Parallel Coordinates chart

This is the Parallel Coordinates chart section of the gallery. If you want to know more about this kind of chart, visit If you're looking for a simple way to implement it in d3.js, pick an example below.

Step by step - the ggally library

The ggally package is a ggplot2 extension that allows to build parallel coordinates charts thanks to the parcoord() function. It allows to beneficiate the grammar of graphics and all the usual ggplot2 customization.

A note on scaling

Scaling variable is a crucial step to build a proper parallel coordinates chart. It transforms the raw data to a new scale that is common with other variables, and thus allow to compare them. The ggally package offers a scale option that computes the most common types of scaling:

Step by step - the MASS library

The MASS library allows to build parallel coordinates chart thanks to the parcoord() function. Learn how to use the function, how to reorder variables, how to custom the color palette and how to highlight a group on the chart.

Related chart types

Spider / Radar
Circular Barplot