openapi: "3.0.2" info: title: graphANNIS version: "1" description: > Access the graphANNIS corpora and execute AQL queries with this service. servers: - description: Your local developer service url: http://localhost:5711/v1 security: - bearerAuth: [] paths: /corpora: get: tags: - corpora summary: Get a list of all corpora the user is authorized to use. operationId: listCorpora responses: "200": description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CorpusList" /corpora/{corpus}: delete: tags: - corpora summary: Delete the given corpus. operationId: deleteCorpus parameters: - name: corpus in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "Deletion successful" "404": description: "Corpus was not found" /import: post: tags: - administration summary: Import all corpora which are part of the uploaded ZIP-file description: This will search for all GraphML and relANNIS files in the uploaded ZIP file and imports them. parameters: - name: override_existing in: query description: If true, existing corpora will be overwritten by the uploaded ones. schema: type: boolean default: false requestBody: required: true content: application/octet-stream: schema: type: string format: binary responses: "202": description: Corpus import started. Returns a UUID for the background job which can be used with the `/jobs` endpoint links: getJob: parameters: uuid: "$response.body#/uuid" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ImportResult" /export: post: tags: - administration summary: Get all requested corpora as ZIP-file requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: corpora: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CorpusList" responses: "202": description: Corpus export started. Returns a UUID for the background job which can be used with the `/jobs` endpoint links: getJob: parameters: uuid: "$response.body#/uuid" content: application/json: schema: type: object description: The UUID for the background job. Status can be queried via the /job endpoint and this UUID. properties: uuid: type: string example: 7dac334e-7f8f-4f1c-919e-02912527f329 /jobs/{uuid}: get: tags: - administration operationId: getJob summary: Get the status of the background job with the UUID parameters: - name: uuid in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: "202": description: Job is still running content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Job" "200": description: Job was finished successfully and result can be downloaded from the body "303": description: Job was finished successfully content: application/json: schema: type: array description: The messages produced by the background job. example: [ "started import of corpus GUM", "reading GraphML", "Error during import of GUM: corpus already exists", ] items: type: string "410": description: Job failed content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Job" "404": description: Job not found /search/count: post: tags: - search summary: Count the number of results for a query. operationId: count requestBody: description: The definition of the query to execute. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CountQuery" responses: "200": description: "The extended count result." content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CountExtra" "400": description: "Query could not be parsed or corpus does not exist" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BadRequestError" /search/find: post: tags: - search summary: Find results for a query and return the IDs of the matched nodes. operationId: find requestBody: description: The definition of the query to execute. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FindQuery" responses: "200": description: "The matches for the given query." content: text/plain: schema: type: string format: binary description: A textual representation of a list of matches. Each line describes a complete match. The single match is represented by the space-separated node IDs that matched. example: > GUM/GUM_whow_skittles#tok_925 GUM/GUM_whow_skittles#tok_926 GUM/GUM_whow_skittles#tok_926 GUM/GUM_whow_skittles#tok_927 "400": description: "Query could not be parsed or corpus does not exist" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BadRequestError" /search/frequency: post: tags: - search summary: Find results for a query and return the IDs of the matched nodes. operationId: frequency requestBody: description: The definition of the query to execute. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FrequencyQuery" responses: "200": description: "Frequency of different annotation values as table" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FrequencyTable" "400": description: "Query could not be parsed or corpus does not exist" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BadRequestError" /search/node-descriptions: get: tags: - search summary: Parses a query and returns a description for all the nodes in the query. operationId: nodeDescriptions parameters: - name: query description: The query to parse example: pos="NN" . second#tok schema: type: string in: query - name: query_language schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QueryLanguage" in: query responses: "200": description: "List of query node descriptions" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QueryAttributeDescription" example: - alternative: 0 query_fragment: pos="NN" variable: "1" anno_name: "pos" - alternative: 0 query_fragment: tok variable: "second" anno_name: null "400": description: "Query could not be parsed" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BadRequestError" /corpora/{corpus}/subgraph: post: tags: - corpora summary: Get a subgraph of the corpus format given a list of nodes and a context. operationId: subgraphForNodes description: > This creates a subgraph for node IDs, which can e.g. generated by executing a `find` query. The subgraph contains - the given nodes, - all tokens that are covered by the given nodes, - all tokens left and right in the given context from the tokens covered by the give nodes, - all other nodes covering the tokens of the given context. The annotation graph also includes all edges between the included nodes. parameters: - name: corpus in: path description: The name of the corpus to get the subgraph for. required: true example: "GUM" schema: type: string requestBody: description: The definition of the subgraph to extract. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubgraphWithContext" responses: "200": description: "The subgraph in the GraphML format with the graphANNIS data model." content: application/xml: schema: type: string format: binary examples: subgraph: $ref: "#/components/examples/Subgraph" /corpora/{corpus}/subgraph-for-query: get: tags: - corpora - search summary: Get a subgraph of the corpus format given a list of nodes and a context. operationId: subgraphForQuery description: > This only includes the nodes that are the result of the given query and no context is created automatically. The annotation graph also includes all edges between the included nodes. parameters: - name: corpus in: path description: The name of the corpus to get the subgraph for. required: true example: "GUM" schema: type: string - name: query in: query description: The query which defines the nodes to include. required: true schema: type: string examples: corpusgraph: value: annis:node_type="corpus" summary: "Extract the corpus graph" token: value: tok summary: "All tokens" - name: query_language in: query schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QueryLanguage" - name: component_type_filter in: query description: If given, restricts the included edges to components with the given type. schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AnnotationComponentType" responses: "200": description: "The subgraph in the GraphML format with the graphANNIS data model." content: application/xml: schema: type: string format: binary examples: subgraph: $ref: "#/components/examples/Subgraph" /corpora/{corpus}/configuration: get: tags: - corpora summary: Get the corpus configuration object. operationId: corpusConfiguration description: The corpus configuration is created by the corpus authors to configure how the corpus should be displayed in query engines and visualizers. parameters: - name: corpus in: path description: The name of the corpus to get the configuration for. required: true example: "GUM" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "OK" content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CorpusConfiguration" "404": description: "Corpus not found or access to corpus not allowed" /corpora/{corpus}/node-annotations: get: tags: - corpora summary: List all node annotations of the corpus. operationId: nodeAnnotations parameters: - name: corpus in: path description: The name of the corpus to get the configuration for. required: true example: "GUM" schema: type: string - name: list_values in: query description: If true, possible values are returned. schema: type: boolean default: false - name: only_most_frequent_values in: query description: If true, only the most frequent value per annotation is returned. schema: type: boolean default: false responses: "200": description: "The list of annotations" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Annotation" "404": description: "Corpus not found or access to corpus not allowed" /corpora/{corpus}/components: get: tags: - corpora summary: List all edge components of the corpus. operationId: components parameters: - name: corpus in: path description: The name of the corpus to get the components for. required: true example: "GUM" schema: type: string - name: type in: query description: Only return components with this type. example: Dominance schema: type: string - name: name in: query description: Only return components with this name. example: edge schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "The list of components" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Component" "404": description: "Corpus not found or access to corpus not allowed" /corpora/{corpus}/edge-annotations/{type}/{layer}/{name}/: get: tags: - corpora summary: List all annotations of the corpus for a given edge component operationId: edgeAnnotations parameters: - name: corpus in: path description: The name of the corpus to get the configuration for. required: true example: "GUM" schema: type: string - name: type in: path description: The component type. required: true example: "Dominance" schema: type: string - name: layer in: path description: The component layer. required: true example: "const" schema: type: string - name: name in: path description: The component name. required: true example: "edge" schema: type: string - name: list_values in: query description: If true, possible values are returned. schema: type: boolean default: false - name: only_most_frequent_values in: query description: If true, only the most frequent value per annotation is returned. schema: type: boolean default: false responses: "200": description: "The list of annotations" content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Annotation" "404": description: "Corpus not found or access to corpus not allowed" /corpora/{corpus}/files: get: tags: - corpora summary: List the names of all associated file for the corpus. operationId: listFiles parameters: - name: corpus in: path description: The name of the corpus to get the configuration for. required: true example: "RIDGES_Herbology_Version9.0" schema: type: string - name: node in: query description: If given, only the files for the (sub-) corpus or document with this ID are returned. required: false schema: type: string example: "GUM/GUM_whow_skittles" responses: "200": description: "Returns the list of files" content: default: schema: type: array items: type: string example: - "RIDGES_Herbology_Version9.0/ridges_norm.config" - "RIDGES_Herbology_Version9.0/ridges_norm.css" /corpora/{corpus}/files/{name}: get: tags: - corpora summary: Get an associated file for the corpus by its name. operationId: getFile description: > The annotation graph of a corpus can contain special nodes of the type "file", which are connected to (sub-) corpus and document nodes with a `PartOf` relation. This endpoint allows to access the content of these file nodes. It supports [HTTP range requests]( if you only need to access parts of the file. parameters: - name: corpus in: path description: The name of the corpus to get the configuration for. required: true example: "RIDGES_Herbology_Version9.0" schema: type: string - name: name in: path description: The name of the file node. required: true example: "RIDGES_Herbology_Version9.0/ridges_norm.config" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: "Returns the content of the requested file." content: default: schema: type: string format: binary "404": description: "Corpus or file not found." /groups: get: summary: Get all available user groups operationId: listGroups tags: - administration responses: "200": description: All available user groups with their name and the corpora the user is allowed to access. content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Group" "403": description: Access is forbidden if the requesting client does not have administrator privileges. /groups/{name}: put: summary: Add or replace the user group given by its name operationId: putGroup tags: - administration parameters: - name: "name" in: path required: true example: "academic" schema: type: string requestBody: description: The group to add required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Group" responses: "200": description: Group was added or replaced successfully. "403": description: Access is forbidden if the requesting client does not have administrator privileges. delete: summary: Delete the user group given by its name operationId: deleteGroup tags: - administration parameters: - name: "name" in: path required: true example: "academic" schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Group was deleted successfully. "403": description: Access is forbidden if the requesting client does not have administrator privileges. components: securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT schemas: CorpusList: description: List of corpus names/identifiers. type: array items: type: string example: [GUM, pcc2.1] QueryLanguage: type: string enum: [AQL, AQLQuirksV3] default: AQL CountQuery: type: object description: Query definition for counting matches. properties: query: type: string description: The query to execute. example: tok query_language: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QueryLanguage" corpora: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CorpusList" FindQuery: type: object description: Query definition to find matches properties: query: type: string description: The query to execute. example: tok query_language: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QueryLanguage" corpora: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CorpusList" limit: type: integer nullable: true default: null description: Return at most `n` matches, where `n` is the limit. Use `null` to allow unlimited result sizes. example: 10 offset: type: integer default: 0 description: Skip the `n` first results, where `n` is the offset. order: type: string default: Normal enum: - Normal - Inverted - Randomized - NotSorted FrequencyQuery: type: object description: Query definition to find matches properties: query: type: string description: The query to execute. example: root#const:cat=/(ROOT|S)/ query_language: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QueryLanguage" corpora: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CorpusList" definition: type: array items: type: object properties: ns: description: The namespace of the annotation from which the attribute value is generated. type: string default: null nullable: true example: const name: description: The name of the annotation from which the attribute value is generated. type: string nullable: false example: cat node_ref: description: The name of the query node from which the attribute value is generated. type: string nullable: false example: "root" SubgraphWithContext: type: object description: Defines a subgraph of an annotation graph using node IDs and a context. properties: node_ids: description: A list of node IDs that should be part of the subgraph. type: array items: type: string example: [GUM/GUM_whow_skittles#tok_925, GUM/GUM_whow_skittles#tok_926] segmentation: description: Segmentation to use for defining the context, Set to null or omit it if tokens should be used. type: string nullable: true default: null example: null left: description: Left context size. type: integer default: 0 example: 5 right: description: Right context size. type: integer default: 0 example: 5 CountExtra: type: object description: Contains the extended results of the count query. properties: match_count: type: integer description: Total number of matches. example: 79017 document_count: type: integer description: Number of documents with at least one match. example: 230 AnnoKey: description: Qualified name for annotation type: object properties: name: description: Name of the annotation. type: string example: pos ns: description: Namespace of the annotation. type: string example: stts Annotation: description: An annotation with a qualified name and a value. type: object properties: key: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AnnoKey" val: description: Value of the annotation type: string example: VVFIN Component: description: Definition of an edge component type: object properties: type: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AnnotationComponentType" name: description: Name of the component type: string example: dep layer: description: A layer name which allows to group different components into the same layer. Can be the empty string. type: string example: conll AnnotationComponentType: description: Type of component used for linguistic annotations. type: string enum: - Coverage - Dominance - Pointing - Ordering - LeftToken - RightToken - PartOf QueryAttributeDescription: description: Description of an attribute of a query. type: object properties: alternative: type: integer description: ID of the alternative this attribute is part of. query_fragment: type: string description: Textual representation of the query fragment for this attribute. variable: type: string description: Variable name of this attribute. anno_name: type: string nullable: true description: Optional annotation name represented by this attribute. optional: type: boolean nullable: true description: States whether this attribute is optional. LineColumn: type: object properties: line: type: integer column: type: integer LineColumnRange: type: object properties: start: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LineColumn" end: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LineColumn" required: - start BadRequestError: type: object properties: AQLSyntaxError: type: object properties: desc: type: string location: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LineColumnRange" required: - desc AQLSemanticError: type: object properties: desc: type: string location: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LineColumnRange" required: - desc ImpossibleSearch: type: string UUID: type: string IllegalNodePath: type: string FrequencyTable: description: > Definition of the result of a `frequency` query. This is an array of rows, and each row is an array of columns with the different attribute values and a number of matches having this combination of attribute values. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/FrequencyTableRow" FrequencyTableRow: type: object properties: values: type: array items: type: string example: ["S"] count: type: integer example: 5197 CorpusConfiguration: type: object properties: context: type: object description: Configuration for configuring context in subgraph queries. properties: default: type: integer description: The default context size. sizes: type: array items: type: integer description: Available context sizes to choose from. example: [1, 2, 5, 10] max: type: integer description: If set, a maximum context size which should be enforced by the query system. example: 25 segmentation: type: string description: Default segmentation to use for defining the context, Set to null or omit it if tokens should be used. example: dipl view: type: object description: Configuration how the results of a query should be shown properties: base_text_segmentation: type: string description: Default segmentation to use for the displaying the text, Set to null or omit it if tokens should be used. example: dipl page_size: type: integer description: Default number of results to show at once for paginated queries. example: 10 hidden_annos: type: array items: type: string description: A list of fully qualified annotation names that should be hidden when displayed. corpus_annotation_order: type: array items: type: string description: > A sorted list of fully qualified annotation names. When showing (metadata) annotations for a (sub)-corpus, the given annotations should be displayed first and in the given order. Annotations not listed should be appended in alphabetical order to the given entries. timeline_strategy: type: object description: Configure strategy on how to display virtual tokenizations that mimic a timeline. properties: strategy: type: string description: > Which strategy to apply. - Explicit: Do not assume any relation between spans and segmentation nodes if not explicitly given by a `Coverage` edge). - ImplicitFromNamespace: Use the namespace of an annotated span to map them to a segmentation node. - ImplicitFromMapping: Map qualified annotation names (e.g. `speaker1::pause`) to the segmentation names. enum: - Explicit - ImplicitFromNamespace - ImplicitFromMapping example: ImplicitFromMapping mappings: type: object description: "When ImplicitFromMapping' is select, mappings with the annotation name as key and the corresponding segmentation as value" example: "annotation::bound_head": "tok_anno" "annotation::bound_sent": "tok_anno" "annotation::posMWU": "tok_anno" "layout::column": "tok_dipl" "layout::line": "tok_dipl" "layout::page": "tok_dipl" corpus_size: type: object description: "Manually curated information about the size of the corpus." properties: quantity: type: integer description: The actual number describing the size of the corpus." example: 500000 unit: type: object required: ["name"] properties: name: type: string enum: ["tokens", "segmentation"] example: "segmentation" value: type: string description: "For the 'segmentation' type the name of the segmentation." example: "dipl" example_queries: type: array description: An array of example queries for the corpus with a description. items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ExampleQuery" visualizers: type: array description: An array of rules which visualizers to show for the search results. items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/VisualizerRule" ExampleQuery: type: object properties: query: type: string description: type: string query_language: $ref: "#/components/schemas/QueryLanguage" VisualizerRule: type: object description: A rule when to trigger a visualizer for a specific result. properties: element: description: On which element type to trigger the visualizer on type: string enum: [node, edge] layer: description: > In which layer the element needs to be part of to trigger this visualizer. Only relevant for edges, since only they are part of layers. If not given, elements of all layers trigger this visualization. type: string vis_type: description: The abstract type of visualization, e.g. "tree", "discourse", "grid", ... type: string display_name: description: A text displayed to the user describing this visualization type: string visibility: description: The default display state of the visualizer before any user interaction. type: string enum: [hidden, visible, permanent, preloaded] mappings: description: Additional configuration given as generic map of key values to the visualizer. type: object additionalProperties: type: string Group: type: object properties: name: type: string example: "academic" corpora: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CorpusList" Job: type: object properties: job_type: type: string enum: - Import - Export status: type: string enum: - Running - Failed - Finished messages: type: array items: type: string example: [ "started import of corpus GUM", "reading GraphML", "Error during import of GUM: corpus already exists", ] ImportResult: type: object description: The UUID for the background job. Status can be queried via the /job endpoint and this UUID. properties: uuid: type: string example: 7dac334e-7f8f-4f1c-919e-02912527f329 examples: Subgraph: value: > node const PP node default_ns for prep IN IN PRP for node default_ns a det DT DT AT0 a