/** * Tuya Zigbee Dimmer - driver for Hubitat Elevation * * https://community.hubitat.com/t/dynamic-capabilities-commands-and-attributes-for-drivers/98342 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * This driver is inspired by @w35l3y work on Tuya device driver (Edge project). * For a big portions of code all credits go to Jonathan Bradshaw. * * ver. 2.0.0 2023-05-08 kkossev - Initial test version (VINDSTYRKA driver) * ver. 2.0.1 2023-05-27 kkossev - another test version (Aqara TVOC Air Monitor driver) * ver. 2.0.2 2023-05-29 kkossev - Just another test version (Aqara E1 thermostat driver) (not ready yet!); added 'Advanced Options'; Xiaomi cluster decoding; added temperatureScale and tVocUnit'preferences; temperature rounding bug fix * ver. 2.0.3 2023-06-10 kkossev - Tuya Zigbee Fingerbot * ver. 2.0.4 2023-06-29 kkossev - Tuya Zigbee Switch; Tuya Zigbee Button Dimmer; Tuya Zigbee Dimmer; Tuya Zigbee Light Sensor; * ver. 2.0.5 2023-07-02 kkossev - Tuya Zigbee Button Dimmer: added Debounce option; added VoltageToPercent option for battery; added reverseButton option; healthStatus bug fix; added Zigbee Groups' command; added switch moode (dimmer/scene) for TS004F * * TODO: Tuya Zigbee Light Sensor: add min reporting time * TODO: Tuya Zigbee Light Sensor: add IAS cluster processing * TODO: VINDSTYRKA: micro gram symbol fix * TODO: rtt 0 fix * TODO: measure PTT for on/off commands * TODO: calculate and store the average ping RTT * TODO: Fingerbot: add the fingerprint * TODO: Fingerbot: add Momentary capability * TODO: Fingerbot: touch button (on top) enable/disable option * TODO: aqaraModel is no saved * TODO: Aqara devices: store NWK in states for * TODO: Aqara TVOC: implement battery level/percentage for * TODO: implement Get Device Info command * TODO: continue the work on the 'device' capability (this project main goal!) * TODO: state timesamps in human readable form * TODO: add min/max reporting times preferences for illuminance, temperature and humidity; * TODO: parse the details of the configuration respose - cluster, min, max, delta ... * TODO: battery min/max voltage preferences */ static String version() { "2.0.5" } static String timeStamp() {"2023/07/03 10:46 AM"} @Field static final Boolean _DEBUG = false import groovy.transform.Field import hubitat.device.HubMultiAction import hubitat.device.Protocol import hubitat.helper.HexUtils import hubitat.zigbee.zcl.DataType import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap /* * To switch between driver types : * 1. Copy this code * 2. From HE 'Drivers Code' select 'New Driver' * 3. Paste the copied code * 4. Comment out the previous device type and un-comment the new device type in the lines defining the: * deviceType * DEVICE_TYPE * name (in the metadata definition section) * 5. Save */ //deviceType = "Device" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "Device" //deviceType = "AirQuality" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "AirQuality" //deviceType = "Fingerbot" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "Fingerbot" //deviceType = "Thermostat" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "Thermostat" //deviceType = "Switch" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "Switch" deviceType = "Dimmer" @Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "Dimmer" //deviceType = "Bulb" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "ButtonDimmer" //deviceType = "ButtonDimmer" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "LightSensor" //deviceType = "LightSensor" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "Bulb" //deviceType = "Relay" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "Relay" //deviceType = "Plug" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "Plug" //deviceType = "MotionSensor" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "MotionSensor" //deviceType = "THSensor" //@Field static final String DEVICE_TYPE = "THSensor" @Field static final Boolean _THREE_STATE = true metadata { definition ( //name: 'Tuya Zigbee Device', //name: 'VINDSTYRKA Air Quality Monitor', //name: 'Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor', //name: 'Tuya Zigbee Fingerbot', //name: 'Aqara E1 Thermostat', //name: 'Tuya Zigbee Switch', name: 'Tuya Zigbee Dimmer', //name: 'Tuya Zigbee Button Dimmer', //name: 'Tuya Zigbee Light Sensor', //name: 'Tuya Zigbee Bulb', //name: 'Tuya Zigbee Relay', //name: 'Tuya Zigbee Plug V2', //importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Device%20Driver/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Device.groovy', //importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Device%20Driver/VINDSTYRKA%20Air%20Quality%20Monitor.groovy', //importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Aqara%20TVOC%20Air%20Quality%20Monitor/Aqara%20TVOC%20Air%20Quality%20Monitor.groovy', //importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Fingerbot/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Fingerbot.groovy', //importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Aqara%20E1%20Thermostat/Aqara%20E1%20Thermostat.groovy', //importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Plug/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Plug%20V2.groovy', //importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Switch/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Switch.groovy', importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Dimmer/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Dimmer.groovy', //importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Zigbee%Button%20Dimmer/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Button%20Dimmer.groovy', //importUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Light%20Sensor/Tuya%20Zigbee%20Light%20Sensor.groovy', namespace: 'kkossev', author: 'Krassimir Kossev', singleThreaded: true ) { if (_DEBUG) { command 'test', [[name: "test", type: "STRING", description: "test", defaultValue : ""]] command 'parseTest', [[name: "parseTest", type: "STRING", description: "parseTest", defaultValue : ""]] command "tuyaTest", [ [name:"dpCommand", type: "STRING", description: "Tuya DP Command", constraints: ["STRING"]], [name:"dpValue", type: "STRING", description: "Tuya DP value", constraints: ["STRING"]], [name:"dpType", type: "ENUM", constraints: ["DP_TYPE_VALUE", "DP_TYPE_BOOL", "DP_TYPE_ENUM"], description: "DP data type"] ] } // common capabilities for all device types capability 'Configuration' capability 'Refresh' capability 'Health Check' // common attributes for all device types attribute 'healthStatus', 'enum', ['unknown', 'offline', 'online'] attribute "rtt", "number" attribute "Info", "string" // common commands for all device types command "initialize", [[name: "Manually initialize the device after switching drivers. \n\r ***** Will load device default values! *****"]] // do NOT declare Initialize capability! // deviceType specific capabilities, commands and attributes if (deviceType in ["Device"]) { command "deleteAllSettings", [[name: "Delete All Preferences"]] command "deleteAllCurrentStates", [[name: "Delete All Current States"]] command "deleteAllScheduledJobs", [[name: "Delete All Scheduled Jobs"]] // any scheduled jobs were deleted... command "deleteAllStates", [[name: "Delete All State Variables"]] // state.$it was removed... command "deleteAllChildDevices", [[name: "Delete All Child Devices"]] //command "getInfo", [[name: "Get Fingerprint"]] // TODO if (_DEBUG) { command "getAllProperties", [[name: "Get All Properties"]] } //command "updateFirmware" } if (deviceType in ["Dimmer", "ButtonDimmer"]) { command "zigbeeGroups", [ [name:"command", type: "ENUM", constraints: ZigbeeGroupsOpts.options.values() as List], [name:"value", type: "STRING", description: "Tuya DP value", constraints: ["STRING"]] ] } if (deviceType in ["Device", "THSensor", "MotionSensor", "LightSensor", "AirQuality", "Thermostat"]) { capability "Sensor" } if (deviceType in ["Device", "Switch", "Relay", "Plug", "Outlet", "Thermostat", "Fingerbot", "Dimmer", "Bulb"]) { capability "Actuator" } if (deviceType in ["Device", "THSensor", "LightSensor", "MotionSensor", "AirQuality", "Thermostat", "Fingerbot", "ButtonDimmer"]) { capability "Battery" attribute "batteryVoltage", "number" } if (deviceType in ["Thermostat"]) { capability "ThermostatHeatingSetpoint" } if (deviceType in ["Plug", "Outlet"]) { capability "Outlet" } if (deviceType in ["Device", "Switch", "Plug", "Outlet", "Dimmer", "Fingerbot"]) { capability "Switch" if (_THREE_STATE == true) { attribute "switch", "enum", SwitchThreeStateOpts.options.values() as List } } if (deviceType in ["Dimmer", "ButtonDimmer"]) { capability "SwitchLevel" //command "switchLevelCommand" //attribute "switchAttribute", "number" } if (deviceType in ["Button", "ButtonDimmer"]) { capability "PushableButton" capability "DoubleTapableButton" capability "HoldableButton" capability "ReleasableButton" } if (deviceType in ["ButtonDimmer"]) { attribute "switchMode", "enum", SwitchModeOpts.options.values() as List // ["dimmer", "scene"] command "switchMode", [[name: "mode*", type: "ENUM", constraints: ["--- select ---"] + SwitchModeOpts.options.values() as List, description: "Select device mode"]] } if (deviceType in ["Device", "THSensor", "AirQuality", "Thermostat"]) { capability "TemperatureMeasurement" } if (deviceType in ["Device", "THSensor", "AirQuality"]) { capability "RelativeHumidityMeasurement" } if (deviceType in ["Device", "LightSensor"]) { capability "IlluminanceMeasurement" } if (deviceType in ["AirQuality"]) { capability "AirQuality" // Attributes: airQualityIndex - NUMBER, range:0..500 attribute "pm25", "number" attribute "airQualityLevel", "enum", ["Good","Moderate","Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups","Unhealthy","Very Unhealthy","Hazardous"] // https://www.airnow.gov/aqi/aqi-basics/ } if (deviceType in ["Fingerbot"]) { attribute "fingerbotMode", "enum", FingerbotModeOpts.options.values() as List attribute "direction", "enum", FingerbotDirectionOpts.options.values() as List attribute "pushTime", "number" attribute "dnPosition", "number" attribute "upPosition", "number" } // trap for Hubitat F2 bug fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"F2", inClusters:"", outClusters:"", model:"unknown", manufacturer:"unknown", deviceJoinName: "Zigbee device affected by Hubitat F2 bug" if (deviceType in ["AirQuality"]) { fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0004,0402,0405,FC57,FC7C,042A,FC7E", outClusters:"0003,0019,0020,0202", model:"VINDSTYRKA", manufacturer:"IKEA of Sweden", deviceJoinName: "VINDSTYRKA Air Quality Monitor E2112" fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,0500,0001", outClusters:"0019", model:"lumi.airmonitor.acn01", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor" } if (deviceType in ["Thermostat"]) { fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0001,0003,FCC0,000A,0201", outClusters:"0003,FCC0,0201", model:"lumi.airrtc.agl001", manufacturer:"LUMI", deviceJoinName: "Aqara E1 Thermostat" // model: 'SRTS-A01' } if (deviceType in ["LightSensor"]) { fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0400,0001,0500", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0222", manufacturer:"_TYZB01_4mdqxxnn", deviceJoinName: "Tuya Illuminance Sensor TS0222" fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0004,0005,EF00,0000", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0601", manufacturer:"_TZE200_khx7nnka", deviceJoinName: "Tuya Illuminance Sensor TS0601" fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0004,0005,EF00,0000", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0601", manufacturer:"_TZE200_yi4jtqq1", deviceJoinName: "Tuya Illuminance Sensor TS0601" } if (deviceType in ["ButtonDimmer"]) { fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000", outClusters:"0019,000A,0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000", model:"TS004F", manufacturer:"_TZ3000_xxxxxxxx", deviceJoinName: "Tuya Scene Switch TS004F" fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0001,0003,0004,0006,1000,0000", outClusters:"0003,0004,0005,0006,0008,1000,0019,000A", model:"TS004F", manufacturer:"_TZ3000_xxxxxxxx", deviceJoinName: "Tuya Smart Knob TS004F" //KK fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0001,0003,0004,0006,1000,E001", outClusters:"0019,000A,0003,0004,0006,0008,1000", model: "TS004F", manufacturer: "_TZ3000_xxxxxxxx", deviceJoinName: "MOES Smart Button (ZT-SY-SR-MS)" // MOES ZigBee IP55 Waterproof Smart Button Scene Switch & Wireless Remote Dimmer (ZT-SY-SR-MS) fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0001,0006", outClusters:"0019,000A", model:"TS0044", manufacturer:"_TZ3000_xxxxxxxx", deviceJoinName: "Zemismart Wireless Scene Switch" fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,000A,0001,0006", outClusters: "0019", model: "TS0044", manufacturer: "_TZ3000_xxxxxxxx", deviceJoinName: "Zemismart 4 Button Remote (ESW-0ZAA-EU)" // needs debouncing fingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0001,0006,E000,0000", outClusters: "0019,000A", model: "TS0044", manufacturer: "_TZ3000_xxxxxxxx", deviceJoinName: "Moes 4 button controller" // https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tuya-scene-switch-ts004f-driver/92823/75?u=kkossev } } preferences { input name: 'txtEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable descriptionText logging', defaultValue: true, description: \ 'Enables command logging.' input name: 'logEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable debug logging', defaultValue: true, description: \ 'Turns on debug logging for 24 hours.' if (deviceType in ["AirQuality"]) { if (isVINDSTIRKA()) { input name: 'airQualityIndexCheckInterval', type: 'enum', title: 'Air Quality Index check interval', options: AirQualityIndexCheckIntervalOpts.options, defaultValue: AirQualityIndexCheckIntervalOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: \ 'Changes how often the hub retreives the Air Quality Index.' } else if (isAqaraTRV()) { input name: 'temperatureScale', type: 'enum', title: 'Temperaure Scale on the Screen', options: TemperatureScaleOpts.options, defaultValue: TemperatureScaleOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: \ 'Changes the temperature scale (Celsius, Fahrenheit) on the screen.' input name: 'tVocUnut', type: 'enum', title: 'tVOC unit on the Screen', options: TvocUnitOpts.options, defaultValue: TvocUnitOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: \ 'Changes the tVOC unit (mg/m³, ppb) on the screen.' } } if (deviceType in ["Fingerbot"]) { input name: 'fingerbotMode', type: 'enum', title: 'Fingerbot Mode', options: FingerbotModeOpts.options, defaultValue: FingerbotModeOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: \ 'Push or Switch.' input name: 'direction', type: 'enum', title: 'Fingerbot Direction', options: FingerbotDirectionOpts.options, defaultValue: FingerbotDirectionOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: \ 'Finger movement direction.' input name: 'pushTime', type: 'number', title: 'Push Time', description: 'The time that the finger will stay in down position in Push mode, seconds', required: true, range: "0..255", defaultValue: 0 input name: 'upPosition', type: 'number', title: 'Up Postition', description: 'Finger up position, (0..50), percent', required: true, range: "0..50", defaultValue: 0 input name: 'dnPosition', type: 'number', title: 'Down Postition', description: 'Finger down position (51..100), percent', required: true, range: "51..100", defaultValue: 100 } input name: 'advancedOptions', type: 'bool', title: 'Advanced Options', description: "These advanced options should be already automatically set in an optimal way for your device...", defaultValue: false if (advancedOptions == true || advancedOptions == true) { input name: 'healthCheckMethod', type: 'enum', title: 'Healthcheck Method', options: HealthcheckMethodOpts.options, defaultValue: HealthcheckMethodOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: \ 'Method to check device online/offline status.' //if (healthCheckMethod != null && safeToInt(healthCheckMethod.value) != 0) { input name: 'healthCheckInterval', type: 'enum', title: 'Healthcheck Interval', options: HealthcheckIntervalOpts.options, defaultValue: HealthcheckIntervalOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: \ 'How often the hub will check the device health.
