// Coverage.py HTML report browser code. /*jslint browser: true, sloppy: true, vars: true, plusplus: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */ /*global coverage: true, document, window, $ */ coverage = {}; // Find all the elements with shortkey_* class, and use them to assign a shotrtcut key. coverage.assign_shortkeys = function () { $("*[class*='shortkey_']").each(function (i, e) { $.each($(e).attr("class").split(" "), function (i, c) { if (/^shortkey_/.test(c)) { $(document).bind('keydown', c.substr(9), function () { $(e).click(); }); } }); }); }; // Create the events for the help panel. coverage.wire_up_help_panel = function () { $("#keyboard_icon").click(function () { // Show the help panel, and position it so the keyboard icon in the // panel is in the same place as the keyboard icon in the header. $(".help_panel").show(); var koff = $("#keyboard_icon").offset(); var poff = $("#panel_icon").position(); $(".help_panel").offset({ top: koff.top-poff.top, left: koff.left-poff.left }); }); $("#panel_icon").click(function () { $(".help_panel").hide(); }); }; // Loaded on index.html coverage.index_ready = function ($) { // Look for a cookie containing previous sort settings: var sort_list = []; var cookie_name = "COVERAGE_INDEX_SORT"; var i; // This almost makes it worth installing the jQuery cookie plugin: if (document.cookie.indexOf(cookie_name) > -1) { var cookies = document.cookie.split(";"); for (i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var parts = cookies[i].split("="); if ($.trim(parts[0]) === cookie_name && parts[1]) { sort_list = eval("[[" + parts[1] + "]]"); break; } } } // Create a new widget which exists only to save and restore // the sort order: $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: "persistentSort", // Format is called by the widget before displaying: format: function (table) { if (table.config.sortList.length === 0 && sort_list.length > 0) { // This table hasn't been sorted before - we'll use // our stored settings: $(table).trigger('sorton', [sort_list]); } else { // This is not the first load - something has // already defined sorting so we'll just update // our stored value to match: sort_list = table.config.sortList; } } }); // Configure our tablesorter to handle the variable number of // columns produced depending on report options: var headers = []; var col_count = $("table.index > thead > tr > th").length; headers[0] = { sorter: 'text' }; for (i = 1; i < col_count-1; i++) { headers[i] = { sorter: 'digit' }; } headers[col_count-1] = { sorter: 'percent' }; // Enable the table sorter: $("table.index").tablesorter({ widgets: ['persistentSort'], headers: headers }); coverage.assign_shortkeys(); coverage.wire_up_help_panel(); // Watch for page unload events so we can save the final sort settings: $(window).unload(function () { document.cookie = cookie_name + "=" + sort_list.toString() + "; path=/"; }); }; // -- pyfile stuff -- coverage.pyfile_ready = function ($) { // If we're directed to a particular line number, highlight the line. var frag = location.hash; if (frag.length > 2 && frag[1] === 'n') { $(frag).addClass('highlight'); coverage.set_sel(parseInt(frag.substr(2), 10)); } else { coverage.set_sel(0); } $(document) .bind('keydown', 'j', coverage.to_next_chunk_nicely) .bind('keydown', 'k', coverage.to_prev_chunk_nicely) .bind('keydown', '0', coverage.to_top) .bind('keydown', '1', coverage.to_first_chunk) ; $(".button_toggle_run").click(function (evt) {coverage.toggle_lines(evt.target, "run");}); $(".button_toggle_exc").click(function (evt) {coverage.toggle_lines(evt.target, "exc");}); $(".button_toggle_mis").click(function (evt) {coverage.toggle_lines(evt.target, "mis");}); $(".button_toggle_par").click(function (evt) {coverage.toggle_lines(evt.target, "par");}); coverage.assign_shortkeys(); coverage.wire_up_help_panel(); }; coverage.toggle_lines = function (btn, cls) { btn = $(btn); var hide = "hide_"+cls; if (btn.hasClass(hide)) { $("#source ."+cls).removeClass(hide); btn.removeClass(hide); } else { $("#source ."