@prefix : .
@prefix dc: .
@prefix kko: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix skos: .
@prefix vann: .
@prefix wikiCategory: .
a owl:Ontology ;
owl:versionIRI :v200 ;
owl:imports , ;
owl:priorVersion "Version 1.30 of KKO and KBpedia is an internal release version only. This version is testing procedures for reverse mapping of sub-graph structures within a source knowledge base (B) to those of the target KBpedia knowledge structure (A). Most conventional mappings are of the B --> A form, where what is mapped from B requires a direct tie-in point in A. Reverse mapping, tentatively called reciprocal mapping, identifies and places new structure from B into A, resulting in the target now being (B+A)."@en , "Version 1.60 marked the first open-source version of KBpedia. It greatly expanded mappings to Wikidata and Wikipedia and moved to address gaps in the definitions of resource concepts (RCs). However, because of time pressures, not all open-source updates were completed for this release."@en ;
dc:dateCopyrighted "2016-06-01T20:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
owl:priorVersion "Version 1.40 of the KBpedia is the result of reciprocal mapping from Wikipedia to KBpedia. Reciprocal mapping adds sub-graph structure and new nodes to the target knowledge base. Nearly 40% more reference concepts were added to KBpedia in this v 1.40 release than in prior versions of KBpedia."@en ;
skos:definition "The KBpedia full structure is, one, a vocabulary of classes and predicates for describing domain ontologies, and, two, a logical knowledge graph for reasoning and extending for domain purposes, with the specific aim of promoting interoperability with external datasets and domains."@en ;
owl:priorVersion "A fairly significant re-write of the KKO upper structure for KBpedia occurred with version 1.20. This update was driven by two factors: 1) a revisiting of some assignments due to the attention given actions and predicates (specifically, Actions, Events, Situations, Relations) as opposed to earlier efforts that focused on Entities and Classes (Generals); and 2) an attempt to both rely more directly on Peircean terminology where it made sense and to rely less directly on that terminology where it was obscure or dated."@en ;
dc:creator "Frédérick Giasson"@en ;
dc:date "2019-01-23T20:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
vann:preferredNamespaceUri "http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/" ;
dc:publisher "Cognonto Corporation, via its agent, Semantics Press LLC"@en ;
owl:versionInfo """Version 2.00, released Jan 23, 2019. Full mappings to Wikidata and Wikipedia have been completed, as well as complete definitions for all RCs (reference concepts).
All duplicates have been checked and many minor typology corrections have been made.
This version is understood to comprise the first, complete, open-source release of KBpedia. We consider this the official open-source baseline for KBpedia.
Note that KBpedia mappings are available in separate files."""@en ;
owl:priorVersion "Version 1.50 marks a major update to KBpedia. KKO properties have been updated and organized according the three main property splits into Attributes, (external) Relations, and Representations (or Annotations) according to Peircean principles and the universal categories of Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness. Version 1.50 also uses this structure to introduce a comprehensive mapping against Wikidata properties."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KBpedia - Full Structure"@en ;
skos:altLabel "KBpedia"@en ;
dc:creator "Michael K. Bergman"@en ;
owl:priorVersion "The initial KBpedia (v 1.00) was a rather complete re-write and re-organization of the UMBEL (Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer) ontology, significantly modified to accommodate its purpose for integrating knowledge bases (KBs)."@en ;
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix "kbpedia" .
# #################################################################
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# # Annotation properties
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# #################################################################
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/_3-d-met-id
:_3-d-met-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "3DMET ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of chemical compounds in 3dmet database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "3DMet ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/_3-d-model
:_3-d-model a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "3D model "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/_365-chess-player-id
:_365-chess-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "365chess player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/_90-minut-player-id
:_90-minut-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "90minut player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/a-bo-k-number
:a-bo-k-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a knot in the ashley book of knots"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ABoK number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aarne-thompson-uther-tale-type-index
:aarne-thompson-uther-tale-type-index a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ATU index"@en ;
skos:definition "Index used to classify folktales"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Aarne–Thompson–Uther Tale Type Index "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aat-id
:aat-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID||AAT identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the art & architecture thesaurus by the getty research institute"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AAT ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aba-bird-id
:aba-bird-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ABA bird ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/abandonia-identifier
:abandonia-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Abandonia identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/about
:about a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The subject matter of the content."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "about"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/academia-edu-institutional-id
:academia-edu-institutional-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Academia.edu institutional ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/academia-net-id
:academia-net-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the academianet database for excellent female scientists"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AcademiaNet ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/academic-tree-id
:academic-tree-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "The Academic Family Tree"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer on academictree.org"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Academic Tree ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/academie-des-inscriptions-et-belles-lettres-member-id
:academie-des-inscriptions-et-belles-lettres-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/academie-francaise-member-id
:academie-francaise-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Académie française member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/acb-com-id
:acb-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "acb.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/accademia-della-crusca-id
:accademia-della-crusca-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Accademia della Crusca ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/access-code
:access-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Password, PIN, or access code needed for delivery (e.g. from a locker)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "accessCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/accessibility-summary
:accessibility-summary a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A human-readable summary of specific accessibility features or deficiencies, consistent with the other accessibility metadata but expressing subtleties such as \"short descriptions are present but long descriptions will be needed for non-visual users\" or \"short descriptions are present and no long descriptions are needed.\""@en ;
skos:prefLabel "accessibilitySummary"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/account-id
:account-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The identifier for the account the payment will be applied to."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "accountId"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ace-work-id
:ace-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ACE work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/acm-digital-library-author-id
:acm-digital-library-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ACM DL ID||ACM DL||ACM Digital Library author identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Association for computing machinery digital library (acm dl) author identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ACM Digital Library author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/acm-digital-library-citation-id
:acm-digital-library-citation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ACM Digital Library citation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/acma-radiocommunications-licence-id
:acma-radiocommunications-licence-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of an organisation or person who holds one or more radiocommunications licences within australia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ACMA Radiocommunications Licence ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/actorenregister-id
:actorenregister-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Actorenregister ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/adagp-artist-id
:adagp-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ADAGP artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/additional-name
:additional-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "An additional name for a Person, can be used for a middle name."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "additionalName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/address
:address a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Physical address of the item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "address"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/address-country
:address-country a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The country. For example, USA. You can also provide the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "addressCountry"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/address-locality
:address-locality a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The locality. For example, Mountain View."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "addressLocality"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/address-region
:address-region a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The region. For example, CA."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "addressRegion"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/adk-member-id
:adk-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ADK member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/administrative-code-of-indonesia
:administrative-code-of-indonesia a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "administrative code of Indonesian Administrative Division||administrative code of Indonesian Administrative Division"@en ;
skos:definition "Unique administrative code for a place, issued by the ministry of home affairs of republic of indonesia in 2015"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "administrative code of Indonesia "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/admiralty-number
:admiralty-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Admiralty number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ads-bibcode
:ads-bibcode a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "bibcode ADS"@en ;
skos:definition "Bibcode in the astrophysics data system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ADS bibcode "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/adult-film-database-person-id
:adult-film-database-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Adult Film Database person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/adw-taxon-id
:adw-taxon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ADW taxon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aelg-id
:aelg-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AELG ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/afi-catalog-of-feature-films-id
:afi-catalog-of-feature-films-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AFI Catalog of Feature Films ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/afl-tables-coach-id
:afl-tables-coach-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AFL Tables coach ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/afl-tables-player-id
:afl-tables-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AFL Tables player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/african-plant-database-id
:african-plant-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "African plant database: database of scientific names, linked to jstor (and others)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "African Plant Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/africultures-movie-id
:africultures-movie-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Africultures movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/africultures-person-id
:africultures-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Africultures person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/after-media
:after-media a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A media object representing the circumstances after performing this direction."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "afterMedia"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/agassiz-checklist-number
:agassiz-checklist-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Reference for a species in the 2013 checklist of over 2,700 species british lepidoptera"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Agassiz checklist number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/agorha-event-identifier
:agorha-event-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AGORHA event identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/agorha-person-institution-id
:agorha-person-institution-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "AGORHA"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person or institution in the agorha database (inha)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AGORHA person/institution ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/agorha-work-id
:agorha-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Accès global et organisé aux ressources en histoire de l’art"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AGORHA work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aicte-institute-id
:aicte-institute-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AICTE institute ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ainm-id
:ainm-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AINM ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/air-ministry-specification-id
:air-ministry-specification-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "specification||UK Air Ministry specification"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an aircraft specification issued by the united kingdom air ministry"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Air Ministry specification ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aircraft-registration
:aircraft-registration a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "acreg||registration"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned to an individual aircraft by civil aircraft registry"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "aircraft registration "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aircraft-registration-prefix
:aircraft-registration-prefix a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "aircraft registration prefix "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/akl-online-artist-id
:akl-online-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AKL Online Artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alaska-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:alaska-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Alaska Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alberta-register-of-historic-places-id
:alberta-register-of-historic-places-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Alberta Register of Historic Places identifier||Alberta Historic Places ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of historic resources in the alberta register of historic places"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Alberta Register of Historic Places ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alcuin-id
:alcuin-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ALCUIN ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/algae-base-url
:algae-base-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Url for the website algaebase"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AlgaeBase URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/all-athletics-com-id
:all-athletics-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "All-Athletics.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/all-blacks-player-id
:all-blacks-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "All Blacks player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/all-movie-artist-id
:all-movie-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person on the allmovie film database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AllMovie artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/all-movie-movie-id
:all-movie-movie-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a movie on the site allmovie"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AllMovie movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/all-music-album-id
:all-music-album-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an album in allmusic database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AllMusic album ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/all-music-artist-id
:all-music-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artist in allmusic database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AllMusic artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/all-music-composition-id
:all-music-composition-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a composition in allmusic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AllMusic composition ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/all-music-song-id
:all-music-song-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a song in allmusic database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AllMusic song ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/all-russian-mathematical-portal-id
:all-russian-mathematical-portal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "All-Russian Mathematical Portal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/allbreedpedigree-id
:allbreedpedigree-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Allbreedpedigree ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/allcinema-film-id
:allcinema-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Allcinema film identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Film ids on allcinema movie database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Allcinema film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/allgame-id
:allgame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "AMG game ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the allgame video game database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "allgame ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alljudo-athlete-id
:alljudo-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Alljudo athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/allo-cine-company-id
:allo-cine-company-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AlloCiné company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/allo-cine-film-id
:allo-cine-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "AlloCine movie ID||AlloCine film ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a movie in the allociné film database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AlloCiné film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/allo-cine-person-id
:allo-cine-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "AlloCine person ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person on the allociné film database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AlloCiné person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/allo-cine-series-id
:allo-cine-series-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "AlloCine series ID||AlloCine serie ID||AlloCiné serie ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a serie in the allociné film database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AlloCiné series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alpg-golfer-id
:alpg-golfer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ALPG golfer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alternate-name
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "An alias for the item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "alternateName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alternate-names
:alternate-names a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "alternate names "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alternative-headline
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A secondary title of the CreativeWork."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "alternativeHeadline"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/amazon-author-page
:amazon-author-page a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Amazon author page "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ameblo-username
:ameblo-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ameblo username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/america-s-byways-road-id
:america-s-byways-road-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "America's Byways road ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/american-hockey-league-player-id
:american-hockey-league-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "American Hockey League player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/american-national-biography-id
:american-national-biography-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "American National Biography ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/amphibia-web-species-id
:amphibia-web-species-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AmphibiaWeb Species ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/amphibians-of-india-id
:amphibians-of-india-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Amphibians of India ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/amtrak-station-code
:amtrak-station-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Amtrak station code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/angel-list-id
:angel-list-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Angel List ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ani-db-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "AniDB identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the site anidb.net"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AniDB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/animator-ru-film-id
:animator-ru-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Animator.ru work ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Id of animated film in animator.ru database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Animator.ru film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/anime-cons-com-id
:anime-cons-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AnimeCons.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ANN anime ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of an anime on animenewsnetwork.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Anime News Network anime ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/anime-news-network-company-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ANN company ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a company on animenewsnetwork.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Anime News Network company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/anime-news-network-manga-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ANN manga ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a manga on animenewsnetwork.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Anime News Network manga ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/anime-news-network-person-id
:anime-news-network-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ANN person ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person on animenewsnetwork.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Anime News Network person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/anti-virus-alias
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Alias issued by anti-virus companies to classify malware"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "anti-virus alias "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
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:appears-in-the-heritage-monument-list a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Heritage monument is a part of the list of heritage monuments"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "appears in the heritage monument list "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ar-kive-id
:ar-kive-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a taxon, in the arkive database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ARKive ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ar-xiv-classification
:ar-xiv-classification a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "arXiv classification "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ar-xiv-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a document in arxiv pre-print archive"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "arXiv ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/araneae-spider-id
:araneae-spider-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Araneae Spider ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/arbet-sam-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ArbetSam ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Arch package "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Architectuurgids architect ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Architectuurgids building ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "archival creator authority record at the Archives nationales "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "URL in archive||URL archived"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "archive URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/archon-code
:archon-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ARCHON code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/argentine-chamber-of-deputies-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Argentine Chamber of Deputies ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/argentine-senate-member-id
:argentine-senate-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Argentine Senate member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/argentinian-historic-heritage-id
:argentinian-historic-heritage-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Argentinian Historic Heritage ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aricns
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for stars in aricns"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ARICNS "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/arlhs-lighthouse-id
:arlhs-lighthouse-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ARLHS Lighthouse ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/arlima-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ARLIMA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/arquivo-arq-id
:arquivo-arq-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Arquivo Arq ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/arrs-runner-id
:arrs-runner-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ARRS runner ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/art-institute-of-chicago-artwork-id
:art-institute-of-chicago-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Art Institute of Chicago artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/art-museum-of-estonia-artist-id
:art-museum-of-estonia-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Art Museum of Estonia artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/art-museum-of-estonia-artwork-id
:art-museum-of-estonia-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Art Museum of Estonia artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/art-name
:art-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "art name||hao"@en ;
skos:definition "Type of pseudonym traditionnally adopted by writers and artists in east asia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "art-name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/art-renewal-center-id
:art-renewal-center-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Art Renewal Center ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/art-uk-artist-id
:art-uk-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BBC Your Paintings artist identifier||PCF ID||Public Catalogue Foundation ID||PCF ID||Public Catalogue Foundation ID||Your Paintings ID||Art UK ID||Art UK artist identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Authority control identifier for artists (creators of publicly owned oil paintings in the uk)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Art UK artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/art-uk-artwork-id
:art-uk-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:altLabel "Art UK artwork identifier||Art UK artwork identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for artworks (publicly owned oil paintings in the uk)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Art UK artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/art-uk-collection-id
:art-uk-collection-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:altLabel "Your Paintings collection identifier||BBC Your Paintings collection identifier||Art UK collection identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for art collections, in the uk"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Art UK collection ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:art-uk-venue-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Your Paintings venue identifier||BBC Your Paintings gallery identifier||BBC Your Paintings museum identifier||BBC Your Paintings venue identifier||Art UK venue identifier||Art UK venue identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Authority control identifier for venues housing art, in the uk"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Art UK venue ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/article-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
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skos:prefLabel "article ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/artnet-artist-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Artnet artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/artsy-artist-id
:artsy-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Artsy artist identifier||Artsy id"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier at the artsy website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Artsy artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/artsy-gene
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Artsy gene "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "AS.com athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/asf-kid-cave-tag-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Unique identifier for caves within the karst index database of the australian speleological federation"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ASF KID Cave Tag Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ashof-athlete-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ASHOF athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ashrae-refrigerant-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ASHRAE refrigerant number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/asi-monument-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned to monuments catalogued by the archaeological survey of india"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ASI Monument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/assembly-version
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Associated product/technology version. e.g., .NET Framework 4.5."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "assemblyVersion"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/associated-article
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A NewsArticle associated with the Media Object."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "associatedArticle"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/associated-media
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A media object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for encoding."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "associatedMedia"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/association-authors-of-switzerland-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ADS ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in a swiss database of modern writers"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Association Authors of Switzerland ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/astronomic-symbol-image
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Image of the symbol that identify a planet or an asteroid of the solar system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "astronomic symbol image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/at-cvet
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Atcvet code"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ATCvet "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/at-the-circulating-library-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "AtCL Author"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the at the circulating library victorian literature database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "At the Circulating Library ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atari-legend-identifier
:atari-legend-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Atari Legend identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atarimania-identifier
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Atarimania identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atc-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Therapeutic chemical identification code per atc"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ATC code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atheneum-artwork-id
:atheneum-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Atheneum artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atheneum-museum-id
:atheneum-museum-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Atheneum museum ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atheneum-person-id
:atheneum-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Atheneum person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/athletics-australia-athlete-id
:athletics-australia-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Athletics Australia athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atlas-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the atlas database of the louvre museum"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Atlas ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atlas-of-hillforts-id
:atlas-of-hillforts-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Atlas of Hillforts ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atomic-heritage-foundation-id
:atomic-heritage-foundation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Atomic Heritage Foundation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atp-player-id
:atp-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Atp tennis male player identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ATP player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atp-tennis-tournament-id
:atp-tennis-tournament-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ATP tennis tournament ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/atvk-id
:atvk-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for each of the latvian administrative units, i.e. municipality, parish, city under state jurisdiction and city under municipality jurisdiction. Based on the latvian classification on objects of administrative division (q15621843)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ATVK ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/au-amendi-id
:au-amendi-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Auñamendi ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/auckland-art-gallery-artist-id
:auckland-art-gallery-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Auckland Art Gallery artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/audio
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "song||recording||audio file||audio recording||sound recording"@en ;
skos:definition "An embedded audio object."@en , "Relevant sound"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "audio"@en , "audio "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/audio-recording-of-the-subject-s-spoken-voice
:audio-recording-of-the-subject-s-spoken-voice a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "voice recording||recording of the subject's spoken voice||spoken voice||speaking voice||spoken voice||speaking voice"@en ;
skos:definition "Audio file representing the speaking voice of a person or of an animated cartoon or other fictitious character "@en ;
skos:prefLabel "audio recording of the subject's spoken voice "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "AUR package "@en ;
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skos:altLabel "AUSNUT ID||AUSNUT ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a food within the australian food, supplement and nutrient database (ausnut) which is managed by food standards australia new zealand (fsanz)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AUSNUT food ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Identifier for a language in the australian indigenous languages database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "AUSTLANG code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
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skos:altLabel "APSA Code"@en ;
skos:definition "Code identifying a pollen or spore listed in the australasian pollen and spore atlas managed by the australian national university"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Australasian Pollen and Spore Atlas Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "Australian Antarctic Gazetteer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "Australian Baseball League player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "Australian Business Number "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Company Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "AuDB ID||ADB||Australian Dictionary of Biography identifier"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "AustralianFootball.com ID "@en ;
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skos:definition "Unique identifier of a geologic province in the australian geological provinces database published by geoscience australia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Geological Provinces ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Government Organisations Register ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:australian-heritage-database-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Heritage Database Place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "shipwreck ID number (Australian National Shipwreck Database)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for shipwrecks used by the australian national shipwreck database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian National Shipwreck ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:australian-olympic-committee-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Olympic Committee athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Registered Scheme Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Standard Geographic Classification 2006 ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:australian-statistical-geography-2011-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:australian-statistical-geography-2016-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Statistical Geography 2016 ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Identifier for a stratigraphic unit listed in the australian stratigraphic units database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Stratigraphic Units Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Identifier of an important australian wetland listed in the australian wetlands database directory of important wetlands managed by the australian government department of the environment"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Wetlands Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a ramsar wetland listed in the australian wetlands database managed by the australian government department of the environment"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Wetlands Database Australian Ramsar site number"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Women's Register ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Identifier for municipalities in austria"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Austrian municipality key "@en ;
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:austrian-parliament-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:definition "Identifier for an individual, in the austrian parliament's \"who's who\" database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Austrian Parliament ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "abbreviation of author in zoology||author abbreviation in zoology||zoology author name||zoologist author name"@en ;
skos:definition "Short form of the name used after a taxon this person has authored"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "author citation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/autonomous-system-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "autonomous system number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
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skos:prefLabel "autores.ar id "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "ASNADID||ASNID||ASN accident ID||Aviation Safety Network accident description ID"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "ASNWO||ASN Wikibase Occurrence"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "Birds of the World ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a species or genus in avibase - the world bird database"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "AZBilliards ID "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:ba-la-t-image-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:prefLabel "BALaT image ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for person or organisation in the people & institutions database of belgian art links & tools (balat), maintained by kik-irpa, belgium's royal institute for cultural heritage."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BALaT person/organisation id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Id in babelnet encyclopedic dictionary"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Babelio author ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Babelio work ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "BacDive ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "BadmintonLink player ID "@en ;
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skos:definition "Bag (basisregistraties adressen en gebouwen) code for dutch locations"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BAG-code for Dutch locations "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Bait La Zemer Ha-Ivri artist ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Bait La Zemer Ha-Ivri song ID "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Person's id at baltisches biographisches lexikon digital encyclopedia"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "BanQ author ID "@en ;
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skos:altLabel "First Nation band number"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "band number "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Bandcamp artist ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Bandysidan player ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Bangla Movie Database ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Bangladesh administrative division code "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Barbarian R.C. ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Barnes Foundation ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Bashkir encyclopedia "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Basic Unit of Settlement code "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "basionym "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Basisregistratie Instellingen number "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bavarian-geotope-id
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skos:prefLabel "Bavarian geotope ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bavarian monument authority ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bavarikon-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bavarikon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:bbc-genome-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BBC Genome identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a single episode/ programme in the bbc genome database of radio times programme listings"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BBC Genome ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bbc-news-democracy-live-id
:bbc-news-democracy-live-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BBC News Democracy Live identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer in the bbc news democracy live database of british mps"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BBC News Democracy Live ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bbc-programme-id
:bbc-programme-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "pid||BBC pid||PIPs identifier||BBC program identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the corresponding item on the bbc website and internal systems"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BBC programme ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bbc-things-id
:bbc-things-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BBC Things identifer"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the bbc things database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BBC Things ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bbf-id
:bbf-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BBF identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the archive database of the german \"research library for the history of education\" (personal data of the teachers of prussia)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BBF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bc-geographical-names-id
:bc-geographical-names-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Unique id of the bc geographical names"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BC Geographical Names ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bc-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:bc-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BC Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bcu-ecrivainsvd
:bcu-ecrivainsvd a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the database of writers from the canton of vaud"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BCU Ecrivainsvd "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bd-futbol-player-id
:bd-futbol-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BDFutbol player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bdcyl-authority-id
:bdcyl-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BDCYL authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/beach-volleyball-database-id
:beach-volleyball-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an athlete, in the beach volleyball database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Beach Volleyball Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/beazley-archive-pottery-database-id
:beazley-archive-pottery-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Beazley Archive Pottery Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bechdel-test-movie-list-id
:bechdel-test-movie-list-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bechdel Test Movie List ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/beer-advocate-brewery-id
:beer-advocate-brewery-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a brewery, in the beer advocate database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Beer Advocate brewery ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/before-media
:before-media a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A media object representing the circumstances before performing this direction."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "beforeMedia"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/behind-the-voice-actors-video-game-id
:behind-the-voice-actors-video-game-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Behind The Voice Actors video game ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/beilstein-registry-number
:beilstein-registry-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for organic chemical compounds in the beilstein database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Beilstein Registry Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bekker-number
:bekker-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Reference to works in the corpus aristotelicum"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Bekker Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/belgian-senate-person-id
:belgian-senate-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Belgian Senate person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/belvedere-artist-id
:belvedere-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Belvedere artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/benezit-id
:benezit-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in benezit dictionary of artists"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Benezit ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/berl-pap-identifier
:berl-pap-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BerlPap ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Link to the berliner papyrusdatenbank"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BerlPap identifier"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/berlin-cultural-heritage-id
:berlin-cultural-heritage-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Berliner Denkmaldatenbank ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer for an object in the cultural heritage database of berlin"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Berlin cultural heritage ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bfi-film-and-tv-id
:bfi-film-and-tv-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BFI Film and TV ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:bfi-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BFI id"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for films, television programs, audio recordings and related documents at the bfi"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BFI work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bg-ekatte-place-id
:bg-ekatte-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BG EKATTE place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bgs-lexicon-id
:bgs-lexicon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a stratigraphic unit given by the british geological survey"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BGS Lexicon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bhl-bibliography-id
:bhl-bibliography-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BHL bibliography ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bhl-creator-id
:bhl-creator-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BHL creator ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bhl-page-id
:bhl-page-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the biodiversity heritage library (bhl)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BHL Page ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bibcode
:bibcode a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Bibcode for a journal"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bibcode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biblio-net-author-id
:biblio-net-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BiblioNet author identifier||BiblioNet author identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the biblionet database of authors, created by the national book centre of greece, many greek individual publishers and their professional associations"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BiblioNet author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biblio-net-publication-id
:biblio-net-publication-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BiblioNet publication identifier||BiblioNet publication identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the biblionet database of book editions"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BiblioNet publication ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biblio-net-publisher-id
:biblio-net-publisher-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BiblioNet publisher identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the biblionet database of publishers"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BiblioNet publisher ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biblioteca-nacional-de-chile-catalogue-number
:biblioteca-nacional-de-chile-catalogue-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BNC catalogue number||BN catalogue number"@en ;
skos:definition "Catalogue number for books (editions), periodical, magazine, map, photography and other media in the biblioteca nacional de chile"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Biblioteca Nacional de Chile catalogue number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biblioteca-nacional-de-mexico-id
:biblioteca-nacional-de-mexico-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Biblioteca Nacional de México ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BIBSYS identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the norwegian information system bibsys"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BIBSYS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bien-de-interes-cultural
:bien-de-interes-cultural a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BIC"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an item in the spanish heritage register. Format is ri-xx-nnnnnnn-n?n?n?nnnn"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Bien de Interés Cultural "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bildindex-der-kunst-und-architektur-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Bildindex ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Property for bildindex"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/billboard-artist-id
:billboard-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Billboard artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/billing-address
:billing-address a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The billing address for the order."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "billingAddress"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/billion-graves-cemetery-id
:billion-graves-cemetery-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BillionGraves cemetery ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bio-lib-id
:bio-lib-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the biological encyclopedia biolib"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BioLib ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biografisch-portaal-number
:biografisch-portaal-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BPN"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier at biografisch portaal van nederland"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Biografisch Portaal number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biographical-dictionary-of-georgia-id
:biographical-dictionary-of-georgia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Biographical Dictionary of Georgia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biographical-dictionary-of-swedish-women
:biographical-dictionary-of-swedish-women a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biographical-directory-of-federal-judges-id
:biographical-directory-of-federal-judges-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a judge in the biographical directory of federal judges"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Biographical Directory of Federal Judges ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biography-at-the-bundestag-of-germany
:biography-at-the-bundestag-of-germany a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Link to the biography pages of the german parliament"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "biography at the Bundestag of Germany "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biography-at-the-landtag-of-mecklenburg-vorpommern
:biography-at-the-landtag-of-mecklenburg-vorpommern a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "biography at the Landtag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "maiden name||born as||bn||bname||birth name (monolingual text)||née||birthname||name at birth||full name at birth||nee"@en ;
skos:definition "Full name of a person at birth, if different from their current, generally used name (samples: john peter doe for joe doe, ann smith for ann miller)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "birth name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bivouac-com-mountain-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bivouac.com mountain ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bivouac-com-pass-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bivouac.com pass ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bldam-object-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Object id to identify cultural monuments in brandenburg, germany"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BLDAM object ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bloomberg-person-id
:bloomberg-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bloomberg person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bloomberg-private-company-id
:bloomberg-private-company-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bloomberg private company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/blue-style-com-id
:blue-style-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier at blue-style.com, database of skyscrapers and contemporary architecture in japan"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "blue-style.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bluebook-abbreviation
:bluebook-abbreviation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Bluebook citation style includes abbreviations"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Bluebook abbreviation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bmlo
:bmlo a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier per bayerisches musiker-lexikon online (q47191)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BMLO "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bmx-results-com-rider-id
:bmx-results-com-rider-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bmx-results.com rider ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bn
:bn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BN ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Catalogue number for books (editions) in the national library of the argentine republic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BN "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bn-f-id
:bn-f-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BnF identifier||Bibliothèque nationale de France ID||BnF identifier||Bibliothèque nationale de France ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the subject issued by bnf (bibliothèque nationale de france)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BnF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bna-authority-id
:bna-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BNA authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bnc-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BNC identifier"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "BNC ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bncf-thesaurus-id
:bncf-thesaurus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BNCF"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the subject indexing tool of the national central library of florence"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BNCF Thesaurus ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bne-id
:bne-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BNE identifier||Biblioteca Nacional de España ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier from the authority file of the biblioteca nacional de españa"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BNE ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bne-journal-id
:bne-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a journal in bne's journals archive, an open access digital library of spanish-language periodical publications, established by biblioteca nacional de españa"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BNE journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bo-f-person-id
:bo-f-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BoF person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/board-game-geek-designer-id
:board-game-geek-designer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BoardGameGeek designer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/board-game-geek-id
:board-game-geek-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BGG ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a board game in the boardgamegeek database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BoardGameGeek ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/boat-of-heritage-interest-id
:boat-of-heritage-interest-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "boat of heritage interest ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/boijmans-artist-id
:boijmans-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Boijmans artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bold-systems-taxon-id
:bold-systems-taxon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BOLD Systems taxon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bollywood-hungama-person-id
:bollywood-hungama-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bollywood Hungama person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/book-brainz-creator-id
:book-brainz-creator-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a creator per the bookbrainz open book encyclopedia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BookBrainz creator ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/book-edition
:book-edition a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The edition of the book."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bookEdition"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/booking-com-hotel-id
:booking-com-hotel-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Booking.com hotel ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/borden-code
:borden-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Borden Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/botanist-author-abbreviation
:botanist-author-abbreviation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "abbreviation of botanist||author abbreviation of botanist||botanist name||botanical author abbreviation||botanic author abbreviation||botany author"@en ;
skos:definition "Standard form (official abbreviation) of a personal name for use in an author citation (only for names of algae, fungi and plants)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "botanist author abbreviation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/box-office-mojo-film-id
:box-office-mojo-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "boxofficemojo"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a movie at the website box office mojo"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Box Office Mojo film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/box-office-mojo-franchise-id
:box-office-mojo-franchise-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a franchise in the box office mojo database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Box Office Mojo franchise ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/box-office-mojo-person-id
:box-office-mojo-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a person in the box office mojo database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Box Office Mojo person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/box-office-mojo-studio-id
:box-office-mojo-studio-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a movie in the box office mojo database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Box Office Mojo studio ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/box-rec-id
:box-rec-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a boxer, in the boxrec database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BoxRec ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bph-journal-id
:bph-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BPH journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bps-language-code
:bps-language-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "language code by BPS||BPS language code||BPS language code"@en ;
skos:definition "Language code in indonesia by statistics indonesia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BPS language code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bradley-and-fletcher-checklist-number
:bradley-and-fletcher-checklist-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Reference for a species in the bradley and fletcher checklist of british lepidoptera"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Bradley and Fletcher checklist number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/brain-info-id
:brain-info-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BrainInfo ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/branch-code
:branch-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A short textual code (also called \"store code\") that uniquely identifies a place of business. The code is typically assigned by the parentOrganization and used in structured URLs.
