${zigbee.swapOctets(device.deviceNetworkId)}} {0x0000}"] //get all the endpoints... String endpointIdTemp = endpointId == null ? "01" : endpointId cmds += ["he raw ${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x0004 {00 ${zigbee.swapOctets(device.deviceNetworkId)} $endpointIdTemp} {0x0000}"] return cmds } // credits @thebearmay String getModel(){ try{ String model = getHubVersion() // requires >= } catch (ignore){ try{ httpGet("http://${location.hub.localIP}:8080/api/hubitat.xml") { res -> model = res.data.device.modelName return model } } catch(ignore_again) { return "" } } } // credits @thebearmay boolean isCompatible(Integer minLevel) { //check to see if the hub version meets the minimum requirement ( 7 or 8 ) String model = getModel() // Rev C-7 String[] tokens = model.split('-') String revision = tokens.last() return (Integer.parseInt(revision) >= minLevel) } void updateAqaraVersion() { def application = device.getDataValue("application") if (application != null) { def str = "0.0.0_" + String.format("%04d", zigbee.convertHexToInt(application.substring(0, Math.min(application.length(), 2)))); if (device.getDataValue("aqaraVersion") != str) { device.updateDataValue("aqaraVersion", str) logInfo "aqaraVersion set to $str" } } } void logDebug(final String msg) { if (settings?.logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void logInfo(final String msg) { if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void logWarn(final String msg) { if (settings?.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} " + msg } } List configureIlluminance() { List cmds = [] int secondsMinLux = settings.illuminanceMinReportingTime ?: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_MIN_TIME int secondsMaxLux = settings.illuminanceMaxReportingTime ?: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_MAX_TIME int variance = settings.illuminanceThreshold ?: DEFAULT_ILLUMINANCE_THRESHOLD logDebug "configureIlluminance: min=${secondsMinLux} max=${secondsMaxLux} delta=${variance}" cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(0x0400, 0x0000, DataType.UINT16, secondsMinLux as int, secondsMaxLux as int, variance as int, [:], delay=201) cmds += zigbee.reportingConfiguration(0x0400, 0x0000, [:], 203) return cmds } void test(String description ) { List cmds = [] cmds = zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x015B, 0x23, 420, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) log.trace "test() ${cmds}" sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) }