# Sepiarize Sublime Text Theme [Fork or Star Github Repo](http://github.com/kn9ts/sepiarize) An easy-on-the-eye Sublimetext syntax theme inspired by Google Pocket's sepia reading theme. Always find it so easy on my eye however long an article is. Encourages me a lot too. ### JavaScript [Sepiarize Theme JavaScript Demo Image](https://github.com/kn9ts/sepiarize) ### HTML [Sepiarize Theme HTML Demo Image](https://github.com/kn9ts/sepiarize) ### CSS/LESS [Sepiarize Theme HTML Demo Image](https://github.com/kn9ts/sepiarize) ### GO LANG [Sepiarize Theme LESS/CSS Demo Image](https://github.com/kn9ts/sepiarize) ### Material Theme Goes well with [Material Theme(preferrable Darker version)](http://equinusocio.github.io/material-theme/) --- ### How to install 1. Open __SublimeText__ 2. Open `Preference -> Browse Packages` (a folder explorer will open in the `Packages` root folder) 3. Git clone __this repo__ in the `Packages` root folder ``` $ git clone git@github.com:kn9ts/sepiarize.git Sepiarize ``` __NOTE:__ The package folder can be found at `/User/{username}/Library/Application \Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages` __YOU ARE DONE.__ __Yeeaay!!__ You can now find the variants of the theme in `Preference -> Color Scheme -> Sepiarize` __Enjoy the Theme (^_^)__ ``` DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION You just DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO. ``` All rights reserved. (C) 2015 - Made with <3 by [__Eugene Mutai__](http://twitter.com/kn9ts).