#!/bin/bash #REQUIREMENTS #Mobilinkd TNC 2 or 3 #Pat Winlink (Must already be configured for 2M Packet) #Help Installing Pat - https://bit.ly/2m42271 #Xastir #connect to mobilinkd device via bluetooth #and set for bluetooth->serial connection #for APRS using xastir or Packet Winlink using Pat #special thanks to Rich for loaning me a TNC3 to test with #KM4ACK 20190907 #Last edit 20191021 to add support for mobilinkd TNC3 clear PAT=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep -w "pat") XASTIR=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep -w "xastir") #check if Pat is installed if [ -z "$PAT" ] then echo "Pat was not found on the system" echo "Pat Winlink is needed for this script" echo "Please install Pat Winlink" exit 0 else echo "Pat Winlink found" fi #check if xastir is installed if [ -z "$XASTIR" ] then echo "Xastir is not installed" echo "Xastir is needed for this script" echo "Please install Xastir" exit 0 else echo "Xastir found" fi #give user some feedback echo "Please Wait" echo "Scanning for device....this takes ~20 seconds" #scan for bluetooth device and write to file hcitool scan > $HOME/Desktop/scan.txt echo "Scan complete" #Decide if its a TNC 2 or 3 TNC2=$(cat $HOME/Desktop/scan.txt | grep -i TNC2) TNC3=$(cat $HOME/Desktop/scan.txt | grep -i TNC3) if [ -z "$TNC2" ] then MAC=$(cat $HOME/Desktop/scan.txt | grep -i mobi | awk '{ print $1 }') TNC=3 elif [ -z "$TNC3" ] then MAC=$(cat $HOME/Desktop/scan.txt | grep -i mobi | awk '{ print $1 }') TNC=2 fi #set correct connection commmand if [ $TNC = "2" ] then CONNECT="sudo rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm0 $MAC" elif [ $TNC = "3" ] then CONNECT="sudo rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm0 $MAC 6" fi #See if device was found and connect if found if [ -z "$MAC" ] then echo "Mobilinkd not found" rm $HOME/Desktop/scan.txt else #stop things that might conflict sudo killall js8call kissattach direwolf >> /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Mobilinkd TNC $TNC detected" echo "Creating the connection" rm $HOME/Desktop/scan.txt #create bluetooth->serial connection $CONNECT & sleep 5 echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "If you choose to not start a Winlink Session" echo "Then APRS will be started instead" read -p "Would you like to run a Winlink Session? y/n " winlink if [ $winlink = "y" ] then echo "starting kissattach for winlink" #create kissattach needed for winlink connections sudo kissattach /dev/rfcomm0 wl2k & sleep 2 #start pat winlink pat http sleep 1 echo "" echo "" echo "Both services started and ready" else echo "" echo "" echo "winlink not started" echo "Start xastir for APRS-Digipeater" sleep 1 #start xastir sudo xastir fi fi exit 0