/* groovylint-disable CouldBeSwitchStatement, IfStatementBraces, ImplementationAsType, ImplicitReturnStatement, LineLength, MethodReturnTypeRequired, NestedBlockDepth, NoDouble, NoFloat, NoJavaUtilDate, NoWildcardImports, ParameterName, ReturnNullFromCatchBlock, StaticMethodsBeforeInstanceMethods, UnusedPrivateMethod, VariableName, VariableTypeRequired */
* Tuya Multi Sensor 4 In 1 driver for Hubitat
* https://community.hubitat.com/t/alpha-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1/92441
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* ver. 1.0.0 2022-04-16 kkossev - Inital test version
* ver. 1.0.1 2022-04-18 kkossev - IAS cluster multiple TS0202, TS0210 and RH3040 Motion Sensors fingerprints; ignore repeated motion inactive events
* ver. 1.0.2 2022-04-21 kkossev - setMotion command; state.HashStringPars; advancedOptions: ledEnable (4in1); all DP info logs for 3in1!; _TZ3000_msl6wxk9 and other TS0202 devices inClusters correction
* ver. 1.0.3 2022-05-05 kkossev - '_TZE200_ztc6ggyl' 'Tuya ZigBee Breath Presence Sensor' tests; Illuminance unit changed to 'lx'
* ver. 1.0.4 2022-05-06 kkossev - DeleteAllStatesAndJobs; added isHumanPresenceSensorAIR(); isHumanPresenceSensorScene(); isHumanPresenceSensorFall(); convertTemperatureIfNeeded
* ver. 1.0.5 2022-06-11 kkossev - _TZE200_3towulqd +battery; 'Reset Motion to Inactive' made explicit option; sensitivity and keepTime for IAS sensors (TS0202-tested OK) and TS0601(not tested); capability "PowerSource" used as presence
* ver. 1.0.6 2022-07-10 kkossev - battery set to 0% and motion inactive when the device goes OFFLINE;
* ver. 1.0.7 2022-07-17 kkossev - _TZE200_ikvncluo (MOES) and _TZE200_lyetpprm radars; scale fadingTime and detectionDelay by 10; initialize() will resets to defaults; radar parameters update bug fix; removed unused states and attributes for radars
* ver. 1.0.8 2022-07-24 kkossev - _TZE200_auin8mzr (HumanPresenceSensorAIR) unacknowledgedTime; setLEDMode; setDetectionMode commands and vSensitivity; oSensitivity, vacancyDelay preferences; _TZE200_9qayzqa8 (black sensor) Attributes: motionType; preferences: inductionTime; targetDistance.
* ver. 1.0.9 2022-08-11 kkossev - degrees Celsius symbol bug fix; added square black radar _TZE200_0u3bj3rc support, temperatureOffset bug fix; decimal/number type prferences bug fix
* ver. 1.0.10 2022-08-15 kkossev - added Lux threshold parameter; square black radar LED configuration is resent back when device is powered on; round black PIR sensor powerSource is set to DC; added OWON OCP305 Presence Sensor
* ver. 1.0.11 2022-08-22 kkossev - IAS devices initialization improvements; presence threshold increased to 4 hours; 3in1 exceptions bug fixes; 3in1 and 4in1 exceptions bug fixes;
* ver. 1.0.12 2022-09-05 kkossev - added _TZE200_wukb7rhc MOES radar
* ver. 1.0.13 2022-09-25 kkossev - added _TZE200_jva8ink8 AUBESS radar; 2-in-1 Sensitivity setting bug fix
* ver. 1.0.14 2022-10-31 kkossev - added Bond motion sensor ZX-BS-J11W fingerprint for tests
* ver. 1.0.15 2022-12-03 kkossev - OWON 0x0406 cluster binding; added _TZE204_ztc6ggyl _TZE200_ar0slwnd _TZE200_sfiy5tfs _TZE200_mrf6vtua (was wrongly 3in1) mmWave radards;
* ver. 1.0.16 2022-12-10 kkossev - _TZE200_3towulqd (2-in-1) motion detection inverted; excluded from IAS group;
* ver. 1.1.0 2022-12-25 kkossev - SetPar() command; added 'Send Event when parameters change' option; code cleanup; added _TZE200_holel4dk; added 4-in-1 _TZ3210_rxqls8v0, _TZ3210_wuhzzfqg
* ver. 1.1.1 2023-01-08 kkossev - illuminance event bug fix; fadingTime minimum value 0.5; SetPar command shows in the UI the list of all possible parameters; _TZ3000_6ygjfyll bug fix;
* ver. 1.2.0 2023-02-07 kkossev - healthStatus; supressed repetative Radar detection delay and Radar fading time Info messages in the logs; logsOff missed when hub is restarted bug fix; capability 'Health Check'; _TZE200_3towulqd (2in1) new firmware versions fix for motion;
* ver. 1.2.1 2023-02-10 kkossev - reverted the unsuccessful changes made in the latest 1.2.0 version for _TZE200_3towulqd (2in1); added _TZE200_v6ossqfy as BlackSquareRadar; removed the wrongly added TUYATEC T/H sensor...
* ver. 1.2.2 2023-03-18 kkossev - typo in a log transaction fixed; added TS0202 _TZ3000_kmh5qpmb as a 3-in-1 type device'; added _TZE200_xpq2rzhq radar; bug fix in setMotion()
* ver. 1.3.0 2023-03-22 kkossev -'_TYST11_7hfcudw5' moved to 3-in-1 group; added deviceProfiles; fixed initializaiton missing on the first pairing; added batteryVoltage; added tuyaVersion; added delayed battery event;
* removed state.lastBattery; caught sensitivity par exception; fixed forcedProfile was not set automatically on Initialize;
* ver. 1.3.1 2023-03-29 kkossev - added 'invertMotion' option; 4in1 (Fantem) Refresh Tuya Magic; invertMotion is set to true by default for _TZE200_3towulqd;
* ver. 1.3.2 2023-04-17 kkossev - 4-in-1 parameter for adjusting the reporting time; supressed debug logs when ignoreDistance is flipped on; 'Send Event when parameters change' parameter is removed (events are always sent when there is a change); fadingTime and detectionDelay change was not logged and not sent as an event;
* ver. 1.3.3 2023-05-14 kkossev - code cleanup; added TS0202 _TZ3210_cwamkvua [Motion Sensor and Scene Switch]; added _TZE204_sooucan5 radar in a new TS0601_YXZBRB58_RADAR group (for tests); added reportingTime4in1 to setPar command options;
* ver. 1.3.4 2023-05-19 kkossev - added _TZE204_sxm7l9xa mmWave radar to TS0601_YXZBRB58_RADAR group; isRadar() bug fix;
* ver. 1.3.5 2023-05-28 kkossev - fixes for _TZE200_lu01t0zlTS0601_RADAR_MIR-TY-FALL mmWave radar (only the basic Motion and radarSensitivity is supported for now).
