# Oasis Theme Oasis Theme is a color scheme designed especially to be combined with [**C++ Starting Kit**](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/C%2B%2B%20Starting%20Kit). It mainly supports C, C++, C++11, Python, XML, JSON. Other languages are supported but are not fully design for. # Preview You need Oasis Theme, [Soda Dark Theme](http://buymeasoda.github.io/soda-theme/) and [C++ Starting Kit](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/C%2B%2B%20Starting%20Kit) if you want exactly the same result. ![Oasis Theme preview](https://github.com/kodLite/cppStartingKit-Guide/blob/master/screenshot/Oasis-Theme/Preview-Oasis-Theme_002.jpg?raw=true) # How to install ## Manually ## From Package Control Now available