# Purple Haze – Color Scheme for Sublime Text ## Screenshots ![css-example](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6605496/12372444/89288fe6-bc57-11e5-915b-26e635de7fe0.png) ![html-example](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6605496/12372445/8d42de7e-bc57-11e5-969b-a358858205fd.png) ## Installation If you are using Package Control: 1. Hit _Cmd + Shift + P_ (_Ctrl + Shift + P_ for Windows) to bring up the command pallete 2. Type in `Install Package` 3. In the Package Control search field type in `PurpleHaze` and select it from the dropdown To install manually: 1. Download _PurpleHaze.tmtheme_ file 2. Open Sublime text and click on __Preferences -> Browse Packages__ 3. Once you are inside the Sublime Text folder called “Packages” create a new folder naming it “Colorsublime-Themes” 4. Put the file _PurpleHaze.tmtheme_ file inside the “Colorsublime-Themes” folder 5. Go to __Preferences -> Color Scheme -> Colorsublime-Themes__ in Sublime Text and select PurpleHaze Voila!