The series of volumes in *The Oxford History of Historical Writing* has around 500 pages related to the historiography of East Asia and its footnotes and bibliographies were a starting point for the compilation of the list. The chapters related to East Asia are: *Vol 1* Ch 15 History and Inscriptions, China Ch 16 Chinese History and Philosophy Ch 17 Pre-Qin Annals Ch 18 Historiography and Empire Ch 19 Sima Qian and the *Shiji* Ch 20 The Han Histories Ch 21 Historiography of the Six Dynasties Period (220-581) Ch 22 Buddhism: Biographies of Buddhist Monks *Vol 2* Ch 1 The Growth of Historical Method in Tang China Ch 2 Chinese Historiography in the Age of Maturity, 960-1368 Ch 3 The Birth and Flowering of Japanese Historiography Ch 6 The Tradition of Historical Writing in Korea Vol 3 Ch 1 Chinese Official Historical Writing under the Ming and Qing Ch 2 The Historical Writing of Qing Imperial Expansion Ch 3 Private Historiography in Late Imperial China Ch 4 A Social History of Japanese Historical Writing Ch 5 Writing History in Pre-Modern Korea *Vol 4* Ch 24 The Transformation of History in China and Japan *Vol 5* Ch 30 Chinese Historical Writing since 1949 Ch 31 Japanese Historical Writing Ch 32 Historians and Historical Writing in Modern Korea ## 1. Works on East Asian Historiography Adolphson, Mikael S., and Anne Commons, eds. *Lovable Losers: The Heike in Action and Memory*. De Gruyter: University of Hawaii Press, 2015. Akita, George. 'Trends in Modern Japanese Political History: The `Positivist' Studies'. *Monumenta Nipponica* 37, no. 4 (1982): 497--521. . Allan, Sarah. *Buried Ideas: Legends of Abdication and Ideal Government in Early Chinese Bamboo-Slip Manuscripts*. SUNY Press, 2015. ---------. 'On Shu 書 (Documents) and the Origin of the Shang Shu 尚書 (Ancient Documents) in Light of Recently Discovered Bamboo Slip Manuscripts'. *Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London* 75, no. 3 (2012): 547--57. Ames, Roger T. 'The Remarkable Scholarship of Professor D.c. Lau (1921--2010)'. *Early China* 32 (2008): v--viii. Ansart, Olivier. 'Making Sense of Sorai: How to Deal with the Contradictions in Ogyū Sorai's Political Theory'. *Asian Philosophy* 19, no. 1 (1 March 2009): 11--30. Aoki, Michiko Yamaguchi. *Records of Wind and Earth: A Translation of Fudoki, with Introduction and Commentaries*. Monograph and Occasional Paper Series ; No. 53. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Association for Asian Studies, 1997. Arbuckle, Gary. 'Some Remarks on a New Translation of the Chunqiu Fanlu'. Edited by Robert H. Gassmann. *Early China* 17 (1992): 215--38. Arnn, Barbara L. 'Local Legends of the Genpei War: Reflections of Mediaeval Japanese History'. *Asian Folklore Studies* 38, no. 2 (1979): 1--10. . Augustine, Jonathan Morris. *Buddhist Hagiography in Early Japan: Images of Compassion in the Gyoki Tradition*. Routledge, 2004. Auken, Newell Ann Van. *The Commentarial Transformation of the Spring and Autumn*. SUNY Press, 2016. ---------. 'What If Zhào Dùn Had Fled? Border Crossing and Flight into Exile in Early China'. *Journal of the American Oriental Society* 139, no. 3 (2019): 569--90. . Bai, Chunxiao. 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University of California Press, 2004. Bartlett, Robert. 'Rewriting Saints' Lives: The Case of Gerald of Wales'. *Speculum,* Vol. 58, No. 3 (1983): 598--613. Bary, Wm Theodore De. *Finding Wisdom in East Asian Classics*. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. Baxter, James C., and Joshua A. Fogel. *Writing Histories in Japan: Texts and Their Transformations from Ancient Times Through the Meiji Era*. International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2007. Beasley, W. G., and Edwin G. Pulleyblank. *Historians of China and Japan*. Historical Writing on the Peoples of Asia / School of Oriental and African Studies 3. London: Oxford University Press, 1961. Beck, B. J. Mansvelt. *The Treatises of Later Han: Their Author, Sources, Contents, and Place in Chinese Historiography*. BRILL, 1990. Beckwith, Christopher. *Koguryo: The Language of Japan's Continental Relatives: An Introduction to the Historical-Comparative Study of the Japanese-Koguryoic Languages, with a Preliminary Description of Archaic Northeastern Middle Chinese. Second Edition*. BRILL, 2007. Beecroft, Alexander. *Authorship and Cultural Identity in Early Greece and China: Patterns of Literary Circulation*. Cambridge University Press, 2010. Bentley, John R. *Historiographical Trends in Early Japan*. Annotated edition edition. Lewiston, N.Y: Edwin Mellen Press Ltd, 2002. Berg, Daria. *Reading China: Fiction, History and the Dynamics of Discourse : Essays in Honour of Professor Glen Dudbridge*. BRILL, 2007. Berger, Thomas U. *War, Guilt, and World Politics after World War II*. 1st ed. Cambridge University Press, 2012. Bergeton, Uffe. 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Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 2007. Bielenstein, Hans. *The Restoration of the Han Dynasty: With Prolegomena on the Historiography of the Hou Han Shu*. Elanders, 1953. Bira, Shagdaryn. *Mongolian Historical Writing from 1200 to 1700*. Translated by John R. Krueger. 2nd edition. Bellingham, Wash: Center for East Asian Studies, Western Washington University, 2002. Blakeley, Barry B. '"On the Authenticity and Nature of the Zuo Zhuan" Revisited'. *Early China* 29 (2004): 217--67. Blussé, Leonard. 'Japanese Historiography and European Sources'. In *Reappraisals in Overseas History*, 1979. Bol, Peter K. *'This Culture of Ours': Intellectual Transitions in T'ang and Sung China*. Stanford University Press, 1994. Boltz, William G. 'The Composite Nature of Early Chinese Texts'. In *Text and Ritual in Early China*, edited by Martin Kern. University of Washington Press, 2011. Bonner, Joey. *Wang Kuo-Wei: An Intellectual Biography*. Harvard University Press, 1986. Boot, W. J., Daiki Takayama, and SpringerLink (Online service), eds. *Tetsugaku Companion to Ogyū Sorai*. Tetsugaku Companions to Japanese Philosophy, volume 2. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019. Borton, Hugh. 'A Survey of Japanese Historiography'. *The American Historical Review* 43, no. 3 (1938): 489--99. . Bronson, Adam. *One Hundred Million Philosophers: Science of Thought and the Culture of Democracy in Postwar Japan*. University of Hawaiʻi Press, 2016. Brown, Delmer M, and Ichirô Ishida. *The Future and the Past: A Translation and Study of the Gukanshô, an Interpretative History of Japan Written in 1219*. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 1979. Brownlee, John S. *Japanese Historians and the National Myths, 1600-1945: The Age of the Gods and Emperor Jinmu*. UBC Press, 2011. ---------. *Political Thought in Japanese Historical Writing: From Kojiki (712) to Tokushi Yoron (1712)*. Waterloo, Ont., Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1991. 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Campany, Robert Ford. *Signs from the Unseen Realm: Buddhist Miracle Tales from Early Medieval China*. University of Hawaiʻi Press, 2012. ---------. *Strange Writing: Anomaly Accounts in Early Medieval China*. SUNY Press, 1996. Camporeale, Salvatore I. 'Lorenzo Valla's "Oratio" on the Pseudo-Donation of Constantine: Dissent AndInnovation in Early Renaissance Humanism'. *Journal of the History of Ideas* 57, no. 1 (1996): 9--26. Chaffee, John. 'The Rise and Regency of Empress Liu (969---1033)'. *Journal of Song-Yuan Studies*, no. 31 (2001): 1--25. Chaffee, John C. 'Sung Biographies Supplementary Biography No. 2'. *Journal of Song-Yuan Studies*, no. 24 (1994): 205--15. Chan, Hok-Lam. *China and the Mongols: History and Legend Under the Yüan and Ming*. Routledge, 2018. Chan, Hok-lam. 'Chinese Official Historiography at the Yuan Court: The Composition of the Liao, Chin, and Sung Histories'. In *China Under Mongol Rule*, edited by John D. 