3 consecutive failures will result in status "offline"
' //} if (device.hasCapability("Battery")) { input name: 'voltageToPercent', type: 'bool', title: 'Battery Voltage to Percentage', defaultValue: false, description: 'Convert battery voltage to battery Percentage remaining.' } if ((deviceType in ["Switch", "Plug", "Dimmer"]) && _THREE_STATE == true) { input name: 'threeStateEnable', type: 'bool', title: 'Enable three-states events', description: 'What\'s wrong with the three-state concept?', defaultValue: false } if (deviceType in ["Button", "ButtonDimmer"]) { input name: "reverseButton", type: "bool", title: "Reverse button order", defaultValue: true, description: 'Switches button order ' input name: 'debounce', type: 'enum', title: 'Debouncing', options: DebounceOpts.options, defaultValue: DebounceOpts.defaultValue, required: true, description: 'Debouncing options.' } } } } @Field static final Integer DIGITAL_TIMER = 1000 // command was sent by this driver @Field static final Integer REFRESH_TIMER = 5000 // refresh time in miliseconds @Field static final Integer DEBOUNCING_TIMER = 300 // ignore switch events @Field static final Integer COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 10 // timeout time in seconds @Field static final Integer MAX_PING_MILISECONDS = 10000 // rtt more than 10 seconds will be ignored @Field static final String UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN" @Field static final Integer DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING_TIME = 10 // send the report event no more often than 10 seconds by default @Field static final Integer PRESENCE_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 3 // missing 3 checks will set the device healthStatus to offline @Field static final int DELAY_MS = 200 // Delay in between zigbee commands @Field static final Map HealthcheckMethodOpts = [ // used by healthCheckMethod defaultValue: 1, options : [0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Activity check', 2: 'Periodic polling'] ] @Field static final Map HealthcheckIntervalOpts = [ // used by healthCheckInterval defaultValue: 240, options : [10: 'Every 10 Mins', 30: 'Every 30 Mins', 60: 'Every 1 Hour', 240: 'Every 4 Hours', 720: 'Every 12 Hours'] ] @Field static final Map TemperatureScaleOpts = [ // bit 7 defaultValue: 0, options : [0: 'Celsius', 1: 'Fahrenheit'] ] @Field static final Map TvocUnitOpts = [ // bit 0 defaultValue: 1, options : [0: 'mg/m³', 1: 'ppb'] ] @Field static final Map FingerbotModeOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options : [0: 'push', 1: 'switch'] ] @Field static final Map FingerbotDirectionOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options : [0: 'normal', 1: 'reverse'] ] @Field static final Map SwitchThreeStateOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options : [0: 'off', 1: 'on', 2: 'switching_off', 3: 'switching_on', 4: 'switch_failure'] ] @Field static final Map DebounceOpts = [ defaultValue: 1000, options : [0: 'disabled', 800: '0.8 seconds', 1000: '1.0 seconds', 1200: '1.2 seconds', 1500: '1.5 seconds', 2000: '2.0 seconds',] ] @Field static final Map ZigbeeGroupsOptsDebug = [ defaultValue: 0, options : [99: '--- select ---', 0: 'Add group', 1: 'View group', 2: 'Get group membership', 3: 'Remove group', 4: 'Remove all groups', 5: 'Add group if identifying'] ] @Field static final Map ZigbeeGroupsOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options : [99: '--- select ---', 0: 'Add group', 2: 'Get group membership', 3: 'Remove group', 4: 'Remove all groups'] ] @Field static final Map SwitchModeOpts = [ defaultValue: 1, options : [0: 'dimmer', 1: 'scene'] ] def isChattyDeviceReport(description) {return false /*(description?.contains("cluster: FC7E")) */} def isVINDSTIRKA() { (device?.getDataValue('model') ?: 'n/a') in ['VINDSTYRKA'] } def isAqaraTVOC() { (device?.getDataValue('model') ?: 'n/a') in ['lumi.airmonitor.acn01'] } def isAqaraTRV() { (device?.getDataValue('model') ?: 'n/a') in ['lumi.airrtc.agl001'] } def isAqaraFP1() { (device?.getDataValue('model') ?: 'n/a') in ['lumi.motion.ac01'] } def isFingerbot() { (device?.getDataValue('manufacturer') ?: 'n/a') in ['_TZ3210_dse8ogfy'] } /** * Parse Zigbee message * @param description Zigbee message in hex format */ void parse(final String description) { if (!isChattyDeviceReport(description)) { logDebug "parse: ${description}" } if (state.stats != null) state.stats['rxCtr'] = (state.stats['rxCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 else state.stats=[:] unschedule('deviceCommandTimeout') setHealthStatusOnline() final Map descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description) if (descMap.profileId == '0000') { parseZdoClusters(descMap) return } if (descMap.isClusterSpecific == false) { parseGeneralCommandResponse(descMap) return } if (!isChattyDeviceReport(description)) {logDebug "descMap = ${descMap}"} // final String clusterName = clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt) final String attribute = descMap.attrId ? " attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" : '' //if (settings.logEnable) { log.trace "zigbee received ${clusterName} message" + attribute } switch (descMap.clusterInt as Integer) { case zigbee.BASIC_CLUSTER: // 0x0000 parseBasicCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> parseBasicCluster(descMap + map) } break case zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER: // 0x0001 parsePowerCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> parsePowerCluster(descMap + map) } break case zigbee.GROUPS_CLUSTER: parseGroupsCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each {final Map map -> parseGroupsCluster(descMap + map) } break case zigbee.ON_OFF_CLUSTER: // 0x0006 parseOnOffCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> parseOnOffCluster(descMap + map) } break case zigbee.LEVEL_CONTROL_CLUSTER: // 0x0008 parseLevelControlCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> parseLevelControlCluster(descMap + map) } break case 0x000C : // Aqara TVOC Air Monitor parseAirQualityIndexCluster(descMap) break case 0x0201 : // Aqara E1 TRV parseThermostatCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> parseThermostatCluster(descMap + map) } break case zigbee.ILLUMINANCE_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER : //0x0400 parseIlluminanceCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> parseIlluminanceCluster(descMap + map) } //log.warn "${clusterName} (${(descMap.clusterInt as Integer)}) parser not implemented yet!" break case zigbee.TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER : //0x0402 parseTemperatureCluster(descMap) break case zigbee.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER : //0x0405 parseHumidityCluster(descMap) break case 0x042A : // pm2.5 parsePm25Cluster(descMap) break case zigbee.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER: parseElectricalMeasureCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> parseElectricalMeasureCluster(descMap + map) } break case zigbee.METERING_CLUSTER: parseMeteringCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> parseMeteringCluster(descMap + map) } break case 0xEF00 : // Tuya famous cluster parseTuyaCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map map -> parseTuyaCluster(descMap + map) } break case 0xfc7e : // tVOC 'Sensirion VOC index' https://sensirion.com/media/documents/02232963/6294E043/Info_Note_VOC_Index.pdf parseAirQualityIndexCluster(descMap) break case XIAOMI_CLUSTER_ID : // 0xFCC0 Xiaomi cluster parseXiaomiCluster(descMap) descMap.remove('additionalAttrs')?.each { final Map m -> parseXiaomiCluster(descMap + m) } break default: if (settings.logEnable) { logWarn "zigbee received unknown message cluster: ${descMap}" } break } } /** * ZDO (Zigbee Data Object) Clusters Parsing * @param descMap Zigbee message in parsed map format */ void parseZdoClusters(final Map descMap) { final Integer clusterId = descMap.clusterInt as Integer final String clusterName = ZdoClusterEnum[clusterId] ?: "UNKNOWN_CLUSTER (0x${descMap.clusterId})" final String statusHex = ((List)descMap.data)[1] final Integer statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(statusHex) final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${statusHex}" if (statusCode > 0x00) { logWarn "zigbee received device object ${clusterName} error: ${statusName}" } else { logDebug "zigbee received device object ${clusterName} success: ${descMap.data}" } } /** * Zigbee General Command Parsing * @param descMap Zigbee message in parsed map format */ void parseGeneralCommandResponse(final Map descMap) { final int commandId = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.command) switch (commandId) { case 0x01: // read attribute response parseReadAttributeResponse(descMap) break case 0x04: // write attribute response parseWriteAttributeResponse(descMap) break case 0x07: // configure reporting response parseConfigureResponse(descMap) break case 0x09: // read reporting configuration response parseReadReportingConfigResponse(descMap) break case 0x0B: // default command response parseDefaultCommandResponse(descMap) break default: final String commandName = ZigbeeGeneralCommandEnum[commandId] ?: "UNKNOWN_COMMAND (0x${descMap.command})" final String clusterName = clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt) final String status = descMap.data in List ? ((List)descMap.data).last() : descMap.data final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(status) final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${status}" if (statusCode > 0x00) { log.warn "zigbee ${commandName} ${clusterName} error: ${statusName}" } else if (settings.logEnable) { log.trace "zigbee ${commandName} ${clusterName}: ${descMap.data}" } break } } /** * Zigbee Read Attribute Response Parsing * @param descMap Zigbee message in parsed map format */ void parseReadAttributeResponse(final Map descMap) { final List data = descMap.data as List final String attribute = data[1] + data[0] final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data[2]) final String status = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${data}" if (statusCode > 0x00) { logWarn "zigbee read ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} attribute 0x${attribute} error: ${status}" } else { logDebug "zigbee read ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} attribute 0x${attribute} response: ${status} ${data}" } } /** * Zigbee Write Attribute Response Parsing * @param descMap Zigbee message in parsed map format */ void parseWriteAttributeResponse(final Map descMap) { final String data = descMap.data in List ? ((List)descMap.data).first() : descMap.data final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data) final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${data}" if (statusCode > 0x00) { logWarn "zigbee response write ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} attribute error: ${statusName}" } else { logDebug "zigbee response write ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} attribute response: ${statusName}" } } /** * Zigbee Configure Reporting Response Parsing * @param descMap Zigbee message in parsed map format */ void parseConfigureResponse(final Map descMap) { // TODO - parse the details of the configuration respose - cluster, min, max, delta ... final String status = ((List)descMap.data).first() final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(status) if (statusCode == 0x00 && settings.enableReporting != false) { state.reportingEnabled = true } final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${status}" if (statusCode > 0x00) { log.warn "zigbee configure reporting error: ${statusName} ${descMap.data}" } else { logDebug "zigbee configure reporting response: ${statusName} ${descMap.data}" } } /** * Zigbee Default Command Response Parsing * @param descMap Zigbee message in parsed map format */ void parseDefaultCommandResponse(final Map descMap) { final List data = descMap.data as List final String commandId = data[0] final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data[1]) final String status = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${data[1]}" if (statusCode > 0x00) { logWarn "zigbee ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} command 0x${commandId} error: ${status}" } else { logDebug "zigbee ${clusterLookup(descMap.clusterInt)} command 0x${commandId} response: ${status}" } } /** * Zigbee Basic Cluster Parsing * @param descMap Zigbee message in parsed map format */ void parseBasicCluster(final Map descMap) { switch (descMap.attrInt as Integer) { case PING_ATTR_ID: // Using 0x01 read as a simple ping/pong mechanism logDebug "Tuya check-in message (attribute ${descMap.attrId} reported: ${descMap.value})" def now = new Date().getTime() if (state.lastTx == null) state.lastTx = [:] def timeRunning = now.toInteger() - (state.lastTx["pingTime"] ?: '0').toInteger() if (timeRunning < MAX_PING_MILISECONDS) { sendRttEvent() } break case FIRMWARE_VERSION_ID: final String version = descMap.value ?: 'unknown' log.info "device firmware version is ${version}" updateDataValue('softwareBuild', version) break default: logWarn "zigbee received unknown Basic cluster attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" break } } // Zigbee Attribute IDs @Field static final int AC_CURRENT_DIVISOR_ID = 0x0603 @Field static final int AC_CURRENT_MULTIPLIER_ID = 0x0602 @Field static final int AC_FREQUENCY_ID = 0x0300 @Field static final int AC_POWER_DIVISOR_ID = 0x0605 @Field static final int AC_POWER_MULTIPLIER_ID = 0x0604 @Field static final int AC_VOLTAGE_DIVISOR_ID = 0x0601 @Field static final int AC_VOLTAGE_MULTIPLIER_ID = 0x0600 @Field static final int ACTIVE_POWER_ID = 0x050B @Field static final int ATTRIBUTE_READING_INFO_SET = 0x0000 @Field static final int FIRMWARE_VERSION_ID = 0x4000 @Field static final int PING_ATTR_ID = 0x01 @Field static final int POWER_ON_OFF_ID = 0x0000 @Field static final int POWER_RESTORE_ID = 0x4003 @Field static final int RMS_CURRENT_ID = 0x0508 @Field static final int RMS_VOLTAGE_ID = 0x0505 @Field static final Map ZigbeeStatusEnum = [ 0x00: 'Success', 0x01: 'Failure', 0x02: 'Not Authorized', 0x80: 'Malformed Command', 0x81: 'Unsupported COMMAND', 0x85: 'Invalid Field', 0x86: 'Unsupported Attribute', 0x87: 'Invalid Value', 0x88: 'Read Only', 0x89: 'Insufficient Space', 0x8A: 'Duplicate Exists', 0x8B: 'Not Found', 0x8C: 'Unreportable Attribute', 0x8D: 'Invalid Data Type', 0x8E: 'Invalid Selector', 0x94: 'Time out', 0x9A: 'Notification Pending', 0xC3: 'Unsupported Cluster' ] @Field static final Map ZdoClusterEnum = [ 0x0013: 'Device announce', 0x8004: 'Simple Descriptor Response', 0x8005: 'Active Endpoints Response', 0x801D: 'Extended Simple Descriptor Response', 0x801E: 'Extended Active Endpoint Response', 0x8021: 'Bind Response', 0x8022: 'Unbind Response', 0x8023: 'Bind Register Response', ] @Field static final Map ZigbeeGeneralCommandEnum = [ 0x00: 'Read Attributes', 0x01: 'Read Attributes Response', 0x02: 'Write Attributes', 0x03: 'Write Attributes Undivided', 0x04: 'Write Attributes Response', 0x05: 'Write Attributes No Response', 0x06: 'Configure Reporting', 0x07: 'Configure Reporting Response', 0x08: 'Read Reporting Configuration', 0x09: 'Read Reporting Configuration Response', 0x0A: 'Report Attributes', 0x0B: 'Default Response', 0x0C: 'Discover Attributes', 0x0D: 'Discover Attributes Response', 0x0E: 'Read Attributes Structured', 0x0F: 'Write Attributes Structured', 0x10: 'Write Attributes Structured Response', 0x11: 'Discover Commands Received', 0x12: 'Discover Commands Received Response', 0x13: 'Discover Commands Generated', 0x14: 'Discover Commands Generated Response', 0x15: 'Discover Attributes Extended', 0x16: 'Discover Attributes Extended Response' ] /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Xiaomi cluster 0xFCC0 parser. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @Field static final int XIAOMI_CLUSTER_ID = 0xFCC0 // Zigbee Attributes @Field static final int DIRECTION_MODE_ATTR_ID = 0x0144 @Field static final int MODEL_ATTR_ID = 0x05 //@Field static final int PING_ATTR_ID = 0x01 @Field static final int PRESENCE_ACTIONS_ATTR_ID = 0x0143 @Field static final int PRESENCE_ATTR_ID = 0x0142 @Field static final int REGION_EVENT_ATTR_ID = 0x0151 @Field static final int RESET_PRESENCE_ATTR_ID = 0x0157 @Field static final int SENSITIVITY_LEVEL_ATTR_ID = 0x010C @Field static final int SET_EDGE_REGION_ATTR_ID = 0x0156 @Field static final int SET_EXIT_REGION_ATTR_ID = 0x0153 @Field static final int SET_INTERFERENCE_ATTR_ID = 0x0154 @Field static final int SET_REGION_ATTR_ID = 0x0150 @Field static final int TRIGGER_DISTANCE_ATTR_ID = 0x0146 @Field static final int XIAOMI_RAW_ATTR_ID = 0xFFF2 @Field static final int XIAOMI_SPECIAL_REPORT_ID = 0x00F7 @Field static final Map MFG_CODE = [ mfgCode: 0x115F ] // Xiaomi Tags @Field static final int DIRECTION_MODE_TAG_ID = 0x67 @Field static final int SENSITIVITY_LEVEL_TAG_ID = 0x66 @Field static final int SWBUILD_TAG_ID = 0x08 @Field static final int TRIGGER_DISTANCE_TAG_ID = 0x69 @Field static final int PRESENCE_ACTIONS_TAG_ID = 0x66 @Field static final int PRESENCE_TAG_ID = 0x65 void parseXiaomiCluster(final Map descMap) { if (settings.logEnable) { log.trace "zigbee received xiaomi cluster attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" } switch (descMap.attrInt as Integer) { case 0x00FC: // FP1 log.info 'unknown attribute - resetting?' break case PRESENCE_ATTR_ID: // FP1 final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) parseXiaomiClusterPresence(value) break case PRESENCE_ACTIONS_ATTR_ID: // FP1 final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) parseXiaomiClusterPresenceAction(value) break case REGION_EVENT_ATTR_ID: // FP1 // Region events can be sent fast and furious so buffer them final Integer regionId = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.value[0..1]) final Integer value = HexUtils.hexStringToInt(descMap.value[2..3]) if (settings.logEnable) { log.debug "xiaomi: region ${regionId} action is ${value}" } if (device.currentValue("region${regionId}") != null) { RegionUpdateBuffer.get(device.id).put(regionId, value) runInMillis(REGION_UPDATE_DELAY_MS, 'updateRegions') } break case SENSITIVITY_LEVEL_ATTR_ID: // FP1 final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) log.info "sensitivity level is '${SensitivityLevelOpts.options[value]}' (0x${descMap.value})" device.updateSetting('sensitivityLevel', [value: value.toString(), type: 'enum']) break case TRIGGER_DISTANCE_ATTR_ID: // FP1 final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) log.info "approach distance is '${ApproachDistanceOpts.options[value]}' (0x${descMap.value})" device.updateSetting('approachDistance', [value: value.toString(), type: 'enum']) break case DIRECTION_MODE_ATTR_ID: // FP1 final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) log.info "monitoring direction mode is '${DirectionModeOpts.options[value]}' (0x${descMap.value})" device.updateSetting('directionMode', [value: value.toString(), type: 'enum']) break case XIAOMI_SPECIAL_REPORT_ID: // sent every 5 minutes final Map tags = decodeXiaomiTags(descMap.value) parseXiaomiClusterTags(tags) break case XIAOMI_RAW_ATTR_ID: // FP1 final byte[] rawData = HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(descMap.value) if (rawData.size() == 24 && settings.enableDistanceDirection) { final int degrees = rawData[19] final int distanceCm = (rawData[17] << 8) | (rawData[18] & 0x00ff) if (settings.logEnable) { log.debug "location ${degrees}°, ${distanceCm}cm" } runIn(1, 'updateLocation', [ data: [ degrees: degrees, distanceCm: distanceCm ] ]) } break case 0x0271: // result['system_mode'] = {1: 'heat', 0: 'off'}[value]; final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "system_mode raw = ${value}" break; case 0x0272: // result['preset'] = {2: 'away', 1: 'auto', 0: 'manual'}[value]; final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "preset raw = ${value}" break; case 0x0273: // result['window_detection'] = {1: 'ON', 0: 'OFF'}[value]; final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "window_detection raw = ${value}" break; case 0x0274: // result['valve_detection'] = {1: 'ON', 0: 'OFF'}[value]; final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "valve_detection raw = ${value}" break; case 0x0275: // result['valve_alarm'] = {1: true, 0: false}[value]; final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "valve_alarm raw = ${value}" break; case 0x0277: // result['child_lock'] = {1: 'LOCK', 0: 'UNLOCK'}[value]; final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "child_lock raw = ${value}" break; case 0x0279: // result['away_preset_temperature'] = (value / 100).toFixed(1); final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "away_preset_temperature raw = ${value}" break; case 0x027a: // result['window_open'] = {1: true, 0: false}[value]; final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "window_open raw = ${value}" break; case 0x027b: // result['calibrated'] = {1: true, 0: false}[value]; final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "calibrated raw = ${value}" break; case 0x0276: // unknown case 0x027c: // unknown case 0x027d: // unknown case 0x0280: // unknown case 0xfff2: // unknown case 0x00ff: // unknown case 0x00f7: // unknown case 0xfff2: // unknown try { final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logDebug "Aqara E1 TRV unknown attribute ${descMap.attrInt} value raw = ${value}" } catch (e) { logWarn "exception caught while processing Aqara E1 TRV unknown attribute ${descMap.attrInt} descMap.value = ${descMap.value}" } break; case 0x027e: // result['sensor'] = {1: 'external', 0: 'internal'}[value]; final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "sensor raw = ${value}" break; case 0x040a: // E1 battery final Integer value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) logInfo "battery raw = ${value}" break case 0x00FF: // unknown break default: log.warn "zigbee received unknown xiaomi cluster 0xFCC0 attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" break } } void parseXiaomiClusterTags(final Map tags) { tags.each { final Integer tag, final Object value -> switch (tag) { case 0x01: // battery voltage logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} battery voltage is ${value/1000}V (raw=${value})" break case 0x03: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} device temperature is ${value}°" break case 0x05: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} RSSI is ${value}" break case 0x06: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} LQI is ${value}" break case 0x08: // SWBUILD_TAG_ID: final String swBuild = '0.0.0_' + (value & 0xFF).toString().padLeft(4, '0') logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} swBuild is ${swBuild} (raw ${value})" device.updateDataValue(/*'softwareBuild'*/aqaraVersion, swBuild) break case 0x0a: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} Parent NWK is ${value}" break case 0x0b: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} light level is ${value}" break case 0x64: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} temperature is ${value/100} (raw ${value})" // Aqara TVOC // TODO - also smoke gas/density if UINT ! break case 0x65: if (isAqaraFP1()) { logDebug "xiaomi decode PRESENCE_TAG_ID tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } else { logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} humidity is ${value/100} (raw ${value})" } // Aqara TVOC break case 0x66: if (isAqaraFP1()) { logDebug "xiaomi decode SENSITIVITY_LEVEL_TAG_ID tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } else if (isAqaraTVOC()) { logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} airQualityIndex is ${value}" } // Aqara TVOC level (in ppb) else { logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} presure is ${value}" } break case 0x67: if (isAqaraFP1()) { logDebug "xiaomi decode DIRECTION_MODE_TAG_ID tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } else { logDebug "xiaomi decode unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } // Aqara TVOC: // air quality (as 6 - #stars) ['excellent', 'good', 'moderate', 'poor', 'unhealthy'][val - 1] break case 0x69: if (isAqaraFP1()) { logDebug "xiaomi decode TRIGGER_DISTANCE_TAG_ID tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } else { logDebug "xiaomi decode unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } break case 0x6a: if (isAqaraFP1()) { logDebug "xiaomi decode FP1 unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } else { logDebug "xiaomi decode MOTION SENSITIVITY tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } break case 0x6b: if (isAqaraFP1()) { logDebug "xiaomi decode FP1 unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } else { logDebug "xiaomi decode MOTION LED tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } break case 0x95: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} energy is ${value}" break case 0x96: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} voltage is ${value}" break case 0x97: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} current is ${value}" break case 0x98: logDebug "xiaomi decode tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)} power is ${value}" break case 0x9b: logDebug "xiaomi decode CONSUMER CONNECTED tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" break default: logDebug "xiaomi decode unknown tag: 0x${intToHexStr(tag, 1)}=${value}" } } } /** * Reads a specified number of little-endian bytes from a given * ByteArrayInputStream and returns a BigInteger. */ private static BigInteger readBigIntegerBytes(final ByteArrayInputStream stream, final int length) { final byte[] byteArr = new byte[length] stream.read(byteArr, 0, length) BigInteger bigInt = BigInteger.ZERO for (int i = byteArr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bigInt |= (BigInteger.valueOf((byteArr[i] & 0xFF) << (8 * i))) } return bigInt } /** * Decodes a Xiaomi Zigbee cluster attribute payload in hexadecimal format and * returns a map of decoded tag number and value pairs where the value is either a * BigInteger for fixed values or a String for variable length. */ private static Map decodeXiaomiTags(final String hexString) { final Map results = [:] final byte[] bytes = HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(hexString) new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes).withCloseable { final stream -> while (stream.available() > 2) { int tag = stream.read() int dataType = stream.read() Object value if (DataType.isDiscrete(dataType)) { int length = stream.read() byte[] byteArr = new byte[length] stream.read(byteArr, 0, length) value = new String(byteArr) } else { int length = DataType.getLength(dataType) value = readBigIntegerBytes(stream, length) } results[tag] = value } } return results } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Standard clusters reporting handlers * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * power cluster 0x0001 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parsePowerCluster(final Map descMap) { if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { return } // invalid or unknown value final long rawValue = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) if (descMap.attrId == "0020") { sendBatteryVoltageEvent(rawValue) if ((settings.voltageToPercent ?: false) == true) { sendBatteryVoltageEvent(rawValue, convertToPercent=true) } } else if (descMap.attrId == "0021") { sendBatteryPercentageEvent(rawValue * 2) } else { } } def sendBatteryVoltageEvent(rawValue, Boolean convertToPercent=false) { logDebug "batteryVoltage = ${(double)rawValue / 10.0} V" def result = [:] def volts = rawValue / 10 if (!(rawValue == 0 || rawValue == 255)) { def minVolts = 2.2 def maxVolts = 3.2 def pct = (volts - minVolts) / (maxVolts - minVolts) def roundedPct = Math.round(pct * 100) if (roundedPct <= 0) roundedPct = 1 if (roundedPct >100) roundedPct = 100 if (convertToPercent == true) { result.value = Math.min(100, roundedPct) result.name = 'battery' result.unit = '%' result.descriptionText = "battery is ${roundedPct} %" } else { result.value = volts result.name = 'batteryVoltage' result.unit = 'V' result.descriptionText = "battery is ${volts} Volts" } result.type = 'physical' result.isStateChange = true logInfo "${result.descriptionText}" sendEvent(result) } else { logWarn "ignoring BatteryResult(${rawValue})" } } def sendBatteryPercentageEvent( batteryPercent, isDigital=false ) { def map = [:] map.name = 'battery' map.timeStamp = now() map.value = batteryPercent < 0 ? 0 : batteryPercent > 100 ? 100 : (batteryPercent as int) map.unit = '%' map.type = isDigital ? 