+cls).addClass(hide); btn.addClass(hide); } }; // Return the nth line div. coverage.line_elt = function (n) { return $("#t" + n); }; // Return the nth line number div. coverage.num_elt = function (n) { return $("#n" + n); }; // Return the container of all the code. coverage.code_container = function () { return $(".linenos"); }; // Set the selection. b and e are line numbers. coverage.set_sel = function (b, e) { // The first line selected. coverage.sel_begin = b; // The next line not selected. coverage.sel_end = (e === undefined) ? b+1 : e; }; coverage.to_top = function () { coverage.set_sel(0, 1); coverage.scroll_window(0); }; coverage.to_first_chunk = function () { coverage.set_sel(0, 1); coverage.to_next_chunk(); }; coverage.is_transparent = function (color) { // Different browsers return different colors for "none". return color === "transparent" || color === "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"; }; coverage.to_next_chunk = function () { var c = coverage; // Find the start of the next colored chunk. var probe = c.sel_end; while (true) { var probe_line = c.line_elt(probe); if (probe_line.length === 0) { return; } var color = probe_line.css("background-color"); if (!c.is_transparent(color)) { break; } probe++; } // There's a next chunk, `probe` points to it. var begin = probe; // Find the end of this chunk. var next_color = color; while (next_color === color) { probe++; probe_line = c.line_elt(probe); next_color = probe_line.css("background-color"); } c.set_sel(begin, probe); c.show_selection(); }; coverage.to_prev_chunk = function () { var c = coverage; // Find the end of the prev colored chunk. var probe = c.sel_begin-1; var probe_line = c.line_elt(probe); if (probe_line.length === 0) { return; } var color = probe_line.css("background-color"); while (probe > 0 && c.is_transparent(color)) { probe--; probe_line = c.line_elt(probe); if (probe_line.length === 0) { return; } color = probe_line.css("background-color"); } // There's a prev chunk, `probe` points to its last line. var end = probe+1; // Find the beginning of this chunk. var prev_color = color; while (prev_color === color) { probe--; probe_line = c.line_elt(probe); prev_color = probe_line.css("background-color"); } c.set_sel(probe+1, end); c.show_selection(); }; // Return the line number of the line nearest pixel position pos coverage.line_at_pos = function (pos) { var l1 = coverage.line_elt(1), l2 = coverage.line_elt(2), result; if (l1.length && l2.length) { var l1_top = l1.offset().top, line_height = l2.offset().top - l1_top, nlines = (pos - l1_top) / line_height; if (nlines < 1) { result = 1; } else { result = Math.ceil(nlines); } } else { result = 1; } return result; }; // Returns 0, 1, or 2: how many of the two ends of the selection are on // the screen right now? coverage.selection_ends_on_screen = function () { if (coverage.sel_begin === 0) { return 0; } var top = coverage.line_elt(coverage.sel_begin); var next = coverage.line_elt(coverage.sel_end-1); return ( (top.isOnScreen() ? 1 : 0) + (next.isOnScreen() ? 1 : 0) ); }; coverage.to_next_chunk_nicely = function () { coverage.finish_scrolling(); if (coverage.selection_ends_on_screen() === 0) { // The selection is entirely off the screen: select the top line on // the screen. var win = $(window); coverage.select_line_or_chunk(coverage.line_at_pos(win.scrollTop())); } coverage.to_next_chunk(); }; coverage.to_prev_chunk_nicely = function () { coverage.finish_scrolling(); if (coverage.selection_ends_on_screen() === 0) { var win = $(window); coverage.select_line_or_chunk(coverage.line_at_pos(win.scrollTop() + win.height())); } coverage.to_prev_chunk(); }; // Select line number lineno, or if it is in a colored chunk, select the // entire chunk coverage.select_line_or_chunk = function (lineno) { var c = coverage; var probe_line = c.line_elt(lineno); if (probe_line.length === 0) { return; } var the_color = probe_line.css("background-color"); if (!c.is_transparent(the_color)) { // The line is in a highlighted chunk. // Search backward for the first line. var probe = lineno; var color = the_color; while (probe > 0 && color === the_color) { probe--; probe_line = c.line_elt(probe); if (probe_line.length === 0) { break; } color = probe_line.css("background-color"); } var begin = probe + 1; // Search forward for the last line. probe = lineno; color = the_color; while (color === the_color) { probe++; probe_line = c.line_elt(probe); color = probe_line.css("background-color"); } coverage.set_sel(begin, probe); } else { coverage.set_sel(lineno); } }; coverage.show_selection = function () { var c = coverage; // Highlight the lines in the chunk c.code_container().find(".highlight").removeClass("highlight"); for (var probe = c.sel_begin; probe > 0 && probe < c.sel_end; probe++) { c.num_elt(probe).addClass("highlight"); } c.scroll_to_selection(); }; coverage.scroll_to_selection = function () { // Scroll the page if the chunk isn't fully visible. if (coverage.selection_ends_on_screen() < 2) { // Need to move the page. The html,body trick makes it scroll in all // browsers, got it from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3042651 var top = coverage.line_elt(coverage.sel_begin); var top_pos = parseInt(top.offset().top, 10); coverage.scroll_window(top_pos - 30); } }; coverage.scroll_window = function (to_pos) { $("html,body").animate({scrollTop: to_pos}, 200); }; coverage.finish_scrolling = function () { $("html,body").stop(true, true); };