* ver. 1.3.6 2023-06-25 kkossev - chatty radars excessive debug logging bug fix
* ver. 1.3.7 2023-07-27 kkossev - fixes for _TZE204_sooucan5; moved _TZE204_sxm7l9xa to a new Device Profile TS0601_SXM7L9XA_RADAR; added TS0202 _TZ3040_bb6xaihh _TZ3040_wqmtjsyk; added _TZE204_qasjif9e radar;
* ver. 1.4.0 2023-08-06 kkossev - added new TS0225 _TZE200_hl0ss9oa 24GHz radar (TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR); added basic support for the new TS0601 _TZE204_sbyx0lm6 radar w/ relay; added Hive MOT003; added sendCommand; added TS0202 _TZ3040_6ygjfyll
* ver. 1.4.1 2023-08-15 kkossev - TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR ignoring ZCL illuminance and IAS motion reports; added radarAlarmMode, radarAlarmVolume, radarAlarmTime, Radar Static Detection Minimum Distance; added TS0225_AWARHUSB_RADAR TS0225_EGNGMRZH_RADAR
* ver. 1.4.2 2023-08-15 kkossev - 'Tuya Motion Sensor and Scene Switch' driver clone (Button capabilities enabled)
* ver. 1.4.3 2023-08-17 kkossev - TS0225 _TZ3218_awarhusb device profile changed to TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR; cluster 0xE002 parser; added TS0601 _TZE204_ijxvkhd0 to TS0601_IJXVKHD0_RADAR; added _TZE204_dtzziy1e, _TZE200_ypprdwsl _TZE204_xsm7l9xa; YXZBRB58 radar illuminance and fadingTime bug fixes; added new TS0225_2AAELWXK_RADAR profile
* ver. 1.4.4 2023-08-18 kkossev - Method too large: Script1.processTuyaCluster ... :( TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR: myParseDescriptionAsMap & swapOctets(); deleteAllCurrentStates(); TS0225_2AAELWXK_RADAR preferences configuration and commands; added Illuminance correction coefficient; code cleanup
* ver. 1.4.5 2023-08-26 kkossev - reduced debug logs;
* ver. 1.5.0 2023-08-27 kkossev - added TS0601 _TZE204_yensya2c radar; refactoring: deviceProfilesV2: tuyaDPs; unknownDPs; added _TZE204_clrdrnya; _TZE204_mhxn2jso; 2in1: _TZE200_1ibpyhdc, _TZE200_bh3n6gk8; added TS0202 _TZ3000_jmrgyl7o _TZ3000_hktqahrq _TZ3000_kmh5qpmb _TZ3040_usvkzkyn; added TS0601 _TZE204_kapvnnlk new device profile TS0601_KAPVNNLK_RADAR
* ver. 1.5.1 2023-09-09 kkossev - _TZE204_kapvnnlk fingerprint and DPs correction; added 2AAELWXK preferences; TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR known preferences using E002 cluster
* ver. 1.5.2 2023-09-14 kkossev - TS0601_IJXVKHD0_RADAR ignore dp1 dp2; Distance logs changed to Debug; Refresh() updates driver version;
* ver. 1.5.3 2023-09-30 kkossev - humanMotionState re-enabled for TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR; tuyaVersion is updated on Refresh; LINPTECH: added existance_time event; illuminance parsing exception changed to debug level; leave_time changed to fadingTime; fadingTime configuration
* ver. 1.6.0 2023-10-08 kkossev - major refactoring of the preferences input; all preference settings are reset to defaults when changing device profile; added 'all' attribute; present state 'motionStarted' in a human-readable form.
* setPar and sendCommand major refactoring +parameters changed from enum to string; TS0601_KAPVNNLK_RADAR parameters support;
* ver. 1.6.1 2023-10-12 kkossev - TS0601_KAPVNNLK_RADAR TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR TS0225_2AAELWXK_RADAR TS0601_RADAR_MIR-HE200-TY TS0601_YXZBRB58_RADAR TS0601_SXM7L9XA_RADAR TS0601_IJXVKHD0_RADAR TS0601_YENSYA2C_RADAR TS0601_SBYX0LM6_RADAR TS0601_PIR_AIR TS0601_PIR_PRESENCE refactoring; radar enum preferences;
* ver. 1.6.2 2023-10-14 kkossev - LINPTECH preferences changed to enum type; enum preferences - set defVal; TS0601_PIR_PRESENCE - preference inductionTime changed to fadingTime, humanMotionState sent as event; TS0225_2AAELWXK_RADAR - preferences setting; _TZE204_ijxvkhd0 fixes; Linptech fixes; added radarAlarmMode radarAlarmVolume;
* ver. 1.6.3 2023-10-15 kkossev - setPar() and preferences updates bug fixes; automatic fix for preferences which type was changed between the versions, including bool;
* ver. 1.6.4 2023-10-18 kkossev - added TS0601 _TZE204_e5m9c5hl to SXM7L9XA profile; added a bunch of new manufacturers to SBYX0LM6 profile;
* ver. 1.6.5 2023-10-23 kkossev - bugfix: setPar decimal values for enum types; added SONOFF_SNZB-06P_RADAR; added SIHAS_USM-300Z_4_IN_1; added SONOFF_MOTION_IAS; TS0202_MOTION_SWITCH _TZ3210_cwamkvua refactoring; luxThreshold hardcoded to 0 and not configurable!; do not try to input preferences of a type bool
* TS0601_2IN1 refactoring; added keepTime and sensitivity attributes for PIR sensors; added _TZE200_ppuj1vem 3-in-1; TS0601_3IN1 refactoring; added _TZ3210_0aqbrnts 4in1;
* ver. 1.6.6 2023-11-02 kkossev - _TZE204_ijxvkhd0 staticDetectionSensitivity bug fix; SONOFF radar clusters binding; assign profile UNKNOWN for unknown devices; SONOFF radar cluster FC11 attr 2001 processing as occupancy; TS0601_IJXVKHD0_RADAR sensitivity as number; number type pars are scalled also!; _TZE204_ijxvkhd0 sensitivity settings changes; added preProc function; TS0601_IJXVKHD0_RADAR - removed multiplying by 10
* ver. 1.6.7 2023-11-09 kkossev - divideBy10 fix for TS0601_IJXVKHD0_RADAR; added new TS0202_MOTION_IAS_CONFIGURABLE group
* ver. 1.6.8 2023-11-20 kkossev - SONOFF SNZB-06P RADAR bug fixes; added radarSensitivity and fadingTime preferences; update parameters for Tuya radars bug fix;
* ver. 1.7.0 2024-01-14 kkossev - Groovy linting; added TS0225_O7OE4N9A_RADAR TS0225 _TZFED8_o7oe4n9a for tests; TS0601 _TZE200_3towulqd new fingerprint @JdThomas24
* ver. 1.8.0 2024-03-23 kkossev - more Groovy linting; fixed 'This driver requires HE version 2.2.7 (May 2021) or newer!' bug; device.latestState('battery') exception bug fixes;
* ver. 1.8.1 2024-04-16 kkossev - tuyaDPs list of maps bug fixes; added _TZE204_kyhbrfyl; added smallMotionDetectionSensitivity;
* ver. 1.9.0 2024-05-06 kkossev - depricated all radars except Linptech;
* ver. 1.9.1 2024-05-25 kkossev - preferences are not sent for depricated devices.