For example, in the URL http://www.starbucks.co.uk/store-locator/etc/detail/3047 the code \"3047\" is a branchCode for a particular branch."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "branchCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/brand-schema
:brand-schema a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The brand(s) associated with a product or service, or the brand(s) maintained by an organization or business person."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "brand-schema"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/brazilian-municipality-code
:brazilian-municipality-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for municipalities in brazil"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Brazilian municipality code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/brazilian-olympic-committee-athlete-id
:brazilian-olympic-committee-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Brazilian Olympic Committee athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/breadcrumb
:breadcrumb a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A set of links that can help a user understand and navigate a website hierarchy."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "breadcrumb"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bridgehunter-com-id
:bridgehunter-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from a database of historic bridges"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bridgehunter.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bridgeman-artist-id
:bridgeman-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bridgeman artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/british-bobsleigh-skeleton-association-id
:british-bobsleigh-skeleton-association-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Association ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/british-book-trade-index-id
:british-book-trade-index-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "British Book Trade Index ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/british-council-artist-id
:british-council-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artist, in the catalogue of the british council"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "British Council artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/british-history-online-vch-id
:british-history-online-vch-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "British History Online VCH ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/british-museum-person-institution
:british-museum-person-institution a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BM id||BMT id"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the british museum person-institution thesaurus"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "British Museum person-institution "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/broadcast-channel-id
:broadcast-channel-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The unique address by which the BroadcastService can be identified in a provider lineup. In US, this is typically a number."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "broadcastChannelId"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/broadcast-display-name
:broadcast-display-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The name displayed in the channel guide. For many US affiliates, it is the network name."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "broadcastDisplayName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/brockhaus-enzyklopadie-online-id
:brockhaus-enzyklopadie-online-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/brooklyn-museum-artwork-id
:brooklyn-museum-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Brooklyn Museum artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/brueckenweb-id
:brueckenweb-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Brueckenweb ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bsd-portal-athlete-id
:bsd-portal-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BSD Portal athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bto-birds-of-britain-id
:bto-birds-of-britain-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BTO Birds of Britain ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bto-five-letter-code
:bto-five-letter-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BTO five-letter code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bug-guide-id
:bug-guide-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A species' id in bugguide.net"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BugGuide ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bug-tracking-system
:bug-tracking-system a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "bugs||issue tracker||bugs||issue tracker||bug tracker"@en ;
skos:definition "Bug report page where bugs, issues, and feature requests are filed for a particular software"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bug tracking system "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bulbapedia-article
:bulbapedia-article a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Bulbapedia article "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:bureau-du-patrimoine-de-seine-saint-denis-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the atlas-patrimoine93.fr website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bureau du patrimoine de Seine-Saint-Denis ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/burial-plot-reference
:burial-plot-reference a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "plot"@en ;
skos:definition "String of references which identify a specific plot in a burial area, e.g. cemetery"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "burial plot reference "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bus-name
:bus-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The name of the bus (e.g. Bolt Express)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "busName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bus-number
:bus-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The unique identifier for the bus."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "busNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/but-moth-id
:but-moth-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ButMoth ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/butterflies-and-moths-of-north-america-id
:butterflies-and-moths-of-north-america-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Butterflies and Moths of North America ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bvmc-person-id
:bvmc-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of an author on the biblioteca virtual miguel de cervantes"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BVMC person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bvmc-place-id
:bvmc-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BVMC place id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bvmc-work-id
:bvmc-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BVMC work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bvpb-authority-id
:bvpb-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BVPB authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bvph-id
:bvph-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BVPH ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bw-fbadminton-com-player-id
:bw-fbadminton-com-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "BWFbadminton.com player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/c-span-organization-id
:c-span-organization-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "C-SPAN organization ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:c-span-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person's appearances on c-span"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "C-SPAN person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cadw-building-id
:cadw-building-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for listed buildings in wales"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cadw Building ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cadw-monument-id
:cadw-monument-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cadw Monument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cage-match-tag-team-id
:cage-match-tag-team-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CageMatch tag team ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cage-match-worker-id
:cage-match-worker-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a professional wrestling performer at www.cagematch.net"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CageMatch worker ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cage-match-wrestling-stable-id
:cage-match-wrestling-stable-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CageMatch wrestling stable id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cairn-author-id
:cairn-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cairn author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cairn-journal-id
:cairn-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cairn journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/calflora-id
:calflora-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Calflora ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/california-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:california-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "California Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/calis-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for authority control per calis (china academic library & information system)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CALIS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/call-sign
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "callsign||code letters"@en ;
skos:definition "Short form identifier for a radio operator or broadcaster and (as flag signal) previous for watercrafts"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "call sign "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
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:callsign-of-airline a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "airline code||airline callsign||airline call sign"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier used in radio transmissions to refer to the subject airline"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "callsign of airline "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cambridge-alumni-database-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ACAD||Venn"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the cambridge alumni database/alumni cantabrigienses (acad)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cambridge Alumni Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/canada-s-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:canada-s-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Canada's Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:canadian-baseball-hall-of-fame-inductee-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame inductee ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/canadian-coastguard-lighthouse-id
:canadian-coastguard-lighthouse-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Canadian Coastguard Lighthouse ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/canadian-environmental-sustainability-indicators-id
:canadian-environmental-sustainability-indicators-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/canadian-olympic-committee-athlete-id
:canadian-olympic-committee-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Canadian Olympic Committee athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/canadian-register-of-historic-places-id
:canadian-register-of-historic-places-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Canadian Historic Places identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the canadian register of historic places"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Canadian Register of Historic Places ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/canadian-ski-hall-of-fame-inductee-id
:canadian-ski-hall-of-fame-inductee-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Canadian Ski Hall of Fame inductee ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/canal-u-channel-id
:canal-u-channel-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Canal-U channel ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/canmore-id
:canmore-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RCAHMS"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the royal commission on the ancient and historical monuments of scotland's canmore database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Canmore ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cantic-id
:cantic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BNC||CANTIC||CANTIC"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for authority control managed by the national library of catalonia (bnc)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CANTIC-ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/caption
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The caption for this object."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "caption"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/carnegie-hall-agent-id
:carnegie-hall-agent-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Carnegie Hall agent ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/carnegie-museum-of-art-id
:carnegie-museum-of-art-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Carnegie Museum of Art ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:cas-registry-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CAS number||CASRN"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a chemical compound per cas registry"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CAS Registry Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalan-biographical-dictionary-of-women-id
:catalan-biographical-dictionary-of-women-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Diccionari Biogràfic de Dones||Biographical Dictionary of Women (Catalan ) ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the biographical dictionary of catalan women"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Catalan Biographical Dictionary of Women ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalan-object-of-cultural-interest-id
:catalan-object-of-cultural-interest-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BCIN||BCIL"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Catalan object of cultural interest ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalog
:catalog a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "catalogue||registry"@en ;
skos:definition "Catalog for the item, or, as a qualifier of p528 – catalog for which the 'catalog code' is valid"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "catalog "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalog-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "astronomical catalog||register||opus number||catalogue code"@en ;
skos:definition "Catalog name of an object, use with qualifier p972"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "catalog code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalog-number
:catalog-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The catalog number for the release."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "catalogNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalogue-of-illuminated-manuscripts-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalogue-of-life-in-taiwan-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Catalogue of Life in Taiwan ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalogus-professorum-academiae-groninganae-id
:catalogus-professorum-academiae-groninganae-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CPAG id"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a professor, in the catalogus professorum academiae groninganae"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Catalogus Professorum Academiae Groninganae id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalogus-professorum-academiae-rheno-traiectinae-id
:catalogus-professorum-academiae-rheno-traiectinae-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a professor at utrecht university"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Catalogus Professorum Academiae Rheno-Traiectinae ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalogus-professorum-halensis
:catalogus-professorum-halensis a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Biographical entry in the catalogus professorum halensis"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Catalogus Professorum Halensis "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalogus-professorum-lipsiensis-id
:catalogus-professorum-lipsiensis-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Catalogus Professorum Lipsiensis ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalogus-professorum-rostochiensium-id
:catalogus-professorum-rostochiensium-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Catalogus Professorum Rostochiensium ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:catholic-encyclopedia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Catholic Encyclopedia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:catholic-hierarchy-diocese-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a diocese on catholic-hierarchy.org"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Catholic Hierarchy diocese ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catholic-hierarchy-person-id
:catholic-hierarchy-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Catholic Hierarchy bishop identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer for the person on catholic-hierarchy.org"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Catholic Hierarchy person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:catholic-ru-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:definition "Identifier on the site catholic.ru"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "catholic.ru ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cato-id
:cato-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CATO ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cave-e-cadastre-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cave E-Cadastre ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Caverphone "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cbdb-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a person in the china biographical database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CBDB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cbs-municipality-code
:cbs-municipality-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "municipality code (Netherlands)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a dutch municipality as defined by statistics netherlands (cbs)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CBS municipality code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cdb-chemical-id
:cdb-chemical-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id in uci chemical database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CDB Chemical ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cdd-public-id
:cdd-public-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a chemical compound in the collaborative drug discovery database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CDD Public ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cdli-id
:cdli-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Unique identifier of an object in the cuneiform digital library initiative"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CDLI ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/celex-number
:celex-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for european legal texts in eur-lex database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CELEX number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cell-line-ontology-id
:cell-line-ontology-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an ontology which describes anatomic origin and nature of eukaryotic cell lines."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cell line ontology ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cellosaurus-id
:cellosaurus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cellosaurus ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/censo-guia-archive-id
:censo-guia-archive-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Censo-Guía archive ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cerl-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CERL identifier"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "CERL ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cesar-person-id
:cesar-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CESAR ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a person in the cesar database of french theatre of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CESAR person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cets-number
:cets-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CETS number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cev-player-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CEV player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cgf-athlete-id
:cgf-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CGF athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cgndb-unique-id
:cgndb-unique-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CGNDB||CGNDB Unique Identifier||CGNDB UID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier the geographical feature of the geographical names board of canada"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CGNDB Unique ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ch-ebi-id
:ch-ebi-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Chemical Entities of Biological Interest"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier from database and ontology of molecular entities focused on 'small' chemical compounds"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ChEBI ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ch-embl-id
:ch-embl-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from a chemical database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ChEMBL ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chamber-of-deputies-of-italy-storia-id
:chamber-of-deputies-of-italy-storia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Chamber of Deputies of Italy storia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:channel-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "channel number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chapter
:chapter a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "chapter "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/character-name
:character-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The name of a character played in some acting or performing role, i.e. in a PerformanceRole."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "characterName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/charity-commission-no
:charity-commission-no a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Charity Commission no. "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/charity-navigator-id
:charity-navigator-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Charity Navigator ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/charity-number-isle-of-man
:charity-number-isle-of-man a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "charity number (Isle of Man) "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cheat-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Cheat codes to the game."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cheatCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chem-spider-id
:chem-spider-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in a free chemical database, owned by the royal society of chemistry"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ChemSpider ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chemical-structure
:chemical-structure a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "crystallographic structure"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "chemical structure "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chemins-de-memoire-id
:chemins-de-memoire-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Chemins de mémoire ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chess-club-id
:chess-club-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:definition "Identifier on the website chess club (www6.chessclub.com)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Chess Club ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chess-com-player-id
:chess-com-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:prefLabel "Chess.com player ID "@en ;
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skos:definition "Identifier on the website chess games (www.chessgames.com)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Chess Games ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chesstempo-id
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skos:prefLabel "chesstempo ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chgis-id
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skos:prefLabel "CHGIS ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/china-administrative-division-code
:china-administrative-division-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for administrative divisions of people's republic of china (with spaces)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "China administrative division code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/china-railway-tmis-station-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a railway station used in china railway system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "China railway TMIS station code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/china-vitae-id
:china-vitae-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the china vitae database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "China Vitae ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chinese-posters-artist-id
:chinese-posters-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ChinesePosters artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/christie-s-creator-id
:christie-s-creator-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Christie's creator ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/christie-s-work-id
:christie-s-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Christie's work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/church-of-sweden-parish-code
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skos:altLabel "Församlingskod||code for parishes in the Church of Sweden"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a parish of the church of sweden"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Church of Sweden parish code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/church-of-sweden-pastoratskod
:church-of-sweden-pastoratskod a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Pastoratskod||Church of Sweden Pastoratskod"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a pastoral district of the church of sweden"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Church of Sweden Pastoratskod "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ci-net-mag-film-id
:ci-net-mag-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:prefLabel "CiNetMag film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ci-net-mag-person-id
:ci-net-mag-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:prefLabel "CiNetMag person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:ci-nii-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:altLabel "CiNii author identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an author in cinii (scholarly and academic information navigator) (\"da\" + 8 digits)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CiNii author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ci-nii-book-id
:ci-nii-book-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NCID||CiNii book identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for books, in the japanese cinii bibliography."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CiNii book ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ci-vi-c-variant-id
:ci-vi-c-variant-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CIViC variant ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cine-gr-film-id
:cine-gr-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "cine.gr film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cine-ressources-film-id
:cine-ressources-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ciné-Ressources film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:cine-ressources-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ciné-Ressources person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cinema-id
:cinema-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cinema ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cinema-of-israel-id
:cinema-of-israel-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cinema of Israel ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cinema-treasures-id
:cinema-treasures-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cinema Treasures ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cinemagia-actor-id
:cinemagia-actor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cinemagia actor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cinemagia-film-id
:cinemagia-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cinemagia film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cinematheque-quebecoise-work-identifier
:cinematheque-quebecoise-work-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cinémathèque québécoise work identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cinematografo-film-id
:cinematografo-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "cinematografo film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "cinematografo name or company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "cinenacional.com movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cinenacional-com-person-id
:cinenacional-com-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "cinenacional.com person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cineplex-film-id
:cineplex-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cineplex film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ciqual-2017-id
:ciqual-2017-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CIQUAL2017 ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/circle-id
:circle-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CircleID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/citation
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A citation or reference to another creative work, such as another publication, web page, scholarly article, etc."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "citation"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cites
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skos:altLabel "bibliographic citation||bibliographic citation||citation||citation"@en ;
skos:definition "Citation from one creative work to another"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cites"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cites-species-id
:cites-species-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the taxon on species+ site (cites)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CITES Species+ ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/claim-reviewed
:claim-reviewed a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A short summary of the specific claims reviewed in a ClaimReview."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "claimReviewed"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/clara-id
:clara-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from database about women visual artists"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CLARA-ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/clergy-of-the-church-of-england-database-id
:clergy-of-the-church-of-england-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Clergy of the Church of England database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/clin-var-accession
:clin-var-accession a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the clinvar database for human genomic variation affecting human traits and human disease risk"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ClinVar accession"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/clinical-trials-gov-identifier
:clinical-trials-gov-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/clip-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Position of the clip within an ordered group of clips."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "clipNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/clochers-de-france-id
:clochers-de-france-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Clochers de France ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cn
:cn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GAPP Identifier||SAPPRFT Identified||SAPPRFT Id."@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a newspaper or magazine issued by state administration of press, publication, radio, film and television of the people’s republic of china"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CN "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cnc-authorization-number
:cnc-authorization-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CNC authorization number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cnps-id
:cnps-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CNPS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cnrs-research-group-id
:cnrs-research-group-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CNRS research group ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coa-athlete-id
:coa-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "COA athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coam-architect-id
:coam-architect-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "COAM architect ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coam-structure-id
:coam-structure-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a building or structure of the city of madrid in the official architects' association of madrid (coam) database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "COAM structure ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coat-of-arms-image
:coat-of-arms-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "symbol||heraldic representation||heraldic emblem||arms||CoA image"@en ;
skos:definition "Image of the item's coat of arms"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "coat of arms image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/code
:code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/code-for-china-reservoir-name
:code-for-china-reservoir-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Code for China Reservoir Name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/code-for-weekend-and-holiday-homes
:code-for-weekend-and-holiday-homes a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a for weekend or holiday home in sweden, assigned by statistics sweden"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "code for weekend and holiday homes "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/code-of-household-registration-and-conscription-information-system
:code-of-household-registration-and-conscription-information-system a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Code of Household Registration and Conscription Information System "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/code-repository
:code-repository a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Link to the repository where the un-compiled, human readable code and related code is located (SVN, github, CodePlex)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "codeRepository"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coden
:coden a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Coden bibliographic code"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CODEN "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/codename
:codename a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "production title"@en ;
skos:definition "Temporary name of a product or project used during its development"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "codename "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coflein-id
:coflein-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Coflein ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/collage-image
:collage-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Image file that assembles two or more other images of item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "collage image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/collection
:collection a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "art collection||museum collection"@en ;
skos:definition "Art, museum or bibliographic collection the subject is part of"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "collection "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/collective-biographies-of-women-id
:collective-biographies-of-women-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Collective Biographies of Women ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/college-football-data-warehouse-id
:college-football-data-warehouse-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "College Football Data Warehouse ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/college-football-ho-f-id
:college-football-ho-f-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "College Football HoF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cologne-phonetics
:cologne-phonetics a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cologne phonetics "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/colorado-sports-hall-of-fame-id
:colorado-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Colorado Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/colour-index-international-constitution-id
:colour-index-international-constitution-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CIIC ID||constitution ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier issued by colour index international, for manufactured colour products"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Colour Index International constitution ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/column
:column a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "column "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/com-law-id
:com-law-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for commonwealth of australia legislation, bills, regulations, etc, in the comlaw database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ComLaw ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/comedien-ch-id
:comedien-ch-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Comedien.ch identifier||Comedien ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in comedien.ch database of actors and commedians"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Comedien.ch ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/comic-book-db-id
:comic-book-db-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in a comic book database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ComicBookDB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commemorative-plaque-image
:commemorative-plaque-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "plaque image||memorial plaque image||inscription image"@en ;
skos:definition "Image of plaque or inscription commemorating or mentioning the subject. For graves, use grave picture (p1442)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "commemorative plaque image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/comment
:comment a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "property usage||usage note"@en ;
skos:definition "Comments, typically from users."@en , "User note about usage of property or item (generally used as qualifier). For user notes currently in descriptions and later to be displayed in addition to descriptions, use property:p2559. Do not use this to add unstructured content to wikidata."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "comment"@en , "comment "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments , kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/comment-text
:comment-text a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The text of the UserComment."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "commentText"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/common-database-on-designated-areas-id
:common-database-on-designated-areas-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Common Database on Designated Areas ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/common-vulnerabilities-and-exposures-id
:common-vulnerabilities-and-exposures-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commons-category
:commons-category a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "commonscat||category Commons||commonscat||category Commons"@en ;
skos:definition "Name of the wikimedia commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix \"category:\")"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Commons category "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commons-compatible-image-available-at-url
:commons-compatible-image-available-at-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Commons compatible image available at URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commons-creator-page
:commons-creator-page a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "creator page||creator page"@en ;
skos:definition "Name of the person's creator page on wikimedia commons (without the prefix \"creator\")"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Commons Creator page "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commons-gallery
:commons-gallery a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "gallery||gallery"@en ;
skos:definition "Name of the wikimedia commons gallery page(s) related to this item (is suitable to allow multiple link to more gallery pages)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Commons gallery "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commons-institution-page
:commons-institution-page a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Institution template"@en ;
skos:definition "Name of the institutions's page on wikimedia commons (without the prefix \"institution\")"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Commons Institution page "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commons-maps-category
:commons-maps-category a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Commons maps category "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/comp-art-institution-id
:comp-art-institution-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "compArt institution ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/comp-art-person-id
:comp-art-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "compArt person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/companies-house-id
:companies-house-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Company House ID||Companies House number||Companies House no.||Company House ID||Companies House number||Companies House no.||company number||registered company number"@en ;
skos:definition "Numeric identifier for company registered with companies house in the united kingdom"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Companies House ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cona-id
:cona-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Cultural Objects Names Authority identifier||Cultural Objects Names Authority ID||CONA identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier from cultural objects name authority"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CONA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/confirmation-number
:confirmation-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A number that confirms the given order or payment has been received."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "confirmationNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coni-athlete-id
:coni-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CONI athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conicet-person-id
:conicet-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CONICET person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conifers-org-id
:conifers-org-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "String that identifies a page in the conifers.org website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "conifers.org ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conor-id
:conor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CONOR.SI||CONOR identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the conor.si database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CONOR ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conscription-number
:conscription-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "conscription number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conseil-de-presse-luxembourg-journalist-id
:conseil-de-presse-luxembourg-journalist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Conseil de Presse Luxembourg journalist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conservatoire-du-littoral-id
:conservatoire-du-littoral-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Conservatoire du littoral ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contact-option
:contact-option a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "An option available on this contact point (e.g. a toll-free number or support for hearing-impaired callers)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "contactOption"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contact-point
:contact-point a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "contactPoints"@en ;
skos:definition "A contact point for a person or organization."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "contactPoint"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contact-points
:contact-points a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A contact point for a person or organization."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "contactPoints"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/content-url
:content-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Actual bytes of the media object, for example the image file or video file."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "contentUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cooper-hewitt-person-id
:cooper-hewitt-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person or organization in the cooper-hewitt (smithsonian museum) catalogue"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cooper-Hewitt Person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cordis-project-id
:cordis-project-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CORDIS Project ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/corporate-number
:corporate-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Corporate Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/corrigendum-erratum
:corrigendum-erratum a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Corrigendum||Errata||Erratum"@en ;
skos:definition "A published correction to a previous publication"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Corrigendum / Erratum"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cos-ing-number
:cos-ing-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CosIng number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cospar-id
:cospar-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "International Designator||COSPAR designation||NSSDC ID"@en ;
skos:definition "International satellite designation, administered by the un committee on space research (cospar) and the us national space science data center (nssdc)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "COSPAR ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cosr-athlete-id
:cosr-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "COSR athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/country-calling-code
:country-calling-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "country dialing code||dialing code||calling code"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a country - dialed on phone after the international dialing prefix (precede value by +)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "country calling code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/course-code
:course-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The identifier for the Course used by the course provider (e.g. CS101 or 6.001)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "courseCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/courtesy-name
:courtesy-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "zi||style name||courtesy name"@en ;
skos:definition "Name bestowed upon a person at adulthood in addition to one's given name, mostly in east asia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "courtesy name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cov-athlete-id
:cov-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ČOV athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cpc-power-identifier
:cpc-power-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CPC-Power identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cpdl-id
:cpdl-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ChoralWiki ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a work or person, in the choral public domain library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CPDL ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cpdoc-id
:cpdoc-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CPDOC ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cpe-athlete-id
:cpe-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CPE athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cravo-albin-artist-id
:cravo-albin-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cravo Albin artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cri-stin-id
:cri-stin-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Norwegian Scientific Index ID||NVI"@en ;
skos:definition "Id in the database for norwegian scientists"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CRIStin ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cricket-archive-player-id
:cricket-archive-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the cricketarchive.com database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CricketArchive player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cricos-provider-code
:cricos-provider-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Unique identifier for australian education providers assigned by the commonwealth register of institutions and courses for overseas students (cricos)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CRICOS Provider Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/croatian-football-federation-player-id
:croatian-football-federation-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Croatian Football Federation player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/croatian-football-statistics-id
:croatian-football-statistics-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Croatian Football Statistics ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cross-tables-com-scrabble-player-id
:cross-tables-com-scrabble-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cross-tables.com Scrabble player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/crossref-funder-id
:crossref-funder-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Crossref funder ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/crunchbase-organisation-id
:crunchbase-organisation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an organisation, in the crunchbase database of companies and start-ups, operated by techcrunch"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Crunchbase organisation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/crunchbase-person-id
:crunchbase-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person, in the crunchbase database of companies and start-ups, operated by techcrunch"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Crunchbase person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/crunchyroll-id
:crunchyroll-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Crunchyroll ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/csfd-film-id
:csfd-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ČSFD film ID||ČSFD film identifier||CSFD film ID||CSFD film identifier||CSFD film ID||CSFD film identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a movie in the czech film database čsfd"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ČSFD film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/csfd-person-id
:csfd-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ČSFD actor ID||CSFD person ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the czech film database čsfd"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ČSFD person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ctext-work-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ctext work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cths-person-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the directory of french learned societies"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CTHS person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cths-society-id
:cths-society-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "identifier of Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of documents edited by a french scientific society"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CTHS society ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cue-tracker-player-id
:cue-tracker-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CueTracker player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cue-tracker-tournament-id
:cue-tracker-tournament-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CueTracker tournament ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cullum-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cullum number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cultura-italia-id
:cultura-italia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identification number for the culturaitalia lod section"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CulturaItalia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cultural-heritage-armenia-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cultural Heritage Armenia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cultural heritage database in Austria ObjektID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cultural heritage database in Sweden ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cultural Heritage Kosovo ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "cultural heritage monument in Serbia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a cultural property of belarus"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cultural properties of Belarus reference number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cultureel-woordenboek-identifier
:cultureel-woordenboek-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cultureel Woordenboek identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Item with description of currency symbol"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "currency symbol description "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cutting-site-of-restriction-enzyme
:cutting-site-of-restriction-enzyme a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "cutting site of restriction enzyme "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cvr-number
:cvr-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Central Business Register number||Central Business Register number"@en ;
skos:definition "Unique identifier for a business in denmark's central business register (cvr), the official database of danish businesses."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CVR number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cwgc-burial-ground-id
:cwgc-burial-ground-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Commonwealth War Graves Commission burial ground identifier||CWGC burial ground ID||CWGC burial ID||Commonwealth War Graves Commission burial ground ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a cemetery or churchyard, in the online database of commonwealth war graves commission"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CWGC burial ground ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cwgc-person-id
:cwgc-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CWGC person identifier||Commonwealth War Graves Commission person identifier||Commonwealth War Graves Commission person ID||CWGC person identifier||Commonwealth War Graves Commission person identifier||Commonwealth War Graves Commission person ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person, in the online database of commonwealth war graves commission"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CWGC person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cycle-base-cyclist-id
:cycle-base-cyclist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "CycleBase cyclist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:cycling-archives-cyclist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the cycling archives"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cycling Archives cyclist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cycling-archives-race-id
:cycling-archives-race-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the cycling archives"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cycling Archives race ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cycling-archives-team-id
:cycling-archives-team-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the cycling archives"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cycling Archives team ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:cycling-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the website cycling database (www.cyclingdatabase.com)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cycling Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cycling-quotient-female-cyclist-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CQR"@en ;
skos:definition "Cycling quotient identifier (cyclist, woman)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cycling Quotient female cyclist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CQR"@en ;
skos:definition "Cycling quotient identifier (mens race)"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cycling-quotient-male-cyclist-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CQRanking||CQR||Cycling Quotient identifier (cyclist||man)||Cycling Quotient (cyclist||man) identifier||CQID (cyclist||man)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier on cqranking.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cycling Quotient male cyclist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cycling-quotient-men-s-team-url
:cycling-quotient-men-s-team-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CQR"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cycling Quotient men's team URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CQR"@en ;
skos:definition "Cycling quotient identifier (women races)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Cycling Quotient women's race ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cytogenetic-location
:cytogenetic-location a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "cytogenetic location "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Cyworld ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for cultural heritage properties in the czech republic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Czech cultural heritage ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/czech-jockey-club-horse-id
:czech-jockey-club-horse-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Czech Jockey Club horse ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:czech-monument-catalogue-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Czech Monument Catalogue Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Czech National Bibliography book ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a neighbourhood in the czech republic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Czech neighbourhood ID code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:czech-registration-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Czech Registration ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:czech-street-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Czech street ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/d-u-n-s
:d-u-n-s a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DUNS||Data Universal Numbering System"@en ;
skos:definition "Unique company identifier from dun & bradstreet"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "D-U-N-S "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/daao-id
:daao-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DAAO identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier per design & art australia online"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DAAO ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dacs-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DACS ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Dagens Næringsliv topic ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dagens Nyheter topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dailymotion channel ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DAMIT asteroid ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Danish ancient monument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BFI SNO||BFI CNO"@en ;
skos:definition "Serial & conference identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/danish-list-of-lights-and-fog-signals-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Danish List of Lights and Fog signals ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Case number of a listed building in denmark"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Danish listed buildings case ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/danish-parish-code
:danish-parish-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an parish in denmark"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Danish parish code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/danish-protected-area-id
:danish-protected-area-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Identifier for Danish protected area||Identifier for Danish protected area"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Danish protected area ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/danish-urban-area-code
:danish-urban-area-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Official identifier for an urban area in denmark"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Danish urban area code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/danskefilm-animated-film-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "danskefilm animated film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "danskefilm film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:danskefilm-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "danskefilm person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "danskefilm silent film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "danskefilm TV Christmas calendar "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/danskefilm-tv-series-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "danskefilm TV series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "danskfilmogtv person "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/danskfilmogtv-title-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "danskfilmogtv title ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dantai-code
:dantai-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "municipality code (Japan)||Japanese municipality identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for administrative division in 6-digit format assigned by the interior ministry of japan"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "dantai code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/darts-database-player-id
:darts-database-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Darts Database player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/data-gouv-fr-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "data.gouv.fr ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "databaseFootball.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/database-of-classical-scholars-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DBCS identifier||Database of Classical Scholars identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer of a person in the university of south carolina's database of classical scholars"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Database of Classical Scholars ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/database-olympics-com-athlete-id
:database-olympics-com-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "databaseOlympics.com athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Datahub page of a dataset"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Datahub page "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/daum-movie-id
:daum-movie-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Daum movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/daum-tv-series-id
:daum-tv-series-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Daum TV series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/davis-cup-player-id
:davis-cup-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a tennis player, in the davis cup database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Davis Cup player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dba-id
:dba-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DBA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dbc-author-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DBC author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dblp-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "dblp computer science bibliography||dblp computer science bibliography||dblp identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for entries in the dblp computer science bibliography (use portion of url after http://dblp.uni-trier.de/)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DBLP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dbnl-author-id
:dbnl-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren identifier||Digital Library for Dutch Literature identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an author on the dbnl-website for dutch language authors"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DBNL author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dbs-id
:dbs-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DBS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/debian-stable-package
:debian-stable-package a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Debian stable package "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/debrett-s-people-of-today-id
:debrett-s-people-of-today-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person, in debrett's \"people of today\""@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Debrett's People of Today ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/declarator-org-id
:declarator-org-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Person id on declarator.org database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Declarator.org ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deezer-album-id
:deezer-album-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an album on deezer"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Deezer album ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deezer-artist-id
:deezer-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artist on deezer"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Deezer artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deezer-track-id
:deezer-track-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a track on deezer"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Deezer track ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/delarge-id
:delarge-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer for an artist in the delarge dictionary"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Delarge ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/delivery-address
:delivery-address a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Destination address."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "deliveryAddress"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/demonym
:demonym a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Demonym for people or things associated with a given place. In english, this should start with a capital letter. Singular masculine adjective form is preferred. Add a qualifier if another form is added."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "demonym "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/denk-xweb-identifier
:denk-xweb-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the online database for cultural heritage monuments in the german state of hesse"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "denkXweb identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/department-of-education-and-skills-roll-number
:department-of-education-and-skills-roll-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Department of Education and Skills roll number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/described-at-url
:described-at-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "described in URL||URL described in"@en ;
skos:definition "Item is described at the following url"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "described at URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/described-by-source
:described-by-source a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DNB entry"@en ;
skos:definition "Dictionary, encyclopaedia, etc. where this item is described"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "described by source "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/description
:description a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A description of the item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "description"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/detail-map
:detail-map a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A map containing details about the entire location"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "detail map "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deutsche-olympiamannschaft-athlete-id
:deutsche-olympiamannschaft-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Deutsche Olympiamannschaft athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deutsche-synchronkartei-actor-id
:deutsche-synchronkartei-actor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Deutsche Synchronkartei actor-ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deutsche-synchronkartei-dubbing-voice-actor-id
:deutsche-synchronkartei-dubbing-voice-actor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Deutsche Synchronkartei dubbing voice actor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deutsche-synchronkartei-film-id
:deutsche-synchronkartei-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Deutsche Synchronkartei film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deutsche-synchronkartei-series-id
:deutsche-synchronkartei-series-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Deutsche Synchronkartei series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deutsche-ultramarathon-vereinigung-id
:deutsche-ultramarathon-vereinigung-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DUV ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for individual runners inside deutsche ultramarathon-vereinigung's database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Deutsche Ultramarathon-Vereinigung ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/df-e-urn
:df-e-urn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Department for Education URN||EDUBase URN||EDUBase ID||Department for Education Unique Reference Number||URN of Department of Education"@en ;
skos:definition "Department for education unique reference number; school identifier used by the uk government "@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DfE URN "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dfb-datacenter-player-id
:dfb-datacenter-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DFB datacenter player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dgo-4-identifier
:dgo-4-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier per direction générale opérationelle (wallonia)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DGO4 identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dharma-drum-buddhist-college-person-id
:dharma-drum-buddhist-college-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in ddbc"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dharma Drum Buddhist College person ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dharma-drum-buddhist-college-place-id
:dharma-drum-buddhist-college-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a place in ddbc"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dharma Drum Buddhist College place ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dialnet-article
:dialnet-article a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dialnet article "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dialnet-author-id
:dialnet-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an author in dialnet"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dialnet author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dialnet-book-id
:dialnet-book-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dialnet book ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dialnet-journal
:dialnet-journal a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dialnet journal "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/diamond-league-athlete-id
:diamond-league-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Diamond League athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionary-of-art-historians-id
:dictionary-of-art-historians-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the dictionary of art historians"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionary of Art Historians ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionary-of-canadian-biography-id
:dictionary-of-canadian-biography-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Entry of the item in the dictionary of canadian biography"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionary of Canadian Biography ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionary-of-medieval-names-from-european-sources-entry
:dictionary-of-medieval-names-from-european-sources-entry a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DMNES"@en ;
skos:definition "Entry in the dictionary of medieval names from european sources"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources entry "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionary-of-new-zealand-biography
:dictionary-of-new-zealand-biography a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Dictionary of New Zealand Biography identifier||Te Ara identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the dictionary of new zealand biography"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionary of New Zealand Biography "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionary-of-spanish-biography-id
:dictionary-of-spanish-biography-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionary of Spanish Biography ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionary-of-swedish-national-biography
:dictionary-of-swedish-national-biography a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionary of Swedish National Biography "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionary-of-sydney-id
:dictionary-of-sydney-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionary of Sydney ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionary-of-ulster-biography-id
:dictionary-of-ulster-biography-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DUB ID||DoUB ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a person in the dictionary of ulster biography"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionary of Ulster Biography ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionary-of-welsh-biography-id
:dictionary-of-welsh-biography-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DWB"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier per the dictionary of welsh biography"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionary of Welsh Biography ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionnaire-des-auteurs-luxembourgeois-id
:dictionnaire-des-auteurs-luxembourgeois-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionnaire des auteurs luxembourgeois ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionnaire-des-peintres-belges-id
:dictionnaire-des-peintres-belges-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionnaire des peintres belges ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dictionnaire-du-jura-id
:dictionnaire-du-jura-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DIJU"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the encyclopedia dictionnaire du jura"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dictionnaire du Jura ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dig-dag-id
:dig-dag-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DigDag ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/digital-atlas-of-the-roman-empire-id
:digital-atlas-of-the-roman-empire-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DARE ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a roman site, in the digital atlas of the roman empire"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/digital-typhoon-typhoon-id
:digital-typhoon-typhoon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Digital Typhoon typhoon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/digital-valencian-library-author-id
:digital-valencian-library-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Digital Valencian Library author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/din-oloket
:din-oloket a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from database of geologic units in the netherlands (data informatie nederlandse ondergrond)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DINOloket"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/directions
:directions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "locality or place"@en ;
skos:definition "Describe how to find the object - directions, objects along way, comments"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "directions "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/directorio-grierson-id
:directorio-grierson-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Directorio Grierson ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/directory-of-czech-publishers-id
:directory-of-czech-publishers-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Directory of Czech publishers ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/disambiguating-description
:disambiguating-description a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A sub property of description. A short description of the item used to disambiguate from other, similar items. Information from other properties (in particular, name) may be necessary for the description to be useful for disambiguation."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "disambiguatingDescription"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discography-of-american-historical-recordings-id
:discography-of-american-historical-recordings-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Discography of American Historical Recordings ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discogs-artist-id
:discogs-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a band or person in the discogs database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Discogs artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discogs-label-id
:discogs-label-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a record label, studio or series in the discogs database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Discogs label ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discogs-master-id
:discogs-master-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a musical work in the discogs database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Discogs master ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discogs-release-id
:discogs-release-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a musical work (release) in the discogs database, if there is no master id"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Discogs release ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discount-code
:discount-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Code used to redeem a discount."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "discountCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discusses
:discusses a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Specifies the CreativeWork associated with the UserComment."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "discusses"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discussion-url
:discussion-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A link to the page containing the comments of the CreativeWork."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "discussionUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/disease-ontology-id
:disease-ontology-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the disease ontology database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Disease Ontology ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/diseases-db
:diseases-db a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier sourced on the diseases database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DiseasesDB "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/distribution-map
:distribution-map a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Distribution of item on a mapped area (for range map of taxa, use (p181).)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "distribution map "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/distro-watch-id
:distro-watch-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DistroWatch ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dizionario-biografico-degli-italiani
:dizionario-biografico-degli-italiani a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DBI||Treccani||Enciclopedia Treccani||Encyclopedia Treccani"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of the biographical dictionary of italian people"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dli-id
:dli-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DLI identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a work, in the digital library of india"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DLI ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dlv-athlete-id
:dlv-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DLV athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dmoz-id
:dmoz-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Open Directory Project||ODP||Netscape Open Directory||NewHoo||GNUHoo||directory.mozilla||Mozilla Directory||dmoz"@en ;
skos:definition "Open directory project"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DMOZ ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dnb-editions
:dnb-editions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the german national library catalogue (see also authority data p227)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DNB editions "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dnf-film-id
:dnf-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DNF film||DNF ID (film)||Danish National Filmography film ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a film in the danish national filmography"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DNF film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dnf-person-id
:dnf-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Danish National Filmography name||DNF name||DNF ID (person)||Danish National Filmography person ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the danish national filmography"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DNF person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/doc-check-flexikon-de-id
:doc-check-flexikon-de-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DocCheck Flexikon De ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/doc-check-flexikon-en-id
:doc-check-flexikon-en-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DocCheck Flexikon En ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/docomomo-iberico-id
:docomomo-iberico-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DOCOMOMO Ibérico ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dodis-id
:dodis-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Dodis ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the dodis database (diplomatic documents of switzerland 1945-1969), see q661051"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dodis ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/doi
:doi a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Digital Object Identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Serial code used to uniquely identify digital objects like academic papers"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DOI "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/doi-prefix
:doi-prefix a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DOIP"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier specific to a doi registrant"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DOI prefix "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/doris-id
:doris-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DORIS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/douban-movie-id
:douban-movie-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Douban Movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/download-url
:download-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "If the file can be downloaded, URL to download the binary."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "downloadUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dpla-id
:dpla-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout united states"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DPLA ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/draftexpress-com-id
:draftexpress-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "draftexpress.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dreadnought-project-page
:dreadnought-project-page a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dreadnought Project page "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/driver-db-driver-id
:driver-db-driver-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DriverDB driver ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/drugbank-id
:drugbank-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the bioinformatics and cheminformatics database from the university of alberta"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Drugbank ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/drusop-id
:drusop-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DRÚSOP ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dsbe-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DSBE ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dsh-object-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for cultural monuments in hamburg, germany"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DSH object ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dsm-5
:dsm-5 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DSMV||DSM 5||DSM5"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a mental disorder in the 5th edition of \"diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders\""@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DSM-5 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dsmhof-athlete-id
:dsmhof-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DSMHOF athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dsstox-substance-identifier
:dsstox-substance-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DSSTOX substance identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/duns
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The Dun & Bradstreet DUNS number for identifying an organization or business person."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "duns"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/during-media
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A media object representing the circumstances while performing this direction."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "duringMedia"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dutch-cemetery-in-chinsurah-person-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dutch Cemetery in Chinsurah person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dutch-lost-building-register-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Dutch lost building register ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dutch-senate-person-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DSP ID||DSP ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person on the website of the dutch senate"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dutch Senate person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dvn-id
:dvn-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "DVN identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the dutch digitaal vrouwenlexicon van nederland (online dictionary of dutch women), a biography portal of prominent women in dutch history."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "DVN ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dvv-player-id
:dvv-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DVV player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dyntaxa-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Swedish Taxonomic Database ID||Swedish Species Information Centre"@en ;
skos:definition "Swedish taxonomic database id"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Dyntaxa ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dz-foot-com-player-id
:dz-foot-com-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "DZFoot.com player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-archiv-li-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in e-archiv.li, a directory of sources of landesarchiv liechtenstein"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "e-archiv.li ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-bird-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "eBird ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-db-film-id
:e-db-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EDb film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-db-person-id
:e-db-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EDb person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-mail
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "email||electronic mail"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "e-mail "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-medicine
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Online clinical medical knowledge base"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "eMedicine "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-number
:e-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Number for food additives that are legal in the european union"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "E number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-parks-unit-id
:e-parks-unit-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "eParks unit ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-th-os-thesis-id
:e-th-os-thesis-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EThOS thesis ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/e-wrc-results-com-racer-id
:e-wrc-results-com-racer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "eWRC-results.com racer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of an epigraphic concept in the europeana network of ancient greek and latin epigraphy (eagle) vocabulary"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EAGLE id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/early-aviators-people-id
:early-aviators-people-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Early Aviators people ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "European Commission number||EC No.||EINECS No.||EC#||EC number (of chemical compound)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a chemical compound per einecs"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EC ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ec-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Enzyme Commission number"@en ;
skos:definition "Enzyme commission number (≠ european commission number p232)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EC number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ecartico-person-id
:ecartico-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person, in the ecartico biographical database of the dutch and flemish golden ages"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ECARTICO person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/echa-info-card-id
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skos:definition "Identifier of a chemical substance used by the european chemicals agency (echa)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ECHA InfoCard ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ecocrop-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ecocrop ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Ecole des chartes thesis abstract ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "has edition||editions||translation(s)"@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Number of edition (first, second,... as 1, 2 ...) for a book or event"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "edition number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
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skos:prefLabel "edition or translation of "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/edrpou-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EDRPOU code "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ee-breed-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "breed number"@en ;
skos:definition "Breed identification number per the ee list of the breeds of fancy pigeons (elfp)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EE breed number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/egaxa-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "EGAXA identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in bibliotheca alexandrina"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EGAXA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ehak-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Estonian administrative and settlement classification"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EHAK id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eidr-identifier
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a film or television program, in the entertainment identifier registry"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EIDR identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ek-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EK number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/el-cinema-film-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "elCinema film ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "elCinema person ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/el-film-film-id
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skos:prefLabel "elFilm film ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "elFilm person ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Eldoblaje dubbing actor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of dubbing in the website eldoblaje.com, a database of spanish dubbings"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Eldoblaje Movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eldoblaje-original-actor-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Eldoblaje original actor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/electronic-enlightenment-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Electronic Enlightenment ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "element symbol "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/elhuyar-zth-id
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skos:prefLabel "Elhuyar ZTH ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/elite-prospects-player-id
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skos:definition "Ice hockey player id assigned by eliteprospects.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Elite Prospects player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/elite-prospects-staff-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Elite Prospects staff ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/elonet-movie-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
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skos:definition "Identifier for a movie in the elonet database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Elonet movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/elonet-person-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an actor, in the elonet database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Elonet person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/elstat-geographical-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for administrative regions of greece by the greek statistical authority (starting 2010)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ELSTAT geographical code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/email
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Email address."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "email"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/embassy-pages-com-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EmbassyPages.com ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A URL pointing to a player for a specific video. In general, this is the information in the src
element of an embed
tag and should not be the same as the content of the loc
tag."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "embedUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
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skos:prefLabel "emergency phone number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/emlo-location-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EMLO location ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/emlo-person-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Early Modern Letters Online identifier||EMLO person identifier||EMLO person identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the early modern letters online project run by the bodleian library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EMLO person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/emporis-building-complex-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a building complex, as opposed to a single building, in the emporis architecture database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Emporis building complex ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/emporis-building-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "EBN"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a building in the emporis database (for building complexes, see p2270)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Emporis building ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/enard-athlete-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ENARD athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/enciclopedia-acoriana-id
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skos:definition "Identifier for an item in enciclopédia açoriana"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/enciclopedia-italiana-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Enciclopedia Italiana ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Enciclopédia Itaú Cultural ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encoding
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "encodings"@en ;
skos:definition "A media object that encodes this CreativeWork. This property is a synonym for associatedMedia."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "encoding"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encodings
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A media object that encodes this CreativeWork."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "encodings"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
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skos:altLabel "Encyclopedia Britannica contributor identifier||Encyclopedia Britannica contributor identifier||EB contributor||Encyclopædia Britannica contributor identifier||Britannica contributor identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for contributors to encyclopædia britannica"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopædia Britannica contributor ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
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skos:definition "Identifer for an article in the online version of encyclopædia britannica"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encyclop-dia-universalis-online-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopædia Universalis Online ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Metal Archives artist ID||Encyclopedia Metallum artist ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the encyclopaedia metallum database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopaedia Metallum artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encyclopaedia-metallum-band-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Metal Archives band ID||Encyclopedia Metallum band ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a band in the encyclopaedia metallum database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopaedia Metallum band ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encyclopaedia-metallum-release-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Encyclopedia Metallum release ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a release in the encyclopaedia metallum database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopaedia Metallum release ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encyclopedia-of-australian-science-id
:encyclopedia-of-australian-science-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopedia of Australian Science ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encyclopedia-of-life-id
:encyclopedia-of-life-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "eol"@en ;
skos:definition "Eol.org item reference number"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopedia of Life ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encyclopedia-of-modern-ukraine-id
:encyclopedia-of-modern-ukraine-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encyclopedia-of-surfing-id
:encyclopedia-of-surfing-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopedia of Surfing ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encyclopedia-of-triangle-centers-identifier
:encyclopedia-of-triangle-centers-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/endangeredlanguages-com-id
:endangeredlanguages-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Project of alliance for linguistic diversity which provides some informations on endangered languages from all over the world"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "endangeredlanguages.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ensembl-gene-id
:ensembl-gene-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a gene as per the ensembl (european bioinformatics institute and the wellcome trust sanger institute) database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Ensembl Gene ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ensembl-protein-id
:ensembl-protein-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a protein issued by ensembl database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Ensembl Protein ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ensembl-transcript-id
:ensembl-transcript-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Transcript id issued by ensembl database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Ensembl Transcript ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ent-revues-id
:ent-revues-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ent'revues ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/enterprise-number
:enterprise-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Enterprise number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/entrez-gene-id
:entrez-gene-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a gene per the ncbi entrez database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Entrez Gene ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/environmental-register-code
:environmental-register-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Environmental Register code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/epcr-player-id
:epcr-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EPCR player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/epguides-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Epguides ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ephe-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EPHE ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/episode-number
:episode-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Position of the episode within an ordered group of episodes."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "episodeNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eppo-code
:eppo-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EPPO Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/epsg-id
:epsg-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for geodetic datum per european petroleum survey group geodesy"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EPSG ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/era-journal-id
:era-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for academic journals"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ERA Journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/erih-plus-id
:erih-plus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ERIH PLUS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/error
:error a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "For failed actions, more information on the cause of the failure."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "error"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/erudit-journal-id
:erudit-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Érudit journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esbl-athlete-id
:esbl-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESBL athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esco-occupation-id
:esco-occupation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESCO Occupation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esco-skill-id
:esco-skill-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESCO skill ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esec-person-id
:esec-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESEC person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esp-ncricinfo-com-player-id
:esp-ncricinfo-com-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id for a cricketer in espncricinfo's database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ESPNcricinfo.com player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esp-nscrum-player-id
:esp-nscrum-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for any international rugby union player, from website espn.co.uk"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ESPNscrum player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esperantist-id
:esperantist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Esperantist number||address book of Esperantists"@en ;
skos:definition "Number in the address book of early esperanto speakers by zamenhof"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Esperantist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/espn-com-mlb-player-id
:espn-com-mlb-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESPN.com MLB player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/espn-com-nba-player-id
:espn-com-nba-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESPN.com NBA player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:espn-com-nfl-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESPN.com NFL player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/espn-com-nhl-player-id
:espn-com-nhl-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESPN.com NHL player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/espn-x-games-athlete-id
:espn-x-games-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESPN X Games athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/espnfc-com-player-id
:espnfc-com-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESPNFC.com player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esprit-bleu-athlete-id
:esprit-bleu-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EspritBleu athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esr-station-code
:esr-station-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "former USSR station code"@en ;
skos:definition "Unique railway station/operation point code used in ussr and later in former ussr countries"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ESR station code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/estc-citation-number
:estc-citation-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ESTC citation number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/estonian-cultural-monument-id
:estonian-cultural-monument-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Estonian cultural monument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/estonian-football-association-player-id
:estonian-football-association-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Estonian Football Association player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/estonian-football-association-team-id
:estonian-football-association-team-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Estonian Football Association team ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/estonian-research-portal-person-id
:estonian-research-portal-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Estonian Research Portal person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/estyn-id
:estyn-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a school in wales, in the welsh assembly's estyn database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Estyn ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ethnologue-com-code
:ethnologue-com-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language in ethnologue.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Ethnologue.com code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eu-football-info-player-id
:eu-football-info-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Eu-football.info player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eu-river-basin-district-code
:eu-river-basin-district-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EU River Basin District code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eu-surface-water-body-code
:eu-surface-water-body-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "EU_CD"@en ;
skos:definition "Unique eu identifier for a surface water body"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EU Surface Water Body Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eu-transparency-register-id
:eu-transparency-register-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identity code for an organisation, in the transparency register of the european union"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EU transparency register ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eu-vat-number
:eu-vat-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EU VAT number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/euap-id
:euap-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EUAP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eul-editions
:eul-editions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "EUL ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a book (edition) in the egyptian union catalog"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "EUL editions"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/euring-number
:euring-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Euring number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/euro-tour-golf-player-id
:euro-tour-golf-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EuroTour golf player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eurobasket-com-id
:eurobasket-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "eurobasket.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eurohockey-com-player-id
:eurohockey-com-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Eurohockey player ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an ice hockey player in the database of eurohockey.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Eurohockey.com player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/euroleague-net-id
:euroleague-net-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "euroleague.net ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/european-athletics-id
:european-athletics-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "European Athletics ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/european-case-law-id
:european-case-law-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "European Case Law id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/european-fencing-confederation-athlete-id
:european-fencing-confederation-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "European Fencing Confederation athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/european-handball-federation-id
:european-handball-federation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "European Handball Federation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/european-medicines-agency-product-number
:european-medicines-agency-product-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "European Medicines Agency product number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/europeana-fashion-creator-id
:europeana-fashion-creator-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Europeana Fashion creator ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/europeana-fashion-vocabulary-id
:europeana-fashion-vocabulary-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Europeana Fashion Vocabulary ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/europeana-id
:europeana-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in europeana.eu for books, paintings, films, museum objects and archival records that have been digitised throughout europe"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Europeana ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/euta-person-id
:euta-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EUTA person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/euta-theatre-id
:euta-theatre-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "EUTA theatre ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/example-of-work
:example-of-work a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "workExample"@en ;
skos:definition "A creative work that this work is an example/instance/realization/derivation of."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "exampleOfWork"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exceptional-heritage-of-wallonia-id
:exceptional-heritage-of-wallonia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Exceptional heritage of Wallonia identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "The unique identifier of the \"patrimoine immobilier exceptionnel de la région wallonne\""@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Exceptional heritage of Wallonia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/executable-library-name
:executable-library-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "assembly"@en ;
skos:definition "Library file name e.g., mscorlib.dll, system.web.dll."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "executableLibraryName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/executive-order-number
:executive-order-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an executive order of the us"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Executive Order number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exif-data
:exif-data a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "exif data for this object."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "exifData"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exif-make