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Chia, Lucille, and Hilde De Weerdt, eds. *Knowledge and Text Production in an Age of Print: China,900-1400*. Sinica Leidensia, v. 100. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2011. Chia-fu, Sung. 'The Official Historiographical Operation of the Song Dynasty'. *Journal of Song-Yuan Studies* 45 (2015): 175--206. . Chin, Tamara T. 'Defamiliarizing the Foreigner: Sima Qian's Ethnography and Han-Xiongnu Marriage Diplomacy'. *Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies* 70, no. 2 (2010): 311--54. Ching, Julia. 'Sung Philosophers on Women'. *Monumenta Serica* 42 (1994): 259--74. Chittick, Andrew. 'The Development of Local Writing in Early Medieval China'. *Early Medieval China* 2003, no. 1 (1 June 2003): 35--70. Chiwoon, Pak. *The Jehol Diary*. Translated by Yang-Hi Choe-Wall. Folkestone, Kent, UK: Global Oriental Ltd, 2010. Ch'oe, Yŏng-ho. 'An Outline History of Korean Historiography'. *Korean Studies* 4 (1980): 1--27. Choi, Byonghyon, ed. *The Annals of King T'aejo*. Harvard University Press, 2014. 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Bernhard Karlgren (1950) *Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities. 22: 1--81.* (new text chapters only) - *The Chinese Classics, volume III: the Shoo King or the Book of Historical Documents* trans. James Legge (1865) - *The Shû king; The religious portions of the Shih king; The Hsiâo king* (Sacred Books of the East 3) (1875) *Shijing* (The Odes) - *The Book of Songs* trans. Arthur Waley *Zuozhuan* - *Zuo Tradition / Zuozhuan: Commentary on the "Spring and Autumn" Annals* (2017) Vol 1-3 - *The Tso Chuan: Selections from China's Oldest Narrative History* trans. Burton Watson (1989) (selections) - *The Chinese Classics* Vol 5.1,5.2 "The Ch'un Ts'ew with The Tso Chuen" trans. James Legge and *Shishuo Xinyu* - *Shih-Shuo Hsin-Yu: A New Account of Tales of the World* trans. Richard Mather (2002) *Lüshi Chunqiu* - *The Annals of Lü Buwei* trans. Knoblock and Riegel (2000) *Chunqiu Fanlu* - *Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn Annals* trans. Queen and Major (2016) *Zhanguoce* - Crump, James Irving. *Legends of the Warring States: Persuasions, Romances, and Stories from Chan-Kuo Tsʻe*. Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan, 1998. (selections) - Crump, James *Chan-Kuo Ts'e* (1996) *Shiji* - *The Grand Scribe's Records* trans. William H. Nienhauser (1994-) - *Records of the Grand Historian* trans. Burton Watson Qin, Han Vol 1-2 *Hanshu* - *The History of the Former Han Dynasty* trans. Homer Dubs Vol 1-3 (1938-1955) - *Courtier and Commoner in Ancient China: Selections from the History of the Former Han by Pan Ku: Selections of the History by Pan Ku* trans. Burton Watson (1977) *Lunheng* (80) - Lun-hêng, Part 1. Philosophical Essays of Wang Ch'ung trans. Alfred Forke (1907) - Lun-hêng, Part 2. Miscellaneous Essays of Wang Ch'ung trans. Alfred Forke (1911) - Leslie, Donald. 1956. "Contribution to a new translation of the *Lun heng*," *T'oung Pao* 44:100-149. *Wudai Shiji* (1072?) - Richard L. Davis trans. *Historical Records of the Five Dynasties* (2004) *Sanguo Yanyi* - *Three Kingdoms: A Historical Novel* trans. Moss Roberts Vol 1-2 (1991, 2004) - *Romance of the Three Kingdoms* trans. C H Brewitt-Taylor (1925) *Sanguozhi* - *Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, 220-265*Vol 1-2 (1974) (ch69-78) - *Empresses and Consorts: Selections from Chen Shou's Records of the Three States With Pei Songzhi's Commentary* (selections) - *Doctors Diviners and Magicians of Ancient China: Biographies of Fang-Shih* (ch29) - *Sourcebook of Korean Civilization* Vol. 1 - Yü Huan: Ancient Korea and Yen *Sanguozhi* 30:850 p8-9 - Accounts of the Eastern Barbarians 30:840-53 p13-24 - *See other selected translations listed:* *Sanguo Pinghua* - Idema, Wilt L. *Records of the Three Kingdoms in Plain Language*. Indianapolis ; Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, 2016. *Zizhi Tongjian* - *Selections