''' Made by Klas Karlsson Uses a polygon layer with suitable patch sized rectangles at representative areas. The table must have three columns. 1. id 2. Label text (any name but [string]) 3. Rotation (if you want to tweak the patch [float] should be default 0.0) Before you run the script from the python consol in QGIS: - Turn the layer visibility off (unless you want to show it in the patches) - Have the patch layer selected (the script is run on the active layer) - Save the project somewhere (patches are generated at this location) The script generates lines with HTML in the Python consol. Copy this code! In the layout, add a HTML frame and paste the code as source. Style the apperance with css in the "User Stylesheet" settings: ******** Example CSS ********** .patch { width: 110px; } .title { font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; text-align: left; padding: 0px 16px; } table { border-spacing: 0px 4px; } body { margin: 0; } ******************************* You can tweak the HTML code if you want multiple columns. It's not that hard. ''' import re layer = iface.activeLayer() features = layer.getFeatures() patch_width = 300 patches = [] titles = [] for feature in features: print(feature[1]) geom = feature.geometry() image_location = os.path.join(QgsProject.instance().homePath(), re.sub(r'(?u)[^-\w.]', '', feature[1]) + ".png") patches.append(image_location) titles.append(feature[1]) layers = iface.mapCanvas().layers() settings = QgsMapSettings() settings.setLayers(layers) patch_height = patch_width * geom.boundingBox().height() / geom.boundingBox().width() settings.setOutputSize(QSize(patch_width, patch_height)) settings.setRotation(feature[2]) settings.setExtent(geom.boundingBox()) render = QgsMapRendererParallelJob(settings) def finished(): img = render.renderedImage() img.save(image_location, "png") render.finished.connect(finished) render.start() render.waitForFinished() html_string = '\n' for (patch, title) in zip(patches, titles): html_string += '\n' % (patch, title) html_string += '


' print(html_string)