--- title: "Intro to Machine Learning:\nSupervised Learning" author: "Kevin Donovan" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`" output: slidy_presentation --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 4) library(tidyverse) library(shiny) library(rmarkdown) library(broom) library(gtsummary) library(flextable) library(ggpubr) library(vcd) library(effsize) library(ggfortify) library(irr) library(summarytools) library(caret) library(DMwR) library(ISLR) library(pROC) ``` ```{r} ibis_behav_data <- read_csv("../Data/Cross-sec_full.csv", na = c("", ".")) %>% filter(grepl("HR", GROUP)) ibis_fyi_data <- read_csv("../Data/ssm_ibis_fyi_data.csv", na = c("", ".", "BLANK","N0_RL_V12","No_EL","No_Mullen","Partial_Mullen","No_FM")) %>% select(Groups, FYIq_1:FYIq_60) %>% filter(grepl("HR", Groups)) ibis_brain_data <- read_csv("../Data/IBIS_brain_data_ex.csv") ibis_brain_data <- ibis_brain_data %>% select(names(ibis_brain_data)[grepl("V12|RiskGroup|CandID|VDQ", names(ibis_brain_data))]) %>% select(CandID:Uncinate_R_V12, RiskGroup:V24_VDQ) %>% filter(grepl("HR", RiskGroup)) ``` # Introduction :::: {style="display: flex;"} ::: {} - Previously focused on *statistical inference* - Estimate traits of data generating mechanism/population - Testing **a priori** hypotheses - Generally using parametric models - Moving to *machine learning* - Focused on pattern recognition and prediction - Associations, causal claims and hypothesis testing less of interest - Methods data-driven, (generally) limit parametric assumptions ::: ::: {}
::: :::: # Machine Learning Basics :::: {style="display: flex;"} ::: {} **Steps of process**: 1. Creating algorithm: *Learning* from observed data 2. Testing algorithm: Assess quality of *learning* ::: ::: {}
::: ::::
**What data to use for what process?** Need sufficient sample to learn patterns Train and test on same data $\rightarrow$ **bias** What do we mean by *bias*?
# Bias, generalizability, variance :::: {style="display: flex;"} ::: {} - Generalizability - Algorithm performs well on **independent samples** from population - Higher level: generalizes to **different populations** - Bias - **Average over/underperformance** in independent sample vs. observed sample - **Only see performance in observed sample**, biased results can be very dangerous! - Variance - Algorithm's accuracy and results differ based on examined data - **Not good!** Limits certainty in observed results ::: ::: {}
::: :::: # Loss function :::: {style="display: flex;"} ::: {} - Need some measure of an algorithm's "accuracy/error" for it to learn - Metric used called *loss function* - Varies depending on method or model used - Ex. residual sum of squares $$ \begin{align} &Y_i = \text{outcome for person }i \\ &X_i = \text{predictor value for person }i \\ &\text{Model: }\hat{Y}_i=\beta_0+\beta_1X_i \\ & \\ &\text{Loss function: }L(\beta_0, \beta_1,Y,X)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}[Y_i-(\beta_0+\beta_1X_i)]^2\\ &\{\hat{\beta}_0, \hat{\beta}_1\} = \{\beta_0, \beta_1\} \text{ which minimizes } L(\beta_0, \beta_1,Y,X) \end{align} $$ ::: ::: {}
::: :::: # Supervised learning - Learning when outcome of interest is **observed** - Common example: predicting observed trait (diagnosis) - Can use observed trait in training data to *learn patterns* with predictor variables - Predictor variables often called *features* - Differs with *unsupervised learning* (trait **not observed**) :::: {style="display: flex;"} ::: {}
::: ::: {}
::: :::: # Models and tuning :::: {style="display: flex;"} ::: {} - Various models used to train supervised learning algorithm - Examples 1. Linear regression 2. Logistic regression 3. Penalized regression 4. K-means 5. Decision trees 6. Support vector machines 7. Neural networks (*deep learning*) - Each has set of *tuning parameters* which alter their specific structure - Ex. K-means: $k$ = # of neighbors in a neighborhood - After tuning set, then model is fixed and training can be done - How to determine tuning parameters? ::: ::: {}
