#!/usr/bin/env bash # apt-cyg: install tool for cygwin similar to debian apt-get # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2013 Trans-code Design # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # shopt -s extglob # EMBED_BEGIN: hhs_embed (( 5 <= DEBUG )) && set -x SCRIPT_PATH="$0" SCRIPT_FILE="${SCRIPT_PATH##*/}" SCRIPT_NAME="${SCRIPT_FILE%.*}" SCRIPT_DIR="${SCRIPT_PATH%/*}" SCRIPT_REALPATH="$(readlink -f "$SCRIPT_PATH")" SCRIPT_REALFILE="${SCRIPT_REALPATH##*/}" SCRIPT_REALNAME="${SCRIPT_REALFILE%.*}" SCRIPT_REALDIR="${SCRIPT_REALPATH%/*}" # EMBED_BEGIN: hhs_sgr.bash function init_SGR () { if [ -n "$COLORIZE" ]; then SGR_reset="\e[0m" SGR_bold="\e[1m" SGR_fg_red="\e[31m" SGR_fg_green="\e[32m" SGR_fg_yellow="\e[33m" SGR_fg_blue="\e[34m" SGR_fg_magenta="\e[35m" else unset SGR_reset SGR_bold SGR_red SGR_green SGR_yellow SGR_blue SGR_magenta fi FATAL_COLOR="${SGR_fg_magenta}${SGR_bold}" ERROR_COLOR="${SGR_fg_red}${SGR_bold}" WARNING_COLOR="${SGR_fg_yellow}${SGR_bold}" INFO_COLOR="${SGR_fg_green}${SGR_bold}" DEBUG_COLOR="${SGR_fg_blue}${SGR_bold}" } # EMBED_END: hhs_sgr.bash # EMBED_BEGIN: hhs_debug.bash THRESHOLD_OF_FATAL=0 THRESHOLD_OF_ERROR=1 THRESHOLD_OF_WARNING=2 THRESHOLD_OF_INFO=3 THRESHOLD_OF_DEBUG=4 function abort () #= [EXITCODE=1 [CALLSTACKSKIP=0]] { dump_callstack $(( 2 + ${2:-0} )) exit "${1:-1}" } function dump_callstack () #= [N=1] #? N is a depth to skip the callstack. #? $CALLSTACK_SKIP is depth to skip the callstack too. #? N and CALLSTACK_SKIP is summed before skipping. #? The default value is N = 1 and CALLSTACK_SKIP = 0. { local i echo "Callstack:" for i in `seq "$(( ${#FUNCNAME[@]} - 1 ))" -1 $(( ${1:-1} + ${CALLSTACK_SKIP:-0} ))`; do echo -e "\t${BASH_SOURCE[i]}: ${FUNCNAME[i]}: ${BASH_LINENO[i-1]}" done } #/dump_callstack function source_at () #= [N=1] { local i=${1:-1} echo -e "${DEBUG_COLOR}at :${SGR_reset} ${BASH_SOURCE[i-1]}: ${FUNCNAME[i]}: ${BASH_LINENO[i-1]}" } function fatal () #= [MESSAGES ...] { (( THRESHOLD_OF_FATAL <= ${VERBOSE:-0} )) || return 1 echo -e "${FATAL_COLOR}Fatal:${SGR_reset} $@" (( THRESHOLD_OF_FATAL <= SOURCE_AT )) && source_at 2 } >&2 #/fatal function error () #= [MESSAGES ...] { (( THRESHOLD_OF_ERROR <= ${VERBOSE:-0} )) || return 1 echo -e "${ERROR_COLOR}Error:${SGR_reset} $@" (( THRESHOLD_OF_ERROR <= SOURCE_AT )) && source_at 2 } >&2 #/error function warning () #= [MESSAGES ...] { (( THRESHOLD_OF_WARNING <= ${VERBOSE:-0} )) || return 1 echo -e "${WARNING_COLOR}Warning:${SGR_reset} $@" (( THRESHOLD_OF_WARNING <= SOURCE_AT )) && source_at 2 } >&2 #/warning function info () #= [MESSAGES ...] { (( THRESHOLD_OF_INFO <= ${VERBOSE:-0} )) || return 1 echo -e "${INFO_COLOR}Info:${SGR_reset} $@" (( THRESHOLD_OF_INFO <= SOURCE_AT )) && source_at 2 } >&2 #/info function debug () #= [MESSAGES ...] { (( THRESHOLD_OF_DEBUG <= ${VERBOSE:-0} )) || return 1 echo -e "${DEBUG_COLOR}Debug:${SGR_reset} $@" (( THRESHOLD_OF_DEBUG <= SOURCE_AT )) && source_at 2 } >&2 #/debug # EMBED_END: hhs_debug.bash : ${VERBOSE:=$THRESHOLD_OF_WARNING} : ${SOURCE_AT:=$THRESHOLD_OF_WARNING} : ${COLORIZE:=1} init_SGR # EMBED_END: hhs_embed TRUSTEDKEYS=( CYGWIN ); # ./pubring.asc # ------------ # pub 4096R/E2E56300 2020-02-27 [expires: 2026-02-27] # uid Cygwin TRUSTEDKEY_CYGWIN_SUM="05db5174c02a4359a4caf7765d0fd894f2ec8f025b97aec5e4408aa1d17a2e27f65b6d70e9faba87ed1eca661643b0608ddc33047c066a3f50c222ccc28e306e" TRUSTEDKEY_CYGWIN_FPR="56405CF6FCC81574682A5D561A698DE9E2E56300" TRUSTEDKEY_CYGWIN_URL_LATEST="https://cygwin.com/key/pubring.asc" # this script requires some packages read WGET < <( type -p wget 2>/dev/null ) read TAR < <( type -p tar 2>/dev/null ) read GAWK < <( type -p awk 2>/dev/null ) read ICONV < <( type -p iconv 2>/dev/null ) read GPG < <( type -p gpg2 2>/dev/null || type -p gpg 2>/dev/null ) if [ -z "$WGET" -o -z "$TAR" -o -z "$GAWK" -o -z "$ICONV" ]; then echo You must install wget, tar, gawk and libiconv to use apt-cyg. exit 1 fi function usage() { cat<<-EOD Usage: apt-cyg [] [ [ ...]] Installs and removes Cygwin packages. Subcommands: install : to install packages remove : to remove packages update : to update setup.ini show : to show installed packages find ... : to find packages matching patterns describe ... : to describe packages matching patterns packageof ... : to locate parent packages pathof {cache|mirror|mirros|mirrordir|cache/mirrordir|setup.ini} : to show path key-add ... : to add keys contained in key-del ... : to remove keys key-list : to list keys key-finger : to list fingerprints upgrade-self : to upgrade apt-cyg depends ... : to show forward dependency information for packages with depth. rdepends ... : to show reverse dependency information for packages with depth. completion-install : to install completion. completion-uninstall : to uninstall completion. mirrors-list : to show list of mirros. mirrors-list-long : to show list of mirros with full details. mirrors-list-online : to show list of mirros from online. benchmark-mirrors ... : to benchmark mirrors. benchmark-parallel-mirrors ... : to benchmark mirrors in parallel. benchmark-parallel-mirrors-list : to benchmark mirrors-list in parallel. scriptinfo : to show script information. show-packages-busyness ... : to show packages are busy or not. dist-upgrade : to upgrade all packages that is installed. This subcommand uses setup.exe update-setup : to update setup.exe setup [ ...] : to call setup.exe packages-total-count : count number of total packages from setup.ini packages-total-size [] : count size of total packages from setup.ini packages-cached-count : count number of cached packages in cache/mirrordir. packages-cached-size : count size of cached packages in cache/mirrordir. repair-acl : repair acl. repair-postinstall : Repair postinstall scripts. source ... : download source archive. mirror-source ... : download the source package into the current cache/mirrordir as mirror. download ... : download the binary package into the current directory. mirror ... : download the binary package into the current cache/mirrordir as mirror. browse-homepage-with-mirror-source [ ...] : Browse homepages of packages with mirror-source. browse-homepage [ ...] : Browse homepages of packages. browse-summary [ ...] : Browse summaries of packages. listfiles [ ...] : List files 'owned' by package(s). get-proxy : Get proxies for eval. ls-categories : List categories. ls-pkg-with-category : List packages with category. category : List all packages in given . setuprc-get
: Get section from 'setup.rc'. set-cache [] : Set cache. set-mirror [ ...] : Set mirror. Note: setup-x86{,_64}.exe uses all of them but currently apt-cyg uses the first one only. mark-auto [ ...] : Mark the given packages as automatically installed. mark-manual [ ...] : Mark the given packages as manually installed. mark-showauto : Print the list of automatically installed packages. mark-showmanual : Print the list of manually installed packages. call [ [ ...]] : Call internal function in apt-cyg. time [ [ ...]] : Report time consumed to call internal function in apt-cyg. filelist [] : File list like apt-file list. filesearch [] : File search like apt-file search. Options: --ag : use the silver searcher (currently work only at packageof subcommand) --benchmark-timeout : Truncate items that take longer than when benchmarking. --ignore-case, -i : ignore case distinctions for --force-remove : force remove --force-fetch-trustedkeys : force fetch trustedkeys --force-update-packageof-cache : force update packageof cache --no-verify, -X : Don't verify setup.ini signatures --no-check-certificate : Don't validate the server's certificate --no-update-setup : Don't update setup.exe --no-header : Don't print header --proxy, -p {auto|inherit|none|} : set proxy (default: \${APT_CYG_PROXY:-auto}) --completion-get-subcommand : get subcommand (for completion internal use) --completion-disable-autoupdate : disable completion autoupdate --max-jobs, -j : Run jobs in parallel --mirror, -m : set mirror --mirror-index, -M : choose mirror from last-mirror list. is 0-based index in last-mirror. --cache, -c : set cache --file, -f : read package names from --noupdate, -u : don't update setup.ini from mirror --ipv4, -4 : wget prefer ipv4 --no-progress : hide the progress bar in any verbosity mode --quiet, -q : quiet (no output) --verbose, -v : verbose --help : Display help and exit --version : Display version and exit EOD } function git_status () { local origin status [ ! -d "${SCRIPT_REALDIR%/}/.git" ] && return 1 pushd "${SCRIPT_REALDIR}" >/dev/null echo origin="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" && echo "origin: $origin" echo "commit: $(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%ai %h%d")" status="$(git status --short "${SCRIPT_REALNAME}")" [ -n "$status" ] && echo "status: $status" popd >/dev/null } function version () { cat<<-EOD kou1okada/apt-cyg forked from transcode-open/apt-cyg$(git_status) This script is based on apt-cyg version 0.57 Copyright (c) 2005-9 Stephen Jungels. Released under the GPL. Copyright (c) 2013-7 Stephen Jungels. Republished under the MIT license. EOD } # Usage: verbose [level [msg ...]] function verbose () { (( OPT_VERBOSE_LEVEL < "${1:-1}" )) && return (( 1 < $# )) && echo "${@:2}" || cat } >&2 # Usage: verbosefor [level] function verbosefor () { (( OPT_VERBOSE_LEVEL < ${1:-1} )) && echo /dev/null || echo /dev/stderr } function update_verbosefor () { local i for i in {0..5}; do (( OPT_VERBOSE_LEVEL < i )) && verbosefor[i]=/dev/null || verbosefor[i]=/dev/stderr done } function detect_field_width () # Read stdin and detect field width. # Return NF+2 values as follorwing: # w(0) w(1) w(2) ... w(NF) sum(w(1),w(2), ..., w(NF))+NF-1 # Now NF is a number of fields, # w(x) is a function of maxium width of field x th # (note that 0 does not mean the field but the whole line) # and sum(v1,v2, ..., vn) is a function to sum all arguments. { awk ' function max(a,b){return a [ ...] # Join strings with separator. # Note that separator must be single character. # If you want separator with multiple character, use join_str_ex. { (IFS="$1"; printf "%s" "${*:2}") } function join_str_ex () # [ ...] # Join strings with separator. # Different for join_str the separator can take multiple character. { local str="$(join_str $'\x1c' "${@:2}")" printf "%s" "${str//$'\x1c'/$1}" } function split_str () # [ ...] # Split strings with separator. { local str=( "${@:2}" ) (IFS=$'\n'; printf "%s" "${str[*]//$1/$'\n'}") } function join_str_uniq () # [ ...] # Append values to head of joined strings. { local str readarray -t str < <(split_str "$@" | uniqex) join_str "$1" "${str[@]}" } function mkdirp () # { [ -d "$1" ] || mkdir -p "$1" || { error "mkdir failed: $1"; exit 1; } } function mktmpfn () # -v # Temporary filename { printf ${@:1:2} "/tmp/${SCRIPT_NAME}.