const http = require('http'); const util = require('util'); const udp = require('dgram'); const SERVER_URL = process.env.SERVER_URL || '' const CLIENT_UDP_PORT = Number(process.env.CLIENT_UDP_PORT) || 41234 const MESSAGE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = 5000 let udpClient = null const currentDate = new Date() let timeout = null let sentMessage = '' function printLogs(message) { console.log(`[${currentDate.toString()}] [LOG]`, message); } function printError(message, err) { console.error(`[${currentDate.toString()}] [ERROR]`, message, err.message ? err.message : err, err); } function createUdpServer() { udpClient = udp.createSocket('udp4') udpClient.on('error', (error) => { printError('Something wrong when creating udp server. Please re-run the client or inform with customer-support. Error message: ', error) udpClient.close() process.exit(-1) }) udpClient.on('message', handleReceivedMessageFromServer) udpClient.on('listening', () => { const address = udpClient.address() printLogs(`Started UDP client at port ${address.port}`) beginConnectivityCheck() }); udpClient.on('close', () => { printLogs('The UDP server is closed!'); }); udpClient.bind(CLIENT_UDP_PORT) } function getRequest(url) { return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => { printLogs(`Calling to ${url}`); http.get(url, (res) => { res.setEncoding('utf8'); res.payload = ''; res .on('data', d => res.payload += d) .on('end', () => { printLogs(`Call completes, raw response is below: \t* Status: ${res.statusCode} \t* Headers: ${util.inspect(res.headers)} \t* Body payload: ${res.payload} `); resolve(res); }) .on('error', reject); }).on('error', reject); }); } async function beginConnectivityCheck() { // Get server information (udp port, udp address) let serverAddress const url = `${SERVER_URL}/address` try { printLogs(`Retrieving the Kobiton UDP server address`) const response = await getRequest(url) serverAddress = JSON.parse(response.payload) printLogs(`The Kobiton UDP server is at ${serverAddress.address}:${serverAddress.port}`) } catch (error) { printError('Unexpected error when getting server address, please solve and try again', error) process.exit(-1) } // Sending timestamp data to server and wait for response sentMessage = currentDate.getTime().toString() const data = Buffer.from(sentMessage) printLogs('[CHECK 1] Can the client send UDP packets to the Internet ?') printLogs(`The client is going to send an UDP packet to Kobiton UDP server at ${serverAddress.address}:${serverAddress.port}`) udpClient.send(data, Number(serverAddress.port), serverAddress.address, (error) => { if (error){ printError('Unexpected error occurs when sending data. Please solve and try again' , error); process.exit(-1) } }); setTimeout(async () => { // Call api to verify that server received message successfully. const response = await getRequest(`${SERVER_URL}/message?content=${sentMessage}`) if (response.statusCode === 200) { printLogs('[CHECK 1 - PASSED] The client can send the UDP packet successfully to the Internet since the Kobiton UDP server receives the packet') } else if (response.statusCode === 404) { printLogs('[CHECK 1 - FAILED] The client can NOT send the UDP packet to the Internet. Please verify with your IT departmant that: in the office, the outgoing UDP traffic to the Internet with destination port range 30000-65000 is enabled on the router and/or the firewall.') } printLogs('[CHECK 2] Can the client receive UDP packets from the Internet (sent by Kobiton UDP server) ?') // Wait for server response. timeout = setTimeout(() => { printLogs(`[CHECK 2 - FAILED] The client can NOT receive the UDP packet from the Internet. Please verify with your IT departmant that: * In the office, the incoming UDP traffic from the Internet with source port range 30000-65000 is enabled on the router and/or the firewall. * In the office, the firewall / router enables Symmetric NAT (see so that the Kobiton server is able to send UDP packets to the client which is behind the firewall.`) bye() }, MESSAGE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_IN_MS); }, 1000); } function handleReceivedMessageFromServer() { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout) timeout = null } printLogs('[CHECK 2 - PASSED] The client receives an UDP packet from Kobiton UDP server.') bye() } function bye() { printLogs('') printLogs("The check process completes. If you encounter any issue, please follow the suggestion, solve it and re-run again to verify it's fixed") process.exit(0) } function main() { // Print envs let msg = 'The client is launched with below environment variables\n' msg += `\t- SERVER_URL=${SERVER_URL}\n` msg += `\t- CLIENT_UDP_PORT=${CLIENT_UDP_PORT}` printLogs(msg) // Create udp client. createUdpServer() } main()