:exif-make a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "String of the manufacturer as it appears in the exif generated by a specific digital camera model"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Exif make "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exif-model
:exif-model a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "String as it appears in the exif generated by a camera"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Exif model "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/expected-completeness
:expected-completeness a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "completeness||expected level of completion"@en ;
skos:definition "Describes whether a property is intended to represent a complete set of real-world items having that property"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "expected completeness "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exploitation-visa-number
:exploitation-visa-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "film distribution certificate||exploitation visa"@en ;
skos:definition "Number of the exploitation visa of a movie in france"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "exploitation visa number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/external-data-available-at
:external-data-available-at a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "data"@en ;
skos:definition "Url where external data on this item can be found"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "external data available at "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/f-droid-package
:f-droid-package a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "F-Droid package "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/faa-airport-code
:faa-airport-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FAA LID"@en ;
skos:definition "Three-letter or four-letter alphanumeric code identifying united states airports"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FAA airport code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/facebook-places-id
:facebook-places-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a place in facebook"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Facebook Places ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/facebook-profile-id
:facebook-profile-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "fb"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person or organization in facebook"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Facebook profile ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/facr-player-id
:facr-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FACR player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fai-id
:fai-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FAI ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fama-work-id
:fama-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FAMA work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/family-name
:family-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "last name||has surname||surname||last name||has surname||surname"@en ;
skos:definition "Family name. In the U.S., the last name of an Person. This can be used along with givenName instead of the name property."@en , "Surname or last name of a person"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "family name "@en , "familyName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/family-name-identical-to-this-given-name
:family-name-identical-to-this-given-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "related surname||related family name"@en ;
skos:definition "Last name that is the same as a given first name. Use on items for given names."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "family name identical to this given name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/family-search-person-id
:family-search-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id of a person in familysearch.org"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FamilySearch person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/familypedia-person-id
:familypedia-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Familypedia person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fangraphs-id
:fangraphs-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Fangraphs ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fantoir-code
:fantoir-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FANTOIR code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fao-2007-genetic-resource-id
:fao-2007-genetic-resource-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FAO 2007 genetic resource ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fashion-model-directory-brand-id
:fashion-model-directory-brand-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "External link to a brand's profile at the fashion model directory (fmd) website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fashion Model Directory brand ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fashion-model-directory-designer-id
:fashion-model-directory-designer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "External link to a designer's profile at the fashion model directory (fmd) website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fashion Model Directory designer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fashion-model-directory-magazine-id
:fashion-model-directory-magazine-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "External link to a magazine profile at the fashion model directory (fmd) website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fashion Model Directory magazine ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fashion-model-directory-model-id
:fashion-model-directory-model-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FMD"@en ;
skos:definition "External link to a model's profile at the fashion model directory (fmd) website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fashion Model Directory model ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fashion-model-directory-photographer-id
:fashion-model-directory-photographer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "External link to a photographer's profile at the fashion model directory (fmd) website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fashion Model Directory photographer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fast-id
:fast-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Faceted Application of Subject Terminology ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Authority control identifier in worldcat's “fast linked data” authority file"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FAST ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fauna-europaea-id
:fauna-europaea-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in fauna europaea"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fauna Europaea ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fauna-europaea-new-id
:fauna-europaea-new-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Fauna Europaea New ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fax-number
:fax-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "fax"@en ;
skos:definition "Number of fax line"@en , "The fax number."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "fax number "@en , "faxNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fcc-facility-id
:fcc-facility-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Facility ID Number||FIN||facility_id||facid"@en ;
skos:definition "U.s. Id number for broadcast stations"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FCC Facility ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fci-rider-id
:fci-rider-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FCI rider ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/feature-list
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Features or modules provided by this application (and possibly required by other applications)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "featureList"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fed-cup-player-id
:fed-cup-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a tennis player, in the fed cup database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fed Cup player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/federal-heritage-buildings-id
:federal-heritage-buildings-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Federal Heritage Buildings ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/federal-register-document-number
:federal-register-document-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Authority file id in the united states federal register"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Federal Register Document Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fedora-package
:fedora-package a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Fedora package "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/feed-url
:feed-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RSS||atom feed"@en ;
skos:definition "Newsfeed (rss, atom etc.) of this person/organisation/project"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "feed URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fei-id
:fei-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FEI ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fellow-of-the-royal-society-id
:fellow-of-the-royal-society-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Fellow id of the royal society"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fellow of the Royal Society ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/female-form-of-label
:female-form-of-label a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "female form of label (string)"@en ;
skos:definition "Female form of name of an element"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "female form of label "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ff-voile-sailor-id
:ff-voile-sailor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FFVoile sailor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ffa-id
:ffa-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FFA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fff-female-player-id
:fff-female-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FFF female player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fff-male-player-id
:fff-male-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FFF male player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ffn-swimmer-id
:ffn-swimmer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FFN swimmer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ffr-player-id
:ffr-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FFR player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fiba-player-id
:fiba-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FIBA player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fidal-id
:fidal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FIDAL ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fide-id
:fide-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the fide database for chess players"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIDE ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fie-fencer-id
:fie-fencer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FIE identifier||Fédération Internationale d'Escrime ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the database of all fencers holding an international licence at the fédération internationale d'escrime (fie)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIE fencer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fifa-country-code
:fifa-country-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FIFA country code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fifa-player-id
:fifa-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a soccer player per fifa"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIFA player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fig-gymnast-licence-number
:fig-gymnast-licence-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Gymnast's identifier at the database of the international federation of gymnastics"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIG gymnast licence number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/figshare-author-id
:figshare-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Figshare author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fih-player-id
:fih-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FIH player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fil-id
:fil-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FIL ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/file-extension
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "extension||filename extension"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a file format (e.g. txt for a text file) used as suffix to the file name, don't use dot at start"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "file extension "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/file-format-identification-pattern
:file-format-identification-pattern a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "file format identification pattern "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
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:file-format-wiki-page-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "File Format Wiki page ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/film-affinity-id
:film-affinity-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Filmaffinity||filmaffinity||FilmAffinity identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Filmaffinity identification number of a creative work"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FilmAffinity ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/film-documentaire-fr-film-id
:film-documentaire-fr-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "film-documentaire.fr film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/film-polski-pl-id
:film-polski-pl-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FilmPolski.pl ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/film-poster
:film-poster a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "film poster "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/film-script
:film-script a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "film script "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/filmography
:filmography a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "List of films a person has contributed to"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "filmography "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/filmportal-id
:filmportal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of the german filmportal.de"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Filmportal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/filmweb-pl-film-id
:filmweb-pl-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Filmweb.pl film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/filmweb-pl-id
:filmweb-pl-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Filmweb.pl ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/filmweb-pl-person-id
:filmweb-pl-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Filmweb.pl person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fina-athlete-id
:fina-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FINA athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/find-a-grave-cemetery-id
:find-a-grave-cemetery-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FindAGrave cemetery ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned to a cemetery at find a grave"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Find A Grave cemetery ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/find-a-grave-memorial-id
:find-a-grave-memorial-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FaG ID||FaGID||GRid||Findagrave ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of an individual's burial place in the find a grave database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Find a Grave memorial ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/findsmiley-id
:findsmiley-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Findsmiley ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/finnish-archaeological-heritage-id
:finnish-archaeological-heritage-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Finnish archaeological heritage ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/finnish-lake-id
:finnish-lake-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Finnish Lake ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/finnish-ministers-database-id
:finnish-ministers-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Code of the entry on the finnish ministers database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Finnish Ministers database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/finnish-mp-id
:finnish-mp-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Code of the entry on the finnish parliament database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Finnish MP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/finnish-municipality-number
:finnish-municipality-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a municipality in finnland"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Finnish municipality number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/finnish-national-gallery-artist-id
:finnish-national-gallery-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Finnish National Gallery artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fips-10-4
:fips-10-4 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "fips country codes"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for countries and regions per former federal information processing standard fips 10-4"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIPS 10-4 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fips-5-2
:fips-5-2 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FIPS 5-2||FIPS code for US states"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for us states and other associated areas (numeric or alpha) per federal information processing standard fips 5-2"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIPS 5-2 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fips-55-3
:fips-55-3 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Federal Information Processing Standard 55-3||FIPS 55-3||fips code for US locations"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for places in the united states per former federal information processing standard fips 55-3"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIPS 55-3 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fips-6-4
:fips-6-4 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FIPS 6-4||FIPS US counties||INCITS 31-2009"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for us counties per former federal information processing standard fips 6-4. Use two-digit state code followed by three digit county code"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIPS 6-4 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/first-line
:first-line a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "incipit||first verse"@en ;
skos:definition "First line of a poem or similar work"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "first line "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fis-alpine-skier-id
:fis-alpine-skier-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an alpine skier, in the international ski federation database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIS alpine skier ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fis-cross-country-skier-id
:fis-cross-country-skier-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a cross-country skier, in the international ski federation database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIS cross-country skier ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fis-freestyle-skier-id
:fis-freestyle-skier-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a freestyle skier, in the international ski federation database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIS freestyle skier ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fis-nordic-combined-skier-id
:fis-nordic-combined-skier-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a nordic combined skier, in the international ski federation database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIS Nordic combined skier ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fis-ski-jumper-id
:fis-ski-jumper-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a ski jumper, in the international ski federation database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIS ski jumper ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fis-snowboarder-id
:fis-snowboarder-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a snowboarder, in the international ski federation database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIS snowboarder ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fisa-rower-id
:fisa-rower-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a rower in the database of the international rowing federation (fisa)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FISA rower ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fish-base-species-id
:fish-base-species-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "fishbase||FishBase species identifier||FishBase ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a specie in fishbase"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FishBase species ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fivb-beach-volleyball-player-id
:fivb-beach-volleyball-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a beach volleyball player, in the fivb database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FIVB beach volleyball player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flag-image
:flag-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "image flag||image of flag"@en ;
skos:definition "Image of the item's flag"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "flag image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flags-of-the-world-id
:flags-of-the-world-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Flags of the World ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flanders-arts-institute-venue-id
:flanders-arts-institute-venue-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Flanders Arts Institute venue ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flathub-id
:flathub-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Flathub ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fleet-or-registration-number
:fleet-or-registration-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "fleet number||registration number||number plate"@en ;
skos:definition "The fleet number or registration of the vehicle"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "fleet or registration number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flemish-parliament-person-id
:flemish-parliament-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Flemish Parliament person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flickr-user-id
:flickr-user-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Flickr user ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flight-number
:flight-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The unique identifier for a flight including the airline IATA code. For example, if describing United flight 110, where the IATA code for United is 'UA', the flightNumber is 'UA110'."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "flight number "@en , "flightNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flora-base-id
:flora-base-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FloraBase ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flora-of-australia-id
:flora-of-australia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Flora of Australia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flora-of-china-id
:flora-of-china-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "eFloras ID||eFloras ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a taxon in flora of the people's republic of china"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Flora of China ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flora-of-israel-plant-id
:flora-of-israel-plant-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Flora of Israel plant ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flora-of-north-america-taxon-id
:flora-of-north-america-taxon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FNA"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a taxon in flora of north america"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Flora of North America taxon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/florentine-musea-catalogue-id
:florentine-musea-catalogue-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for artworks from the catalogue of the national florentine musea"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Florentine musea catalogue ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/florentine-musea-inventario-1890-id
:florentine-musea-inventario-1890-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "National florentine musea inventory from 1890 identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Florentine musea Inventario 1890 ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/florida-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:florida-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Florida Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fly-base-gene-id
:fly-base-gene-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FlyBase Gene ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fogis-id
:fogis-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FOGIS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foih-heritage-types-id
:foih-heritage-types-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FOIH heritage types ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foih-periods-id
:foih-periods-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FOIH periods ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foih-person-id
:foih-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FOIH person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foih-relict-id
:foih-relict-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a \"relict\" in the database of the flemish organization for immovable heritage"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FOIH relict ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foih-styles-and-cultures-id
:foih-styles-and-cultures-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FOIH styles and cultures ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foih-taxon-id
:foih-taxon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FOIH taxon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/food-ex-2-code
:food-ex-2-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FoodEx2 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/football-database-eu-id
:football-database-eu-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FootballDatabase.eu ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/football-facts-ru-player-id
:football-facts-ru-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FootballFacts.ru player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/football-federation-of-ukraine-player-id
:football-federation-of-ukraine-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Football Federation of Ukraine player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/footofeminin-fr-player-id
:footofeminin-fr-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Footoféminin.fr player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fora-de-jogo-manager-id
:fora-de-jogo-manager-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ForaDeJogo manager ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fora-de-jogo-player-id
:fora-de-jogo-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ForaDeJogo player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/format-as-a-regular-expression
:format-as-a-regular-expression a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "regex||regular expression||regular expression"@en ;
skos:definition "Regex describing an identifier or a wikidata property"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "format as a regular expression "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/formatter-uri-for-rdf-resource
:formatter-uri-for-rdf-resource a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "formatter URL for RDF||RDF URL pattern"@en ;
skos:definition "Uri schema of a corresponding rdf resource"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "formatter URI for RDF resource "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fossilworks-id
:fossilworks-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "paleodb||fossilworks"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for fossil animals, plants, and microorganisms"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fossilworks ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fotbal-dnes-player-id
:fotbal-dnes-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Fotbal DNES player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fotografen-nl-id
:fotografen-nl-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Fotografen.nl ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foundational-model-of-anatomy-id
:foundational-model-of-anatomy-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FMA||Foundational Model of Anatomy"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for human anatomical terminology"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Foundational Model of Anatomy ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foursquare-venue-id
:foursquare-venue-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id of a place in foursquare"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Foursquare venue ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fr-siret-number
:fr-siret-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "FR SIRET number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/framalibre-id
:framalibre-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Framalibre ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/free-software-directory-entry
:free-software-directory-entry a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Link to the fsd page on a given software"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Free Software Directory entry "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/freebase-id
:freebase-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "mid||Freebase identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a page in the freebase database. For those starting with \"/g/\", use google knowledge graph identifier (p2671)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Freebase ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/french-catholic-church-structure-id
:french-catholic-church-structure-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "French Catholic Church structure ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/french-diocesan-architects-id
:french-diocesan-architects-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the french diocesan architects index"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "French diocesan architects ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/french-national-assembly-id
:french-national-assembly-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "French National Assembly ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/french-national-assembly-lobbyist-id
:french-national-assembly-lobbyist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "French National Assembly Lobbyist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/french-national-research-structure-identifier
:french-national-research-structure-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "French national research structure identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/french-sculpture-census-artist-id
:french-sculpture-census-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the french sculpture census"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "French Sculpture Census artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/full-work-available-at
:full-work-available-at a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "online version||archived at||available at||text at||URL for full text"@en ;
skos:definition "Url of a web page containing the full text for this item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "full work available at "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fussballdaten-de-id
:fussballdaten-de-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Fussballdaten.de ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/futsal-planet-player-id
:futsal-planet-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Futsal Planet player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/g-catholic-church-id
:g-catholic-church-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GCatholic church ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/g-pnotebook-id
:g-pnotebook-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GPnotebook ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gacs-id
:gacs-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GACS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/galiciana-author-id
:galiciana-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Galiciana Author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/galiciana-work-id
:galiciana-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Galiciana work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gallica-id
:gallica-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Gallica ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/game
:game a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "gameServer"@en ;
skos:definition "Video game which is played on this server."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "game"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/game-base-64-identifier
:game-base-64-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GameBase 64 identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/game-rankings-game-id
:game-rankings-game-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GameRankings game ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/game-tip
:game-tip a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Links to tips, tactics, etc."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "gameTip"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gaming-history-identifier
:gaming-history-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Gaming-History identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gaoloumi-id
:gaoloumi-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a building in the gaoloumi database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gaoloumi ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gard-rare-disease-id
:gard-rare-disease-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GARD rare disease ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gares-connexions-id
:gares-connexions-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Gares & Connexions ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gatehouse-gazetteer-place-id
:gatehouse-gazetteer-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Gatehouse Gazetteer place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gazetteer-of-planetary-nomenclature-id
:gazetteer-of-planetary-nomenclature-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a feature on an astronomical body in the gazetteer of planetary nomenclature"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gcd-series-id
:gcd-series-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GCD series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gecd-film-id
:gecd-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GECD film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gecd-person-id
:gecd-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GECD person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gen-bank-assembly-accession
:gen-bank-assembly-accession a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GenBank Assembly accession "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gene-atlas-image
:gene-atlas-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Image showing the geneatlas expression pattern"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gene Atlas Image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gene-db-id
:gene-db-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GeneDB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gene-ontology-id
:gene-ontology-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the gene ontology"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gene Ontology ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gene-reviews-id
:gene-reviews-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Collection of peer-reviewed articles that describe specific gene-releated diseases"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GeneReviews ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/genealogical-gazetteer
:genealogical-gazetteer a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Genealogical Gazetteer "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/genealogics-org-person-id
:genealogics-org-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person at genealogics.org"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "genealogics.org person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/genetic-association
:genetic-association a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "General link between a disease and the causal genetic entity, if the detailed mechanism is unknown/unavailable"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "genetic association "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geni-com-profile-id
:geni-com-profile-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Profile on the geni.com genealogy website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Geni.com profile ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/genius-artist-id
:genius-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artist on genius.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Genius artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gentoo-package
:gentoo-package a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Gentoo package "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geo-names-feature-code
:geo-names-feature-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "feature code (GeoNames)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for feature classes in geonames"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GeoNames feature code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geo-names-id
:geo-names-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the geonames geographical database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GeoNames ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geographical-names-board-of-new-south-wales-id
:geographical-names-board-of-new-south-wales-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Geographical Names Board of New South Wales ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geokod
:geokod a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for historical administrative division of sweden (1862-1951)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Geokod "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geopatronyme-id
:geopatronyme-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Géopatronyme ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/georgia-sports-hall-of-fame-id
:georgia-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Georgia Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/georgian-national-register-of-monuments-id
:georgian-national-register-of-monuments-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Georgian National Register of Monuments ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gepris-person-id
:gepris-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GEPRIS person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/german-cattle-breed-id
:german-cattle-breed-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Rasseschlüssel"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a cattle breed in german national law"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "German cattle breed ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/german-district-key
:german-district-key a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "district key (Germany)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for districts (landkreise) and independent towns in germany"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "German district key "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/german-municipality-key
:german-municipality-key a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "municipality key (Germany)||Gemeindeschlüssel"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for municipalities and independent towns in germany"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "German municipality key "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/german-regional-key
:german-regional-key a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for municipalities and unincorporated areas in germany"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "German regional key "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/german-tax-authority-id
:german-tax-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "German tax authority number"@en ;
skos:definition "Numerical identifier for a local german tax office; forms part of the steuernummer, assigned to individual taxpayers by that authority"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "German tax authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gertrude-identifier
:gertrude-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a cultural property per the glad database of french cultural heritage"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gertrude identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gewasserkennzahl
:gewasserkennzahl a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GKZ||Gewaesserkennzahl"@en ;
skos:definition "A number to hydrographically order rivers and streams"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gewässerkennzahl "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ghs-hazard-statement
:ghs-hazard-statement a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "H phrase"@en ;
skos:definition "Globally harmonized system of assessment and labeling of chemicals"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GHS hazard statement "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ghs-precautionary-statements
:ghs-precautionary-statements a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Code referring to a phrase giving advice about the correct handling of chemical substances and mixtures"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GHS precautionary statements "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/giphy-username
:giphy-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Giphy username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/git-hub-username
:git-hub-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Username of this person or organization on github"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GitHub username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/given-name
:given-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "forename||first name||personal name||christian name||middle name||forename||first name||personal name||christian name||middle name"@en ;
skos:definition "First name or another given name of this person. Values used with the property shouldn't link disambiguations nor family names."@en , "Given name. In the U.S., the first name of a Person. This can be used along with familyName instead of the name property."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "given name "@en , "givenName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/given-name-version-for-other-gender
:given-name-version-for-other-gender a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Equivalent name (with respect to the meaning of the name) in the same language: female version of a male first name, male version of a female first name. Add primarily the closest matching one"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "given name version for other gender "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/glam-identifier
:glam-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GLAM Identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/global-anabaptist-mennonite-encyclopedia-online-id
:global-anabaptist-mennonite-encyclopedia-online-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GAMEO identifier||Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Authority control identifier for global anabaptist mennonite encyclopedia online"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/global-biodiversity-information-facility-id
:global-biodiversity-information-facility-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GBIF ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in gbif"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Global Biodiversity Information Facility ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/global-geoparks-network-id
:global-geoparks-network-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Global Geoparks Network ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/global-location-number
:global-location-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The Global Location Number (GLN, sometimes also referred to as International Location Number or ILN) of the respective organization, person, or place. The GLN is a 13-digit number used to identify parties and physical locations."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "globalLocationNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/global-poker-index-id
:global-poker-index-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Global Poker Index ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/global-terrorism-database-id
:global-terrorism-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Global Terrorism Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/global-trade-item-number
:global-trade-item-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Global Trade Item Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/glottolog-code
:glottolog-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Glottocode||Glottocode"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language in the glottolog database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Glottolog code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gmelin-number
:gmelin-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for inorganic chemical compounds, in the gmelin database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gmelin number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gnd-id
:gnd-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GND||Universal Authority File||Integrated Authority File||dbpedia:IndividualisedGnd||PND||DNB authorities||GND identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GND ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gnis-antarctica-id
:gnis-antarctica-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "USGS GNIS Antarctica ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for geographic objects in antarctica, used in the us geological survey's geographic names information system. For u.s. Ids, use property:p590"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GNIS Antarctica ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gnis-id
:gnis-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Geographic Names Information System ID||USGS GNIS ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for geographic objects in the us issued by the usgs. For antarctica, use property:p804"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GNIS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gns-unique-feature-id
:gns-unique-feature-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GNS UFI||Unique Feature Identifier||GEOnet Names Server Unique Feature||GNS Unique Feature Identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for geographic entities according to the national geospatial-intelligence agency's geonet names server"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GNS Unique Feature ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gog-application-id
:gog-application-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a application (or film) on distribution platform gog.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GOG application ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/goodreads-author-id
:goodreads-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Goodreads author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/goodreads-book-id
:goodreads-book-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Goodreads book ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-arts-culture-asset-id
:google-arts-culture-asset-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Arts & Culture asset ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-arts-culture-partner-id
:google-arts-culture-partner-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Arts & Culture partner ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-books-id
:google-books-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Google Books identifier||Google Books identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a book that google has scanned"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Books ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-doodle
:google-doodle a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Doodle "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-id
:google-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Google Plus||Google +||g+"@en ;
skos:definition "Google+ account name of this person or organization: either starting with a \"+\" or consisting of 21 digits"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Google+ ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-knowledge-graph-id
:google-knowledge-graph-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for google knowledge graph api"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Knowledge Graph ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-maps-cid
:google-maps-cid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Maps CID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-play-developer-id
:google-play-developer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Play developer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-play-music-album-id
:google-play-music-album-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Play Music album ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-play-music-artist-id
:google-play-music-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Play Music artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-play-store-app-id
:google-play-store-app-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Play Store App ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-scholar-author-id
:google-scholar-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Scholar ID in Google Scholar||Scholar ID in Google Scholar"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a person, in the google scholar academic search service"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Scholar author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/google-scholar-paper-id
:google-scholar-paper-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Google Scholar paper ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/goratings-id
:goratings-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Goratings.org player identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Goratings ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gost-7-67-cyrillic
:gost-7-67-cyrillic a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GOST 7.67 cyrillic "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gost-7-75-97-code
:gost-7-75-97-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language according to gost 7.75-97"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GOST 7.75–97 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/grace-s-guide-id
:grace-s-guide-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Grace's Guide ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gran-enciclopedia-catalana-id
:gran-enciclopedia-catalana-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GEC ID||Enciclopèdia Catalana ID||Encyclopedia Catalana ID||Catalan encyclopedia ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an item in the gran enciclopèdia catalana"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/graphic-symbol-of-thoroughfare
:graphic-symbol-of-thoroughfare a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "motorway sign||shield||highway shield||road marker||route marker"@en ;
skos:definition "Graphic representing the highway"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "graphic symbol of thoroughfare "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/grass-base-id
:grass-base-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in grassbase - the online world grass flora"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GrassBase ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/grau-index
:grau-index a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Index of russian (and soviet) weapons and rockets"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GRAU index "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gravsted-dk-id
:gravsted-dk-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "gravsted.dk ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/great-aragonese-encyclopedia-id
:great-aragonese-encyclopedia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GEA ID||Aragon encyclopedia ID||GAE ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the spanish language, aragon-themed, great aragonese encyclopedia (gea)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Great Aragonese Encyclopedia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/great-russian-encyclopedia-online-id
:great-russian-encyclopedia-online-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an entry on the official website of the great russian encyclopedia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gregory-aland-number
:gregory-aland-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GA-Number"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for greek manuskripts of the new testament"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gregory-Aland-Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/grid-id
:grid-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "grid global id||grid id||grid research id"@en ;
skos:definition "Institutional identifier from the grid.ac global research identifier database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GRID ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gridabase-glacier-id
:gridabase-glacier-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Gridabase glacier ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/grin-url
:grin-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GRIN Taxonomy ID||GRIN ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Url for the website grin"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GRIN URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/groeningemuseum-work-pid
:groeningemuseum-work-pid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Persistent identifier for an artwork from the collection of the groeningemuseum in bruges, belgium"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Groeningemuseum work PID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gs-1-country-code
:gs-1-country-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GS1 country code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gs-1-manufacturer-code
:gs-1-manufacturer-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GS1 Manufacturer code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gsm-arena-phone-id
:gsm-arena-phone-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GSMArena phone ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gss-code
:gss-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ONS GSS code (2011)"@en ;
skos:definition "Nine-character uk government statistical service code, introduced in 2011 to replace older ons codes"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GSS code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gtaa-id
:gtaa-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "GTAA"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for gtaa, a thesaurus used in audiovisual archives (nisv, eye)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GTAA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gtin-12
:gtin-12 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The GTIN-12 code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. The GTIN-12 is the 12-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of a U.P.C. Company Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items. See GS1 GTIN Summary for more details."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "gtin12"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gtin-13
:gtin-13 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The GTIN-13 code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. This is equivalent to 13-digit ISBN codes and EAN UCC-13. Former 12-digit UPC codes can be converted into a GTIN-13 code by simply adding a preceeding zero. See GS1 GTIN Summary for more details."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "gtin13"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gtin-14
:gtin-14 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The GTIN-14 code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. See GS1 GTIN Summary for more details."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "gtin14"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gtin-8
:gtin-8 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The GTIN-8 code of the product, or the product to which the offer refers. This code is also known as EAN/UCC-8 or 8-digit EAN. See GS1 GTIN Summary for more details."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "gtin8"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guardian-topic-id
:guardian-topic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Guardian topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guardiana-id
:guardiana-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Guardiana ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guide-nicaise-id
:guide-nicaise-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Guide Nicaise ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guide-of-the-french-church-person-id
:guide-of-the-french-church-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Guide of the French Church person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guide-star-israel-organization-id
:guide-star-israel-organization-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GuideStar Israel organization ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guide-to-north-american-birds-id
:guide-to-north-american-birds-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Guide to North American Birds ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guide-to-pharmacology-ligand-id
:guide-to-pharmacology-ligand-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IUPHAR ligand||IUPHAR ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Ligand identifier of the guide to pharmacology database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Guide to Pharmacology Ligand ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guj-lit-person-id
:guj-lit-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "GujLit Person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guthrie-code
:guthrie-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Guthrie code of a bantu language"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Guthrie code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gymn-forum-athlete-id
:gymn-forum-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Gymn Forum athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hal-author-id
:hal-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "HAL author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hall-of-light-amiga-database-id
:hall-of-light-amiga-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Hall of Light Amiga database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hall-of-valor-id
:hall-of-valor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a medal recipient, in the us hall of valor"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Hall of Valor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/han-cinema-person-id
:han-cinema-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "HanCinema person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Handle system identifier, which is a superset of the doi"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "handle "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "Hans Christian Andersen Centre work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "Hansard (current session) identifier||Hansard (current session) identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a british mp in hansard, for the current session of parliament"@en , "Identifier of a person in the hansard 1803-2005 database, indexing speeches in the british parliament (both commons and lords)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Hansard "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Harasire ID "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "HAS member ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "hasMenu"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hathi-trust-id
:hathi-trust-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from the hathitrust digital library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "HathiTrust ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Hawai‘i Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "HLS||DHS||DSS||Historical Dictionary of Switzerland||HDS identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in hds/hls/dhs/dss: historical dictionary of switzerland (q642074), a national encyclopedia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "HDS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Headline of the article."@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
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skos:altLabel "Hederich article"@en ;
skos:definition "Entry in hederich’s encyclopedia of mythology, 3rd edition (1770), via zeno.org"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Hederich encyclopedia article ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/heidelberg-academy-for-sciences-and-humanities-member-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Entry in the list of members of the heidelberg academy for sciences and humanities"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Heidelberg Academy for Sciences and Humanities member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/helveticarchives-id
:helveticarchives-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the swiss national library's archive database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Helveticarchives ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:heritage-conservation-district-of-ontario-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Heritage Conservation District of Ontario ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/heritage-lighthouse-of-canada-id
:heritage-lighthouse-of-canada-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Heritage Lighthouse of Canada ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:heritage-railway-station-of-canada-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Heritage Railway Station of Canada ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of heritage foundation of newfoundland and labrador"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "heritagefoundation.ca ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:hermann-mauguin-notation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Hermann-mauguin notation of the mineral's symmetry element (short form)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Hermann-Mauguin notation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hgnc-gene-symbol
:hgnc-gene-symbol a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a human gene"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "HGNC gene symbol "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a gene from the hgnc database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "HGNC ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "HGVS nomenclature "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "HHOF.com NHL player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:hispania-nostra-red-list-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Hispania Nostra Red List ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:historic-place-names-of-wales-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Historic Place Names of Wales ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:historic-scotland-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a building in the historic scotland database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Historic Scotland ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/history-of-modern-biomedicine-id
:history-of-modern-biomedicine-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "History of Modern Biomedicine ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:history-of-parliament-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "HoP ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the history of parliament website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "History of Parliament ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hkm-db-film-id
:hkm-db-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Film identifiers on hong kong movie database"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:hkm-db-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "HKMDb person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hmdb-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id in human metabolome database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "HMDB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "HNI person ID||HNI person identifier||HNI institution ID||HNI institution identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person or organization in the database of het nieuwe instituut"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "HNI person/institution ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hoc-athlete-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "HOC athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:hockey-reference-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Hockey-reference player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:hollandsche-molen-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of mills in \"vereniging de hollandsche molen\", an organization that focuses on preservation of wind- and watermills in the netherlands."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Hollandsche Molen ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/homolo-gene-id
:homolo-gene-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the homologene database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "HomoloGene ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "style prefix||pre-nominal"@en ;
skos:definition "An honorific prefix preceding a Person's name such as Dr/Mrs/Mr."@en , "Word or expression used before a name, in addressing or referring to a person"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
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skos:prefLabel "honorific suffix "@en , "honorificSuffix"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hoo-athlete-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "HOO athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "Horsetelex ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Hotels.com hotel ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a video game at the website howlongtobeat"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "HowLongToBeat ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hsdb-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id in hazardous substances data bank"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "HSDB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "HTML entity "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Human Phenotype Ontology ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/humble-store-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Humble Store ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Hungarian company register number||Hungarian company number||Hungarian company register ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a company in the company register of hungary"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Hungarian company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hungarian-mp-identifier
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Hungarian MP identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hungarian-ngo-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Hungarian NGO ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hungarian-public-body-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Hungarian public body ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hydrological-order-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "hydrological order number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/i-naturalist-taxon-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "iNaturalist taxon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IPv4 routing prefix "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/i-pv-6-routing-prefix
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IPv6 routing prefix "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/i-sz-db-company-id
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skos:prefLabel "ISzDb company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "ISzDb dub ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/i-sz-db-film-id
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skos:prefLabel "ISzDb film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "ISzDb person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/i-tunes-app-id
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skos:prefLabel "iTunes app ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Artist identifier in itunes"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "iTunes artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iaaf-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for athletes in international association of athletics federations (iaaf) database and website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IAAF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iafd-female-performer-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IAFD female performer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iafd-male-performer-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IAFD male performer ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iat-diver-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a diver, in the institut für angewandte trainingswissenschaft database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IAT diver ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iat-triathlete-id
:iat-triathlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a triathlete, in the institut für angewandte trainingswissenschaft database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IAT triathlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iat-weightlifter-id
:iat-weightlifter-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a weightlifter, in the institut für angewandte trainingswissenschaft database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IAT weightlifter ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iata-airline-designator
:iata-airline-designator a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IATA reservation code||International Air Transport Association airline designator"@en ;
skos:definition "Two-character identifier for an airline (for airports, see p:238)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IATA airline designator "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iata-airport-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "International Air Transport Association airport code||uio"@en ;
skos:definition "Three-letter identifier for designating airports (for airlines, see p229)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IATA airport code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iata-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "IATA identifier for an airline or airport."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "iataCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ib-tr-acs-cyclone-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IBTrACS cyclone ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ibhof-boxer-id
:ibhof-boxer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IBHOF boxer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ibm-coded-character-set-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IBM coded character set ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IBM graphic character global ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IBM graphic character set global ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IBNR identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a railway station (internationale bahnhofsnummer)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IBNR ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ibsf-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IBSF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ibu-biathlete-id
:ibu-biathlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IBU biathlete identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Biathlete's identifier in the international biathlon union's database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IBU biathlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icao-airline-designator
:icao-airline-designator a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "International Civil Aviation Organization airline designator"@en ;
skos:definition "Three letter identifier for an airline (for airports, see p239)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ICAO airline designator "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icao-airport-code
:icao-airport-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "International Civil Aviation Organization airport code||ICAO aerodrome code||ICAO airfield code"@en ;
skos:definition "Four-character alphanumeric identifier for designating airports (for airlines, see p230)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ICAO airport code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icao-code
:icao-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "ICAO identifier for an airport."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "icaoCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iccf-player-id
:iccf-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ICCF player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icd-10
:icd-10 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ICD 10"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the icd catalogue codes for diseases - version 10"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ICD-10 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icd-10-cm
:icd-10-cm a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ICD-10-CM "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icd-9
:icd-9 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ICD-9 code||code ICD-9"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the icd catalogue codes for diseases – version 9"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ICD-9 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icd-9-cm
:icd-9-cm a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the icd adaption assigning diagnostic and procedure codes"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ICD-9-CM "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icf-canoer-id
:icf-canoer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ICF canoer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icon
:icon a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "pictogram||symbol"@en ;
skos:definition "Pictogram suitable to represent the item. For logos of an organization, use \"logo image\" (p154)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "icon "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iconclass-notation
:iconclass-notation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Iconclass ID (of concept)"@en ;
skos:definition "Iconclass code that corresponds with an artistic theme or concept. For artworks, use p1257 (depicts iconclass notation)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Iconclass notation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ictv-virus-id
:ictv-virus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the \"international committee on taxonomy of viruses\"-database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ICTV virus ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ida-place-id
:ida-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IDA place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/identifiant-squash-info
:identifiant-squash-info a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "identifiant Squash Info "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/identifier
:identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. Schema.org provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links. See background notes for more details."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "identifier"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/identifiers-org-prefix
:identifiers-org-prefix a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "identifiers.org prefix "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ideo-job-id
:ideo-job-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an occupation on ideo"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IDEO Job ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/idescat-territorial-code-in-catalonia
:idescat-territorial-code-in-catalonia a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IDESCAT territorial code in Catalonia "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iditarod-musher-id
:iditarod-musher-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Iditarod musher ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iedb-epitope-id
:iedb-epitope-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IEDB Epitope ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ietf-language-tag
:ietf-language-tag a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "language tag IETF"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language per the internet engineering task force"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IETF language tag "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ifsc-climber-id
:ifsc-climber-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IFSC climber ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/igcpv-id
:igcpv-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Cultural property identifier for property of local relevance in valencian community"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IGCPV ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/igespar-id
:igespar-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IGESPAR identifier||IGESPAR identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the igespar (instituto de gestão do património arquitectónico e arqueológico) database of heritage sites in portugal"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IGESPAR ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ighof-athlete-id
:ighof-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IGHOF athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iho-hydrographic-dictionary-s-32-number
:iho-hydrographic-dictionary-s-32-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identification number for items in the hydrographic dictionary s-32, issued by international hydrographic organization (iho)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IHO Hydrographic Dictionary (S-32) Number"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ihsi-id
:ihsi-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an administrative territorial entity in haiti"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IHSI ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ijf-id
:ijf-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IJF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/im-db-id
:im-db-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IMDb||Internet Movie Database||imdb||IMDb identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier from the internet movie database (imdb) with prefix ('tt', nm', 'ch', 'co', or 'ev')"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IMDb ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ima-number-broad-sense
:ima-number-broad-sense a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IMA approval year"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a mineral per the international mineralogical association - commission on new minerals, nomenclature and classification (ima-cnmnc)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IMA Number, broad sense "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/image
:image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "portrait||illustration||picture||drawing||photo||Commons image"@en ;
skos:definition "An image of the item. This can be a URL or a fully described ImageObject."@en , "Image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image); only images which exist on wikimedia commons are acceptable"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "image"@en , "image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/image-of-grave
:image-of-grave a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "grave image||grave photo||grave picture||headstone image||headstone photo||headstone picture"@en ;
skos:definition "Picture of a person or animal's grave, gravestone or tomb"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "image of grave "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/imis-person-id
:imis-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IMIS person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/imo-ship-number
:imo-ship-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a ship per imo"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IMO ship number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/imslp-id
:imslp-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IMSLP"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a page on the international music score library project"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IMSLP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/in-ch-i
:in-ch-i a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "International Chemical Identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "International chemical identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "InChI "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/in-ch-i-key
:in-ch-i-key a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A hashed version of the full standard inchi - designed to create an identifier that encodes structural information and a can also be practically used in web searching."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "InChIKey "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/in-ph-o-id
:in-ph-o-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Indiana Philosophy Ontology identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the indiana philosophy ontology project"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "InPhO ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ina-video-id
:ina-video-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INA video ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inao-product-id
:inao-product-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INAO product ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/index-fungorum-id
:index-fungorum-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in index fungorum (see q1860469)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Index Fungorum ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/index-hepaticarum-id
:index-hepaticarum-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the index hepaticarum, a nomenclatural database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Index Hepaticarum ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/indian-census-area-code
:indian-census-area-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Indian census area code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/indian-foundation-for-butterflies-id
:indian-foundation-for-butterflies-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Indian Foundation for Butterflies ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/indiana-basketball-hall-of-fame-id
:indiana-basketball-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/indianapolis-museum-of-art-artwork-id
:indianapolis-museum-of-art-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Indianapolis Museum of Art artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/indonesian-ethnicity-code
:indonesian-ethnicity-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Indonesian ethnicity code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/indonesian-small-islands-directory-id
:indonesian-small-islands-directory-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Indonesian Small Islands Directory ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inducks-character-id
:inducks-character-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INDUCKS character ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inducks-creator-id
:inducks-creator-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INDUCKS creator ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inducks-issue-id
:inducks-issue-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INDUCKS issue ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inducks-miniseries-id
:inducks-miniseries-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INDUCKS miniseries ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inducks-publication-id
:inducks-publication-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INDUCKS publication ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inducks-story-id
:inducks-story-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INDUCKS story ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ine-municipality-code
:ine-municipality-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for spanish municipalities, by the spanish statistical office (ine)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "INE municipality code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inegi-locality-id
:inegi-locality-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "INEGI locality identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a locality of mexico"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "INEGI locality ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inegi-municipality-id
:inegi-municipality-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INEGI municipality ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/infopatrimonio-id
:infopatrimonio-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Infopatrimônio ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/information-center-for-israeli-art-artist-id
:information-center-for-israeli-art-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Information Center for Israeli Art artist identifier||Information Center for Israeli Art artist ID||ICIA ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artist found in the information center for israeli art"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Information Center for Israeli Art artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inscription
:inscription a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Inscriptions, markings and signatures on an object"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "inscription "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/insee-arrondissement-code
:insee-arrondissement-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INSEE arrondissement code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/insee-canton-code
:insee-canton-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Number sequence for the identification of canton in france"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "INSEE canton code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/insee-countries-and-foreign-territories-code
:insee-countries-and-foreign-territories-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INSEE countries and foreign territories code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/insee-department-code
:insee-department-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "code département INSEE||INSEE département code||code département INSEE||INSEE département code"@en ;
skos:definition "Number sequence for the identification of departments in france"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "INSEE department code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/insee-municipality-code
:insee-municipality-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "municipality code (France)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a municipality per the national institute of statistics and economic studies in france"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "INSEE municipality code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/insee-region-code
:insee-region-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Number sequence for the identification of regions in france"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "INSEE region code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inspire-hep-author-id
:inspire-hep-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INSPIRE-HEP author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inspire-id
:inspire-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "INSPIRE ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/instagram-location-id
:instagram-location-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Instagram location ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/instagram-username
:instagram-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Instagram"@en ;
skos:definition "This item's username on instagram"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Instagram username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/install-url
:install-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "URL at which the app may be installed, if different from the URL of the item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "installUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/integrated-postsecondary-education-data-system-id
:integrated-postsecondary-education-data-system-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IPEDS ID||Unit ID||UnitID||Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for colleges and universities in the united states"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inter-pro-id
:inter-pro-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Interpro unique identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "InterPro ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/international-classification-for-standards
:international-classification-for-standards a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "International Classification for Standards "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/international-olympic-committee-athlete-id
:international-olympic-committee-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "International Olympic Committee athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/international-orienteering-federation-athlete-id
:international-orienteering-federation-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "International Orienteering Federation athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/international-paralympic-committee-athlete-id
:international-paralympic-committee-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "International Paralympic Committee athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/international-standard-audiovisual-number
:international-standard-audiovisual-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "International Standard Audiovisual Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/international-standard-identifier-for-libraries
:international-standard-identifier-for-libraries a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISIL||International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a library or related organization"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "International Standard Identifier for Libraries "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/international-standard-recording-code
:international-standard-recording-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISRC"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "International Standard Recording Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/international-weightlifting-federation-id
:international-weightlifting-federation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "International Weightlifting Federation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/internet-archive-id
:internet-archive-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IAid||Internet Archive identifier||archive.org"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an item on archive.org"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Internet Archive ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/internet-bird-collection-species-id
:internet-bird-collection-species-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Internet Bird Collection species ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/internet-broadway-database-person-id
:internet-broadway-database-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IBDB person ID||IBDB person identifier||IBDB identifier person||IBDB name||IBDB person"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for personnel on broadway"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Internet Broadway Database person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/internet-broadway-database-production-id
:internet-broadway-database-production-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IBDB production ID||IBDB identifier production"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a specific run of a show"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Internet Broadway Database production ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/internet-broadway-database-show-id
:internet-broadway-database-show-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IBDB show ID||IBDB identifier show"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a play or other work (which may have had 1 or more productions)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Internet Broadway Database show ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/internet-broadway-database-venue-id
:internet-broadway-database-venue-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IBDB venue ID||IBDB venue identifier||IBDB identifier venue"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a theatre or other venue in the ibdb"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Internet Broadway Database venue ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/internet-off-broadway-database-id
:internet-off-broadway-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Internet Off-Broadway Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/internet-wrestling-database-id
:internet-wrestling-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IWD ID||IWD ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a professional wrestling performer at the internet wrestling database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Internet Wrestling Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/internetmedicin-se-id
:internetmedicin-se-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id in the swedish database about medical topics"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "internetmedicin.se ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/invaluable-com-artist-id
:invaluable-com-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Invaluable.com artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inventari-del-patrimoni-arquitect-nic-de-catalunya-code
:inventari-del-patrimoni-arquitect-nic-de-catalunya-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BCIN||BCIL||Catalan architectural inventory ID||IPA (Catalonia)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an architectural property in catalonia. max. 5-digit numeric"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Inventari del Patrimoni Arquitectònic de Catalunya code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inventory-number
:inventory-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "reference||accession number||shelfmark||call number"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a physical object or a set of physical objects in a collection"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "inventory number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ioc-country-code
:ioc-country-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Three-letter abbreviation country code by the international olympic committee"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IOC country code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iowa-sports-hall-of-fame-id
:iowa-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Iowa Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ipa-braille
:ipa-braille a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IPA Braille "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ipa-number-order
:ipa-number-order a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IPA number order "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ipa-transcription
:ipa-transcription a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "pronunciation (IPA)||IPA||IPA"@en ;
skos:definition "Transcription in the international phonetic alphabet"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IPA transcription "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ipi-base-code
:ipi-base-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IPI base code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ipi-name-number
:ipi-name-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Interested Parties Information Code||IPI"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for composer, author and other relevant parties"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IPI name number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ipni-author-id
:ipni-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IPNI ID (author)"@en ;
skos:definition "Numerical identifier for a person in the international plant names index"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IPNI author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ipni-plant-id
:ipni-plant-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IPNI ID (plant)"@en ;
skos:definition "Numerical identifier for a plant in the international plant names index"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IPNI plant ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ipni-publication-id
:ipni-publication-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IPNI ID (publication)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a publication in the international plant names index"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IPNI publication ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iran-statistics-id
:iran-statistics-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for places in iran"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Iran statistics ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iranian-national-heritage-registration-number
:iranian-national-heritage-registration-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "CHRC||Cultural Heritage Registration Code (Iran)||ICHTO"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the iranian national heritage database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Iranian National Heritage registration number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iranica-id
:iranica-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Iranica ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/irc-channel
:irc-channel a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Official irc channel of an institution or project"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IRC channel "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/irish-grid-reference
:irish-grid-reference a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Irish Grid Reference "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/irish-national-inventory-of-architectural-heritage-id
:irish-national-inventory-of-architectural-heritage-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/irish-national-monument-id
:irish-national-monument-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Irish National Monument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/irish-rugby-football-union-men-s-player-id
:irish-rugby-football-union-men-s-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Irish Rugby Football Union men's player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/irish-sites-and-monuments-record-id
:irish-sites-and-monuments-record-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Irish Sites and Monuments Record ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/irmng-taxon-id
:irmng-taxon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IRMNG taxon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/irs-employer-identification-number
:irs-employer-identification-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FEIN||US EIN||IRS EIN||EIN||IRS Employer ID||IRS Employer ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Number given to businesses by the united states internal revenue service"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IRS Employer Identification Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-a-list-of
:is-a-list-of a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "main topic of list||list of||main article of list"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "is a list of "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-accessory-or-spare-part-for
:is-accessory-or-spare-part-for a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A pointer to another product (or multiple products) for which this product is an accessory or spare part."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isAccessoryOrSparePartFor"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-similar-to
:is-similar-to a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A pointer to another, functionally similar product (or multiple products)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isSimilarTo"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isbn
:isbn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The ISBN of the book."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isbn"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isbn-10
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "isbn-10||International Standard Book Number-10"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a book (edition), ten digit"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISBN-10 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isbn-13
:isbn-13 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "isbn-13||International Standard Book Number-13||Bookland||isbn-13||International Standard Book Number-13||Bookland"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a book (edition), thirteen digit"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISBN-13 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isbn-identifier-group
:isbn-identifier-group a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ISBN identifier group "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isbn-publisher-prefix
:isbn-publisher-prefix a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ISBN publisher prefix "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isfdb-author-id
:isfdb-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Internet Speculative Fiction Database author ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the internet speculative fiction database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISFDB author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isfdb-publication-id
:isfdb-publication-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an edition of a publication in the internet speculative fiction database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISFDB publication ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isfdb-publisher-id
:isfdb-publisher-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a publisher in the internet speculative fiction database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISFDB publisher ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isfdb-series-id
:isfdb-series-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a series, periodical or franchise in the internet speculative fiction database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISFDB series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isfdb-title-id
:isfdb-title-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a title in the internet speculative fiction database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISFDB title ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ishim-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ishim ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ishof-swimmer-id
:ishof-swimmer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ISHOF swimmer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isic-v-4
:isic-v-4 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The International Standard of Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4 code for a particular organization, business person, or place."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isicV4"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isidore-id
:isidore-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Isidore ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isin
:isin a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "International Securities Identification Number"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a security"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISIN "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ismn
:ismn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "International standard music number"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISMN"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isni
:isni a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISO 27729||International Standard Name Identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "International standard name identifier for an identity"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISNI "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-15924-alpha-4-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a writing system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 15924 alpha-4 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-15924-numeric-code
:iso-15924-numeric-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISO 15924 numeric ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Numeric code for a writing system in iso 15924"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 15924 numeric code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-3166-1-alpha-2-code
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skos:definition "Identifier for a country in two-letter format per iso 3166-1"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-3166-1-alpha-3-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
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skos:definition "Identifier for a country in three-letter format per iso 3166-1"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-3166-1-numeric-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "country code ISO 3166-1 numeric"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a country in numeric format per iso 3166-1"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 3166-1 numeric code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-3166-2-code
:iso-3166-2-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "subdivision code ISO 3166-2"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a country subdivision per iso 3166-2 (include country code)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 3166-2 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-3166-3
:iso-3166-3 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Code for formerly used names of countries"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a country name that has been deleted from iso 3166-1 since its first publication in 1974"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 3166-3 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-4-abbreviation
:iso-4-abbreviation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISO4"@en ;
skos:definition "Iso 4 bibliographic code/abbreviation established in 1972"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 4 abbreviation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-4063-process-number
:iso-4063-process-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a process, in the iso-approved classification scheme for welding & soldering processes"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 4063 process number"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-4217-code
:iso-4217-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a currency per iso 4217"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 4217 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-639-1-code
:iso-639-1-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "iso 639-1||ISO639-1||iso639-1||iso 639-1||ISO639-1||iso639-1"@en ;
skos:definition "Two-letter identifier for a language or family of languages defined in iso 639-1 standard"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 639-1 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-639-2-code
:iso-639-2-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "iso 639-2||ISO639-2||iso639-2"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language or macrolanguage or language family language, defined in iso 639-2 standard, 3-letter technical or bibliographical code"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 639-2 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-639-3-code
:iso-639-3-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "iso 639-3"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language defined in iso 639-3"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 639-3 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-639-5-code
:iso-639-5-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language family per iso 639-5"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 639-5 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-639-6-code
:iso-639-6-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language per iso 639-6"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 639-6 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-9362-swift-bic-code
:iso-9362-swift-bic-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISO 9362||SWIFT code||BIC code"@en ;
skos:definition "Iso 9362 swift/bic code"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO 9362 SWIFT/BIC code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iso-standard
:iso-standard a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISO"@en ;
skos:definition "Number of the iso standard which normalizes the object"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISO standard "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isocat-id
:isocat-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISO 12620 ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Numeric id from the data category registry"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISOCAT id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/israel-antiquities-authority-id
:israel-antiquities-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Israel Antiquities Authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/israel-chess-federation-player-id
:israel-chess-federation-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Israel Chess Federation player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/israel-football-association-national-team-player-id
:israel-football-association-national-team-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Israel Football Association national team player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/israeli-cbs-municipal-id
:israeli-cbs-municipal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Israeli CBS municipal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isrc-code
:isrc-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The International Standard Recording Code for the recording."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isrcCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/issf-id
:issf-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an athlete in the international shooting sport federation database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISSF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/issn
:issn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "International Standard Serial Number"@en ;
skos:definition "International standard serial number (print or electronic)"@en , "The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) that identifies this serial publication. You can repeat this property to identify different formats of, or the linking ISSN (ISSN-L) for, this serial publication."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISSN "@en , "issn"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/issue
:issue a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "no.||number"@en ;
skos:definition "Issue of a newspaper, a scientific journal or magazine for reference purpose"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "issue "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/issue-number
:issue-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifies the issue of publication; for example, \"iii\" or \"2\"."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "issueNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/istat-id
:istat-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for municipalities in italy"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISTAT ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isu-figure-skater-id
:isu-figure-skater-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a figure skater in the international skating union database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISU figure skater ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iswc
:iswc a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISWC Code||International Standard Musical Work Code"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for musical works, adopted as international standard iso 15707"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ISWC "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iswc-code
:iswc-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The International Standard Musical Work Code for the composition."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "iswcCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/it-s-rugby-id
:it-s-rugby-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "It's Rugby ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/italian-cadastre-code
:italian-cadastre-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "codice catastale"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for italian comunes in the cadastre"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Italian cadastre code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/italian-chamber-of-deputies-dati-id
:italian-chamber-of-deputies-dati-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for incumbent and former deputies from the italian chamber of deputies"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Italian Chamber of Deputies dati ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/italian-navy-lighthouses-and-beacons-id
:italian-navy-lighthouses-and-beacons-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Italian Navy Lighthouses and Beacons ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/italian-senate-id
:italian-senate-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Italian Senate ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/italian-senate-of-the-republic-id
:italian-senate-of-the-republic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for incumbent and former senators from the italian senate of the republic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Italian Senate of the Republic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/item-list-element
:item-list-element a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "For itemListElement values, you can use simple strings (e.g. \"Peter\", \"Paul\", \"Mary\"), existing entities, or use ListItem.