::: :::: # Testing :::: {style="display: flex;"} ::: {} - Unbiased testing $\rightarrow$ independent dataset needed - Training results may *overfit to training data* $\rightarrow$ **not** reliable metric for general performance - Where to get independent dataset? - Testing data sources: 1. Completely separate sample (from same or different population) 2. Random partition into 2/3 parts 3. Random partition into $k$ parts, repeat training and testing process - Called *k-fold cross validation* (k-fold CV) ::: ::: {}
::: :::: # Testing - Metrics - Must choose metrics to quantify algorithm's accuracy/utility - Choice depends on many factors: 1. Continuous or categorical outcome? 2. Should certain values be weighted differently? (cost may vary by outcome) 3. What is the purpose of the algorithm (ex. screening tool)? :::: {style="display: flex;"} ::: {}
::: ::: {}
::: :::: # Examples in research
# Example with IBIS - Let's go through examples using IBIS data - Will go step-by-step - Discuss additional complications that may arise - Discuss potential areas of bias and inefficiency - Illustrate various methods # Predicting ASD Diagnosis - In all cases, we will be attempting to **predict 24 month Autism (ASD) diagnosis** - Will try using brain and behavioral measures at 12 months - Starting point: simple brain model - Total brain volume and EACSF at 12 months ```{r} ggplot(data=ibis_brain_data, mapping=aes(x=EACSF_V12, y=TBV_V12, color=RiskGroup))+ geom_point()+ theme_bw() ``` # Predicting ASD Diagnosis - **Step 1**: Select model - We consider K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and logistic regression - KNN visualized below ```{r fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5} # KNN fitting on whole data ibis_brain_data_complete <- ibis_brain_data %>% drop_na() %>% mutate(RiskGroup = factor(RiskGroup)) %>% data.frame() ibis_brain_data_complete_smote <- SMOTE(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data = ibis_brain_data_complete, perc.under = 150) # Code to plot neighborhoods decisionplot <- function(model, data, class = NULL, predict_type = "class", resolution = 100, showgrid = TRUE, ...) { if(!is.null(class)) cl <- data[,class] else cl <- 1 data <- data[,colnames(model$learn$X)] k <- length(unique(cl)) plot(data, col = as.integer(cl)+1L, pch = as.integer(cl)+1L, ...) # make grid r <- sapply(data, range, na.rm = TRUE) xs <- seq(r[1,1], r[2,1], length.out = resolution) ys <- seq(r[1,2], r[2,2], length.out = resolution) g <- cbind(rep(xs, each=resolution), rep(ys, time = resolution)) colnames(g) <- colnames(r) g <- as.data.frame(g) ### guess how to get class labels from predict ### (unfortunately not very consistent between models) p <- predict(model, g, type = predict_type) if(is.list(p)) p <- p$class p <- as.factor(p) if(showgrid) points(g, col = as.integer(p)+1L, pch = ".") z <- matrix(as.integer(p), nrow = resolution, byrow = TRUE) contour(xs, ys, z, add = TRUE, drawlabels = FALSE, lwd = 2, levels = (1:(k-1))+.5) invisible(z) } knn_all_data_fit <- knn3(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data=ibis_brain_data_complete_smote, k=5) decisionplot(model=knn_all_data_fit, data=ibis_brain_data_complete_smote, class = "RiskGroup", main = "kNN (5)") knn_all_data_fit <- knn3(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data=ibis_brain_data_complete_smote, k=30) decisionplot(model=knn_all_data_fit, data=ibis_brain_data_complete_smote, class = "RiskGroup", main = "kNN (30)") ``` # Predicting ASD Diagnosis - **Step 2**: Select training and testing set strategy - Generally, will need to use *holdout* method (often hungry for more data!) - Single train-test split or CV? If CV how many folds? - Considerations - Interpretability - Bias-variance trade-off ```{r fig.width = 7, fig.height = 4} ## Set degrees being considered: wage_data <- Wage # contained in ISLR package degrees <- 1:10 poly_reg_fit <- list() error_rates_degrees <- list() # Fit model for each degree considered, compute RMSE (on training in this ex.) for(i in 1:length(degrees)){ poly_reg_fit[[i]] <- lm(wage~poly(age, degrees[i]), data=wage_data) predict_wages <- predict(poly_reg_fit[[i]]) residuals_wages <- wage_data$wage-predict_wages rmse_poly_reg <- sqrt(mean(residuals_wages^2)) mae_poly_reg <- mean(abs(residuals_wages)) # Save in data frame error_rates_degrees[[i]] <- data.frame("RMSE"=rmse_poly_reg, "MAE"=mae_poly_reg, "degree"=degrees[i]) } # Bind all degree-specific results together into single data frame/table error_rates_degrees_df <- do.call("rbind", error_rates_degrees) # Plot results as function of degree ggplot(data=error_rates_degrees_df, mapping=aes(x=degrees, y=RMSE))+ geom_point()+ geom_line()+ labs(title="RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) by degree without data splitting") # Line continuously decreases, though seems improvement after 3 or 4 is minimal # For better assessment, split into training (60:40 split for ex) # Fit model for each degree considered, compute RMSE (on training in this ex.) poly_reg_fit <- list() error_rates_degrees <- list() counter <- 1 trials <- 15 # Look at 15 different 60:40 splits wage_data_subset <- wage_data[sample(1:dim(wage_data)[1], size=400, replace=FALSE),] for(j in 1:trials){ set.seed(2*j) # Set seed to get different splits tt_indicies <- createDataPartition(y=wage_data_subset$wage, p=0.6, list = FALSE) wage_data_train <- wage_data_subset[tt_indicies,] wage_data_test <- wage_data_subset[-tt_indicies,] for(i in 1:length(degrees)){ poly_reg_fit[[counter]] <- lm(wage~poly(age, degrees[i]), data=wage_data_train) predict_wages <- predict(poly_reg_fit[[counter]], newdata = wage_data_test) residuals_wages <- wage_data_test$wage-predict_wages rmse_poly_reg <- sqrt(mean(residuals_wages^2)) mae_poly_reg <- mean(abs(residuals_wages)) # Save in data frame error_rates_degrees[[counter]] <- data.frame("RMSE"=rmse_poly_reg, "MAE"=mae_poly_reg, "degree"=degrees[i], "split_trial"=j) counter <- counter+1 } } # Bind all degree-specific results together into single data frame/table error_rates_degrees_df <- do.call("rbind", error_rates_degrees) # Plot results as function of degree ggplot(data=error_rates_degrees_df, mapping=aes(x=degree, y=RMSE, color=factor(split_trial)))+ geom_point()+ geom_line()+ labs(title="RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) by degree on test set\nBy split number")+ theme_bw() ``` # Drawbacks of holdout - Test set error can be highly dependent on split - Thus **highly variable** - Especially for small dataset or **small group sizes** - Only subset of data used to train algorithm - May result in poorer algorithm - $\rightarrow$ may **overestimate** test error - Can we **aggregate results over multiple test sets?