# Bytehound - a memory profiler for Linux ## Features * Can be used to analyze memory leaks, see where exactly the memory is being consumed, identify temporary allocations and investigate excessive memory fragmentation * Gathers every allocation and deallocation, along with full stack traces * Can dynamically cull temporary allocations allowing you to profile over a long period of time * Uses a custom, tailor-made stack unwinding implementation which makes it a lot cheaper than other similar tools, potentially up to orders of magnitude faster in some cases * Can export the data it gathered into various different formats; it can export the data as JSON (so you can analyze it yourself if you want), as Heaptrack (so you can use the excellent [Heaptrack GUI] for analysis) and as a flamegraph * Has its own Web-based GUI which can be used for analysis * Can dynamically stream the profiling data to another machine instead of saving it locally, which is useful for profiling on memory-constrained systems * Supports AMD64, ARM, AArch64 and MIPS64 architectures (where MIPS64 requires a tiny out-of-tree kernel patch for `perf_event_open`) * Supports profiling of applications which use jemalloc as their allocator (only works on AMD64 with the `jemallocator` crate) * Supports an embedded DSL based on [Rhai](https://rhai.rs) to allow for programmatic and/or automated data analysis [Heaptrack GUI]: https://github.com/KDE/heaptrack ## Screenshots

## Building 1. Install GCC, Rust nightly (**only 1.62 or newer is supported**) and the Yarn package manager (for building the GUI) 2. Build it: $ cargo build --release -p bytehound-preload $ cargo build --release -p bytehound-cli 3. Grab the binaries from `target/release/libbytehound.so` and `target/release/bytehound` ## Usage ### Basic usage $ export MEMORY_PROFILER_LOG=warn $ LD_PRELOAD=./libbytehound.so ./your_application $ ./bytehound server memory-profiling_*.dat Then open your Web browser and point it at `http://localhost:8080` to access the GUI. ## Documentation You can find the full documentation for the profiler in our [Memory profiling for fun and profit](https://koute.github.io/bytehound/) book. ## Enabling full debug logs By default the profiler is compiled with most of its debug logs disabled for performance reasons. To reenable them be sure to recompile it with the `debug-logs` feature, e.g. like this: $ cd preload $ cargo build --release --features debug-logs ## License Licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.