Text values are best if the elements in the list are plain strings. Existing entities are best for a simple, unordered list of existing things in your data. ListItem is used with ordered lists when you want to provide additional context about the element in that list or when the same item might be in different places in different lists.
Note: The order of elements in your mark-up is not sufficient for indicating the order or elements. Use ListItem with a 'position' property in such cases."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "itemListElement"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/item-list-order
:item-list-order a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Type of ordering (e.g. Ascending, Descending, Unordered)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "itemListOrder"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/itf-id
:itf-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a tennis player per itf"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ITF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/itis-tsn
:itis-tsn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "itis"@en ;
skos:definition "Unique taxonomic serial number defined by integrated taxonomic information system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ITIS TSN "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/itra-runner-id
:itra-runner-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ITRA runner ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ittf-table-tennis-player-id
:ittf-table-tennis-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a table tennis player per ittf"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ITTF table tennis player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/itu-iso-iec-object-identifier
:itu-iso-iec-object-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ITU/ISO/IEC object identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/itu-letter-code
:itu-letter-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ITU letter code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/itu-triathlete-id
:itu-triathlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ITU triathlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iucn-taxon-id
:iucn-taxon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Source for iucn conservation status (p141)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IUCN taxon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iupac-gold-book-id
:iupac-gold-book-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IUPAC GoldBook ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iwga-athlete-id
:iwga-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IWGA athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iwm-memorial-id
:iwm-memorial-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IWM memorial ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iwrp-athlete-id
:iwrp-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "IWRP athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/j-league-manager-id
:j-league-manager-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "J.League manager ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/j-league-player-id
:j-league-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "J.League player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/j-paul-getty-museum-artist-id
:j-paul-getty-museum-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "J. Paul Getty Museum artist identifier||Getty Museum artist id"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned to an artist by the j. Paul getty museum"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "J. Paul Getty Museum artist id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/j-paul-getty-museum-object-id
:j-paul-getty-museum-object-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Getty Museum object id"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "J. Paul Getty Museum object ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jamendo-album-id
:jamendo-album-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an album per the jamendo website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Jamendo album ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jamendo-artist-id
:jamendo-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artist per the jamendo website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Jamendo artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/japan-sumo-association-id
:japan-sumo-association-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Japan Sumo Association ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/japan-tour-golf-player-id
:japan-tour-golf-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "JapanTour golf player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/japanese-baseball-hall-of-fame-id
:japanese-baseball-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/japanese-high-school-code
:japanese-high-school-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a high school in japan"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Japanese High School Code"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/japanese-military-aircraft-designation
:japanese-military-aircraft-designation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an aircraft per the japanese military"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Japanese military aircraft designation"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jew-age-person-id
:jew-age-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "JewAge person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jewish-encyclopedia-daat-id
:jewish-encyclopedia-daat-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Jewish Encyclopedia Daat ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jewish-encyclopedia-id
:jewish-encyclopedia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the electronic jewish encyclopedia (elektronnaja evrejskaja entsiklopedia)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Jewish Encyclopedia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jewish-gen-locality-id
:jewish-gen-locality-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "JewishGen Locality ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jm-db-film-id
:jm-db-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "JMDb film identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Film ids on japanese movie database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "JMDb film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jm-db-person-or-company-id
:jm-db-person-or-company-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "JMDb person or company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/job-title
:job-title a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The job title of the person (for example, Financial Manager)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "jobTitle"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/joconde-id
:joconde-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the joconde database of the french ministry of culture"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Joconde ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/joint-electronics-type-designation-automated-system-designation
:joint-electronics-type-designation-automated-system-designation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "JETDS"@en ;
skos:definition "Unclassified designator for united states military electronic equipment"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Joint Electronics Type Designation Automated System designation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jor-fsearch-person-id
:jor-fsearch-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "JORFsearch person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/journalisted-id
:journalisted-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on journalisted, an independent, not-for-profit website (by media standards trust) listing the published writing of journalists and politicians"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Journalisted ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jpl-small-body-database-id
:jpl-small-body-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "JPL Small-Body Database identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the jpl small-body database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "JPL Small-Body Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jstor-article-id
:jstor-article-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an article in jstor"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "JSTOR article ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jstor-journal-code
:jstor-journal-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a journal in jstor"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "JSTOR journal code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jstor-topic-id
:jstor-topic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "JSTOR topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/judo-inside-com-id
:judo-inside-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for any remarkable judoka in the judoinside.com database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "JudoInside.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jufo-id
:jufo-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in a finnish publication forum"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Jufo ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/just-sports-stats-id
:just-sports-stats-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Just Sports Stats ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/justia-patents-company-id
:justia-patents-company-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Justia Patents company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/justia-patents-inventor-id
:justia-patents-inventor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Justia Patents inventor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/juwra-com-id
:juwra-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Juwra.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/k-league-player-id
:k-league-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "K League player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/k-lf-g-critical-dictionary-of-foreign-contemporary-literature
:k-lf-g-critical-dictionary-of-foreign-contemporary-literature a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KLfG Critical Dictionary of foreign contemporary literature "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kaiserhof-id
:kaiserhof-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "KH||Kaiserhof identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the personnel database of the courtiers of the austrian habsburg imperial line and the branch lines"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kaiserhof ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kaitai-struct-format-gallery-id
:kaitai-struct-format-gallery-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Kaitai Struct format gallery ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kansallisbiografia-id
:kansallisbiografia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Code of the entry on the kansallisbiografia database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kansallisbiografia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kansas-sports-hall-of-fame-id
:kansas-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Kansas Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kantl-member-id
:kantl-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KANTL member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/karate-records-id
:karate-records-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for karatekas in the karate records database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Karate Records ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kbo-hitter-id
:kbo-hitter-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KBO hitter ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kbo-pitcher-id
:kbo-pitcher-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KBO pitcher ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kdg-komponisten-der-gegenwart
:kdg-komponisten-der-gegenwart a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the munzinger archiv"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KDG Komponisten der Gegenwart "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kegg-id
:kegg-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from databases dealing with genomes, enzymatic pathways, and biological chemicals"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KEGG ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kemler-id
:kemler-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Code describing the hazards of a chemical in transport"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kemler ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kepn-id
:kepn-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KEPN ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/keywords
:keywords a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "keywords"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kiev-street-code
:kiev-street-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a street of kiev"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kiev street code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kindred-britain-id
:kindred-britain-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Kindred Britain ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kinenote-film-id
:kinenote-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a film, in the kinenote movie database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KINENOTE film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kinenote-person-id
:kinenote-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KINENOTE person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kinoliste-id
:kinoliste-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Kinoliste ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kinopoisk-film-id
:kinopoisk-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Kinopoisk movie ID||Kinopoisk video ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a film/ movie in the kinopoisk.ru database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kinopoisk film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kinopoisk-person-id
:kinopoisk-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Kinopoisk actor ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a person, in the kinopoisk.ru database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kinopoisk person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kinopolis-film-id
:kinopolis-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Kinopolis film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kinship-equivalent-in-sparql-at-wikidata
:kinship-equivalent-in-sparql-at-wikidata a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "kinship equivalent in SPARQL at Wikidata "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kirshenbaum-code
:kirshenbaum-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Kirshenbaum code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/klg-kritisches-lexikon-der-gegenwartsliteratur
:klg-kritisches-lexikon-der-gegenwartsliteratur a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the munzinger archiv"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KLG Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartsliteratur "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/klosterdatenbank-id
:klosterdatenbank-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Klosterdatenbank ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/klov-id
:klov-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in killer list of videogames"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KLOV ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/km-db-film-id
:km-db-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KMDb film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/km-db-person-id
:km-db-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Korean Movie Database person ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person on the korean movie database (kmdb)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KMDb person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kmska-work-pid
:kmska-work-pid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KMSKA work PID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kn-ap-s-ac-k-id
:kn-ap-s-ac-k-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the knapsack core system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KNApSAcK ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/knau-id
:knau-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KNAU ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/knaw-past-member-id
:knaw-past-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences past member||KNAW past member identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Indentifier for people in the royal netherlands academy of arts and sciences past member database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KNAW past member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/koatuu-identifier
:koatuu-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for each of the ukrainian administrative units"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KOATUU identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kontinental-hockey-league-player-id
:kontinental-hockey-league-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Kontinental Hockey League player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ksh-code
:ksh-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for every municipality (town and commune) in hungary issued by the hungarian central statistical office"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KSH code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ku-leuven-person-id
:ku-leuven-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KU Leuven person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kultur-nav-id
:kultur-nav-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for people, places, events, etc. used by some nordic museums"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "KulturNav-id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kulturelles-erbe-koln-object-id
:kulturelles-erbe-koln-object-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Kulturelles Erbe Köln object ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kulturminne-id
:kulturminne-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Lokalitets ID||Kulturminne identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Norwegian heritage property identification number of riksantikvaren (the directorate for cultural heritage)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kulturminne ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kulturnoe-nasledie-ru-id
:kulturnoe-nasledie-ru-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an item in a russian cultural heritage register"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "kulturnoe-nasledie.ru ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kunstindeks-danmark-artist-id
:kunstindeks-danmark-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "KID ID||KID"@en ;
skos:definition "Unique artist identifier used by kunstindeks danmark"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kunstindeks Danmark Artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kunstindeks-danmark-artwork-id
:kunstindeks-danmark-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for artwork in the danish art database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kunstindeks Danmark artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kv-k-company-id
:kv-k-company-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KvK company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kvab-member-id
:kvab-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "KVAB member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kvikmyndir-film-id
:kvikmyndir-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Kvikmyndir film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/l-equipe-football-player-id
:l-equipe-football-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "L'Équipe football player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/la-poste-personality-id
:la-poste-personality-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "La Poste personality ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/label-in-sign-language
:label-in-sign-language a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Media file showing label of this item in sign language. Use \"language of work or name\" (p407) as qualifier to indicate which language"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "label in sign language "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lac-id
:lac-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LAC identifier||Canadiana Authorities"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for authority control per the library and archives canada"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LAC ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lacma-id
:lacma-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LACMA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ladies-european-tour-id
:ladies-european-tour-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ladies European Tour ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lake-id
:lake-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identification code for lakes in sweden, for lakes important enough also used, with se- prefix, as eu_cd"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Lake ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lambiek-comiclopedia-id
:lambiek-comiclopedia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Lambiek Comiclopedia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/landtag-of-liechtenstein-id
:landtag-of-liechtenstein-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Landtag of Liechtenstein ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/last-fm-music-id
:last-fm-music-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Last.fm music ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/last-line
:last-line a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "last line "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/last-words
:last-words a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "last words "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/latindex-id
:latindex-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Latindex ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lattes-platform-number
:lattes-platform-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Number for the lattes platform entry on the person or group. Relationship between entry and subject must be supported by a source"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Lattes Platform number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/latvian-cultural-heritage-register-id
:latvian-cultural-heritage-register-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Latvian cultural heritage register identifier||Latvian cultural heritage register identifier||Latvian cultural heritage ID||Latvian cultural heritage ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Id of the cultural heritage on http://saraksts.mantojums.lv/"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Latvian cultural heritage register ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/latvian-olympic-committee-athlete-id
:latvian-olympic-committee-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a person, in the database of the latvian olympic committee"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Latvian Olympic Committee athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/latvian-protected-nature-territory-id
:latvian-protected-nature-territory-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Latvian Protected Nature Territory ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/latvian-toponymic-names-database-id
:latvian-toponymic-names-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Latvian toponymic names database identifier||Latvian toponymic names ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Latvian geospatial information agency geographical names database identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Latvian toponymic names database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lau
:lau a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a local administrative unit, renamed from nuts 4 and nuts 5"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LAU "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/launchpad-net-project-id
:launchpad-net-project-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Launchpad.net project ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lawa-waterbody-id
:lawa-waterbody-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LAWA waterbody ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lbt-person-id
:lbt-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LBT person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lcoc-lccn
:lcoc-lccn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LCCN editions||LoC editions||LCOC number||LCCN (LCOC)||Library of Congress Control Number (bibliographic)||Library of Congress Catalog Card Number (bibliographic)||LC Control Number"@en ;
skos:definition "Library of congress id for bibliographic records (for books, serials, maps, music, video, etc only; for names use p244)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LCOC LCCN "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ldi-f-id
:ldi-f-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LdiF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/le-monde-diplomatique-subject-id
:le-monde-diplomatique-subject-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Le Monde diplomatique subject ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/leadscope-id
:leadscope-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a chemical compound in leadscope.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Leadscope ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lega-pallavolo-serie-a-femminile-player-id
:lega-pallavolo-serie-a-femminile-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lega-pallavolo-serie-a-player-id
:lega-pallavolo-serie-a-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Lega Pallavolo Serie A player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/legacies-of-british-slave-ownership-person-id
:legacies-of-british-slave-ownership-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Legacies of British Slave-ownership person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/legal-citation-of-this-text
:legal-citation-of-this-text a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "case citation||neutral citation||parallel citation||statute citation||regulation citation||citation"@en ;
skos:definition "Legal citation of legislation or a court decision"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "legal citation of this text "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/legal-entity-id
:legal-entity-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Global Legal Entity Identifier||LEI||ISO 17442 code||Legal Entity Identifier||Legal Entity Identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a legally distinct entity per iso 17442"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Legal Entity ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/legal-name
:legal-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The official name of the organization, e.g. the registered company name."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "legalName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lei-code
:lei-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "An organization identifier that uniquely identifies a legal entity as defined in ISO 17442."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "leiCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/leidse-hoogleraren-id
:leidse-hoogleraren-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the leidse hoogleraren, a catalogue of university professors of leiden university since 1575."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Leidse Hoogleraren ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lem-id
:lem-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LEM ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lemon-64-identifier
:lemon-64-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Lemon 64 identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lemon-amiga-identifier
:lemon-amiga-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Lemon Amiga identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/leonore-id
:leonore-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Léonore identifier||Leonore ID||Leonore identifier||Léonore||Leonore||Leonore ID||Leonore identifier||Léonore||Leonore"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a person in the léonore database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Léonore ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/leopoldina-member-id
:leopoldina-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Leopoldina member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lep-index-id
:lep-index-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LepIndex ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/les-archives-du-spectacle-person-id
:les-archives-du-spectacle-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an actor/actress, in the lesarchivesduspectacle database of actors/actresses"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Les Archives du Spectacle Person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/les-biographies-com-id
:les-biographies-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LesBiographies.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lf-d-hb-object-id
:lf-d-hb-object-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LfD-HB object ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lf-ds-object-id
:lf-ds-object-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer for national heritage sites issued by the landesamt für denkmalpflege sachsen"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LfDS object ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lfb-player-id
:lfb-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LFB player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lfh-player-id
:lfh-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LFH player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lfp-player-id
:lfp-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LFP player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lib-reviews-id
:lib-reviews-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "lib.reviews ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/libraries-org-id
:libraries-org-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Libraries.org ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/library-of-congress-authority-id
:library-of-congress-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Library of Congress Control Number||LCCN identifier||LoC Authorities||LCAuth||LCSH||LCNAF||Library of Congress Name Authority File||Library of Congress Subject Headings||LCAuth identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Library of congress id for authority control (for books use p1144)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Library of Congress authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/library-of-congress-cultural-heritage-organizations
:library-of-congress-cultural-heritage-organizations a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Library of Congress Cultural Heritage Organizations "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/library-of-congress-genre-form-terms-id
:library-of-congress-genre-form-terms-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/library-of-congress-juke-box-id
:library-of-congress-juke-box-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LOC Jukebox ID||Jukebox ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the library of congress jukebox database of singers"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Library of Congress JukeBox ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/library-of-the-national-congress-of-argentina-id
:library-of-the-national-congress-of-argentina-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BCNA ID||BCN ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a work, in the national library of argentine congress"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Library of the National Congress of Argentina ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/library-thing-work-id
:library-thing-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LT work identifier||LibraryThing work identifier||LT work ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Librarything (lt) control number"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LibraryThing work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/libri-vox-author-id
:libri-vox-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Author id for an author represented at librivox"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LibriVox author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/libris-editions
:libris-editions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the items in the libris-catalogue about specific books"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LIBRIS editions "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/licence-plate-code
:licence-plate-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "license plate code"@en ;
skos:definition "Distinguishing signs or parts of license plate associated with the subject. For countries: international licence plate country code or distinguishing sign of vehicles"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "licence plate code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/license-schema
:license-schema a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "license-schema"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/linguasphere-code
:linguasphere-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language from linguasphere observatory"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Linguasphere code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/linguist-list-code
:linguist-list-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "multitree code"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language per linguist list"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Linguist list code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/linked-in-company-id
:linked-in-company-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LinkedIn company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/linked-in-personal-profile-url
:linked-in-personal-profile-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LinkedIn URL"@en ;
skos:definition "Public autobiographic profile url of the person at linkedin.com, don't use on companies"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LinkedIn personal profile URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lipid-maps-id
:lipid-maps-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier used in the lipid maps database for lipids"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LIPID MAPS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lir
:lir a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the lexicon istoric retic (lir), romansh variant of historical dictionary of switzerland"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LIR "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/list-of-characters
:list-of-characters a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Wikimedia page with the list of characters for this work"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "list of characters "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/list-of-episodes
:list-of-episodes a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "episode list"@en ;
skos:definition "Link to the article with the list of episodes for this series"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "list of episodes "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/list-of-monuments
:list-of-monuments a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Link to the list of heritage monuments in the place/area"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "list of monuments "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/list-of-works
:list-of-works a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "bibliography"@en ;
skos:definition "Link to the article with the works of a person"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "list of works "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/list-related-to-category
:list-related-to-category a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "category's list||category's list"@en ;
skos:definition "Wikimedia list equivalent to a wikimedia category"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "list related to category "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/literal-translation
:literal-translation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "direct translation||word-for-word translation||translation (literal)"@en ;
skos:definition "Direct or word-for-word translation of a name or phrase (qualifier for name, title, inscription, and quotation properties)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "literal translation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/litholex-id
:litholex-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the lithostratigraphic database of germany maintained by the bgr"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Litholex ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/live-journal-id
:live-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LiveJournal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lkl-player-id
:lkl-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LKL player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lnb-id
:lnb-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LNB identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned by the national library of latvia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LNB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lnb-pro-a-player-id
:lnb-pro-a-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LNB Pro A player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lnh-player-id
:lnh-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LNH player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lnv-player-id
:lnv-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LNV player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lo-c-and-marc-vocabularies-id
:lo-c-and-marc-vocabularies-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LoC and MARC vocabularies ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lo-j-peak-id
:lo-j-peak-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LoJ peak ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/loc-fdd-id
:loc-fdd-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LocFDD ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/local-dialing-code
:local-dialing-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "area code||local calling code||telephone numbering plan||STD code||telephone code||telephone prefix"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier dedicated to subject city by the area communication network"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "local dialing code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/located-at-street-address
:located-at-street-address a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "address||street address"@en ;
skos:definition "Full street address that the subject is located at. Include building number through to post code."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "located at street address "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/location-map
:location-map a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Location map of place"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "location map "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/locator-map-image
:locator-map-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "map||locator map"@en ;
skos:definition "Geographic map image which highlights the location of the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "locator map image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lodging-unit-description
:lodging-unit-description a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A full description of the lodging unit."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "lodgingUnitDescription"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/logo
:logo a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "An associated logo."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "logo"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/logo-image
:logo-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "insignia||insignia"@en ;
skos:definition "Graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and products"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "logo image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/loinc-id
:loinc-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LOINC ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lombardia-beni-culturali-artwork-id
:lombardia-beni-culturali-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LombardiaBeniCulturali artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lombardia-beni-culturali-building-id
:lombardia-beni-culturali-building-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LombardiaBeniCulturali building ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lombardia-beni-culturali-toponym-id
:lombardia-beni-culturali-toponym-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LombardiaBeniCulturali toponym ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/loop-id
:loop-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person, in the loop database of researcher impact"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Loop ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lost-art-id
:lost-art-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the lost art internet database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Lost Art-ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lostbridges-org-id
:lostbridges-org-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from database of covered bridges in the united states and canada"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "lostbridges.org ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lotsawa-house-tibetan-author-id
:lotsawa-house-tibetan-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Lotsawa House Tibetan author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/louisiana-sports-hall-of-fame-id
:louisiana-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/low-german-bibliography-and-biography-id
:low-german-bibliography-and-biography-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PBB ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Low German Bibliography and Biography ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lpga-tour-id
:lpga-tour-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a golf player, in the lpga database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LPGA Tour ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lpsn-url
:lpsn-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Url for the website list of prokaryotic names with standing in nomenclature (lpsn)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "LPSN URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lti-korea-library-id
:lti-korea-library-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LTI Korea Library ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ltok-athlete-id
:ltok-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LTOK athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/luding-game-id
:luding-game-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Luding game ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lumiere-film-id
:lumiere-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "LUMIERE film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/luminous-lint-id
:luminous-lint-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Luminous-Lint ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/lyrics
:lyrics a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The words in the song."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "lyrics"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/m-49-code
:m-49-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "M49 code||UN M49 code"@en ;
skos:definition "United nations m.49 code for the subject item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "M.49 code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/m-ymovies-actor-id
:m-ymovies-actor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MYmovies actor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/m-ymovies-director-id
:m-ymovies-director-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MYmovies director ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/m-ymovies-movie-id
:m-ymovies-movie-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MYmovies movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mac-address-block-large-id
:mac-address-block-large-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MAC Address Block Large ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mac-tutor-id
:mac-tutor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of the person's biography in the mactutor history of mathematics archive"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MacTutor id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mackolik-com-player-id
:mackolik-com-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Footballer id in the turkish mackolik.com database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Mackolik.com player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/magdeburger-biographisches-lexikon
:magdeburger-biographisches-lexikon a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Biographical article about people from the magdeburg area"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Magdeburger Biographisches Lexikon "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/main-entity
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "mainEntityOfPage"@en ;
skos:definition "Indicates the primary entity described in some page or other CreativeWork."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "mainEntity"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/main-entity-of-page
:main-entity-of-page a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "mainEntity"@en ;
skos:definition "Indicates a page (or other CreativeWork) for which this thing is the main entity being described. See background notes for details."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "mainEntityOfPage"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/maison-d-ecrivain-id
:maison-d-ecrivain-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Maison d'écrivain ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/maitron-id
:maitron-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Maitron ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mala-cards-id
:mala-cards-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the malacards database of diseases"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MalaCards ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/male-form-of-label
:male-form-of-label a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "male form of label "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/maltese-islands-national-inventory-of-cultural-property-id
:maltese-islands-national-inventory-of-cultural-property-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NICPMI ID||Maltese Islands National Inventory of Cultural Property identifier||Maltese Cultural Property ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the national inventory of cultural property of the maltese islands"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Maltese Islands National Inventory of Cultural Property ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mame-rom
:mame-rom a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator ROM||ROM name (MAME)"@en ;
skos:definition "Name of multiple arcade machine emulator rom for a software release"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MAME ROM "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/manitoba-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:manitoba-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/map
:map a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A URL to a map of the place."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "map"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mapa-place-id
:mapa-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mapa place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mapillary-id
:mapillary-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id for a photo on mapillary, a service for crowdsourcing map photos"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Mapillary ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mappy-place-id
:mappy-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mappy place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/maps
:maps a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A URL to a map of the place."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "maps"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/marburger-professorenkatalog-id
:marburger-professorenkatalog-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Marburger Professorenkatalog ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/marine-regions-geographic-id
:marine-regions-geographic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Marine Regions Geographic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/marine-traffic-lighthouse-id
:marine-traffic-lighthouse-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MarineTraffic Lighthouse ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/marine-traffic-port-id
:marine-traffic-port-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a port assigned by the marinetraffic database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MarineTraffic Port ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/maritime-identification-digits
:maritime-identification-digits a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "maritime identification digits "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/married-name
:married-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Name or surname adopted by a person upon marriage"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "married name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/masaryk-university-person-id
:masaryk-university-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Masaryk University učo"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a person affiliated with masaryk university (staff, alumnus, student…)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Masaryk University person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mastodon-address
:mastodon-address a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mastodon address "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/math-world-identifier
:math-world-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Wolfram MathWorld identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for entries in mathworld, online mathematics reference work."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MathWorld identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mathematical-reviews-id
:mathematical-reviews-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Mathematical Reviews identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in mathematical reviews, a journal and online database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Mathematical Reviews ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mathematics-genealogy-project-id
:mathematics-genealogy-project-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "MGP ID||Mathematics Genealogy Project identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for mathematicians and computer scientists at the mathematics genealogy project"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Mathematics Genealogy Project ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mathematics-subject-classification-id
:mathematics-subject-classification-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mathematics Subject Classification ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mavise-competent-authority-id
:mavise-competent-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MAVISE competent authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mavise-tv-channel-id
:mavise-tv-channel-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MAVISE TV channel ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mc-cune-reischauer-romanization
:mc-cune-reischauer-romanization a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "McCune-Reischauer romanization "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mcn-code
:mcn-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Code for item in the mercosur common nomenclature"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MCN code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/me-sh-code
:me-sh-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Medical subject headings (mesh) codes are an index and thesaurus for the life sciences (≠ mesh id)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MeSH Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/me-sh-id
:me-sh-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "MeSH Unique ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for diseases, in the mesh descriptor database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MeSH ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/media-type
:media-type a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "MIME type"@en ;
skos:definition "Iana-registered identifier for a file type"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "media type "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mediaarts-db-id
:mediaarts-db-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mediaarts-DB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/medical-dictionary-for-regulatory-activities-id
:medical-dictionary-for-regulatory-activities-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/medium-username
:medium-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Medium username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/medline-plus-id
:medline-plus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Health information from u.s. government agencies, and health-related organizations"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MedlinePlus ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/meg-id
:meg-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MEG ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/megogo-id
:megogo-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the film in the database megogo"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Megogo ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mek-id
:mek-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a book or translation in the hungarian electronic library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MEK ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/melon-album-id
:melon-album-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Melon album ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/melon-artist-id
:melon-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Melon artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/member-of-the-assembly-of-madrid-id
:member-of-the-assembly-of-madrid-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "member of the Assembly of Madrid ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/member-of-the-hellenic-parliament-id
:member-of-the-hellenic-parliament-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Greek parliament id||Hellenic parliament id"@en ;
skos:definition "An identifier for members, or former members, of the national parliament of greece"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Member of the Hellenic Parliament ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/membership-number
:membership-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A unique identifier for the membership."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "membershipNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/memoire-des-hommes-id
:memoire-des-hommes-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "memoire des hommes"@en ;
skos:definition "French govermnment database indexing all french soldier war casualties"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Mémoire des hommes ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/memoire-du-cyclisme-cyclist-id
:memoire-du-cyclisme-cyclist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mémoire du cyclisme cyclist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/memoria-globo
:memoria-globo a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Memória Globo "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mendeley-person-id
:mendeley-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mendeley person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mentions
:mentions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Indicates that the CreativeWork contains a reference to, but is not necessarily about a concept."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "mentions"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/menu
:menu a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Either the actual menu as a structured representation, as text, or a URL of the menu."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "menu"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mep-directory-id
:mep-directory-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "MEP directory identifier||MEP ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a past or present mep in a directory of all members of the european parliament"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MEP directory ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/merchant-category-code
:merchant-category-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Merchant Category Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/merck-index-monograph
:merck-index-monograph a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Url stem of page in the merck index online"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Merck Index monograph"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/merck-index-reaction-id
:merck-index-reaction-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Merck Index reaction ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/merimee-id
:merimee-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Mérimée identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a monument in the mérimée database of french cultural heritage"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Mérimée ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/message-attachment
:message-attachment a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A CreativeWork attached to the message."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "messageAttachment"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/messes-info-id
:messes-info-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MessesInfo ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/metabo-lights-compound-id
:metabo-lights-compound-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MetaboLights Compound ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/metacritic-id
:metacritic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Metacritic"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in metacritic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Metacritic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/meteoritical-bulletin-database-id
:meteoritical-bulletin-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a meteorite in the database of the meteoritical society"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Meteoritical Bulletin Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/metro-lyrics-id
:metro-lyrics-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a song at the metrolyrics wesbite"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MetroLyrics ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mgi-gene-symbol
:mgi-gene-symbol a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Official gene symbol for a mouse gene"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MGI Gene Symbol "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mi-r-base-mature-mi-rna-id
:mi-r-base-mature-mi-rna-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for mature mirnas in mirbase, the reference database for micrornas"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "miRBase mature miRNA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mi-r-base-pre-mi-rna-id
:mi-r-base-pre-mi-rna-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for pre-mirnas in mirbase, the reference database for micrornas"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "miRBase pre-miRNA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/michelin-restaurants-id
:michelin-restaurants-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Michelin Restaurants ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/michelin-voyages-id
:michelin-voyages-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Michelin Voyages ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mil-std-2525-symbol-identification-code
:mil-std-2525-symbol-identification-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MIL-STD-2525 Symbol Identification Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/military-designation
:military-designation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Tri-Service aerospace vehicle designation||USDOD aircraft designation||1962 US military aerospace vehicle designation||mdsd||mission design series designation||MAD||mildes"@en ;
skos:definition "Officially assigned designation for a vehicle in military service"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "military designation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mimo-instrument-id
:mimo-instrument-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MIMO instrument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ministry-of-education-of-chile-school-id
:ministry-of-education-of-chile-school-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id number (rol base de datos, rbd, in spanish, meaning database role) of all schools (high, middle, primary) in chile, as registered by the ministry of education of chile"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Ministry of Education of Chile school ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/minitel-code
:minitel-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Access code of a service on the minitel videotex"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Minitel code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/minkultury-film-id
:minkultury-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Film ID in Russian public register of films||Film ID in Russian public register of films||mkrf.ru||mkrf"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a movie in the russian ministry of culture's public register of films"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Minkultury film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/minneapolis-institute-of-art-artwork-id
:minneapolis-institute-of-art-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Minneapolis Institute of Art artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/minneapolis-institute-of-art-constituent-id
:minneapolis-institute-of-art-constituent-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Minneapolis Institute of Art constituent ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/minnesota-legislator-id
:minnesota-legislator-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Minnesota legislator ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/minor-planet-center-observatory-code
:minor-planet-center-observatory-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IAU code"@en ;
skos:definition "Observational data for minor planets (asteroids) and comets"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Minor Planet Center observatory code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mir-bel-journal-id
:mir-bel-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mir@bel journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mir-tar-base-id
:mir-tar-base-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the mirtarbase database, a database for micrornas and their targets"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "mirTarBase ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/misjonsarkiv-person-id
:misjonsarkiv-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Misjonsarkiv person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mississippi-sports-hall-of-fame-id
:mississippi-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/missouri-sports-hall-of-fame-id
:missouri-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Missouri Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mix-n-match-catalogue-id
:mix-n-match-catalogue-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id of the catalogue corresponding to the property in the mix'n'match tool"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "mix'n'match catalogue ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mlb-id
:mlb-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MLB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mll-player-id
:mll-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MLL player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mls-player-id
:mls-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for soccer player profile on mlssoccer.com, website of major league soccer"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MLS player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mmsi
:mmsi a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Maritime Mobile Service Identity||MarineTraffic ID||MarineTraffic Ship ID||MMSI Number||MMSI number"@en ;
skos:definition "Maritime mobile service identity of a ship station"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MMSI "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mncars-artist-id
:mncars-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MNCARS artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mo-ma-artist-id
:mo-ma-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned to an artist by the museum of modern art in new york"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MoMA artist id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mo-ma-artwork-id
:mo-ma-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a museum of modern art artwork"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MoMA artwork id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mob-athlete-id
:mob-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MOB athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mobile-country-code
:mobile-country-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "MCC||ITU-T country identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for countries in itu-t recommendation e.212 for use in describing mobile networks"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "mobile country code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mobile-network-code
:mobile-network-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "MNC||ITU-T network identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Code for mobile networks defined by itu-t recommendation e.212"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "mobile network code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/moby-games-company-id
:moby-games-company-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MobyGames company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/moby-games-developer-id
:moby-games-developer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MobyGames developer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/moby-games-id
:moby-games-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for mobygames"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MobyGames ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/model-manual-id
:model-manual-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Model Manual ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/models-com-client-id
:models-com-client-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Models.com"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a client in models.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Models.com client ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/models-com-person-id
:models-com-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Models.com"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a person in the models.com website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Models.com person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/molendatabase-verdwenen-molens-id
:molendatabase-verdwenen-molens-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of former/disappeared mills in the netherlands at the molendatabase verdwenen molens"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Molendatabase verdwenen molens ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/molenecho-s-id
:molenecho-s-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of mills in molenecho's, a database on windmills and watermills in belgium."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Molenecho's ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/monogram
:monogram a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Image of a person's monogram"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "monogram "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/monte-carlo-particle-number
:monte-carlo-particle-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Number given to each elementary particle"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Monte Carlo Particle Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/monumentos-de-s-o-paulo-id
:monumentos-de-s-o-paulo-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Monumentos de São Paulo ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mooma-artist-id
:mooma-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MOOMA artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/moto-gp-racer-id
:moto-gp-racer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MotoGP racer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/motto
:motto a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Description of the motto of the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "motto "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "slogan||mission statement||mission statement||mission"@en ;
skos:definition "Short motivation sentence associated to item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "motto text "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mountain-bike-hall-of-fame-inductee-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mountain Bike Hall of Fame inductee ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mountain-project-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Mountain Project ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:mouse-genome-informatics-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:definition "Identifier for a gene in the mouse genome informatics database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Mouse Genome Informatics ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/movie-meter-director-id
:movie-meter-director-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person on the moviemeter film database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MovieMeter director ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/movie-meter-movie-id
:movie-meter-movie-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "MovieMeter movie identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Idmoviemeter movie identifier for a movie on the website moviemeter"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MovieMeter Movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/movie-walker-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Movie Walker identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a film, a person or a cinema in the movie walker database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Movie Walker ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/movieplayer-character-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Movieplayer character ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/movieplayer-film-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Movieplayer film ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Movieplayer TV-series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) of the product, or the product to which the offer refers."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "mpn"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mr-author-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MR Author ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain and Ireland 1851-1951 ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a person, in the mapping the practice and profession of sculpture in britain and ireland database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MSBI person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/msk-gent-work-pid
:msk-gent-work-pid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artwork from the collection of the museum of fine arts, ghent"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MSK Gent work PID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "MSW identifier||MSW identifier"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "MSW ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mtmt-author-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Author's identifier in the hungarian scientific bibliography"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MTMT author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mtr-station-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a station in hong kong issued by mtr"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MTR station code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mu-be-virtual-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MuBE Virtual ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MuIS object ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "MuIS person or group ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for municipalities in denmark"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "municipality code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/munk-s-roll-id
:munk-s-roll-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Munk's Roll ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/munzinger-iba
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the munzinger archiv"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Munzinger IBA "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Munzinger Pop||Munzinger Pop identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the munzinger archiv"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Munzinger Pop ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/munzinger-sport-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer on the munzinger archiv"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Munzinger Sport number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Orsay Museum artist ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Numeric id for an artist in the database of the orsay museum"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Musée d'Orsay artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Musée d'Orsay artwork ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Musée des Augustins artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Identifer for a museum in the museofile database of the french ministry of culture"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Museofile "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Museum of Fine Arts, Boston object ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Museum of Fine Arts, Houston object ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:museus-br-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:prefLabel "Museus.br ID "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "MusicBrainz artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Identifier for an instrument on the music encyclopedia musicbrainz"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MusicBrainz instrument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "MusicBrainz label ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "place MBID||MB place id||place ID||MBID place"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a place in the musicbrainz open music encyclopedia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MusicBrainz place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "MusicBrainz recording ID "@en ;
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skos:definition "Identifier for a release group per the musicbrainz open music encyclopedia (album)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MusicBrainz release group ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/music-brainz-series-id
:music-brainz-series-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:prefLabel "MusicBrainz series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "MusicBrainz work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:musikverket-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Musikverket person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Idenifier for a composer in the musopen.org database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Musopen composer ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/mutopia-composer-id
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skos:prefLabel "Mutopia composer ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "MyDramaList title ID "@en ;
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skos:definition "Identifier per mycobank - a database that provides an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of fungi"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "MycoBank taxon name ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/myspace-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Myspace ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NACE code "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for a particular organization or business person."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "naics"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/naics-code
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skos:prefLabel "NAICS code "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "NAIF ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
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skos:prefLabel "NALT ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Name the subject is known by. If a more specific property is available, use that."@en , "The name of the item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "name"@en , "name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/name-assigning-authority-number
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
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skos:prefLabel "named as "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "NAQ elected person ID "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Academy of Medicine "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/national-assembly-of-nigeria-id
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skos:prefLabel "National Assembly of Nigeria ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "National Bridge Inventory Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:national-cancer-institute-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
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skos:definition "Identifier at www.cancer.gov"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "National Cancer Institute ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/national-collegiate-basketball-hall-of-fame-id
:national-collegiate-basketball-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:prefLabel "National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Artist or music group identity code on the national discography of italian song website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "National Discography of Italian Song artist/group ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/national-discography-of-italian-song-work-id
:national-discography-of-italian-song-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "National Discography of Italian Song work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:national-film-board-of-canada-movie-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "National Film Board of Canada movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:definition "Identifier for a football player, at national-football-teams.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "National-Football-Teams.com player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/national-forest-foundation-id
:national-forest-foundation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "National Forest Foundation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/national-gallery-of-art-artist-id
:national-gallery-of-art-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "National Gallery of Art artist identifier||National Gallery of Art artist id||NGA artist identifier||National Gallery of Art artist identifier||National Gallery of Art artist id||NGA artist identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned to an artist by the national gallery of art in washington dc"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "National Gallery of Art artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "NGV artist id||National Gallery of Victoria artist identifier"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/national-gallery-of-victoria-artwork-id
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skos:prefLabel "National Gallery of Victoria artwork ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "National Heritage List for England number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Historic Ships certificate no. "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Inventors Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Library Board Singapore ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Library of Greece ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Library of Israel ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/national-library-of-wales-id
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skos:prefLabel "National Library of Wales ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Monuments of Namibia Site Reference "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "National Natural Landmarks site ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "National Park Foundation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "NPOR ID||National Pipe Organ Register identifier||NPOR ID||National Pipe Organ Register identifier"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "National Pipe Organ Register ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:national-portrait-gallery a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:altLabel "NPG ID||National Portrait Gallery (London) person identifier||National Portrait Gallery (London) person identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for sitters and artists represented in the national portrait gallery, london"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "National Portrait Gallery "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "National Record of the Historic Environment ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Recreation Trails Database ID "@en ;
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skos:altLabel "Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteurs||NTA ID||NTA ID||NTA identifier||National Thesaurus for Author Names identifier||Dutch National Thesaurus for Author Names ID||Dutch Thesaurus for Author Names ID"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "National Thesaurus for Author Names ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Track & Field Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "National Trust Collections ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "Nationalmuseum Sweden artwork ID "@en ;
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skos:altLabel "ASCC reporting name||NATO code name"@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "NATO reporting name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
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skos:prefLabel "Natura 2000 site ID "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "nature preserve in North Rhine-Westphalia ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "Naturvårdsregistret ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "NAVA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "NBA player ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "NBN System Key "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "New York City Parks Monument ID "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
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skos:prefLabel "New Zealand Heritage List number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "New Zealand Olympic Committee athlete ID "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "NFF person profile ID "@en ;
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skos:prefLabel "NGA Lighthouse ID "@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:altLabel "NILF"@en ;
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rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nintendo-game-store-id
:nintendo-game-store-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Nintendo Game Store ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/niosh-pocket-guide-id
:niosh-pocket-guide-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PGCH ID||NPG ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a chemical in the niosh pocket guide to chemical hazards"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NIOSH Pocket Guide ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nioshtic-2-id
:nioshtic-2-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the nioshtic-2 database run by national institute for occupational safety and health (part of us cdc)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NIOSHTIC-2 ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nis-ins-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NIS/INS code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nish-hall-of-fame-id
:nish-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NISH Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nist-codata-id
:nist-codata-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a physical constant"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NIST/CODATA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nkcr-aut-id
:nkcr-aut-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NKC identifier||Czech National Authority Database||NK ČR AUT||NK CR AUT"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the czech national authority database (national library of czech republic)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NKCR AUT ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nla
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "AuCNLKIN||AuCNLKIN ID||AuCNLKIN identifier||Libraries Australia identifier||Australian National Bibliographic Database identifier||NLA Kinetica Service identifier||CNLKIN||CNLKIN identifier||CNL Kinetica Service identifier||NLA (Australia) identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier issued by the national library of australia (see also p1315 for the newer people australia identifier)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NLA "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nlbpa-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NLBPA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nlc-authorities
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person per national library of china"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NLC authorities "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nll-player-id
:nll-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NLL player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nlm-unique-id
:nlm-unique-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NLM ID||NLMUID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the catalog of the national library of medicine"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NLM Unique ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nlp-id
:nlp-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NLP identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for authority control per the national library of poland"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NLP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nlr
:nlr a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NLR (Romania) identifier||National Library of Romania ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for authority control used at the national library of romania"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NLR "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nndb-people-id
:nndb-people-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NNDB ID||Notable Names Database ID||Notable Names Database people ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the notable names database, a biographical database: only for people entries"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NNDB people ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nnl-work-id
:nnl-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NNL work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nobel-prize-id
:nobel-prize-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Nobel prize ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nobel-prize-people-nomination-id
:nobel-prize-people-nomination-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Nobel Prize People Nomination ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "peerage||title (hereditary)||hereditary title||royal title"@en ;
skos:definition "Titles held by the person"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "noble title "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/noc-occupation-code
:noc-occupation-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Code CNP||NOC Code"@en ;
skos:definition "Noc/cnp code for a given occupation in canada and québec"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NOC Occupation Code"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nominis-given-name-id
:nominis-given-name-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Nominis given name ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nominis-saint-id
:nominis-saint-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Nominis saint ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nomisma-id
:nomisma-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Nomisma ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nor
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for french official texts"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NOR "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/norsk-filmografi-id
:norsk-filmografi-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from norsk filmografi, published by the national library of norway"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Norsk filmografi ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/north-carolina-sports-hall-of-fame-id
:north-carolina-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "North Carolina Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/northern-ireland-charity-number
:northern-ireland-charity-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Northern Ireland charity number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/norway-database-for-statistics-on-higher-education-publisher-id
:norway-database-for-statistics-on-higher-education-publisher-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Norway Database for Statistics on Higher education publisher ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/norway-import-service-and-registration-authority-periodical-code
:norway-import-service-and-registration-authority-periodical-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ITAR code"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Norway Import Service and Registration Authority periodical code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:norway-import-service-and-registration-authority-publisher-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Norway Import Service and Registration Authority publisher code"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/norwegian-historical-register-of-persons-id
:norwegian-historical-register-of-persons-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Norwegian historical register of persons ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/norwegian-list-of-lights-id
:norwegian-list-of-lights-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Norwegian List of Lights ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/norwegian-municipality-number
:norwegian-municipality-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Unique identifier for municipalities of norway"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Norwegian municipality number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/norwegian-organisation-number
:norwegian-organisation-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Norwegian organisation number||Norwegian organisation number"@en ;
skos:definition "Organization's id in the norwegian entity registry"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Norwegian organisation number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/norwegian-register-journal-id
:norwegian-register-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for academic journals"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Norwegian Register journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/norwegian-war-sailor-register-id
:norwegian-war-sailor-register-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Norwegian war sailor register ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nova-scotia-register-of-historic-places-id
:nova-scotia-register-of-historic-places-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:altLabel "Nova Scotia Register of Historic Places identifier||Nova Scotia Historic Places ID||Nova Scotia Register of Historic Places identifier||Nova Scotia Historic Places ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the nova scotia register of historic places"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Nova Scotia Register of Historic Places ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nova-scotia-sport-hall-of-fame-id
:nova-scotia-sport-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/npb-player-id
:npb-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NPB player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/npca-id
:npca-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NPCA ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nps-unit-id
:nps-unit-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NPS unit ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/npsn-indonesian-school-id
:npsn-indonesian-school-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NPSN Indonesian school ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nrhp-reference-number
:nrhp-reference-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "National Register of Historic Places||National Register of Historic Places ID||NRHP||NRHP ID||National Register of Historic Places number||NRHP number"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the national register of historic places assigned by the national park service of the usa"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NRHP reference number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nsc-number
:nsc-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Numeric identifier for substances submitted to the national cancer institute (nci) for testing and evaluation"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NSC number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nsdap-membership-number
:nsdap-membership-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NSDAP membership number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nsk-id
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skos:altLabel "NSK identifier||National and University Library of Zagreb ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an item in the national and university library in zagreb (including leading zeroes)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NSK ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nsw-flora-id
:nsw-flora-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NSW Flora ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nsw-heritage-database-id
:nsw-heritage-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NSW Heritage database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nszl-id
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skos:definition "Identifier from the authority file of the national széchényi library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NSZL ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nszl-name-authority-id
:nszl-name-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NSZL name authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "NUKAT "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "Nupill Literatura Digital - Author "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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skos:prefLabel "Nupill Literatura Digital - Document"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nuts-code
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a region per nuts"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NUTS code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nuttab-food-identifier
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NUTTAB ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a food within the nutrient tables for use in australia (nuttab) which is managed by food standards australia new zealand (fsanz)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "NUTTAB Food Identifier"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/nyt-topic-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "NYT topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/observatoire-du-patrimoine-religieux-id
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skos:prefLabel "Observatoire du Patrimoine Religieux ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/oclc-control-number
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skos:prefLabel "OCLC control number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/odis-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
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skos:definition "Identifier in the belgian odis database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ODIS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/oeis-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer on the on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OEIS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/of-db-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OFDb ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/official-blog
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skos:prefLabel "official blog "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/official-facebook-page
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skos:prefLabel "official Facebook page "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/official-name
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
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skos:definition "Official name of the subject in its official language(s)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "official name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/official-symbol
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "official emblem||emblem"@en ;
skos:definition "Official symbol of administrative entities"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "official symbol "@en ;
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skos:definition "Url to the website of this item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "official website "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/oireachtas-member-id
:oireachtas-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Oireachtas member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/okato-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "OKATO identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for every administrative unit in russia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OKATO ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/oklahoma-sports-hall-of-fame-id
:oklahoma-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/okp-code
:okp-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OKP Code "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OKP ID of the good or service "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/okpd-2-code-of-the-good-or-service
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OKPD2 code of the good or service "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/okpd-code-of-the-good-or-service
:okpd-code-of-the-good-or-service a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OKPD code of the good or service "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/okpo-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NCEO ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a company, in the russian national classifier of enterprises and organizations (okpo) database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OKPO ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/oks-athlete-id
:oks-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OKS athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/oktmo-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "OKTMO identifier||OKTMO identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in classification on objects territory of municipal formations (russia)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OKTMO ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/okved-1-1-code-of-the-economic-activity
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OKVED 1.1 code of the economic activity "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/okved-2-code-of-the-economic-activity
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OKVED 2 code of the economic activity "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/olimp-base-chess-olympiad-player-id
:olimp-base-chess-olympiad-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OlimpBase Chess Olympiad player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/om-institution-id
:om-institution-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of primary and secondary schools at the hungarian ministry of education"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OM institution ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/omega-wiki-defined-meaning
:omega-wiki-defined-meaning a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "\"defined meaning\" on the site omegawiki"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OmegaWiki Defined Meaning "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/omim-id
:omim-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man||OMIM"@en ;
skos:definition "Online \"mendelian inheritance in man\" catalogue codes for diseases"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OMIM ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/omni-topic-id
:omni-topic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Omni topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/onisep-occupation-id
:onisep-occupation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Onisep occupation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/online-books-page-author-id
:online-books-page-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Online Books Page author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/online-list-of-lights-id
:online-list-of-lights-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Online List of Lights id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/online-world-of-wrestling-id
:online-world-of-wrestling-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "OWW ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a professional wrestling performer or tag team at online world of wrestling"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Online World of Wrestling ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ontario-heritage-act-register-id
:ontario-heritage-act-register-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ontario Heritage Act Register ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ontario-mpp-id
:ontario-mpp-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ontario MPP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ontario-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:ontario-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ontario Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/oorlogsmonument-id
:oorlogsmonument-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Oorlogsmonument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-beauty-facts-category-id
:open-beauty-facts-category-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Open Beauty Facts category ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-citations-bibliographic-resource-id
:open-citations-bibliographic-resource-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-corporates-id
:open-corporates-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Open Corporates ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a corporation, in the opencorporates database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenCorporates ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-critic-id
:open-critic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in opencritic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenCritic ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-domesday-person-id
:open-domesday-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenDomesday person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-domesday-settlement-id
:open-domesday-settlement-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenDomesday settlement ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-edition-journal-id
:open-edition-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenEdition journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-food-facts-food-additive-id
:open-food-facts-food-additive-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Represents a food additive on open food facts"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Open Food Facts food additive id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-food-facts-food-category-id
:open-food-facts-food-category-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Represents a food category on open food facts"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Open Food Facts food category ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-hub-id
:open-hub-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for free software, at open hub"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Open Hub ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-library-id
:open-library-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "OLID||OpenLibrary ID||OpenLibrary identifier||Open Library identifier||Open Library identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for works, editions and authors"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Open Library ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-library-subject-id
:open-library-subject-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Open Library subject ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-media-database-film-id
:open-media-database-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Open Media Database film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-mlol-author-id
:open-mlol-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "openMLOL author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-plaques-plaque-id
:open-plaques-plaque-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "OpenPlaques plaque identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a commemorative plaque, on a building or other structure in openplaques"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenPlaques plaque ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-plaques-subject-id
:open-plaques-subject-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "OpenPlaques subject identifier||OpenPlaques ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person or other subject in the openplaques database - http://openplaques.org/"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenPlaques subject ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-secrets-organization-id
:open-secrets-organization-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenSecrets organization ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/open-secrets-people-id
:open-secrets-people-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier used by opensecrets for people and organizations involved in us elections"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OpenSecrets people ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/openpolis-id
:openpolis-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in openpolis, a database of italian politicians"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Openpolis ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/opera-vivra-singer-id
:opera-vivra-singer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Opera Vivra singer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/operabase-id
:operabase-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Operabase ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/operational-requirement-of-the-uk-air-ministry
:operational-requirement-of-the-uk-air-ministry a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "OR||operational requirement"@en ;
skos:definition "Specification for future military aircraft by the uk air ministry"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Operational Requirement of the UK Air Ministry"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/orcid-i-d
:orcid-i-d a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Open Research Contributor ID||ORC ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ORCID iD "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/order-item-number
:order-item-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The identifier of the order item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "orderItemNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/order-number
:order-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The identifier of the transaction."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "orderNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ordered-item
:ordered-item a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The item ordered."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "orderedItem"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/org-id-guide-id
:org-id-guide-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "org-id.guide ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/origin-address
:origin-address a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Shipper's address."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "originAddress"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/original-combination
:original-combination a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "For animals: the combination (binomen or trinomen) where the species-group name used in this taxon name was first published"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "original combination "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/orphanet-id
:orphanet-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the orpha.net database (without orpha prefix)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Orphanet ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/orthodox-encyclopedia-id
:orthodox-encyclopedia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Orthodox Encyclopedia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/os-grid-reference
:os-grid-reference a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "grid reference"@en ;
skos:definition "Grid location reference from the ordnance survey national grid reference system used in great britain"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OS grid reference "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/osm-relation-id
:osm-relation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "OSM Relation ID||OpenStreetMap relation||OSM relation"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a relation in openstreetmap"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OSM relation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/osm-tag-or-key
:osm-tag-or-key a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "OSM key||tag||key||OSM tag||OSM tag"@en ;
skos:definition "Openstreetmap tagging schema (a key:key or tag:key=value) for classes of things"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "OSM tag or key "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/owgr-id
:owgr-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "OWGR ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/oxford-dictionary-of-national-biography-id
:oxford-dictionary-of-national-biography-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ID||OBIN||ODNB ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for authority control used by oxford university press for online biographical resources, predominantly the oxford dictionary of national biography"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/p-number
:p-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "P-number identifier from the danish company register for linking physical sites to an organization"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "P-number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pace-member-id
:pace-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a member of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PACE member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pactols-thesaurus-id
:pactols-thesaurus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PACTOLS thesaurus ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/page
:page a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "pp.||p."@en ;
skos:definition "Page number of source referenced for statement"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "page"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/page-at-belarus-globe-website
:page-at-belarus-globe-website a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "page at Belarus Globe website "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/page-at-hram-by
:page-at-hram-by a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "webpage at hram.by"@en ;
skos:definition "Internet page corresponding to orthodox architectural sites in belarus"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "page at hram.by "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/page-at-website-of-belarus-geocenter
:page-at-website-of-belarus-geocenter a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "State centre of cartographic and geodetic materials and data of the republic of belarus"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "page at website of Belarus Geocenter "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/page-banner
:page-banner a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "page banner "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/page-end
:page-end a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The page on which the work ends; for example \"138\" or \"xvi\"."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "pageEnd"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/page-start
:page-start a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The page on which the work starts; for example \"135\" or \"xiii\"."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "pageStart"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pagination
:pagination a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Any description of pages that is not separated into pageStart and pageEnd; for example, \"1-6, 9, 55\" or \"10-12, 46-49\"."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "pagination"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pal-dat-plant-id
:pal-dat-plant-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PalDat plant ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/palissy-id
:palissy-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Palissy||Palissy identifier||Palissy identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the palissy database of moveable objects of french cultural heritage"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Palissy ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/panarctic-flora-id
:panarctic-flora-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a taxon in the panarctic flora"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Panarctic Flora ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/panorama-view
:panorama-view a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "panorama view "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pantheon-des-sports-du-quebec-id
:pantheon-des-sports-du-quebec-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Panthéon des sports du Québec ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pares-id
:pares-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PARES ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/paris-city-digital-code
:paris-city-digital-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a street in paris"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Paris city digital code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/parks-gardens-uk-record-id
:parks-gardens-uk-record-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Parks & Gardens UK Record ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/parks-it-id
:parks-it-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Parks.it ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/parlement-politiek-id
:parlement-politiek-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Entry of described object on parlement & politiek, website describing dutch politic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Parlement & Politiek ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/parliament-uk-id
:parliament-uk-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "UK Parliament biography"@en ;
skos:definition "Link to an mp or peer's biography on parliament.uk"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "parliament.uk ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/parliamentary-record-identifier
:parliamentary-record-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Parliamentary record identifier for british mps"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Parliamentary record identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/parsons-code
:parsons-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Parsons Code for Melodic Contours"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for melodic contours of music"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Parsons code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pase-id
:pase-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Numerical identifier for a person in the prosopography of anglo-saxon england"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PASE ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/passenger-sequence-number
:passenger-sequence-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The passenger's sequence number as assigned by the airline."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "passengerSequenceNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/patent-number
:patent-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a patented invention"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "patent number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/patientplus-id
:patientplus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Patient UK"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of disease at patient uk"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Patientplus ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/patreon-id
:patreon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Patreon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/patrimonio-inmueble-de-andalucia-id
:patrimonio-inmueble-de-andalucia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Patrimonio Inmueble de Andalucía ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/patrimonio-web-j-cy-l-id
:patrimonio-web-j-cy-l-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Patrimonio Web JCyL ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/patrimonioculturale-er-id
:patrimonioculturale-er-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Patrimonioculturale-ER ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/patrons-de-france-id
:patrons-de-france-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Patrons de France ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/payment-method-id
:payment-method-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "An identifier for the method of payment used (e.g. the last 4 digits of the credit card)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "paymentMethodId"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/payment-url
:payment-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The URL for sending a payment."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "paymentUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pcp-reference-number
:pcp-reference-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PCP ref. no.||PCP no.||KGS identifier||PCP identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for cultural properties in switzerland"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PCP reference number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pdb-ligand-id
:pdb-ligand-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PDB ligand ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pdb-structure-id
:pdb-structure-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Gene entry for 3d structural data as per the pdb (protein data bank) database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PDB structure ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/peak-finder-id
:peak-finder-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PeakFinder ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/peakbagger-area-id
:peakbagger-area-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Peakbagger area ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/peakbagger-mountain-id
:peakbagger-mountain-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Peakbagger mountain ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/peakware-mountain-id
:peakware-mountain-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "peakware mountain ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pei-register-of-historic-places-id
:pei-register-of-historic-places-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PEI Register of Historic Places identifier||PEI Register ID||PEI Register of Historic Places identifier||PEI Register ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a historic place in prince edward island, canada"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PEI Register of Historic Places ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pennant-number
:pennant-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "pendant number||hull number"@en ;
skos:definition "The number or designation associated with individual warships, often painted on the hull."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "pennant number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/people-australia-id
:people-australia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NLA Trove||NLA party ID||People Australia identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for people per national library of australia (see also p409 for the older libraries australia identifier)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "People Australia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/perlentaucher-id
:perlentaucher-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in perlentaucher (q2071388)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Perlentaucher ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/perm-id
:perm-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PermID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/perry-index
:perry-index a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The item's value on the perry index primarily for fables attributed to aesop"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Perry Index "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/persee-author-id
:persee-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an author, in persée, an open access digital library of french-language scholarly journals, established by the ministry of national education of france"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Persée author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/persee-journal-id
:persee-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a journal in persée, an open access digital library of french-language scholarly journals, established by the ministry of national education of france"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Persée journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/persons-of-ancient-athens
:persons-of-ancient-athens a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PAA"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in persons of ancient athens (q21994990) by john s. Traill (q13422797)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Persons of Ancient Athens "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/petit-patrimoine-com-id
:petit-patrimoine-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "petit-patrimoine.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pfa-f-id
:pfa-f-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PfaF id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pfam-id
:pfam-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Pfam ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pga-tour-id
:pga-tour-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a golf player, in the pga tour database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PGA Tour ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ph-d-tree-person-id
:ph-d-tree-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PhDTree person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/phasmida-species-file-id
:phasmida-species-file-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Phasmida Species File ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/phil-papers-author-id
:phil-papers-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PhilPapers author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/phil-papers-profile
:phil-papers-profile a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PhilPapers profile "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/phil-papers-publication-id
:phil-papers-publication-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PhilPapers publication ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/phil-papers-topic
:phil-papers-topic a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PhilPapers topic "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/philadelphia-museum-of-art-id
:philadelphia-museum-of-art-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Philadelphia Museum of Art ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/philippine-standard-geographic-code
:philippine-standard-geographic-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PSGC"@en ;
skos:definition "Systematic classification and coding of geographic areas of the philippines."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Philippine Standard Geographic Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/phone-number
:phone-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "telephone number||phone #||fon||tel:||number||voice number"@en ;
skos:definition "Telephone number in standard format"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "phone number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/photo
:photo a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "photos"@en ;
skos:definition "A photograph of this place."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "photo"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/photographers-identities-catalog-id
:photographers-identities-catalog-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PIC ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier used in photographers' identities catalog"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Photographers' Identities Catalog ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/photos
:photos a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Photographs of this place."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "photos"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/photosphere-image
:photosphere-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "photosphere image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/picto-right-id-code
:picto-right-id-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PictoRight ID code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pim-authority-id
:pim-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PIM authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pinakothek-artist-id
:pinakothek-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Pinakothek artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pinterest-username
:pinterest-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Pinterest username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pinyin-transliteration
:pinyin-transliteration a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "pinyin transliteration "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pizmonet-id
:pizmonet-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Pizmonet ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/place-name-sign
:place-name-sign a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Image of road sign with place name on it"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "place name sign "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/plan-image
:plan-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "plan image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/plant-list-id
:plant-list-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the database of 'the plant list'"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PlantList-ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/plantarium-id
:plantarium-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Plantarium ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/plants-of-the-world-online-id
:plants-of-the-world-online-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Plants of the World online ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/plarr-id
:plarr-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Plarr ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/play-station-id
:play-station-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Unique identifier of playstation software and hardware assigned by sony computer entertainment inc."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PlayStation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/playing-range-image
:playing-range-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Image showing the playing range of the instrument"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "playing range image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/plazi-id
:plazi-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Uuid for a taxon treatment at (q7203726)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Plazi ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pleiades-id
:pleiades-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Pleiades identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a place in pleiades hosted at pleiades.stoa.org"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Pleiades ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pleiades-place-type-identifier
:pleiades-place-type-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Pleiades place type identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/plu-code
:plu-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PLU Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/plus-4-world-identifier
:plus-4-world-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Plus/4 World identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pm-20-folder-id
:pm-20-folder-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PM20 folder ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pmcid
:pmcid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PubMed Central ID||PMC ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier issued by pubmed central"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PMCID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pokedex-number
:pokedex-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Pokedex number"@en ;
skos:definition "Pokémon identification number"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Pokédex number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pokemon-browser-number
:pokemon-browser-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A pokémon identification number"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Pokémon browser number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pol-sys-id
:pol-sys-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the polsys database of norwegian politicians"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PolSys ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/polish-cultural-heritage-register-number
:polish-cultural-heritage-register-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Polish cultural heritage register number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/polish-scientist-id
:polish-scientist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Polish scientist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/politi-fact-personality-id
:politi-fact-personality-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Politifact Personality Identifier ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Person or group whose statements have been fact checked by politifact.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PolitiFact Personality ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/port-film-id
:port-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PORT film identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Port-network film database: identifier for a film or television program"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PORT film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/port-person-id
:port-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Port-network film database: identifier for a person"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PORT person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/portuguese-job-code-cpp-2010
:portuguese-job-code-cpp-2010 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Portuguese Job Code CPP-2010"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/portuguese-lighthouse-id
:portuguese-lighthouse-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Portuguese lighthouse ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/position
:position a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The position of an item in a series or sequence of items."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "position"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/post-office-box-number
:post-office-box-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The post office box number for PO box addresses."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "postOfficeBoxNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/postal-code
:postal-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "post code||zip code||postcode||zipcode||ZIP+4"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned by postal authorities for the subject area or building"@en , "The postal code. For example, 94043."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "postal code "@en , "postalCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/posthumous-name
:posthumous-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Name given to a person after death (east asia)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "posthumous name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/power-of-10-athlete-id
:power-of-10-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Power of Ten ID||Power of 10 ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an athlete in the power of 10 database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Power of 10 athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/prabook-id
:prabook-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Prabook ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/prazdne-domy-building-id
:prazdne-domy-building-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Prazdne Domy building ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/prdl-author-id
:prdl-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from post-reformation digital library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PRDL Author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/premiership-rugby-com-id
:premiership-rugby-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for each rugby union player who plays - or played - the english premiership"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PremiershipRugby.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/previous-item
:previous-item a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A link to the ListItem that preceeds the current one."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "previousItem"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/primary-image-of-page
:primary-image-of-page a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Indicates the main image on the page."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "primaryImageOfPage"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/print-column
:print-column a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The number of the column in which the NewsArticle appears in the print edition."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "printColumn"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/print-edition
:print-edition a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The edition of the print product in which the NewsArticle appears."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "printEdition"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/print-page
:print-page a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "If this NewsArticle appears in print, this field indicates the name of the page on which the article is found. Please note that this field is intended for the exact page name (e.g. A5, B18)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "printPage"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/print-section
:print-section a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "If this NewsArticle appears in print, this field indicates the print section in which the article appeared."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "printSection"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/prisma-id
:prisma-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Prisma ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pro-14-player-id
:pro-14-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Pro14 player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pro-cycling-stats-cyclist-id
:pro-cycling-stats-cyclist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PCS"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the website procyclingstats (www.procyclingstats.com)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ProCyclingStats cyclist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pro-cycling-stats-race-id
:pro-cycling-stats-race-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PCS"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ProCyclingStats race ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pro-cycling-stats-team-id
:pro-cycling-stats-team-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PCS"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ProCyclingStats team ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pro-football-hall-of-fame-id
:pro-football-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Pro Football Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pro-football-reference-id
:pro-football-reference-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "pro-football-reference ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/produces-cohesive-end
:produces-cohesive-end a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "produces cohesive end "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/product-id
:product-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The product identifier, such as ISBN. For example: meta itemprop=\"productID\" content=\"isbn:123-456-789\"
."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "productID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/production-code
:production-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Production code of an episode"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "production code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/professional-name
:professional-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Name passed down by generation assumed by a master of a traditional japanese art or sport such as kabuki or sumo"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "professional name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/program-name
:program-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The program providing the membership."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "programName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/project-gutenberg-author-id
:project-gutenberg-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Gutenberg ID||Project Gutenberg ID (author)"@en ;
skos:definition "Author identifier at project gutenberg"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Project Gutenberg author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/project-gutenberg-ebook-id
:project-gutenberg-ebook-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Gutenberg ID||Project Gutenberg ID (ebook)"@en ;
skos:definition "Ebook identifier at project gutenberg"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Project Gutenberg ebook ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/projeto-excelencias-id
:projeto-excelencias-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier used by transparência brasil for congresspeople from brazil"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Projeto Excelências ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pronom-file-format-identifier
:pronom-file-format-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PUID (File formats)||PUID (File formats)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier (puid) for a file format in the technical registry pronom"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PRONOM file format identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pronom-software-identifier
:pronom-software-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PUID (software)||PUID (software)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier (puid) for software in the technical registry pronom"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PRONOM software identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pronunciation-audio
:pronunciation-audio a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Audio file with pronunciation"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "pronunciation audio "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/properties-for-this-type
:properties-for-this-type a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "properties for this type "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/property-id
:property-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A commonly used identifier for the characteristic represented by the property, e.g. a manufacturer or a standard code for a property. propertyID can be (1) a prefixed string, mainly meant to be used with standards for product properties; (2) a site-specific, non-prefixed string (e.g. the primary key of the property or the vendor-specific id of the property), or (3) a URL indicating the type of the property, either pointing to an external vocabulary, or a Web resource that describes the property (e.g. a glossary entry). Standards bodies should promote a standard prefix for the identifiers of properties from their standards."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "propertyID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/property-proposal-discussion
:property-proposal-discussion a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "property proposal discussion "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/prosopographia-attica
:prosopographia-attica a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PA"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in prosopographia attica (q2113277) by johannes kirchner (q1697841)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Prosopographia Attica "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/protected-areas-inpn-code
:protected-areas-inpn-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from the inventaire national du patrimoine naturel."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "protected areas INPN Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/protected-heritage-site-in-brussels-id
:protected-heritage-site-in-brussels-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "protected heritage site in Brussels ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/provisional-designation
:provisional-designation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Designation of an astronomical body after its discovery and before its official name"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "provisional designation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/prs-legislative-research-mp-id
:prs-legislative-research-mp-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PRS Legislative Research MP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/psa-world-tour-id
:psa-world-tour-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PSA World Tour ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pseudonym
:pseudonym a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "nom-de-plume||alias||pen name||stage name"@en ;
skos:definition "Alias used by someone or by which this person is universally known"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "pseudonym "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/psh-id
:psh-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PSH||Czech Technical Library ID||PSH identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the authority database of the czech technical library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PSH ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pss-archi-architect-id
:pss-archi-architect-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an architect in the pss-archi database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PSS-Archi architect id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pss-archi-id
:pss-archi-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a building in the pss-archi database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PSS-archi ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ptbnp-id
:ptbnp-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PTBNP identifier||Portuguese National Library ID||PTBNP identifier||Portuguese National Library ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the portuguese national library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PTBNP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pub-chem-bio-assay-id-aid
:pub-chem-bio-assay-id-aid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "AID"@en ;
skos:definition "Central identifier in pubchem, used as accession number for biological and biochemical assays"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PubChem BioAssay ID (AID)"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pub-chem-cid
:pub-chem-cid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PubChem CID||PubChem ID||PubChem CID||PubChem ID||CID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier from database of chemical molecules and their activities in biological assays (only cid number)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PubChem CID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pub-chem-substance-id
:pub-chem-substance-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SID"@en ;
skos:definition "Substance (e.g. mixtures, undefined stereochemistry, ...) identifier in the pubchem database."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PubChem Substance ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pub-med-health
:pub-med-health a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PMH-ID||PMHIC"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier published by the pubmed health website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PubMed Health"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pub-med-id
:pub-med-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PMID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for journal articles/abstracts in pubmed"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PubMed ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/public-key-fingerprint
:public-key-fingerprint a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "public key fingerprint "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/public-whip-id
:public-whip-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "PublicWhip identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer in the publicwhip database of british mps"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "PublicWhip ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/publishing-principles
:publishing-principles a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The publishingPrinciples property indicates (typically via URL) a document describing the editorial principles of an Organization (or individual e.g. a Person writing a blog) that relate to their activities as a publisher, e.g. ethics or diversity policies. When applied to a CreativeWork (e.g. NewsArticle) the principles are those of the party primarily responsible for the creation of the CreativeWork.
While such policies are most typically expressed in natural language, sometimes related information (e.g. indicating a funder) can be expressed using schema.org terminology."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "publishingPrinciples"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/publons-author-id
:publons-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Publons author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/publons-publication-id
:publons-publication-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Publons Publication ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/pubs-history-pub-id
:pubs-history-pub-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "PubsHistory pub ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/q-edu-id
:q-edu-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "QEdu ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/quantity-symbol
:quantity-symbol a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "symbol"@en ;
skos:definition "Symbol for a physical quantity"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "quantity symbol "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/qudt-unit-id
:qudt-unit-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "QUDT unit ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/quebec-cultural-heritage-directory-id
:quebec-cultural-heritage-directory-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec||RPCQ||Québec cultural heritage directory identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the directory of the cultural heritage of quebec"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Quebec cultural heritage directory ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/quebec-cultural-heritage-directory-people-identifier
:quebec-cultural-heritage-directory-people-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "People listed on the répertoire du patrimoine culturel du québec"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Québec cultural heritage directory people identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/quebec-municipalities-geographical-code
:quebec-municipalities-geographical-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Quebec municipalities geographical code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/queensland-australian-football-hall-of-fame-inductee-id
:queensland-australian-football-hall-of-fame-inductee-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Queensland Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/queensland-heritage-register-id
:queensland-heritage-register-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Queensland Heritage Register ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/queensland-place-id
:queensland-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Queensland place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/quora-topic-id
:quora-topic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Quora topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/quora-username
:quora-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Quora username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/quote
:quote a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "quotation||excerpt"@en ;
skos:definition "Quote supporting the statement claim (to be used in the \"sources\" field)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "quote "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ra-collections-id
:ra-collections-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RA Collections ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/raa-number
:raa-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from database of the cultural heritage in sweden"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RAÄ number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/racing-reference-driver-id
:racing-reference-driver-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "racing-reference driver ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/racon-signal
:racon-signal a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "racon signal "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/radio-radicale-organization-id
:radio-radicale-organization-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Radio Radicale organization ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/radio-radicale-person-id
:radio-radicale-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Radio Radicale person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/radzima-org-id
:radzima-org-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the radzima.org database of landmarks and tourist attractions of belarus, lithuania and the podlasie region of poland"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Radzima.org ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/railways-archive-event-id
:railways-archive-event-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Event id in the railways archive database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Railways Archive event ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rallye-info-com-driver-or-co-driver-id
:rallye-info-com-driver-or-co-driver-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Rallye-info.com driver or co-driver ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ramsar-sites-information-service-id
:ramsar-sites-information-service-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The id ont the ramsar sites information service of a ramsar site"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Ramsar Sites Information Service ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ran-id
:ran-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in national archaeological register of romania"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RAN ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ranm-member-id
:ranm-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RANM member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rat-genome-database-id
:rat-genome-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Rat Genome Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rate-beer-brewery-id
:rate-beer-brewery-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a brewery, in the ratebeer database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RateBeer brewery ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/re-p-ec-institute-id
:re-p-ec-institute-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RePEc institute ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/re-p-ec-short-id
:re-p-ec-short-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RePEc ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a researcher in the ideas database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RePEc Short-ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reactome-id
:reactome-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Reactome ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ready-64-identifier
:ready-64-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ready64 identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/real-gm-basketball-player-id
:real-gm-basketball-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RealGM basketball player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rebase-enzyme-number
:rebase-enzyme-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "REBASE Enzyme Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/recipe-instructions
:recipe-instructions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A step in making the recipe, in the form of a single item (document, video, etc.) or an ordered list with HowToStep and/or HowToSection items."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "recipeInstructions"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/recognition-sequence
:recognition-sequence a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "recognition sequence "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/recreation-gov-area-id
:recreation-gov-area-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Recreation.gov area ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/recreation-gov-facility-id
:recreation-gov-facility-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Recreation.gov facility ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/red-bull-athlete-id
:red-bull-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Red Bull athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/redalyc-journal-id
:redalyc-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Redalyc journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reddit-username
:reddit-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Reddit username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ref-seq
:ref-seq a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Qualifier to specify reference sequence identifier for the protein and rna (either p637 or p639)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RefSeq "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ref-seq-protein-id
:ref-seq-protein-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a protein"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RefSeq Protein ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ref-seq-rna-id
:ref-seq-rna-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Rna identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RefSeq RNA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reference-url
:reference-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "website||url||webref||Uniform Resource Locator||URL||ref"@en ;
skos:definition "Should be used for internet urls as references"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "reference URL"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/references-order
:references-order a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The Order(s) related to this Invoice. One or more Orders may be combined into a single Invoice."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "referencesOrder"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/refseq-genome-id
:refseq-genome-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id in the refseq genome database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Refseq Genome ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/regine-water-system-number
:regine-water-system-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "REGINE water system number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/related-link
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A link related to this web page, for example to other related web pages."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "relatedLink"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/relations-ontology-id
:relations-ontology-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Relations Ontology ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/release-notes
:release-notes a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Description of what changed in this version."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "releaseNotes"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/relief-location-map
:relief-location-map a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Relief location map of place"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "relief location map "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/religious-name
:religious-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "monastic name"@en ;
skos:definition "Name taken or used as a member of a religious community"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "religious name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/repertoire-national-des-associations-identifier
:repertoire-national-des-associations-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Répertoire national des associations identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/replaced-synonym
:replaced-synonym a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Previously published name on which a replacement name (avowed substitute, nomen novum) is based."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "replaced synonym "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reply-to-url
:reply-to-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The URL at which a reply may be posted to the specified UserComment."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "replyToUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/report-number
:report-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The number or other unique designator assigned to a Report by the publishing organization."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "reportNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reporting-mark
:reporting-mark a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Reporting mark for railroads in north america"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "reporting mark "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/representative-of-page
:representative-of-page a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Indicates whether this image is representative of the content of the page."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "representativeOfPage"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reprezentacija-id
:reprezentacija-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Reprezentacija ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rero-id
:rero-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RERO ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/research-gate-institute-id
:research-gate-institute-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ResearchGate ID (Institute)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of an institute in researchgate"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ResearchGate institute ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/research-gate-person-id
:research-gate-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ResearchGate ID (person)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person, used by researchgate"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ResearchGate person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/research-papers-in-economics-series-handle
:research-papers-in-economics-series-handle a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RePEc Series handle"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of academic journals in research papers in economics"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Research Papers in Economics Series handle "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/researcher-id
:researcher-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a researcher in a system for scientific authors"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ResearcherID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/researchmap-id
:researchmap-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Researchmap ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reservation-id
:reservation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A unique identifier for the reservation."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "reservationId"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reserve-number
:reserve-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a canadian indian reserve"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "reserve number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reserved-ticket
:reserved-ticket a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A ticket associated with the reservation."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "reservedTicket"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reserves-naturelles-de-france-id
:reserves-naturelles-de-france-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Réserves naturelles de France ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/result-comment
:result-comment a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A sub property of result. The Comment created or sent as a result of this action."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "resultComment"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/review
:review a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "reviews"@en ;
skos:definition "A review of the item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "review"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/reviews
:reviews a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Review of the item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "reviews"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/revised-hepburn-romanization
:revised-hepburn-romanization a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Hepburn romanization||Modified Hepburn romanization||Revised Hepburn romanisation||Hepburn romanisation||Modified Hepburn romansation||romaji"@en ;
skos:definition "Romanized japanese following the revised hepburn romanization system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Revised Hepburn romanization "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/revised-romanization
:revised-romanization a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Revised Romanization "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rf-c-id
:rf-c-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RFC||RfC||Request for Comments identifier||Request for Comments ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an item in request for comments, a publication of ietf and the internet society (without \"rfc\" prefix)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RfC ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rfam-id
:rfam-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Rfam ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rfpl-org-player-id
:rfpl-org-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "rfpl.org player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/righteous-among-the-nations-id
:righteous-among-the-nations-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Righteous Among Nations ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the database of the righteous among the nations"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Righteous Among The Nations ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/riigikogu-id
:riigikogu-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Riigikogu ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rijksmonument-id
:rijksmonument-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Rijksmonument identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a monument assigned by the rijksdienst voor het cultureel erfgoed"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Rijksmonument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/riksdagen-person-id
:riksdagen-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier at data.riksdagen.se"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Riksdagen person-id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ringgold-id
:ringgold-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ringgold ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/riss-catalog
:riss-catalog a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Union catalog of south korea and japan, maintained by riss"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RISS catalog"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ritva-person-id
:ritva-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RITVA Person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ritva-program-id
:ritva-program-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RITVA Program ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rivers-gov-protected-area-id
:rivers-gov-protected-area-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Rivers.gov protected area ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rk-dartists-id
:rk-dartists-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the rkdartists database (rijksbureau voor kunsthistorische documentatie)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RKDartists ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rk-dimages-id
:rk-dimages-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier per rkdimages of the netherlands institute for art history"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RKDimages ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rk-dlibrary-id
:rk-dlibrary-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RKDlibrary ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rkd-esd-slovenia-id
:rkd-esd-slovenia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RKD/ESD identifier (Slovenia)||RKD/ESD (Slovenia) identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Reference number of intangible cultural heritage of slovenia (eid)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RKD/ESD (Slovenia) ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rky-national-built-heritage-environment-id
:rky-national-built-heritage-environment-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RKY national built heritage environment ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/road-number
:road-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "route number||route number"@en ;
skos:definition "Number assigned to a stretch of public roadway"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "road number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/roarmap-id
:roarmap-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ROARMAP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rock-com-ar-artist-id
:rock-com-ar-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Rock.com.ar artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rock-hall-of-fame-id
:rock-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Rock Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rodovid-id
:rodovid-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a person on rodovid.org"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Rodovid ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/role-name
:role-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "namedPosition"@en ;
skos:definition "A role played, performed or filled by a person or organization. For example, the team of creators for a comic book might fill the roles named 'inker', 'penciller', and 'letterer'; or an athlete in a SportsTeam might play in the position named 'Quarterback'."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "roleName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/roller-coaster-database-id
:roller-coaster-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RCDB ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in roller coaster database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Roller Coaster Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rolling-stone-artist-id
:rolling-stone-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Rolling Stone artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/roman-cognomen
:roman-cognomen a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "cognomen"@en ;
skos:definition "Standard part of the name of a roman, link to items about specific roman cognomen only."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Roman cognomen "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/roman-nomen-gentilicium
:roman-nomen-gentilicium a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "nomen gentilicium||gens (Roman)"@en ;
skos:definition "Standard part of the name of a roman, link to items about the roman gens only"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Roman nomen gentilicium "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/roman-praenomen
:roman-praenomen a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "praenomen"@en ;
skos:definition "Standard part of the name of a roman, link to items for specific roman praenomen only."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Roman praenomen "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/romania-lmi-code
:romania-lmi-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LMI code"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in 'lista monumentelor istorice din românia' (romanian heritage sites)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Romania LMI code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rome-occupation-code
:rome-occupation-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ROME Code||code rome"@en ;
skos:definition "Rome code for a given occupation in france (v3, 1 letter, 4 digits)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ROME Occupation Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rotten-tomatoes-id
:rotten-tomatoes-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Rotten Tomatoes identifier||Rotten Tomatoes identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier on rotten tomatoes: must use prefix \"m/\" for movies, \"tv/\" for tv series (remove /s number on end unless the item is a specific season), \"celebrity/\" for celebrities, \"critic/\" for film critics, \"source-\" for review sources"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Rotten Tomatoes ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/roud-folk-song-index-number
:roud-folk-song-index-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Roud number"@en ;
skos:definition "Number assigned to a folk song in the roud folk song index"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Roud Folk Song Index number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/routard-com-place-id
:routard-com-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Routard.com place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/route-diagram
:route-diagram a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "route diagram "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/route-map
:route-map a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "street map||road atlas||highway map||schema||road map||railway map||railroad map||map of route||map of route"@en ;
skos:definition "Image of route map at wikimedia commons"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "route map "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/route-number
:route-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Number of a railway line"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "route number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/royal-academy-new-identifier
:royal-academy-new-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Royal Academy new identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/royal-aero-club-aviator-s-certificate-id
:royal-aero-club-aviator-s-certificate-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Royal Aero Club Aviator's Certificate ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/royal-belgian-football-association-player-id
:royal-belgian-football-association-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a player, on the official belgian football federation website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Royal Belgian Football Association player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/royal-swedish-academy-of-letters-member-id
:royal-swedish-academy-of-letters-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Royal Swedish Academy of Letters member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rsl-editions
:rsl-editions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Catalogue number of the russian state library (see also p1815 and p947)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RSL editions "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rsl-id
:rsl-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RSL identifier||RSL name authority||RSL identifier (person)||RSL identifier (person)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of the russian state library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RSL ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rsl-scanned-book-s-identifier
:rsl-scanned-book-s-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RSL-Books-ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of the russian state library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RSL scanned book's identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rtecs-number
:rtecs-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Chemical identifier from the registry of toxic effects of chemical substances"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RTECS number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ruchess-id
:ruchess-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ruchess ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rugby-league-project-player-id
:rugby-league-project-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Rugby League Project player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rundata
:rundata a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Database about runestones, mainly in sweden, but stones in all of europe, greenland and u.s. can be found here"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Rundata "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/runeberg-author-id
:runeberg-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Runeberg author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/runeberg-book-id
:runeberg-book-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Runeberg book ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rusbandy-player-id
:rusbandy-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "rusbandy player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rush-parliamentary-archive-id
:rush-parliamentary-archive-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Rush Parliamentary Archive ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/russiancinema-ru-film-id
:russiancinema-ru-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id number for films in russiancinema.ru"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Russiancinema.ru film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rx-norm-cui
:rx-norm-cui a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "RxNorm CUI "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/rxno-ontology
:rxno-ontology a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Rsc ontology for organic reactions"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "RXNO Ontology "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/s-2-a-3-biographical-database-id
:s-2-a-3-biographical-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "S2A3 Biographical Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sa-rugby-player-id
:sa-rugby-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SA Rugby player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sabr-id
:sabr-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Society for American Baseball Research ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a person in the society for american baseball research database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SABR ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/saccharomyces-genome-database-id
:saccharomyces-genome-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Saccharomyces Genome Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sachsische-biografie
:sachsische-biografie a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in a biographical dictionary of people from saxony"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Sächsische Biografie "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/safsal-coach-id
:safsal-coach-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Safsal coach ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/safsal-player-id
:safsal-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Safsal player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sahra-heritage-site-id
:sahra-heritage-site-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SAHRA heritage site ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sambafoot-player-id
:sambafoot-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sambafoot player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/san-id
:san-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SAN ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sandbox-external-identifier
:sandbox-external-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "sandbox-externalId||sandbox-ID"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Sandbox-External identifier"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sandrart-net-artwork-id
:sandrart-net-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sandrart.net artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sandrart-net-person-id
:sandrart-net-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the web-based edition of joachim von sandrart’s \"teutscher academie der edlen bau, bild- und mahlerey-künste\" (1675–80)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Sandrart.net person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sandre-id
:sandre-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer of the french national water information system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SANDRE ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sanu-member-id
:sanu-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SANU member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/saskatchewan-register-of-heritage-property-id
:saskatchewan-register-of-heritage-property-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Saskatchewan Register of Heritage Property identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the saskatchewan register of heritage property"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Saskatchewan Register of Heritage Property ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/saxon-academy-of-sciences-member-id
:saxon-academy-of-sciences-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Saxon Academy of Sciences member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sbn-id
:sbn-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ICCU||SBN||SBN identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier issued by national library service (sbn) of italy"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SBN ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scanned-file-on-wikimedia-commons
:scanned-file-on-wikimedia-commons a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "scan file (Commons)||document file on Wikimedia Commons||full text||sheet music||full movie"@en ;
skos:definition "File on wikimedia commons related to the content of the source/book/report"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "scanned file on Wikimedia Commons "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scar-composite-gazetteer-place-id
:scar-composite-gazetteer-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SCAR Composite Gazetteer place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/schema-version
:schema-version a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Indicates (by URL or string) a particular version of a schema used in some CreativeWork. For example, a document could declare a schemaVersion using an URL such as http://schema.org/version/2.0/ if precise indication of schema version was required by some application."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "schemaVersion"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/schlafli-symbol
:schlafli-symbol a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Schläfli symbol "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/science-museum-people-id
:science-museum-people-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Science Museum people ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scn
:scn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Satellite Catalog Number||NORAD Catalog Number||NASA catalog number||USSPACECOM object number"@en ;
skos:definition "Satellite catalog number, 5-digit-number including leading zeros (e.g. '00266')"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SCN "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scope-dk-film-id
:scope-dk-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Scope ID (film)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a film on the website scope.dk"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Scope.dk film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scope-dk-person-id
:scope-dk-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Scope ID (person)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person on the website scope.dk"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Scope.dk person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scopus-affiliation-id
:scopus-affiliation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an organisation in author affiliations per scopus"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Scopus Affiliation ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scopus-author-id
:scopus-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an author assigned in scopus bibliographic database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Scopus Author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scopus-eid
:scopus-eid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Unique academic work identifier assigned in scopus bibliographic database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Scopus EID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scopus-source-id
:scopus-source-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Scopus uses a unique identifier for each source/publication venue (journal, conference, etc)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Scopus Source ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scoresway-handball-person-id
:scoresway-handball-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Scoresway handball person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scoresway-soccer-person-id
:scoresway-soccer-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Scoresway soccer person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scottish-charity-number
:scottish-charity-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Scottish Charity number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scottish-football-association-player-id
:scottish-football-association-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Scottish Football Association player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/scottish-sports-ho-f-athlete-id
:scottish-sports-ho-f-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Scottish Sports HoF athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/screenshot
:screenshot a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A link to a screenshot image of the app."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "screenshot"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/seal-description
:seal-description a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Description of a subject's seal"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "seal description "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/seal-image
:seal-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "emblem"@en ;
skos:definition "Image of subject's seal (emblem)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "seal image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/search-formatter-url
:search-formatter-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "search formatter URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/season-number
:season-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Position of the season within an ordered group of seasons."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "seasonNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/seat-number
:seat-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The location of the reserved seat (e.g., 27)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "seatNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/seat-row
:seat-row a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The row location of the reserved seat (e.g., B)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "seatRow"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/seat-section
:seat-section a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The section location of the reserved seat (e.g. Orchestra)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "seatSection"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/second-family-name-in-spanish-name
:second-family-name-in-spanish-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Second or maternal family name in spanish names (do not use for other double barrelled names)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "second family name in Spanish name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/second-hand-songs-artist-id
:second-hand-songs-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artist, in the secondhandsongs database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SecondHandSongs artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/second-hand-songs-song-id
:second-hand-songs-song-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a song, in the secondhandsongs database about covers and samplings"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SecondHandSongs song ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/section-verse-or-paragraph
:section-verse-or-paragraph a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "section, verse, or paragraph "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sectional-view
:sectional-view a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Image file that shows a sectional view of the item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "sectional view "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/see-also
:see-also a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "see also "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/seed-number
:seed-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SEED ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a school in scotland, in the scottish government's seed database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SEED number"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sefaria-id
:sefaria-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sefaria ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sega-8-bit-com-identifier
:sega-8-bit-com-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sega8bit.com identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/selibr-id
:selibr-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LIBRIS"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier per libris library catalog"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SELIBR Id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/semantic-scholar-author-id
:semantic-scholar-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Semantic Scholar author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/semantic-scholar-paper-id
:semantic-scholar-paper-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Semantic Scholar paper ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/senat-fr-id
:senat-fr-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the website of the french senate"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "senat.fr ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sequence-ontology-id
:sequence-ontology-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sequence Ontology ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/serial-number
:serial-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The serial number or any alphanumeric identifier of a particular product. When attached to an offer, it is a shortcut for the serial number of the product included in the offer."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "serial number "@en , "serialNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/series-ordinal
:series-ordinal a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "rank||sorting order||position in series||number||order||ordinal number||series number"@en ;
skos:definition "Position of an item in its parent series, generally to be used as a qualifier. Different from \"rank\""@en ;
skos:prefLabel "series ordinal"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/service-phone
:service-phone a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The phone number to use to access the service."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "servicePhone"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/service-postal-address
:service-postal-address a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The address for accessing the service by mail."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "servicePostalAddress"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/service-ribbon-image
:service-ribbon-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "medal ribbon image||ribbon image"@en ;
skos:definition "An image depicting the ribbon associated with a medal, order, etc."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "service ribbon image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/service-sms-number
:service-sms-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The number to access the service by text message."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "serviceSmsNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/service-url
:service-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The website to access the service."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "serviceUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sf-db-company-id
:sf-db-company-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SFDb-identifier of company||SFDb company identifier||SFDb-identifier of company||SFDb company identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Company identifier in the swedish film database (sfdb)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SFDb company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sf-db-group-id
:sf-db-group-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SFDb-identifier of group||SFDb group identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Group identifier in the swedish film database (sfdb)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SFDb group ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sf-db-person-id
:sf-db-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Svensk Filmdatabas person ID||Swedish Film Database person ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person on the swedish film database (sfdb)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SFDb person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sf-db-soundtrack-id
:sf-db-soundtrack-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SFDb-identifier of soundtrack||SFDb soundtrack identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Soundtrack identifier in the swedish film database (sfdb)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SFDb soundtrack ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/shakeosphere-person-id
:shakeosphere-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the shakeosphere database of the university of iowa"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Shakeosphere person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/share-catalogue-author-id
:share-catalogue-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SHARE Catalogue author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/shared-content
:shared-content a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A CreativeWork such as an image, video, or audio clip shared as part of this posting."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "sharedContent"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sheet-music
:sheet-music a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "sheet music "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sherdog-id
:sherdog-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a mixed martial arts athlete, in the sherdog database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Sherdog ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sherpa-juliet-id
:sherpa-juliet-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sherpa Juliet ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/shield-image
:shield-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "shield image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/shirat-nashim-person-id
:shirat-nashim-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Shirat Nashim person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/shironet-artist-id
:shironet-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Shironet artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/shironet-song-id
:shironet-song-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Shironet song ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/shoftim-be-israel-judge-id
:shoftim-be-israel-judge-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Shoftim BeIsrael judge ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/short-author-name
:short-author-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "String to store unspecified author name from scientific publications, use if wikidata item for author does not exist or is not known"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "short author name"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/short-name
:short-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Short name of a place, organisation, person etc."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "short name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/short-track-speed-skater-isu-id
:short-track-speed-skater-isu-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "short-track speed skater ISU ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:showa-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "State Heritage Office of Western Australia ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a heritage place, issued by the state heritage office of western australia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SHOWA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sic-code
:sic-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SIC code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sigic-author-id
:sigic-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SIGIC (person)||SIGIC (person)||SIGIC (author)"@en ;
skos:definition "Sigic - slovenian music information center (property for author/person)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SIGIC author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sigic-group-id
:sigic-group-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SIGIC (group)"@en ;
skos:definition "Sigic - slovenian music information center (property for music group)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SIGIC group ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sigic-institution-id
:sigic-institution-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SIGIC (institution)||SIGIC (institution)"@en ;
skos:definition "Sigic - slovenian music information center (property for institution)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SIGIC institution ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/signature
:signature a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "autograph"@en ;
skos:definition "Image of a person's signature"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "signature "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "significantLinks"@en ;
skos:definition "One of the more significant URLs on the page. Typically, these are the non-navigation links that are clicked on the most."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "significantLink"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/significant-links
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The most significant URLs on the page. Typically, these are the non-navigation links that are clicked on the most."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "significantLinks"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sikart-id
:sikart-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in sikart, a biographical dictionary and a database on visual art in switzerland and liechtenstein"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SIKART ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/simbad-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SIMBAD ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SIMC place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sina-weibo-id
:sina-weibo-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sina Weibo ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sipa-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SIPA identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the sipa (sistema de informação para o património arquitectónico) database of heritage sites in portugal"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SIPA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sipca-code
:sipca-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SIPCA code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/siprojuris-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Siprojuris ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/siren-number
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer for an organization in the sirene register maintained by insee"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SIREN number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/siruta-code
:siruta-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an area of romania per national institute of statistics"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SIRUTA code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/site-of-special-scientific-interest
:site-of-special-scientific-interest a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SSSI ID (England)||Site of Special Scientific Interest ID (England)||Site of Special Scientific Interest ID (England)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for sites of special scientific interest (sssis) in england"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Site of Special Scientific Interest "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/six-degrees-of-francis-bacon-id
:six-degrees-of-francis-bacon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SDFB||6DFB||6 Degrees of Francis Bacon"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the six degrees of francis bacon database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Six Degrees of Francis Bacon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ski-db-com-skier-id
:ski-db-com-skier-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ski-db.com skier ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sku
:sku a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), i.e. a merchant-specific identifier for a product or service, or the product to which the offer refers."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "sku"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/skype-username
:skype-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Skype username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/skyscraper-center-building-complex-id
:skyscraper-center-building-complex-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a building complex as used on the ctbuh's www.skyscrapercenter.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Skyscraper Center building complex ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/skyscraper-center-id
:skyscraper-center-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a building as used on the ctbuh's www.skyscrapercenter.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Skyscraper Center ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/skyscraper-page-building-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a building in the skyscraperpage database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SkyscraperPage building id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/slide-share-username
:slide-share-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SlideShare username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/slovene-cultural-heritage-register-id
:slovene-cultural-heritage-register-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "RKD"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a cultural monument in the slovene cultural heritage register"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Slovene Cultural Heritage Register ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/slovenska-biografija-id
:slovenska-biografija-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the \"slovenska biografija\" reference project"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Slovenska biografija ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/small-monuments-of-plzen-catalogue-id
:small-monuments-of-plzen-catalogue-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Small Monuments of Plzeň Catalogue ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/smdb-id
:smdb-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the swedish media database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SMDB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/smithsonian-american-art-museum-id
:smithsonian-american-art-museum-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Smithsonian American Art Museum ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:smithsonian-american-art-museum-person-institution-thesaurus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SAAM ID||American Art ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person or institution, in the smithsonian american art museum: person/institution thesaurus"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Smithsonian American Art Museum: person/institution thesaurus ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/smithsonian-trinomial
:smithsonian-trinomial a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Smithsonian trinomial "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/smithsonian-volcano-id
:smithsonian-volcano-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Smithsonian volcano identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of volcano in the smithsonian global volcanism program"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Smithsonian volcano ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/snac-ark-id
:snac-ark-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SNAC Ark ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/snap-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SNAP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "snap package "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/snapchat-username
:snapchat-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Snapchat username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/snczi-ipe-dam-id
:snczi-ipe-dam-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SNCZI-IPE dam ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/snczi-ipe-reservoir-id
:snczi-ipe-reservoir-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SNCZI-IPE reservoir ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:snooker-database-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Snooker Database player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Snooker.org player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Snooker.org tournament ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/soato-id
:soato-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the belarusian code system for administrative-territory division objects and settlements"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SOATO ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/soccerbase-manager-id
:soccerbase-manager-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Manager id on the soccerbase website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Soccerbase manager ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/soccerbase-player-id
:soccerbase-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Player id on the soccerbase website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Soccerbase player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/soccerdonna-player-id
:soccerdonna-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Soccerdonna player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:soccerway-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Player id on the soccerway website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Soccerway player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/social-science-research-network-id
:social-science-research-network-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:altLabel "SSRN ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an article/paper at the ssrn"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Social Science Research Network ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/software-help
:software-help a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Software application help."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "softwareHelp"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/software-version-schema
:software-version-schema a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Version of the software instance."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "softwareVersion-schema"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/solomon-r-guggenheim-museum-artwork-id
:solomon-r-guggenheim-museum-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
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skos:prefLabel "Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:songkick-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Songkick artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/songkick-venue-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Songkick venue ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sound-cloud-id
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skos:prefLabel "SoundCloud ID "@en ;
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# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/soundex
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skos:prefLabel "Soundex "@en ;
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Soundtrack Collector ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "repository||code||code repository"@en ;
skos:definition "Public source code repository"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "source code repository "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/source-forge-project
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an official sourceforge repository (\"project\") for a software product"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SourceForge project "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/source-website-for-the-property
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skos:definition "Url of website acting as source of data for this wikidata property"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "source website for the property "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/soureh-cinema-film-id
:soureh-cinema-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SourehCinema film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/soureh-cinema-person-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SourehCinema person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/south-african-municipality-code
:south-african-municipality-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a municipality in south africa"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "South African municipality code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:south-australian-football-hall-of-fame-inductee-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "South Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:south-australian-heritage-register-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "South Australian Heritage Register Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/south-dakota-legislator-id
:south-dakota-legislator-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "South Dakota legislator ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:south-dakota-sports-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "South Dakota Sports Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:spanish-boletin-oficial-del-estado-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Spanish \"Boletín Oficial del Estado\" ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "SPDX identifier||SPDX identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Spdx license identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SPDX ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/species-profile-and-threats-database-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from species profile and threats database managed by australian government department of the environment"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Species Profile and Threats Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/speed-skating-base-eu-id
:speed-skating-base-eu-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a speed skater in the speedskatingbase.eu database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SpeedSkatingBase.eu ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SpeedSkatingNews.info speed skater ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:speed-skating-stats-speed-skater-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SpeedSkatingStats speed skater ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/speedskating-results-com-speed-skater-id
:speedskating-results-com-speed-skater-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SpeedskatingResults.com speed skater ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/spenserians-person-id
:spenserians-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Spenserians person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/splash
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SPLASH "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/spoken-text-audio
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Audio file for the spoken work or wikipedia article"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "spoken text audio "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sport-australia-hall-of-fame-inductee-id
:sport-australia-hall-of-fame-inductee-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sport Australia Hall of Fame inductee ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sport-number
:sport-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "uniform number||jersey number||shirt number||sweater number||squad number||entry number||car number"@en ;
skos:definition "Number worn on a player's (competitor's) uniform, equipment, etc"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "sport number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sportbox-ru-id
:sportbox-ru-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sportbox.ru ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sporthorse-data-id
:sporthorse-data-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sporthorse data ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sports-reference-com-olympic-athlete-id
:sports-reference-com-olympic-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on the website sports-reference.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Sports-Reference.com Olympic athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sports-ru-player-id
:sports-ru-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "sports.ru player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/spotify-album-id
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an album on spotify"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Spotify album ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/spotify-artist-id
:spotify-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artist on spotify"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Spotify artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/spotify-track-id
:spotify-track-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a track on spotify"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Spotify track ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/squash-info-id
:squash-info-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Squash Info ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sratim-id
:sratim-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Sratim ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/srcbb-coach-id
:srcbb-coach-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SRCBB coach ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/srcbb-player-id
:srcbb-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SRCBB player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/srcfb-player-id
:srcfb-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SRCFB player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ssr-place-name-number
:ssr-place-name-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a place, used by sentralt stedsnavnregister in norway for the purpose of giving that place an official name."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SSR place name number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ssr-written-form-id
:ssr-written-form-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the written form a place name, as used by sentralt stedsnavnregister in norway"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SSR WrittenForm ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ssrn-author-id
:ssrn-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SSRN author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/stack-exchange-tag
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Tag on the stack exchange websites"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Stack Exchange tag "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/stadel-museum-artist-id
:stadel-museum-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Städel Museum artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/stanford-encyclopedia-of-philosophy-id
:stanford-encyclopedia-of-philosophy-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/star-wars-databank-id
:star-wars-databank-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Star Wars Databank ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/state-catalogue-of-geographical-names
:state-catalogue-of-geographical-names a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "State Catalogue of Geographical Names identifier (Russia)||State Catalogue of Geographical Names (Russia) identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in state catalogue of geographical names (russia)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "State Catalogue of Geographical Names "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/state-water-register-code
:state-water-register-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a body of water in russia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "State Water Register Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/stated-in
:stated-in a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "source of claim||source of claim||originating source||originating source||stated by||stated by"@en ;
skos:definition "To be used in the source field, to indicate where a claim is made"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "stated in"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/station-code
:station-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a railway station"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "station code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/statistical-service-of-cyprus-geocode
:statistical-service-of-cyprus-geocode a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Statistical Service of Cyprus Geocode "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/statistics-canada-geographic-code
:statistics-canada-geographic-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Statistics Canada Geographic code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/statistics-indonesia-ethnicity-code
:statistics-indonesia-ethnicity-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Ethnicity code in indonesia by statistics indonesia"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Statistics Indonesia ethnicity code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/statoids-id
:statoids-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Statoids ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/steam-application-id
:steam-application-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "steampowered.com ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an application on the steam website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Steam Application ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/step
:step a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "steps"@en ;
skos:definition "A single step item (as HowToStep, text, document, video, etc.) or a HowToSection."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "step"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/steps
:steps a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A single step item (as HowToStep, text, document, video, etc.) or a HowToSection (originally misnamed 'steps'; 'step' is preferred)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "steps"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:lists .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/stereo-ve-mono-artist-id
:stereo-ve-mono-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Stereo Ve Mono artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/store-norske-leksikon-id
:store-norske-leksikon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Store norske leksikon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/storting-person-id
:storting-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Storting person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/streaming-media-url
:streaming-media-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "archives"@en ;
skos:definition "Url where the subject's media stream exists"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "streaming media URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/street-address
:street-address a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The street address. For example, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "streetAddress"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/street-key
:street-key a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identification number for a specific street within the street cadastre of a municipality"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "street key "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/street-number
:street-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "street number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/structurae-id
:structurae-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a building in the structurae database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Structurae ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/structurae-person-id
:structurae-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the structurae database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Structurae person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/student-register-of-the-university-of-helsinki-id
:student-register-of-the-university-of-helsinki-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "student register of the University of Helsinki ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/stuttgart-database-of-scientific-illustrators-id
:stuttgart-database-of-scientific-illustrators-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Stuttgart scientific illustrator ID||Stuttgart scientific illustrator ID||Database of Scientific Illustrators ID||DSI ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person, in the university of stuttgart's database of scientific illustrators, 1450-1950"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Stuttgart Database of Scientific Illustrators ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/stw-thesaurus-for-economics-id
:stw-thesaurus-for-economics-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "STW Thesaurus for Economics ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/subreddit
:subreddit a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "subreddit "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/subtitle
:subtitle a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "For works, when the title is followed by a subtitle"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "subtitle "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sudoc-authorities-id
:sudoc-authorities-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "IdRef"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for authority control in the french collaborative library catalog (see also p1025)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SUDOC authorities ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sudoc-editions
:sudoc-editions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the french union catalog (see also p269)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SUDOC editions "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/summit-post-mountain-id
:summit-post-mountain-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SummitPost mountain ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/suncat-id
:suncat-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SUNCAT ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sunshine-tour-id
:sunshine-tour-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SunshineTour ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/supermodels-nl-id
:supermodels-nl-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Supermodels.nl ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sure-ch-embl-id
:sure-ch-embl-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The chemical compound identifier for the ebi surechembl 'chemical compounds in patents' database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SureChEMBL ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/surfline-id
:surfline-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Surfline ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/surman-id
:surman-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Surman ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/survey-of-scottish-witchcraft-accused-witch-id
:survey-of-scottish-witchcraft-accused-witch-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Accused witch ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/survey-of-scottish-witchcraft-person-id
:survey-of-scottish-witchcraft-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/survey-of-scottish-witchcraft-trial-id
:survey-of-scottish-witchcraft-trial-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Trial ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swb-editions
:swb-editions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Union catalog of the south-west german library network (swb)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "SWB editions "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-civil-parish-code-ata-code
:swedish-civil-parish-code-ata-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Sockenkod"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a civil parish in sweden"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish civil parish code/ATA code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-county-code
:swedish-county-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "länskod||county code (Sweden)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a county in sweden \"länskod\" (two-digit)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish county code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-county-letter
:swedish-county-letter a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish county letter "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-district-code
:swedish-district-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "district code"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for swedish districts from 2016"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish district code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-film-database-film-id
:swedish-film-database-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Swedish Film Database film ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a movie on the swedish film database (sfdb)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish Film Database film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-football-association-id
:swedish-football-association-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for swedish soccer players"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish Football Association ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-minor-urban-area-code
:swedish-minor-urban-area-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Småortskod||Smaortskod"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a minor urban area in sweden"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish minor urban area code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-municipality-code
:swedish-municipality-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a municipality in sweden \"kommunkod\" (four-digit)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish municipality code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-musical-heritage-composer-id
:swedish-musical-heritage-composer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish Musical Heritage composer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-olympic-committee-athlete-id
:swedish-olympic-committee-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Entry in the bibliographic database of the swedish olympic committee"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish Olympic Committee athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-portrait-archive
:swedish-portrait-archive a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish portrait archive "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swedish-urban-area-code
:swedish-urban-area-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Tätortskod||Tatortskod"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an urban area in sweden"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swedish urban area code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swim-swam-id
:swim-swam-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "SwimSwam ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swimming-australia-swimmer-id
:swimming-australia-swimmer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Swimming Australia swimmer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swimrankings-net-swimmer-id
:swimrankings-net-swimmer-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a swimmer, in the swimrankings.net database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swimrankings.net swimmer ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swiss-enterprise-identification-number
:swiss-enterprise-identification-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Swiss Enterprise Identification Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swiss-federal-archives-id
:swiss-federal-archives-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Swiss Federal Archives ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swiss-football-association-club-number
:swiss-football-association-club-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swiss Football Association Club Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swiss-municipality-code
:swiss-municipality-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "BFS number"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a municipality in switzerland"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swiss municipality code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/swiss-parliament-id
:swiss-parliament-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "parliament.ch||id parliament.ch||parlement.ch||parlament.ch||Swiss parliament identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a member of the swiss parliament since 1848"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Swiss parliament ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/sycomore-id
:sycomore-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person in the sycomore database, by the french national assembly"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Sycomore ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ta-98-latin-term
:ta-98-latin-term a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TA98 Latin term "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tab-4-u-artist-id
:tab-4-u-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tab4u artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/taekwondo-data-id
:taekwondo-data-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Taekwondo Data ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tagesschau-election-id
:tagesschau-election-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tagesschau election ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/talouselaman-vaikuttajat-id
:talouselaman-vaikuttajat-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifer for a person, in the talouselämän vaikuttajat database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Talouselämän vaikuttajat ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/target-description
:target-description a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The description of a node in an established educational framework."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "targetDescription"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/target-name
:target-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The name of a node in an established educational framework."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "targetName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/target-url
:target-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The URL of a node in an established educational framework."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "targetUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tate-artist-identifier
:tate-artist-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Tate artist ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of an artist in the tate collection"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Tate artist identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tax-id
:tax-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The Tax / Fiscal ID of the organization or person, e.g. the TIN in the US or the CIF/NIF in Spain."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "taxID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/taxon-common-name
:taxon-common-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "vernacular name||common name"@en ;
skos:definition "Common or vernacular name of a biological taxon"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "taxon common name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/taxon-name
:taxon-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Latin name (deprecated)"@en ;
skos:definition "Correct scientific name of a taxon (according to the reference given)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "taxon name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/taxon-range-map-image
:taxon-range-map-image a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "spread map||distribution map (taxa)"@en ;
skos:definition "Range map of a taxon"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "taxon range map image "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/taxon-synonym
:taxon-synonym a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Synonym(s) of the taxon name (name(s) other than the currently correct name)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "taxon synonym "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/taxref-id
:taxref-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TAXREF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tbrc-resource-id
:tbrc-resource-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Unique identifier from the tibetan buddhist resource center online database and digital library"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "TBRC Resource ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/te-papa-person-id
:te-papa-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Te Papa person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/te-x-string
:te-x-string a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LaTeX string"@en ;
skos:definition "String to show a concept in tex or latex"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "TeX string "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/team-gb-athlete-id
:team-gb-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Team GB athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ted-speaker-id
:ted-speaker-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TED ID (speaker)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a person, in the ted database of talks"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "TED speaker ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ted-talk-id
:ted-talk-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TED ID (talk)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a talk, in the ted database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "TED talk ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ted-topic-id
:ted-topic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TED ID (topic)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a topic, in the ted database of talks"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "TED topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tela-botanica-id
:tela-botanica-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tela Botanica ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/telegram-username
:telegram-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Telegram username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/telephone
:telephone a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The telephone number."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "telephone"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/temple-name
:temple-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "temple name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tennessee-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:tennessee-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tennis-archives-player-id
:tennis-archives-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tennis Archives player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tennis-australia-player-id
:tennis-australia-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tennis Australia player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tennis-ho-f-player-id
:tennis-ho-f-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tennis HoF player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tennis-temple-player-id
:tennis-temple-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tennis Temple player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/terminologia-anatomica-98-id
:terminologia-anatomica-98-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TA98"@en ;
skos:definition "Terminologia anatomica (1998 edition) human anatomical terminology identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Terminologia Anatomica 98 ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/terminologia-embryologica
:terminologia-embryologica a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TE"@en ;
skos:definition "Standardized list of words used in the description of human embryologic and fetal structures"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Terminologia Embryologica "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/terminologia-histologica
:terminologia-histologica a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TH"@en ;
skos:definition "Controlled vocabulary for use in cytology and histology"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Terminologia Histologica "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/teryt-municipality-code
:teryt-municipality-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a municipality per the główny urząd statystyczny in poland"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "TERYT municipality code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/teuchos-id
:teuchos-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identification string in the teuchos database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Teuchos ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tgn-id
:tgn-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Thesaurus of Geographic Names||Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names||TGN identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the getty thesaurus of geographic names"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "TGN ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/thai-cultural-heritage-id
:thai-cultural-heritage-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for cultural heritage properties in thailand"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Thai cultural heritage ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/thailand-central-administrative-unit-code
:thailand-central-administrative-unit-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TIS 1099"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for each of the thai central administrative units"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Thailand central administrative unit code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-baseball-cube-player-id
:the-baseball-cube-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Baseball Cube player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-big-cartoon-data-base-id
:the-big-cartoon-data-base-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Big Cartoon DataBase ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-black-book-id
:the-black-book-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Black Book ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-coptic-library-id
:the-coptic-library-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Coptic Library ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-final-ball-player-id
:the-final-ball-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TheFinalBall player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-met-object-id
:the-met-object-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Met object ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-numbers-movie-id
:the-numbers-movie-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Numbers movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-numbers-person-id
:the-numbers-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Numbers person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-peerage-person-id
:the-peerage-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Peerage person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-sports-org-athlete-id
:the-sports-org-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TheSports.org athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-times-of-india-topic-id
:the-times-of-india-topic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Times of India topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-tvdb-com-id
:the-tvdb-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TheTVDB.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/the-vogue-list-id
:the-vogue-list-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "The Vogue List ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/theaterlexikon-der-schweiz-online-id
:theaterlexikon-der-schweiz-online-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TLS"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the online edition of the theater dictionary of switzerland"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Theaterlexikon der Schweiz online ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/theatres-trust-database-id
:theatres-trust-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Theatres Trust Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/theatricalia-person-id
:theatricalia-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Theatricalia actor ID||Theatricalia actress ID||Theatricalia ID (person)||Theatricalia actor ID||Theatricalia actress ID||Theatricalia ID (person)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Theatricalia person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/theatricalia-play-id
:theatricalia-play-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Theatricalia show ID||Theatricalia work ID||Theatricalia ID (play)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a theatrical work, in the theatricalia database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Theatricalia play ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/theatricalia-theatre-id
:theatricalia-theatre-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Theatricalia venue ID||Theatricalia place ID||Theatricalia ID (theatre)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a theatre, in the theatricalia.com database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Theatricalia theatre ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/theoi-project-id
:theoi-project-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Theoi Project ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/theses-fr-person-id
:theses-fr-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Theses.fr person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/they-work-for-you-id
:they-work-for-you-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "They Work for You identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifer in the 'they work for you' database of british mps"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "They Work for You ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/third-party-formatter-url
:third-party-formatter-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "third-party formatter URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/thumbnail
:thumbnail a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Thumbnail image for an image or video."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "thumbnail"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/thumbnail-url
:thumbnail-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A thumbnail image relevant to the Thing."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "thumbnailUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/thw-kiel-player-id
:thw-kiel-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "THW Kiel player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/thyssen-bornemisza-artist-id
:thyssen-bornemisza-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Thyssen-Bornemisza artist identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned to an artist by the thyssen-bornemisza museum"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Thyssen-Bornemisza artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ticker-symbol
:ticker-symbol a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "stock code"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a publicly traded share of a particular stock on a particular stock market"@en , "The exchange traded instrument associated with a Corporation object. The tickerSymbol is expressed as an exchange and an instrument name separated by a space character. For the exchange component of the tickerSymbol attribute, we recommend using the controlled vocabulary of Market Identifier Codes (MIC) specified in ISO15022."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ticker symbol "@en , "tickerSymbol"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers , kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ticket-number
:ticket-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The unique identifier for the ticket."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ticketNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ticket-token
:ticket-token a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Reference to an asset (e.g., Barcode, QR code image or PDF) usable for entrance."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ticketToken"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ticketed-seat
:ticketed-seat a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The seat associated with the ticket."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ticketedSeat"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tidal-album-id
:tidal-album-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tidal album ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tidal-artist-id
:tidal-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tidal artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tidal-track-id
:tidal-track-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tidal track ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tilastopaja-female-athlete-id
:tilastopaja-female-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tilastopaja female athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tilastopaja-male-athlete-id
:tilastopaja-male-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tilastopaja male athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/titan-id
:titan-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Titan ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/title
:title a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "article||original title||original title"@en ;
skos:definition "Original title of a work, such as a newspaper article"@en , "The title of the job."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "title"@en , "title "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tlg-author-id
:tlg-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TLG author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tm-db-movie-id
:tm-db-movie-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TMDb movie ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tm-db-person-id
:tm-db-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TMDb person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tm-db-tv-series-id
:tm-db-tv-series-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TMDb TV series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/todotango-com-artist-id
:todotango-com-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Todotango.com artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/toid
:toid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TOID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/top-level-internet-domain
:top-level-internet-domain a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TLD||top level domain||domain||internet domain||domain||internet domain"@en ;
skos:definition "Internet domain name system top-level code"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "top-level Internet domain "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/track-and-field-statistics-female-athlete-id
:track-and-field-statistics-female-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Track and Field Statistics female athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/track-and-field-statistics-male-athlete-id
:track-and-field-statistics-male-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Track and Field Statistics male athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tracking-number
:tracking-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Shipper tracking number."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "trackingNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tracking-url
:tracking-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Tracking url for the parcel delivery."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "trackingUrl"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/trailer
:trailer a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The trailer of a movie or tv/radio series, season, episode, etc."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "trailer"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/train-name
:train-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The name of the train (e.g. The Orient Express)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "trainName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/train-number
:train-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The unique identifier for the train."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "trainNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/transcript
:transcript a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "If this MediaObject is an AudioObject or VideoObject, the transcript of that object."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "transcript"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descriptions .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/transfermarkt-manager-id
:transfermarkt-manager-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "transfermarkt id (manager)||transfermarkt id (coach)||transfermarkt coach id"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a manager or coach, in the transfermarkt.com database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Transfermarkt manager ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/transfermarkt-player-id
:transfermarkt-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "transfermarkt id (footballer)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a footballer, in the transfermarkt.com database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Transfermarkt player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/transfermarkt-referee-id
:transfermarkt-referee-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Transfermarkt referee ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/transferred-account-data-interchange-group-code
:transferred-account-data-interchange-group-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Transferred Account Data Interchange Group Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/treasury-of-lives-id
:treasury-of-lives-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Treasury of Lives ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/treccani-id
:treccani-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Treccani ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/trip-advisor-id
:trip-advisor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TripAdvisor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/trismegistos-geo-id
:trismegistos-geo-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of an ancient place"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Trismegistos Geo ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tropicos-publication-id
:tropicos-publication-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tropicos publication ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tropicos-taxon-id
:tropicos-taxon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Tropicos ID||Tropicos taxon name identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the tropicos database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Tropicos taxon ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/trunk-prefix
:trunk-prefix a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "trunk prefix "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tse-number
:tse-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TSE number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tumblr-id
:tumblr-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tumblr ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tunisian-geographic-code
:tunisian-geographic-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tunisian geographic code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/turkish-football-federation-coach-id
:turkish-football-federation-coach-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Turkish Football Federation ID (manager)||Turkish Football Federation coach ID||Turkish Football Federation ID (coach)||Turkish Football Federation ID (manager)||Turkish Football Federation coach ID||Turkish Football Federation ID (coach)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a manager or coach in the turkish football federation's database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Turkish Football Federation coach ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/turkish-football-federation-player-id
:turkish-football-federation-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "TFF player ID||TFF ID (player)||TFF player ID||TFF ID (player)||Turkish Football Federation ID (player)"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a player in the turkish football federation's database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Turkish Football Federation player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/turner-classic-movies-film-id
:turner-classic-movies-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a film on the turner classic movies website"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Turner Classic Movies film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/turner-classic-movies-person-id
:turner-classic-movies-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Turner Classic Movies person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tv-com-id
:tv-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an entry on tv.com for movies, people and tv series"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "TV.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tv-guide-person-id
:tv-guide-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TV Guide person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tv-guide-show-id
:tv-guide-show-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "TV Guide show ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/twitch-game-id
:twitch-game-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Twitch game ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/twitter-hashtag
:twitter-hashtag a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "#twitter||Twitter #||#twitter||Twitter #||hashtag on Twitter"@en ;
skos:definition "Twitter hashtag associated with this entity"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Twitter hashtag "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/twitter-username
:twitter-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "twitter account||twitter handle||twitter account||twitter handle"@en ;
skos:definition "This item's username on twitter"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Twitter username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/tyrolean-art-cadastre-inventory-id
:tyrolean-art-cadastre-inventory-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Tyrolean Art Cadastre inventory ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/u-bio-id
:u-bio-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "uBio ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/u-gent-memorialis-id
:u-gent-memorialis-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UGentMemorialis ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/u-s-gymnastics-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:u-s-gymnastics-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "U.S. Gymnastics Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/u-s-national-geodetic-survey-id
:u-s-national-geodetic-survey-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "U.S. National Geodetic Survey ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:u-s-ski-and-snowboard-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "U.S. Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:uai-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UAI code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uberon-id
:uberon-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from uberon ontology (without prefix)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UBERON ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ubigeo-code
:ubigeo-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a geographical location in peru used by the national statistics institute"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UBIGEO code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ubuntu-package
:ubuntu-package a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ubuntu package "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uci-code
:uci-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Code uniquely identifying a cycling team"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UCI code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ucsc-genome-browser-assembly-id
:ucsc-genome-browser-assembly-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a ucsc's release of a genome"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UCSC Genome Browser assembly ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uefa-player-id
:uefa-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for uefa players"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UEFA player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ugly-bridges-com-id
:ugly-bridges-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier from database based on the national bridge inventory. Lists every u.s. bridge over 20 feet (6 meters) long"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UglyBridges.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uic-alphabetical-country-code
:uic-alphabetical-country-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UIC alphabetical country code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uic-numerical-country-code
:uic-numerical-country-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UIC numerical country code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uic-station-code
:uic-station-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a railway station in europe, cis-countries, china, mongolia, north africa and middle-east."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UIC station code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uipm-id
:uipm-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a athlete, in the union internationale de pentathlon moderne database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UIPM ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uk-electoral-commission-id
:uk-electoral-commission-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UK Electoral Commission ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uk-national-archives-id
:uk-national-archives-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UK National Archives ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uk-national-fruit-collection-id
:uk-national-fruit-collection-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UK National Fruit Collection ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uk-provider-reference-number
:uk-provider-reference-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UK Provider Reference Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uk-railway-station-code
:uk-railway-station-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UK railway station code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ukrainian-regulations-base-id
:ukrainian-regulations-base-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Ukrainian regulations base ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ulan-id
:ulan-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ULAN||Getty ULAN||Union List of Artist Names||JPG||ULAN identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier from the getty union list of artist names"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ULAN ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ultra-signup-runner-id
:ultra-signup-runner-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UltraSignup runner ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/umac-id
:umac-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UMAC ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/umls-cui
:umls-cui a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Unified Medical Language System controlled unique identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Nlm unified medical language system (umls) controlled biomedical vocabulary unique identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UMLS CUI "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/un-document-symbol
:un-document-symbol a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UN document symbol "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/un-locode
:un-locode a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "LOCCODE||United Nations LOCODE||UN location code||United Nations location code||UNECE location code||UNECE LOCODE"@en ;
skos:definition "Geographic location code mantained by unece"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UN/LOCODE "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/un-number
:un-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Four-digit numbers that identify hazardous substances, and articles (such as explosives, flammable liquids, toxic substances, etc.) in the framework of international transport"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UN number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/under-name
:under-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The person or organization the reservation or ticket is for."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "underName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/undp-country-code
:undp-country-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UNDP country code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unesco-atlas-of-the-world-s-languages-in-danger-id
:unesco-atlas-of-the-world-s-languages-in-danger-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "UNESCO language ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for endangered languages listed by unesco"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unesco-biosphere-reserve-url
:unesco-biosphere-reserve-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UNESCO Biosphere Reserve url "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unesco-thesaurus-id
:unesco-thesaurus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UNESCO Thesaurus ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uni-prot-journal-id
:uni-prot-journal-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "UniProt journal ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uni-prot-protein-id
:uni-prot-protein-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a protein per the uniprot database."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UniProt protein ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unicode-character
:unicode-character a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Unicode code point"@en ;
skos:definition "Unicode character representing the item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Unicode character "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unicode-hex-codepoint
:unicode-hex-codepoint a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Unicode hex codepoint "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unified-astronomy-thesaurus-id
:unified-astronomy-thesaurus-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Unified Astronomy Thesaurus ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uniform-resource-identifier-scheme
:uniform-resource-identifier-scheme a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Uniform Resource Identifier Scheme "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uniform-type-identifier
:uniform-type-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Uniform Type Identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unifrance-company-id
:unifrance-company-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Unifrance company ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unifrance-film-id
:unifrance-film-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Unifrance film ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unifrance-person-id
:unifrance-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Unifrance person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unii
:unii a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "UNII"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier issued by the fda / unique ingredient identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UNII "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unit-code
:unit-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The unit of measurement given using the UN/CEFACT Common Code (3 characters) or a URL. Other codes than the UN/CEFACT Common Code may be used with a prefix followed by a colon."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "unitCode"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unit-symbol
:unit-symbol a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Symbol of a unit of measurement"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "unit symbol "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-nations-treaty-series-registration-number
:united-nations-treaty-series-registration-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "United Nations Treaty Series Registration Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-nations-treaty-series-volume-number
:united-nations-treaty-series-volume-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "United Nations Treaty Series Volume Number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-states-armed-forces-service-number
:united-states-armed-forces-service-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "service number (US Armed Forces)"@en ;
skos:definition "Number assigned by the us military to soldiers and sailors as the primary means of service member identification from 1918 until 1974"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "United States Armed Forces service number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-states-army-and-air-force-aircraft-designation
:united-states-army-and-air-force-aircraft-designation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "US Army aircraft designation||USAF aircraft designation"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a us army and air force aircraft until 1962"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "United States Army and Air Force aircraft designation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-states-navy-aircraft-designation
:united-states-navy-aircraft-designation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "USN aircraft designation"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an aircraft of the united states navy"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "United States Navy aircraft designation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-states-olympic-committee-athlete-id
:united-states-olympic-committee-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "United States Olympic Committee athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-states-public-law
:united-states-public-law a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "United States Public Law "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-states-reports-id
:united-states-reports-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "United States Reports ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-states-statutes-at-large-citation
:united-states-statutes-at-large-citation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "United States Statutes at Large citation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/united-world-wrestling-id
:united-world-wrestling-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an athlete in the united world wrestling database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "United World Wrestling ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/university-of-barcelona-authority-id
:university-of-barcelona-authority-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "University of Barcelona authority ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unspsc-code
:unspsc-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "UNSPSC||United Nations Standard Products and Services Code"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for taxonomy of products and services for use in ecommerce"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "UNSPSC Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/untappd-brewery-id
:untappd-brewery-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Untappd brewery ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unz-review-author-identifier
:unz-review-author-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Author identifier in unz.org, a content-archiving website with old open-access publications"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Unz Review author identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/unz-review-journal-identifier
:unz-review-journal-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Journal identifier in unz.org, a content-archiving website with old open-access publications"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Unz Review journal identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uppslagsverket-finland-id
:uppslagsverket-finland-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Uppslagsverket Finland ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/url
:url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Location of a resource"@en , "URL of the item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "URL "@en , "url"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/urn-nbn
:urn-nbn a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "URN-NBN "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/us-congress-bio-id
:us-congress-bio-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Biographical Directory of the United States Congress identifier||Bioguide US Congress||congbio||US Congress Bio ID||US Congress Bio identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a person on the biographical directory of the united states congress"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "US Congress Bio ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/us-federal-election-commission-id
:us-federal-election-commission-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "FEC candidate ID||US Federal Election Commission identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier assigned by the us federal election commission for federal candidates, parties, and other committees"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "US Federal Election Commission ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/us-national-archives-identifier
:us-national-archives-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "National Archives topical subject ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "US National Archives Identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/usa-gymnastics-athlete-id
:usa-gymnastics-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "USA Gymnastics athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/usa-gymnastics-hall-of-fame-athlete-id
:usa-gymnastics-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/usatf-athlete-id
:usatf-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "USATF athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/usb-vendor-id
:usb-vendor-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Vendor id used in usb devices"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "USB vendor ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uscf-id
:uscf-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "USCF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/uscg-lighthouse-id
:uscg-lighthouse-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "USCG Lighthouse ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/usda-ndb-number
:usda-ndb-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "NDB number"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a food item in the united states department of agriculture national nutrient database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "USDA NDB number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/usda-plants-id
:usda-plants-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the united states department of agriculture plants database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "USDA PLANTS ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/user-manual-link
:user-manual-link a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "user guide||manual link||user's guide"@en ;
skos:definition "Link to the user manual of the object (product, program)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "user manual link "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/usgs-earthquake-id
:usgs-earthquake-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "USGS earthquake id "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ushmm-holocaust-encyclopedia-id
:ushmm-holocaust-encyclopedia-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "USHMM Holocaust Encyclopedia ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/usl-player-id
:usl-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "USL player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/usop-code
:usop-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in drusop.nature.cz, a national database of protected areas and trees"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ÚSOP code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/v-a-art-work-id
:v-a-art-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "V&A art work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/v-kontakte-username
:v-kontakte-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "VKontakte username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vaccine-ontology-id
:vaccine-ontology-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the vaccine ontology database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Vaccine Ontology ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/value-name
:value-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Indicates the name of the PropertyValueSpecification to be used in URL templates and form encoding in a manner analogous to HTML's input@name."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "valueName"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/value-reference
:value-reference a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "A pointer to a secondary value that provides additional information on the original value, e.g. a reference temperature."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "valueReference"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vanderkrogt-net-statues-id
:vanderkrogt-net-statues-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vanderkrogt.net Statues ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vascan-id
:vascan-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "VASCAN"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the database of vascular plants of canada"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "VASCAN ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vat-id
:vat-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The Value-added Tax ID of the organization or person."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "vatID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vbl-player-id
:vbl-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "VBL player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vehicle-identification-number
:vehicle-identification-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "vehicleIdentificationNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/verkhovna-rada-mp-id
:verkhovna-rada-mp-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Verkhovna Rada MP ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:vermont-sports-hall-of-fame-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vermont Sports Hall of Fame athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vg-mdb-album-id
:vg-mdb-album-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "VGMdb album ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vg-mdb-artist-id
