#/bin/sh # Bail on errors set -e # We shouldn't have unbounded vars set -u # $DEFAULT_VERSION # The tag or branch from which the source install performs. # $KLOUDI_HOME # Sets the agent installation directory. # Defaults to $HOME/.kloudi DEFAULT_VERSION="v1.11.0" VERSION=${VERSION:-$DEFAULT_VERSION} APP_VERSION="v2.21.9" APP_DOWNLOAD_URL="https://github.com/kloudi-tech/local/releases/download/$VERSION/Kloudi-$APP_VERSION.dmg" BACKEND_DOWNLOAD_URL="https://github.com/kloudi-tech/local/releases/download/$VERSION/docker-compose.yml" KLOUDI_HOME=$HOME/.kloudi OS_VERSION= APP_DMG="Kloudi-$APP_VERSION.dmg" ####################################################################### # Error reporting helpers ####################################################################### err_report() { print_red "Error on line $1" } trap 'err_report $LINENO' ERR function catch_all_error() { printf "\033[31m$ERROR_MESSAGE It looks like you hit an issue when trying to install Kloudi. Troubleshooting and basic usage information for the Agent are available at. Please send an email to hello@kloudi.tech with the screenshot of your terminal logs and we'll do our very best to help you solve your problem.\n\033[0m\n" } function print_console() { printf "%s\n" "$*" } function print_red() { printf "\033[31m%s\033[0m\n" "$*" } function print_green() { printf "\033[32m%s\033[0m\n" "$*" } ####################################################################### # Helper functions ####################################################################### function detect_docker() { if [ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]; then print_green "Docker is installed on the system." print_console "Starting docker, in case it is not running..." #Open Docker, only if is not running if (! docker stats --no-stream); then # On Mac OS this would be the terminal command to launch Docker open /Applications/Docker.app #Wait until Docker daemon is running and has completed initialisation while (! docker stats --no-stream); do # Docker takes a few seconds to initialize print_console "Waiting for Docker to launch..." sleep 1 done fi else print_red "Docker is not present. Refer https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ to install docker on your system." exit 1 fi } function detect_downloader() { if command -v curl; then export DOWNLOADER="curl -k -L -o" export HTTP_TESTER="curl -f" elif command -v wget; then export DOWNLOADER="wget -O" export HTTP_TESTER="wget -O /dev/null" fi } function set_os_version() { ERROR_OS="Kloudi is currently supported on macOS version 10.14 or newer." ERROR_OS_VERSION="Kloudi runs on macOS version 10.14 or newer." REQUIRED_OS_VERSION=10.14 if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then print_green "Current platform: Darwin based. Probably macOSX" OS_MAJOR_VERSION=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d'.' -f1) OS_MINOR_VERSION=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d'.' -f2) OS_VERSION=$OS_MAJOR_VERSION.$OS_MINOR_VERSION diff=$(echo "($OS_VERSION>=$REQUIRED_OS_VERSION)" | bc -l) if ((diff == 1)); then continue else print_red $ERROR_OS_VERSION exit 1 fi elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then print_red $ERROR_OS print_red "Current platform: linux-gnu based." elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then print_red $ERROR_OS print_red "Current platform: cygwin based." elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]]; then print_red $ERROR_OS print_red "Current platform: msys based." elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "win32" ]]; then print_red $ERROR_OS print_red "Current platform: win32 based." elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "freebsd"* ]]; then print_red $ERROR_OS print_red "Current platform: freebsd based." else print_red $ERROR_OS fi } ####################################################################### # PREPARING FOR EXECUTION ####################################################################### # Root user detection if [ $(echo "$UID") = "0" ]; then sudo_cmd='' else sudo_cmd='sudo' fi # get real user (in case of sudo) real_user=$(logname) export TMPDIR=$(sudo -u $real_user getconf DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR) cmd_real_user="sudo -Eu $real_user" mkdir -p "$KLOUDI_HOME" set_os_version ####################################################################### # CHECKING REQUIREMENTS ####################################################################### print_console "Checking if docker is installed..." detect_docker ####################################################################### # INSTALLING ####################################################################### print_green "Downloading and setting up Kloudi's server on localhost.." rm -rf $KLOUDI_HOME/kloudi-backend.yml $cmd_real_user curl -sL $BACKEND_DOWNLOAD_URL -o "kloudi-backend.yml" mv ./kloudi-backend.yml $KLOUDI_HOME print_console "Stopping all running images of Kloudi..." docker stop $(docker ps -q -f "name=kloudi-*") || true print_console "Removing all stopped containers..." docker container prune -f print_console "Removing all old images, if any, before downloading the new ones..." docker rmi -f $(docker ps -a | grep kloudi-) || true docker-compose -f $KLOUDI_HOME/kloudi-backend.yml up -d rm -rf ./$APP_DMG /Applications/Kloudi.app print_green "Installing Kloudi app..." $cmd_real_user curl -sSL $APP_DOWNLOAD_URL -o $APP_DMG hdiutil detach "/Voumes/Kloudi" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true hdiutil attach $APP_DMG -mountpoint "/Volumes/Kloudi" >/dev/null cd / && cp -rf /Volumes/Kloudi/Kloudi.app /Applications hdiutil detach "/Volumes/Kloudi" >/dev/null rm -rf ./$APP_DMG HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl --silent --write-out "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -X GET HTTP_STATUS_CODE=$(echo $HTTP_RESPONSE | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://') || false if ((HTTP_STATUS_CODE == 200)); then print_console "Kloudi is successfully installed on your system." print_green "Starting Kloudi in 3..2..1.. 🚀" open -a /Applications/Kloudi.app else catch_all_error "Boom " fi exit 1