box(Str) -> {'div',[{class,"box"}], {pre,[],yaws_api:htmlize(Str)}}. tbox(T) -> box(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p",[T]))). ssi(File) -> {'div',[{class,"box"}], {pre,[], {ssi, File,[],[]}}}. out(A) -> [{ssi, "", "%%",[{"ssi", "choosen"}]}, {ehtml, {'div', [{id, "entry"}], [ {h1, [], "Server side includes (with variable expansion)"}, {p, [], "This feature is useful when we are writing applications where " "basically the entire page is dynamically generated but we also " "want to include snippets of either html or, even more typically," " javascript which is almost static, but not quite."}, {p, [], "In particular the case with dynamically generated javascript " "can get syntactically ugly. So instead of generating strings in " "the erlang code for the javascripts and returning them as " "{pre_html, Data} tuples, it is more beautiful to keep the " "javascript functions in separate files and include them with " "the {ssi ...} return value."}, {p, [], "The format of the ssi statement is:"}, {br,[],[]}, box("{ssi, File, Delimiter, Bindings}"), {p, [],"The ssi structure can occur in two radically different places" " but with identical semantics. It can be a return value in the " " out/1 function and it is a specially treated return value " "in ehtml output, here is an example of an odd return value " "from out/1"}, tbox([{ssi, "ssi_ex1", "%", [{"a", "gazzonk"}]}, {ehtml, [ {h1, "a Header"}, {ssi, "ssi_ex1", "%", [{"a", "zippo"}]}]}]), {p,[], "The file ssi_ex1 contains the following text:"}, ssi("ssi_ex1"), {p, [], "And the following ehtml output:"}, tbox({ehtml,[{ssi, "ssi_ex1", "%", [{"a", "Godzilla"}]}]}), {p,[], "Generates the following output"}, {'div',[{class,"box"}], {pre,[], {ssi, "ssi_ex1", "%", [{"a", "Godzilla"}]}}}, {p, [], "And so does the following out/1 function"}, box("out(A) -> [{ssi, \"ssi_ex1\", \"%\", [{\"a\", \"Godzilla\"}]}]."), {p,[], "So this is the way to do when we want to embed dynamic content" " deep inside an ehtml structure, but the content isn't representable" " as ehtml. This is typically the case for dynamically generated " " javascript as well as dynamically generated java applets."}, {p, [], "In the above example, \"a\" can be seen as the Variable " "name whereas \"Godzilla\" can be vieved upon as the value " "of variable \"a\". It is also possible to have the variable " " value be a complete ehtml structure, not just plain ascii " "strings. Here is an example"}, box("out(A) -> E = {ehtml, {h1, [], \"Godzillas baby\"}}, [{ssi, \"ssi_ex1\", \"%\", [{\"a\", E}]}]."), {h1, [], "yssi, Yaws Server Side Includes"}, {p, [], "We have a special version of server side includes that we " " call yssi, yaws server side includes. The syntax for this is: "}, box("{yssi, YawsFile}"), {p, [], "Yssi can only be used as a return value from the out/1 " " function, never nested into a deep ehtml structure." " Yssi, will perform full yaws expansion on the file named " "YawsFile, i.e (possibly on the fly) compile it, execute it and" " subsequently inject the generated output from the YawsFile." " yssi statements can be arbitrarily deeply recursively nested, that " " is a .yaws file which has been included through an 'yssi' " " statement, may itself contain 'yssi' return values in its " " out/1 function(s) "} ] } } ]. out(A) -> {ssi, "END2",[],[]}.