:vg-mdb-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "VGMdb artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vgm-db-organization-id
:vgm-db-organization-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "VGMDb organization ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/viaf-id
:viaf-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Virtual International Authority File||VIAF||VIAF identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the virtual international authority file"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "VIAF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vici-org-id
:vici-org-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier on vici.org - archaeological atlas of antiquity"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "vici.org ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vicnames-place-id
:vicnames-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "VICNAMES Place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/victorian-heritage-database-id
:victorian-heritage-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Victorian Heritage Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/video
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "media"@en ;
skos:definition "An embedded video object."@en , "Relevant video"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "video"@en , "video "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/videolectures-id
:videolectures-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Videolectures ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/village-code-of-indonesia
:village-code-of-indonesia a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Desa Code"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "village code of Indonesia "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vimeo-username
:vimeo-username a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vimeo username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vincoli-in-rete-id
:vincoli-in-rete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vincoli in Rete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vine-user-id
:vine-user-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vine user ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/violin-id
:violin-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the violin database for vaccines and related subjects"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "VIOLIN ID"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vision-of-britain-place-id
:vision-of-britain-place-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vision of Britain place ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vision-of-britain-unit-id
:vision-of-britain-unit-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vision of Britain unit ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/visual-novel-database-id
:visual-novel-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Visual Novel Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vitaskra-id
:vitaskra-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vitaskrá ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vivc-grape-variety-id
:vivc-grape-variety-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "VIVC grape variety ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vlinderstichting-id
:vlinderstichting-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vlinderstichting-ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vocalized-name
:vocalized-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "vocalized name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:media .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/volume
:volume a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "volume of a book"@en ;
skos:definition "Volume of a book in a collection/series, for reference"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "volume "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/volume-number
:volume-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifies the volume of publication or multi-part work; for example, \"iii\" or \"2\"."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "volumeNumber"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/vote-smart-id
:vote-smart-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Vote Smart ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wafl-footy-facts-id
:wafl-footy-facts-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WAFL FootyFacts ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wals-family-code
:wals-family-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language family"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WALS family code"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wals-genus-code
:wals-genus-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language genus"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WALS genus code"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wals-lect-code
:wals-lect-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WALS lect code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/walters-art-museum-id
:walters-art-museum-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Walters Art Museum ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/warheroes-ru-id
:warheroes-ru-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "warheroes.ru ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/warranty
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "warrantyPromise"@en ;
skos:definition "The warranty promise(s) included in the offer."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "warranty"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/warranty-promise
:warranty-promise a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The warranty promise(s) included in the offer."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "warrantyPromise"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/warranty-scope
:warranty-scope a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "The scope of the warranty promise."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "warrantyScope"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/watson-dallwitz-family-id
:watson-dallwitz-family-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Familyid in watson & dallwitz: the families of flowering plants"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Watson & Dallwitz family ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wbpln-author-id
:wbpln-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WBPLN author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wcspf-id
:wcspf-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WCSPF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wdpa-id
:wdpa-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "World Database on Protected Areas identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in world database on protected areas"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WDPA ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/we-relate-person-id
:we-relate-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WeRelate person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/web-gallery-of-art-id
:web-gallery-of-art-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Web Gallery of Art identifier||Web Gallery of Art identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an artist in the web gallery of art"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Web Gallery of Art ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/webcam-page-url
:webcam-page-url a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "webcam page URL "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:pointers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/webpedigrees-id
:webpedigrees-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Webpedigrees ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/website-account-on
:website-account-on a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "social media account on||account on"@en ;
skos:definition "A website that the person or organization has an account on (use with p554) note: only used with reliable source or if the person or organization disclosed it."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "website account on "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/webumenia-creator-id
:webumenia-creator-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Webumenia creator ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/welsh-assembly-id
:welsh-assembly-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Welsh assembly ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/welsh-chapels-id
:welsh-chapels-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Welsh Chapels ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wereld-van-oranje-player-id
:wereld-van-oranje-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wereld van Oranje player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/west-australian-football-league-player-id
:west-australian-football-league-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "West Australian Football League player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wheelchair-itf-player-id
:wheelchair-itf-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wheelchair ITF player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/who-international-non-proprietary-names-id
:who-international-non-proprietary-names-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WHO international non-proprietary names ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/who-s-who-in-france-biography-id
:who-s-who-in-france-biography-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Who's Who in France biography ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/who-s-who-uk-id
:who-s-who-uk-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Who's Who UK ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wigos-station-id
:wigos-station-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WIGOS station ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wiki-loves-monuments-id
:wiki-loves-monuments-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Unique id for the monuments included in wiki loves monument's national lists"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Wiki Loves Monuments ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wiki-pathways-id
:wiki-pathways-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Describes in which biological pathways a biological entity occurs"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WikiPathways ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wiki-skripta-id
:wiki-skripta-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WikiSkripta ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wiki-tree-person-id
:wiki-tree-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WikiTree person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wikia-wiki-id
:wikia-wiki-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wikia wiki ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wikidata-sparql-query-equivalent
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wikidata SPARQL query equivalent "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
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:wikidata-usage-instructions a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "usage instructions||instructions||how to use"@en ;
skos:definition "Text describing how to use a property or item. Eventually, this statement is to replace usage instructions currently found in description. Until the corresponding feature is implemented, do not remove it from description."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Wikidata usage instructions "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wikimedia-database-name
:wikimedia-database-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Wikimedia dbname/siteid||siteid||Wikimedia siteid"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a wikimedia project database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Wikimedia database name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wikimedia-language-code
:wikimedia-language-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "MediaWiki interlanguage prefix||language code||WMF language code"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a language or variant as used by wikimedia projects. The single item that describes the language best should use it with the qualifier p794 (\"as\") with value q22283033 (\"primary definition\"). Languages without a code can use \"mis\"."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Wikimedia language code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wikimedia-username
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wikimedia username "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "index namespace"@en ;
skos:definition "Page in wikisource containing digital and paper pagination of the source"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Wikisource index page "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:relateds .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wikitribune-category
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rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wikitribune category "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wilderness-net-id
:wilderness-net-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wilderness.net ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wildflowers-of-israel-id
:wildflowers-of-israel-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wildflowers of Israel ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wimbledon-player-id
:wimbledon-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wimbledon player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wine-app-db-id
:wine-app-db-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an application in the appdb of winehq"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Wine AppDB-ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wipo-st-3
:wipo-st-3 a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WIPO ST.3 "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wisdenindia-com-id
:wisdenindia-com-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "wisdenindia.com ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wnba-player-id
:wnba-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WNBA player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wo-rms-id
:wo-rms-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "WoRMS-ID||worms||AphiaID||World Register of Marine Species identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the world register of marine species"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WoRMS-ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/woeid
:woeid a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Where On Earth Identifier||woe_id||GeoPlanet location ID||Flickr location ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a location on yahoo! Geoplanet and flickr"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WOEID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/women-s-basketball-hall-of-fame-id
:women-s-basketball-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Women's Basketball Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:women-s-collegiate-tennis-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Women's Collegiate Tennis Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/women-s-sports-foundation-id
:women-s-sports-foundation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Women's Sports Foundation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/women-writers-id
:women-writers-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the women writers database of the huygens institute for dutch history"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WomenWriters ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/work-example
:work-example a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "exampleOfWork"@en ;
skos:definition "Example/instance/realization/derivation of the concept of this creative work. eg. The paperback edition, first edition, or eBook."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "workExample"@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:augments .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-archery-athlete-id
:world-archery-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Archery athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-bridge-federation-id
:world-bridge-federation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Bridge Federation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-curling-federation-id
:world-curling-federation-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Curling Federation ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:world-curling-tour-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Curling Tour ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-football-net-id
:world-football-net-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a soccer player on worldfootball.net"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WorldFootball.net ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-glacier-inventory-id
:world-glacier-inventory-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Glacier ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the world glacier inventory database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "World Glacier Inventory ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-golf-hall-of-fame-player-id
:world-golf-hall-of-fame-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Golf Hall of Fame player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
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:world-health-organisation-international-nonproprietary-name a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "WHO INN"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a drug"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "World Health Organisation International Nonproprietary Name "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-heritage-site-id
:world-heritage-site-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "UNESCO WHS"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a site as assigned by unesco. Use on one item per site, link parts with property \"has part\" (p527)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "World Heritage Site ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-heritage-tentative-list-id
:world-heritage-tentative-list-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Heritage Tentative List ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-of-o-athlete-id
:world-of-o-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World of O athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-of-spectrum-id
:world-of-spectrum-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World of Spectrum ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-rugby-hall-of-fame-id
:world-rugby-hall-of-fame-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Rugby Hall of Fame ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-rugby-sevens-series-id
:world-rugby-sevens-series-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Rugby Sevens Series ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-sailing-member-id
:world-sailing-member-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ISAF ID||ISF ID||ISFID||ISAFID||ISF ID||ISFID||ISAFID||International Sailing Federation ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Member identifier for a sailor in the world sailing database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "World Sailing member ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-sbk-com-racer-identifier
:world-sbk-com-racer-identifier a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WorldSBK.com racer identifier "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-series-of-poker-id
:world-series-of-poker-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Series of Poker ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-snooker-athlete-id
:world-snooker-athlete-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Snooker athlete ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-spider-catalog-id
:world-spider-catalog-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Spider Catalog ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-surf-league-id
:world-surf-league-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Surf League ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/world-waterfall-database-id
:world-waterfall-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "World Waterfall Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wormbase-gene-id
:wormbase-gene-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Wormbase Gene ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wrestlingdata-person-id
:wrestlingdata-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id for a professional wrestling performer on the wrestlingdata database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Wrestlingdata person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wsj-topic-id
:wsj-topic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WSJ topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wta-player-id
:wta-player-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a female tennis player per wta"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WTA player ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wta-tennis-tournament-id
:wta-tennis-tournament-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "WTA tennis tournament ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wurttembergische-kirchengeschichte-person-id
:wurttembergische-kirchengeschichte-person-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Württembergische Kirchengeschichte person ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wurvoc-org-measure-id
:wurvoc-org-measure-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "wurvoc.org measure ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wwe-com-superstar-id
:wwe-com-superstar-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a professional wrestling performer or tag team at wwe.com"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WWE.com superstar ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/wwf-ecoregion-code
:wwf-ecoregion-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for ecoregions"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "WWF ecoregion code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/x-sampa-code
:x-sampa-code a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "phoneme in X-SAMPA"@en ;
skos:definition "Extended speech assessment methods phonetic alphabet (x-sampa) code for phoneme"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "X-SAMPA Code "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:codes .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/xeno-canto-species-id
:xeno-canto-species-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Xeno-canto ID||Xeno canto species ID||Xeno-canto ID||Xeno canto species ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a bird species in the xeno-canto database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Xeno-canto species ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yad-vashem-encyclopedia-of-the-ghettos-id
:yad-vashem-encyclopedia-of-the-ghettos-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Yad Vashem Encyclopedia of the Ghettos ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yahoo-japan-talent-database-id
:yahoo-japan-talent-database-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Yahoo! Japan Talent Database ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yale-center-for-british-art-artwork-id
:yale-center-for-british-art-artwork-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Yale Center for British Art artwork ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yandex-music-album-id
:yandex-music-album-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for the album in the database yandex.Music"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Yandex.Music album ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yandex-music-artist-id
:yandex-music-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for artist on the site music.yandex.ru"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Yandex.Music artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yard-number
:yard-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a ship assigned by its builder (shipyard)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "yard number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yelp-id
:yelp-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Yelp ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yerel-net-village-id
:yerel-net-village-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a village, in yerelnet.org.tr, which contains detailed informations about all villages in turkey"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "YerelNet village ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yle-areena-id
:yle-areena-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Yle Areena ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/you-tube-channel-id
:you-tube-channel-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Id of the youtube channel of a person, or organisation (not to be mixed up with the name of the channel)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "YouTube channel ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/you-tube-playlist-id
:you-tube-playlist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "YouTube playlist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/you-tube-video-id
:you-tube-video-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "YouTube video identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a notable video on youtube"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "YouTube video ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/yso-id
:yso-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a concept in the general finnish ontology yso"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "YSO ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/z-39-5-abbreviation
:z-39-5-abbreviation a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Z39.5 bibliographic code/abbreviation established in 1969 by national information standards organization and used widely in the us"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Z39.5 abbreviation "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:labels .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zanikleobce-cz-abandoned-objects-id
:zanikleobce-cz-abandoned-objects-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "zanikleobce.cz abandoned objects ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zaragoza-monument-id
:zaragoza-monument-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Zaragoza monument ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zb-math-author-id
:zb-math-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "Zentralblatt MATH author ID||Zentralblatt MATH author ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier of a person in the zentralblatt math database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "zbMATH author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zb-math-work-id
:zb-math-work-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier in the zbmath database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "zbMATH work ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zdb-id
:zdb-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ZDB identifier"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for serials"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ZDB ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zemereshet-artist-id
:zemereshet-artist-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Zemereshet artist ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zemereshet-song-id
:zemereshet-song-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Zemereshet song ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zeri-image-id
:zeri-image-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Zeri image ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zfin-gene-id
:zfin-gene-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ZFIN Gene ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zhihu-topic-id
:zhihu-topic-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "Zhihu topic ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zinc-id
:zinc-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a chemical compound in the zinc database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ZINC ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/znieff-id
:znieff-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:prefLabel "ZNIEFF ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zoo-bank-author-id
:zoo-bank-author-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for an author at zoobank"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ZooBank author ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zoo-bank-nomenclatural-act
:zoo-bank-nomenclatural-act a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier for nomenclatural act at zoobank"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ZooBank nomenclatural act "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zoo-bank-publication-id
:zoo-bank-publication-id a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:altLabel "ZooBank reference ID"@en ;
skos:definition "Identifier for a publication at zoobank"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ZooBank publication ID "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/zvg-number
:zvg-number a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
skos:definition "Identifier of gestis database"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ZVG number "@en ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:identifiers .
# http://kbpedia.org/ontologies/kko#superClassOf
kko:superClassOf a owl:AnnotationProperty .
# http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor
dc:contributor a owl:AnnotationProperty .
# http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator
dc:creator a owl:AnnotationProperty .
# http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespacePrefix
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix a owl:AnnotationProperty .
# http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespaceUri
vann:preferredNamespaceUri a owl:AnnotationProperty .
# http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment
rdfs:comment a owl:AnnotationProperty .
# http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#range
rdfs:range a owl:AnnotationProperty .
# #################################################################
# #
# # Object Properties
# #
# #################################################################
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/academic-degree
:academic-degree a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "degree||diploma"@en ;
skos:definition "Academic degree that the person holds"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "academic degree "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/academic-major
:academic-major a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "major"@en ;
skos:definition "Major someone studied at college/university"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "academic major "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/academic-minor
:academic-minor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "academic minor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/accepted-offer
:accepted-offer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The offer(s) -- e.g., product, quantity and price combinations -- included in the order."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "acceptedOffer"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/accepted-payment-method
:accepted-payment-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The payment method(s) accepted by seller for this offer."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "acceptedPaymentMethod"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/accountable-person
:accountable-person a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Specifies the Person that is legally accountable for the CreativeWork."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "accountablePerson"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/acquired-from
:acquired-from a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The organization or person from which the product was acquired."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "acquiredFrom"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/action-application
:action-application a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "application"@en ;
skos:definition "An application that can complete the request."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "actionApplication"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/action-status
:action-status a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Indicates the current disposition of the Action."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "actionStatus"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/activating-neurotransmitter
:activating-neurotransmitter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "Ligands"@en ;
skos:definition "Which neurotransmitter activates the neuron"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "activating neurotransmitter "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/active-ingredient-in
:active-ingredient-in a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "active ingredient in "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/actor
:actor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "actors"@en ;
skos:definition "An actor, e.g. in tv, radio, movie, video games etc., or in an event. Actors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "actor"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/actors
:actors a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An actor, e.g. in tv, radio, movie, video games etc. Actors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "actors"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/add-on
:add-on a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An additional offer that can only be obtained in combination with the first base offer (e.g. supplements and extensions that are available for a surcharge)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "addOn"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/addressee
:addressee a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "addressed to||sent to"@en ;
skos:definition "Person or organization to whom a letter or note is addressed"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "addressee "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/adjacent-building
:adjacent-building a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "adjacent building "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/adjacent-station
:adjacent-station a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "next station||previous station||next stop||neighbouring station"@en ;
skos:definition "The stations next to this station, sharing the same line(s)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "adjacent station "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/admissible-rule-in
:admissible-rule-in a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "This logic inference rule is admissible in that logical system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "admissible rule in"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/affiliation
:affiliation a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "affiliated with"@en ;
skos:definition "An organization that this person is affiliated with. For example, a school/university, a club, or a team."@en , "Organization that a person is affiliated with"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "affiliation"@en , "affiliation "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/afflicts
:afflicts a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Type of organism which a condition or disease afflicts"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "afflicts "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/after-a-work-by
:after-a-work-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "copy of a work by"@en ;
skos:definition "Artist whose work strongly inspired/ was copied in this item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "after a work by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/agent
:agent a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The direct performer or driver of the action (animate or inanimate). e.g. John wrote a book."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "agent"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aggregate-rating
:aggregate-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The overall rating, based on a collection of reviews or ratings, of the item."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "aggregateRating"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aircraft
:aircraft a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The kind of aircraft (e.g., \"Boeing 747\")."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "aircraft"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/airline-alliance
:airline-alliance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The alliance the airline belongs to"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "airline alliance "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/airline-hub
:airline-hub a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "hub||hub airport"@en ;
skos:definition "Airport that serves as a hub for an airline"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "airline hub "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/album
:album a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "albums"@en ;
skos:definition "A music album."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "album"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/album-production-type
:album-production-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Classification of the album by it's type of content: soundtrack, live album, studio album, etc."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "albumProductionType"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/album-release
:album-release a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "releaseOf"@en ;
skos:definition "A release of this album."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "albumRelease"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/album-release-type
:album-release-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The kind of release which this album is: single, EP or album."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "albumReleaseType"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/albums
:albums a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A collection of music albums."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "albums"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/allegiance
:allegiance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The country (or other power) that the person, or organization, served"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "allegiance "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alumni
:alumni a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "alumniOf"@en ;
skos:definition "Alumni of an organization."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "alumni"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/alumni-of
:alumni-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "alumni"@en ;
skos:definition "An organization that the person is an alumni of."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "alumniOf"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ambitus
:ambitus a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Musical interval/range of a melody"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ambitus "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/amended-by
:amended-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Document is amended by specified other document"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "amended by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/amenity-feature
:amenity-feature a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An amenity feature (e.g. a characteristic or service) of the Accommodation. This generic property does not make a statement about whether the feature is included in an offer for the main accommodation or available at extra costs."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "amenityFeature"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ammunition
:ammunition a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "cartridge"@en ;
skos:definition "Cartridge or other ammunition used by the subject weapon"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ammunition "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/anatomical-branch-of
:anatomical-branch-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "anatomical branch of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/anatomical-location
:anatomical-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Where in the body does this anatomical feature lie"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "anatomical location "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ancestral-home
:ancestral-home a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "jiguan"@en ;
skos:definition "Place of origin for ancestors of subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ancestral home "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/animal-breed
:animal-breed a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "animal breed "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/antagonist-muscle
:antagonist-muscle a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "antagonist muscle "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/anthem
:anthem a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Name of the subject's anthem"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "anthem "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/antiparticle
:antiparticle a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "antiparticle of"@en ;
skos:definition "Particle with the same mass and opposite charges"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "antiparticle "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/antisense-inhibitor-of
:antisense-inhibitor-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "antisense inhibitor of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/appears-in-the-form-of
:appears-in-the-form-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "appears in the form of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/application
:application a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An application that can complete the request."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "application"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/applies-to-delivery-method
:applies-to-delivery-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The delivery method(s) to which the delivery charge or payment charge specification applies."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "appliesToDeliveryMethod"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/applies-to-jurisdiction
:applies-to-jurisdiction a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "of jurisdiction||linked to jurisdiction||belongs to jurisdiction||jurisdiction"@en ;
skos:definition "The item (an institution, law, public office ...) belongs to or applies to the value (a territorial jurisdiction: a country, state, municipality, ...)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "applies to jurisdiction "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/applies-to-part
:applies-to-part a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "valid for part||line item"@en ;
skos:definition "Part of the item for which the claim is valid"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "applies to part "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/applies-to-payment-method
:applies-to-payment-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The payment method(s) to which the payment charge specification applies."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "appliesToPaymentMethod"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/appointed-by
:appointed-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Who appointed the person to the office, can be used as a qualifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "appointed by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/approved-by
:approved-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Item is approved by other item(s) [qualifier: statement is approved by other item(s)]"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "approved by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/architect
:architect a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Person or architectural firm that designed this building"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "architect "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/architectural-style
:architectural-style a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Architectural style of a structure or architect"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "architectural style "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/archives-at
:archives-at a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "papers at||correspondence at"@en ;
skos:definition "The institution holding the subject's archives"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "archives at "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/area-schema
:area-schema a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The area within which users can expect to reach the broadcast service."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "area-schema"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/area-served
:area-served a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "serviceArea"@en ;
skos:definition "The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "areaServed"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/armament
:armament a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:quantities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "armed with||weapon||Ship armament"@en ;
skos:definition "Equippable weapon item for the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "armament "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/arrival-airport
:arrival-airport a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The airport where the flight terminates."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "arrivalAirport"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/arrival-bus-stop
:arrival-bus-stop a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The stop or station from which the bus arrives."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "arrivalBusStop"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/arrival-station
:arrival-station a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The station where the train trip ends."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "arrivalStation"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/art-director
:art-director a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "art director "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/arterial-supply
:arterial-supply a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "artery"@en ;
skos:definition "Arterial supply of an anatomical structure"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "arterial supply "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/aspect-ratio
:aspect-ratio a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "image aspect ratio"@en ;
skos:definition "Image width to height ratio of films, pictures photographs"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "aspect ratio "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/asteroid-family
:asteroid-family a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Population of asteroids that share similar proper orbital elements"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "asteroid family "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/asteroid-spectral-type
:asteroid-spectral-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Spectral classifications of asteroids based on spectral shape, color, and albedo"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "asteroid spectral type "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/astronaut-mission
:astronaut-mission a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "cosmonaut mission"@en ;
skos:definition "Space mission that the subject is or has been a member of (do not include future missions)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "astronaut mission "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/astronomical-filter
:astronomical-filter a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "astronomical filter "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/athlete
:athlete a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A person that acts as performing member of a sports team; a player as opposed to a coach."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "athlete"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/attendee
:attendee a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "attendees"@en ;
skos:definition "A person or organization attending the event."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "attendee"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/attendees
:attendees a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A person attending the event."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "attendees"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/attributed-to
:attributed-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Uncertain but likely creator of an artwork"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "attributed to "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/audience
:audience a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "serviceAudience"@en ;
skos:definition "An intended audience, i.e. a group for whom something was created."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "audience"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/australian-classification
:australian-classification a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "Australian Classification "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/author
:author a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "written by||writer (of written work)"@en ;
skos:definition "Main creator(s) of a written work"@en , "The author of this content or rating. Please note that author is special in that HTML 5 provides a special mechanism for indicating authorship via the rel tag. That is equivalent to this and may be used interchangeably."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "author"@en , "author "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/author-of-afterword
:author-of-afterword a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "afterword by"@en ;
skos:definition "Person who wrote the postface, afterword, or conclusion of the book but who isn't an author of the rest of the book"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "author of afterword "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/author-of-foreword
:author-of-foreword a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "foreword by||foreword by"@en ;
skos:definition "Person who wrote the preface, foreword, or introduction of the book but who isn't an author of the rest of the book"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "author of foreword "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/authority
:authority a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "executive authority"@en ;
skos:definition "Entity having executive power on given entity"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "authority "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/autologous-cell-line
:autologous-cell-line a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "autologous cell line "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/availability
:availability a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The availability of this item—for example In stock, Out of stock, Pre-order, etc."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "availability"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/available-at-or-from
:available-at-or-from a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The place(s) from which the offer can be obtained (e.g. store locations)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "availableAtOrFrom"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/available-channel
:available-channel a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A means of accessing the service (e.g. a phone bank, a web site, a location, etc.)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "availableChannel"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/available-delivery-method
:available-delivery-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The delivery method(s) available for this offer."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "availableDeliveryMethod"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/avionics
:avionics a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "sensors||electronics"@en ;
skos:definition "Notable sensors, electronics, and other avionics installed in the subject aircraft"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "avionics "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/award-received
:award-received a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "prize received||awards||honorary title||recognition title||award||honours||honors||medals||awarded"@en ;
skos:definition "Award or recognition received by a person, organisation or creative work"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "award received "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/away-team
:away-team a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The away team in a sports event."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "awayTeam"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/b-side
:b-side a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:quantities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "B-side "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/backup-or-reserve-team-or-crew
:backup-or-reserve-team-or-crew a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "backup or reserve team or crew "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/base
:base a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "base "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/based-on
:based-on a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "fork of||derived from||extended from||copy of||adapted from||adapted from"@en ;
skos:definition "The work(s) used as basis for subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "based on "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/basic-form-of-government
:basic-form-of-government a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "type of government||form of government||government"@en ;
skos:definition "The subject's government"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "basic form of government "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/basin-country
:basin-country a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "basin countries"@en ;
skos:definition "Countries that have drainage to/from or border the body of water"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "basin country "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bbfc-rating
:bbfc-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "BBFC certificate"@en ;
skos:definition "British media content rating (add bbfc reference with qualifier \"p2676\")"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "BBFC rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bcc-recipient
:bcc-recipient a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of recipient. The recipient blind copied on a message."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bccRecipient"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bed
:bed a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The type of bed or beds included in the accommodation. For the single case of just one bed of a certain type, you use bed directly with a text. If you want to indicate the quantity of a certain kind of bed, use an instance of BedDetails. For more detailed information, use the amenityFeature property."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bed"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/best-combative-classification
:best-combative-classification a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "best combative classification "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/best-sprinter-classification
:best-sprinter-classification a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "best sprinter classification "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/binding-of-software-library
:binding-of-software-library a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Software library in another programming language provided by the subject software binding"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "binding of software library "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biological-phase
:biological-phase a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "biological phase "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biological-process
:biological-process a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Is involved in the biological process"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "biological process "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/biological-variant-of
:biological-variant-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "biological variant of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/birth-place
:birth-place a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The place where the person was born."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "birthPlace"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/birthday
:birthday a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "birthday "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/blog-post
:blog-post a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "blogPosts"@en ;
skos:definition "A posting that is part of this blog."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "blogPost"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/blog-posts
:blog-posts a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The postings that are part of this blog."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "blogPosts"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/blood-type
:blood-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "blood group"@en ;
skos:definition "Blood type of the (human or animal) item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "blood type "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/board-member
:board-member a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "board member "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/boarding-policy
:boarding-policy a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The type of boarding policy used by the airline (e.g. zone-based or group-based)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "boardingPolicy"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bodies-of-water-basin-category
:bodies-of-water-basin-category a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "category associated with the basin of the bodies of water||water system category"@en ;
skos:definition "The wikimedia category associated with the basin of a bodies of water"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bodies of water basin category "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/book-format
:book-format a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The format of the book."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bookFormat"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/booking-agent
:booking-agent a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "'bookingAgent' is an out-dated term indicating a 'broker' that serves as a booking agent."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bookingAgent"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/borrower
:borrower a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of participant. The person that borrows the object being lent."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "borrower"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/bowling-style
:bowling-style a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Type of bowling employed by a cricketer"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "bowling style "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/branch-of
:branch-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The larger organization that this local business is a branch of, if any. Not to be confused with (anatomical)branch."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "branchOf"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/brand
:brand a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Brand of a product"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "brand "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/broadcast-affiliate-of
:broadcast-affiliate-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The media network(s) whose content is broadcast on this station."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "broadcastAffiliateOf"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/broadcast-by
:broadcast-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "broadcast by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/broadcast-of-event
:broadcast-of-event a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The event being broadcast such as a sporting event or awards ceremony."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "broadcastOfEvent"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/broadcaster
:broadcaster a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The organization owning or operating the broadcast service."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "broadcaster"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/broker
:broker a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "bookingAgent"@en ;
skos:definition "An entity that arranges for an exchange between a buyer and a seller. In most cases a broker never acquires or releases ownership of a product or service involved in an exchange. If it is not clear whether an entity is a broker, seller, or buyer, the latter two terms are preferred."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "broker"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/brother
:brother a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "has brother||sibling||bro"@en ;
skos:definition "Subject has the object as their brother"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "brother"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/business-division
:business-division a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "divisions"@en ;
skos:definition "Divisions of this organization"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "business division "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/business-function
:business-function a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The business function (e.g. sell, lease, repair, dispose) of the offer or component of a bundle (TypeAndQuantityNode). The default is http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Sell."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "businessFunction"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/buyer
:buyer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of participant. The participant/person/organization that bought the object."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "buyer"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/by-artist
:by-artist a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The artist that performed this album or recording."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "byArtist"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/by-product
:by-product a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "byproduct"@en ;
skos:definition "Product of a chemical or industrial process, of secondary economic value"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "by-product "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/by-product-of
:by-product-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "by-product of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/calculated-from
:calculated-from a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "calculated from "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/calories
:calories a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:quantities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The number of calories."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "calories"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/camera-setup
:camera-setup a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "camera setup "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/candidacy-in-election
:candidacy-in-election a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "candidacy in election "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/candidate
:candidate a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of object. The candidate subject of this action."@en , "Person or party that is an option for an office in an election"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "candidate"@en , "candidate "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/canonization-status
:canonization-status a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "sainthood status||canonisation status"@en ;
skos:definition "Stage in the process of attaining sainthood per the subject's religious organization"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "canonization status "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/capital
:capital a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "capital city||capital town||chef-lieu||principal place||county seat||administrative centre||capital city||capital town||chef-lieu||principal place||county seat||administrative centre"@en ;
skos:definition "Location (city, municipality) of governmental seat of the country, or administrative territorial entity"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "capital "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/capital-of
:capital-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "county seat of||county seat for"@en ;
skos:definition "Country, state, department, canton or other administrative division of which the municipality is the governmental seat"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "capital of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/captain
:captain a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Captain of this sports team"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "captain "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cardinality-of-this-set
:cardinality-of-this-set a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Measure of number of elements of a set"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cardinality of this set "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/carnegie-classification-of-institutions-of-higher-education
:carnegie-classification-of-institutions-of-higher-education a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Classification of colleges and universities in the united states"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/carrier
:carrier a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "'carrier' is an out-dated term indicating the 'provider' for parcel delivery and flights."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "carrier"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/carries
:carries a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Item (e.g. road, railway, canal) carried by a bridge or tunnel"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "carries "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/carries-scientific-instrument
:carries-scientific-instrument a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "scientific equipment||metering equipment"@en ;
skos:definition "Scientific instruments carried by a vessel, satellite, or device that are not required for propelling or navigating"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "carries scientific instrument "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cast-member
:cast-member a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "film starring||actor||actress||starring"@en ;
skos:definition "Actor performing live for a camera or audience [use \"character role\" (p453) as qualifier] [use \"voice actor\" (p725) for voice-only role]"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cast member "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catalog-schema
:catalog-schema a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A data catalog which contains this dataset."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "catalog-schema"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-combines-topics
:category-combines-topics a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "Category intersects topics||combines topics||topics of category||subjects of category||cct"@en ;
skos:definition "This category combines these two or more topics"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "category combines topics "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-contains
:category-contains a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "category contains "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-for-alumni-of-educational-institution
:category-for-alumni-of-educational-institution a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "category for alumni of educational institution "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-for-employees-of-the-organization
:category-for-employees-of-the-organization a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "category for employees of the organization "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-for-films-shot-at-this-location
:category-for-films-shot-at-this-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "cat films shot||cfsi||cff"@en ;
skos:definition "The object is a category for films shot at/in the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "category for films shot at this location "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-for-people-born-here
:category-for-people-born-here a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Category item that groups people born in this place"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "category for people born here "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-for-people-who-died-here
:category-for-people-who-died-here a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Category item for people who died in this location"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "category for people who died here "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-for-pictures-taken-with-camera
:category-for-pictures-taken-with-camera a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "Taken with this camera||Commons photos by camera category"@en ;
skos:definition "Commons category for photos taken with that camera model or model line"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Category for pictures taken with camera "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-of-associated-people
:category-of-associated-people a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Wikimedia category for people associated with this place"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "category of associated people "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-of-people-buried-here
:category-of-people-buried-here a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Wikimedia category for people with a burial site within this area"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "category of people buried here "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-related-to-list
:category-related-to-list a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "list's category||list category"@en ;
skos:definition "Wikimedia category equivalent to a wikimedia list"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "category related to list "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/category-s-main-topic
:category-s-main-topic a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "main article in category||main category topic||topic||main topic of category||category's main article||main article||article with category's topic||page with category's topic"@en ;
skos:definition "Primary topic of the subject wikimedia category"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "category's main topic "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cathedral
:cathedral a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Principal church of a religious district"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cathedral "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/catholic-rite
:catholic-rite a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "Catholic rite "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cause-of-death
:cause-of-death a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "death cause||die from"@en ;
skos:definition "Underlying or immediate cause of death. Underlying cause (e.g. car accident, stomach cancer) preferred. Use 'manner of death' (p1196) for broadest category, e.g. natural causes, accident, homicide, suicide"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cause of death "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cause-of-destruction
:cause-of-destruction a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Item which caused the destruction of the subject item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cause of destruction "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cc-recipient
:cc-recipient a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of recipient. The recipient copied on a message."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ccRecipient"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cell-component
:cell-component a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "subcellular localization"@en ;
skos:definition "Component of the cell in which this item is present"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cell component "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/central-bank
:central-bank a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Country's central bank"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "central bank "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/central-bank-issuer
:central-bank-issuer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "issuer"@en ;
skos:definition "Central bank or other issuing authority for the currency"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "central bank/issuer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cero-rating
:cero-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "Computer Entertainment Rating Organization rating"@en ;
skos:definition "Japanese video game rating system - see talk page for appropriate values"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CERO rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chairperson
:chairperson a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "chairman||chairwoman||president||leader"@en ;
skos:definition "Presiding member of an organization, group or body"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "chairperson "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/character
:character a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Fictional person connected with a creative work."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "character"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/character-attribute
:character-attribute a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A piece of data that represents a particular aspect of a fictional character (skill, power, character points, advantage, disadvantage)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "characterAttribute"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/character-role
:character-role a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "character role "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/characters
:characters a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Characters which appear in this item (plays, operas, operettas, books...)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "characters "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/charge
:charge a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Offence with which someone is charged, at a trial"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "charge "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/charted-in
:charted-in a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Chart where the element reached a position"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "charted in "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chief-executive-officer
:chief-executive-officer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "CEO||chief executive||ceo"@en ;
skos:definition "Highest-ranking corporate officer appointed as the ceo within an organization"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "chief executive officer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chief-operating-officer
:chief-operating-officer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "COO"@en ;
skos:definition "The chief operating officer of an organization"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "chief operating officer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/child
:child a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "son||daughter||kid||has child||children||sons||daughters||kids||has children||has son||has sons||has daughter||has daughters||has kid||has kids"@en ;
skos:definition "Subject has the object in their family as their offspring son or daughter (independently of their age)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "child "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/child-astronomical-body
:child-astronomical-body a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "child body||satellite||orbited by||orbited by"@en ;
skos:definition "Minor body that belongs to the item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "child astronomical body "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/children
:children a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A child of the person."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "children"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chivalric-order
:chivalric-order a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "chivalric order "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/choreographer
:choreographer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Person(s) who did the choreography"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "choreographer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/chromosome
:chromosome a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "on chromosome"@en ;
skos:definition "Chromosome on which an entity is localized"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "chromosome "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/class-ind-rating
:class-ind-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "ClassInd rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/classification-of-cycling-race
:classification-of-cycling-race a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "classification of cycling race "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cleavage
:cleavage a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Way that crystals or minerals cleave"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cleavage "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/closed-on
:closed-on a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "closed on "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cnc-film-rating
:cnc-film-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "Commission de classification des œuvres cinématographiques film rating||film classification category (CNC)"@en ;
skos:definition "Category assigned to a film by the board of film classification (cnc) which what audiences may view it in france"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CNC film rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/co-driver
:co-driver a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "codriver||copilot||co-pilot||navigator"@en ;
skos:definition "Rally team member who performs as a co-driver or co-pilot"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "co-driver "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coach
:coach a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A person that acts in a coaching role for a sports team."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "coach"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coat-of-arms
:coat-of-arms a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Subject's coat of arms"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "coat of arms "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/code-of-nomenclature
:code-of-nomenclature a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The code that governs the scientific name of this taxon"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Code of nomenclature "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/codomain
:codomain a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "range||range"@en ;
skos:definition "Codomain of a function"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "codomain "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coextensive-with
:coextensive-with a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "coextensive with "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/colleagues
:colleagues a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A colleague of the person."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "colleagues"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/collection-schema
:collection-schema a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of object. The collection target of the action."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "collection-schema"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/color
:color a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "colour"@en ;
skos:definition "Color of subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "color "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/combination-classification
:combination-classification a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "combination classification "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commanded-by
:commanded-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "commanded by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commander-of
:commander-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "commands"@en ;
skos:definition "For persons who are notable as commanding officers, the units they commanded"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "commander of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commemorates
:commemorates a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "memorial to"@en ;
skos:definition "What the place, monument, memorial, holiday, commemorates"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "commemorates "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/commissioned-by
:commissioned-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "client||commissioner||made for||built for"@en ;
skos:definition "Person or organization that commissioned this work"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "commissioned by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/companion-of
:companion-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Two or more astronomic bodies of the same type relating to each other"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "companion of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/competition-class
:competition-class a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "class for competition||qualification class||qualifies for||compclass"@en ;
skos:definition "Official classification by a regulating body under which the subject qualifies for inclusion"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "competition class "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/competitor
:competitor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A competitor in a sports event."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "competitor"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/composer
:composer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "songwriter||composed by||musical score by||music by"@en ;
skos:definition "Person(s) who wrote the music"@en , "The person or organization who wrote a composition, or who is the composer of a work performed at some event."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "composer"@en , "composer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/compressor-type
:compressor-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "compressor type"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conferred-by
:conferred-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "awarded by||bestowed by||given by||granted by||presented by"@en ;
skos:definition "Person or organization who awards a prize to or bestows an honor upon a recipient"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "conferred by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conflict
:conflict a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "war||battle"@en ;
skos:definition "Battles, wars or engagements in which the person or item participated"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "conflict "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conjugate-acid
:conjugate-acid a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "conjugate acid "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/conjugate-base
:conjugate-base a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "conjugate base "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/connecting-line
:connecting-line a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "railway line||rapid transit line"@en ;
skos:definition "Railway or public transport line(s) subject is directly connected to"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "connecting line "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/connecting-service
:connecting-service a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Service stopping at a station"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "connecting service "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/connector
:connector a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "connector "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/connects-with
:connects-with a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "connecting road||connected road||connecting route||route connected||connected with||intersects with road||connecting road||connected road||connecting route||route connected||connected with||intersects with road"@en ;
skos:definition "Other throughfares which directly connect with this throughfare (all kinds of road)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "connects with "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/consecrator
:consecrator a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "consecrated by"@en ;
skos:definition "Bishop who presided as consecrator or co-consecrator of this bishop"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "consecrator "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/constellation
:constellation a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The area of the celestial sphere of which the subject is a part (from a scientific standpoint, not an astrological one)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "constellation "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contained-in
:contained-in a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The basic containment relation between a place and one that contains it."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "containedIn"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contained-in-place
:contained-in-place a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "containedIn"@en ;
skos:definition "The basic containment relation between a place and one that contains it."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "containedInPlace"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contains
:contains a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "contains "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contains-administrative-territorial-entity
:contains-administrative-territorial-entity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "contains||divides into||divided into||has towns||has shires||has cities||has rural cities||has municipalities||has wards||has local government areas||has districts||has boroughs||subdivided into||has counties||has administrative divisions||has arrondissements||has villages||has administrative divisions||has arrondissements||has villages"@en ;
skos:definition "(list of) direct subdivisions of an administrative territorial entity"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "contains administrative territorial entity "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contains-place
:contains-place a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "containedInPlace"@en ;
skos:definition "The basic containment relation between a place and another that it contains."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "containsPlace"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contains-season
:contains-season a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "season"@en ;
skos:definition "A season that is part of the media series."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "containsSeason"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contains-settlement
:contains-settlement a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Settlement which an administrative division contains"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "contains settlement "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/content-deliverer
:content-deliverer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "content deliverer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/content-location
:content-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The location depicted or described in the content. For example, the location in a photograph or painting."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "contentLocation"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/continent
:continent a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Continent of which the subject is a part. Use for countries, locations in antarctica, and items located in countries that belong to more than one continent, e.g. Russian cities."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "continent "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contributed-to-published-work
:contributed-to-published-work a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "contributed to published work "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contributing-factor-of
:contributing-factor-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:circumstances ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Thing that is significantly influenced by this cause, but does not directly result from it. See 'help:modeling causes' for examples and discussion."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "contributing factor of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/contributor
:contributor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "assistant"@en ;
skos:definition "A secondary contributor to the CreativeWork or Event."@en , "Person or organization that contributed to a subject: co-creator of a creative work; a player assisted to score a point or a goal in a game etc. "@en ;
skos:prefLabel "contributor"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/convicted-of
:convicted-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Crime a person was convicted of"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "convicted of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/coolant
:coolant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Substance used by the subject to dissipate excess thermal energy"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "coolant "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/copyright-holder
:copyright-holder a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The party holding the legal copyright to the CreativeWork."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "copyrightHolder"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/copyright-owner
:copyright-owner a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "copyright owner "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/corporate-officer
:corporate-officer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Person who holds a specific position"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "corporate officer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/costume-designer
:costume-designer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Person who designed the costumes for a film, television programme, etc"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "costume designer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/country
:country a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "sovereign state||nation||state||land"@en ;
skos:definition "Sovereign state of this item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "country "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/country-for-sport
:country-for-sport a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "sporting nationality||sports nationality||sporting nationality||sports nationality"@en ;
skos:definition "Country a person or a team represents when playing a sport"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "country for sport "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/country-of-citizenship
