// ==UserScript== // @name Cover Next (Bearbit) // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2.16 // @description tools that will help you see new items and make it easier for you to use the website to load bittorrent. // @author NEKO // @icon https://i.imgur.com/qTvfJSr.png // @match https://www.bearbit.co // @match https://www.bearbit.co/index.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/viewno18.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/viewbr.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/viewno18sb.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/viewno18sbx.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/viewbrsb.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/torrent_day.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/torrent_week.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/torrent_month.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/upfinish.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/downfinish.php* // @match https://www.bearbit.co/details.php* // @match https://bearbit.co // @match https://bearbit.co/index.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/viewno18.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/viewbr.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/viewno18sb.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/viewno18sbx.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/viewbrsb.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/torrent_day.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/torrent_week.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/torrent_month.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/upfinish.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/downfinish.php* // @match https://bearbit.co/details.php* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kon3ko/cover-next/master/dist/cover-next.js?version=2.16 // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kon3ko/cover-next/master/cover-next.user.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kon3ko/cover-next/master/cover-next.user.js // @supportURL https://github.com/kon3ko/cover-next/issues // @connect img.in.th // @connect bpicc.cc // @connect imgtrue.com // @connect imdb.com // @connect 55xo.co // @connect imgur.com // @connect in.th // @connect postto.me // @connect javstore.net // @connect i-pic.info // @connect picstate.com // @connect bpicc.com // @connect roop.xyz // @connect mpic.ws // @connect img.live // @connect shotcan.com // @connect ibb.co // @connect lmgbb.me // @connect 4shared.com // @connect lookimg.com // @connect gstatic.com // @connect wp.com // @connect steamstatic.com // @connect tokopedia.net // @connect 4gamers.com.tw // @connect imgbb.me // @connect clip18zeed.com // @connect mx7.com // @connect youtube.com // @connect youtube.be // @connect 8e88.in.th // @connect clipxxx.live // @connect i-pic.info // @connect thaibuzz.com // @connect imgmak.com // @connect imgbb.me // @connect picz.in.th // @connect 234.in.th // @connect best-story.net // @connect uppic.cc // @connect uppicimg.com // @connect uppic.xyz // @connect gifyu.com // @connect imgvb.com // @connect up-pic.com // @connect pic.4th.in // @connect imagenetz.de // @connect www.imagenetz.de // @connect // @connect * // ==/UserScript==