$$.%04x%04x" $RANDOM $RANDOM } function init_comspec () { : ${SYSTEMPATH:=$(join_str_uniq : "$(cygpath -u "${SYSTEMROOT:-$WINDIR}")"{/system32,} "$PATH")} } function comspec () # [ ...] # Call $COMSPEC. { init_comspec PATH="$SYSTEMPATH" "$(cygpath "$COMSPEC")" "$@" } function cygstart () # [ ...] { init_comspec PATH="$SYSTEMPATH" cygstart.exe "$@" } function update_cache_for_mirrors_list_online () { pushd "$apt_cyg_cachedir" >/dev/null wget -qN https://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst popd >/dev/null } function is_official_mirrors_of_cygwin () # ... # Check whether are listed in official mirrors list of cygwin. # Official mirros list provides on https://cygwin.com/mirrors.html. # Args: # : URLs of the cygwin mirror. # Return: # Return zero if all mirrors are known, non-zero otherwise. { local mirror local result=0 local local_list="$(apt-cyg-mirrors-list)" local online_list="$(apt-cyg-mirrors-list-online)" for mirror; do if ! grep -q "$mirror" <<< "$local_list"; then warning "/etc/setup/setup.rc doesn't know your mirror: ${SGR_bold}$mirror${SGR_reset}" >&2 result=1 fi if ! grep -q "$mirror" <<< "$online_list"; then warning "Official mirrors.lst doesn't know your mirror: ${SGR_bold}$mirror${SGR_reset}" >&2 result=1 fi done return $result } function mirror_to_mirrordir () # { local tmp="${1//:/%3a}" echo "${tmp//\//%2f}" } function get_utf8_setuprc () { local utf8_setuprc="$apt_cyg_cachedir/setup.rc.utf8" mkdirp "$apt_cyg_cachedir" [ "$utf8_setuprc" -nt /etc/setup/setup.rc ] && { cat "$utf8_setuprc" } || { cp2utf8 /etc/setup/setup.rc | tee "$utf8_setuprc" } } function setuprc_import_sections () #
... { local IFS="|" get_utf8_setuprc \ | awk -vRS='\n\\<|\n\\'\' -vFS='\n\t' -vsections="^${*//\\/\\\\}$" ' match($1, sections) { s = gensub(/-/, "_", "g", $1) "=(" for(i = 2; i <= NF; i++) s = s " \x27" $i "\x27"; s = s " )"; print s; } ' } function setuprc_get_section () #
{ get_utf8_setuprc \ | awk -vRS='\n\\<|\n\\'\' -vFS='\n\t' -vsection="${1//\\/\\\\}" ' $1 == section {for(i = 2; i <= NF; i++) print $i;} ' } function setuprc_set_section () #
[ ...] { local s="$(join_str_ex $'\n\t' "${@}")" local setuprc="/etc/setup/setup.rc" local setuprc_bak="${setuprc},$(date -r "$setuprc" "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")" cp -a "$setuprc" "$setuprc_bak" cp2utf8 "$setuprc_bak" \ | awk -vRS='\n\\<|\n\\'\' -vFS='\n\t' -vsection="${1//\\/\\\\}" -vs="${s//\\/\\\\}" ' $1 != section $1 == section {print s; done=1;} END {if(!done) print s;} ' \ | utf82cp > "$setuprc" } function set_cachefile () # # Set filename of cachevars to $cachefile. # Returns: # $cachefile : Overwrite with filename of cachevars. # Note: # This is internal function for load_vars_from_cache and save_vars_to_cache. { cachefile="$apt_cyg_cachedir/cache_for_vars_of_${FUNCNAME[2]}" } function load_vars_from_cache () # [ ...] || { init_vars ...; save_vars_to_cache [ ...]; } # restore vars from cache. { local cachefile; set_cachefile local i set -- "$SCRIPT_PATH" "$@" for i; do [ "$cachefile" -nt "$i" ] || return 1; done source "$cachefile" } function save_vars_to_cache () # [ ...] # save vars to cache. { local cachefile; set_cachefile declare -p "$@" | sed -E 's/^declare .. //g' >"$cachefile" } function findworkspace() { local cachevars=( last_cache last_mirror mirror cache arch mirrordir ) load_vars_from_cache /etc/setup/setup.rc || { eval "$(setuprc_import_sections last-cache last-mirror)" mirror=( "${last_mirror[@]}" ) cache="$(cygpath -au "$last_cache")" cache=( "${cache[@]/%*(\/)/}" ) mirror=( "${mirror[@]/%*(\/)/}" ) readarray -t mirrordir < <(mirror_to_mirrordir "${mirror[@]/%/\/}" ) save_vars_to_cache "${cachevars[@]}" } [ -z "$OPT_MIRROR_INDEX" ] || { [[ $OPT_MIRROR_INDEX =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || { error "--mirror-index, -M must be 0 <= n: n = $OPT_MIRROR_INDEX"; exit 1; } mirror=( "${mirror[@]:OPT_MIRROR_INDEX:1}" "${mirror[@]:0:OPT_MIRROR_INDEX}" "${mirror[@]:OPT_MIRROR_INDEX+1}" ) readarray -t mirrordir < <(mirror_to_mirrordir "${mirror[@]/%/\/}" ) } verbose 1 "Cache directory is $cache" verbose 1 "Mirror is $mirror" mkdirp "$cache/$mirrordir/$arch" cd "$cache/$mirrordir/$arch" init_gnupg fetch_trustedkeys } function download_and_verify () # { local urls=( "$1"{,.sig} ) wget -N "${urls[@]}" || return 1 if [ -z "$no_verify" ]; then [ -e "${1##*/}.sig" ] && verify_signatures "${1##*/}.sig" || return 1 fi [ -e "${1##*/}" ] } function files_backup () { local file for file; do [ -e "${file}~" ] && mv "${file}~" "${file}" [ -e "${file}" ] && cp -a "${file}" "${file}~" done } function files_restore () { local file for file; do [ -e "${file}" ] && rm "${file}" [ -e "${file}~" ] && mv "${file}~" "${file}" done } function files_backup_clean () { local file for file; do [ -e "${file}~" ] && rm "${file}~" done } function setupini_download () { local BASEDIR="$cache/$mirrordir/$arch" mkdirp "$BASEDIR" [ $noscripts -ne 0 -o $noupdate -ne 0 ] && return pushd "$BASEDIR" > /dev/null files_backup setup.{zst,xz,bz2,ini}{,.sig} while true; do verbose 1 "Updating setup.ini" false \ || { download_and_verify "$mirror/$arch/setup.zst" && { zstd -dfkq setup.zst && mv setup{,.ini} && rm -f setup.ini.sig || ! rm -fv setup.zst; }; } \ || { download_and_verify "$mirror/$arch/setup.xz" && { xz -dfk setup.xz && mv setup{,.ini} && rm -f setup.ini.sig || ! rm -fv setup.xz; }; } \ || { download_and_verify "$mirror/$arch/setup.bz2" && { bzip2 -dfk setup.bz2 && mv setup{,.ini} && rm -f setup.ini.sig || ! rm -fv setup.bz2; }; } \ || download_and_verify "$mirror/$arch/setup.ini" || break files_backup_clean setup.{zst,xz,bz2,ini}{,.sig} popd > /dev/null verbose 1 "Updated setup.ini" return done files_restore setup.{zst,xz,bz2,ini}{,.sig} popd > /dev/null error "updating setup.ini failed, reverting." return 1 } function getsetup () { setupini_download || return 1 } function checkpackages() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo Nothing to do, exiting exit 0 fi } function init_gnupg () { [ -z "$GPG" -o -n "$no_verify" ] && return export GNUPGHOME="$cache/.apt-cyg" if [ ! -d "$GNUPGHOME" ]; then if ! { mkdir -p "$GNUPGHOME" && chmod 700 "$GNUPGHOME"; } then error "Cannot initialize directory: $GNUPGHOME" exit 1 fi fi } # Usage: ask_user [MESSAGE [OPTIONS]] function ask_user () { local answer retcode option local MESSAGE="$1" local OPTIONS="${2:-y/N}" local DEFAULT="$(echo "$OPTIONS" | awk -v FS=/ '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if(match(substr($i,1,1),/[A-Z]/)){print $i; exit}}')" local SPLIT_OPTIONS readarray -t SPLIT_OPTIONS < <(echo "$OPTIONS" | sed -e 's:/:\n:g') while true; do echo -n "${MESSAGE}${MESSAGE:+ }[${OPTIONS}] " read answer retcode=0 for option in "${SPLIT_OPTIONS[@]}"; do if [ "$option" = "${answer:-$DEFAULT}" ]; then return $retcode fi retcode=$(( retcode + 1 )) done done } unset INIT_WGET function init_wget () { [ -n "$INIT_WGET" ] && return eval "$( "$WGET" --help \ |& awk ' /--show-progres/{print "HAVE_SHOW_PROGRESS=--show-progress"} /--no-verbose/ {print "HAVE_NO_VERBOSE=--no-verbose"} ')" (( OPT_VERBOSE_LEVEL < 0 )) && WGET+=( --quiet ) || \ (( OPT_VERBOSE_LEVEL < 1 )) && WGET+=( --quiet $HAVE_SHOW_PROGRESS ) || \ (( OPT_VERBOSE_LEVEL < 2 )) && WGET+=( $HAVE_NO_VERBOSE $HAVE_SHOW_PROGRESS ) proxy_setup INIT_WGET=DONE } function wget () { init_wget "${WGET[@]}" "$@" } # Reference: # https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/wget.html#Exit-Status # Usage: wget-exitstatus EXITSTATUS function wget-exitstatus () { case $1 in 0) echo "No problems occurred.";; 1) echo "Generic error code.";; 2) echo "Parse error?for instance, when parsing command-line options, the '.wgetrc' or '.netrc'...";; 3) echo "File I/O error.";; 4) echo "Network failure.";; 5) echo "SSL verification failure.";; 6) echo "Username/password authentication failure.";; 7) echo "Protocol errors.";; 8) echo "Server issued an error response.";; *) echo "Unknown errors.";; esac } function wget_advice () { local status=${1:-$?} case $status in 5) echo "If you can tolerate security risks, use --no-certification option." ;; esac return $status } # Usage: get_advice cmd function get_advice () { local status=${2:-$?} type "${1}_advice" >&/dev/nul && { ( exit $status ); "${1}_advice"; } return $status } # Usage: push_advice cmd function push_advice () { local status=${2:-$?