prebox(Str) -> {'div',[{class,"man"}], {pre,[], yaws_api:htmlize(Str)}}. out(A) -> H = {ssi, "", [],[]}, L = case queryvar(A,"page") of {ok, Page} -> %% only allow regular chars in Page case lists:all(fun(C) -> if $a =< C, C =< $z -> true; $A =< C, C =< $Z -> true; C == $_ -> true; C == $. -> true; true -> false end end, Page) of true -> %os:cmd("man " ++ Page ++ " | col -b -p -x"); unesc(os:cmd("man " ++ Page)); false -> "illegal character detected in query arg" end; undefined -> "no man page found in query arg " end, Man = {ehtml, {'div', [{id, "entry"}], prebox(L)}}, Trail = {ssi, "END2",[],[]}, [H, Man, Trail]. unesc([27 | T]) -> unesc(uptom(T)); unesc([H|T]) -> [H|unesc(T)]; unesc([]) -> []. uptom([$m|T]) -> T; uptom([H|T]) -> uptom(T); uptom([]) -> [].