:country-of-citizenship a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "citizenship||nationality||citizen of||subject of (country)||citizenship||nationality||citizen of||subject of (country)"@en ;
skos:definition "The object is a country that recognizes the subject as its citizen"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "country of citizenship "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/country-of-origin
:country-of-origin a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics , kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "place of origin"@en ;
skos:definition "Country of origin of the creative work or subject item"@en , "The country of the principal offices of the production company or individual responsible for the movie or program."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "country of origin "@en , "countryOfOrigin"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/course
:course a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of location. The course where this action was taken."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "course"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/court
:court a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "court "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cover-artist
:cover-artist a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Name of person or team creating cover artwork for album, single, book, etc."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cover artist "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cpu
:cpu a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "central processing unit"@en ;
skos:definition "Central processing unit found within the subject item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "CPU "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/creator
:creator a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "artist (non-musical)||created by||painter||sculptor||artist (non-musical)||created by||painter||sculptor"@en ;
skos:definition "Maker of a creative work or other object (where no more specific property exists)"@en , "The creator/author of this CreativeWork. This is the same as the Author property for CreativeWork."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "creator"@en , "creator "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/credited-to
:credited-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The group the release is credited to if different than the byArtist. For example, Red and Blue is credited to \"Stefani Germanotta Band\", but by Lady Gaga."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "creditedTo"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/crew-member
:crew-member a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Person that participated operating or serving aboard this vehicle"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "crew member "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/criterion-used
:criterion-used a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:performances ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "basis||with respect to||by||on the basis of||according to||with reference to||respectively to"@en ;
skos:definition "Property by which a distinction or classification is made"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "criterion used "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/crosses
:crosses a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "bridge over||tunnel under"@en ;
skos:definition "Obstacle (body of water, road, ...) which this bridge crosses over or this tunnel goes under"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "crosses "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/crystal-system
:crystal-system a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Type of crystal for minerals and/or for crystal coumpounds"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "crystal system "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/cuisine
:cuisine a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Type of food served by a restaurant or restaurant chain"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "cuisine "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/culture
:culture a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Human culture or people (or several cultures) associated with this item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "culture "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/curator
:curator a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "has curator||keeper"@en ;
skos:definition "Content specialist responsible for this collection"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "curator "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/currency
:currency a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:quantities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "base currency"@en ;
skos:definition "Currency used by item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "currency "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/customer
:customer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Party placing the order or paying the invoice."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "customer"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dam
:dam a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "dam "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/damaged
:damaged a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "damaged "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dan-kyu-rank
:dan-kyu-rank a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "go rank||judo rank||wushu rank||shogi rank||renju rank||kendo rank||go rank||judo rank||wushu rank||shogi rank||renju rank||kendo rank"@en ;
skos:definition "Rank system used in several board games (e.g. go, shogi, renju), martial arts (e.g. judo, kendo, wushu) and some other games"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "dan/kyu rank "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/data-feed-element
:data-feed-element a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An item within in a data feed. Data feeds may have many elements."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "dataFeedElement"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dataset
:dataset a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "includedInDataCatalog"@en ;
skos:definition "A dataset contained in this catalog."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "dataset"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/day-in-year-for-periodic-occurrence
:day-in-year-for-periodic-occurrence a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "day of periodic occurrence||day in year||day||date||recurring event||periodic occurrence"@en ;
skos:definition "When a specific holiday or periodic event occurs. Can be used as property or qualifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "day in year for periodic occurrence "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/day-of-week
:day-of-week a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Day of the week on which this item occurs, applies to or is valid"@en , "The day of the week for which these opening hours are valid."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "day of week "@en , "dayOfWeek"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/death-place
:death-place a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The place where the person died."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "deathPlace"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/debut-participant
:debut-participant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "debut country||first-time participant||first appearance for"@en ;
skos:definition "Participant for whom this is their debut appearance in a series of events"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "debut participant "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/decays-to
:decays-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "What isotope does this radioactive isotope decay to"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "decays to "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dedicated-to
:dedicated-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "dedication||dedication"@en ;
skos:definition "Person or organization to whom the subject was dedicated"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "dedicated to "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deepest-point
:deepest-point a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "lowest point"@en ;
skos:definition "Point with lowest elevation in the country, region, city or area"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "deepest point "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/defendant
:defendant a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "respondant"@en ;
skos:definition "Person or organization accused, at a trial"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "defendant "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/defender
:defender a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "attorney||defence team||lawyers"@en ;
skos:definition "Person representing the defendant, at a trial"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "defender "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/delivery-method
:delivery-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of instrument. The method of delivery."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "deliveryMethod"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/delivery-status
:delivery-status a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "New entry added as the package passes through each leg of its journey (from shipment to final delivery)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "deliveryStatus"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/department
:department a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A relationship between an organization and a department of that organization, also described as an organization (allowing different urls, logos, opening hours). For example: a store with a pharmacy, or a bakery with a cafe."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "department"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/departure-airport
:departure-airport a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The airport where the flight originates."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "departureAirport"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/departure-bus-stop
:departure-bus-stop a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The stop or station from which the bus departs."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "departureBusStop"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/departure-station
:departure-station a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The station from which the train departs."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "departureStation"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/depends-on-software
:depends-on-software a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "dependency||software dependency||interfaces with||requires||runs on||runs on||software framework"@en ;
skos:definition "Subject software depends on object software"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "depends on software "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/depicted-by
:depicted-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "portrayed by||played by||acted by||appears in"@en ;
skos:definition "Object depicting this subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "depicted by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/depicts
:depicts a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "depiction of||painting of||motif||portrait of||landscape of"@en ;
skos:definition "Depicted entity (see also p921: subject heading)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "depicts "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/depositor
:depositor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Depositor/depositaries for the treaty"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "depositor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/deprecated-in-version
:deprecated-in-version a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Software version it was deprecated in"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "deprecated in version "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/derivative-work
:derivative-work a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "derivative work "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/describes-a-project-that-uses
:describes-a-project-that-uses a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "describes a project that uses "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/designated-as-terrorist-by
:designated-as-terrorist-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "designated as terrorist by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/designed-by
:designed-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "designed by"@en ;
skos:definition "Designer of this item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "designed by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/designed-to-carry
:designed-to-carry a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "designed to carry "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/destination-point
:destination-point a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "destination||to||end of journey||finish||journey destination||finish||journey destination||ending at||stopping at"@en ;
skos:definition "Intended destination for this route (journey, flight, sailing, exploration, migration etc.)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "destination point "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/destroyed
:destroyed a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "destroyed "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/determination-method
:determination-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:circumstances ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "determined by||method||methodology"@en ;
skos:definition "Qualifier stating how a value has been determined"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "determination method "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/developer
:developer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "developed by"@en ;
skos:definition "Organisation or person that developed this item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "developer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/development-of-anatomical-structure
:development-of-anatomical-structure a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "development of anatomical structure "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/develops-from
:develops-from a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "develops from "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dialect-of
:dialect-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "dialect of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/diaspora
:diaspora a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "diaspora "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/different-from
:different-from a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "is not||not to be confused with||distinct from||distinct from||not the same as||not"@en ;
skos:definition "Item that is different from another item, but they are often confused"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "different from "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/digital-rights-management-system
:digital-rights-management-system a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Technologies to control the use of digital content and devices after sale"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Digital Rights Management system "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/diocese
:diocese a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Administrative division of the church to which the element belongs"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "diocese "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/diplomatic-mission-sent
:diplomatic-mission-sent a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "embassy||resident mission"@en ;
skos:definition "Location of diplomatic mission, i.e. consulate of a in the capital city of b"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "diplomatic mission sent "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/diplomatic-relation
:diplomatic-relation a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Diplomatic relations of the country"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "diplomatic relation "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/direction
:direction a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:circumstances ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "direction "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/direction-relative-to-location
:direction-relative-to-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:circumstances ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "direction relative to location "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/director
:director a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "directed by||film director||movie director"@en , "directors"@en ;
skos:definition "A director of e.g. tv, radio, movie, video gaming etc. content, or of an event. Directors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip."@en , "Director(s) of this motion picture, play, video game or similar"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "director"@en , "director "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/director-of-photography
:director-of-photography a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "cinematographer"@en ;
skos:definition "Person responsible for the framing, lighting and filtration of the subject work"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "director of photography "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/directors
:directors a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A director of e.g. tv, radio, movie, video games etc. content. Directors can be associated with individual items or with a series, episode, clip."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "directors"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discography
:discography a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "discography link"@en ;
skos:definition "Link to discography in artist or band page"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "discography "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discoverer-or-inventor
:discoverer-or-inventor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "inventor||discovered by||invented by||discoverer||coined by||first described by"@en ;
skos:definition "Discovered, first described, or invented by"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "discoverer or inventor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/discovery-method
:discovery-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "detection method"@en ;
skos:definition "Way an exoplanet was discovered"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "discovery method "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/disjoint-union-of
:disjoint-union-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Every instance of this class is an instance of exactly one class in that list of classes"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "disjoint union of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dissertation-submitted-to
:dissertation-submitted-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "dissertation submitted to "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/distance
:distance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:quantities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The distance travelled, e.g. exercising or travelling."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "distance"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/distinctive-jersey
:distinctive-jersey a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Distinctive jersey held by a class or stage leader in a cycling competition"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "distinctive jersey"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/distribution
:distribution a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "media||media type||type of media||form of publication"@en ;
skos:definition "A downloadable form of this dataset, at a specific location, in a specific format."@en , "Method (or type) of distribution for the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "distribution"@en , "distribution "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/distributor
:distributor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "distributed by"@en ;
skos:definition "Distributor of a creative work"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "distributor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/docking-port
:docking-port a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Intended docking port for a spacecraft"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "docking port "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/doctoral-advisor
:doctoral-advisor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "advisor||doctoral supervisor||supervisor"@en ;
skos:definition "Person who supervised the doctorate or phd thesis of the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "doctoral advisor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/doctoral-student
:doctoral-student a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Doctoral student(s) of a professor"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "doctoral student "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/doctoral-thesis
:doctoral-thesis a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "doctoral dissertation||dissertation||thesis"@en ;
skos:definition "Thesis that someone wrote to obtain a phd degree"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "doctoral thesis "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/does-not-have-part
:does-not-have-part a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "does not have part "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/domain
:domain a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Subset of the input set of a function for which every value has an image"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "domain "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/domain-of-saint-or-deity
:domain-of-saint-or-deity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:circumstances ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "saint or deity domain||domain of deity or saint||is patron saint of||patron saint of"@en ;
skos:definition "Domain(s) which this saint or deity controls or protects"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "domain of saint or deity "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/donated-by
:donated-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Person or organization who donated the object"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "donated by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/drafted-by
:drafted-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Which team the player was drafted by"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "drafted by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/driving-side
:driving-side a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "drives on the||drive on||traffic side||rule of the road"@en ;
skos:definition "Side of the road that vehicles drive on in a given jurisdiction"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "driving side "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dropoff-location
:dropoff-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Where a rental car can be dropped off."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "dropoffLocation"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/drug-used-for-treatment
:drug-used-for-treatment a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "used for treatment||treatment||prescribed drug||treated by"@en ;
skos:definition "Drug that is used to treat this medical condition"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "drug used for treatment "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/dual-to
:dual-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:comparisons ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Dual of a polytope, graph or curve"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "dual to "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/edibility
:edibility a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "Mushroom edibility||Palatiblity"@en ;
skos:definition "Whether something can be eaten or not"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "edibility "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/editor
:editor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "compiler||edited by||compiled by"@en ;
skos:definition "Editor of a compiled work such as a book or academic journal"@en , "Specifies the Person who edited the CreativeWork."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "editor"@en , "editor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/educated-at
:educated-at a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "education||alumni of||alumnus of||alumna of||college attended||university attended||school attended||studied at||alma mater||graduate of||graduated from"@en ;
skos:definition "Educational institution attended by the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "educated at "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/educational-alignment
:educational-alignment a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An alignment to an established educational framework."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "educationalAlignment"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eight-banner-register
:eight-banner-register a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Manchu household register for people of the qing dynasty"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Eight Banner register "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eirin-film-rating
:eirin-film-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "EIRIN film rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/elected-in
:elected-in a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Qualifier for statements in position held to link the election in which a person gained a position from, or reelection in which the position was confirmed"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "elected in "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/elector
:elector a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "type of electors||qualified voters||eligible voters||type of electors||qualified voters||eligible voters"@en ;
skos:definition "People or other entities which are qualified to participate in the subect election"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "elector "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/electoral-district
:electoral-district a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "constituency||ward||riding"@en ;
skos:definition "The electoral district this person is representing."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "electoral district "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/electrical-plug-type
:electrical-plug-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "plug type||socket type||electrical socket type||electrical connector type||mains plug type||mains socket type||mains connector"@en ;
skos:definition "Standard plug type for mains electricity in a country"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "electrical plug type "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eligible-customer-type
:eligible-customer-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The type(s) of customers for which the given offer is valid."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "eligibleCustomerType"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eligible-region
:eligible-region a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The ISO 3166-1 (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) or ISO 3166-2 code, the place, or the GeoShape for the geo-political region(s) for which the offer or delivery charge specification is valid.
See also ineligibleRegion."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "eligibleRegion"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/employee
:employee a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "employees"@en ;
skos:definition "Someone working for this organization."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "employee"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/employees-schema
:employees-schema a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "People working for this organization."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "employees-schema"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/employer
:employer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "workplace||employed by||works at||working for"@en ;
skos:definition "Organization for which the subject works or worked"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "employer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/emulates
:emulates a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:performances ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "emulates "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/enclave-within
:enclave-within a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "enclaved by"@en ;
skos:definition "Territory is entirely surrounded by the other (enclaved)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "enclave within "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/enclosure
:enclosure a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "enclosure "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encoded-by
:encoded-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The gene that encodes some gene product"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "encoded by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encodes
:encodes a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "codes for"@en ;
skos:definition "The product of a gene (protein or rna)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "encodes "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/encodes-creative-work
:encodes-creative-work a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The CreativeWork encoded by this media object."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "encodesCreativeWork"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/end-cause
:end-cause a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "end cause "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/endemic-to
:endemic-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "endemism"@en ;
skos:definition "Sole location or habitat type where the taxon lives"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "endemic to "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/endianness
:endianness a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "endianness "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/endorsee
:endorsee a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of participant. The person/organization being supported."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "endorsee"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/engine-configuration
:engine-configuration a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "configuration of engine cylinders"@en ;
skos:definition "Configuration of an engine's cylinders"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "engine configuration "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/entertainment-business
:entertainment-business a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of location. The entertainment business where the action occurred."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "entertainmentBusiness"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/episode
:episode a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "episodes"@en ;
skos:definition "An episode of a tv, radio or game media within a series or season."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "episode"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/episodes
:episodes a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An episode of a TV/radio series or season."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "episodes"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/esrb-rating
:esrb-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "Entertainment Software Rating Board rating"@en ;
skos:definition "North american video game content rating - appropriate values are on property's talk page"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ESRB rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ethnic-group
:ethnic-group a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "ethnicity"@en ;
skos:definition "Subject's ethnicity (consensus is that a very high standard of proof is needed for this field to be used. In general this means 1) the subject claims it him/herself, or 2) it is widely agreed on by scholars, or 3) is fictional and portrayed as such)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "ethnic group "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ethnologue-language-status
:ethnologue-language-status a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "Ethnologue language status "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/event
:event a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "events"@en ;
skos:definition "Upcoming or past event associated with this place, organization, or action."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "event"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/event-status
:event-status a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An eventStatus of an event represents its status; particularly useful when an event is cancelled or rescheduled."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "eventStatus"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/events
:events a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Upcoming or past events associated with this place or organization."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "events"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/excavation-director
:excavation-director a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "excavation director "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exception-to-constraint
:exception-to-constraint a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "exceptions to constraint||exceptions||exception||excepting"@en ;
skos:definition "Item that is an exception to the constraint, qualifier to define a property constraint in combination with p2302"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "exception to constraint "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exclave-of
:exclave-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Territory is legally or politically attached to a main territory with which it is not physically contiguous because of surrounding alien territory. It may also be an enclave."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "exclave of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/excluding
:excluding a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:equivalences ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "excluding "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/executive-body
:executive-body a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "executive branch"@en ;
skos:definition "Branch of government for the daily administration of the state"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "executive body "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/executive-producer
:executive-producer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Executive producer of a movie or tv show"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "executive producer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exemplar-of
:exemplar-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:comparisons ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Property for manuscripts, autographs, incunabula, distinct printed copies"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "exemplar of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exercise-course
:exercise-course a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "course"@en ;
skos:definition "A sub property of location. The course where this action was taken."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "exerciseCourse"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/exhibition-history
:exhibition-history a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Exhibitions where the item was displayed"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "exhibition history "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/expects-acceptance-of
:expects-acceptance-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An Offer which must be accepted before the user can perform the Action. For example, the user may need to buy a movie before being able to watch it."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "expectsAcceptanceOf"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/eye-color
:eye-color a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "eye colour"@en ;
skos:definition "Color of the irises of a person's eyes"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "eye color "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fabrication-method
:fabrication-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "fabrication process||manufacturing process||production process||manufacturing method||production method||made by||asssembly process||assembly method||by"@en ;
skos:definition "Method, process or technique used to grow, cook, weave, build, assemble, manufacture the item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "fabrication method "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/facet-of
:facet-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "aspect of||subitem of||topic of||subtopic of||main topic of"@en ;
skos:definition "Topic of which this item is an aspect, item that offers a broader perspective on the same topic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "facet of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fach
:fach a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Describes the special ablilites of an operatic singers voice"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Fach "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/family
:family a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "royal house||dynasty||house"@en ;
skos:definition "Include dynasty and nobility houses"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "family "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fao-risk-status
:fao-risk-status a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "FAO status"@en ;
skos:definition "Un food and agriculture organization designation of status for a domesticated breed"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FAO risk status "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fare-zone
:fare-zone a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "fare zone "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/father
:father a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "dad||has father||man||the parent of that person||man||the parent of that person||parent||parent||daddy||papa||daddy||papa||is son of||is child of||is son of||is child of||is daughter of||is daughter of"@en ;
skos:definition "Male parent"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "father "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/feast-day
:feast-day a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Saint's principal feast day"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "feast day "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fictional-analog-of
:fictional-analog-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Used to link a class of items appearing in a creative work with the analogous class of objects in the real world"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "fictional analog of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fictional-universe-described-in
:fictional-universe-described-in a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "To link a fictional universe with a work that describes it: \"described in the work:\" "@en ;
skos:prefLabel "fictional universe described in "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/field-of-this-occupation
:field-of-this-occupation a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "profession's field||activity corresponding to this occupation||field of this profession||field of this profession"@en ;
skos:definition "Activity corresponding to this occupation"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "field of this occupation "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/field-of-work
:field-of-work a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "field of study||fields||discipline||subject||area||specialism||domain||academic discipline||scientific discipline||academic subject||academic area||scientific area"@en ;
skos:definition "Fields of work related to this item (physics, history). For occupation like physicist, historian see p106. Note: can be used in any item, including person"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "field of work "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/file-format
:file-format a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "format||file type||compression format||format||file type||compression format"@en ;
skos:definition "File format, compression type, or ontology used in a file"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "file format "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/film-crew-member
:film-crew-member a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "film crew member "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/film-editor
:film-editor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "Edited by||Edited by||editor"@en ;
skos:definition "Person who works with the raw footage, selecting shots and combining them into sequences to create a finished motion picture"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "film editor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/filming-location
:filming-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "location of filming||location where filmed||studio where filmed||place of filming||place where filmed||recorded at"@en ;
skos:definition "Actual place where this scene/film was shot"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "filming location "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/filmiroda-rating
:filmiroda-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Rating of a film in the former (2004–2011) hungarian film rating system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Filmiroda rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/final-event
:final-event a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "final event "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/first-aid-measures
:first-aid-measures a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "first aid response"@en ;
skos:definition "Actions to take to help a person in the case of accidents, injuries and accidental exposures to harmful chemicals"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "first aid measures "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/first-appearance
:first-appearance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "first appearance "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/first-performance
:first-performance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The date and place the work was first performed."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "firstPerformance"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flag
:flag a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Subject's flag"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "flag "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flag-bearer
:flag-bearer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "flag bearer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/flower-color
:flower-color a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "color of the flower||colour of the flower||flower colour"@en ;
skos:definition "Colour of flowers of a plant species, hybrid or cultivar"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "flower color "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/followed-by
:followed-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "succeded by||next is||precedes||sequel is||prequel of||successor"@en ;
skos:definition "Immediately following item in some series of which the subject is part. Use p1366 (replaced by) if the item is replaced, e.g. political offices, states"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "followed by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/followee
:followee a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of object. The person or organization being followed."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "followee"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/follows
:follows a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "succeeds to||previous is||before was||predecessor||preceded by||prequel is||sequel of"@en ;
skos:definition "Immediately prior item in some series of which the subject is part. Use p1365 (replaces) if the preceding item was replaced, e.g. political offices, states and there is no identity between precedent and following geographic unit"@en , "The most generic uni-directional social relation."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "follows"@en , "follows "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/food-establishment
:food-establishment a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of location. The specific food establishment where the action occurred."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "foodEstablishment"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/food-event
:food-event a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of location. The specific food event where the action occurred."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "foodEvent"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foods-traditionally-associated
:foods-traditionally-associated a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:circumstances ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Foods consumed during the ceremony or associated with a certain settlement"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "foods traditionally associated "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/for-work
:for-work a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "for work "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fossil-found-in-this-unit
:fossil-found-in-this-unit a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Fossils that are found in this stratigraphic unit"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "fossil found in this unit "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/found-in-taxon
:found-in-taxon a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "species"@en ;
skos:definition "The taxon in which the molecule or substance can be found"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "found in taxon "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/foundational-text
:foundational-text a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "establishing document||enabling law||created in document"@en ;
skos:definition "Text through which an institution has been created"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "foundational text "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/founded-by
:founded-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "founded by||is founded by"@en ;
skos:definition "Founder or co-founder of this organization, religion or place"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "founded by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/founder
:founder a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "founders"@en ;
skos:definition "A person who founded this organization."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "founder"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/founders
:founders a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A person who founded this organization."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "founders"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/founding-location
:founding-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The place where the Organization was founded."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "foundingLocation"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fpb-rating
:fpb-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "FPB rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fracturing
:fracturing a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "fracturing "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/from-fictional-universe
:from-fictional-universe a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "from universe||universe||featured in universe||appears in universe||fictional universe where entity is from"@en ;
skos:definition "Subject's fictional entity is in the object narrative. See also p1441 and p1445"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "from fictional universe "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/from-location
:from-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A sub property of location. The original location of the object or the agent before the action."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "fromLocation"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fsk-film-rating
:fsk-film-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Permitted audience of a film, according to the german film-rating system (add prüfnummer with qualifier \"p2676\")"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "FSK film rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/fuel-system
:fuel-system a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "fuel system "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/funder
:funder a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A person or organization that supports (sponsors) something through some kind of financial contribution."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "funder"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gait
:gait a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "gait "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/game-artist
:game-artist a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "game artist "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/game-item
:game-item a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An item is an object within the game world that can be collected by a player or, occasionally, a non-player character."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "gameItem"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/game-mode
:game-mode a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "mode||gameplay"@en ;
skos:definition "Available playing mode(s) in a video game"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "game mode "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/game-server
:game-server a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "game"@en ;
skos:definition "The server on which it is possible to play the game."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "gameServer"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/general-classification-of-race-participants
:general-classification-of-race-participants a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Classification of race participants"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "general classification of race participants "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/general-manager
:general-manager a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "General manager of a sports team. If he is also an on-field manager use p286 instead"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "general manager "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/genre
:genre a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "music genre||film genre||artistic genre||literary genre"@en ;
skos:definition "Genre of a creative work or genre in which an artist works. Should not be used to relate creative works to their topics like russia (q159), people's republic of china (q148), jesus christ (q302), for which main subject (p921) should be used instead"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "genre "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geo-datum
:geo-datum a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Zero point for measurement (qualifier for p795)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "geo datum"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geographic-area
:geographic-area a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The geographic area associated with the audience."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "geographicArea"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geography-of-topic
:geography-of-topic a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Item that deals with the geography of the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "geography of topic "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geomorphological-unit
:geomorphological-unit a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "geomorphological unit "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/geoshape
:geoshape a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "geoshape "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ghs-signal-word
:ghs-signal-word a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Please use with items \"warning\" (q15350847) and \"danger\" (q15221217)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GHS signal word "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/godparent
:godparent a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "godfather||godmother"@en ;
skos:definition "Person who is the godparent of a given person"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "godparent "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gpu
:gpu a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "GPU "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gram-staining
:gram-staining a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Gram stain type of a bacterial strain"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Gram staining "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/grantee
:grantee a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The person, organization, contact point, or audience that has been granted this permission."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "grantee"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gsrr-rating
:gsrr-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "CSRR rating||GSRMR rating"@en ;
skos:definition "Taiwanese video game content rating system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GSRR rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guest-of-honor
:guest-of-honor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Guest(s) of honor invited to an event, e.g. a convention"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "guest of honor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/gui-toolkit-or-framework
:gui-toolkit-or-framework a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Framework or toolkit a program uses to display the graphical user interface"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "GUI toolkit or framework "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/guidance-system
:guidance-system a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Guidance system of a missile"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "guidance system "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/habitat
:habitat a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "habitat "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/had-as-last-meal
:had-as-last-meal a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "had as last meal "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hair-color
:hair-color a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "hair colour||color of hair||colour of hair"@en ;
skos:definition "Person's hair color. Use p585 as qualifier if there's more than one value."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hair color "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/handedness
:handedness a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Handedness of the person"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "handedness "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-active-ingredient
:has-active-ingredient a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has active ingredient "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-anatomical-branch
:has-anatomical-branch a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has anatomical branch "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-attribute
:has-attribute a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has attribute "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-cause
:has-cause a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "cause||has causes||has underlying cause||underlying cause||ultimate cause||ultimate causes||initial cause||effect of||outcome of||result of||has reason||reason||caused by"@en ;
skos:definition "Underlying cause, thing that ultimately resulted in this effect"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has cause "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-command-line-option
:has-command-line-option a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has command line option "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-contributing-factor
:has-contributing-factor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "has contributing factors||contributing factor||significant contributing factor"@en ;
skos:definition "Thing that significantly influenced, but did not directly cause, this outcome or effect. Used in conjunction with 'has cause' and 'has immediate cause'. See 'help:modeling causes'."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has contributing factor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-course-instance
:has-course-instance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An offering of the course at a specific time and place or through specific media or mode of study or to a specific section of students."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hasCourseInstance"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-delivery-method
:has-delivery-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Method used for delivery or shipping."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hasDeliveryMethod"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-dialect
:has-dialect a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "dialect||has as dialect||includes dialect"@en ;
skos:definition "Dialects of this language (a single language may be linked to many dialects)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has dialect"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-digital-document-permission
:has-digital-document-permission a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A permission related to the access to this document (e.g. permission to read or write an electronic document). For a public document, specify a grantee with an Audience with audienceType equal to \"public\"."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hasDigitalDocumentPermission"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-effect
:has-effect a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "has effect||effect||has result||result||has outcome||outcome||has symptom||consequence"@en ;
skos:definition "Effect of this cause"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has effect "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-facet-polytope
:has-facet-polytope a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "facet of a polytope"@en ;
skos:definition "Facet of a polytope, in the next-lower dimension"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has facet polytope "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-facility
:has-facility a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "facility"@en ;
skos:definition "The subject item has this type of facility, e.g. toilet, car park"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has facility "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-fruit-type
:has-fruit-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has fruit type "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-grammatical-case
:has-grammatical-case a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has grammatical case "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-grammatical-mood
:has-grammatical-mood a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has grammatical mood "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-immediate-cause
:has-immediate-cause a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "has immediate causes||immediate cause||immediate effect of||immediate result of||immediate outcome of||has proximate cause"@en ;
skos:definition "Nearest, proximate thing that directly resulted in this outcome or effect. Used in conjunction with 'has cause' (i.e. underlying cause) and 'has contributing factor'. See 'help:modeling causes'."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has immediate cause "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-listed-ingredient
:has-listed-ingredient a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has listed ingredient "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-melody
:has-melody a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:quantities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has melody "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-menu-item
:has-menu-item a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A food or drink item contained in a menu or menu section."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hasMenuItem"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-menu-section
:has-menu-section a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A subgrouping of the menu (by dishes, course, serving time period, etc.)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hasMenuSection"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-natural-reservoir
:has-natural-reservoir a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "natural reservoir"@en ;
skos:definition "Host species for the pathogen in which it is endemic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has natural reservoir "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-offer-catalog
:has-offer-catalog a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Indicates an OfferCatalog listing for this Organization, Person, or Service."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hasOfferCatalog"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-part
:has-part a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "have part||composed of||contains||formed from||formed out of||assembled from||assembled out of||created from||created out of||amalgamation of||set of||consists of||members||holonym of||includes||ingredient||member||include||parts||has member||comprised of||has add-on||includes part||includes part"@en , "isPartOf"@en ;
skos:definition "Indicates an item or CreativeWork that is part of this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense)."@en , "Part of this subject, also valuable subclass or exemplar. Inverse property of \"part of\"."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has part "@en , "hasPart"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-parts-of-the-class
:has-parts-of-the-class a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "has parts of the type||consists of||group of"@en ;
skos:definition "This item is made of items of another class"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has parts of the class "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-pet
:has-pet a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Pet that a person owns"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has pet "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-phoneme
:has-phoneme a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The language's phonology includes this sound"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has phoneme "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-pos
:has-pos a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Points-of-Sales operated by the organization or person."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hasPOS"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-quality
:has-quality a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "trait||inherent property||attribute||aspect||defining feature||has feature||has characteristic||has property||characterized by"@en ;
skos:definition "The entity has an inherent or distinguishing non-material characteristic that cannot be migrated"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has quality "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-superpartner
:has-superpartner a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Partner particle, in supersymmetry; inverse of \"superpartner of\""@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has superpartner "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-tense
:has-tense a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "has tense "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/has-vertex-figure
:has-vertex-figure a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The figure exposed when a corner of a polytope is sliced off"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "has vertex figure "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/head-coach
:head-coach a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "manager||club manager||senior coach||team manager||coach"@en ;
skos:definition "On-field manager or head coach of a sports club (not to be confused with a general manager p505, which is not a coaching position) or person"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "head coach "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/head-of-state
:head-of-state a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "chief of state||president||king||queen||emperor||monarch||state headed by||state headed by"@en ;
skos:definition "Official with the highest formal authority in a country"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "head of state "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/headquarters-location
:headquarters-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "head office location||HQ||garrison||admin HQ||seat"@en ;
skos:definition "Specific location where an organization's hq is or has been situated"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "headquarters location "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/health-specialty
:health-specialty a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Main medical specialty concerned with a specific condition"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "health specialty "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/heritage-designation
:heritage-designation a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "designation||listing||listed status||protected status||protection||legal protection||heritage designation"@en ;
skos:definition "The heritage status of a historical site"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "heritage designation "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/highest-judicial-authority
:highest-judicial-authority a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Supreme judicial body within a country, administrative division, or other organization"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "highest judicial authority "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/highest-note
:highest-note a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Highest note that an instrument can play or singer can sing"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "highest note"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/highest-point
:highest-point a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "highest peak||zenith||zenith"@en ;
skos:definition "Point with highest elevation in a region, on a path, of a race"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "highest point "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/highway-system
:highway-system a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "network of routes||system of routes||transport network||routes system||part of network||network of routes||system of routes||transport network||routes system||part of network||road type"@en ;
skos:definition "System (or specific country specific road type) of which the highway is a part"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "highway system "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hiring-organization
:hiring-organization a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Organization offering the job position."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hiringOrganization"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/history-of-topic
:history-of-topic a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "history||timeline of topic||chronology of topic"@en ;
skos:definition "Historical development of an item's topic"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "history of topic "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/home-location
:home-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A contact location for a person's residence."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "homeLocation"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/home-port
:home-port a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "homeport"@en ;
skos:definition "Home port of the vessel (if different from \"ship registry\"): for civilian ships, the primary port from which the ship operates. Port of registry (the one painted on the stern) should be listed in \"ship registry\". For warships, this will be the ship's assi"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "home port "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/home-team
:home-team a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The home team in a sports event."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "homeTeam"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/home-venue
:home-venue a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "ground||home field||arena||home ground||stadium||ballpark||home water"@en ;
skos:definition "Home stadium or venue of a sports team or applicable performing arts organization"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "home venue "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/home-world
:home-world a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "homeworld||planet"@en ;
skos:definition "Home world/planet of a fictional race or character"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "home world "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/host
:host a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "host "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hosting-organization
:hosting-organization a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The organization (airline, travelers' club, etc.) the membership is made with."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hostingOrganization"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hours-available
:hours-available a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:eventuals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The hours during which this service or contact is available."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hoursAvailable"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hymenium-attachment
:hymenium-attachment a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "How the hymenium of the mushroom attaches to the stem"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hymenium attachment "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/hymenium-type
:hymenium-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Type of spore-bearing surface or that mushroom"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "hymenium type "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/icaa-rating
:icaa-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "ICAA rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ictv-virus-genome-composition
:ictv-virus-genome-composition a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "ICTV virus genome composition "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/illustrator
:illustrator a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "illustration by||illustrated by"@en ;
skos:definition "Illustrator of a book"@en , "The illustrator of the book."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "illustrator"@en , "illustrator "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/ima-status-and-or-rank
:ima-status-and-or-rank a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Status given to each mineral by the ima (international mineralogical association)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IMA status and/or rank "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/image-of-function
:image-of-function a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "image"@en ;
skos:definition "Set of values that a function actually has"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "image of function "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/immediate-cause-of
:immediate-cause-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Immediate cause of this effect"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "immediate cause of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/implementation-of
:implementation-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "implementation of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/in-album
:in-album a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The album to which this recording belongs."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "inAlbum"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/in-broadcast-lineup
:in-broadcast-lineup a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The CableOrSatelliteService offering the channel."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "inBroadcastLineup"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/in-opposition-to
:in-opposition-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:equivalences ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "in opposition to "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/in-playlist
:in-playlist a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The playlist to which this recording belongs."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "inPlaylist"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/incaa-film-rating
:incaa-film-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "INCAA film rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/incarnation-of
:incarnation-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "incarnation of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/included-composition
:included-composition a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Smaller compositions included in this work (e.g. a movement in a symphony)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "includedComposition"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/included-data-catalog
:included-data-catalog a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A data catalog which contains this dataset (this property was previously 'catalog', preferred name is now 'includedInDataCatalog')."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "includedDataCatalog"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/included-in-data-catalog
:included-in-data-catalog a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "catalog||includedDataCatalog"@en ;
skos:definition "A data catalog which contains this dataset."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "includedInDataCatalog"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/includes-object
:includes-object a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "This links to a node or nodes indicating the exact quantity of the products included in the offer."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "includesObject"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/including
:including a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Usually used as a qualifier"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "including "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/income-classification
:income-classification a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Classification grade of a philippine local government unit based on income"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "income classification "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/indigenous-to
:indigenous-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "native to||endemic to"@en ;
skos:definition "Area or ethnic group that a language, folk dance, cooking style or other cultural expression is found (or was originally found)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "indigenous to "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/industry
:industry a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "field of action||field of exercise||sector||sector||branch||branch||economic branch||economic branch"@en ;
skos:definition "Industry of company or organization"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "industry "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/influenced-by
:influenced-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "informed by||has influence"@en ;
skos:definition "This person, idea, etc. is informed by that other person, idea, etc., e.g. \"heidegger has influence aristotle\"."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "influenced by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inhibitor-of
:inhibitor-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "inhibitor of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/innervated-by
:innervated-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "innervated by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/innervates
:innervates a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:actions ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "innervates "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/input-method
:input-method a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "input method||input||mouse||digitiser"@en ;
skos:definition "Input method or device used to interact with a software product"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "input method "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/input-set
:input-set a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A superset of the domain of a function or relation that may include some inputs for which the function is not defined; to specify the set of only those inputs for which the function is defined use domain (p1568) "@en ;
skos:prefLabel "input set "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inspired-by
:inspired-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "source of inspiration||inspiration"@en ;
skos:definition "Work, human, or event which inspired this creative work"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "inspired by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/instance-of
:instance-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "is a||is an||rdf:type"@en ;
skos:definition "This item is a specific example and a member of that class. Not to be confused with property:p279 (subclass of)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "instance of"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/instruction-set
:instruction-set a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "ISA"@en ;
skos:definition "Instruction set on which the processor architecture is based"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "instruction set "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/instructor
:instructor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A person assigned to instruct or provide instructional assistance for the CourseInstance."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "instructor"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/instrument
:instrument a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins , kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "plays||plays"@en ;
skos:definition "Instrument that a person plays"@en , "The object that helped the agent perform the action. e.g. John wrote a book with a pen."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "instrument"@en , "instrument "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/instrumentation
:instrumentation a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Combination of musical instruments employed in a composition"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "instrumentation "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/intangible-cultural-heritage-status
:intangible-cultural-heritage-status a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "intangible cultural heritage status "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/intended-public
:intended-public a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "designed for||target group||target market||designed for||target group||target market||designed for||target group||target market||serving||audience of||for audience of||for market||made for||created for"@en ;
skos:definition "This work or product (or object) is intended to be read/watched by, or has been designed to that person or class of person, or animals, plants, …"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "intended public "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/interaction
:interaction a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "With which of the 4 fundamental forces does the particle interact? Strong interaction q11415, electromagnetic: q849919, weak interaction: q11418, gravitation: q11412"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "interaction "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/interaction-service
:interaction-service a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The WebSite or SoftwareApplication where the interactions took place."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "interactionService"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/interaction-type
:interaction-type a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The Action representing the type of interaction. For up votes, +1s, etc. use LikeAction. For down votes use DislikeAction. Otherwise, use the most specific Action."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "interactionType"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/interchange-station
:interchange-station a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "OSI||out of station interchange"@en ;
skos:definition "Station to which passengers can transfer to from this station, normally without extra expense"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "interchange station "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/interested-in
:interested-in a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "area of research||field of study||field of research"@en ;
skos:definition "Item of special or vested interest to this person or organisation"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "interested in "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/interleaves-with
:interleaves-with a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Stratigraphic relation in which two units overlap each other marginally"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "interleaves with "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/international-nuclear-event-scale
:international-nuclear-event-scale a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "International Nuclear Event Scale "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/introduced-feature
:introduced-feature a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "new feature"@en ;
skos:definition "Feature introduced by this version of a product item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "introduced feature "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/inverse-of
:inverse-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:equivalences ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "inverse of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/investigated-by
:investigated-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Person or organization involved in investigation of the item"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "investigated by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/investor
:investor a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:typings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "private investor||investors"@en ;
skos:definition "Individual or organization which invests money in the item for the purpose of obtaining financial return on their investment"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "investor "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-a-hydrated-form-of
:is-a-hydrated-form-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "is a hydrated form of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-based-on
:is-based-on a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:descendants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "isBasedOnUrl"@en ;
skos:definition "A resource that was used in the creation of this resource. This term can be repeated for multiple sources. For example, http://example.com/great-multiplication-intro.html."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isBasedOn"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-consumable-for
:is-consumable-for a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A pointer to another product (or multiple products) for which this product is a consumable."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isConsumableFor"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-part-of
:is-part-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "hasPart"@en ;
skos:definition "Indicates an item or CreativeWork that this item, or CreativeWork (in some sense), is part of."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isPartOf"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-pollinated-by
:is-pollinated-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "pollination by"@en ;
skos:definition "How pollen from the male anthers is transferred to the female stigma of a flower"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "is pollinated by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-pollinator-of
:is-pollinator-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Plant that this animal visits for pollen (and that it pollinates)"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "is pollinator of"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-proceedings-from
:is-proceedings-from a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "is proceedings from "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-recto-of
:is-recto-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:quantities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "is recto of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-related-to
:is-related-to a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A pointer to another, somehow related product (or multiple products)."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isRelatedTo"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-variant-of
:is-variant-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A pointer to a base product from which this product is a variant. It is safe to infer that the variant inherits all product features from the base model, unless defined locally. This is not transitive."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "isVariantOf"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/is-verso-of
:is-verso-of a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:quantities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "is verso of "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isocaudomer
:isocaudomer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "isocaudomer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/isoschizomer
:isoschizomer a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "isoschizomer "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/issued-by
:issued-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Organisation that issues or allocates an identifier"@en , "The organization issuing the ticket or permit."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "issued by "@en , "issuedBy"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/issued-through
:issued-through a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:extrinsics ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The service through with the permit was granted."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "issuedThrough"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/item
:item a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:partsOf ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "An entity represented by an entry in a list or data feed (e.g. an 'artist' in a list of 'artists')’."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "item"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/item-condition
:item-condition a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:qualities ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A predefined value from OfferItemCondition or a textual description of the condition of the product or service, or the products or services included in the offer."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "itemCondition"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/item-offered
:item-offered a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The item being offered."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "itemOffered"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/item-operated
:item-operated a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "fleet||aircraft in fleet||aircraft operated||equipment operated||facility operated||service operated||operator of||operated||operates||eq||item operated||acop||acop"@en ;
skos:definition "Object used by the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "item operated "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/item-reviewed
:item-reviewed a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The item that is being reviewed/rated."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "itemReviewed"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/item-shipped
:item-shipped a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Item(s) being shipped."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "itemShipped"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iucn-conservation-status
:iucn-conservation-status a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "conservation status"@en ;
skos:definition "Conservation status assigned by the international union for conservation of nature"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IUCN conservation status "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/iucn-protected-areas-category
:iucn-protected-areas-category a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:classifications ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Protected areas category by the world commission on protected areas. Used with dedicated items for each category."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "IUCN protected areas category "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/jmk-film-rating
:jmk-film-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "JMK film rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/job-location
:job-location a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:situants ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "A (typically single) geographic location associated with the job position."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "jobLocation"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/judge
:judge a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:elementals ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Judge, magistrate or equivalent, presiding at a trial"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "judge "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kijkwijzer-rating
:kijkwijzer-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "Dutch media content rating system"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "Kijkwijzer rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/killed-by
:killed-by a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:altLabel "killer||assassin||murderer||murdered by||executioner||assassinated by||slain by||mortally wounded by||executed by||slaughtered by"@en ;
skos:definition "Person who killed the subject"@en ;
skos:prefLabel "killed by "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kml-file
:kml-file a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:forms ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "KML file "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/kmrb-film-rating
:kmrb-film-rating a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:ratings ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:prefLabel "KMRB film rating "@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/knows
:knows a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:conjoins ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy ;
rdfs:range owl:Thing ;
skos:definition "The most generic bi-directional social/work relation."@en ;
skos:prefLabel "knows"@en .
# http://kbpedia.org/kko/rc/koppen-climate-classification
:koppen-climate-classification a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf kko:cla