} ADVICE+=( "$( get_advice "${1}_advice")" ) return $status } function show_advice () { local i for i in "${ADVICE[@]}"; do echo "$i" >&2 done } # Usage: wget_and_hash_check label hash url file function wget_and_hash_check () { local LABEL="$1" local SUM="$2" local URL="$3" local FILE="$4" if ! { wget "$URL" -O "$FILE" || get_advice wget; }; then echo "$LABEL: FAILED: Could not download $URL." return 1 fi if ! hash_check <<<"$SUM *$FILE" >&/dev/null; then echo "$LABEL: FAILED: Hash does not match $URL." return 2 fi echo "$LABEL: OK" } function get_gpg_fingerprint_to_assoc () # { local -n result="$1" local line lines readarray -t lines < <("${GPG[@]}" --with-colons --fingerprint) for line in "${lines[@]}"; do [[ "$line" =~ ^fpr:+([0-9A-Za-z]+):* ]] && result[${BASH_REMATCH[1]}]=1 done } function fetch_trustedkeys () { [ -z "$GPG" -o -n "$no_verify" ] && return local i local FILE ; mktmpfn -v FILE local FILE_LATEST; mktmpfn -v FILE_LATEST local -A FPRS_assoc; get_gpg_fingerprint_to_assoc FPRS_assoc for i in "${TRUSTEDKEYS[@]}"; do local LABEL="TRUSTEDKEY_${i}" local -n SUM="${LABEL}_SUM" local -n FPR="${LABEL}_FPR" local -n URL="${LABEL}_URL" local -n URL_LATEST="${LABEL}_URL_LATEST" local CASE="" if [ -z "$force_fetch_trustedkeys" -a -n "${FPRS_assoc[$FPR]}" ]; then continue fi if [ -n "$URL" ]; then wget_and_hash_check "$LABEL" "$SUM" "$URL" "$FILE" CASE+="$?" else CASE+="-" fi if [ -n "$URL_LATEST" ]; then wget_and_hash_check "$LABEL" "$SUM" "$URL_LATEST" "$FILE_LATEST" CASE+="$?" else CASE+="-" fi case "$CASE" in 00|01|0-) "${GPG[@]}" --import "$FILE" ;; 02) warning "${LABEL} has been updated." "${GPG[@]}" --import "$FILE" ;; -0) "${GPG[@]}" --import "$FILE_LATEST" ;; 10|20) error "${LABEL} has miss configuration." exit 1 ;; 11|1-|-1) error "Could not download ${LABEL}." exit 1 ;; 12|-2) error "${LABEL} has been updated, maybe. But sometimes it may has been cracked. Be careful !!!" exit 1 ;; 21|22|2-) error "${LABEL} has been cracked, maybe" exit 1 ;; --) error "${LABEL} has no URL." exit 1 ;; esac rm "$FILE" "$FILE_LATEST" &>/dev/null done } # Usage: verify_signatures files ... function verify_signatures () { while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do if ! "${GPG[@]}" --verify "$1" &>"${verbosefor[2]}"; then error "BAD signature: $1" return 1 else verbose 0 -e "${SGR_fg_green}${SGR_bold}signature verified:${SGR_reset} $1" fi shift done } # Usage: apt-cyg-key-add pkey ... function apt-cyg-key-add () { [ -z "$GPG" ] && { error "GnuPG is not installed. Prease install gnupg package"; exit 1; } local pkeys for pkey; do pkeys+=( "$(cygpath -a "$pkey" )" ) done findworkspace for pkey in "${pkeys[@]}"; do "${GPG[@]}" --import "$pkey" done } # Usage: apt-cyg-key-add keyid ... function apt-cyg-key-del () { [ -z "$GPG" ] && { error "GnuPG is not installed. Prease install gnupg package"; exit 1; } local keyid findworkspace for keyid; do "${GPG[@]}" --batch --yes --delete-key "$keyid" done } function apt-cyg-key-list () { [ -z "$GPG" ] && { error "GnuPG is not installed. Prease install gnupg package"; exit 1; } findworkspace "${GPG[@]}" --list-keys } function apt-cyg-key-finger () { [ -z "$GPG" ] && { error "GnuPG is not installed. Prease install gnupg package"; exit 1; } findworkspace "${GPG[@]}" --fingerprint } function apt-cyg-pathof () { OPT_VERBOSE_LEVEL=0 findworkspace while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in cache) echo "$cache" ;; mirror) echo "$mirror" ;; mirrors) printf "%s/\n" "${mirror[@]}" ;; mirrordir) echo "$mirrordir" ;; cache/mirrordir) echo "$cache/$mirrordir" ;; setup.ini) echo "$cache/$mirrordir/$arch/setup.ini" ;; *) error "unknown parameter: $1" exit 1 ;; esac shift done } function upgrade-self-with-git () { if [ ! -d "$SCRIPT_REALDIR/.git" ]; then warning "apt-cyg is not under the git version control." return 1 fi proxy_setup pushd "$SCRIPT_REALDIR" > /dev/null git pull -v popd > /dev/null } function upgrade-self-with-wget () { local updated_url='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kou1okada/apt-cyg/master/apt-cyg' # TODO: Do not use MAGIC NUMBER local temp_file; mktmpfn -v temp_file wget "${updated_url}" -q -O "$temp_file" chmod +x "$temp_file" { diff "$temp_file" "$SCRIPT_REALPATH" >/dev/null && exit 0; } || cp "$temp_file" "$SCRIPT_REALPATH" rm "$temp_file" } function apt-cyg-upgrade-self () { upgrade-self-with-git && return echo "Fall back to wget for upgrade-self." upgrade-self-with-wget } function proxy_auto () { local hash=( $(ipconfig |& md5sum -b) ) local cache="/tmp/apt-cyg.proxy.$hash" local last="$(stat -c %Y "$cache" 2>/dev/null)" local now="$(printf "%(%s)T")" local proxy [ -n "$OPT_PROXY_FORCE_REFRESH" ] && last=0 if (( (now - ${last:-0}) < OPT_PROXY_REFRESH_INTERVAL )); then proxy="$(<"$cache")" else proxy=$("${WGET[@]}" --no-proxy -q -O - wpad/wpad.dat \ | grep PROXY \ | sed -e 's/^.*PROXY\s*\([^"]*\).*$/http:\/\/\1/g') echo "$proxy" > "$cache" fi [ -n "$proxy" ] && proxy_set "$proxy" } function proxy_set () { export http_proxy="$1" export https_proxy="$1" export ftp_proxy="$1" } function proxy_unset () { export -n http_proxy export -n https_proxy export -n ftp_proxy } unset PROXY_SETUP function proxy_setup () { [ -n "$PROXY_SETUP" ] && return case "$OPT_PROXY" in auto) proxy_auto ;; inherit) ;; none) proxy_unset ;; *) proxy_set "$OPT_PROXY" ;; esac PROXY_SETUP=DONE } function apt-cyg-get-proxy () { proxy_setup declare -p ftp_proxy http_proxy https_proxy } # Usage: get_pkgname PKGFILE function get_pkgname () { local tarball="${1##*/}" echo "$tarball" | sed -re's/-[0-9].*//g' } # PACKAGE_DB is defined at package_db.cc in the cygwin-app setup.exe # See blow: # https://www.sourceware.org/cygwin-apps/setup.html # https://sourceware.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/setup/package_db.cc?cvsroot=cygwin-apps PACKAGE_DB="/etc/setup/installed.db" function package_db-version_check () { [ -n "$PACKAGE_DB_VERSION_CHECK_DONE" ] && return local vernhdr='INSTALLED\.DB [0-9]+' local line1; read line1 < "${PACKAGE_DB}" local dbver=1 if [[ "$line1" =~ ^INSTALLED\.DB[[:space:]]+([0-9]+)$ ]]; then dbver="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" else warning "${PACKAGE_DB} does not have version header. The first line is below:\n" \ "$(head -n1 "${PACKAGE_DB}")\n" # The earlyer version of apt-cyg was not treat version header correctly. if grep -EHnx "${vernhdr}" "${PACKAGE_DB}" >&2; then echo "The above line looks like version header, but it is not the first line." >&2 fi fi if (( dbver < 3 )); then warning "${PACKAGE_DB} version is less than 3.\n" \ "Before continuing, recommend to execute below command:\n" \ " apt-cyg dist-upgrade" ask_user "Do you continue?" >&2 && { echo "continue" >&2 } || { echo "abort" >&2 exit 1 } elif (( 3 < dbver )); then error "${PACKAGE_DB} has unknown version header.\n" \ "Currently apt-cyg supports the DB of ver 3 or ealyer, but your DB is ver $dbver.\n" ask_user "Do you want to continue at your own risk?" >&2 && { echo "continue" >&2 } || { echo "abort" >&2 exit 1 } fi PACKAGE_DB_VERSION_CHECK_DONE=1 } # Usage: package_db-is_registered PKGNAME function package_db-is_registered () { package_db-version_check awk ' $1 == PKGNAME && NF != 2 {found = 1; exit} END {exit !found} ' PKGNAME="$1" "${PACKAGE_DB}" } function package_db-list () { package_db-version_check awk ' NF == 3 { version = gensub(/^(.*)\.(tgz|tbz|tbz2|tb2|taz|tz|tlz|txz|tar\.(gz|bz2|Z|lz|lzma|xz|zst))$/, "\\1", 1, substr($2, length($1) + 2)); printf("%s %s %s\n", $1, version, $3); } ' "${PACKAGE_DB}" } # Usage: package_db-register PKGFILE USER_PICKED=0 function package_db-register () { local pkgfile="${1##*/}" local pkgname="$(get_pkgname "$pkgfile")" local user_picked="${2:-0}" local work="/tmp/apt-cyg.$$.${PACKAGE_DB##*/}" package_db-version_check awk ' function register() {print PKGNAME " " PKGFILE " " USER_PICKED; registered = 1;} !registered && PKGNAME < $1 && NF != 2 {register()} {print $0} END {if (!registered) register()} ' PKGNAME="$pkgname" PKGFILE="${pkgfile}" USER_PICKED="${user_picked}" "${PACKAGE_DB}" > "${work}" mv "${PACKAGE_DB}" "${PACKAGE_DB}-save" mv "${work}" "${PACKAGE_DB}" } function package_db_change_mark () # [ ...] # Change marks of package in PACKAGE_DB. # means that 0 was automatically installed # and 1 was manually installed. { local user_picked="$1" local PACKAGE_NAMES="$(join_str $'\x1c' "${@:2}")" local work="/tmp/apt-cyg.$$.${PACKAGE_DB##*/}" package_db-version_check awk -vPACKAGE_NAMES="$PACKAGE_NAMES" -vUSER_PICKED="$user_picked" ' BEGIN { split(PACKAGE_NAMES, package_names, "\x1c"); for(i in package_names) target[package_names[i]]=1; label = USER_PICKED ? "manually" : "automatically"; } NF==2 NF!=2&&!target[$1] NF!=2&& target[$1] { msg = $1 " was " ($3==USER_PICKED?"already ":"") "set to " label " installed."; $3 = USER_PICKED; print $0; print msg > "/dev/stderr" } ' "${PACKAGE_DB}" 2>&1 >"${work}" mv "${PACKAGE_DB}" "${PACKAGE_DB}-save" mv "${work}" "${PACKAGE_DB}" } # Usage: package_db-unregister PKGNAME function package_db-unregister () { local work="/tmp/apt-cyg.$$.${PACKAGE_DB##*/}" package_db-version_check awk '!(PKGNAME == $1 && NF != 2) {print $0}' PKGNAME="$1" "${PACKAGE_DB}" > "${work}" mv "${PACKAGE_DB}" "${PACKAGE_DB}-save" mv "${work}" "${PACKAGE_DB}" } # Usage: dep_check DIR ROOTPKGS ... # Parameters: # DIR is "depends" or "rdepends". # ROOTPKGS is root package names to check dependency. # Return: # package_name available shallow_depth deep_depth function dep_check () { awk \ ' function min(x,y) {return x < y ? x : y} function max(x,y) {return x < y ? y : x} function update_result(dir, rootpkg, pkg, depth, _, i) { if (0 + result[rootpkg, pkg, "deep"]) { result[rootpkg, pkg, "shallow"] = min(depth, result[rootpkg, pkg, "shallow"]); result[rootpkg, pkg, "deep"] = max(depth, result[rootpkg, pkg, "deep"]); } else { result[rootpkg, pkg, "deep"] = result[rootpkg, pkg, "shallow"] = depth; result[rootpkg, pkg, "available"] = 0 + available[pkg]; result[rootpkg, result[rootpkg, "n"]++] = pkg; for (i = 0; i < dep[dir, pkg, "n"]; i++) { update_result(dir, rootpkg, dep[dir, pkg, i], depth + 1); } } } $1 == "@" { pkg = $2; available[pkg] = 1; } $1 == "requires:" || $1 == "depends2:" { for (req = 2; req <= NF; req++) { reqpkg = gensub(/,$/, "", "g", $req); dep["rdepends", reqpkg, dep["rdepends", reqpkg, "n"]++] = pkg; dep["depends" , pkg , dep["depends" , pkg , "n"]++] = reqpkg; } } END { split(ROOTPKGS, rootpkgs, "\x1c"); for (k in rootpkgs) { update_result(DIR, rootpkgs[k], rootpkgs[k], 1); for(i = 0; i < result[rootpkgs[k], "n"]; i++) { printf("%-40s %d\t%d\t%d\n", result[rootpkgs[k], i], result[rootpkgs[k], result[rootpkgs[k], i], "available"], result[rootpkgs[k], result[rootpkgs[k], i], "shallow"], result[rootpkgs[k], result[rootpkgs[k], i], "deep"]); } } } ' \ DIR="$1" ROOTPKGS="$(join_str $'\x1c' "${@:2}")" "$(apt-cyg-pathof "setup.ini")" \ | awk ' function min(x,y) {return x < y ? x : y} function max(x,y) {return x < y ? y : x} { packages[$1] = pkg = $1; status[pkg, "available"] = $2; status[pkg, "shallow" ] = 0 + status[pkg, "shallow"] == 0 ? $3 : min(status[pkg, "shallow"], $3); status[pkg, "deep" ] = max(0 + status[pkg, "deep"], $4); } END { for (pkg in packages) { printf("%-40s %d\t%d\t%d\n", pkg, status[pkg, "available"], status[pkg, "shallow"], status[pkg, "deep"]) } } ' | sort -nrk4 } function apt-cyg-depends () { local pkg [ -z "$OPT_NO_HEADER" ] && printf "%-40s %s\t%s\t%s\n" "PKGNAME" "AVAIL" "SHALLOW" "DEEP" dep_check depends "$@" } function apt-cyg-rdepends () { local pkg [ -z "$OPT_NO_HEADER" ] && printf "%-40s %s\t%s\t%s\n" "PKGNAME" "AVAIL" "SHALLOW" "DEEP" dep_check rdepends "$@" } function get_module_line () # [] # Return line numbers of module about begin and end. { grep -nE "^#\s*(BEGIN|END)_MODULE\s*:\s*${1}" "${@:2:1}" | grep -Eo '^[0-9]+' } # EMBED_BEGIN: hhs_utils.bash function headtail () # [] # Split lines from to . { head -n+$2 "${@:3:1}" | tail -n+$1 } function uniqex () # An alternative uniq command which is not required sort { awk '!c[$0]++' } # EMBED_END: hhs_utils.bash function replace_range # [] { awk -vl1=$1 -vl2=$2 -vs="${3//\\/\\\\}" ' NR < l1 || l2 < NR !done && l1 <= NR {print s;done=1;} ' "${@:4:1}" } function replace_module # { local tmpfile; mktmpfn -v tmpfile local srclines=( $(get_module_line "bash completion for apt-cyg" "$2") ) local dstlines=( $(get_module_line "bash completion for apt-cyg" "$3") ) replace_range "${dstlines[@]}" "$(headtail "${srclines[@]}" "$2")" "$3" > "$tmpfile" mv "$tmpfile" "$3" } function apt-cyg-completion-install () { if [ ! -d "/etc/bash_completion.d" ]; then error "/etc/bash_completion.d is not exist." exit 1 fi if ! package_db-is_registered "bash-completion"; then error "bash-completion is not installed." exit 1 fi local __APT_CYG_SUBCMDS local __APT_CYG_OPTIONS local __APT_CYG_SCRIPTPATH="$(realpath "$(type -p apt-cyg)")" local __APT_CYG_SCRIPTDIR="${__APT_CYG_SCRIPTPATH%/*}" local __APT_CYG_COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE="$OPT_COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE" readarray -t __APT_CYG_SUBCMDS < <(grep "^function " "$__APT_CYG_SCRIPTPATH" | awk 'match($2, /apt-cyg-([-_0-9A-Za-z]+)/,m){print m[1]}') readarray -t __APT_CYG_OPTIONS < <( awk ' /^function *parse_args *\(\)/ {proc=1} /^} *# *\/parse_args( |$)/ {proc=0} proc && match($0, /^ *(-[^()*]+)\)/, m) { split(m[1], x, "|"); for (i in x) print x[i]; } ' "$__APT_CYG_SCRIPTPATH" ) cat <<-EOD > /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg $(declare -p __APT_CYG_{SUBCMDS,OPTIONS,SCRIPTPATH,SCRIPTDIR,COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE} | sed -E 's/^declare/\0 -g/g') # BEGIN_MODULE: bash completion for apt-cyg # END_MODULE: bash completion for apt-cyg complete -o filenames -F __apt-cyg apt-cyg EOD replace_module "bash completion for apt-cyg" "${BASH_SOURCE}" /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg touch -r "$__APT_CYG_SCRIPTPATH" "/etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg" echo "A bash completion /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg is installed" } # BEGIN_MODULE: bash completion for apt-cyg function __apt-cyg () { local cur prev getsubcmd subcmd # Auto update for completion script. if [ -z "$__APT_CYG_COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTOUPDATE" -a "$__APT_CYG_SCRIPTPATH" -nt "/etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg" ]; then apt-cyg completion-install >/dev/null 2>&1 . /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg __apt-cyg "$@" return fi _get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur prev getsubcmd=( apt-cyg --completion-get-subcommand $(echo "${COMP_LINE}" | sed -E 's/^[ \t]*[^ \t]+//g;s/[^ \t]+$//g') ) subcmd="$( "${getsubcmd[@]}" )" mirroridxopt=( $(echo ${COMP_LINE} | awk 'BEGIN { RS=" " } /^-M|--mirror-index$/ { if(getline) printf "-M %s", $1 }') ) case "$subcmd" in install|depends|rdepends|describe|find|category) COMPREPLY=( $(awk '/^@ /{print $2}' "$(apt-cyg pathof "${mirroridxopt[@]}" setup.ini)") ) ;; remove) COMPREPLY=( $(apt-cyg --no-header show 2>/dev/null | awk '$0=$1') ) ;; pathof) COMPREPLY=( cache mirror mirrors mirrordir cache/mirrordir setup.ini ) ;; *) COMPREPLY=( "${__APT_CYG_SUBCMDS[@]}" ) ;; esac case "$prev" in --cache|-c) readarray -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -d -- "$cur") ;; --mirror|-m) COMPREPLY=( $(apt-cyg mirrors-list) ) ;; --file|-f) readarray -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -f -- "$cur") ;; --proxy|-p) COMPREPLY=( auto inherit none http:// ) ;; --mirror-index|-M) COMPREPLY=( $(seq 0 $(($(apt-cyg pathof mirrors | wc -w)-1))) ) ;; *) COMPREPLY+=( "${__APT_CYG_OPTIONS[@]}" ) ;; esac if [ -n "$DEBUG_COMPLETION" ]; then echo declare -p BASH_SOURCE "${!COMP@}" getsubcmd subcmd cur prev echo -n "${PS1@P}" [[ "$COMP_LINE" =~ ^\ ]] && echo -n "time" # maybe... echo -n "${COMP_LINE}" (( ${#COMP_LINE} - COMP_POINT )) && echo -ne "\e[$(( ${#COMP_LINE} - COMP_POINT ))D" fi readarray -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -W "${COMPREPLY[*]@Q}" -- "$cur") __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur" } # END_MODULE: bash completion for apt-cyg function apt-cyg-completion-uninstall () { if [ ! -f /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg ]; then error "/etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg is not exist." exit 1 fi rm /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg echo "A bash completion /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-cyg is uninstalled" } function apt-cyg-mirrors-list () { setuprc_get_section mirrors-lst | sed -re 's/;.*//g' } function apt-cyg-mirrors-list-long () { setuprc_get_section mirrors-lst | column -t -s ";" } function apt-cyg-mirrors-list-online () { update_cache_for_mirrors_list_online cat "${apt_cyg_cachedir}/mirrors.lst" } function apt-cyg-benchmark-mirrors () { local mirror result exitcode local WGET=( wget ) [ -n "$OPT_BENCHMARK_TIMEOUT" ] && WGET=( timeout "$OPT_BENCHMARK_TIMEOUT" "${WGET[@]}" ) for mirror; do result="$( { time "${WGET[@]}" -qO/dev/null -T3 -t 1 "${mirror%/}/$arch/setup.bz2"; } 2>&1 )" exitcode=$? if [ $exitcode -ne 0 ];then if [ $exitcode -eq 124 ]; then echo -e "Timeout:\t${mirror}" >&2 else warning "benchmark failed with wget exitcode $exitcode: $(wget-exitstatus $exitcode): $1" fi continue fi [[ "$result" =~ real[^0-9]*([0-9]*m[0-9.]*s) ]] && echo -e "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}\t${mirror}" done } function apt-cyg-benchmark-parallel-mirrors () { local result; mktmpfn -v result local mirror for mirror; do echo $mirror; done | lesser-parallel apt-cyg-benchmark-mirrors {} | tee "$result" echo Finished benchmark. echo ======================================== echo Sorted result. sort -rV "$result" rm "$result" } function apt-cyg-benchmark-parallel-mirrors-list () { local mirrors readarray -t mirrors < <(apt-cyg-mirrors-list) apt-cyg-benchmark-parallel-mirrors "${mirrors[@]}" } function apt-cyg-scriptinfo () { cat<<-EOD SCRIPT_PATH = "$SCRIPT_PATH" SCRIPT_FILE = "$SCRIPT_FILE" SCRIPT_NAME = "$SCRIPT_NAME" SCRIPT_DIR = "$SCRIPT_DIR" SCRIPT_REALPATH = "$SCRIPT_REALPATH" SCRIPT_REALFILE = "$SCRIPT_REALFILE" SCRIPT_REALNAME = "$SCRIPT_REALNAME" SCRIPT_REALDIR = "$SCRIPT_REALDIR" EOD } # Usage: isbusy [file ...] function isbusy () { perl -e 'foreach $i(@ARGV){if(-f $i){open(DATAFILE,"+<",$i)||exit(0);close(DATAFILE);}}exit(1);' -- "$@" } function apt-cyg-show-packages-busyness () { local pkg lst files for pkg; do lst="/etc/setup/${pkg}.lst.gz" if [ -e "$lst" ]; then readarray -t files < <(gzip -dc "$lst"|sed 's:^:/:g') isbusy "${files[@]}" && echo -n "busy: " || echo -n "free: " echo "$pkg" fi done } unset CODEPAGE function get_codepage_wt_chcp () { comspec /c chcp.com \ | awk 'match($NF, /([0-9]+)/, m) { print m[1] == "20127" ? "US-ASCII" : ("CP" m[1]) }' } function get_codepage () { echo -n "${CODEPAGE:=$(get_codepage_wt_chcp)}" } function cp2utf8 () # [ ...] { iconv -f $(get_codepage) -t UTF-8 "$@" } function utf82cp () # [ ...] { iconv -f UTF-8 -t $(get_codepage) "$@" } # dummy command for unknown sum. # Usage: unknownsum function unknownsum () { return 1 } # Determine the hash method from a HASH. # Usage: hash_method HASH function hash_method () { case "${#1}" in 32) echo md5 ;; 40) echo sha1 ;; 56) echo sha224 ;; 64) echo sha256 ;; 96) echo sha384 ;; 128) echo sha512 ;; *) echo unknown ;; esac } # Read md5 and sha{1,224,256,384,512} sums from the FILEs and check them. # Usage: hash_check [FILE ...] function hash_check () { local f0 f1 f2 method count=0 while true; do while read f0; do f1="${f0% *}" f2="${f0#*\*}" method="$(hash_method "$f1")sum" if echo "$f0" | "$method" -c --status; then verbose 0 "hash_check: $method: $f2: OK" else verbose 0 "hash_check: $method: $f2: FAILED" count=$(( count + 1 )) fi done 0<${1:-<(cat)} shift (( $# <= 0 )) && break done if (( 0 < count )); then verbose 0 "hash_check: WARNING: $count computed checksum did NOT match" return 1 fi return 0 } function kill_all_cygwin_process () { local family local pid=$BASHPID local pslog=$(ps -f | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $2, $3}') readarray -t family < <(echo "$pslog" | awk -v pid=$pid ' {ppids[$1] = $2;} END {while (1 < pid) {print "-e\n"pid; pid = ppids[pid];}} ') kill -9 $(echo "$pslog" | grep -v "${family[@]}" | awk '{print $1}') ${family[$((${#family[@]} - 1))]} } function apt-cyg-update-setup () { [ -n "$OPT_NO_UPDATE_SETUP" ] && return local TARGETS=( "${SETUP_EXE}" "${SETUP_EXE}.sig" ) pushd . > /dev/null findworkspace popd > /dev/null pushd "$(apt-cyg-pathof cache)" > /dev/null files_backup "${TARGETS[@]}" if download_and_verify "https://cygwin.com/${SETUP_EXE}"; then files_backup_clean "${TARGETS[@]}" chmod +x "${SETUP_EXE}" ls -l "${SETUP_EXE}" >"${verbosefor[2]}" else files_restore "${TARGETS[@]}" error "${SETUP_EXE} could not be downloaded: Rollbacked it and aborted." exit 1 fi popd > /dev/null } function apt-cyg-setup () { pushd "$(apt-cyg-pathof cache)" > /dev/null local setup=( "$PWD/${SETUP_EXE}" -R "$(cygpath -wa /)" "$@" ) apt-cyg-update-setup cd /etc/setup "${setup[@]}" popd > /dev/null } function apt-cyg-dist-upgrade-no-ask () { pushd "$(apt-cyg-pathof cache)" > /dev/null local setup=( "$(cygpath -wa "$PWD")\\${SETUP_EXE}" -R "$(cygpath -wa /)" -B -q -n -g) apt-cyg-update-setup cd /etc/setup cygstart "$COMSPEC" /c 'ECHO Press any key to start dist-upgrade for cygwin '"$arch"' && PAUSE && START /WAIT '"${setup[@]}"' && ash -c "/bin/rebaseall -v" && ECHO dist-upgrade is finished && ECHO Press any key to exit && PAUSE' # ' kill_all_cygwin_process popd > /dev/null } function apt-cyg-dist-upgrade () { echo "Kill all cygwin process and start dist-upgrade." ask_user "Are you sure ?" && { echo "Start dist-upgrade ..." sleep 1 apt-cyg-dist-upgrade-no-ask } || { echo "Abort." } } function apt-cyg-packages-total-count () { grep ^@ <"$(apt-cyg-pathof setup.ini)" | wc -l } # Usage: apt-cyg-packages-total-size [pattern_of_section] function apt-cyg-packages-total-size () { local section="^$" (( 0 < $# )) && section="$1" awk -v SECTION="$section" ' /^@ [ -~]+ *$/ {section = ""} match($0,/^\[([ -~]*)\] *$/,m) {section = m[1]} match(section, SECTION) && $1 == "install:" {sum += $3} END {print sum} ' "$(apt-cyg-pathof setup.ini)" } function apt-cyg-packages-cached-count () { pushd "$(apt-cyg-pathof cache/mirrordir)" > /dev/null find . -type f | grep tar | wc -l popd > /dev/null } function apt-cyg-packages-cached-size () { pushd "$(apt-cyg-pathof cache/mirrordir)" > /dev/null find . -type f -iname '*tar*' -exec ls -l {} + \ | awk '{sum+=$5}END{print sum}' popd > /dev/null } function apt-cyg-repair-acl () { local target="${1:-/}" local aclbackup="/tmp/$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)_acl" ask_user "$(cat <<-EOD This subcommand tries to repair the ACL for "${target}". Maybe it repairs a cygwin that was installed by setup.exe with -B and --no-admin options. But some package, that are failed to install by the ACL problem, need to be reinstalled. And unfortunately, perchance, this might cause some corruptions about the ACL. You can find a backup of the ACL before being rewritten by this subcommand at below: "${aclbackup}.bin" "${aclbackup}.txt" Are you sure ? EOD )" || exit 1 echo comspec /c icacls.exe "$(cygpath -w "${target}")" /save "$(cygpath -w "${aclbackup}.bin")" > /dev/null comspec /c icacls.exe "$(cygpath -w "${target}")" | cp2utf8 > "$(cygpath -w "${aclbackup}.txt")" comspec /c icacls.exe "$(cygpath -w "${target}")" \ /grant \ "%USERDOMAIN%\\%USERNAME%:F" \ "*S-1-3-1:RX" \ "Everyone:RX" \ "CREATOR OWNER:(OI)(CI)(IO)F" \ "CREATOR GROUP:(OI)(CI)(IO)RX" \ "Everyone:(OI)(CI)(IO)RX" \ /remove \ "NT AUTHORITY\\Authenticated Users" \ "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM" \ "BUILTIN\\Administrators" \ "BUILTIN\\Users" \ "NULL SID" \ /inheritance:r \ | cp2utf8 } function apt-cyg-repair-postinstall () # Repair postinstall scripts { # Repair type p scripts that were marked "done" incorrectly. local i done_marked_p=( /etc/postinstall/[0_z]p_*.done ) [[ ! -e "$done_marked_p" ]] && return verbose 0 -e "${SGR_fg_green}${SGR_bold}Repairing:${SGR_reset} type p postinstall scripts that were marked .done incorrectly." for i in "${done_marked_p[@]}"; do if [[ "$i" -ot "${i%.done}" ]]; then rm -v "$i" else mv -v "$i" "${i%.done}" fi done echo } function get_archives_list () #= section type [package_names ...] #? get archives list by format below: #? path size digest #? ... #? @param section takes section name like curr, prev, test and etc,,, #? @param type takes type name like install or source. { local section="$1" local type="$2" shift 2 awk -v RS="\n\n@ " -v FS="\n" -v PKGS="$(join_str $'\x1c' "$@")" -v MIRROR="${mirror%/}/" \ -v SECTION="$section" -v TYPE="$type" ' BEGIN { split(PKGS, tmp, "\x1c"); for (k in tmp) pkgs[tmp[k]] = k; # swap key value } { if(pkgs[$1] == "") { delete pkgs[$1]; } else { section = "curr"; for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) { if (match($i, /^\[(.*)\]$/, m)) { section = m[1]; } else if (match($i, TYPE ": *(.*)", m) && section == SECTION) { result[0+n++]=m[1]; delete pkgs[$1] } } } } END { for (i =0; i < n; i++) { print result[i]; } if (0 < length(pkgs)) { printf("\x1b[33;1mWarning:\x1b[0m following packages are not found:")>"/dev/stderr"; for (pkg in pkgs) printf(" %s", pkg)>"/dev/stderr"; printf("\n")>"/dev/stderr"; } } ' "$(apt-cyg-pathof "setup.ini")" } function download_packages () #= pos section type [package_names ...] #? download packages #? @param pos takes here or mirror. #? @param section takes section name like curr, prev, test and etc,,, #? @param type takes type name like install or source. { local pos="$1" local section="$2" local type="$3" shift 3 case "$pos" in here) ;; mirror) cd "$(apt-cyg-pathof cache/mirrordir)" ;; *) error "unknown param: $pos" exit 1 ;; esac local mirror="$(apt-cyg-pathof mirror)" local pkgs; readarray -t pkgs < <(get_archives_list "$section" "$type" "$@") local total="$(printf "%s\n" "${pkgs[@]}" | awk '{sum+=$2}END{print sum;}')" local n=${#pkgs[@]} echo "$n packages, total $total bytes will be downloaded." local line reply=() for line in "${pkgs[@]}"; do local tmp=( $line ) local path="${tmp[0]%/*}/" local file="${tmp[0]##*/}" local url="${mirror%/}/${tmp[0]}" local size="${tmp[1]}" local digest="${tmp[2]}" if [ "$pos" = "mirror" ]; then mkdirp "$path" pushd "$path" fi wget -N "$url" if ! hash_check <<<"${digest} *${file}" ; then error "hash did not match: $file" else reply+=( "$(cygpath -a "$file" )" ) fi [ "$pos" = "mirror" ] && popd done REPLY=( "${reply[@]}" ) } function apt-cyg-source () { download_packages here curr source "$@" } function apt-cyg-mirror-source () { download_packages mirror curr source "$@" } function apt-cyg-download () { download_packages here curr install "$@" } function apt-cyg-mirror () { download_packages mirror curr install "$@" } function apt-cyg-browse-homepage-with-mirror-source () # [ ...] # Browse homepages of packages with mirror-source. { apt-cyg-mirror-source "$@" local source sources=( "${REPLY[@]}" ) for source in "${sources[@]}"; do local PN="${source##*/}";PN="${PN%%-[0-9]*}" local cygport cygports=() readarray -t cygports < <(tar tf "$source" | grep '\.cygport$') if (( ${#cygports} <= 0 )); then readarray -t cygports < <(tar tf "$source" | grep '\.patch$') fi for cygport in "${cygports[@]}"; do local url read url < <( tar xf "$source" "$cygport" -O \ | grep -E '^\+?HOMEPAGE=' \ | sed -E "s/\+?HOMEPAGE=(.*?)\s*/\1/g;s/[\"']+//g;s/\\$\\{PN\\}/$PN/g" \ ) if [[ "$url" =~ ^https?:// ]]; then echo "Open: $url" cygstart "$url" else error "Invalid URL: $url" fi done done } function apt-cyg-browse-homepage () # [ ...] # Browse homepages of packages. { local basepath="cygwin.com/packages/summary/" local pkg summary_path srcsummary_path homepage_url pushd "$(apt-cyg-pathof cache)" > /dev/null for pkg; do summary_path="${basepath}${pkg}.html" [ -e "$summary_path" ] || wget -q -N -x "https://$summary_path" read srcsummary_path < <( cat "$summary_path" \ | grep "source package" \ | sed -E 's@.*\shref="([^"]+)".*@'"${basepath}"'\1@g' ) [ -e "$srcsummary_path" ] || wget -q -N -x "https://$srcsummary_path" read homepage_url < <( cat "$srcsummary_path" \ | grep "homepage" \ | sed -E 's/.*\shref="([^"]+)".*/\1/g' ) cygstart "$homepage_url" done popd } function apt-cyg-browse-summary () # [ ...] # Browse summaries of packages. { local pkg for pkg; do cygstart "https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/${pkg}.html" done } function apt-cyg-listfiles () # [ ...] # List files 'owned' by package(s). { local lst i sep for i; do echo -en "$sep"; sep="\n" lst="/etc/setup/${i}.lst.gz" if [ ! -e "$lst" ]; then echo "apt-cyg-listfiles: package '${i}' is not installed" continue fi zcat "${lst}" | sed -e 's:^:/:g' done } function apt-cyg-ls-categories () { cat "$(apt-cyg-pathof setup.ini)" \ | grep category: \ | sed -r 's/.*: *//g;s/ +/\n/g' \ | sort \ | uniq } function apt-cyg-ls-pkg-with-category () { cat "$(apt-cyg-pathof setup.ini)" \ | awk '$1=="@"{pkg=$2;}$1=="category:"{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)print $i,pkg}' \ | align_columns } function apt-cyg-setuprc-get () #
{ setuprc_get_section "$1" } function apt-cyg-set-cache () # [] { (( 0 <$# )) && setuprc_set_section last-cache "$(cygpath -aw "$1")" } function apt-cyg-set-mirror () # [ ...] { set -- "${@%/}" (( 0 < $# )) && setuprc_set_section last-mirror "${@/%/\/}" is_official_mirrors_of_cygwin "${@/%/\/}" } function apt-cyg-mark-auto () # [ ...] { package_db_change_mark 0 "$@" } function apt-cyg-mark-manual () # [ ...] { package_db_change_mark 1 "$@" } function apt-cyg-mark-showauto () { package_db-list | awk '!$3{print $1}' } function apt-cyg-mark-showmanual () { package_db-list | awk '$3{print $1}' } function apt-cyg-call () # [ [ ...]] # Call internal function in apt-cyg. { "$@" } function apt-cyg-time () # [ [ ...]] # Report time consumed to call internal function in apt-cyg. { time "$@" } function apt-cyg-filelist () # [] # File list like apt-file list { local list_rel_urls readarray -t list_rel_urls < <( wget -qO- "https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/${1}.html" \ | grep -E ']*>list of files' \ | sed -E 's:.*$/,/^<\/pre>/' | tail -n+2 | head -n-1 \ | awk -vpkg="$1" '$0=pkg": /"$4' fi } function apt-cyg-filesearch () # [] # File search like apt-file search { local cachedir cachefile cachequery columns line package packages url cachedir="/tmp/.apt-cyg.cache/filesearch" cachequery="$cachedir/$(sha256sum <<<"$1"|awk '$0=$1')" mkdirp "$cachedir" [ ! -e "$cachequery" ] && cygcheck -p "$1" >"$cachequery" readarray -t packages < "$cachequery" packages=( "${packages[@]:1}" ) for line in "${packages[@]}"; do columns=( $line ) url="https://cygwin.com/packages/$arch/${columns[0]%%-[0-9]*}/${columns[0]}" cachefile="$cachedir/$(mirror_to_mirrordir "$url")" [ ! -e "$cachefile" ] && wget -qO"$cachefile" "$url" echo -n "${columns[0]}" awk '/<\/pre>/{f=0}/
/{f=1}f' "$cachefile" \
    | grep -E "$1" \
    | awk '($1=$2=$3="")||1'

