# Default values for deploy. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. # to reset password: htpasswd -s -b -n internal changeme openshift_prometheus_htpasswd_auth: internal:{SHA}+pvrmeQCmtWmYVOZ57uuITVghrM= openshift_prometheus_basic_auth_pass: changeme # Automatically set OpenShift's in-built prometheus stack as a federation point so Pelorus can use OpenShift metrics in Dashboards federate_openshift_monitoring: enabled: false # metrics_filter: null # federated_prometheus_hosts: # external_prometheus_hosts: # Uncomment this if your cluster serves privately signed certificates # custom_ca: true # Thanos / S3 Storage with noobaa # thanos_bucket_name: thanos # bucket_access_point: s3.pelorus.svc:443 # bucket_access_key: # bucket_secret_access_key: ## Persistent storage for Prometheus Operator # https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/main/Documentation/user-guides/storage.md # Set to true to use PVC for Prometheus prometheus_storage: false # Additional configuration options for Prometheus PVC prometheus_storage_pvc_capacity: 2Gi prometheus_storage_pvc_storageclass: "gp2" # Set Prometheus retention time. Older data values are deleted prometheus_retention: 1y # Set Prometheus retention size. If data grows over old values are deleted # This should be lower of what's defined in the prometheus_storage_pvc_capacity prometheus_retention_size: 1GB exporters: instances: - app_name: deploytime-exporter exporter_type: deploytime - app_name: failuretime-exporter exporter_type: failure enabled: false - app_name: committime-exporter exporter_type: committime - app_name: webhook-exporter exporter_type: webhook # Experimental GitHub releasetime exporter # - app_name: releasetime-exporter # env_from_configmaps: # - pelorus-config # - releasetime-config # env_from_secrets: # - github-secret # extraEnv: # - name: APP_FILE # value: extra/releasetime/app.py