** # K-fold cross validation - Denote $K$ folds by $C_1, C_2, \ldots, C_K$, each with $n_k$ observations - For a given fold $l$: 1. Train algorithm on data in other folds: $\{C_k\}$ s.t. $k\neq l$ 2. Test by computing predicted values for data in $C_l$ **only** 3. Repeat for each fold $l=1, \ldots, K$, average error (ex. $MSE_l$) - K fold CV error rate $$ CV_{(K)}=\sum_{k=1}^{K}\frac{n_k}{n}MSE_k $$ where $MSE_k=\sum_{i\in C_k}(y_i-\hat{y_i})^2/n_k$ where $y_i$ is outcome and $\hat{y_i}$ is predicted outcome from training on $C_k$ **only** - $K=n$ yields $n-fold$ or *leave-one out cross-validation* - $CV_{(K)}$ is accurate measure of generalized error rate for algorithm trained on whole sample # CV for classification - Same process as before, divide data into $K$ partitions $C_1, \ldots, C_K$ - Choose error/accuracy rate of interest - E.g. sensitivity, specificity, classification error, etc. - For classification error - Compute CV error $$ CV_K=\sum_{k=1}^{K}\frac{n_k}{n}\text{Error}_k=\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^{K}\text{Error}_k $$ where $\text{Error}_k=\sum_{i \in C_k}I(y_i \neq \hat{y_i})/n_k$ - Can we estimate the **variability** of this estimate? - Commonly used estimate of standard error: $$ \hat{\text{SE}}(\text{CV}_K)=\sqrt{\sum_{k=1}^{K}(\text{Error}_k-\overline{\text{Error}_k})^2/(K-1)} $$ - While useful, not accurate (**Why?**) - Also can be used in continuous prediction CV (using MSE for example) # CV visually - Smoothed estimate of generalized error
# Choosing K: bias-variance tradeoff - **Recall**: Holdout method uses only portion of data for training - $\rightarrow$ test/validation performance **overestimate** - $\rightarrow$ more folds $\rightarrow$ more data in training folds $\rightarrow$ better algorithm $\rightarrow$ lower mean error - $\rightarrow$ LOOCV least biased estimate of test error - Compared to hold out, each training set in K-fold contains $\frac{(k-1)n}{k}$ obs - Generally more then in holdout $\rightarrow$ less biased estimate # CV with tuning - **Recall**: Often when training a prediction algorithm, need to select **tuning parameters** - Ex. \# of neighbors with KNN - Where is tuning implemented in CV? - Example: Consider set of 5000 predictors and 50 samples of data - 1. Starting with the 5000 predictors and full data, **first** find 100 predictors with largest correlation with outcome - 2. Then train and test an algorithm with only these 100 predictors, using logistic regression as an example - How do we estimate the algorithm's test set performance without bias? - Can we only apply CV in step 2, after the predictors have been chosen using the full data? # NO - Why? - This selection of parameters greatly impacts the algorithm's performance and thus is a form of tuning - Tuning needs to be done within the training framework, otherwise you are training and testing on the same dataset - Thus, need to do step 1 within your CV scheme # Wrong way: visual - Only doing step 2 inside CV process
# Right way: visual - Doing both steps 1 and 2 within CV process
# Right way: visual - Make sure tuning and testing are done **on separate datasets!**
# Concept of a validation set - Sometimes, **three** data paritions are created - One for training, one for *validation*, and one for testing - Validation dataset is specifically used for tuning - Final fitting done on training+validation, evaluated on testing - Separate training and tuning sets **may** $\rightarrow$ more generalizable tuning parameters selected - Alternative: do CV with single training/tuning set when tuning (*nested* CV)
# Predicting ASD Diagnosis - **Step 2**: Select training and testing set strategy - Let's use KNN, tune within CV process using *nested* CV - **Step 3**: Select metric - Evaluate on test folds in CV process, CV sensitivity, specificity, etc. - Other metrics also available, these suffice for two-group case - Implementation in R: `train` and `createFolds` from `caret` package - `train` can be used to tune and train many types of models - `postResample` and `confusionMatrix` to see metrics ```{r echo=FALSE} ibis_brain_data_complete <- ibis_brain_data %>% drop_na() %>% mutate(RiskGroup = factor(RiskGroup)) %>% data.frame() ``` ```{r echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} knn_fit <- train(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data=ibis_brain_data_complete, tuneLength=10, method="knn", preProcess = c("scale", "center") trControl=trainControl(method="cv")) ``` # Implement in R: KNN ```{r echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} # Create folds tt_indices <- createFolds(y=ibis_brain_data_complete$RiskGroup, k=10) # Do train and test for each fold for(i in 1:length(tt_indices)){ # Create train and test sets train_data <- ibis_brain_data_complete[-tt_indices[[i]],] test_data <- ibis_brain_data_complete[-tt_indices[[i]],] knn_fit <- train(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data=train_data, tuneLength=10, method="knn", preProcess = c("scale", "center") trControl=trainControl(method="cv")) } ``` # Implement in R: KNN ```{r echo=TRUE} # Create folds tt_indices <- createFolds(y=ibis_brain_data_complete$RiskGroup, k=10) # Do train and test for each fold cv_results <- list() for(i in 1:length(tt_indices)){ # Create train and test sets train_data <- ibis_brain_data_complete[-tt_indices[[i]],] test_data <- ibis_brain_data_complete[-tt_indices[[i]],] knn_fit <- train(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data=train_data, tuneLength=10, method="knn", preProcess = c("scale", "center"), trControl=trainControl(method="cv")) # Save confusion matrix for each fold cv_results[[i]] <- confusionMatrix(data=predict(knn_fit, newdata=test_data), reference=test_data$RiskGroup, positive="HR-ASD") } # Print confusion matrix for a fold cv_results[[1]] ``` # Unbalanced Data - Algorithm does terribly for ASD prediction but accuracy is high - Good accuracy but poor sensitivity - KNN (and most others) use general error as "loss function" - $\rightarrow$ if minority class is very small, see **poor performance** - Solutions - Weighting: *weight* minority class more in error calculation - Resampling: generate *synthetic sample* with balance between classes - Ex. SMOTE - Complications?
# Weighting - By default, each obs gets same weight $\rightarrow$ contribute to error the same amount - But, **error in predicting one type may have higher cost then for other type** - Can implement this using chosen weights - Ex. linear regression - No weights $$ \hat{y} = \underset{\beta}{\mathrm{argmin}}\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i-\beta x_i)^2 $$ - Weights $$ \begin{align} & \hat{y}_w = \underset{\beta}{\mathrm{argmin}}\sum_{i=1}^nw_i(y_i-\beta x_i)^2 \\ & \text{where } \{w_i\}_{i=1}^n \text{ are subject-specific weights} \end{align} $$ - Common choice for weights: *inverse probability weighting* $$ \begin{align} & w_i = 1/\hat{\pi}_k \text{ for } k=1,\ldots, K \\ & \text{where } \hat{\pi}_k=\sum_{i=1}^{n} I(i \text{ in group } K)/n \end{align} $$ - Those in rare groups get **high weight**, cost for their error is high # Resampling - Caveats: - SMOTE requires **some** numeric predictors to determine ''neighborhoods'' to draw samples - **Ad hoc**: convert categorical to numeric - May be suboptimal (**Why?**) - Can be difficult to select ROC-based threshold from training set after SMOTE - Sometimes threshold chosen from test set, **but this is suboptimal!** # Implement in R - With `caret` can implement in `train` function (`weights` argument) - Common SMOTE method: `DmWR` package - **However**, package has been removed from CRAN - Alternatives: `smotefamily` and `bimba` # Examples **Inverse probability weighting** ```{r echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} # Create training set weights per person train_weights <- ifelse(ibis_brain_data_complete$RiskGroup=="HR-ASD", 1/prop.table(table(ibis_brain_data_complete$RiskGroup))["HR-ASD"], 1/prop.table(table(ibis_brain_data_complete$RiskGroup))["HR-Neg"]) knn_fit <- train(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data=ibis_brain_data_complete, tuneLength=10, method="knn", preProcess = c("scale", "center") trControl=trainControl(method="cv")) ``` **SMOTE** ```{r echo=TRUE} # Look at frequencies table(ibis_brain_data_complete$RiskGroup) # Run SMOTE ibis_brain_data_complete_smote <- SMOTE(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data = ibis_brain_data_complete, perc.under = 150) # Now look at frequencies table(ibis_brain_data_complete_smote$RiskGroup) knn_fit <- train(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data=ibis_brain_data_complete_smote, tuneLength=10, method="knn", preProcess = c("scale", "center"), trControl=trainControl(method="cv")) ``` # Logistic regression - KNN can be adapted to compute probabilities of being in a class (see `knnflex`) - Logistic regression models these probabilities directly - Let's try this method instead ```{r echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} # Create folds tt_indices <- createFolds(y=ibis_brain_data_complete$RiskGroup, k=10) # Do train and test for each fold cv_results <- list() for(i in 1:length(tt_indices)){ # Create train and test sets train_data <- ibis_brain_data_complete[-tt_indices[[i]],] test_data <- ibis_brain_data_complete[-tt_indices[[i]],] # Run logistic regression model logreg_fit <- glm(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data=train_data, family=binomial) # Save confusion matrix for each fold, use 50% probability threshold test_preds <- factor(ifelse(predict(logreg_fit, newdata=test_data, type="response")>0.5, "HR-Neg", "HR-ASD")) cv_results[[i]] <- confusionMatrix(data=predict(logreg_fit, newdata=test_data, type="response"), reference=test_data$RiskGroup, positive="HR-ASD") } cv_results[[1]] ``` # ROC Curve - We chose a 0.5 threshold, but this may be suboptimal - Why? - Instead, can evaluate the performance at **all possible thresholds** - Results in a set values which can be plotted: *ROC curve* - Can summarize curve: area under the curve (AUC) - Done in R using `pROC` and `ggroc` ```{r echo=TRUE} # Run logistic regression model logreg_fit <- glm(RiskGroup~EACSF_V12+TBV_V12, data=ibis_brain_data_complete, family=binomial) # Get estimated probabilities of HR-ASD est_probs <- 1-predict(logreg_fit, newdata=ibis_brain_data_complete, type="response") # Compute ROC curve with AUC roc_curve <- roc(response=ibis_brain_data_complete$RiskGroup, predictor=est_probs, levels=c("HR-Neg", "HR-ASD")) # Plot ROC curve ggroc(roc_curve)+ labs(title = paste0("AUC = ", round(auc(roc_curve),2)))+ theme_bw() ``` # ROC Curve - Can use `ggroc` to customize plot more - Can use various metrics to determine "best" threshold - Ex. maximum Youden's index ```{r echo=TRUE} # Return max Youden's index, with specificity and sensitivity best_thres_data <- data.frame(coords(roc_curve, x="best", best.method = c("youden", "closest.topleft"))) # View performance at "best threshold" best_thres_data data_add_line <- data.frame("sensitvity"=c(1-best_thres_data$specificity, best_thres_data$sensitivity), "specificity"=c(best_thres_data$specificity, best_thres_data$specificity)) ggroc(roc_curve)+ geom_point( data = best_thres_data, mapping = aes(x=specificity, y=sensitivity), size=2, color="red")+ geom_point(mapping=aes(x=best_thres_data$specificity, y=1-best_thres_data$specificity), size=2, color="red")+ geom_segment(aes(x = 1, xend = 0, y = 0, yend = 1), color="darkgrey", linetype="dashed")+ geom_text(data = best_thres_data, mapping=aes(x=specificity, y=0.90, label=paste0("Threshold = ", round(threshold,2), "\nSensitivity = ", round(sensitivity,2), "\nSpecificity = ", round(specificity,2), "\nAUC = ", round(auc(roc_curve),2))))+ geom_line(data=data_add_line, mapping=aes(x=specificity, y=sensitvity), linetype="dashed")+ theme_classic() ```