function update_packageof_cache ()
  local i=0 p q path fn
  local chr=( "=" "-" "/" "|" "\\" )
  local lstgz_stamp="$(find /etc/setup/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.lst.gz' -exec stat -c %Y {} + | sort | tail -n1)"
  local cache_stamp="$(stat "$PACKAGEOF_CACHE" -c %Y 2>/dev/null || echo 0)"
  local n="$(ls -1 /etc/setup/*.lst.gz|wc -l)"
  if (( cache_stamp < lstgz_stamp )) || [ -n "$OPT_FORCE_UPDATE_PACKAGEOF_CACHE" ]; then
    verbose 1 "Updating packageof cache:"
    for path in /etc/setup/*.lst.gz; do
      progress_update $(( i++ )) $n
      local fn="${path##*/}"
      zcat "$path" | awk -v PKGNAME="${fn%.lst.gz}" '{print PKGNAME ": " $0;}'
#      printf "p=%d q=%d i=%d n=%d path=[%s]\n" $p $q $i $n "$path"
    done | gzip >"$PACKAGEOF_CACHE"

PROGRESS_CHAR=( "=" "-" "/" "|" "\\" )
function progress_init ()
  [ -n "$OPT_NO_PROGRESS" ] && return
  #          0        1         2         3         4         5
  #          12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
  echo -ne "|..................................................|\r" >"${verbosefor[0]}"