translated by Rafe de Crespigny and Achilles Fang* *Samguk Sagi* - *Sourcebook of Korean Civilization* Vol. 1 - King Onjo of Paekche 23:207-208 p30-32 - Pak Hyŏkkŏse, the Founder of Silla 1:43-45 p32-3 - Ûlchi Mundŏk 44:410-411 p37-39 - Ûl P'aso 45:419-420 p42-43 - Ch'ang Chori 49:448 p43-44 - Kim Hujik's Admonition of King Chinpy'ŏng 45:420 - King Hŭngdŏk's Edict on Clothing, Carts, and Housing 33:320-6 p49 - Sŏl Kyedu 47:436 p49 - King Sansang: The Levirate Custom 16:152-154 p53-54 - Ondal: Hunting Expedition on the Third Day of the Third Month 45:425-427 p55-57 - The Festival of Kawi 1:5 p57 - Origins of the Hwarang 4:40 p101-102 - Kwangch'ang 47:437 p104-5 - Kim Hŭmun 47:437-438 p105-106 - Account of the Silla-T'ang War 7:75-6 p108-9 - The Life of Kim Yusin 41:394-43:406 p109-113 - Posthumous Epithet for King Muyŏl 8:82 p114 - King Munmu's Edict Concerning the Investiture of An Sŭng 6:65-6 p114-5 - King Sinmun's Proclamation of His Accession 8:79-80 p115-116 - The National Academy 38:366-367 p117-118 - Kangsu 46:428-429 p120-122 - Sŏl Ch'ong 46:431-432 p122-124 - Nokchin 45:420-421 p124-125 - Ch'oe Ch'iwŏn 46:429-431 p126-7 - Yŏn Kaesomun (Koguryŏ) 49:448-50 p131 - Cahng Pogo 44:416-417 p220 - *Selections available in various publications* *Samguk Yusa* *Sourcebook of Korean Civilization* Vol. 1 - Tangun 1:33-34 p6-7 - King T'arhae of Silla 1:47-8 p33-5 - King Chinhŭng's Monument at Maun Pass append. 14 p39 - Four Sacred Places (Silla) 1:59-60 p46 - Administration Rock (Paekche) 2:97-98; 1:59-60 p46 - King Namhae 1:45-6 p47 - Crow Taboo Day 1:54-5 p57-58 - Lord Ch'adŭk: Attendance of a Local Official at Court 2:74-75 p58-9 - Kim Yusin: Worship of the Three Guardian Spirits 1:60-61 p59-61 - Peach Blossom Girl, Guardian of the Gate Tower 1:56-7 p61-62 - Chajang Establishes the Monk's Discipline 4:191-194 p83-87 - The Nine-Sotry Stupa 3:137-139 p87-89 - Maitreya's Incarnation as Hwarang 3:153-155 p90-92 - Myŏngnang, Founder of the Divine Seal School 5:215;2:72 92-93 - Holy Mother of Mount Fairy Peach 5:216-7 94-5 - The Bodhisattva Sound Observer on Mount Nak 3:159-60 p96 - Fifty Thousand Dharma Bodies on Mount Odae 3:165-70 p97-99 - Knight Chukchi 2:76-78 p102-104 - Podŏk (Koguryŏ) 3:130-132 p132 - The Life of Wŏnhyo: Iryŏn's Account 4:194-197 p142-144 - The Life of Ûisang 4:194-197 p160-1 - Monks Hyesuk and Hyegong 4:89-91 p192-195 - Ungmyŏn 5:217-219 p195-196 - Kwangdŏk 5:219-220 p196-198 - Chinp'yo 4:200-202 p198-204 - Master Yungch'ŏn: "Song of the Comet" 5:228 p205 - Master Ch'ungdam: "Statesmanship" and "Ode to Knight Kip'a" 2:79-81 p 205-207 - Master Wŏlmyŏng: "Song of Tusita Heaven" and "Requiem" 5:222-223 p207-208 - Monk Yŏngjae: "Meeting with Bandits" 5:235 p208-9 - Ch'ŏyong: "Song of Ch'ŏyong" 2:88-89 p209-210 - An Old Man: "Dedication" 2:78-79 p211 - *Samguk Yusa: Legends and History of the Three Kingdoms of Ancient Korea* trans. Grafton Mintz (2006) *Koryŏsa* - *Sourcebook of Korean Civilization* Vol. 1 see selections pp251-466 *The Veritable Records of the Chosŏn Dynasty (Chosŏn wangjo sillok 1,893 volumes)* - In Korean/Classical Chinese online: - - *Sourcebook of Korean Civilization* Vol. 1 see selctions pp469-602 - *The Annals of King T'aejo* (2014) -- covers 1392-1398 - *The Veritable Records of King Sejong* (1418-1450) Online Translation Project: - *Kojiki* - *The Kojiki: An Account of Ancient Matters* trans. Gustav Heldt (2014) - *Kojiki* trans. Donald Philippi (1969) - *The Kojiki* trans. Basil Hall Chamberlain (1919) *Nihon Shoki / Nihongi* - *Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to AD 697* trans. William Paul Aston (1896) *Heike Monogatari* - *The Tale of the Heike* trans. Royall Tyler (2014) - *The Tale of the Heike* trans. Burton Watson, Haruo Shirane (2006) (abridged) - *The Tale of the Heike* trans. Helen McCullough (1988) *Kogo Shūi* (807) - *Kogoshūi* trans. by Genchi Katō *Also: The Six National Histories* trans. John Brownlee (1991) and see other translations from Japanese: