#!/bin/sh -x # Set Check Point profile for library settings! #Author : Korkut Ozcan (08.12.2016) #http://korkutozcan.com # ./etc/profile.d/CP.sh PATH=$PATH:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/opt/CPsuite-R77/fw1/ #Environment & variables # FILENAME="`uname -n`"_"`/bin/date +%m-%d-%Y_%H%M`" MAIL_LOG=/var/tmp/maillog.txt FTP_SERVER="X.X.X.X" FTP_USER="user" FTP_PASS="Password" FTP_LOCAL_DIR=/var/tmp/upgrade_export/ FTP_REMOTE_DIR=/path_to/ SENDMAIL=$FWDIR/bin/sendmail SMTP_SERVER="x.x.x.x" MAIL_SENDER="xxxx@xxxxx.com" MAIL1="xxxxx@xxxx.com" # # ### update system clock ###/usr/sbin/ntpdate # ### create /var/tmp/upgrade_export touch ${MAIL_LOG} mkdir /var/tmp/upgrade_export > ${MAIL_LOG} ### Enter /var/tmp directory # cd /var/tmp/upgrade_export # ### Remove the temp directory if exists rm -rf /var/tmp/upgrade_export/* >> ${MAIL_LOG} # ### Create upgrade_export directory echo "*********${HOSTNAME} Start the backup gateway process************" >> ${MAIL_LOG} mkdir /var/tmp/upgrade_export/$FILENAME >> ${MAIL_LOG} # ### Enter temporary upgrade export directory cd /var/tmp/upgrade_export/$FILENAME >> ${MAIL_LOG} # #Gui client verification if [ -f $FWDIR/tmp/manage.lock ] then BackupError Started:Gui_Client_Connected >> ${MAIL_LOG} fi # ### Gather system important information # echo " " echo " " echo "***Gather system important information***" >> ${MAIL_LOG} echo " " echo " " /bin/set_host >> info.txt /bin/echo ------------- >> info.txt /bin/save_ifconfig >> info.txt /bin/echo ------------- >> info.txt /bin/netstat -rnv >> info.txt /bin/echo ------------- >> info.txt /bin/cat /etc/hosts >> info.txt /bin/echo ------------- >> info.txt /bin/cat /etc/sysconfig/netconf.C >> info.txt /bin/clish -c "show configuration" > ${HOSTNAME}_show_configuration.txt # ### Start the upgrade_export process #echo Y | /opt/CPsuite-R77/fw1/bin/upgrade_tools/upgrade_export $FILENAME >> ${MAIL_LOG} echo "$(date +%H:%M) ---- ${HOSTNAME} Start the upgrade_export process -----" >> ${MAIL_LOG} #${SENDMAIL} -t ${SMTP_SERVER} -s "${HOSTNAME} Upgrade_Export Backup" -f ${MAIL_SENDER} ${MAIL1} < ${MAIL_LOG} ${FWDIR}/bin/upgrade_tools/upgrade_export -n ${FILENAME} >> ${MAIL_LOG} # ### pack up files and zip them up cd /var/tmp/upgrade_export tar -cf $FILENAME.tar $FILENAME gzip $FILENAME.tar # echo "---------------------------" >> ${MAIL_LOG} # #FTP files to backup server ftp -n $FTP_SERVER <> ${MAIL_LOG} user ${FTP_USER} ${FTP_PASS} binary cd ${FTP_REMOTE_DIR} lcd ${FTP_LOCAL_DIR} put ${FILENAME}.tar.gz bye EOC # # #Remove temporary directory rm -vrf $FILENAME >> ${MAIL_LOG} # echo "$(date +%H:%M) ---- ${HOSTNAME} Finished the upgrade_export process -----" >> ${MAIL_LOG} ${SENDMAIL} -t ${SMTP_SERVER} -s "${HOSTNAME} Upgrade_Export Backup" -f ${MAIL_SENDER} ${MAIL1} < ${MAIL_LOG} # ### Remove mail log temporary directory rm -rf $MAIL_LOG} # ### At this point what you may want is to transfer this $FILENAME.tar.gz file ### to a safe external system with Secure Copy Protocol or scp. ### Make sure to use the "admin" account when you get this file from the SCP ### server. ### Enjoy !!!!!! ### copy this file to a scp server ###/usr/bin/scp $FILENAME.tar.gz root@ ### Finish