* ver. 1.9.2 2024-06-15 kkossev - (dev.branch) deviceProfile drop-down list bug fix; added quickRef link to GitHub WiKi page for PIR sensors;
* TODO: Implement ping() for all devices
* TODO: transit to V3 (W.I.P)
static String version() { '1.9.2' }
static String timeStamp() { '2024/06/15 9:01 AM' }
import groovy.json.*
import groovy.transform.Field
import hubitat.zigbee.clusters.iaszone.ZoneStatus
import hubitat.zigbee.zcl.DataType
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
@Field static final Boolean _DEBUG = false
@Field static final Boolean _TRACE_ALL = false // trace all messages, including the spammy ones
metadata {
definition(name: 'Tuya Multi Sensor 4 In 1', namespace: 'kkossev', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Multi%20Sensor%204%20In%201/Tuya%20Multi%20Sensor%204%20In%201.groovy', singleThreaded: true ) {
capability 'Sensor'
//capability "Configuration"
capability 'Battery'
capability 'MotionSensor'
capability 'TemperatureMeasurement'
capability 'RelativeHumidityMeasurement'
capability 'IlluminanceMeasurement'
capability 'TamperAlert'
capability 'PowerSource'
capability 'HealthCheck'
capability 'Refresh'
//capability "PushableButton" // uncomment for TS0202 _TZ3210_cwamkvua [Motion Sensor and Scene Switch]
//capability "DoubleTapableButton"
//capability "HoldableButton"
//attribute "occupancy", "enum", ["occupied", "unoccupied"] // https://developer.smartthings.com/docs/devices/capabilities/capabilities-reference // https://developer.smartthings.com/capabilities/occupancySensor
attribute 'all', 'string'
attribute 'batteryVoltage', 'number'
attribute 'healthStatus', 'enum', ['offline', 'online']
attribute 'distance', 'number' // Tuya Radar
attribute 'unacknowledgedTime', 'number' // AIR models
attribute 'existance_time', 'number' // BlackSquareRadar & LINPTECH
attribute 'leave_time', 'number' // BlackSquareRadar only
attribute' pushed', 'number' // TS0202 _TZ3210_cwamkvua [Motion Sensor and Scene Switch]
attribute 'keepTime', 'enum', ['10 seconds', '30 seconds', '60 seconds', '120 seconds']
attribute 'sensitivity', 'enum', ['low', 'medium', 'high']
attribute 'radarSensitivity', 'number'
attribute 'staticDetectionSensitivity', 'number' // added 10/29/2023
attribute 'smallMotionDetectionSensitivity', 'number' // added 04/16/2024
attribute 'detectionDelay', 'decimal'
attribute 'fadingTime', 'decimal'
attribute 'minimumDistance', 'decimal'
attribute 'maximumDistance', 'decimal'
attribute 'radarStatus', 'enum', ['checking', 'check_success', 'check_failure', 'others', 'comm_fault', 'radar_fault']
attribute 'humanMotionState', 'enum', ['none', 'moving', 'small_move', 'stationary', 'presence', 'peaceful', 'large_move']
attribute 'radarAlarmMode', 'enum', ['0 - arm', '1 - off', '2 - alarm', '3 - doorbell']
attribute 'radarAlarmVolume', 'enum', ['0 - low', '1 - medium', '2 - high', '3 - mute']
command 'configure', [[name: 'Configure the sensor after switching drivers']]
command 'initialize', [[name: 'Initialize the sensor after switching drivers. \n\r ***** Will load device default values! *****' ]]
command 'setMotion', [[name: 'setMotion', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['No selection', 'active', 'inactive'], description: 'Force motion active/inactive (for tests)']]
command 'refresh', [[name: 'May work for some DC/mains powered sensors only']]
command 'setPar', [
[name:'par', type: 'STRING', description: 'preference parameter name', constraints: ['STRING']],
[name:'val', type: 'STRING', description: 'preference parameter value', constraints: ['STRING']]
command 'sendCommand', [[name: 'sendCommand', type: 'STRING', constraints: ['STRING'], description: 'send Tuya Radar commands']]
if (_DEBUG == true) {
command 'testTuyaCmd', [
[name:'dpCommand', type: 'STRING', description: 'Tuya DP Command', constraints: ['STRING']],
[name:'dpValue', type: 'STRING', description: 'Tuya DP value', constraints: ['STRING']],
[name:'dpType', type: 'ENUM', constraints: ['DP_TYPE_VALUE', 'DP_TYPE_BOOL', 'DP_TYPE_ENUM'], description: 'DP data type']
command 'testParse', [[name:'val', type: 'STRING', description: 'description', constraints: ['STRING']]]
command 'test', [[name:'val', type: 'STRING', description: 'preference parameter value', constraints: ['STRING']]]
deviceProfilesV2.each { profileName, profileMap ->
if (profileMap.fingerprints != null) {
if (profileMap.device?.isDepricated != true) {
profileMap.fingerprints.each {
fingerprint it
preferences {
if (device) {
if (DEVICE?.device.isDepricated == true) {
input(name: 'depricated', type: 'hidden', title: "$ttStyleStrThis driver is depricated
for use with ${state.deviceProfile} devices!
Please change to the new driver as per the instructions in this link!")
else {
input(name: 'info', type: 'hidden', title: "For more info, click on this link to visit the WiKi page")
input(name: 'txtEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Description text logging', description: 'Display sensor states on HE log page. The recommended value is true', defaultValue: true)
input(name: 'logEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Debug logging', description: 'Debug information, useful for troubleshooting. The recommended value is false', defaultValue: true)
if (('motionReset' in DEVICE?.preferences) && (DEVICE?.preferences.motionReset == true)) {
input(name: 'motionReset', type: 'bool', title: 'Reset Motion to Inactive', description: 'Software Reset Motion to Inactive after timeout. Recommended value is false', defaultValue: false)
if (motionReset.value == true) {
input('motionResetTimer', 'number', title: 'Motion Reset Timer', description: 'After motion is detected, wait ___ second(s) until resetting to inactive state. Default = 60 seconds', range: '0..7200', defaultValue: 60)
if (('reportingTime4in1' in DEVICE?.preferences)) { // 4in1()
input('reportingTime4in1', 'number', title: '4-in-1 Reporting Time', description: '4-in-1 Reporting Time configuration, minutes.
0 will enable real-time (10 seconds) reporting!', range: '0..7200', defaultValue: DEFAULT_REPORTING_4IN1)
if (('ledEnable' in DEVICE?.preferences)) { // 4in1()
input(name: 'ledEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable LED', description: 'Enable LED blinking when motion is detected (4in1 only)', defaultValue: true)
if (device && !(DEVICE?.device.isDepricated == true)) {
if ((DEVICE?.capabilities?.IlluminanceMeasurement == true) && (DEVICE?.preferences?.luxThreshold != false)) {
input('luxThreshold', 'number', title: 'Lux threshold', description: 'Minimum change in the lux which will trigger an event', range: '0..999', defaultValue: 5)
input name: 'illuminanceCoeff', type: 'decimal', title: 'Illuminance Correction Coefficient', description: 'Illuminance correction coefficient, range (0.10..10.00)', range: '0.10..10.00', defaultValue: 1.00
if (('DistanceMeasurement' in DEVICE?.capabilities)) {
input(name: 'ignoreDistance', type: 'bool', title: 'Ignore distance reports', description: 'If not used, ignore the distance reports received every 1 second!', defaultValue: true)
// itterate over DEVICE.preferences map and inputIt all!
if (device && DEVICE?.device.isDepricated != true) {
(DEVICE?.preferences).each { key, value ->
Map map = inputIt(key)
if (map != null && map != [:]) {
input map
/* groovylint-disable-next-line ConstantIfExpression */
if (false) {
if ('textLargeMotion' in DEVICE?.preferences) {
input(name: 'textLargeMotion', type: 'text', title: 'Motion Detection Settigs ⇨', description: 'Settings for movement types such as walking, trotting, fast running, circling, jumping and other movements ')
if ('textSmallMotion' in DEVICE?.preferences) {
input(name: 'textSmallMotion', type: 'text', title: 'Small Motion Detection Settigs ⇒', description: 'Settings for small movement types such as tilting the head, waving, raising the hand, flicking the body, playing with the mobile phone, turning over the book, etc.. ')
if ('textStaticDetection' in DEVICE?.preferences) {
input(name: 'textStaticDetection', type: 'text', title: 'Static Detection Settigs ⇨', description: 'The sensor can detect breathing within a certain range to determine people presence in the detection area (for example, while sleeping or reading).')
input(name: 'advancedOptions', type: 'bool', title: 'Advanced Options', description: 'Enables showing the advanced options/preferences. Hit F5 in the browser to refresh the Preferences list
.May not work for all device types!', defaultValue: false)
if (advancedOptions == true) {
input(name: 'forcedProfile', type: 'enum', title: 'Device Profile', description: 'Forcely change the Device Profile, if the model/manufacturer was not recognized automatically.