function progress_update () #= current total=100
  [ -n "$OPT_NO_PROGRESS" ] && return
  local n=${2:-100}
  local p=$((2 + 50 * ($1    ) / $n))
  local q=$((2 + 50 * ($1 + 1) / $n))
  if (( q - p <= 1 )); then
    printf "\e[%dG%s" $p "${PROGRESS_CHAR[($1 % 4 + 1) * (1 + $p - $q)]}" >"${verbosefor[0]}"
    printf "\e[%dG%s" $p "$(seq $((q - p))|awk '{printf "="}')" >"${verbosefor[0]}"

function progress_finish ()
  [ -n "$OPT_NO_PROGRESS" ] && return
  echo >"${verbosefor[0]}"

# Lesser Parallel for Embedding
# Copyright (c) 2014 Koichi OKADA. All rights reserved.
# The official repository is:
# https://github.com/kou1okada/lesser-parallel
# This script is distributed under the MIT license.
# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php


function lesser-parallel-get-jobs-count ()
  jobs -l >/dev/null
  jobs -l | wc -l

# Usage: lesser-parallel-restrict-jobs-count MAXJOBS
function lesser-parallel-restrict-jobs-count ()
  while [ $(lesser-parallel-get-jobs-count) -ge $1 ]; do
    sleep 0.2