'digital' : 'physical' map.descriptionText = "${map.name} is ${map.value} ${map.unit}" map.isStateChange = true // def latestBatteryEvent = device.latestState('battery', skipCache=true) def latestBatteryEventTime = latestBatteryEvent != null ? latestBatteryEvent.getDate().getTime() : now() //log.debug "battery latest state timeStamp is ${latestBatteryTime} now is ${now()}" def timeDiff = ((now() - latestBatteryEventTime) / 1000) as int if (settings?.batteryDelay == null || (settings?.batteryDelay as int) == 0 || timeDiff > (settings?.batteryDelay as int)) { // send it now! sendDelayedBatteryPercentageEvent(map) } else { def delayedTime = (settings?.batteryDelay as int) - timeDiff map.delayed = delayedTime map.descriptionText += " [delayed ${map.delayed} seconds]" logDebug "this battery event (${map.value}%) will be delayed ${delayedTime} seconds" runIn( delayedTime, 'sendDelayedBatteryEvent', [overwrite: true, data: map]) } } private void sendDelayedBatteryPercentageEvent(Map map) { logInfo "${map.descriptionText}" //map.each {log.trace "$it"} sendEvent(map) } private void sendDelayedBatteryVoltageEvent(Map map) { logInfo "${map.descriptionText}" //map.each {log.trace "$it"} sendEvent(map) } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Zigbee Groups Cluster Parsing 0x004 ZigbeeGroupsOpts * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parseGroupsCluster(final Map descMap) { // :catchall: 0104 0004 01 01 0040 00 F396 01 00 0000 00 01 00C005, profileId:0104, clusterId:0004, clusterInt:4, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:F396, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:01, data:[00, C0, 05]] logDebug "parseGroupsCluster: command=${descMap.command} data=${descMap.data}" if (state.zigbeeGroups == null) state.zigbeeGroups = [:] switch (descMap.command as Integer) { case 0x00: // Add group 0x0001 – 0xfff7 final List data = descMap.data as List final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data[0]) final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${data[0]}" final String groupId = data[2] + data[1] final int groupIdInt = hexStrToUnsignedInt(groupId) if (statusCode > 0x00) { logWarn "received zigbee GROUPS cluster response for command: ${descMap.command} \'${ZigbeeGroupsOpts.options[descMap.command as int]}\' : groupId 0x${groupId} (${groupIdInt}) error: ${statusName}" } else { logDebug "received zigbee GROUPS cluster response for command: ${descMap.command} \'${ZigbeeGroupsOpts.options[descMap.command as int]}\' : groupId 0x${groupId} (${groupIdInt}) statusCode: ${statusName}" // add the group to state.zigbeeGroups['groups'] if not exist int groupCount = state.zigbeeGroups['groups'].size() for (int i=0; i data = descMap.data as List final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data[0]) final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${data[0]}" final String groupId = data[2] + data[1] final int groupIdInt = hexStrToUnsignedInt(groupId) if (statusCode > 0x00) { logWarn "zigbee response View group ${groupIdInt} (0x${groupId}) error: ${statusName}" } else { logInfo "received zigbee GROUPS cluster response for command: ${descMap.command} \'${ZigbeeGroupsOpts.options[descMap.command as int]}\' : groupId ${groupIdInt} (0x${groupId}) statusCode: ${statusName}" } break case 0x02: // Get group membership final List data = descMap.data as List final int capacity = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data[0]) final int groupCount = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data[1]) final Set groups = [] for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) { int pos = (i * 2) + 2 String group = data[pos + 1] + data[pos] groups.add(hexStrToUnsignedInt(group)) } state.zigbeeGroups['groups'] = groups state.zigbeeGroups['capacity'] = capacity logInfo "received zigbee GROUPS cluster response for command: ${descMap.command} \'${ZigbeeGroupsOpts.options[descMap.command as int]}\' : groups ${groups} groupCount: ${groupCount} capacity: ${capacity}" break case 0x03: // Remove group logInfo "received Remove group GROUPS cluster command: ${descMap.command} (${descMap})" final List data = descMap.data as List final int statusCode = hexStrToUnsignedInt(data[0]) final String statusName = ZigbeeStatusEnum[statusCode] ?: "0x${data[0]}" final String groupId = data[2] + data[1] final int groupIdInt = hexStrToUnsignedInt(groupId) if (statusCode > 0x00) { logWarn "zigbee response remove group ${groupIdInt} (0x${groupId}) error: ${statusName}" } else { logDebug "received zigbee GROUPS cluster response for command: ${descMap.command} \'${ZigbeeGroupsOpts.options[descMap.command as int]}\' : groupId ${groupIdInt} (0x${groupId}) statusCode: ${statusName}" } // remove it from the states, even if status code was 'Not Found' def index = state.zigbeeGroups['groups'].indexOf(groupIdInt) if (index >= 0) { state.zigbeeGroups['groups'].remove(index) logDebug "Zigbee group ${groupIdInt} (0x${groupId}) removed" } break case 0x04: //Remove all groups logInfo "received zigbee GROUPS cluster response for command: ${descMap.command} \'${ZigbeeGroupsOpts.options[descMap.command as int]}\' : groupId 0x${groupId} statusCode: ${statusName}" logWarn "not implemented!" break case 0x05: // Add group if identifying // add group membership in a particular group for one or more endpoints on the receiving device, on condition that it is identifying itself. Identifying functionality is controlled using the identify cluster, (see 3.5). logInfo "received zigbee GROUPS cluster response for command: ${descMap.command} \'${ZigbeeGroupsOpts.options[descMap.command as int]}\' : groupId 0x${groupId} statusCode: ${statusName}" logWarn "not implemented!" break default: logWarn "received unknown GROUPS cluster command: ${descMap.command} (${descMap})" break } } List addGroupMembership(groupNr) { List cmds = [] final Integer group = safeToInt(groupNr) if (group < 1 || group > 0xFFF7) { logWarn "addGroupMembership: invalid group ${groupNr}" return } final String groupHex = DataType.pack(group, DataType.UINT16, true) cmds += zigbee.command(zigbee.GROUPS_CLUSTER, 0x00, [:], DELAY_MS, "${groupHex} 00") logDebug "addGroupMembership: adding group ${group} to ${state.zigbeeGroups['groups']} cmds=${cmds}" return cmds } List viewGroupMembership(groupNr) { List cmds = [] final Integer group = safeToInt(groupNr) final String groupHex = DataType.pack(group, DataType.UINT16, true) cmds += zigbee.command(zigbee.GROUPS_CLUSTER, 0x01, [:], DELAY_MS, "${groupHex} 00") logDebug "viewGroupMembership: zigbeeGroups is ${state.zigbeeGroups['groups']} cmds=${cmds}" return cmds } List getGroupMembership(dummy) { List cmds = [] cmds += zigbee.command(zigbee.GROUPS_CLUSTER, 0x02, [:], DELAY_MS, "00") logDebug "getGroupMembership: zigbeeGroups is ${state.zigbeeGroups['groups']} cmds=${cmds}" return cmds } List removeGroupMembership(groupNr) { List cmds = [] final Integer group = safeToInt(groupNr) if (group < 1 || group > 0xFFF7) { logWarn "removeGroupMembership: invalid group ${groupNr}" return } final String groupHex = DataType.pack(group, DataType.UINT16, true) cmds += zigbee.command(zigbee.GROUPS_CLUSTER, 0x03, [:], DELAY_MS, "${groupHex} 00") logDebug "removeGroupMembership: deleting group ${group} from ${state.zigbeeGroups['groups']} cmds=${cmds}" return cmds } List removeAllGroups(groupNr) { List cmds = [] final Integer group = safeToInt(groupNr) final String groupHex = DataType.pack(group, DataType.UINT16, true) cmds += zigbee.command(zigbee.GROUPS_CLUSTER, 0x04, [:], DELAY_MS, "${groupHex} 00") logDebug "removeAllGroups: zigbeeGroups is ${state.zigbeeGroups['groups']} cmds=${cmds}" return cmds } List notImplementedGroups(groupNr) { List cmds = [] final Integer group = safeToInt(groupNr) final String groupHex = DataType.pack(group, DataType.UINT16, true) //cmds += zigbee.command(zigbee.GROUPS_CLUSTER, 0x04, [:], DELAY_MS, "${groupHex} 00") logWarn "notImplementedGroups: zigbeeGroups is ${state.zigbeeGroups['groups']} cmds=${cmds}" return cmds } @Field static final Map GroupCommandsMap = [ "--- select ---" : [ min: null, max: null, type: 'none', defaultValue: 99, function: 'GroupCommandsHelp'], "Add group" : [ min: 1, max: 0xFFF7, type: 'number', defaultValue: 0, function: 'addGroupMembership'], "View group" : [ min: 1, max: 0xFFF7, type: 'number', defaultValue: 1, function: 'viewGroupMembership'], "Get group membership" : [ min: null, max: null, type: 'none', defaultValue: 2, function: 'getGroupMembership'], "Remove group" : [ min: 1, max: 0xFFF7, type: 'number', defaultValue: 3, function: 'removeGroupMembership'], "Remove all groups" : [ min: null, max: null, type: 'none', defaultValue: 4, function: 'removeAllGroups'], "Add group if identifying" : [ min: 1, max: 0xFFF7, type: 'number', defaultValue: 5, function: 'notImplementedGroups'] ] /* @Field static final Map ZigbeeGroupsOpts = [ defaultValue: 0, options : [99: '--- select ---', 0: 'Add group', 1: 'View group', 2: 'Get group membership', 3: 'Remove group', 4: 'Remove all groups', 5: 'Add group if identifying'] ] */ def zigbeeGroups( command=null, par=null ) { logInfo "executing command \'${command}\', parameter ${par}" ArrayList cmds = [] if (state.zigbeeGroups == null) state.zigbeeGroups = [:] if (state.zigbeeGroups['groups'] == null) state.zigbeeGroups['groups'] = [] def value Boolean validated = false if (command == null || !(command in (GroupCommandsMap.keySet() as List))) { logWarn "zigbeeGroups: command ${command} must be one of these : ${GroupCommandsMap.keySet() as List}" return } value = GroupCommandsMap[command]?.type == "number" ? safeToInt(par, -1) : 0 if (GroupCommandsMap[command]?.type == 'none' || (value >= GroupCommandsMap[command]?.min && value <= GroupCommandsMap[command]?.max)) validated = true if (validated == false && GroupCommandsMap[command]?.min != null && GroupCommandsMap[command]?.max != null) { log.warn "zigbeeGroups: command command parameter ${par} must be within ${GroupCommandsMap[command]?.min} and ${GroupCommandsMap[command]?.max} " return } // def func // try { func = GroupCommandsMap[command]?.function def type = GroupCommandsMap[command]?.type // device.updateSetting("$par", [value:value, type:type]) // TODO !!! cmds = "$func"(value) // } // catch (e) { // logWarn "Exception ${e} caught while processing $func($value)" // return // } logDebug "executed $func($value)" sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) } def GroupCommandsHelp( val ) { logWarn "GroupCommands: select one of the commands in this list!" } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * on/off cluster 0x0006 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parseOnOffCluster(final Map descMap) { if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (descMap.command in ["FC", "FD"]) { processTS004Fcommand(descMap) } else if (descMap.attrId == "0000") { if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { logDebug "parseOnOffCluster: invalid value: ${descMap.value}"; return } // invalid or unknown value final long rawValue = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) sendSwitchEvent(rawValue) } else if (descMap.attrId == "8004") { processTS004Fmode(descMap) } else { logWarn "unprocessed OnOffCluster attribute ${descMap.attrId}" } } def clearIsDigital() { state.states["isDigital"] = false } def switchDebouncingClear() { state.states["debounce"] = false } def isRefreshRequestClear() { state.states["isRefresh"] = false } def off() { if ((settings?.alwaysOn ?: false) == true) { logWarn "AlwaysOn option for ${device.displayName} is enabled , the command to switch it OFF is ignored!" return } state.states["isDigital"] = true logDebug "Switching ${device.displayName} Off" def cmds = zigbee.off() /* if (device.getDataValue("model") == "HY0105") { cmds += zigbee.command(0x0006, 0x00, "", [destEndpoint: 0x02]) } else if (state.model == "TS0601") { if (isDinRail() || isRTXCircuitBreaker()) { cmds = sendTuyaCommand("10", DP_TYPE_BOOL, "00") } else { cmds = zigbee.command(0xEF00, 0x0, "00010101000100") } } else if (isHEProblematic()) { cmds = ["he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0006 0 {}","delay 200"] logWarn "isHEProblematic() : sending off() : ${cmds}" } else if (device.endpointId == "F2") { cmds = ["he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0006 0 {}","delay 200"] } */ if (_THREE_STATE == true && settings?.threeStateEnable == true) { if ((device.currentState('switch')?.value ?: 'n/a') == 'off' ) { runIn(1, 'refresh', [overwrite: true]) } def value = SwitchThreeStateOpts.options[2] // 'switching_on' def descriptionText = "${value} (2)" sendEvent(name: "switch", value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, type: "digital", isStateChange: true) logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { logWarn "_THREE_STATE=${_THREE_STATE} settings?.threeStateEnable=${settings?.threeStateEnable}" } runInMillis( DIGITAL_TIMER, clearIsDigital, [overwrite: true]) sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) } def on() { state.states["isDigital"] = true logDebug "Switching ${device.displayName} On" def cmds = zigbee.on() /* if (device.getDataValue("model") == "HY0105") { cmds += zigbee.command(0x0006, 0x01, "", [destEndpoint: 0x02]) } else if (state.model == "TS0601") { if (isDinRail() || isRTXCircuitBreaker()) { cmds = sendTuyaCommand("10", DP_TYPE_BOOL, "01") } else { cmds = zigbee.command(0xEF00, 0x0, "00010101000101") } } else if (isHEProblematic()) { cmds = ["he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0006 1 {}","delay 200"] logWarn "isHEProblematic() : sending off() : ${cmds}" } else if (device.endpointId == "F2") { cmds = ["he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x0006 1 {}","delay 200"] } */ if (_THREE_STATE == true && settings?.threeStateEnable == true) { if ((device.currentState('switch')?.value ?: 'n/a') == 'on' ) { runIn(1, 'refresh', [overwrite: true]) } def value = SwitchThreeStateOpts.options[3] // 'switching_on' def descriptionText = "${value} (3)" sendEvent(name: "switch", value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, type: "digital", isStateChange: true) logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { logWarn "_THREE_STATE=${_THREE_STATE} settings?.threeStateEnable=${settings?.threeStateEnable}" } runInMillis( DIGITAL_TIMER, clearIsDigital, [overwrite: true]) sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) } def sendSwitchEvent( switchValue ) { def value = (switchValue == null) ? 'unknown' : (switchValue == 0x00) ? 'off' : (switchValue == 0x01) ? 'on' : 'unknown' def map = [:] boolean bWasChange = false boolean debounce = state.states["debounce"] ?: false def lastSwitch = state.states["lastSwitch"] ?: "unknown" if (debounce == true && value == lastSwitch) { // some devices send only catchall events, some only readattr reports, but some will fire both... logDebug "Ignored duplicated switch event ${value}" runInMillis( DEBOUNCING_TIMER, switchDebouncingClear, [overwrite: true]) return null } else { //log.trace "value=${value} lastSwitch=${state.states['lastSwitch']}" } def isDigital = state.states["isDigital"] map.type = isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical" if (lastSwitch != value ) { bWasChange = true logDebug "switch state changed from ${lastSwitch} to ${value}" state.states["debounce"] = true state.states["lastSwitch"] = value runInMillis( DEBOUNCING_TIMER, switchDebouncingClear, [overwrite: true]) } else { state.states["debounce"] = true runInMillis( DEBOUNCING_TIMER, switchDebouncingClear, [overwrite: true]) } map.name = "switch" map.value = value boolean isRefresh = state.states["isRefresh"] ?: false if (isRefresh == true) { map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} is ${value} [Refresh]" map.isStateChange = true } else { map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} is ${value} [${map.type}]" } logInfo "${map.descriptionText}" sendEvent(map) clearIsDigital() } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TS004F Button/Dimmer cluster 0x0006 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ def needsDebouncing() { (((settings.debounce ?: 0) as int) != 0) && (device.getDataValue("model") == "TS004F" || (device.getDataValue("manufacturer") in ["_TZ3000_abci1hiu", "_TZ3000_vp6clf9d"]))} void processTS004Fcommand(final Map descMap) { logDebug "processTS004Fcommand: descMap: $descMap" def buttonNumber = 0 def buttonState = "unknown" Boolean reverseButton = settings.reverseButton ?: false // when TS004F initialized in Scene switch mode! if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 && descMap.command == "FD") { if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "03") { buttonNumber = reverseButton==true ? 3 : 1 } else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "04") { buttonNumber = reverseButton==true ? 4 : 2 } else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "02") { buttonNumber = reverseButton==true ? 2 : 3 } else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "01") { buttonNumber = reverseButton==true ? 1 : 4 } else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "05") { // LoraTap TS0046 buttonNumber = reverseButton==true ? 5 : 5 } else if (descMap.sourceEndpoint == "06") { buttonNumber = reverseButton==true ? 6 : 6 } if (descMap.data[0] == "00") { buttonState = "pushed" } else if (descMap.data[0] == "01") { buttonState = "doubleTapped" } else if (descMap.data[0] == "02") { buttonState = "held" } else { logWarn "unknown data in event from cluster ${descMap.clusterInt} sourceEndpoint ${descMap.sourceEndpoint} data[0] = ${descMap.data[0]}" return } } // if command == "FD"} else if (descMap.clusterInt == 0x0006 && descMap.command == "FC") { // Smart knob if (descMap.data[0] == "00") { // Rotate one click right buttonNumber = 2 } else if (descMap.data[0] == "01") { // Rotate one click left buttonNumber = 3 } buttonState = "pushed" } else { logWarn "processTS004Fcommand: unprocessed command" return } if (buttonNumber != 0 ) { if (needsDebouncing()) { if ((state.states["lastButtonNumber"] ?: 0) == buttonNumber ) { // debouncing timer still active! logWarn "ignored event for button ${state.states['lastButtonNumber']} - still in the debouncing time period!" runInMillis((settings.debounce ?: DebounceOpts.defaultValue) as int, buttonDebounce, [overwrite: true]) // restart the debouncing timer again logDebug "restarted debouncing timer ${settings.debounce ?: DebounceOpts.defaultValue}ms for button ${buttonNumber} (lastButtonNumber=${state.states['lastButtonNumber']})" return } } state.states["lastButtonNumber"] = buttonNumber } else { logWarn "UNHANDLED event for button ${buttonNumber}, lastButtonNumber=${state.states['lastButtonNumber']}" } if (buttonState != "unknown" && buttonNumber != 0) { def descriptionText = "button $buttonNumber was $buttonState" def event = [name: buttonState, value: buttonNumber.toString(), data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true, type: 'physical'] logInfo "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(event) if (needsDebouncing()) { runInMillis((settings.debounce ?: DebounceOpts.defaultValue) as int, buttonDebounce, [overwrite: true]) } } else { logWarn "UNHANDLED event for button ${buttonNumber}, buttonState=${buttonState}" } } void processTS004Fmode(final Map descMap) { if (descMap.value == "00") { sendEvent(name: "switchMode", value: "dimmer", isStateChange: true) logInfo "mode is dimmer" } else if (descMap.value == "01") { sendEvent(name: "switchMode", value: "scene", isStateChange: true) logInfo "mode is scene" } else { logWarn "TS004F unknown attrId ${descMap.attrId} value ${descMap.value}" } } def buttonDebounce(/*button*/) { logDebug "debouncing timer (${settings.debounce}) for button ${state.states['lastButtonNumber']} expired." state.states["lastButtonNumber"] = 0 } def buttonEvent(buttonNumber, buttonState, isDigital=false) { def event = [name: buttonState, value: buttonNumber.toString(), data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: "button $buttonNumber was $buttonState", isStateChange: true, type: isDigital==true ? 'digital' : 'physical'] if (txtEnable) {log.info "${device.displayName} $event.descriptionText"} sendEvent(event) } def switchToSceneMode() { logInfo "switching TS004F into Scene mode" sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0006, 0x8004, 0x30, 0x01)) } def switchToDimmerMode() { logInfo "switching TS004F into Dimmer mode" sendZigbeeCommands(zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0006, 0x8004, 0x30, 0x00)) } def switchMode( mode ) { if (mode == "dimmer") { switchToDimmerMode() } else if (mode == "scene") { switchToSceneMode() } } def push(buttonNumber) { buttonEvent(buttonNumber, "pushed", isDigital=true) } def doubleTap(buttonNumber) { buttonEvent(buttonNumber, "doubleTapped", isDigital=true) } def hold(buttonNumber) { buttonEvent(buttonNumber, "held", isDigital=true) } def release(buttonNumber) { buttonEvent(buttonNumber, "released", isDigital=true) } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Level Control Cluster 0x0008 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parseLevelControlCluster(final Map descMap) { if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { logDebug "parseLevelControlCluster: invalid value: ${descMap.value}"; return } // invalid or unknown value final long rawValue = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) if (descMap.attrId == "0000" && descMap.command == "FD") { processTS004Fcommand(descMap) } else if (descMap.attrId == "0000") { sendLevelControlEvent(rawValue) } else { logWarn "unprocessed OnOffCluster attribute ${descMap.attrId}" } } def sendLevelControlEvent( rawValue ) { def value = rawValue as int if (value <0) value = 0 if (value >100) value = 100 def map = [:] def isDigital = state.states["isDigital"] map.type = isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical" map.name = "level" map.value = value boolean isRefresh = state.states["isRefresh"] ?: false if (isRefresh == true) { map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} is ${value} [Refresh]" map.isStateChange = true } else { map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} was set ${value} [${map.type}]" } logInfo "${map.descriptionText}" sendEvent(map) clearIsDigital() } /** * Get the level transition rate * @param level desired target level (0-100) * @param transitionTime transition time in seconds (optional) * @return transition rate in 1/10ths of a second */ private Integer getLevelTransitionRate(final Integer desiredLevel, final Integer transitionTime = null) { int rate = 0 final Boolean isOn = device.currentValue('switch') == 'on' Integer currentLevel = (device.currentValue('level') as Integer) ?: 0 if (!isOn) { currentLevel = 0 } // Check if 'transitionTime' has a value if (transitionTime > 0) { // Calculate the rate by converting 'transitionTime' to BigDecimal, multiplying by 10, and converting to Integer rate = transitionTime * 10 } else { // Check if the 'levelUpTransition' setting has a value and the current level is less than the desired level if (((settings.levelUpTransition ?: 0) as Integer) > 0 && currentLevel < desiredLevel) { // Set the rate to the value of the 'levelUpTransition' setting converted to Integer rate = settings.levelUpTransition.toInteger() } // Check if the 'levelDownTransition' setting has a value and the current level is greater than the desired level else if (((settings.levelDownTransition ?: 0) as Integer) > 0 && currentLevel > desiredLevel) { // Set the rate to the value of the 'levelDownTransition' setting converted to Integer rate = settings.levelDownTransition.toInteger() } } logDebug "using level transition rate ${rate}" return rate } // Command option that enable changes when off @Field static final String PRE_STAGING_OPTION = '01 01' /** * Constrain a value to a range * @param value value to constrain * @param min minimum value (default 0) * @param max maximum value (default 100) * @param nullValue value to return if value is null (default 0) */ private static BigDecimal constrain(final BigDecimal value, final BigDecimal min = 0, final BigDecimal max = 100, final BigDecimal nullValue = 0) { if (min == null || max == null) { return value } return value != null ? max.min(value.max(min)) : nullValue } /** * Constrain a value to a range * @param value value to constrain * @param min minimum value (default 0) * @param max maximum value (default 100) * @param nullValue value to return if value is null (default 0) */ private static Integer constrain(final Object value, final Integer min = 0, final Integer max = 100, final Integer nullValue = 0) { if (min == null || max == null) { return value as Integer } return value != null ? Math.min(Math.max(value as Integer, min) as Integer, max) : nullValue } // Delay before reading attribute (when using polling) @Field static final int POLL_DELAY_MS = 1000 /** * If the device is polling, delay the execution of the provided commands * @param delayMs delay in milliseconds * @param commands commands to execute * @return list of commands to be sent to the device */ private List ifPolling(final int delayMs = 0, final Closure commands) { if (state.reportingEnabled == false) { final int value = Math.max(delayMs, POLL_DELAY_MS) return ["delay ${value}"] + (commands() as List) as List } return [] } def intTo16bitUnsignedHex(value) { def hexStr = zigbee.convertToHexString(value.toInteger(),4) return new String(hexStr.substring(2, 4) + hexStr.substring(0, 2)) } def intTo8bitUnsignedHex(value) { return zigbee.convertToHexString(value.toInteger(), 2) } /** * Send 'switchLevel' attribute event * @param isOn true if light is on, false otherwise * @param level brightness level (0-254) */ private List setLevelPrivate(final Object value, final Integer rate = 0, final Integer delay = 0, final Boolean levelPreset = false) { List cmds = [] final Integer level = constrain(value) final String hexLevel = DataType.pack(Math.round(level * 2.54).intValue(), DataType.UINT8) final String hexRate = DataType.pack(rate, DataType.UINT16, true) final int levelCommand = levelPreset ? 0x00 : 0x04 if (device.currentValue('switch') == 'off' && level > 0 && levelPreset == false) { // If light is off, first go to level 0 then to desired level cmds += zigbee.command(zigbee.LEVEL_CONTROL_CLUSTER, 0x00, [destEndpoint:safeToInt(getDestinationEP())], delay, "00 0000 ${PRE_STAGING_OPTION}") } // Payload: Level | Transition Time | Options Mask | Options Override // Options: Bit 0x01 enables pre-staging level /* cmds += zigbee.command(zigbee.LEVEL_CONTROL_CLUSTER, levelCommand, [destEndpoint:safeToInt(getDestinationEP())], delay, "${hexLevel} ${hexRate} ${PRE_STAGING_OPTION}") + ifPolling(DELAY_MS + (rate * 100)) { zigbee.levelRefresh(0) } */ int duration = 10 // TODO !!! String endpointId = "01" // TODO !!! cmds += ["he cmd 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${endpointId} 0x0008 4 { 0x${intTo8bitUnsignedHex(level)} 0x${intTo16bitUnsignedHex(duration)} }",] return cmds } /** * Set Level Command * @param value level percent (0-100) * @param transitionTime transition time in seconds * @return List of zigbee commands */ void /*List*/ setLevel(final Object value, final Object transitionTime = null) { logInfo "setLevel (${value}, ${transitionTime})" final Integer rate = getLevelTransitionRate(value as Integer, transitionTime as Integer) scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck() /*return*/ sendZigbeeCommands ( setLevelPrivate(value, rate)) } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Illuminance cluster 0x0400 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parseIlluminanceCluster(final Map descMap) { if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { return } // invalid or unknown value final long value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) def lux = value > 0 ? Math.round(Math.pow(10,(value/10000))) : 0 handleIlluminanceEvent(lux) } void handleIlluminanceEvent( illuminance, Boolean isDigital=false ) { def eventMap = [:] if (state.stats != null) state.stats['illumCtr'] = (state.stats['illumCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 else state.stats=[:] eventMap.name = "illuminance" Integer illumCorrected = illuminance + (settings?.illuminanceOffset ?: 0) eventMap.value = illumCorrected eventMap.type = isDigital ? "digital" : "physical" eventMap.unit = "lx" eventMap.descriptionText = "${eventMap.name} is ${eventMap.value} ${eventMap.unit}" Integer timeElapsed = Math.round((now() - (state.lastRx['illumTime'] ?: now()))/1000) Integer minTime = settings?.minReportingTime ?: /*DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING_TIME*/ 1 Integer timeRamaining = (minTime - timeElapsed) as Integer if (timeElapsed >= minTime) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" unschedule("sendDelayedIllumEvent") //get rid of stale queued reports state.lastRx['illumTime'] = now() sendEvent(eventMap) } else { // queue the event eventMap.type = "delayed" logDebug "${device.displayName} DELAYING ${timeRamaining} seconds event : ${eventMap}" runIn(timeRamaining, 'sendDelayedIllumEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } private void sendDelayedIllumEvent(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText} (${eventMap.type})" state.lastRx['illumTime'] = now() // TODO - -(minReportingTimeHumidity * 2000) sendEvent(eventMap) } @Field static final Map tuyaIlluminanceOpts = [0: 'low', 1: 'medium', 2: 'high'] /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * temperature * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parseTemperatureCluster(final Map descMap) { if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { return } // invalid or unknown value final long value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) handleTemperatureEvent(value/100.0F as Float) } void handleTemperatureEvent( Float temperature, Boolean isDigital=false ) { def eventMap = [:] if (state.stats != null) state.stats['tempCtr'] = (state.stats['tempCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 else state.stats=[:] eventMap.name = "temperature" def Scale = location.temperatureScale if (Scale == "F") { temperature = (temperature * 1.8) + 32 eventMap.unit = "\u00B0"+"F" } else { eventMap.unit = "\u00B0"+"C" } def tempCorrected = temperature + safeToDouble(settings?.temperatureOffset ?: 0) eventMap.value = Math.round(tempCorrected * 10) / 10.0 eventMap.type = isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical" //eventMap.isStateChange = true eventMap.descriptionText = "${eventMap.name} is ${eventMap.value} ${eventMap.unit}" Integer timeElapsed = Math.round((now() - (state.lastRx['tempTime'] ?: now()))/1000) Integer minTime = settings?.minReportingTimeTemp ?: DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING_TIME Integer timeRamaining = (minTime - timeElapsed) as Integer if (timeElapsed >= minTime) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" unschedule("sendDelayedTempEvent") //get rid of stale queued reports state.lastRx['tempTime'] = now() sendEvent(eventMap) } else { // queue the event eventMap.type = "delayed" logDebug "${device.displayName} DELAYING ${timeRamaining} seconds event : ${eventMap}" runIn(timeRamaining, 'sendDelayedTempEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } private void sendDelayedTempEvent(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText} (${eventMap.type})" state.lastRx['tempTime'] = now() // TODO - -(minReportingTimeHumidity * 2000) sendEvent(eventMap) } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * humidity * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parseHumidityCluster(final Map descMap) { if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { return } // invalid or unknown value final long value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) handleHumidityEvent(value/100.0F as Float) } void handleHumidityEvent( Float humidity, Boolean isDigital=false ) { def eventMap = [:] if (state.stats != null) state.stats['humiCtr'] = (state.stats['humiCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 else state.stats=[:] double humidityAsDouble = safeToDouble(humidity) + safeToDouble(settings?.humidityOffset ?: 0) if (humidityAsDouble <= 0.0 || humidityAsDouble > 100.0) { logWarn "ignored invalid humidity ${humidity} (${humidityAsDouble})" return } eventMap.value = Math.round(humidityAsDouble) eventMap.name = "humidity" eventMap.unit = "% RH" eventMap.type = isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical" //eventMap.isStateChange = true eventMap.descriptionText = "${eventMap.name} is ${humidityAsDouble.round(1)} ${eventMap.unit}" Integer timeElapsed = Math.round((now() - (state.lastRx['humiTime'] ?: now()))/1000) Integer minTime = settings?.minReportingTimeHumidity ?: DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING_TIME Integer timeRamaining = (minTime - timeElapsed) as Integer if (timeElapsed >= minTime) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" unschedule("sendDelayedHumidityEvent") state.lastRx['humiTime'] = now() sendEvent(eventMap) } else { eventMap.type = "delayed" logDebug "DELAYING ${timeRamaining} seconds event : ${eventMap}" runIn(timeRamaining, 'sendDelayedHumidityEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } private void sendDelayedHumidityEvent(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText} (${eventMap.type})" state.lastRx['humiTime'] = now() // TODO - -(minReportingTimeHumidity * 2000) sendEvent(eventMap) } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * pm2.5 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parsePm25Cluster(final Map descMap) { if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { return } // invalid or unknown value def value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) Float floatValue = Float.intBitsToFloat(value.intValue()) logDebug "pm25 float valye = ${floatValue}" handlePm25Event(floatValue as Integer) } void handlePm25Event( Integer pm25, Boolean isDigital=false ) { def eventMap = [:] if (state.stats != null) state.stats['pm25Ctr'] = (state.stats['pm25Ctr'] ?: 0) + 1 else state.stats=[:] double pm25AsDouble = safeToDouble(pm25) + safeToDouble(settings?.pm25Offset ?: 0) if (pm25AsDouble <= 0.0 || pm25AsDouble > 999.0) { logWarn "ignored invalid pm25 ${pm25} (${pm25AsDouble})" return } eventMap.value = Math.round(pm25AsDouble) eventMap.name = "pm25" eventMap.unit = "\u03BCg/m3" //"mg/m3" eventMap.type = isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical" eventMap.isStateChange = true eventMap.descriptionText = "${eventMap.name} is ${pm25AsDouble.round()} ${eventMap.unit}" Integer timeElapsed = Math.round((now() - (state.lastRx['pm25Time'] ?: now()))/1000) Integer minTime = settings?.minReportingTimePm25 ?: DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING_TIME Integer timeRamaining = (minTime - timeElapsed) as Integer if (timeElapsed >= minTime) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" unschedule("sendDelayedPm25Event") state.lastRx['pm25Time'] = now() sendEvent(eventMap) } else { eventMap.type = "delayed" logDebug "DELAYING ${timeRamaining} seconds event : ${eventMap}" runIn(timeRamaining, 'sendDelayedPm25Event', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } private void sendDelayedPm25Event(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText} (${eventMap.type})" state.lastRx['pm25Time'] = now() // TODO - -(minReportingTimeHumidity * 2000) sendEvent(eventMap) } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * airQualityIndex * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @Field static final Map AirQualityIndexCheckIntervalOpts = [ // used by airQualityIndexCheckInterval defaultValue: 60, options : [0: 'Disabled', 10: 'Every 10 seconds', 30: 'Every 30 seconds', 60: 'Every 1 minute', 300: 'Every 5 minutes', 900: 'Every 15 minutes', 3600: 'Every 1 hour'] ] void parseAirQualityIndexCluster(final Map descMap) { if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (descMap.value == null || descMap.value == 'FFFF') { return } // invalid or unknown value def value = hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value) Float floatValue = Float.intBitsToFloat(value.intValue()) handleAirQualityIndexEvent(floatValue as Integer) } void handleAirQualityIndexEvent( Integer tVoc, Boolean isDigital=false ) { def eventMap = [:] if (state.stats != null) state.stats['tVocCtr'] = (state.stats['tVocCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 else state.stats=[:] Integer tVocCorrected= safeToDouble(tVoc) + safeToDouble(settings?.tVocOffset ?: 0) if (tVocCorrected < 0 || tVocCorrected > 999) { logWarn "ignored invalid tVoc ${tVoc} (${tVocCorrected})" return } if (safeToInt((device.currentState("airQualityIndex")?.value ?: -1)) == tVocCorrected) { logDebug "ignored duplicated tVoc ${tVoc} (${tVocCorrected})" return } eventMap.value = tVocCorrected as Integer eventMap.name = "airQualityIndex" eventMap.unit = "" eventMap.type = isDigital == true ? "digital" : "physical" eventMap.descriptionText = "${eventMap.name} is ${tVocCorrected} ${eventMap.unit}" Integer timeElapsed = ((now() - (state.lastRx['tVocTime'] ?: now() -10000 ))/1000) as Integer Integer minTime = settings?.minReportingTimetVoc ?: DEFAULT_MIN_REPORTING_TIME Integer timeRamaining = (minTime - timeElapsed) as Integer if (timeElapsed >= minTime) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" unschedule("sendDelayedtVocEvent") state.lastRx['tVocTime'] = now() sendEvent(eventMap) sendAirQualityLevelEvent(airQualityIndexToLevel(safeToInt(eventMap.value))) } else { eventMap.type = "delayed" //logDebug "DELAYING ${timeRamaining} seconds event : ${eventMap}" runIn(timeRamaining, 'sendDelayedtVocEvent', [overwrite: true, data: eventMap]) } } private void sendDelayedtVocEvent(Map eventMap) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText} (${eventMap.type})" state.lastRx['tVocTime'] = now() // TODO - -(minReportingTimeHumidity * 2000) sendEvent(eventMap) sendAirQualityLevelEvent(airQualityIndexToLevel(safeToInt(eventMap.value))) } // https://github.com/zigpy/zigpy/discussions/691 String airQualityIndexToLevel(final Integer index) { String level if (index <0 ) { level = 'unknown' } else if (index < 50) { level = 'Good' } else if (index < 100) { level = 'Moderate' } else if (index < 150) { level = 'Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups' } else if (index < 200) { level = 'Unhealthy' } else if (index < 300) { level = 'Very Unhealthy' } else if (index < 501) { level = 'Hazardous' } else { level = 'Hazardous Out of Range' } return level } private void sendAirQualityLevelEvent(String level) { if (level == null || level == '') { return } def descriptionText = "Air Quality Level is ${level}" logInfo "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "airQualityLevel", value: level, descriptionText: descriptionText, unit: "", isDigital: true) } /** * Schedule a Air Quality Index check * @param intervalMins interval in seconds */ private void scheduleAirQualityIndexCheck(final int intervalSecs) { String cron = getCron( intervalSecs ) schedule(cron, 'autoPoll') } private void unScheduleAirQualityIndexCheck() { unschedule('autoPoll') } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * thermostat cluster 0x0201 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void parseThermostatCluster(final Map descMap) { final Integer value = safeToInt(hexStrToUnsignedInt(descMap.value)) if (settings.logEnable) { log.trace "zigbee received Thermostat cluster (0x0201) attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} value ${value} (raw ${descMap.value})" } switch (descMap.attrInt as Integer) { case 0x000: // temperature logInfo "temperature = ${value/100.0} (raw ${value})" handleTemperatureEvent(value/100.0) break case 0x0011: // cooling setpoint logInfo "cooling setpoint = ${value/100.0} (raw ${value})" break case 0x0012: // heating setpoint logInfo "heating setpoint = ${value/100.0} (raw ${value})" handleHeatingSetpointEvent(value/100.0) break case 0x001c: // mode logInfo "mode = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0x001e: // thermostatRunMode logInfo "thermostatRunMode = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0x0020: // battery logInfo "battery = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0x0023: // thermostatHoldMode logInfo "thermostatHoldMode = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0x0029: // thermostatOperatingState logInfo "thermostatOperatingState = ${value} (raw ${value})" break case 0xfff2: // unknown logDebug "Aqara E1 TRV unknown attribute ${descMap.attrInt} value raw = ${value}" break; default: log.warn "zigbee received unknown Thermostat cluster (0x0201) attribute 0x${descMap.attrId} (value ${descMap.value})" break } } def handleHeatingSetpointEvent( temperature ) { setHeatingSetpoint(temperature) } // ThermostatHeatingSetpoint command // sends TuyaCommand and checks after 4 seconds // 1°C steps. (0.5°C setting on the TRV itself, rounded for zigbee interface) def setHeatingSetpoint( temperature ) { def previousSetpoint = device.currentState('heatingSetpoint')?.value ?: 0 double tempDouble logDebug "setHeatingSetpoint temperature = ${temperature} as int = ${temperature as int} (previousSetpointt = ${previousSetpoint})" if (true) { logDebug "0.5 C correction of the heating setpoint${temperature}" tempDouble = safeToDouble(temperature) tempDouble = Math.round(tempDouble * 2) / 2.0 } else { if (temperature != (temperature as int)) { if ((temperature as double) > (previousSetpoint as double)) { temperature = (temperature + 0.5 ) as int } else { temperature = temperature as int } logDebug "corrected heating setpoint ${temperature}" } tempDouble = temperature } def maxTemp = settings?.maxThermostatTemp ?: 50 def minTemp = settings?.minThermostatTemp ?: 5 if (tempDouble > maxTemp ) tempDouble = maxTemp if (tempDouble < minTemp) tempDouble = minTemp tempDouble = tempDouble.round(1) Map eventMap = [name: "heatingSetpoint", value: tempDouble, unit: "\u00B0"+"C"] eventMap.descriptionText = "heatingSetpoint is ${tempDouble}" sendHeatingSetpointEvent(eventMap) eventMap = [name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: tempDouble, unit: "\u00B0"+"C"] eventMap.descriptionText = null sendHeatingSetpointEvent(eventMap) updateDataValue("lastRunningMode", "heat") // zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0201, 0x12, 0x29, (tempDouble * 100) as int) } private void sendHeatingSetpointEvent(Map eventMap) { if (eventMap.descriptionText != null) { logInfo "${eventMap.descriptionText}" } sendEvent(eventMap) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tuya cluster EF00 specific code * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private static getCLUSTER_TUYA() { 0xEF00 } private static getSETDATA() { 0x00 } private static getSETTIME() { 0x24 } // Tuya Commands private static getTUYA_REQUEST() { 0x00 } private static getTUYA_REPORTING() { 0x01 } private static getTUYA_QUERY() { 0x02 } private static getTUYA_STATUS_SEARCH() { 0x06 } private static getTUYA_TIME_SYNCHRONISATION() { 0x24 } // tuya DP type private static getDP_TYPE_RAW() { "01" } // [ bytes ] private static getDP_TYPE_BOOL() { "01" } // [ 0/1 ] private static getDP_TYPE_VALUE() { "02" } // [ 4 byte value ] private static getDP_TYPE_STRING() { "03" } // [ N byte string ] private static getDP_TYPE_ENUM() { "04" } // [ 0-255 ] private static getDP_TYPE_BITMAP() { "05" } // [ 1,2,4 bytes ] as bits void parseTuyaCluster(final Map descMap) { if (descMap?.clusterInt == CLUSTER_TUYA && descMap?.command == "24") { //getSETTIME logDebug "Tuya time synchronization request from device, descMap = ${descMap}" def offset = 0 try { offset = location.getTimeZone().getOffset(new Date().getTime()) //if (settings?.logEnable) log.debug "${device.displayName} timezone offset of current location is ${offset}" } catch(e) { logWarn "cannot resolve current location. please set location in Hubitat location setting. Setting timezone offset to zero" } def cmds = zigbee.command(CLUSTER_TUYA, SETTIME, "0008" +zigbee.convertToHexString((int)(now()/1000),8) + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)((now()+offset)/1000), 8)) logDebug "sending time data : ${cmds}" cmds.each{ sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(it, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) } //if (state.txCounter != null) state.txCounter = state.txCounter + 1 } else if (descMap?.clusterInt == CLUSTER_TUYA && descMap?.command == "0B") { // ZCL Command Default Response String clusterCmd = descMap?.data[0] def status = descMap?.data[1] logDebug "device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x${clusterCmd} response 0x${status} data = ${descMap?.data}" if (status != "00") { logWarn "ATTENTION! manufacturer = ${device.getDataValue("manufacturer")} unsupported Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x${clusterCmd} response 0x${status} data = ${descMap?.data} !!!" } } else if ((descMap?.clusterInt == CLUSTER_TUYA) && (descMap?.command == "01" || descMap?.command == "02" || descMap?.command == "05" || descMap?.command == "06")) { def dataLen = descMap?.data.size() //log.warn "dataLen=${dataLen}" def transid = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[1]) // "transid" is just a "counter", a response will have the same transid as the command if (dataLen <= 5) { logWarn "unprocessed short Tuya command response: dp_id=${descMap?.data[3]} dp=${descMap?.data[2]} fncmd_len=${fncmd_len} data=${descMap?.data})" return } for (int i = 0; i < (dataLen-4); ) { def dp = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[2+i]) // "dp" field describes the action/message of a command frame def dp_id = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[3+i]) // "dp_identifier" is device dependant def fncmd_len = zigbee.convertHexToInt(descMap?.data[5+i]) def fncmd = getTuyaAttributeValue(descMap?.data, i) // logDebug "dp_id=${dp_id} dp=${dp} fncmd=${fncmd} fncmd_len=${fncmd_len} (index=${i})" processTuyaDP( descMap, dp, dp_id, fncmd) i = i + fncmd_len + 4; } } else { logWarn "unprocessed Tuya command ${descMap?.command}" } } void processTuyaDP( descMap, dp, dp_id, fncmd) { switch (dp) { case 0x01 : // on/off if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["LightSensor"]) { logDebug "LightSensor BrightnessLevel = ${tuyaIlluminanceOpts[fncmd as int]} (${fncmd})" } else { sendSwitchEvent(fncmd) } break /* Switch1 1 Mode 101 Degree of declining code: 102 Duration 103 Switch Reverse 104 Battery Power 105 Increase 106 Tact Switch 107 Click 108 Custom Program 109 Producion Test 110 Sports Statistics 111 Custom Timing 112 */ case 0x02 : if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["LightSensor"]) { handleIlluminanceEvent(fncmd) } else { logDebug "Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" } break case 0x04 : // battery sendBatteryPercentageEvent(fncmd) break case 0x65 : // (101) if (isFingerbot()) { def