Warning! Manually setting a device profile may not always work!',
options: getDeviceProfilesMap())
if ('Battery' in DEVICE?.capabilities) {
input(name: 'batteryDelay', type: 'enum', title: 'Battery Events Delay', description:'Select the Battery Events Delay
(default is no delay)', options: delayBatteryOpts.options, defaultValue: delayBatteryOpts.defaultValue)
if ('invertMotion' in DEVICE?.preferences) {
input(name: 'invertMotion', type: 'bool', title: 'Invert Motion Active/Not Active', description: 'Some Tuya motion sensors may report the motion active/inactive inverted...', defaultValue: false)
input(name: 'allStatusTextEnable', type: 'bool', title: "Enable 'all' Status Attribute Creation?", description: 'Status attribute for Devices/Rooms', defaultValue: false)
@Field static final Boolean _IGNORE_ZCL_REPORTS = true
@Field static final String UNKNOWN = 'UNKNOWN'
@Field static final Map blackRadarLedOptions = [ '0' : 'Off', '1' : 'On' ] // HumanPresenceSensorAIR
@Field static final Map TS0225humanMotionState = [ '0': 'none', '1': 'moving', '2': 'small_move', '3': 'stationary' ]
@Field static String ttStyleStr = ''
// TODO - remove all the usused sensitivity and keepTime static maps!
@Field static final Map sensitivityOpts = [ defaultValue: 2, options: [0: 'low', 1: 'medium', 2: 'high']]
@Field static final Map keepTime4in1Opts = [ defaultValue: 0, options: [0: '10 seconds', 1: '30 seconds', 2: '60 seconds', 3: '120 seconds', 4: '240 seconds', 5: '480 seconds']]
@Field static final Map keepTime2in1Opts = [ defaultValue: 0, options: [0: '10 seconds', 1: '30 seconds', 2: '60 seconds', 3: '120 seconds']]
@Field static final Map keepTime3in1Opts = [ defaultValue: 0, options: [0: '30 seconds', 1: '60 seconds', 2: '120 seconds']]
@Field static final Map keepTimeIASOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options: [0: '30 seconds', 1: '60 seconds', 2: '120 seconds']]
@Field static final Map powerSourceOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options: [0: 'unknown', 1: 'mains', 2: 'mains', 3: 'battery', 4: 'dc', 5: 'emergency mains', 6: 'emergency mains']]
@Field static final Map delayBatteryOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options: [0: 'No delay', 30: '30 seconds', 3600: '1 hour', 14400: '4 hours', 28800: '8 hours', 43200: '12 hours']]
Map getKeepTimeOpts() { return is4in1() ? keepTime4in1Opts : is3in1() ? keepTime3in1Opts : is2in1() ? keepTime2in1Opts : keepTimeIASOpts }
@Field static final Integer presenceCountTreshold = 4
@Field static final Integer defaultPollingInterval = 3600
@Field static final Integer DEFAULT_REPORTING_4IN1 = 5 // time in minutes
String getDeviceProfile() { state.deviceProfile ?: 'UNKNOWN' }
Map getDEVICE() { deviceProfilesV2[getDeviceProfile()] }
List getDeviceProfiles() { deviceProfilesV2.keySet() }
List getDeviceProfilesMap() {
List activeProfiles = []
deviceProfilesV2.each { profileName, profileMap ->
if ((profileMap.device?.isDepricated ?: false) != true) {
activeProfiles.add(profileMap.description ?: '---')
return activeProfiles
boolean is4in1() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0202_4IN1') }
boolean is3in1() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_3IN1') }
boolean is2in1() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_2IN1') }
boolean isMotionSwitch() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0202_MOTION_SWITCH') }
boolean isIAS() { DEVICE?.device?.isIAS == true }
BigDecimal getTemperatureDiv() { isSiHAS() ? 100.0 : 10.0 } // temperatureEvent
BigDecimal getHumidityDiv() { isSiHAS() ? 100.0 : 1.0 } // humidityEvent
boolean isZY_M100Radar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_TUYA_RADAR') }
boolean isBlackPIRsensor() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_PIR_PRESENCE') }
boolean isBlackSquareRadar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_BLACK_SQUARE_RADAR') }
boolean isHumanPresenceSensorAIR() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_PIR_AIR') } // isHumanPresenceSensorScene() removed in version 1.6.1
boolean isYXZBRB58radar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_YXZBRB58_RADAR') }
boolean isSXM7L9XAradar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_SXM7L9XA_RADAR') }
boolean isIJXVKHD0radar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_IJXVKHD0_RADAR') }
boolean isHL0SS9OAradar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR') }
boolean is2AAELWXKradar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0225_2AAELWXK_RADAR') } // same as HL0SS9OA, but another set of DPs
boolean isSBYX0LM6radar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_SBYX0LM6_RADAR') }
boolean isLINPTECHradar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR') }
boolean isEGNGMRZHradar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0225_EGNGMRZH_RADAR') }
boolean isKAPVNNLKradar() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('TS0601_KAPVNNLK_RADAR') }
boolean isSONOFF() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('SONOFF_SNZB-06P_RADAR') }
boolean isSiHAS() { return getDeviceProfile().contains('SIHAS_USM-300Z_4_IN_1') }
// TODO - check if DPs are declared in the device profiles and remove this function
boolean isChattyRadarReport(final Map descMap) {
if ((isZY_M100Radar() || isSBYX0LM6radar()) && (settings?.ignoreDistance == true)) {
return (descMap?.clusterId == 'EF00' && (descMap.command in ['01', '02']) && descMap.data?.size > 2 && descMap.data[2] == '09')
else if ((isYXZBRB58radar() || isSXM7L9XAradar()) && (settings?.ignoreDistance == true)) {
return (descMap?.clusterId == 'EF00' && (descMap.command in ['01', '02']) && descMap.data?.size > 2 && descMap.data[2] == '6D')
return false
@Field static final Map deviceProfilesV2 = [
// is4in1()
'TS0202_4IN1' : [
description : 'Tuya 4in1 (motion/temp/humi/lux) sensor',
models : ['TS0202'], // model: 'ZB003-X' vendor: 'Fantem'
device : [type: 'PIR', isIAS:true, powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], // check powerSource
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'TemperatureMeasurement': true, 'RelativeHumidityMeasurement': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'tamper': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : ['motionReset':true, 'reportingTime4in1':true, 'ledEnable':true, 'keepTime':true, 'sensitivity':true],
commands : ['reportingTime4in1':'reportingTime4in1', 'resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3210_zmy9hjay', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Multi Sensor 4 In 1'], // pairing: double click!
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'5j6ifxj', manufacturer:'_TYST11_i5j6ifxj', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Multi Sensor 4 In 1'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'hfcudw5', manufacturer:'_TYST11_7hfcudw5', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Multi Sensor 4 In 1'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3210_rxqls8v0', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Multi Sensor 4 In 1'], // not tested
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3210_wuhzzfqg', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Multi Sensor 4 In 1'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars/92441/282?u=kkossev
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0500,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3210_0aqbrnts', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Multi Sensor 4 In 1 is-thpl-zb']
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', description:'Motion'],
[dp:5, name:'tamper', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'clear', 1:'detected'] , unit:'', description:'Tamper detection'],
[dp:9, name:'sensitivity', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defVal:'2', unit:'', map:[0:'low', 1:'medium', 2:'high'], title:'Sensitivity', description:'PIR sensor sensitivity (update at the time motion is activated)'],
[dp:10, name:'keepTime', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:5, defVal:'0', unit:'seconds', map:[0:'0 seconds', 1:'30 seconds', 2:'60 seconds', 3:'120 seconds', 4:'240 seconds', 5:'480 seconds'], title:'Keep Time', description:'PIR keep time in seconds (update at the time motion is activated)'],
[dp:25, name:'battery2', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defVal:100, scale:1, unit:'%', description:'Remaining battery 2 in %'],
[dp:102, name:'reportingTime4in1', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1440, defVal:10, step:5, scale:1, unit:'minutes', title:'Reporting Interval', description:'Reporting interval in minutes'],
[dp:104, name:'tempCalibration', type:'decimal', rw:'ro', min:-2.0, max:2.0, defVal:0.0, scale:10, unit:'deg.', title:'Temperature Calibration', description:'Temperature calibration (-2.0...2.0)'],
[dp:105, name:'humiCalibration', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:-15, max:15, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'%RH', title:'Huidity Calibration', description:'Humidity Calibration'],
[dp:106, name:'illumCalibration', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:-20, max:20, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'Lx', title:'Illuminance Calibration', description:'Illuminance calibration in lux/i>'],
[dp:107, name:'temperature', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:-20.0, max:80.0, defVal:0.0, scale:10, unit:'deg.', description:'Temperature'],
[dp:108, name:'humidity', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:1, max:100, defVal:100, scale:1, unit:'%RH', description:'Humidity'],
[dp:109, name:'pirSensorEnable', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'1', scale:1, map:[0:'disabled', 1:'enabled'] , unit:'', title:'MoPIR Sensor Enable', description:'Enable PIR sensor'],
[dp:110, name:'battery', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defVal:100, scale:1, unit:'%', description:'Battery level'],
[dp:111, name:'ledEnable', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'disabled', 1:'enabled'] , unit:'', title:'LED Enable', description:'Enable LED'],
[dp:112, name:'reportingEnable', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'disabled', 1:'enabled'] , unit:'', title:'Reporting Enable', description:'Enable reporting'],
deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Multi Sensor 4 In 1',
configuration : ['battery': false]
// is3in1()
'TS0601_3IN1' : [ // https://szneo.com/en/products/show.php?id=239 // https://www.banggood.com/Tuya-Smart-Linkage-ZB-Motion-Sensor-Human-Infrared-Detector-Mobile-Phone-Remote-Monitoring-PIR-Sensor-p-1858413.html?cur_warehouse=CN
description : 'Tuya 3in1 (Motion/Temp/Humi) sensor',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [type: 'PIR', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false], // powerSource changes batt/DC dynamically!
