Koken + Sublime Text ==================== This repository contains syntax definitions and snippets for use when creating .lens template files and css.lens settings files for the [Koken publishing platform](http://koken.me). Installation with Package Manager (Recommended) ----------------------------------------------- We recommend installing via the excellent [Sublime Package Manager](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control). Once Package Manager is installed, bring up the commands menu (`Command + Shift + P` on Mac, `Control + Shift + P` on Windows or Linux), then type "Package Control" to filter the commands list. Select the "Package Control: Install Package" command, then find and install the Koken plugin. Installation with git --------------------- To use without installing Package Manager, clone the repository into Sublime's "Packages" directory: `git clone git://github.com/koken/koken-sublime.git ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages/Koken` Onward ------ Check out the [official documentation](http://help.koken.me) for more info on developing Koken themes and plugins.