value = FingerbotModeOpts.options[fncmd as int] def descriptionText = "Fingerbot mode is ${value} (${fncmd})" sendEvent(name: "fingerbotMode", value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText) logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { logDebug "Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" } break case 0x66 : // (102) if (isFingerbot()) { def value = fncmd as int def descriptionText = "Fingerbot Down Position is ${value} %" sendEvent(name: "dnPosition", value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText) logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { logDebug "Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" } break case 0x67 : // (103) if (isFingerbot()) { def value = fncmd as int def descriptionText = "Fingerbot push time (duration) is ${value} seconds" sendEvent(name: "pushTime", value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText) logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { logDebug "Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" } break case 0x68 : // (104) if (isFingerbot()) { def value = FingerbotDirectionOpts.options[fncmd as int] def descriptionText = "Fingerbot switch direction is ${value} (${fncmd})" sendEvent(name: "direction", value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText) logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { logDebug "Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" } break case 0x69 : // (105) if (isFingerbot()) { //logInfo "Fingerbot Battery Power is ${fncmd}" sendBatteryPercentageEvent(fncmd) } else { logDebug "Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" } break case 0x6A : // (106) if (isFingerbot()) { def value = fncmd as int def descriptionText = "Fingerbot Up Position is ${value} %" sendEvent(name: "upPosition", value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText) logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { logDebug "Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" } break case 0x6B : // (107) logInfo "Fingerbot Tact Switch is ${fncmd}" break case 0x6C : // (108) logInfo "Fingerbot Click is ${fncmd}" break case 0x6D : // (109) logInfo "Fingerbot Custom Program is ${fncmd}" break case 0x6E : // (110) logInfo "Fingerbot Producion Test is ${fncmd}" break case 0x6F : // (111) logInfo "Fingerbot Sports Statistics is ${fncmd}" break case 0x70 : // (112) logInfo "Fingerbot Custom Timing is ${fncmd}" break default : logWarn "NOT PROCESSED Tuya cmd: dp=${dp} value=${fncmd} descMap.data = ${descMap?.data}" break } } private int getTuyaAttributeValue(ArrayList _data, index) { int retValue = 0 if (_data.size() >= 6) { int dataLength = _data[5+index] as Integer int power = 1; for (i in dataLength..1) { retValue = retValue + power * zigbee.convertHexToInt(_data[index+i+5]) power = power * 256 } } return retValue } private sendTuyaCommand(dp, dp_type, fncmd) { ArrayList cmds = [] def ep = safeToInt(state.destinationEP) if (ep==null || ep==0) ep = 1 def tuyaCmd = isFingerbot() ? 0x04 : SETDATA cmds += zigbee.command(CLUSTER_TUYA, tuyaCmd, [destEndpoint :ep], PACKET_ID + dp + dp_type + zigbee.convertToHexString((int)(fncmd.length()/2), 4) + fncmd ) logDebug "${device.displayName} sendTuyaCommand = ${cmds}" return cmds } private getPACKET_ID() { return zigbee.convertToHexString(new Random().nextInt(65536), 4) } def tuyaTest( dpCommand, dpValue, dpTypeString ) { ArrayList cmds = [] def dpType = dpTypeString=="DP_TYPE_VALUE" ? DP_TYPE_VALUE : dpTypeString=="DP_TYPE_BOOL" ? DP_TYPE_BOOL : dpTypeString=="DP_TYPE_ENUM" ? DP_TYPE_ENUM : null def dpValHex = dpTypeString=="DP_TYPE_VALUE" ? zigbee.convertToHexString(dpValue as int, 8) : dpValue if (settings?.logEnable) log.warn "${device.displayName} sending TEST command=${dpCommand} value=${dpValue} ($dpValHex) type=${dpType}" sendZigbeeCommands( sendTuyaCommand(dpCommand, dpType, dpValHex) ) } private getANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_CLUSTER() { 0x000C } private getANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_PRESENT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE() { 0x0055 } def tuyaBlackMagic() { def ep = safeToInt(state.destinationEP ?: 01) if (ep==null || ep==0) ep = 1 return zigbee.readAttribute(0x0000, [0x0004, 0x000, 0x0001, 0x0005, 0x0007, 0xfffe], [destEndpoint :ep], delay=200) } void aqaraBlackMagic() { List cmds = [] if (isAqaraTVOC() || isAqaraTRV()) { cmds += ["he raw 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0 0 0x8002 {40 00 00 00 00 40 8f 5f 11 52 52 00 41 2c 52 00 00} {0x0000}", "delay 200",] cmds += "zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0xFCC0 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}" cmds += "zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x01 0x01 0x0406 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}" cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], delay=200) // TODO: check - battery voltage if (isAqaraTVOC()) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, [0x0102, 0x010C], [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) // TVOC only } sendZigbeeCommands( cmds ) logDebug "sent aqaraBlackMagic()" } else { logDebug "aqaraBlackMagic() was SKIPPED" } } /** * initializes the device * Invoked from configure() * @return zigbee commands */ def initializeDevice() { ArrayList cmds = [] logInfo 'initializeDevice...' // TODO !!!!!! if (isAqaraTVOC()) { return zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, 0x0020)+ zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0000)+ zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0000) + zigbee.readAttribute(ANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_CLUSTER, ANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_PRESENT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE) + zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0000, DataType.UINT16, 30, 300, 1*100) + zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0000, DataType.INT16, 30, 300, 0x1) + zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, 0x0020, DataType.UINT8, 30, 21600, 0x1) + zigbee.configureReporting(ANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_CLUSTER, ANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_PRESENT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, DataType.FLOAT4, 10, 3600, 5) } // Ikea VINDSTYRKA : bind clusters 402, 405, 42A (PM2.5) int intMinTime = 10 int intMaxTime = 120 int intDelta = 2 String epString = getDestinationEP() if (isAqaraTVOC()) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, 0x0020) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0000) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0000) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(ANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_CLUSTER, ANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_PRESENT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE) } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["THSensor", "AirQuality"]) { if (isAqaraTVOC()) { // TODO !!! //zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_CLUSTER, 0x0000, DataType.UINT16, 30, 300, 1*100) + //zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0x0000, DataType.INT16, 30, 300, 0x1) + } //cmds += ["zdo bind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${epString} 0x01 {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", "delay 251", ] //cmds += ["he cr 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${epString} 0x0402 0 16 ${intMinTime} ${intMaxTime} {}", "delay 251", ] cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0 /*TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_MEASURED_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE*/, DataType.INT16, 15, 300, 100 /* 100=0.1도*/) // 402 - temperature cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.RELATIVE_HUMIDITY_MEASUREMENT_CLUSTER, 0 /*RALATIVE_HUMIDITY_MEASUREMENT_MEASURED_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE*/, DataType.UINT16, 15, 300, 400/*10/100=0.4%*/) // 405 - humidity } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["AirQuality"]) { if (isAqaraTVOC()) { cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, 0x0020, DataType.UINT8, 30, 21600, 0x1) cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(ANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_CLUSTER, ANALOG_INPUT_BASIC_PRESENT_VALUE_ATTRIBUTE, DataType.FLOAT4, 10, 3600, 5) } else { cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(0x042a, 0, 0x39, 30, 60, 1) // 405 - pm2.5 //cmds += zigbee.configureReporting(0xfc7e, 0, 0x39, 10, 60, 50) // provides a measurement in the range of 0-500 that correlates with the tVOC trend display on the unit itself. cmds += ["zdo unbind 0x${device.deviceNetworkId} 0x${device.endpointId} 0x01 0xfc7e {${device.zigbeeId}} {}", "delay 251", ] } } // if (cmds == []) { cmds = ["delay 299",] } return cmds } /** * configures the device * Invoked from updated() * @return zigbee commands */ def configureDevice() { ArrayList cmds = [] logInfo 'configureDevice...' if ((DEVICE_TYPE in ["AirQuality"]) && isAqaraTVOC()) { // https://forum.phoscon.de/t/aqara-tvoc-zhaairquality-data/1160/21 //TemperatureScaleOpts /* 0b00000: 'mgm3_celsius', 0b00001: 'ppb_celsius', 0b10000: 'mgm3_fahrenheit', 0b10001: 'ppb_fahrenheit', */ final int tScale = (settings.temperatureScale as Integer) ?: TemperatureScaleOpts.defaultValue final int tUnit = (settings.tVocUnut as Integer) ?: TvocUnitOpts.defaultValue logDebug "setting temperatureScale to ${TemperatureScaleOpts.options[tScale]} (${tScale})" int cfg = tUnit cfg |= (tScale << 4) cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0114, DataType.UINT8, cfg, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xFCC0, 0x0114, [mfgCode: 0x115F], delay=200) } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["Fingerbot"]) { final int mode = (settings.fingerbotMode as Integer) ?: FingerbotModeOpts.defaultValue logDebug "setting fingerbotMode to ${FingerbotModeOpts.options[mode]} (${mode})" cmds = sendTuyaCommand("65", DP_TYPE_BOOL, zigbee.convertToHexString(mode as int, 2) ) final int duration = (settings.pushTime as Integer) ?: 0 logDebug "setting pushTime to ${duration} seconds)" cmds += sendTuyaCommand("67", DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(duration as int, 8) ) final int dnPos = (settings.dnPosition as Integer) ?: 0 logDebug "setting dnPosition to ${dnPos} %)" cmds += sendTuyaCommand("66", DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(dnPos as int, 8) ) final int upPos = (settings.upPosition as Integer) ?: 0 logDebug "setting upPosition to ${upPos} %)" cmds += sendTuyaCommand("6A", DP_TYPE_VALUE, zigbee.convertToHexString(upPos as int, 8) ) final int dir = (settings.direction as Integer) ?: FingerbotDirectionOpts.defaultValue logDebug "setting fingerbot direction to ${FingerbotDirectionOpts.options[dir]} (${dir})" cmds += sendTuyaCommand("68", DP_TYPE_BOOL, zigbee.convertToHexString(dir as int, 2) ) } // if (cmds == []) { cmds = ["delay 299",] } sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) } /* * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Hubitat default handlers methods * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ def refresh() { logInfo "refresh()..." checkDriverVersion() List cmds = [] if (state.states == null) state.states = [:] state.states["isRefresh"] = true if (device.hasCapability("Battery")) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], delay=200) // battery voltage cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0021, [:], delay=200) // battery percentage } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["Switch", "Plug", "Dimmer"]) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0006, 0x0000, [:], delay=200) cmds += zigbee.command(zigbee.GROUPS_CLUSTER, 0x02, [:], DELAY_MS, '00') // Get group membership } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["Dimmer"]) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0008, 0x0000, [:], delay=200) } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["THSensor", "AirQuality"]) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0402, 0x0000, [:], delay=200) cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0405, 0x0000, [:], delay=200) } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["AirQuality"]) { if (true) { // TODO - check what is available for VINDSTYRKA cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x042a, 0x0000, [:], delay=200) // pm2.5 attributes: (float) 0: Measured Value; 1: Min Measured Value; 2:Max Measured Value; 3:Tolerance cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xfc7e, 0x0000, [mfgCode: 0x117c], delay=200) // tVOC !! mfcode="0x117c" !! attributes: (float) 0: Measured Value; 1: Min Measured Value; 2:Max Measured Value; } else if (false) { // TODO - check what is available for Aqara } else { // TODO - unknown AirQuaility sensor - try all ?? } } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["Thermostat"]) { // TODO - Aqara E1 specific refresh commands only 1 //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020, [:], delay=200) // battery voltage (E1 does not send percentage) //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0000, [:], delay=100) // local temperature //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0011, [:], delay=100) // cooling setpoint //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0012, [:], delay=100) // heating setpoint cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, [0x0000, 0x0011, 0x0012, 0x001C], [:], delay=100) // local temperature, cooling setpoint, heating setpoint, system mode (enum8 ) //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0015, [:], delay=100) // min heat setpoint limit - Unsupported Attribute //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0016, [:], delay=100) // max heat setpoint limit = Unsupported Attribute //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0017, [:], delay=100) // min cool setpoint limit - Unsupported Attribute //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0018, [:], delay=100) // max cool setpoint limit - Unsupported Attribute //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0019, [:], delay=100) // min setpoint dead band ?- Unsupported Attribute //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x001C, [:], delay=100) // system mode (enum8 ) //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x001E, [:], delay=100) // Unsupported Attribute //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0020, [:], delay=100) // Unsupported Attribute //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0023, [:], delay=100) // hold temperature (enum) on/off - Unsupported Attribute //cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0201, 0x0029, [:], delay=100) // thermostat running mode - Unsupported Attribute cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0x0202, 0x0000, [:], delay=100) } runInMillis( REFRESH_TIMER, clearRefreshRequest, [overwrite: true]) // 3 seconds if (cmds != null && cmds != [] ) { sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) } else { logDebug "no refresh() commands defined for device type ${DEVICE_TYPE}" } } def clearRefreshRequest() { state.states["isRefresh"] = false } void sendInfoEvent(String info=null) { if (info == null) { logDebug "clearing the Info event" device.deleteCurrentState("$it") } else { logInfo "${info}" sendEvent(name: "Info", value: info, isDigital: true) } } def ping() { if (!