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'TemperatureMeasurement': true, 'RelativeHumidityMeasurement': true, 'tamper': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : ['motionReset':true],
commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_7hfcudw5', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya NAS-PD07 Multi Sensor 3 In 1'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_ppuj1vem', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya NAS-PD07 Multi Sensor 3 In 1']
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:101, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', description:'Motion'],
[dp:102, name:'battery', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defVal:100, scale:1, unit:'%', description:'Battery level'],
// ^^^TODO^^^
[dp:103, name:'tamper', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'clear', 1:'detected'] , unit:'', description:'Tamper detection'],
[dp:104, name:'temperature', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:-20.0, max:80.0, defVal:0.0, scale:10, unit:'deg.', description:'Temperature'],
[dp:105, name:'humidity', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:1, max:100, defVal:100, scale:1, unit:'%RH', description:'Humidity'],
[dp:106, name:'tempScale', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'Celsius', 1:'Fahrenheit'] , unit:'', description:'Temperature scale'],
[dp:107, name:'minTemp', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:-20, max:80, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'deg.', description:'Minimal temperature'],
[dp:108, name:'maxTemp', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:-20, max:80, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'deg.', description:'Maximal temperature'],
[dp:109, name:'minHumidity', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'%RH', description:'Minimal humidity'],
[dp:110, name:'maxHumidity', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'%RH', description:'Maximal humidity'],
[dp:111, name:'tempAlarm', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', description:'Temperature alarm'],
[dp:112, name:'humidityAlarm', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', description:'Humidity alarm'],
[dp:113, name:'alarmType', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'type0', 1:'type1'] , unit:'', description:'Alarm type'],
deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Multi Sensor 3 In 1',
configuration : ['battery': false]
// is2in1()
'TS0601_2IN1' : [ // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/bf32ce2b74689328048b407e56ca936dc7a54a0b/src/devices/tuya.ts#L4568
description : 'Tuya 2in1 (Motion and Illuminance) sensor',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [type: 'PIR', isIAS:false, powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:true],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : ['motionReset':true, 'invertMotion':true, 'keepTime':'10', 'sensitivity':'9'],
commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_3towulqd', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 in 1 Zigbee Mini PIR Motion Detector + Bright Lux ZG-204ZL'], // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004095233195.html
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0500,0001,0400', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_3towulqd', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 in 1 Zigbee Mini PIR Motion Detector + Bright Lux ZG-204ZL'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/934?u=kkossev
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_bh3n6gk8', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 in 1 Zigbee Mini PIR Motion Detector + Bright Lux ZG-204ZL'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/tze200-bh3n6gk8-motion-sensor-not-working/123213?u=kkossev
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_1ibpyhdc', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya 2 in 1 Zigbee Mini PIR Motion Detector + Bright Lux ZG-204ZL'] //
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', description:'Motion'],
[dp:4, name:'battery', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:100, defVal:100, scale:1, unit:'%', title:'Battery level', description:'Battery level'],
[dp:9, name:'sensitivity', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defVal:'2', unit:'', map:[0:'low', 1:'medium', 2:'high'], title:'Sensitivity', description:'PIR sensor sensitivity (update at the time motion is activated)'],
[dp:10, name:'keepTime', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:3, defVal:'0', unit:'seconds', map:[0:'10 seconds', 1:'30 seconds', 2:'60 seconds', 3:'120 seconds'], title:'Keep Time', description:'PIR keep time in seconds (update at the time motion is activated)'],
[dp:12, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1000, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'lx', title:'illuminance', description:'illuminance'],
[dp:102, name:'illuminance_interval', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:720, defVal:1, scale:1, unit:'minutes', title:'Illuminance Interval', description:'Brightness acquisition interval (update at the time motion is activated)'],
deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Multi Sensor 2 In 1',
configuration : ['battery': false]
'TS0202_MOTION_IAS' : [
description : 'Tuya TS0202 Motion sensor (IAS)',
models : ['TS0202', 'RH3040'],
device : [type: 'PIR', isIAS:true, powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:true],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : ['motionReset':true, 'keepTime':false, 'sensitivity':false],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0001,0500', outClusters:'0000,0003,0001,0500', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_dl7cejts', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'], // KK model: 'ZM-RT201'// 5 seconds (!) reset period for testing
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_mmtwjmaq', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_otvn3lne', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_jytabjkb', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_ef5xlc9q', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_vwqnz1sn', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_2b8f6cio', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZE200_bq5c8xfe', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_qjqgmqxr', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_zwvaj5wy', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_bsvqrxru', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_tv3wxhcz', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TYZB01_hqbdru35', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_tiwq83wk', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_ykwcwxmz', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_hgu1dlak', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_hktqahrq', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_jmrgyl7o', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'], // not tested! //https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Luminea_ZX-5311.html
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'WHD02', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_kmh5qpmb', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_kmh5qpmb', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-w-healthstatus/92441/1059?u=kkossev
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3040_usvkzkyn', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'], // not tested // https://www.amazon.ae/Rechargeable-Detector-Security-Devices-Required/dp/B0BKKJ48QH
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500', model:'RH3040', manufacturer:'TUYATEC-53o41joc', deviceJoinName: 'TUYATEC RH3040 Motion Sensor'], // 60 seconds reset period
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500', model:'RH3040', manufacturer:'TUYATEC-b5g40alm', deviceJoinName: 'TUYATEC RH3040 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500', model:'RH3040', manufacturer:'TUYATEC-deetibst', deviceJoinName: 'TUYATEC RH3040 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500', model:'RH3040', manufacturer:'TUYATEC-bd5faf9p', deviceJoinName: 'Nedis/Samotech RH3040 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500', model:'RH3040', manufacturer:'TUYATEC-zn9wyqtr', deviceJoinName: 'Samotech RH3040 Motion Sensor'], // vendor: 'Samotech', model: 'SM301Z'
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500', model:'RH3040', manufacturer:'TUYATEC-b3ov3nor', deviceJoinName: 'Zemismart RH3040 Motion Sensor'], // vendor: 'Nedis', model: 'ZBSM10WT'
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500', model:'RH3040', manufacturer:'TUYATEC-2gn2zf9e', deviceJoinName: 'TUYATEC RH3040 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500,0B05', outClusters:'0019', model:'TY0202', manufacturer:'_TZ1800_fcdjzz3s', deviceJoinName: 'Lidl TY0202 Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0500,0B05,FCC0', outClusters:'0019,FCC0', model:'TY0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_4ggd8ezp', deviceJoinName: 'Bond motion sensor ZX-BS-J11W'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/what-driver-to-use-for-this-motion-sensor-zx-bs-j11w-or-ty0202/103953/4
