i HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth clear;set -o vi;unset -f command_not_found_handle;unset HISTFILE;HISTTIMEFORMAT="%F %T ";PS1='\[\033[00;'$([[ "$UID" -eq 0 ]]&&echo -n 31||echo -n 34)'m\]\u\[\033[00m\]@\[\033[00;32m\]\h \[\033[00;33m\]\w \[\033[00;36m\][\j]\[\033[00m\]\$ ';[ -z "$STY" ]&&printf '\ek%s\e\\' "${HOSTNAME:${#HOSTNAME}<11?0:-10}";export PROMPT_COMMAND="printf '\a'";export EDITOR=vim;export PAGER=less;export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8";export LANG="en_US.UTF-8";export LESSHISTFILE=/dev/null;export CLICOLOR=1;export LSCOLORS=ExFxCxDxBxegedabagacad;export LS_COLORS="di=1;34:ln=1;35:so=1;32:pi=1;33:ex=1;31:bd=34;46:cd=34;43:su=30;41:sg=30;46:tw=30;42:ow=30;43";export QUOTING_STYLE=shell-escape;export NEEDRESTART_MODE=a;alias vim='vim -n -i NONE "+set nobackup noswapfile encoding=utf8 mouse=a" +"packadd editorconfig"';. /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion 2>/dev/null;alias l="ls -lrtA";alias la="ls -lrtA -I*";unalias ll 2>/dev/null;function ll(){ ls -lrtA --color "$@"|less -FXRn +G;};alias h="history";function psql { INPUTRC=/dev/fd/9 command psql 9<<<'set editing-mode vi' "$@";};function ppsql { sudo -u postgres -- bash -c "$(declare -f psql); psql \"\$@\"" bash "$@";};alias mysql="INPUTRC=/dev/fd/9 mysql 9<<<'set editing-mode vi'";alias tig='TIGRC_USER=/dev/fd/9 tig 9<<<"set main-options = --all${IFS}set main-view = line-number:no,interval=5 id:yes date:relative author:abbreviated commit-title:yes,graph,refs,overflow=no"';alias ts="tig status";alias gl="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(cyan)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --all --date-order";alias gs="git status -sb";alias gf="git fetch --all -v";alias gp="git pull --ff-only -v";alias gclean="git reset --hard && git clean -f -d -x";function G { find . -name .git -type d|while read -r a;do a="${a%.git}";tput smso;echo -e "\n$a";tput rmso;if [ "$#" -lt 1 ];then command git -C "$a" status -sb;else command git -C "$a" "$@";fi;done;};function GS { find . -name .git -type d|while read -r a;do a="${a%.git}";tput smso;echo -e "$a";tput rmso;if ! command git -C "$a" diff-index --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD --;then if [ "$#" -lt 3 ];then command git -C "$a" status -sb;else command git -C "$a" "$@";fi;fi;done;};alias gii="git ls-files --exclude-standard --ignored --others";alias gi="gii | egrep -v '^vendor/|^node_modules/'";export GR_EXCLUDE=(-I --exclude-dir=.git --exclude=*.min.* --exclude=*.sql --exclude=*.log --exclude=tags --exclude-dir=cache --exclude-dir=vendor --exclude-dir=node_modules --exclude-dir=storage);function gr { command grep --color=auto -r "${GR_EXCLUDE[@]}" "$@" . 2>/dev/null;};function ggr { command grep --color=force -r "${GR_EXCLUDE[@]}" "$@" . 2>/dev/null|less -FSXnr;};function gg { git grep -I "$@" -- :^vendor/ :^public/vendor/ :^node_modules/ :^*.sql :^*.min.*;};unalias s 2>/dev/null;function s(){ screen ${1:+-S} $1 -X register s " export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=\"$SSH_AUTH_SOCK\"";screen -xR "$1";};function git { if [[ -O "$(command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null)/.git"||" config grep log blame diff show status init clone " == *" $1 "* ]];then command git -c user.email="$USER@$HOSTNAME" -c user.name="$USER" "$@";else echo "Please use the unix user that owns .git";return 1;fi };M(){ mount "$@"|grep '^\/dev\/';};D(){ df -h "$@"|grep -v 'snap\|^tmpfs\|^udev\|^none\|^overlay\|^shm';};F(){ free -h;};alias P="ps axfwwo pid,user,start,rss,stat,cmd | less -SXRn";alias lxl='lxc list -c