# Examples ## [Get video info (ffprobe)](https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/video_info.py#L15) ```python probe = ffmpeg.probe(args.in_filename) video_stream = next((stream for stream in probe['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'video'), None) width = int(video_stream['width']) height = int(video_stream['height']) ``` ## [Generate thumbnail for video](https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/get_video_thumbnail.py#L21) get-video-thumbnail graph ```python ( ffmpeg .input(in_filename, ss=time) .filter('scale', width, -1) .output(out_filename, vframes=1) .run() ) ``` ## [Convert video to numpy array](https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/ffmpeg-numpy.ipynb) ffmpeg-numpy graph ```python out, _ = ( ffmpeg .input('in.mp4') .output('pipe:', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24') .run(capture_stdout=True) ) video = ( np .frombuffer(out, np.uint8) .reshape([-1, height, width, 3]) ) ``` ## [Read single video frame as jpeg through pipe](https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/read_frame_as_jpeg.py#L16) read-frame-as-jpeg graph ```python out, _ = ( ffmpeg .input(in_filename) .filter('select', 'gte(n,{})'.format(frame_num)) .output('pipe:', vframes=1, format='image2', vcodec='mjpeg') .run(capture_stdout=True) ) ``` ## [Convert sound to raw PCM audio](https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/transcribe.py#L23) transcribe graph ```python out, _ = (ffmpeg .input(in_filename, **input_kwargs) .output('-', format='s16le', acodec='pcm_s16le', ac=1, ar='16k') .overwrite_output() .run(capture_stdout=True) ) ``` ## Assemble video from sequence of frames glob ```python ( ffmpeg .input('/path/to/jpegs/*.jpg', pattern_type='glob', framerate=25) .output('movie.mp4') .run() ) ``` With additional filtering: glob-filter ```python ( ffmpeg .input('/path/to/jpegs/*.jpg', pattern_type='glob', framerate=25) .filter('deflicker', mode='pm', size=10) .filter('scale', size='hd1080', force_original_aspect_ratio='increase') .output('movie.mp4', crf=20, preset='slower', movflags='faststart', pix_fmt='yuv420p') .view(filename='filter_graph') .run() ) ``` ## Audio/video pipeline av-pipeline graph ```python in1 = ffmpeg.input('in1.mp4') in2 = ffmpeg.input('in2.mp4') v1 = in1.video.hflip() a1 = in1.audio v2 = in2.video.filter('reverse').filter('hue', s=0) a2 = in2.audio.filter('areverse').filter('aphaser') joined = ffmpeg.concat(v1, a1, v2, a2, v=1, a=1).node v3 = joined[0] a3 = joined[1].filter('volume', 0.8) out = ffmpeg.output(v3, a3, 'out.mp4') out.run() ``` ## Mono to stereo with offsets and video mono-to-stereo graph ```python audio_left = ( ffmpeg .input('audio-left.wav') .filter('atrim', start=5) .filter('asetpts', 'PTS-STARTPTS') ) audio_right = ( ffmpeg .input('audio-right.wav') .filter('atrim', start=10) .filter('asetpts', 'PTS-STARTPTS') ) input_video = ffmpeg.input('input-video.mp4') ( ffmpeg .filter((audio_left, audio_right), 'join', inputs=2, channel_layout='stereo') .output(input_video.video, 'output-video.mp4', shortest=None, vcodec='copy') .overwrite_output() .run() ) ``` ## [Jupyter Frame Viewer](https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/ffmpeg-numpy.ipynb) jupyter screenshot ## [Jupyter Stream Editor](https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/ffmpeg-numpy.ipynb) jupyter demo ## [Tensorflow Streaming](https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/tensorflow_stream.py) tensorflow streaming; challenge mode: combine this with the webcam example below - Decode input video with ffmpeg - Process video with tensorflow using "deep dream" example - Encode output video with ffmpeg ```python process1 = ( ffmpeg .input(in_filename) .output('pipe:', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24', vframes=8) .run_async(pipe_stdout=True) ) process2 = ( ffmpeg .input('pipe:', format='rawvideo', pix_fmt='rgb24', s='{}x{}'.format(width, height)) .output(out_filename, pix_fmt='yuv420p') .overwrite_output() .run_async(pipe_stdin=True) ) while True: in_bytes = process1.stdout.read(width * height * 3) if not in_bytes: break in_frame = ( np .frombuffer(in_bytes, np.uint8) .reshape([height, width, 3]) ) # See examples/tensorflow_stream.py: out_frame = deep_dream.process_frame(in_frame) process2.stdin.write( out_frame .astype(np.uint8) .tobytes() ) process2.stdin.close() process1.wait() process2.wait() ``` deep dream streaming ## [FaceTime webcam input (OS X)](https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python/blob/master/examples/facetime.py) ```python ( ffmpeg .input('FaceTime', format='avfoundation', pix_fmt='uyvy422', framerate=30) .output('out.mp4', pix_fmt='yuv420p', vframes=100) .run() ) ``` ## Stream from a local video to HTTP server ```python video_format = "flv" server_url = "" process = ( ffmpeg .input("input.mp4") .output( server_url, codec = "copy", # use same codecs of the original video listen=1, # enables HTTP server f=video_format) .global_args("-re") # argument to act as a live stream .run() ) ``` to receive the video you can use ffplay in the terminal: ``` $ ffplay -f flv http://localhost:8080 ``` ## Stream from RTSP server to TCP socket ```python packet_size = 4096 process = ( ffmpeg .input('rtsp://%s:8554/default') .output('-', format='h264') .run_async(pipe_stdout=True) ) while process.poll() is None: packet = process.stdout.read(packet_size) try: tcp_socket.send(packet) except socket.error: process.stdout.close() process.wait() break ```