set -ex; # This script creates a new PVC named data-kafka-broker-* that is identical to the old kafka PVC # It attaches the new PVC to the original PV and removes the old PVC # It also deletes the kakfa STS in preparation for the upgrade if ! jq --version &> /dev/null then echo "jq is not installed, please install jq and rerun the script" exit 1 fi namespace=$1 if [ -z "$namespace" ]; then namespace="kfuse" fi broker_count=$(kubectl -n $namespace get sts kafka -o json | jq ".spec.replicas") i=0 while [ $i -lt $broker_count ]; do REPLICA=$i OLD_PVC="data-kafka-${REPLICA}" PV_NAME=$(kubectl -n $namespace get pvc $OLD_PVC -o jsonpath="{.spec.volumeName}") NEW_PVC="data-kafka-broker-${REPLICA}" NEW_PVC_MANIFEST_FILE="$NEW_PVC.yaml" # save old pvc yaml kubectl -n $namespace get pvc $OLD_PVC -o yaml > "$OLD_PVC.yaml" # Create new PVC manifest kubectl -n $namespace get pvc $OLD_PVC -o json | jq " = \"$NEW_PVC\" | with_entries( select([.key] | inside([\"metadata\", \"spec\", \"apiVersion\", \"kind\"])) ) | del( .metadata.annotations, .metadata.creationTimestamp, .metadata.finalizers, .metadata.resourceVersion, .metadata.selfLink, .metadata.uid, .metadata.deletionTimestamp, .metadata.deletionGracePeriodSeconds ) " > $NEW_PVC_MANIFEST_FILE # dump new manifest cat $NEW_PVC_MANIFEST_FILE # Modify PV reclaim policy and remove claim reference kubectl -n $namespace patch pv $PV_NAME -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain", "claimRef": null}}' # Create new PVC kubectl -n $namespace apply -f $NEW_PVC_MANIFEST_FILE i=$((i + 1)) done kubectl -n $namespace delete sts kafka --wait=true i=0 while [ $i -lt $broker_count ]; do REPLICA=$i OLD_PVC="data-kafka-${REPLICA}" NEW_PVC="data-kafka-broker-${REPLICA}" PV_NAME=$(kubectl -n $namespace get pvc $NEW_PVC -o jsonpath="{.spec.volumeName}") # Change the PV reclaim policy and delete the old pvc kubectl -n $namespace patch pv $PV_NAME -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Delete"}}' kubectl -n $namespace delete pvc $OLD_PVC i=$((i + 1)) done