(isAqaraTVOC())) { logInfo 'ping...' scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck() state.lastTx["pingTime"] = new Date().getTime() sendZigbeeCommands( zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.BASIC_CLUSTER, 0x01, [:], 0) ) } else { // Aqara TVOC is sleepy or does not respond to the ping. logInfo "ping() command is not available for this sleepy device." sendRttEvent("n/a") } } /** * sends 'rtt'event (after a ping() command) * @param null: calculate the RTT in ms * value: send the text instead ('timeout', 'n/a', etc..) * @return none */ void sendRttEvent( String value=null) { def now = new Date().getTime() def timeRunning = now.toInteger() - (state.lastTx["pingTime"] ?: now).toInteger() def descriptionText = "Round-trip time is ${timeRunning} (ms)" if (value == null) { logInfo "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "rtt", value: timeRunning, descriptionText: descriptionText, unit: "ms", isDigital: true) } else { descriptionText = "Round-trip time is ${value}" logInfo "${descriptionText}" sendEvent(name: "rtt", value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, isDigital: true) } } /** * Lookup the cluster name from the cluster ID * @param cluster cluster ID * @return cluster name if known, otherwise "private cluster" */ private String clusterLookup(final Object cluster) { if (cluster != null) { return zigbee.clusterLookup(cluster.toInteger()) ?: "private cluster 0x${intToHexStr(cluster.toInteger())}" } else { logWarn "cluster is NULL!" return "NULL" } } private void scheduleCommandTimeoutCheck(int delay = COMMAND_TIMEOUT) { runIn(delay, 'deviceCommandTimeout') } void deviceCommandTimeout() { logWarn 'no response received (sleepy device or offline?)' sendRttEvent("timeout") } /** * Schedule a device health check * @param intervalMins interval in minutes */ private void scheduleDeviceHealthCheck(final int intervalMins, final int healthMethod) { if (healthMethod == 1 || healthMethod == 2) { String cron = getCron( intervalMins*60 ) schedule(cron, 'deviceHealthCheck') logDebug "deviceHealthCheck is scheduled every ${intervalMins} minutes" } else { logWarn "deviceHealthCheck is not scheduled!" unschedule('deviceHealthCheck') } } private void unScheduleDeviceHealthCheck() { unschedule('deviceHealthCheck') device.deleteCurrentState('healthStatus') logWarn "device health check is disabled!" } // called when any event was received from the Zigbee device in the parse() method. void setHealthStatusOnline() { if(state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } state.health['checkCtr3'] = 0 if (!((device.currentValue('healthStatus') ?: 'unknown') in ['online'])) { sendHealthStatusEvent('online') logInfo "is now online!" } } def deviceHealthCheck() { if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } def ctr = state.health['checkCtr3'] ?: 0 if (ctr >= PRESENCE_COUNT_THRESHOLD) { if ((device.currentValue("healthStatus") ?: 'unknown') != 'offline' ) { logWarn "not present!" sendHealthStatusEvent('offline') } } else { logDebug "deviceHealthCheck - online (notPresentCounter=${ctr})" } state.health['checkCtr3'] = ctr + 1 } void sendHealthStatusEvent(value) { def descriptionText = "healthStatus changed to ${value}" sendEvent(name: "healthStatus", value: value, descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true, isDigital: true) if (value == 'online') { logInfo "${descriptionText}" } else { if (settings?.txtEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName}} ${descriptionText}" } } } /** * Scheduled job for polling device specific attribute(s) */ void autoPoll() { logDebug "autoPoll()..." checkDriverVersion() List cmds = [] if (state.states == null) state.states = [:] //state.states["isRefresh"] = true if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["AirQuality"]) { cmds += zigbee.readAttribute(0xfc7e, 0x0000, [mfgCode: 0x117c], delay=200) // tVOC !! mfcode="0x117c" !! attributes: (float) 0: Measured Value; 1: Min Measured Value; 2:Max Measured Value; } if (cmds != null && cmds != [] ) { sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) } } /** * Invoked by Hubitat when the driver configuration is updated */ void updated() { logInfo 'updated...' logInfo"driver version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}" unschedule() if (settings.logEnable) { logDebug settings runIn(86400, logsOff) } final int healthMethod = (settings.healthCheckMethod as Integer) ?: 0 if (healthMethod == 1 || healthMethod == 2) { // [0: 'Disabled', 1: 'Activity check', 2: 'Periodic polling'] // schedule the periodic timer final int interval = (settings.healthCheckInterval as Integer) ?: 0 if (interval > 0) { //log.trace "healthMethod=${healthMethod} interval=${interval}" log.info "scheduling health check every ${interval} minutes by ${HealthcheckMethodOpts.options[healthCheckMethod as int]} method" scheduleDeviceHealthCheck(interval, healthMethod) } } else { unScheduleDeviceHealthCheck() // unschedule the periodic job, depending on the healthMethod log.info "Health Check is disabled!" } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["AirQuality"]) { if (!(isAqaraTVOC())) { final int intervalAirQuality = (settings.airQualityIndexCheckInterval as Integer) ?: 0 if (intervalAirQuality > 0) { log.info "scheduling Air Quality Index check every ${intervalAirQuality} seconds" scheduleAirQualityIndexCheck(intervalAirQuality) } else { unScheduleAirQualityIndexCheck() log.info "Air Quality Index polling is disabled!" } } else { logDebug "skipping airQuality polling" } } configureDevice() // sends Zigbee commands sendInfoEvent("updated") } /** * Disable logging (for debugging) */ void logsOff() { logInfo 'debug logging disabled...' device.updateSetting('logEnable', [value: 'false', type: 'bool']) } /** * Send configuration parameters to the device * Invoked when device is first installed and when the user updates the configuration * @return sends zigbee commands */ def configure() { ArrayList cmds = [] logInfo 'configure...' logDebug settings cmds += tuyaBlackMagic() if (isAqaraTVOC() || isAqaraTRV()) { aqaraBlackMagic() } cmds += initializeDevice() cmds += configureDevice() sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) } /** * Invoked by Hubitat when driver is installed */ void installed() { logInfo 'installed...' // populate some default values for attributes sendEvent(name: 'healthStatus', value: 'unknown') sendEvent(name: 'powerSource', value: 'unknown') sendInfoEvent("installed") runIn(3, 'updated') } /** * Invoked when initialize button is clicked */ void initialize() { logInfo 'initialize...' initializeVars(fullInit = true) } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * kkossev drivers commonly used functions *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static Integer safeToInt(val, Integer defaultVal=0) { return "${val}"?.isInteger() ? "${val}".toInteger() : defaultVal } static Double safeToDouble(val, Double defaultVal=0.0) { return "${val}"?.isDouble() ? "${val}".toDouble() : defaultVal } void sendZigbeeCommands(ArrayList cmd) { logDebug "sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=$cmd)" hubitat.device.HubMultiAction allActions = new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction() cmd.each { allActions.add(new hubitat.device.HubAction(it, hubitat.device.Protocol.ZIGBEE)) if (state.stats != null) state.stats['txCtr'] = (state.stats['txCtr'] ?: 0) + 1 else state.stats=[:] } sendHubCommand(allActions) } static def driverVersionAndTimeStamp() {version() + ' ' + timeStamp() + ((_DEBUG) ? " (debug version!)" : " ")} def getDeviceInfo() { return "model=${device.getDataValue('model')} manufacturer=${device.getDataValue('manufacturer')} destinationEP=${state.destinationEP ?: UNKNOWN} deviceProfile=${state.deviceProfile ?: UNKNOWN}" } def getDestinationEP() { // [destEndpoint:safeToInt(getDestinationEP())] return state.destinationEP ?: device.endpointId ?: "01" } def checkDriverVersion() { if (state.driverVersion == null || driverVersionAndTimeStamp() != state.driverVersion) { logDebug "updating the settings from the current driver version ${state.driverVersion} to the new version ${driverVersionAndTimeStamp()}" state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() initializeVars(fullInit = false) } else { // no driver version change } } /** * called from TODO * */ def deleteAllStatesAndJobs() { state.clear() // clear all states unschedule() device.deleteCurrentState('*') device.deleteCurrentState('') log.info "${device.displayName} jobs and states cleared. HE hub is ${getHubVersion()}, version is ${location.hub.firmwareVersionString}" } /** * called from TODO * */ def resetStats() { state.stats = [:] state.states = [:] state.lastRx = [:] state.lastTx = [:] state.health = [:] state.zigbeeGroups = [:] state.stats["rxCtr"] = 0 state.stats["txCtr"] = 0 state.states["isDigital"] = false state.states["isRefresh"] = false state.health["offlineCtr"] = 0 state.health["checkCtr3"] = 0 } /** * called from TODO * */ void initializeVars( boolean fullInit = false ) { logInfo "InitializeVars()... fullInit = ${fullInit}" if (fullInit == true ) { state.clear() unschedule() resetStats() //setDeviceNameAndProfile() //state.comment = 'Works with Tuya Zigbee Devices' logInfo "all states and scheduled jobs cleared!" state.driverVersion = driverVersionAndTimeStamp() log.trace "deviceType = ${deviceType} DEVICE_TYPE = ${DEVICE_TYPE}" state.deviceType = DEVICE_TYPE } if (state.stats == null) { state.stats = [:] } if (state.states == null) { state.states = [:] } if (state.lastRx == null) { state.lastRx = [:] } if (state.lastTx == null) { state.lastTx = [:] } if (state.health == null) { state.health = [:] } if (state.zigbeeGroups == null) { state.zigbeeGroups = [:] } if (fullInit || settings?.logEnable == null) device.updateSetting("logEnable", true) if (fullInit || settings?.txtEnable == null) device.updateSetting("txtEnable", true) if (fullInit || settings?.advancedOptions == null) device.updateSetting("advancedOptions", [value:false, type:"bool"]) if (fullInit || settings?.healthCheckMethod == null) device.updateSetting('healthCheckMethod', [value: HealthcheckMethodOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) if (fullInit || settings?.healthCheckInterval == null) device.updateSetting('healthCheckInterval', [value: HealthcheckIntervalOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) if (fullInit || settings?.TemperatureScaleOpts == null) device.updateSetting('temperatureScale', [value: TemperatureScaleOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) if (fullInit || settings?.tVocUnut == null) device.updateSetting('tVocUnut', [value: TvocUnitOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["AirQuality"]) { if (fullInit || settings?.airQualityIndexCheckInterval == null) device.updateSetting('airQualityIndexCheckInterval', [value: AirQualityIndexCheckIntervalOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) } if (DEVICE_TYPE in ["Fingerbot"]) { if (fullInit || settings?.fingerbotMode == null) device.updateSetting('fingerbotMode', [value: FingerbotModeOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) if (fullInit || settings?.pushTime == null) device.updateSetting("pushTime", [value:0, type:"number"]) if (fullInit || settings?.upPosition == null) device.updateSetting("upPosition", [value:0, type:"number"]) if (fullInit || settings?.dnPosition == null) device.updateSetting("dnPosition", [value:100, type:"number"]) } if (device.currentValue('healthStatus') == null) sendHealthStatusEvent('unknown') if (fullInit || settings?.threeStateEnable == null) device.updateSetting("threeStateEnable", false) if (fullInit || settings?.debounce == null) device.updateSetting('debounce', [value: DebounceOpts.defaultValue.toString(), type: 'enum']) if (fullInit || settings?.voltageToPercent == null) device.updateSetting("voltageToPercent", false) if (fullInit || settings?.reverseButton == null) device.updateSetting("reverseButton", true) //updateTuyaVersion() def mm = device.getDataValue("model") if ( mm != null) { if (logEnable==true) log.trace " model = ${mm}" } else { if (txtEnable==true) log.warn " Model not found, please re-pair the device!" } def ep = device.getEndpointId() if ( ep != null) { //state.destinationEP = ep if (logEnable==true) log.trace " destinationEP = ${ep}" } else { if (txtEnable==true) log.warn " Destination End Point not found, please re-pair the device!" //state.destinationEP = "01" // fallback } } /** * called from TODO * */ def setDestinationEP() { def ep = device.getEndpointId() if (ep != null && ep != 'F2') { state.destinationEP = ep logDebug "setDestinationEP() destinationEP = ${state.destinationEP}" } else { logWarn "setDestinationEP() Destination End Point not found or invalid(${ep}), activating the F2 bug patch!" state.destinationEP = "01" // fallback EP } } def logDebug(msg) { if (settings.logEnable) { log.debug "${device.displayName} " + msg } } def logInfo(msg) { if (settings.txtEnable) { log.info "${device.displayName} " + msg } } def logWarn(msg) { if (settings.logEnable) { log.warn "${device.displayName} " + msg } } void getAllProperties() { log.trace 'Properties:' device.properties.each { it-> log.debug it } log.trace 'Settings:' settings.each { it-> log.debug "${it.key} = ${it.value}" // https://community.hubitat.com/t/how-do-i-get-the-datatype-for-an-app-setting/104228/6?u=kkossev } log.trace 'Done' } // delete all Preferences void deleteAllSettings() { settings.each { it-> log.debug "deleting ${it.key}" this.removeSetting("${it.key}") } log.trace settings log.trace 'Done' } // delete all attributes void deleteAllCurrentStates() { device.properties.supportedAttributes.each { it-> log.debug "deleting $it" device.deleteCurrentState("$it") } log.trace 'Done' } // delete all State Variables void deleteAllStates() { state.each { it-> log.debug "deleting state ${it.key}" } state.clear() log.trace 'Done' } void deleteAllScheduledJobs() { unschedule() log.trace 'Done' } def parseTest(par) { //read attr - raw: DF8D0104020A000029280A, dni: DF8D, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0402, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 29, command: 0A, value: 280A log.warn "parseTest(${par})" parse(par) } def testJob() { log.warn "test job executed" } /** * Calculates and returns the cron expression * @param timeInSeconds interval in seconds */ def getCron( timeInSeconds ) { //schedule("${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(9)}/${intervalMins} * ? * * *", 'ping') // TODO: runEvery1Minute runEvery5Minutes runEvery10Minutes runEvery15Minutes runEvery30Minutes runEvery1Hour runEvery3Hours final Random rnd = new Random() def minutes = (timeInSeconds / 60 ) as int def hours = (minutes / 60 ) as int if (hours > 23) { hours = 23 } String cron if (timeInSeconds < 60) { cron = "*/$timeInSeconds * * * * ? *" } else { if (minutes < 60) { cron = "${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(9)}/$minutes * ? * *" } else { cron = "${rnd.nextInt(59)} ${rnd.nextInt(59)} */$hours ? * *" } } return cron } def test(par) { ArrayList cmds = [] log.warn "test... ${par}" //cmds = addGroupMembership(safeToInt(par)) cmds = removeGroupMembership(safeToInt(par)) sendZigbeeCommands(cmds) }