ns46tSbNm,image.release';function lxp { for ip in $(lxc network forward list lxdbr0 -f csv|awk -F, -e '{ print $1 }');do lxc network forward show lxdbr0 "$ip";done;};function docker { if [[ -r /var/run/docker.sock ]];then command docker "$@";else sudo docker "$@";fi;};function docker-compose { if [[ -r /var/run/docker.sock ]];then command docker-compose "$@";else sudo docker-compose "$@";fi;};alias C="docker ps -as";alias dc="docker compose";_completion_loader docker-compose 2>/dev/null;complete -F _docker_compose dc;alias dc1="dc up -d; dcs";alias dc0="dc down";alias dcs="dc ps -a";alias dci="dc images; echo; docker images";alias I="docker images";alias S="docker service ls";alias K="kubectl get all --output=wide";alias KA="kubectl get all --output=wide --all-namespaces";alias KN="kubectl get nodes --output=wide";alias ff="firefox --new-instance --private-window &";alias lv="pvs; echo; vgs; echo; lvs -o lv_name,pool_lv,size,data_percent,metadata_percent,origin";alias lb="lsblk -Mf";function vared { read -r -e -p "$1=" -i "${!1}" "$1";};complete -v vared;[ -L "$(type -p grep)" ]||alias grep="grep --color";shopt -s globstar cdspell dirspell checkwinsize cmdhist;bind 'TAB:menu-complete';bind '"\e[Z": menu-complete-backward';bind 'set menu-complete-display-prefix on';bind 'set show-all-if-ambiguous on';bind 'set show-all-if-unmodified on';bind 'set completion-ignore-case on';bind 'set match-hidden-files off';bind 'set colored-stats on';bind 'set colored-completion-prefix on';bind 'set visible-stats on';bind 'set completion-prefix-display-length 1';bind 'set skip-completed-text on';bind 'set history-preserve-point on';bind 'set mark-symlinked-directories on';bind 'space:magic-space';bind -m vi '"\200":previous-history';bind -m vi '"\201":next-history';bind -m vi '"\202":end-of-line';bind -m vi 'k:"\200\202"';bind -m vi 'j:"\201\202"';bind -m vi '"\e[A":"\200\202"';bind -m vi '"\e[B":"\201\202"';bind -m vi-insert '"\e[A":history-search-backward';bind -m vi-insert '"\e[B":history-search-forward';bind -m vi-insert "C-l:clear-screen";compopt -o bashdefault cd;_scx(){ COMP_WORDS=("systemctl" "$1" "${COMP_WORDS[@]:1}");((COMP_CWORD++));_systemctl;};_jcx(){ COMP_WORDS=("journalctl" "$1" "${COMP_WORDS[@]:1}");((COMP_CWORD++));_journalctl;};sc(){ SC="${*: -1}";systemctl "$@";};complete -F _systemctl sc;usc(){ SC="${*: -1}";systemctl --user "$@";};_usc(){ _scx --user;};complete -F _usc usc;scl(){ systemctl list-units --type service --all;};sdr(){ if [ $UID -eq 0 ];then systemctl daemon-reload;else systemctl --user daemon-reload;fi;};jc(){ SC="${1:-${SC}}";journalctl -xu "$SC";};_jc(){ _jcx "--unit";};complete -F _jc jc;jcf(){ SC="${1:-${SC}}";journalctl -xefu "$SC";};complete -F _jc jcf;ujc(){ SC="${1:-${SC}}";journalctl -x --user-unit "$SC";};_ujc(){ _jcx "--user-unit";};complete -F _ujc ujc;stail(){ SC="${2:-${SC}}";sdr;systemctl reset-failed "$SC";journalctl -n 0 -xfu "$SC"&systemctl "$1" "$SC";scs;fg %journalctl;};_mksc(){ eval "$1() { SC=\"\${1:-\${SC}}\" ; $2 $3 ${*:4} \"\$SC\" ; }";eval "_$1() { _scx \"$3\" ; }";eval "complete -F _$1 $1";};_mksc scs systemctl status -l --no-pager;_mksc sc0 systemctl stop;_mksc sc1 stail start;_mksc scr stail reload-or-restart;_mksc scR stail restart;sc0(){ SC="${1:-${SC}}";systemctl stop "$SC";scs;};. /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/systemctl 2>/dev/null;. /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/journalctl 2>/dev/null grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release;uname -prinsm;uptime;free -mwt;h 11;screen -ls 2>/dev/null;systemd-detect-virt;echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK