#!/bin/bash repo_name=komunikator_light cd ~ release=$(lsb_release -cs) arch=$(uname -m) echo "Komunikator 1.5a0 ($release $arch)" udistro="xenial" if [ $udistro != $release ] then echo "Установка Komunikator 1.5.a0 может производиться только на ОС Ubuntu 16.04" exit 1 fi apt -qq update echo "Installer: Generating and setting the DB user passwords..." apt install -y pwgen dbuserpw=$(pwgen -cAns -1) printf "ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, КАК СЛЕДУЕТ ЗАПОМНИТЕ ПАРОЛЬ И ПОТОМ УДАЛИТЕ ЭТОТ ФАЙЛ\nПароль пользователя root для доступа к базе данных MySQL\n$dbuserpw" > ~/DB_root_password.txt echo "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password $dbuserpw" | debconf-set-selections echo "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password $dbuserpw" | debconf-set-selections apt install -y mysql-server echo "Installer: Installing some tools and dependencies..." apt install -y git libmysqlclient20 libgcc1 libmysqlclient20 libstdc++6 libc6 libcap2-bin ssh adduser libyate5.2.0 yate-core madplay lame sox ntp nginx php-fpm php-cli php-db php-mysql echo "Installer: Installing the distro packages..." if [ "$arch" = 'x86_64' ] then wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/y/yate/yate_5.4.0-1-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/y/yate/yate-scripts_5.4.0-1-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/y/yate/yate-mysql_5.4.0-1-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb dpkg -i yate*_amd64.deb rm -f yate*_amd64.deb else wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/y/yate/yate_5.4.0-1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/y/yate/yate-scripts_5.4.0-1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/y/yate/yate-mysql_5.4.0-1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb dpkg -i yate*_i386.deb rm -f yate*_i386.deb fi echo "Installer: Installing the package dependencies..." apt install -f -y echo "Installer: clone source Kommunikator..." git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/komunikator/$repo_name.git echo "Installer: Configuring the database..." mysql -uroot -p$dbuserpw -e "CREATE USER 'kommunikator'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'kommunikator';" mysql -uroot -p$dbuserpw -e "create database kommunikator" mysql -uroot -p$dbuserpw kommunikator < ~/$repo_name/SQL/shema_mysql.sql mysql -uroot -p$dbuserpw -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'kommunikator'@'localhost';" mysql -uroot -p$dbuserpw -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" #mysql -uroot -p$dbuserpw -e "SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));" echo "Installer: Configuring web server..." pear install DB sed -i "s/NO_START=1/NO_START=0/" /etc/default/yate sed -i "s/# Required-Start: \$remote_fs \$network/# Required-Start: \$remote_fs \$network mysql php7.0-fpm/" /etc/init.d/yate sed -i "s/;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi.fix_pathinfo=0/" /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini sed -i "/types_hash_max_size/ a\ \t client_max_body_size 50m;" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf #mysql config no_group_data fe="/etc/mysql/my.cnf" e=" [mysqld] sql_mode = STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" echo "$e" >> "$fe" #nginx www config fe="/etc/nginx/sites-available/default" e="server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; root /var/www; index index.php index.html index.htm; server_name kommunikator; location / { try_files \$uri \$uri/ =404; } location ~ \.php$ { include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock; } location ~ /\.ht { deny all; } }" if [ -e "$fe" ]; then cp $fe $fe"_komunikator.bak" fi echo "$e" > "$fe" #start page e="" echo "$e" > "/var/www/index.html" echo "Installer: Copy web server..." rm -Rf /usr/share/yate/scripts/* cp ~/$repo_name/scripts/* /usr/share/yate/scripts -Rf mkdir -p /var/www/kommunikator cp ~/$repo_name/src/* /var/www/kommunikator -Rf cp ~/$repo_name/etc/* /etc -Rf cp ~/$repo_name/misc/* /var/lib/misc -Rf ln -s /var/lib/misc/auto_attendant /var/www/kommunikator/auto_attendant ln -s /var/lib/misc/moh /var/www/kommunikator/moh ln -s /var/lib/misc/records /var/www/kommunikator/records echo "Installer: Trying to generate SSL certificate..." cert_dir="/etc/yate/keys" mkdir -p "${cert_dir}" crt_dir=${cert_dir} key_dir=${cert_dir} csr_dir=${cert_dir} mkdir -p "${key_dir}" mkdir -p "${crt_dir}" key="${key_dir}/komunikator.key" crt="${crt_dir}/komunikator.crt" csr="${csr_dir}/komunikator.csr" answers_csr() { echo -- echo MariEl echo Yoshkar-Ola echo Komunikator.ru echo dev echo echo support@komunikator.ru echo "" echo "" } # check if a new certificate should be generated # generate if certificate is already expired or if it will expire today replace=1 if [ -f "${crt}" ]; then str=`openssl x509 -in ${crt} -enddate -noout` len=${#str} expr_date=`date -u -d"${str:9:len}"` now=`date -u` cmp_dates "${now}" "${expr_date}" && replace=0 fi if [ "${replace}" = 1 ]; then # generate key file openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:freesentral -out "${key}" 1024 2> /dev/null echo "Generating SSL key" answers_csr | openssl req -new -passin pass:freesentral -key "${key}" -out "${csr}" 2> /dev/null echo "Generating SSL csr" cp "${key}" "${key}.orig" openssl rsa -passin pass:freesentral -in "${key}.orig" -out "${key}" 2> /dev/null openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in "${csr}" -signkey "${key}" -out "${crt}" 2> /dev/null rm -f "${key}.orig" rm -f "${csr}" fi echo "Installer: acsess rules..." mkdir -p /var/lib/misc/records/leg chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/misc/moh /var/lib/misc/auto_attendant chown -R yate:yate /var/lib/misc/records /var/lib/misc/records/leg chmod +x /usr/share/yate/scripts/* chmod 755 -R /var/lib/misc/records /var/lib/misc/records/leg echo "yate ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/iptables" >> /etc/sudoers echo "Installer: restart service..." systemctl daemon-reload service yate stop service nginx reload service mysql restart service php7.0-fpm restart service yate start rm -Rf $repo_name