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0003,0004,0500,0000', outClusters:'0004,0006,1000,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3040_bb6xaihh', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'], // https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/17364
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0003,0004,0500,0000', outClusters:'0004,0006,1000,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3040_wqmtjsyk', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'], // not tested
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0003,0004,0500,0000', outClusters:'0004,0006,1000,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_h4wnrtck', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'] // not tested
deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor',
configuration : ['battery': false]
description : 'Tuya TS0202 Motion sensor (IAS) configurable',
models : ['TS0202'],
device : [type: 'PIR', isIAS:true, powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:true],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : ['motionReset':true, 'keepTime':'0x0500:0xF001', 'sensitivity':'0x0500:0x0013'],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_mcxw5ehu', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 ZM-35H-Q Motion Sensor'], // TODO: PIR sensor sensitivity and PIR keep time in seconds ['30', '60', '120']
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_msl6wxk9', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 ZM-35H-Q Motion Sensor'], // TODO: fz.ZM35HQ_attr ['30', '60', '120']
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3040_msl6wxk9', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 ZM-35H-Q Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3040_fwxuzcf4', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 ZM-35H-Q Motion Sensor'],
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3000_6ygjfyll', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars/92441/289?u=kkossev
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,0003,0000', outClusters:'1000,0006,0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3040_6ygjfyll', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor'], // https://community.hubitat.com/t/tuya-motion-sensor-driver/72000/54?u=kkossev
attributes: [
[at:'0x0500:0x0013', name:'sensitivity', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defVal:'2', unit:'', map:[0:'low', 1:'medium', 2:'high'], title:'Sensitivity', description:'PIR sensor sensitivity (update at the time motion is activated)'],
[at:'0x0500:0xF001', name:'keepTime', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', unit:'seconds', map:[0:'30 seconds', 1:'60 seconds', 2:'120 seconds'], title:'Keep Time', description:'PIR keep time in seconds (update at the time motion is activated)'],
deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0202 Motion Sensor configurable',
configuration : ['battery': false]
// isMotionSwitch()
description : 'Tuya Motion Sensor and Scene Switch',
models : ['TS0202'],
device : [type: 'PIR', isIAS:true, powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:true],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor':true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement':true, 'switch':true, 'Battery':true],
preferences : ['motionReset':true, 'keepTime':false, 'sensitivity':false, 'luxThreshold':false], // keepTime is hardcoded 60 seconds, no sensitivity configuration
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0001,0500,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0202', manufacturer:'_TZ3210_cwamkvua', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Motion Sensor and Scene Switch'] // vendor: 'Linkoze', model: 'LKMSZ001'
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:101, name:'pushed', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'pushed', 1:'doubleTapped', 2:'held'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:102, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'lx', title:'illuminance', description:'illuminance'],
deviceJoinName: 'Tuya Motion Sensor and Scene Switch',
configuration : ['battery': false]
'TS0601_PIR_PRESENCE' : [ // isBlackPIRsensor() // https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues/1618
description : 'Tuya PIR Human Motion Presence Sensor (Black)',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : ['fadingTime':'102', 'targetDistance':'105'],
commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults'],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0004,0005,EF00,0000', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_9qayzqa8', deviceJoinName: 'Smart PIR Human Motion Presence Sensor (Black)'] // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004296422003.html
tuyaDPs: [ // TODO - defaults !!
[dp:102, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:24, max:300 , defVal:24, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Fading time', description:'Fading(Induction) time'],
[dp:105, name:'targetDistance', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:9 , defVal:'6', scale:1, map:[0:'0.5 m', 1:'1.0 m', 2:'1.5 m', 3:'2.0 m', 4:'2.5 m', 5:'3.0 m', 6:'3.5 m', 7:'4.0 m', 8:'4.5 m', 9:'5.0 m'] , unit:'meters', title:'Target Distance', description:'Target Distance'],
[dp:119, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:141, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:4 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'none', 1:'presence', 2:'peaceful', 3:'small_move', 4:'large_move'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
deviceJoinName: 'Tuya PIR Human Motion Presence Sensor LQ-CG01-RDR',
configuration : ['battery': false]
'TS0601_PIR_AIR' : [ // isHumanPresenceSensorAIR() - Human presence sensor AIR (PIR sensor!) - o_sensitivity, v_sensitivity, led_status, vacancy_delay, light_on_luminance_prefer, light_off_luminance_prefer, mode, luminance_level, reference_luminance, vacant_confirm_time
description : 'Tuya PIR Human Motion Presence Sensor AIR',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'Battery': true], // TODO - check if battery powered?
preferences : ['vacancyDelay':'103', 'ledStatusAIR':'110', 'detectionMode':'104', 'vSensitivity':'101', 'oSensitivity':'102', 'lightOnLuminance':'107', 'lightOffLuminance':'108' ],
commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats'],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0004,0005,EF00', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0601', manufacturer:'_TZE200_auin8mzr', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya PIR Human Motion Presence Sensor AIR'] // Tuya LY-TAD-K616S-ZB
tuyaDPs: [ // TODO - defaults !!
[dp:101, name:'vSensitivity', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'Speed Priority', 1:'Standard', 2:'Accuracy Priority'] , unit:'-', title:'vSensitivity options', description:'V-Sensitivity mode'],
[dp:102, name:'oSensitivity', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'Sensitive', 1:'Normal', 2:'Cautious'] , unit:'', title:'oSensitivity options', description:'O-Sensitivity mode'],
[dp:103, name:'vacancyDelay', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1000, defVal:10, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title:'Vacancy Delay', description:'Vacancy Delay'],
[dp:104, name:'detectionMode', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'General Model', 1:'Temporary Stay', 2:'Basic Detecton', 3:'PIR Sensor Test'] , unit:'', title:'Detection Mode', description:'Detection Mode'],
[dp:105, name:'unacknowledgedTime', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:9 , defVal:7, scale:1, unit:'seconds', description:'unacknowledgedTime'],
[dp:106, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2000, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'lx', title:'illuminance', description:'illuminance'],
[dp:107, name:'lightOnLuminance', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2000, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'lx', title:'lightOnLuminance', description:'lightOnLuminance'], // Ligter, Medium, ... ?// TODO =- check range 0 - 10000 ?
[dp:108, name:'lightOffLuminance', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2000, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'lx', title:'lightOffLuminance', description:'lightOffLuminance'],
[dp:109, name:'luminanceLevel', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2000, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'lx', title:'luminanceLevel', description:'luminanceLevel'], // Ligter, Medium, ... ?
[dp:110, name:'ledStatusAIR', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0: 'Switch On', 1:'Switch Off', 2: 'Default'] , unit:'', title:'LED status', description:'Led status switch'],
deviceJoinName: 'Tuya PIR Human Motion Presence Sensor AIR',
configuration : ['battery': false]
description : 'Sonoff/eWeLink Motion sensor',
models : ['eWeLink'],
device : [type: 'PIR', isIAS:true, powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:true], // very sleepy !!
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : ['motionReset':true, 'keepTime':false, 'sensitivity':false], // just enable or disable showing the motionReset preference, no link to tuyaDPs or attributes map!
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0500,0001', outClusters:'0003', model:'ms01', manufacturer:'eWeLink', deviceJoinName: 'eWeLink Motion Sensor'], // for testL 60 seconds re-triggering period!
