from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QCoreApplication from qgis.core import (QgsProcessing, QgsProcessingAlgorithm, QgsProcessingException, QgsProcessingOutputNumber, QgsProcessingParameterDistance, QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource, QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination, QgsProcessingParameterRasterDestination, QgsVectorLayer, QgsField, QgsFeature, QgsGeometry, QgsProject) import processing import requests import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET class ExampleProcessingAlgorithm(QgsProcessingAlgorithm): """ Denna algoritm hämtar aktuella varningar från SMHI och skapar ett lager med dessa i QGIS. """ def tr(self, string): """ Returns a translatable string with the function. """ return QCoreApplication.translate('Processing', string) def createInstance(self): # Must return a new copy of your algorithm. return ExampleProcessingAlgorithm() def name(self): """ Returns the unique algorithm name. """ return 'smhivarningar' def displayName(self): """ Returns the translated algorithm name. """ return'Hämta varningar från SMHI') def group(self): """ Returns the name of the group this algorithm belongs to. """ return'Väder') def groupId(self): """ Returns the unique ID of the group this algorithm belongs to. """ return 'Varningar' def shortHelpString(self): """ Returns a localised short help string for the algorithm. """ return'Hämtar aktuella varningar från SMHI.') def initAlgorithm(self, config=None): """ Here we define the inputs and outputs of the algorithm. """ def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): """ Here is where the processing itself takes place. """ smhi_alerts = '' smhi_layers = '' root = ET.fromstring(requests.get(smhi_layers).text) alert_root = ET.fromstring(requests.get(smhi_alerts).text) vy = QgsVectorLayer("Polygon", "SMHI-Polygoner", "memory") crs = crs.createFromId(4326) vy.setCrs(crs) from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import QVariant py = vy.dataProvider() py.addAttributes([QgsField("id", QVariant.Int),\ QgsField("sort", QVariant.Int),\ QgsField("category", QVariant.String),\ QgsField("name", QVariant.String),\ QgsField("event", QVariant.String),\ QgsField("priority", QVariant.Int),\ QgsField("level", QVariant.String),\ QgsField("color", QVariant.String),\ QgsField("description", QVariant.String)]) vy.updateFields() for (id, sort, category, name, geometry) in root.findall('{urn:se:smhi:cap:metadata}district_view'): fy = QgsFeature() y = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(geometry[1].text) y.get().swapXy() fy.setGeometry(y) fy.setAttributes([id.text, \ sort.text, \ category.text, \ name.text]) py.addFeature(fy) for alert in alert_root.iter('{urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.2}info'): for area in alert.iter('{urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.2}area'): id = area[0].text for feature in vy.getFeatures(): if feature['id'] == id: fid = attribs = { 4 : alert[7][1].text, \ 5 : int(alert[8][1].text), \ 6 : alert[9][1].text, \ 7 : alert[10][1].text, \ 8 : alert[17].text} vy.dataProvider().changeAttributeValues({ fid : attribs }) vy.updateExtents() QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(vy) return {}