set -x sts_name=$1 size=$2 namespace=$3 # # if the storageclass is not resizeable add the following line at top level to make it resizeable # allowVolumeExpansion: true if [ -z "$sts_name" ] || [ -z "$size" ]; then echo "Usage: ./ [namespace]" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$namespace" ]; then namespace="kfuse" fi for pod in `kubectl get pods -n $namespace -o ',CONTROLLER:.metadata.ownerReferences[].name' | grep $sts_name$ | awk '{print $1}'` do for pvc in `kubectl get pods -n $namespace $pod -o 'custom-columns=PVC:.spec.volumes[].persistentVolumeClaim.claimName' | grep -v PVC` do echo Patching $pvc echo "kubectl patch pvc $pvc -n $namespace --patch '{\"spec\": {\"resources\": {\"requests\": {\"storage\": \"'$size'\" }}}}'" kubectl patch pvc $pvc -n $namespace --patch '{"spec": {"resources": {"requests": {"storage": "'$size'" }}}}' if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "failed to patch pvc. can not move forward." exit 1 fi echo "kubectl delete sts $sts_name --cascade=orphan -n $namespace" kubectl delete sts $sts_name --cascade=orphan -n $namespace echo Run helm upgrade to redeploy the statefulset with the updated disk size echo If resizing the PVC on observe cluster, use the ToT of staging branch, echo update the observe.yaml locally and then do the helm upgrade with the echo checked in version. echo Check-in the updated observe.yaml on main branch only so that it gets picked up echo on the next full upgrade of observe cluster. done done