# Usage: lesser-parallel [command [arguments]] < list_ot_arguments
function lesser-parallel ()
  local cmd arg lines line basename ext PARALLEL_SEQ=1
  readarray -t lines
  for line in "${lines[@]}"; do
    basename="$(basename "$line")"
    [ "$ext" = "$basename" ] && ext=""
    [ "$ext" != "" ] && ext=".$ext"
    cmd=( )
    for arg; do
      case "$arg" in
        cmd+=( "$line" )
        cmd+=( "$(basename "$line" "$ext")" )
        cmd+=( "$basename" )
        cmd+=( "$(dirname "$line")" )
        cmd+=( "$(basename "$basename" "$ext")" )
        cmd+=( "$PARALLEL_SEQ" )
        cmd+=( "$arg" )
    lesser-parallel-restrict-jobs-count $LESSER_PARALLEL_MAX_JOBS
    "${cmd[@]}" &
  lesser-parallel-restrict-jobs-count 1

#/Lesser Parallel for Embedding

function apt-cyg-help ()

# process options


function parse_args ()
  local unknown_option END_OPTS
  while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    case "$1" in
        shift 2 || break

        warning "Ignore --use-setuprc. This option was removed with issue-24."
        OPTS4INHERIT+=( "$1" )
        OPTS4INHERIT+=( "$1" )
        WGET+=( "--no-check-certificate" )
        shift 2 || break
        shift 2 || break
        shift 2 || break
        OPT_MIRROR+=( "$2" )
        shift 2 || break
        shift 2 || break
        shift 2 || break
      # It will not register the user_picked flag in PACKAGE_DB.
      # This option is for internal use only.
        WGET+=( "--prefer-family=IPv4" )
        exit 0
        exit 0
        [ -n "$2" ] && OPT_FILES+=( "$2" )
        shift 2 || break
        if [ -z "$SUBCOMMAND" ]; then
          ARGS+=( "$1" )
  [ -n "$END_OPTS" ] && while (( 0 < "$#" )); do ARGS+=( "$1" ); shift; done
    echo "$SUBCOMMAND"
  if [ -n "$unknown_option" ]; then
    error "Unknown option: $unknown_option"
    exit 1
  if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
    error "Number of parameters is not enough: $@"
    exit 1
} #/parse_args

parse_args "$@"


[ "${#OPT_MIRROR[@]}" -gt 0 ] && apt-cyg-set-mirror "${OPT_MIRROR[@]}"
[ "${#OPT_CACHE[@]}"  -gt 0 ] && apt-cyg-set-cache  "${OPT_CACHE}"

if [ -z "$GPG" -a -z "$no_verify" ]; then
  error "GnuPG is not installed. Prease install gnupg package or use -X option."
  exit 1

for file in "${OPT_FILES[@]}"; do
  if [ -f "$file" ]; then
    readarray -t -O ${#ARGS[@]} ARGS < "$file"
    echo File $file not found, skipping


if [ -n "$OPT_AG" ]; then
  read AG < <( type -p ag 2>/dev/null )
  if [ -z "$AG" ]; then
    warning "ag is not found. ignore option: $OPT_AG"
    unset OPT_AG

function apt-cyg-update ()

function apt-cyg-show ()
  [ -z "$OPT_NO_HEADER" ] && echo "The following packages are installed:"
  package_db-list | awk '($3="")||1' | align_columns

function apt-cyg-find ()
  local pkg
  checkpackages "$@"
  for pkg do
    echo ""
    echo "Searching for installed packages matching $pkg:"
    package_db-list | awk '$1~query{print $1}' query="$pkg" IGNORECASE="$ignore_case"
    echo ""
    echo "Searching for installable packages matching $pkg:"
    awk -v query="$pkg" -v IGNORECASE="$ignore_case" \
      'BEGIN{RS="\n\n@ "; FS="\n"; ORS="\n"} {if ($1 ~ query) {print $1}}' \

function apt-cyg-category () # 
#   List all packages in given .
  apt-cyg-ls-pkg-with-category \
  | awk -vcategory="$1" '$1==category {print $2}'

function apt-cyg-describe ()
  local pkg exact
  checkpackages "$@"
  for pkg do
    exact="$(grep -Fx "@ $pkg" setup.ini)"
    awk -v query="$pkg" -v exact="${exact:+1}" -v IGNORECASE="$ignore_case" \
      'BEGIN{RS="\n\n@ "; FS="\n"} (exact?$1==query:$1~query){print "@ "$0"\n"}' \

function apt-cyg-packageof ()
  if [ -z "$OPT_AG" ]; then
    zcat "$PACKAGEOF_CACHE" | grep "$@"
    "$AG" -z "$@" /etc/setup/*.lst.gz

function apt-cyg-install ()
  local pkg
  local script
  checkpackages "$@"
  for pkg do
    if package_db-is_registered "$pkg"; then
      echo Package $pkg is already installed, skipping
    verbose 0 ""
    verbose 0 "Installing $pkg"
    # look for package and save desc file
    mkdirp "release/$pkg"
    awk > "release/$pkg/desc" -v package="$pkg" \
      'BEGIN{RS="\n\n@ "; FS="\n"} {if ($1 == package) {desc = $0; px++}} \
       END {if (px == 1 && desc != "") print desc; else print "Package not found"}' \
    local desc="$(< "release/$pkg/desc")"
    if [ "$desc" = "Package not found" ]; then
      verbose 0 "Package $pkg not found or ambiguous name, exiting"
      rm -r "release/$pkg"
      exit 1
    verbose 0 "Found package $pkg"
    # download and unpack the bz2 file
    # pick the latest version, which comes first
    local install="$(awk '/^install: / { print $2; exit }' "release/$pkg/desc")"
    if [ -z "$install" ]; then
      verbose 0 "Could not find \"install\" in package description: obsolete package?"
      exit 1
    local file="$(basename "$install")"
    cd "release/$pkg"
    wget -Nc $mirror/$install
    # check the SHA512 hash
    local digest="$(awk '/^install: / { print $4; exit }' "desc")"
    if ! hash_check <<<"${digest} *${file}" ; then
      verbose 0 "error: hash did not match: $file"
      exit 1
    verbose 0 "Unpacking..."
    tar > "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst" xvf "$file" -C / --numeric-owner
    gzip -f "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst"
    cd ../..
    # update the package database
    package_db-register "$file" "$OPT_USER_PICKED"
    # recursively install required packages
    local requires="$(grep -E "^(requires|depends2): " "release/$pkg/desc" | sed -re 's/^(requires|depends2): *(.*[^ ]) */\2/g' -e 's/,? +/ /g')"
    local warn=0
    if [ -n "$requires" ]; then
      verbose 0 "Package $pkg requires the following packages, installing:"
      verbose 0 "$requires"
      for package in $requires; do
        if package_db-is_registered "$package"; then
          verbose 0 "Package $package is already installed, skipping"
        apt-cyg "${OPTS4INHERIT[@]}" --proxy inherit --noscripts --no-user-picked install $package
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then warn=1; fi
    if [ $warn -ne 0 ]; then
      warning "some required packages did not install, continuing"
    # run all postinstall scripts
    local postinstalls=( /etc/postinstall/*.?(da)sh )
    if [ -e "$postinstalls" -a $noscripts -ne 1 ]; then
      verbose 0 "Running postinstall scripts"
      for script in "${postinstalls[@]}"; do
        $script \
        && [[ $script != /*/?p_* ]] \
        && mv $script $script.done
    verbose 0 "Package $pkg installed"

function apt-cyg-remove()
  local pkg
  local req
  checkpackages "$@"
  for pkg do
    if ! package_db-is_registered "$pkg"; then
      verbose 0 "Package $pkg is not installed, skipping"
    local dontremove="cygwin coreutils gawk bzip2 tar xz wget bash"
    for req in $dontremove; do
      if [ "$pkg" = "$req" ]; then
        verbose 0 "apt-cyg cannot remove package $pkg, exiting"
        exit 1
    if [ ! -e "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst.gz" -a -z "$force_remove" ]; then
      verbose 0 "Package manifest missing, cannot remove $pkg.  Exiting"
      exit 1
    verbose 0 "Removing $pkg"
    # run preremove scripts
    local i postinstalls preremoves
    readarray -t postinstalls < <(zgrep -E "^etc/postinstall/.*[.](da)?sh$" "/etc/setup/${pkg}.lst.gz" | awk '{print "/"$0}')
    readarray -t preremoves   < <(zgrep -E "^etc/preremove/.*[.](da)?sh$"   "/etc/setup/${pkg}.lst.gz" | awk '{print "/"$0}')
    for i in "${preremoves[@]}"; do
      verbose 0 "Running: ${i}"
    gzip -cd "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst.gz" | awk '/[^\/]$/{printf("/%s\0", $0)}' | xargs -0 rm -f
    gzip -cd "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst.gz" | awk '/[^./].*[/]$/{printf("/%s\0", $0)}' | sort -zr | xargs -0 rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty
    rm -f "${postinstalls[@]/%/.done}" "/etc/setup/$pkg.lst.gz"
    package_db-unregister "$pkg"
    verbose 0 "Package $pkg removed"

function invoke_subcommand ()
  local SUBCOMMAND="${@:1:1}"
  local ARGS=( "${@:2}" )
  local ACTION="apt-cyg-${SUBCOMMAND:-help}"
  if type "$ACTION" >& /dev/null; then
    "$ACTION" "${ARGS[@]}"
    error "unknown subcommand: $SUBCOMMAND"
    exit 1

[ -d "$PWD" ] || {
  warning "Missing current directory: $PWD" \
          "\nNote that some functions, which require access to current directory, will be failed."

invoke_subcommand "$SUBCOMMAND" "${ARGS[@]}"