ThoughtWorks BattleShip Challenge: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author : Kamal Nayan Email : ******* Tested on : Python 3.7.0 on windows IDE used : pyCharm Other info : PEP8 convention followed External Modules used : None Internal Modules used : None for the main program io, unittest, unittest.mock for running tests ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================== ================================= START THE GAME ================================= ================================================================================== 1. Execute following command: python 2. Paste following inputs to console 5 E 2 Q 1 1 A1 B2 P 2 1 D4 C3 A1 B2 B2 B3 A1 B2 B3 A1 D1 E1 D4 D4 D5 D5 3. Observe the output printed on screen Player-1 fires a missile with target A1 which got miss Player-2 fires a missile with target A1 which got hit Player-2 fires a missile with target B2 which got miss Player-1 fires a missile with target B2 which got hit Player-1 fires a missile with target B2 which got hit Player-1 fires a missile with target B3 which got miss Player-2 fires a missile with target B3 which got miss Player-1 has no more missiles left to launch Player-2 fires a missile with target A1 which got hit Player-2 fires a missile with target D1 which got miss Player-1 has no more missiles left to launch Player-2 fires a missile with target E1 which got miss Player-1 has no more missiles left to launch Player-2 fires a missile with target D4 which got hit Player-2 fires a missile with target D4 which got miss Player-1 has no more missiles left to launch Player-2 fires a missile with target D5 which got hit Player-2 won the battle ================================================================================== =============================== EXECUTE TEST CASES =============================== ================================================================================== 1. Execute following command: python 2. If all goes good, following will be displayed Ran 16 tests in 0.003s OK ================================================================================== ================================== APPROACH ====================================== ================================================================================== - We have a battle area, this is equivalent to a 2D matrix. - We need to change the subscripts to 0 based index, currently its alphanum - If ship is given of size 1x2 and to be stored at A1, means it's two chunks of 1x1. So, lets place at A1 and its next block i.e. A2 - Similarly if it would be 2x2 for A2, we would have stored 1x1 at A2, B2, A3, B3 - We know the ship type, so why not to put a dictionary at each cell, that will contain "lives remaiaing" and "ship type" - Lets take targets and set to player's property - When we attack, we check whether opponent have anything horizontally. - If No, its a miss, give chance to other player now - But if yes, then reduce the remianing lives in that particular cell by 1 - Same player will keep on hitting - Keep on outputting the log message about hit/miss - We are also maintaining overall count of the missiles left with the player - If this count for any player goes 0, declare other as winner - And what about a trophy? ;-) Yeyyy!!! ==================================================================================