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0500,0001', outClusters:'0003', model:'msO1', manufacturer:'eWeLink', deviceJoinName: 'eWeLink Motion Sensor'], // second variant
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0500,0001', outClusters:'0003', model:'MS01', manufacturer:'eWeLink', deviceJoinName: 'eWeLink Motion Sensor'] // third variant
deviceJoinName: 'Sonoff/eWeLink Motion sensor',
configuration : [
'0x0001':[['bind':true], ['reporting':'0x21, 0x20, 3600, 7200, 0x02']], // TODO - use the reproting values
'0x0500':[['bind':false], ['sensitivity':false], ['keepTime':false]], // TODO - use in update function
] // battery percentage, min 3600, max 7200, UINT8, delta 2
// isSiHAS()
'SIHAS_USM-300Z_4_IN_1' : [
description : 'SiHAS USM-300Z 4-in-1',
models : ['ShinaSystem'],
device : [type: 'radar', powerSource: 'battery', isIAS:false, isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'TemperatureMeasurement': true, 'RelativeHumidityMeasurement': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : [:],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0400,0003,0406,0402,0001,0405,0500', outClusters:'0004,0003,0019', model:'USM-300Z', manufacturer:'ShinaSystem', deviceJoinName: 'SiHAS MultiPurpose Sensor']
commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'],
tuyaDPs : [:],
attributes : [:],
deviceJoinName: 'SiHAS USM-300Z 4-in-1',
//configuration : ["0x0406":"bind"] // TODO !!
configuration : [:]
description : 'Other OEM Motion sensors (IAS)',
models : ['MOT003', 'XXX'],
device : [type: 'PIR', isIAS:true, powerSource: 'battery', isSleepy:true],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : ['motionReset':true, 'keepTime':'0x0500:0xF001', 'sensitivity':'0x0500:0x0013'],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0001,0003,0020,0400,0402,0500', outClusters:'0019', model:'MOT003', manufacturer:'HiveHome.com', deviceJoinName: 'Hive Motion Sensor'] // https://community.hubitat.com/t/hive-motion-sensors-can-we-get-custom-driver-sorted/108177?u=kkossev
attributes: [
[at:'0x0500:0x0013', name:'sensitivity', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defVal:'2', unit:'', map:[0:'low', 1:'medium', 2:'high'], title:'Sensitivity', description:'PIR sensor sensitivity (update at the time motion is activated)'],
[at:'0x0500:0xF001', name:'keepTime', type:'enum', rw: 'rw', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', unit:'seconds', map:[0:'30 seconds', 1:'60 seconds', 2:'120 seconds'], title:'Keep Time', description:'PIR keep time in seconds (update at the time motion is activated)'],
deviceJoinName: 'Other OEM Motion sensor (IAS)',
configuration : ['battery': false]
'UNKNOWN' : [ // the Device Profile key (shown in the State Variables)
description : 'Unknown device', // the Device Profile description (shown in the Preferences)
models : ['UNKNOWN'], // used to match a Device profile if the individuak fingerprints do not match
device : [
type: 'PIR', // 'PIR' or 'radar'
isIAS:true, // define it for PIR sensors only!
powerSource: 'dc', // determines the powerSource value - can be 'battery', 'dc', 'mains'
isSleepy:false // determines the update and ping behaviour
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'Battery': true],
preferences : ['motionReset':true],
commands : ['resetSettings':'resetSettings', 'resetStats':'resetStats', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences' \
//fingerprints : [
// [profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0406", outClusters:"0003", model:"model", manufacturer:"manufacturer"]
tuyaDPs: [
rw: 'ro',
map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'],
description:'Motion state'
deviceJoinName: 'Unknown device', // used during the inital pairing, if no individual fingerprint deviceJoinName was found
configuration : ['battery': true],
batteries : 'unknown'
'---' : [
description : '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------',
models : [],
fingerprints : [],
'----' : [
description : 'Tuya radars are supported in the new Tuya mmWave Sensor driver',
models : [],
fingerprints : [],
// ------------------------------------------- mmWave Radars - OBSOLETE !------------------------------------------------//
'TS0601_TUYA_RADAR' : [ // isZY_M100Radar() // spammy devices!
description : 'Tuya Human Presence mmWave Radar ZY-M100',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
fingerprints : [
[manufacturer:'_TZE200_ztc6ggyl'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_ztc6ggyl'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_ikvncluo'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_lyetpprm'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_wukb7rhc'],
[manufacturer:'_TZE200_jva8ink8'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_mrf6vtua'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_ar0slwnd'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_sfiy5tfs'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_holel4dk'],
[manufacturer:'_TZE200_xpq2rzhq'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_qasjif9e'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_xsm7l9xa']
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1 , defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:9, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0 , defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Distance', description:'detected distance'],
[dp:103, name:'debugCLI', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:99999, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'?', title:'debugCLI', description:'debug CLI'],
[dp:104, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2000, defVal:0, scale:1, unit:'lx', title:'illuminance', description:'illuminance'],
spammyDPsToIgnore : [9], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [9, 103]
'TS0601_KAPVNNLK_RADAR' : [ // 24GHz spammy radar w/ battery backup - depricated
description : 'Tuya TS0601_KAPVNNLK 24GHz Radar',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZE204_kapvnnlk'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_kyhbrfyl']],
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:19, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title:'Distance', description:'detected distance']
spammyDPsToIgnore : [19], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [19]
'TS0601_RADAR_MIR-HE200-TY' : [
description : 'Tuya Human Presence Sensor MIR-HE200-TY', // deprecated
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [isDepricated:true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZE200_vrfecyku'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_lu01t0zl'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_ypprdwsl']],
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:102, name:'motionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Motion state', description:'Motion state (occupancy)'],
description : 'Tuya Black Square Radar',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [isDepricated:true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor':true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZE200_0u3bj3rc'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_v6ossqfy'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_mx6u6l4y']],
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal: '0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence'],
spammyDPsToIgnore : [103], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [1, 101, 102, 103]
'TS0601_YXZBRB58_RADAR' : [
description : 'Tuya YXZBRB58 Radar',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy: false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZE204_sooucan5']],
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence state'],
[dp:101, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance'],
[dp:105, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance']
spammyDPsToIgnore : [105], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [105]
'TS0601_SXM7L9XA_RADAR' : [
description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector SXM7L9XA',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
fingerprints : [
[manufacturer:'_TZE204_sxm7l9xa'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_e5m9c5hl']
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:104, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'],
[dp:105, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'], description:'Presence state'],
[dp:109, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance']
spammyDPsToIgnore : [109], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [109]
description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector IJXVKHD0',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZE204_ijxvkhd0']],
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:104, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'],
[dp:105, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'present', 2:'moving'], description:'Presence state'],
[dp:109, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Target distance'],
[dp:112, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:123, name:'presence', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'presence'], description:'Presence'] // TODO -- check if used?
spammyDPsToIgnore : [109, 9], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [109, 104]
description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YENSYA2C',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy: false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZE204_yensya2c'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_mhxn2jso']],
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:19, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance'],
[dp:20, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:10000, scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'illuminance']
spammyDPsToIgnore : [19], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [19]
'TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR' : [
description : 'Tuya TS0225_HL0SS9OA Radar',
models : ['TS0225'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'HumanMotionState':true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZE200_hl0ss9oa']],
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:11, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:3, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'large', 2:'small', 3:'static'], description:'Human motion state'],
[dp:20, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:10, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance']
spammyDPsToIgnore : [], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [11]
description : 'Tuya TS0225_2AAELWXK 5.8 GHz Radar',
models : ['TS0225'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'HumanMotionState':true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZE200_2aaelwxk']],
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:101, name:'humanMotionState', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:3, defVal:'0', map:[0:'none', 1:'large', 2:'small', 3:'static'], description:'Human motion state'],
[dp:106, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', scale:10, unit:'lx', description:'Illuminance']
'TS0601_SBYX0LM6_RADAR' : [
description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector SBYX0LM6',
models : ['TS0601'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
fingerprints : [
[manufacturer:'_TZE204_sbyx0lm6'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_sbyx0lm6'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_dtzziy1e'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_dtzziy1e'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_clrdrnya'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_clrdrnya'],
[manufacturer:'_TZE204_cfcznfbz'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_iaeejhvf'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_mtoaryre'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_8s6jtscb'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_rktkuel1'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_mp902om5'],
[manufacturer:'_TZE200_w5y5slkq'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_w5y5slkq'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_xnaqu2pc'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_xnaqu2pc'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_wk7seszg'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_wk7seszg'],
[manufacturer:'_TZE200_0wfzahlw'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_0wfzahlw'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_pfayrzcw'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_pfayrzcw'], [manufacturer:'_TZE200_z4tzr0rg'], [manufacturer:'_TZE204_z4tzr0rg']
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:9, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'detected distance'],
[dp:104, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:2000, defVal:0, scale:10, unit:'lx', title:'illuminance', description:'illuminance']
spammyDPsToIgnore : [9], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [9]
// isLINPTECHradar()
description : 'Tuya TS0225_LINPTECH 24GHz Radar',
models : ['TS0225'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
preferences : ['fadingTime':'101', 'motionDetectionDistance':'0xE002:0xE00B', 'motionDetectionSensitivity':'0xE002:0xE004', 'staticDetectionSensitivity':'0xE002:0xE005'],
fingerprints : [
[profileId:'0104', endpointId:'01', inClusters:'0000,0003,0004,0005,E002,4000,EF00,0500', outClusters:'0019,000A', model:'TS0225', manufacturer:'_TZ3218_awarhusb', deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_LINPTECH 24Ghz Human Presence Detector'] // https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004788260949.html // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-zigbee-multi-sensor-4-in-1-pir-motion-sensors-and-mmwave-presence-radars-w-healthstatus/92441/539?u=kkossev
commands : ['resetStats':'resetStats', 'refresh':'refresh', 'initialize':'initialize', 'updateAllPreferences': 'updateAllPreferences', 'resetPreferencesToDefaults':'resetPreferencesToDefaults', 'validateAndFixPreferences':'validateAndFixPreferences'],
tuyaDPs: [ // the tuyaDPs revealed from iot.tuya.com are actually not used by the device! The only exception is dp:101
[dp:101, name:'fadingTime', type:'number', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:9999, defVal:10, scale:1, unit:'seconds', title: 'Fading time', description:'Presence inactivity timer, seconds'] // aka 'nobody time'
attributes: [ // LINPTECH / MOES are using a custom cluster 0xE002 for the settings (except for the fadingTime), ZCL cluster 0x0400 for illuminance (malformed reports!) and the IAS cluster 0x0500 for motion detection
[at:'0xE002:0xE001', name:'existance_time', type:'number', dt: 'UINT16', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:65535, scale:1, unit:'minutes', title: 'Existance time/b>', description:'existance (presence) time, recommended value is > 10 seconds!'], // aka Presence Time
[at:'0xE002:0xE004', name:'motionDetectionSensitivity', type:'enum', dt: 'UINT8', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:5, defVal:'4', scale:1, map:[1: '1 - low', 2: '2 - medium low', 3: '3 - medium', 4: '4 - medium high', 5: '5 - high'], unit:'', title: 'Motion Detection Sensitivity', description:'Large motion detection sensitivity'], // aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity
[at:'0xE002:0xE005', name:'staticDetectionSensitivity', type:'enum', dt: 'UINT8', rw: 'rw', min:1, max:5, defVal:'3', scale:1, map:[1: '1 - low', 2: '2 - medium low', 3: '3 - medium', 4: '4 - medium high', 5: '5 - high'], unit:'', title: 'Static Detection Sensitivity', description:'Static detection sensitivity'], // aka Motionless Detection Sensitivity
[at:'0xE002:0xE00A', name:'distance', type:'decimal', dt: 'UINT16', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:6.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', title: 'Distance', description:'Measured distance'], // aka Current Distance
[at:'0xE002:0xE00B', name:'motionDetectionDistance', type:'enum', dt: 'UINT16', rw: 'rw', min:0.75, max:6.0, defVal:'4.50', step:75, scale:100, map:['0.75': '0.75 meters', '1.50': '1.50 meters', '2.25': '2.25 meters', '3.00': '3.00 meters', '3.75': '3.75 meters', '4.50': '4.50 meters', '5.25': '5.25 meters', '6.00' : '6.00 meters'], unit:'meters', title: 'Motion Detection Distance', description:'Large motion detection distance, meters'] // aka Far Detection
spammyDPsToIgnore : [19],
spammyDPsToNotTrace : [19],
deviceJoinName: 'Tuya TS0225_LINPTECH 24Ghz Human Presence Detector',
configuration : [:]
description : 'Tuya TS0225_EGNGMRZH 24GHz Radar',
models : ['TS0225'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZFED8_egngmrzh']],
// uses IAS for occupancy!
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:101, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:10000, scale:1, unit:'lx'],
[dp:103, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:10, unit:'meters']
spammyDPsToIgnore : [103], spammyDPsToNotTrace : [103]
'TS0225_O7OE4N9A_RADAR' : [ // Aubess Zigbee-Human Presence Detector, Smart PIR Human Body Sensor, Wifi Radar, Microwave Motion Sensors, Tuya, 1/24/5G
description : 'Tuya Human Presence Detector YENSYA2C',
models : ['TS0225'],
device : [isDepricated: true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'IlluminanceMeasurement': true, 'DistanceMeasurement':true],
fingerprints : [[manufacturer:'_TZFED8_o7oe4n9a']],
tuyaDPs: [
[dp:1, name:'motion', type:'enum', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:1, defVal:'0', scale:1, map:[0:'inactive', 1:'active'] , unit:'', title:'Presence state', description:'Presence state'],
[dp:181, name:'illuminance', type:'number', rw: 'ro', min:0, max:10000, scale:1, unit:'lx', description:'illuminance'],
[dp:182, name:'distance', type:'decimal', rw: 'ro', min:0.0, max:10.0, defVal:0.0, scale:100, unit:'meters', description:'Distance to target']
//spammyDPsToIgnore : [182], //spammyDPsToNotTrace : [182],
'OWON_OCP305_RADAR' : [ // depricated
description : 'OWON OCP305 Radar',
models : ['OCP305'],
device : [isDepricated:true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true, 'Battery': true],
fingerprints : [
[manufacturer:'OWON'] // depricated
'SONOFF_SNZB-06P_RADAR' : [ // Depricated
description : 'SONOFF SNZB-06P RADAR',
models : ['SNZB-06P'],
device : [isDepricated:true, type: 'radar', powerSource: 'dc', isIAS:false, isSleepy:false],
capabilities : ['MotionSensor': true],
fingerprints : [
[manufacturer:'SONOFF'] // Depricated!
// ---------------------------------- deviceProfilesV2 helper functions --------------------------------------------
String getProfileKey(final String valueStr) {
String key = deviceProfilesV2.find { _, profileMap -> profileMap.description == valueStr }?.key
return key
* Finds the preferences map for the given parameter.
* @param param The parameter to find the preferences map for.
* @param debug Whether or not to output debug logs.
* @return returns either tuyaDPs or attributes map, depending on where the preference (param) is found
* @return empty map [:] if param is not defined for this device.
Map getPreferencesMap(final String param, boolean debug=false) {
Map foundMap = [:]
if (!(param in DEVICE?.preferences)) {
if (debug) { logWarn "getPreferencesMap: preference ${param} not defined for this device!" }
return [:]
/* groovylint-disable-next-line NoDef */
def preference
try {
preference = DEVICE?.preferences["$param"]
if (debug) logDebug "getPreferencesMap: preference ${param} found. value is ${preference}"
if (preference in [true, false]) {
// find the preference in the tuyaDPs map
logDebug "getPreferencesMap: preference ${param} is boolean"
return [:] // no maps for predefined preferences !
if (preference.isNumber()) {
// find the preference in the tuyaDPs map
int dp = safeToInt(preference)