#KarmaRunner for SublimeText KarmaRunner provides an easy interface for running Karma directly from SublimeText editor. The main features are: - starting and stopping Karma from the drop-down menu - shows Karma output pannel whenever it detects a ".js" file is saved ![KarmaRunner Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/knee-cola/KarmaRunner/master/KarmaRunnerScreenshot.PNG) ##1. Prerequisites Before installing KarmaRunner make sure to install [SublimeANSI](https://github.com/aziz/SublimeANSI). Also you need to install and configure the [Karma test runner](https://www.npmjs.com/package/karma) and make sure it works as expected. ##2. Installation You can install via [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) Or you can clone this repository into your SublimeText Packages directory ##3. Build System Settings KarmaRunner needs a build system to be setup in the Sublime's project file. The default name for the build system is "Karma" (can be overriden in plugin settings file). Here's an example: { "build_systems": [ { "name": "Karma", "cmd": [ "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\node.exe", "node_modules/karma/bin/karma", "start", "karma.conf.js" ], // path to the location where karma.conf.js file is stored "path": "${project_path}/test/", "working_dir": "${project_path}/test/", // redirecting output to the SublimeANSI plugin // this plugin apply color to Karma output "syntax": "Packages/ANSIescape/ANSI.tmLanguage", "target": "ansi_color_build" } ], } ##4. Configuring Karma to run Continuously In your Karma config file you should set **singleRun** to **false** and **autoWatch** to **true**, so that Karma continuously watches for file changes. That way Karma will automatically re-run all the tests whenever it detects a JavaScript file was saved. Here's a snippet from the Karma config file: // enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes autoWatch: true, // Continuous Integration mode // if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits singleRun: false, ##5. Configuring Karma to use colors (optional) In order for Karma results to look better you need to use **spec** reporter. See the [karma-spec-reporter Git page](https://github.com/mlex/karma-spec-reporter) for instructions on how to install and set it up. ##6. Using To run Karma simply choose **Tools > Karma > Run Karma** or press Ctrl+P and type "Run Karma" To stop Karma choose **Tools > Karma > Kill Karma** or press Ctrl+P and type "Kill Karma"